Who needs to clean the apartment. How to quickly clean the apartment: tips for every day. Decide on the right degree of purity

They should not be tempted to postpone cleaning or do it carelessly, they must clean rooms of any pollution quickly and perfectly clean.

Professional maids know and use many tricks and tricks to. Here are some secrets you can use.

First, they remove all unnecessary

Maria Stickney, cleaning manager at the Radisson Blu Mall in Bloomington, prefers to take out the rubbish and soiled linen from the room first before starting cleaning with clean slate. She puts all the garbage in bags, collects bed linen, towels and everything that customers have left in the room. In the bathroom, she immediately collects bottles of cosmetics and everything that stands on dressing table or on a shelf. “It helps fight the temptation to just wipe the dust around these items and place them back on a wet surface, which can leave wet marks,” she says.

They prefer microfiber for dusting

Secret efficient removal dust lies in the right fabric. Microfiber is the most suitable fabric for dusting. If you don't have one, use a 100% cotton cloth, such as an old baby diaper, pillowcase, or T-shirt. Try not to use for this purpose terry towels or polyester - they can create more more dust.

They clean the curtains regularly

Curtain dust particles can circulate around the room for a long time. “The best way to get dust off your curtains is to beat them off with a wet or dry towel,” says Maria Stickney. “Get a medium-sized towel—it should be heavy enough to hit hard, but light enough so your arm doesn’t get tired—roll it up.” into a tube and beat off the curtains. Kick all the dust out onto the floor and then vacuum it up."

They vacuum the floor before mopping.

Always vacuum or sweep the floor before mopping. "You don't want to discover wet hair on the floor - they are very difficult to remove, says Stickney. "When it's time to mop the floors, start in the far corner and work your way to the door."

They clean the bathroom last

It's best to start cleaning in the bedroom rather than the bathroom to minimize the transfer of bacteria, which is always abundant in the bathroom.

They know cleaning products take time to work.

Let your cleaners do the work for you. “Spray shower and toilet walls with cleaning products and leave for a few minutes,” says Stickney. - Use this time to clean mirrors, windows, first aid kit, and everything else in the room. You will spend less effort, and the dirt will come off easier. Because your means worked.

They don't vacuum the way you were taught

Your mom may have taught you to vacuum from the back of the room and work your way out, but Anderson uses a different method: “First you vacuum the areas in the room where people most often go, and then work your way out—that way you double clean the most used areas of the floor or carpet."

They use vinegar for cleaning

"You think we're using some sort of secret weapon to clean up? But the best we have is white vinegar and water,” says Stickney. ‒ This product cleans a lot of things well and can even remove traces left by other cleaning products. Fill a spray bottle with a solution containing one part vinegar to three parts water and go."

Cleaning in an apartment or in a house can be of two types: current and general. Let's talk about the current cleaning. In order to quickly and effectively cope with this task, you need to follow simple rules home cleaning, which will help to finish the job in a short time and with the best result.

Rooms and corridor

In time, a complete cleaning of a standard 3-room apartment, even a very neglected one, with right approach will take 3-5 hours. The main thing is to follow simple cleaning rules.

Where to start:

  1. Make all the beds in the apartment.
  2. Lay things out one by one in each room and in the corridor: put clothes in a closet, put shoes on shelves, put children's toys in a large box (a large bag, a box under the bed, etc., the main thing is that they do not roll under your feet), arrange books, combs, cosmetics, varnishes - all in one big cosmetic bag.
  3. Along the way, carry a large trash bag with you to immediately throw away trash - candy wrappers, banana peels, unnecessary papers and other rubbish.
  4. If dirty dishes come to hand, immediately take them to the kitchen, first throw the dirty linen into one corner, and then immediately put everything in the basket for dirty laundry(washing will come later).

This moment is important here: putting things in their places during current cleaning apartments (houses), do not immediately try to clean everything in the closet, in the chest of drawers, sort out books, photographs or preservation. There will be time for that later. If you get hooked on cleaning in any one place, then the whole apartment will remain uncleaned for another couple of days. Our top priority is a clean home! You will get to the cabinets later. This is an important rule of cleaning in the house, it must be observed.

So, we looked around - the beds were made, everything was in its place, dirty linen and dishes were not visible in the rooms. Next - to the kitchen.

Kitchen cleaning

Quickly cleaning the kitchen is easier than it seems at first glance. The following cleaning procedure will help here:

  1. Free up space on at least one table by folding everything even on the floor in a corner, wipe the table thoroughly, cover it with a clean towel or install a dish dryer on it. Workplace is ready.
  2. Remove all dirty dishes from the sink, where it will fit (you can also just put it in a corner on the floor, just so that it doesn’t fall under your feet).
  3. Wash the sink with a cleaner and start washing the dishes (preferably with a liquid grease remover). Put clean plates, cups, spoons, etc. immediately on a clean table or in a dryer. As soon as the table is full, put the dishes in their places, again freeing workplace. And so on until there is not a single dirty dish left. If you have a dishwasher, then everything will be easier. But the goal is the same - first of all, get rid of dirty dishes.
  4. Now sort out the products - what's in the closet, what's in the refrigerator, what's in the trash.
  5. Thoroughly wipe all tables, wash the stove, sink. Take out the garbage, put a fresh garbage bag in the bucket.

Now the kitchen is sparkling! Tip - do not start washing the refrigerator. This will take you a lot of time. It is better to put it in line with cabinets, for example, for tomorrow, when you wake up fresh in a clean apartment and with renewed vigor begin to put things in order.


Now the rules for cleaning the apartment involve putting things in order in the bathroom. The algorithm of actions here is:

  1. Pour the toilet bowl with the product for 30-35 minutes.
  2. Arrange bathing-soap-shaving accessories in places.
  3. Wash the bathtub, sink, mirror.
  4. Rest for 15-20 minutes, during which time the product will have time to act, and the toilet will be easy to clean.

At this stage, you can throw the wash in washing machine. Why not before? Because you will be sorting / loading laundry, and dirty dishes in the kitchen will be waiting. And so at this stage you already have an almost clean apartment!

The final stage

Remove the covers from the sofa and chairs and shake them out on the balcony (on landing It is better not to do this - the neighbors will not be delighted). If the weather is bad, just walk on the bedspreads with a wet cloth (hand) to collect lint, hair, dust.

Walk with a damp cloth in all rooms and wipe the dust everywhere - on the windowsills, tables, chest of drawers, open shelves, bookcases, TV and computer. Along the way, wash all switches, sockets, door handles. Quickly, with one wave of your hand, wipe special means polished surfaces (if there is no product, leave it as it is, this item will be in line with cleaning the cabinets and washing the refrigerator). Be sure to wash the mirrors in the apartment! Stains on mirrored surfaces are very noticeable and will ruin your home cleaning efforts. But in no case do not start washing windows or chandeliers! These items apply to general cleaning. Water the flowers.

Now the procedure for cleaning the apartment involves a vacuum cleaner or a broom. After that, be sure to wash the floor (you can add a cap of whiteness to a bucket of water to disinfect the room). Open windows to let in Fresh air and go take a shower.

A few words in conclusion

We forgot about the washing machine: the laundry is still spinning there. It's OK. Washes his machine, and you can hang everything later. After a shower, it’s great to drink a cup of green tea with lemon (you can’t drink coffee: you’ve already worked hard, you can’t give an additional load on your heart) and lie down for an hour. You can watch a light movie - your house is shining, and you deserve a rest!

And just one more tip: to make cleaning your house more fun, put on your favorite upbeat music. You can arrange a semblance of a relay race: set yourself the goal of overcoming a certain stage of cleaning in one song.

As you can see, the rules for cleaning the apartment are very simple, they will help every housewife to quickly put things in order in the house.

A photo of how to clean an apartment can be a great help when doing routine chores, but tips and video tutorials will really make cleaning easier. Let's try to figure out how to quickly clean an apartment for Easter or another event.

Achieve sterile cleanliness in the house where you live big family, impossible. So how do you clean an apartment? AT similar situations you can resort to the following options:

  1. Daily cleaning. The method is perfect for housewives who know how to clean an apartment beautifully. This method involves regularly putting things in place, wiping dust, washing off dirt as it appears.
  2. Weekly cleaning. This method will help to remove trash from the apartment. It is enough to set aside 1 day a week to clean your home with high quality, wash and iron all things, put things in order in the closets. Such cleaning will require a lot of time, but for the rest of the week you can relax. What day is best to clean the apartment? It all depends on your workload and plans for the week.
  3. Spring-cleaning. This procedure is necessary even with daily cleaning in the apartment. At this time, we usually remove blockages in the apartment, throw away unnecessary things. Usually it is carried out 1 time in several months, depending on the contamination.

Household chemicals for cleanliness

Modern cleaners and detergents will help you quickly deal with household chores. If you have not decided how to clean the apartment, then you can ask your friends.

As a result, by experience, you can find household chemicals, which will help to quickly cope with the removal of dried fat, plaque. It is worth analyzing in more detail how to clean the apartment quickly and cleanly.

Want to learn how to clean a very dirty apartment in just a couple of hours? The principle “do it for 15 minutes only” will help you. Each room should be given only a quarter of an hour, and after the alarm goes off to another place.

For efficient cleaning you need to follow these rules:

  • Proper timing. In a standard two-room apartment, it is better to allocate extra time to clean the kitchen. You can verify this by watching a video on how to clean an apartment cleanly.
  • Before cleaning, prepare all the necessary detergents, gloves and sponges.
  • Don't know where to start cleaning your apartment? The first step is to put the curtains in the wash to hang them in clean room, and open windows.
  • Do not forget about the little things: wipe the doors and cabinets in the kitchen so that the apartment shines with cleanliness.

Here's how quickly and well everyone can clean the apartment.

You have learned how to clean an apartment in 2 hours easily and pleasantly. However, we do not always have so much time for cleaning. Let's look at how to quickly clean an apartment in 30 minutes.

This process can be greatly facilitated if you thoroughly approach its organization. This will help simple tips how to clean an apartment:

  • Make a plan for moving around the apartment in advance.
  • How to effectively clean an apartment? It is worth calling for help from household members, distributing responsibilities between them.
  • Mops with wringing will help in mopping.
  • Try to use anti-dust sprays.
  • Put things in their places. No time? Put everything you don't need in one place. Video how to properly clean the apartment will help to cope with troubles.
  • In the kitchen, it is worth washing the dishes, wiping all the furniture, washing the floor.
  • Do you want to know how to clean your apartment perfectly? The main thing is not to forget about the corridor. You need to arrange shoes, hats, gloves.

On a note! To give the impression that the house was wet cleaned, just sprinkle a little water into the air.

Have guests suddenly arrived? Do you want to know how to quickly clean the apartment if there is very little time? Don't worry, there is a special strategy.

If you do 4 simple things: wash the dishes, wipe the dust, make the bed, wipe the floor, then the apartment will immediately seem cleaner. Don't know how to properly clean the dust in the apartment? It is better to forget about a damp cloth. Ideal material is microfiber.

On a note! Microfiber not only allows you to quickly remove dust, dirt and germs, but also helps save detergents. Now you know how to professionally clean an apartment.

It is impossible to restore absolute order in a few minutes, so it will be enough to put 10 things in their places. A video on how to quickly clean an apartment will be a great helper. It is necessary to start with the most obvious "hotspots of disorder" - unnecessary pieces of paper, things.

Do you still have a few minutes left? Do not know how to properly and quickly clean the apartment? Then you need to look into the bathroom - check the presence of soap, towels, toilet paper, freshen the air, wipe stains.

Now you have learned how to clean an apartment in 5 minutes, and you are ready to welcome guests.

Do you need housekeeping staff to clean your house? Read. Most often, cleaning is required in the kitchen. How to equip it so that the hostess is comfortable? See this article.

We clean the apartment in 20 minutes a day

Thanks to this technique, you will learn how to clean an apartment in 30 days, spending no more than 20 minutes on it.

To do this, you will have to regularly follow a few rules:

  • wash dishes after eating, wash things as they get dirty;
  • listen to music while cleaning;
  • use the timer to keep the set tempo.

For example, on days 1, 5, 13, 22, 27 you dust the living room and kitchen (wipe shelves, cabinets, sweep), and on days 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 23 you clean the toilet and bathroom (wash the sink, toilet bowl, mirrors, bathroom, floor and walls). Here's how to quickly clean the apartment when the trash is scattered everywhere.

Now you know how to quickly and efficiently clean an apartment. But remember that purity reigns only where they do not litter.

Your home will be sparkling clean with these tidying tips.

Don't Forget Door Mats

A door mat is an extremely important item to keep dirt from spreading around your home, so be sure to get two - outside and inside. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of these rugs, especially in winter, when there is snow, salt and sand on the boots. If you don't clean the rug by the door, the dirt will start spreading all over the hallway, and then it will end up in other rooms. As a result, you will have to spend more time cleaning.

Solve multiple tasks at the same time

Cleaning will go much faster if you perform similar tasks at the same time. For example, you can clean the baseboards while vacuuming or mopping the floors, and you can also clean the blinds while cleaning the windows. There are many options, among which you will surely find a convenient one.

Give up the bucket

Sometimes dragging a bucket and a mop behind you is inconvenient, and dirty water just splashing on the floor. You can mop the floor without a bucket, just use a spray bottle with floor cleaner and a mop with a microfiber head. Believe me, it will turn out no less effective.

Stock up on the right cleaning supplies

Do not use tile cleaner to clean mirrors. You need the right cleaning products, because they do their job much more effectively. One universal remedy for all occasions seriously complicates the process of restoring order.

Buy a brush with a detergent dispenser

If you have a brush with a detergent dispenser or liquid soap, you can use it to clean tiles while you're in the shower. Mark it with a marker to avoid confusion with others, and fill it with your favorite detergent. Keep it in the shower and use it regularly!

Vacuum properly

To completely get rid of dirt, try to vacuum slowly, moving in different directions. All cleaning experts are sure that vacuuming slowly - The best way use it effectively. In addition, it is worth using additional attachments - it is convenient to clean both curtains and curtains with a vacuum cleaner. upholstered furniture.

Decide on the right degree of purity

Everyone has their own idea of ​​what purity is. For some, this is an impeccable floor, while others are satisfied with the fact that there are not a lot of things in the laundry basket. Decide what degree of cleanliness and order you personally strive for. If you know exactly what you need, it will be much easier for you to achieve it.

A pillowcase can be the perfect cleaning tool

Obviously, you need to use a pillowcase that you no longer sleep on. if you have ceiling fan or a chandelier with many details, use to clean up old pillowcase- all the dust will fall inside, and not on the table or bed. This is a very convenient and easy way that you will surely like.

Make a cleaning plan

We all get the urge to clean up from time to time, but it's best to have a stable plan in place to make the process as efficient as possible. Putting things in order is like a dance, everything must be thought out. Start at the top surfaces and work your way down, paying attention to anything that needs to be cleaned or fixed. Wipe down door frames, light switches, baseboards, walls, move around the room in circles so you don't have to walk back and forth. Don't get distracted, move from room to room to save time.

Use the dishwasher

A dishwasher is not just for washing dishes. You can also use it to wash small things like glass candlesticks. Any glass or ceramic items will work fine, don't just wash plastic items as they can melt.

Make a homemade cleaner

Want to get flawless mirrors and windows? You can make your own cleaner! For one and a half cups of water, take one and a half tablespoons of vinegar and alcohol, as well as three drops essential oil mint. Mix them up and you'll get it great option for glass cleaning, which will be no worse than industrial cleaners.

Clean the toilet daily

If you wipe the toilet daily with a brush, it will always be relatively clean. Use the water already inside to wipe down the walls. If you run the toilet, it will be much more difficult to clean it, so try to just take a few minutes to clean every day.

Do not use polish

Definitely polish from time to time wooden furniture really worth it, but it's enough to do it once or twice a year. If you use the polish more often, the furniture will only collect dust faster, so just wipe the dust with a soft cloth.


Start by cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, and then move on to dusting, making the beds, and cleaning the floors. Determine in advance what requires your attention the most, and proceed to this task.

Do a quick cleanup

Learn how to quickly tidy up your home by identifying the places that attract the most attention, for example, kitchen table or countertop in the bathroom. Guests are unlikely to visit upper shelves, and the general disorder will be noticed immediately.

Buy a brush

You can use a small brush to clean furniture without moving it. You just pull the dust out narrow corners and then you can vacuum it up.

This question is especially relevant for a young mother, whose life is completely focused on the baby. One of the main problems during this period is the absolute lack of time - for yourself, for your husband, for friends and relatives, not to mention household chores, including cleaning the apartment.

But the cleanliness of the apartment is, first of all, of practical importance - a small child needs appropriate sanitary and hygienic conditions. So, we clean the apartment quickly, without spending extra nerves and effort on this process.

Emotional mood

It is very important that during household chores there is not just a good, but a cheerful mood, which in many ways contributes to the process going as energetically as possible. In this case, the correct psychological attitude is important: now I will quickly clean everything up and my house will be clean and good, cleaning up is such nonsense for me! Installation is wrong: again this endless cleaning, I can not stand household chores that never end!

Energetic music is very invigorating and improves mood during household chores. Put on your favorite CD or cassette and see how things go much more fun.

And one more important point- allocate a certain time for cleaning the apartment, for example, one hour, and make it a condition for yourself to do everything planned for this particular period. This setting also helps a lot to concentrate.

Two or more things at once

And so the work began to boil ... In order not to waste time in vain and at the same time facilitate your efforts, you can simultaneously do several things at once.

Where to begin? Of course, everyone has their own priorities, but it is best to pay attention to the most "unpleasant" places, which, nevertheless, are considered the "face of the hostess" - the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

Approximation to the ideal

Let's go to the rooms. Most of the time is spent on laying out scattered things in places. If there is no time at all, take a basket or a large bag and collect scattered books, cosmetics and other little things in them. And put everything in its place later, when there is a free minute.

Now we take out the vacuum cleaner. Many take this technological stage work as superfluous and try to save time on it. However, as practice shows, it is necessary for effective cleaning, because the vacuum cleaner not only collects invisible dust, but also various other debris. If you don’t vacuum everything properly, then washing the floors will be much more difficult and it is possible that crumbs will creak under your feet.

Walk quickly with a vacuum cleaner on the carpet and floors, fix sofa cushions, bedspreads, napkins. Wipe off the dust, paying particular attention to the panels household appliances on which it accumulates as a result of static stress. If the house has houseplants, refresh them and at the same time wash off the dust by spraying them with a spray bottle. Now almost everything is ready for wet cleaning.

Before washing floors, pay attention to glass and mirror surfaces. If they do not shine, and even more so if there are stains on them, the apartment does not look clean.

Spray them with window cleaning spray, wipe with a dry cloth.

To avoid wasting time moving furniture, lift chairs and anything that can be lifted and start mopping floors. This can be done very quickly if everything is already prepared. Remember that usually most of the dust accumulates under the batteries and along the skirting boards.

The regime is not for the sake of the regime, but for the sake of convenience

How often do you need to clean and what is better - a little every day or a rare, but well-aimed general cleaning? This question does not have a universal answer and you need to focus on your own convenience or habit.

For someone, the regime of daily maintenance of cleanliness is normal - little by little to do things so that they do not accumulate: today - laundry, tomorrow - mopping, the day after tomorrow - kitchen chores. There are many advantages to this approach: it does not take much time and effort, but without the habit of orderliness, it is difficult to implement it.

Another option is the accumulation of household chores, which ends in a big cleaning. In this situation, which is typical for people who are accustomed to a free regime, you can not be annoyed by everyday chores, replacing them with something more pleasant, and at the moment of emergency, do all the accumulated things at once.

But if the house has Small child, daily housekeeping children's room becomes an axiom. The only consolation here can be that even on wet cleaning the children's room requires very little time, the main part of which is occupied by laying out the scattered toys and things in places.

In any case, remember that you have household members who can be organized - as much as possible to participate in cleaning or take some business on yourself, at least not to interfere, which can also be very important.

If the house has cat or a dog that sheds regularly, it is still wiser to cover upholstered furniture with easily washable covers or capes. A less time-consuming option is to put decorative napkins only on those places where your pets like to settle down. Place under the food bowl paper towels to make it easier to take out the trash. Lightly grease the brush on the vacuum cleaner with glycerin, then it will be easier to collect wool from the carpet.

Place a beautiful basket next to the sofa or bed to put books, remote control, glasses and other little things in it. At least nothing will be left on the floor.

Buy or sew on the bed beautiful bedspread so that there is an incentive to make the bed in the morning! A disassembled bed, even with sterile cleanliness, does not create the effect of a cleaned apartment.

In the evening, take the time to leave the kitchen clean.

Starting the day with positive emotions is great!

After a shower, wipe the doors of the shower cabin - then a matte coating will not form on them.

Soak sponges and napkins after cleaning in any detergent. Wash them after some time. cold water and dry. During the next cleaning, they will be nice to take in hand.

To prevent drains in the bathroom and kitchen from becoming clogged, pour boiling water over them once a week.

We hope that cleaning will now turn into an easy and enjoyable experience for you. The main thing is that after it in the apartment - cleanliness, which pleases both your household and you.

Carpet care

Not more than 2 times a year, the carpet can be cleaned with a soft hair brush moistened with water with ammonia(2 tablespoons of alcohol per 1 liter of water). After cleaning, the carpet is wiped dry with a cloth.

Removing stains from carpets:

  • from beer, wine, liquor, vodka warm water co washing powder. Wet a rag with this solution and wipe the stain, and then rinse the solution with warm water and vinegar (1 teaspoon per liter of water);
  • from coffee, cocoa, tea - cold water with glycerin (1 tablespoon per liter of water);
  • from red wine and fruit juices - cold water with a few drops of ammonia;
  • from perfume and cologne (very difficult to remove) - warm water with the addition of "News", and then clean warm water;
  • from fats - gasoline.

Do not forget : after the stain is removed, the entire carpet should be wiped with a clothes brush dipped in a detergent solution, and then with a simple wet brush or sponge.

Carpets do not like : very hard brushes, dampness, hot water, spilled tea, coffee, milk. To prevent baldness from furniture legs on the carpet, it is recommended to place a piece of rubber under the legs.


With the birth of a son, there is no time for cleaning at all. I started calling a cleaning company [link-1]
eralnaya-uborka-kvartir/. Done general cleaning apartments in at its best and in a short time I am very satisfied

I love cleaning. The only thing, of course, when the furniture is old or has not been repaired for a long time, such doing disappears. Now I often have a desire to once again clean up on my new kitchen, which was recently ordered from KitchenLab. I even enjoy it. The salon even suggested how specifically to take care of my headset. They abandoned carpets and carpets a long time ago - after all, this is not very hygienic. I'd rather go over with a rag once again. And in the kitchen, linoleum or tiles are generally better. Thank you and tips about cleaning with pets.

I can practically do everything myself, only the windows depress me and wash the mirrors. definitely not my topic. I got used to inviting a clean tower company, before they only washed my windows, but now I’m completely relaxed and I even order a cleaning service every six months.

20.08.2015 17:24:27, Anna

Every morning before going to work (I leave later than the children) I rake things scattered around the apartment, we sometimes scatter pants, socks, pajamas, well, really, it happens, what to say. Here I collect all the things in a bag (in an armful) and put everything that they have scattered on the floor on the children’s desktop: things, combs, books, rubber bands ... Coming from school, the child has already learned to disassemble the pile on the table and lay everything out on the floor. Before you sit down at your desk, everyone has to sort out their pile. But you can easily run with a vacuum cleaner. By the way, I began to do the same with washed linen. I neatly put them in piles and put their clean folded things on everyone's desk. The child himself opens them into a chest of drawers and a closet - this is how I teach them to be aware of where which thing is (I haven’t made much progress in this yet, while the question "Maaam, where is mine .....?" still sounds often) . I’m all about children, but I also do this with my things, things are all thrown off the floor onto the sofa and they are already sorting out on the sofa, what’s in the wash, what’s in the closet, what’s where. Do not think, of course, that a mountain of things is formed on the sofa up to the ceiling))) but tights, shorts, socks, pajamas, T-shirts - there are))

I'm worried about cat hair - it's hard to clean it out.

I stocked up on a bunch wet wipes Defender so that there are no problems with wiping equipment and a bunch of detergents"spray-wipe-clean" systems, so that everything can be wiped at the speed of sound at any time before the arrival of guests. It's also good to have alcohol and paper towels - it also helps in emergency situations.

the exact same one is on another site

07.08.2008 22:54:59

also very important for cleaning
use good household chemicals - high-quality, non-drying hands and universal.
I chose the American amway for myself - b and I am very pleased! Cleaning is fun! And no skin problems!

04/03/2005 01:23:54, Elena

"Strong" advice is to boil drains with boiling water...especially with modern plastic drains.

My friends, help with advice and tell me how to wash or clean the stubborn and rubbed black children's plasticine from a carpet, or rather a light-colored carpet made of polypropylene? I will be incredibly grateful for your help

06/07/2004 22:30:28, Stanislav

I want to add myself - to the question of packages. There are still packages that I do not disassemble, but throw them higher on the closet and store them. The fact is that the number of toys at home is growing uncontrollably. In the end, there are so many of them that the child no longer plays with them so much as scatters them. During the cleaning, going around the rooms, I stuff all the toys that are lying around in a bag - and that's what I keep. Usually I have 3-4 pieces of such bags on my closet. The benefit is twofold. And the houses are tidier, there is less to scatter. And most importantly - when the younger one does not let the older one study, climbs to him, demands his textbooks for tearing and painting - I slip him one of the bags from the closet. By that time, he had already forgotten about these toys, and for him they were like new ones (although some were already pretty crippled). So it is interesting for him to delve into this package and it lasts for a long time - the elder has time to do his homework.
In general, thanks for the article and for the feedback. I learned a lot of useful and interesting things, I will definitely use some tips.

05/01/2004 23:31:49, Ira

I also recently discovered a way to clean with bags. I start by going around the rooms with the packages. Only, of course, I don’t store them somewhere in the corner later, but immediately take them apart in their places. Indeed, if with every detail from a designer or a mosaic every time you climb into the closet for the right box, there will not be enough time for cleaning. And when all this small things are quickly shoved into one place - into a package - then it is very quickly sorted out.
Immediately in another bag I collect everything that is to be thrown away - fragments of toys, scraps of school notebooks of the eldest son, which the youngest reached.
Well, and even when nothing is lying around, it is already easy and not long to wipe the dust and the floor.

05/01/2004 23:24:21, Ira

I work as a visiting cleaner in private homes. Every day, together with my girlfriend, together, and sometimes the three of us, we clean 2-3-storey mansions, the cost of which sometimes exceeds 2 million dollars. Since I'm already getting used to cleaning, I want to add a few tips from myself. Never use paper towels for cleaning. it is better to buy a package of small thin white towels - they are easy to boil and bleach, they are pleasant to take in hands and they gently remove dirt. Have a bucket with a set of detergents - there should be toilet cleaner (gel), cleaning powder (like Comet), glass cleaner, polish (preferably foam spray), universal spray, feather brush (artificial or real) , garbage bags, rags. With such a bucket, you will quickly move around the rooms and everything will always be at hand. When doing basic cleaning, first collect scattered things everywhere and wipe off the dust. Always spray polish or other products on the rag and never on the item itself (you can miss and stain somewhere). Wipe wooden furniture with polish from all sides, especially the legs. The antique is just a dry rag. piano - only felt. technique, glass surfaces, phone - glass cleaner and then a dry cloth (there may be smudges). Small objects, picture frames - with a feather brush, you can sprinkle it with a light, non-greasy polish. After that, remake the beds. Do not forget window sills, door handles. White doors and door jambs are best wiped with a damp cloth slightly moistened with bleach. Vacuum and then with a damp mop, sometimes you can use a parquet cleaner. It will be much faster if you first wipe the dust everywhere and then wash the floor everywhere, etc. If there are several floors in the house, then on each floor, start all the procedures again. Regarding the kitchen and toilets - I completely agree with the author. Try to keep all the bubbles in the bathroom in the closet when everything is placed in plain sight - ugly and difficult to clean. How fewer items in the bathroom, the more pleasant it is to be there and the neater it looks. In general, the more empty surfaces in a home, the easier it is to dust off. The more glass, mirrors, open shelves in the house - the more dust and stains. Arrange special cleaning from time to time - on one day you can wash all the chandeliers, on another day you can wipe all the baseboards especially carefully, on the third day you can wash the curtains and wipe the cornices. Many things that you rarely use can be conveniently stored in transparent plastic boxes with a lid (for example, you can keep sand toys, pool toys, swimwear, beach mats in one box, children's masquerade costumes in another, plasticine, felt-tip pens, paper and etc.

04/30/2004 02:53:26 AM, fly

Very good article, that's how I clean it. But where do all these mossy recipes at the end of the article come from?
Denatured alcohol, vinegar with chalk for wiping mirrors (!?), "News" powder, which has not been sold in stores for a hundred years ... It seems that the beginning of the article was written meaningfully, especially about modern devices that make cleaning easier, and at the end thoughtlessly threw recipes from books of 50-60s. The 1961 home economics book was my favorite as a child, so all these "subtleties" are easily recognizable.
But what about Vanish? And Mr. Proper is more fun, the house is cleaner twice as fast?

04/29/2004 18:23:52, Lena

The easiest way to reduce the amount of cleaning is to train yourself to clean up after yourself. I can’t imagine that my dishes were washed, and the bed was covered with a bedspread only in the process of cleaning :) But before cleaning, is it worth it? Another thing is to minimize the amount of things that lie on open surfaces. It is also desirable to minimize the number of these very surfaces :)