How to wash an orthopedic pillow, general rules and tips. How to clean feather pillows at home: the best means and methods of washing Pillows with artificial filling

Choose the right pillow- ensure your comfort during sleep, and knowing the features of caring for it is taking care of your health. Indeed, beloved and such comfortable pillow can become a source bad smell and allergens in the house, as well as lose their appearance and quality due to improper care. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out how to clean the pillow, depending on what material it is filled with.

A variety of fillers for pillows today will allow you to find suitable option to every buyer. So, pillows are down and feather, bamboo, silicone, latex, wool, etc. Every material needs special care which we will talk about today.

Filler - down

First of all, always read product labels carefully. They indicate which methods are acceptable for cleaning a particular pillow. So, if washing is allowed, it is recommended to carry it out at the end. summer season around the end of August. In summer, a person sweats more actively, sweat is absorbed into the tissues, and the pillow is heavily soiled. Also, at the end of summer, you can still dry the pillow in the sun, which will allow you to additionally carry out bactericidal treatment. So for washing, the end of summer is considered the optimal period.

Always wash a maximum of one pillow per washing machine in the delicate/hand wash mode with the spin function disabled. Use a product for delicate fabrics without conditioner. If you have laundry balls or tennis balls, place them in the drum to keep the fluff from clumping and matting.

Dry your down pillow away from direct heat sources. While drying, constantly fluff the pillow gently to keep the down fluffy. It needs to be well ventilated. The ideal place is on the balcony in the shade. The pillow needs to be dried quickly so that the ideal environment for mold is not created. You can finish the procedure in direct sunlight to destroy germs.

It is recommended to air the pillow once a month in the shade on the balcony, in the yard, or in front of the window. Fluffy pillows need to be fluffed daily. This allows the fluff to be evenly distributed, becoming more fluffy and soft.

Remember what the fluff is organic matter, so it decomposes over time and loses its properties. The service life of such a pillow is 5 years.

Filler - bamboo fiber

Bamboo pillows are characterized by good water-repellent qualities, good air permeability and allow you to maintain an optimal thermal balance. Such pillows are quite practical and not particularly demanding in operation.

Pillows filled with bamboo fiber can be washed in the washing machine on a gentle cycle at temperatures up to 40 degrees. Manufacturers claim that the bamboo pillow has excellent wear resistance and can withstand up to 500 such washes.

For minor soiling, dry cleaning is often sufficient, while for serious soiling, washing will be required. Can be applied common remedy for washing delicate fabrics. The use of bleach is strictly prohibited.

The bamboo pillow is dried on a horizontal flat surface. It is desirable that this process take place as quickly as possible, therefore, for this purpose, you can direct air flow from a conventional fan to the pillow. Please note that the air should not be heated, its temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.

Keep bamboo pillows it is necessary without plastic packaging, in a dry environment, without compressing or deforming its shape.

The half-filled bamboo fiber also needs to be aired periodically and beaten regularly so that the product remains fresh, soft and retains its shape well.

Filler - silicone

Pillows filled with siliconized fiber, which are made on the basis of polyester, have such advantages as the ability to take and “remember” the contours of the body of a person sleeping on it and quickly restore their shape. Such pillows are suitable for people prone to allergies, including children, due to their hypoallergenicity. They pass air quite well and are unpretentious in care.

The pillow can and should be washed regularly. Here also, first of all, you need to pay attention to the information indicated on the label. As a rule, washing is allowed at 30 degrees in a washing machine. Remember in the drum washing machine do not put several pillows or blankets at once. The product must be washed separately. You can also wash this product by hand in non-hot water using soapy water.

Silicone pillows dry quickly - it is best to do this on the balcony away from direct sun rays and heaters.

Filler - wool

Natural wool has a number of advantages: the ability to absorb moisture, excellent thermoregulatory properties, beneficial influence on health due to the substance lanolin in the composition of wool (most of all lanolin is found in camel wool). At the same time, such pillows can start dust mites, and they can cause an allergic reaction - these are the main disadvantages of this material.

Dry cleaning is good decision for woolen pillows, because it allows you to qualitatively process the filler and eliminate ticks. However, washing of such products at home can also be carried out.

The blanket is washed either in the machine in a delicate mode (temperature 30 degrees), or manually using special means for washing wool. Do not wring out woolen pillows, this will damage the material. You need to dry the product either in a typewriter (if you have a drying function), or by hanging it on clotheslines with good air ventilation. Be sure to follow all the manufacturer's recommendations on the pillow label.

When the wool pillow is dry, give it a good shake to straighten the fibers and restore the airiness and fluffiness of the product.

Such pillows need to be ventilated once a month and shaken regularly, and in summer time take out in the sun, because ultraviolet allows you to kill ticks and other microorganisms.

Filler - buckwheat

Pillows filled with buckwheat are valued for their healing effect. Manufacturers claim that these pillows help relieve headaches and prevent spinal diseases such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis and others. special shape grains of buckwheat provides the sleeper with acupressure of the neck and head, while it takes the shape of the human body well. Does not cause allergies.

Pillows with buckwheat are characterized by durability and wear resistance. Ticks and harmful microorganisms are not flooded in the inner layer of the product. The filling has good breathability and prevents sweat from accumulating.

Caring for them is not very difficult, but it is important to observe certain rules. If the contamination is serious, it is best to simply contact the dry cleaner. Washing such pillows is highly undesirable, since the filler is very difficult to dry.

Regularly clean the pillow from dust with a vacuum cleaner. It is also recommended to carry out the sifting procedure of the filler. After a certain time, brown dust from buckwheat husks begins to accumulate in the bedclothes. Therefore, experts advise sifting the filler through a regular colander so that fine buckwheat dust falls out and the grains remain. The first such procedure should be carried out a month after the start of using the pillow, and then once a year.

Filler - polyester fiber (holofiber)

These pillows are made from artificial fiber, so they are perfect for allergy sufferers, for whom some natural fillers may be undesirable. In such a product, dust mites do not flood, they pass air well, do not retain moisture and odors, keep their shape well, and provide softness and comfort during sleep. In care, they are unpretentious and can serve you for a really long time.

You can hand over such products to dry cleaning or wash them yourself at home in a typewriter at a temperature of 40-60 degrees using mild detergents. Natural drying is recommended for the pillow, which can be accelerated by using a fan.

Similar requirements for the care of a microfiber pillow. They are allowed to wash with the use of spin. However, it is important to remember that such products do not like aggressive mechanical or chemical influences.

Filler - natural latex

Natural latex is a hypoallergenic material with many advantages: antiseptic properties, it does not breed mites, it provides good support right position spine in a dream, creates comfortable temperature conditions, excellent breathability.

In care, the material differs from most other fillers. First of all, take care of a good protective cover that will protect the pillow from damage and extend its shelf life. By the way, such a pillow can serve you subject to right conditions operation up to 20 years.

Latex pillows should preferably be washed by hand at a water temperature of no higher than 40 degrees. In this case, exceptionally soft, gentle detergents. It is also allowed to use the usual soap solution. Sometimes, if there is no serious contamination, you can simply rinse the pillow in cool water.

After washing, you need to carefully wring out the pillow with your hands, for this you can also use two towels, between which you put the product and press it lightly. It is recommended to dry the latex pillow indoors.

Remember, fillers from natural latex strictly contraindicated high temperatures, so they can not be dried on a battery, heater or in the sun.

Remember, if you are experiencing any difficulties in caring for your bedding, or if you doubt that you can clean it without ruining the original qualities, you can always turn to professionals for help. Do not forget, your well-being and health can depend on the cleanliness of your pillow.

To Just shake your pillow every morning.Don't make your bed right away. During the night, human skin evaporates from 300 to 500 ml of moisture. You are unlikely to notice this, especially if you have high-quality bedding from natural materials. They are the ones who absorb the moisture. After sleeping, you should allow the bed to dry out for at least an hour. For the same reason, do not use bedspreads made of synthetic materials. They do not allow air and moisture to pass through, leaving it in bed.


If, nevertheless, there was a need to wash down or down-feather (the reason may be spilled coffee, for example), then we wash it in the machine, not exceeding the temperature of 60º C, mild agent for delicate fabrics, (do not use bleach). Add an additional rinse cycle, fully squeeze.

Please note: the fluff should be wet as little as possible, and dry as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the pillow can simply be spoiled, because it is a puffy organic product.

If the machine has a drying function, then dry at medium temperatures. After the first drying cycle (60 minutes), shake the pillow thoroughly and split the lumps of fluff that have stuck together. After that, dry another cycle (or more) until completely dry. The pillow must be completely dry.

If you do not have the possibility of sushiIf you wash the pillow in the machine, you can dry the pillow outdoors or indoors, turn it over and shake it during the drying process, preventing the fluff from sticking together. You can hang the pillow by the edges on clothespins and periodically turn it over. After washing, your pillow will be like new: clean and fluffy.

Following these simple rules Care You will extend the life of your favorite pillow.

When washing hypoallergenic lyocell and sisel fiber pillows, the pillow can be divided into two parts: a cover and an inner bag with filler. You can wash just the cover, and that will be enough. If the pillow is heavily soiled (sweat, sebum), then it is worth washing the filler right in the bag. There is no need to tumble dry, as the pillow (whole or in parts) dries fairly quickly under normal conditions.

Orthopedic pillow Medifleks we just wash the cover as it gets dirty.


If you prefer to have your pillows cleaned, then make sure to choose a trusted place with a lot of experience. You can also always turn to us for help, we will advise you high-quality specialists.note thatin a silk coating can not be washed, only dry cleaning is recommended.

Do not use a vacuum cleaner to clean down pillows!When using covers, this will not be necessary.

ADVICE: after purchase, at the very beginning of using the pillow, keep the paper labels from it in a separate place so that when the need arises for washing, you can remember how to do it correctly. On the sewn-in fabric labels on the pillow, the inscriptions wear out over time, you should not rely on them.

While all of our down pillows can be washed up to 60ºC, be aware that about 8% of the down is damaged in every wash. Frequent washing will cause the pillow to shrink. Therefore, having protected the pillow with a cover, you can simply wash the cover once a month, and the pillow will remain clean.

So that your pillow retains its shape for a long time and gives comfortable rest Don't forget to take good care of her.

How to properly store pillows?

For storage of pillows, if you do not use them, it is best to use the manufacturer's cover, it should pass air well. Pillows should not be stored in wet room or uncooked. Otherwise, an unpleasant odor and even decay cannot be avoided.

How often should pillowcases be changed?

Regardless of the type of filler, any pillow should be worn when used, which must be changed every week.

How to make a bed correctly?

Every morning, the pillow should be fluffed to evenly distribute its contents in the pillowcase. Do not make the bed immediately after waking up, but let it air out a little.

How to care for a down pillow?

Pillows with artificial filler It needs to be washed 2-3 times a year. For washing in the machine, use the delicate mode at a temperature of 50 - 60 ° C, the amount of powder is about 1/3 of the usual rate. Experienced housewives put a couple of tennis balls in the drum so that the filler in the pillow does not stray at the corners.

After washing, you need to shape the pillow, evenly distributing the filler while it is damp.

How to dry a pillow correctly?

Never wring out the pillow and dry it on heating appliances. You can dry the pillow naturally on a flat surface by periodically shaking it or using special devices that do not deform its shape.

A synthetic-filled pillow can last up to 10 years, but it is recommended to replace it every two to three years.

How to care for a pillow made of natural wool?

We spend a lot of time in bed - we rest, relax, gain strength before a new day. Such a native place should always be in perfect order and please not only the body, but also the eye. And it often happens that a certain bedding set becomes dear and most beloved to us. And this is normal, because each person has their own tastes and preferences.

Mattresses, blankets, sheets - all this, without any doubt, is important when it comes to a good night's sleep. But one of the main attributes is the pillow. But over time, it gets dirty, deteriorates, loses its original view, so it is important to know a few rules for caring for them.

Now available for sale great amount various types pillows. They differ in appearance, size, and most importantly filler.

Here the choice is really extensive:

  • Bamboo;
  • Goose feather;
  • Silicone;
  • Feather;
  • Viscoelastic, etc.

The problem is that each filler requires a special approach when washing at home.

bamboo fiber

Bamboo fiber has unique properties that are useful even in the production of pillows. It is somewhat reminiscent of cashmere, silk or soft cotton. They are not too demanding in operation.

Advantages :

  • Bamboo is water repellent.

How to wash :

  • To maintain their shape and softness, pillows should be periodically ventilated and beaten regularly;
  • In case of minor contamination, dry cleaning is sufficient;
  • You can wash such pillows in a washing machine at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees, with an ordinary powder for washing delicate fabrics;
  • Lay it out after washing flat surface and leave in this position for a while;
  • Under no circumstances should bleach be used. And in general, it is recommended to carefully approach the choice of means;
  • It is not recommended to store in a humid environment;
  • Also, do not store in a compressed form for a long time.

Silicone pillow properties differ from many of those that we are usually used to seeing at home. First of all, you need to pay attention to the label - there will be information on how it is recommended to wash, etc.

How to wash :

  • Silicone ball pillows can be safely washed at 30 degrees in a washing machine;
  • Can be washed by hand in warm soapy water;
  • They dry quickly enough, but it is better to avoid direct sunlight;
  • Such pillows are generally undemanding in operation.

Down/feather filling

Feather pillows are very popular. But since down and feathers are organic matter, they decompose over time. This is the main problem. In this case, regular shaking and airing helps, but in any case this does not stop the process.

How to care:

  • To keep the down pillow soft and airy, you need to gently beat it every morning;
  • Ventilate regularly;
  • For cleaning feathers and down, it is better to use dry cleaning services;
  • We decided to wash the feather pillow on our own, then purchase a special soap or other down products;
  • Washing in a delicate mode at 40 degrees, without spinning;
  • For washing in a washing machine, use special balls (you can use tennis balls), which will not allow fluff to crumple and fall off;
  • After washing, the most important thing is to dry quickly, for example, in a centrifuge;
  • Since the down pillow absorbs odors and grease well, it is advisable to wash it several times a year;
  • In any case, the product natural down and feathers begin to decompose strongly after 5 years - this must be remembered.

Sheep's wool

Any products made from natural materials have their own specifics, pillows made of sheep wool are no exception.


Buckwheat husk

How to care:

  • Such pillows are quite difficult to clean, so in case of serious contamination, it is better to contact a dry cleaner;
  • Washing is undesirable, since the filler is very difficult to dry;
  • For prevention purposes, you should periodically vacuum through the pillowcase;
  • Sift regularly buckwheat husk through an ordinary colander;
  • It does not hurt to dry the pillow under the rays of sunlight.

Anti-allergic pillows

Advantages :

  • They contain only artificial fillers, so they do not cause any allergic reactions.

Wash :

  • Dry cleaning can be used;
  • Washing in a delicate mode at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees;
  • Dry pillows naturally horizontal surface. Sometimes it is necessary to beat and turn over so that the filler is evenly distributed;

Always consider what kind of material is contained inside the pillowcase. Depending on this, it will be possible to choose the washing methods. Manufacturers indicate how to monitor it so that there are no problems.

polyester fiber

Now on sale more and more pillows made of polyester fiber began to appear. It has the form of spirals, and intertwining, acquires a three-dimensional structure. Elastic fiber is great for pillow.

Wash :

  • It is recommended to wash pillows at a temperature not exceeding 40-60 degrees, using mild detergents;
  • Drying - in a natural way (you can use a fan to speed up the process).


The filler is made from modern material- viscoelastic foam.

Advantages :

  • The main feature is that it is able to keep its shape better;
  • Very often they are recommended to people suffering from allergies.

Care :

  • After purchase, immediately purchase a special pillowcase that will avoid premature contamination of the pillowcase;
  • It is not recommended to store it in a compressed form, as this may damage its shape;
  • Viscoelastic pillows can only be washed by hand at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees;
  • For washing, use mild gentle detergents or ordinary soapy water;
  • Dry - in a ventilated area;
  • Frequent washing will shorten the lifespan.


Modern materials are undemanding in maintenance, so many choose them. They practically do not crumple during operation, so special difficulties no.

Advantages :

  • Hypoallergenic.

Care :

  • On the label for each product, the manufacturer indicates the features of washing. As a rule, this is a low temperature - 40-60 degrees, as well as non-aggressive detergents;
  • Do not recommend the use of fabric softeners;
  • These pillows can be washed in the washing machine and then dried with a spin;
  • Protect it from any strong influences - mechanical or chemical.


Require special conditions, although in general the pillows are easy to maintain.

Care :

  • Only hand wash allowed warm water(not higher than 40 degrees). Add simple and gentle detergents to the water. In some cases, you can do with a simple rinse in cool water;
  • To wring out, you should take two towels, between which the pillow itself is clamped;
  • Drying is carried out on fresh air or in the dryer;
  • Washing in the machine is not recommended, as they lose their shape;
  • Should not be washed frequently.

General recommendations: Any pillows need timely care - cleaning, airing, regular shaking. Also, great attention is paid to the pillowcase. When washing, be careful not to use rough washing methods and strong detergents. Then the pillow can last long enough without any problems.

A good pillow means sound sleep, and this is no secret to anyone. However, she will not be able to “stay in shape” for a long time without proper care, and a few tips on how to care for a pillow will always be useful to a person who cares about the quality of their rest.

First of all, any pillow, regardless of the type of its filler, must be dressed in a pillowcase, which should be changed every week, and if it is obviously dirty, of course, more often.

Every morning, the pillow should be shaken to evenly distribute its contents in the pillowcase and ventilate. New pillows should be vacuumed every two weeks, and old ones every month.

To prevent the occurrence bed mites in pillows, they should be dried regularly in the summer in the sun, and in winter they should be chilled in the cold.

How to care for pillows with different fillings

Pillows filled with feathers and down should be regularly cleaned, the pillowcases should be changed once a year, and after 5-7 years such pillows should be replaced with new ones.

Artificial-fill pillows should be aired out weekly. 2-3 times a year they must be washed in the mode delicate wash at a water temperature of 50 to 60 degrees. After washing, the pillow must be shaped by leveling its filling while it is wet.

Dry pillows with artificial filling in a ventilated place and, at the same time, shake them from time to time. These pillows are changed every 2-3 years.

Pillows filled with natural sheep wool are recommended to be aired for several hours before the first use. Wash them if necessary by hand, soaking before washing for 5-10 minutes in cold water. Such pillows are squeezed out very carefully, without damaging the structure of the material, with smooth longitudinal movements.