How to equip a dining room kitchen in a country house. The kitchen stove is the most important element. Smooth and smooth work surface

The Feng Shui kitchen is not only the personification of the impeccable taste of the owners of the apartment, but also the path to material prosperity, peace of mind prosperity and family well-being. The kitchen is not without reason considered a special place in the house, because it is in it that the whole family gathers at the same table.

It is by the design of this room that the Chinese draw a conclusion about the well-being of the owners of the house, therefore it is not strange that in the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, a special place is given to the arrangement of the kitchen. We invite you to study the basic rules and subtleties of creating an interior according to Taoist practice in order to bring harmony and positive energy into your home.

Experienced craftsmen assure that Feng Shui is quite effective tool to improve the quality of life. Naturally, if you want to achieve the desired result with the help of Taoist philosophy, then when arranging the room, you should be guided by some principles.

  1. Get rid of old and unnecessary things. Leave only what you really use, and move the rest to the pantry or throw it away. A lot of unnecessary items not only give the interior a cluttered look, but also prevent accumulation and free movement. positive energy Qi.

  1. Maintain order and cleanliness. Try to wash dishes immediately after eating, regularly wipe tables and work surfaces, remove greasy coating from the stove and utensils, as well as regularly mop the floor. By cleanliness, Taoist feng shui masters mean not only the absence of garbage in the kitchen. They argue that in this room it is absolutely forbidden to quarrel, argue and fuss. It is also contraindicated to store broken things or spoiled food here. Experts believe that disorder can attract failures, as well as negatively affect the material well-being of family members.

  1. Remove all foreign objects from the kitchen. Try to move a variety of souvenirs, paintings and photos to another room so that, in addition to kitchen utensils needed for cooking and eating, there were no others left in the room. Also, experts recommend always closing the shelves and choosing furniture with rounded corners when decorating a room. Keep in mind that rubbish and sharp corners impede the flow of Qi energy.

  1. If you are not cooking, then the countertop should be clean. Food processor, coffee grinder and other equipment after use, it is advisable to put it in one of the kitchen cabinets.

  1. Store items that are similar in function or use together. For example, for spices, take a separate corner or a special box, and place cutlery in an organizer for forks and spoons.

  1. Regularly check the condition of the items used. It is very important to pay attention to every detail. Change light bulbs in time, monitor the condition kitchen appliances and stoves, don't forget to sharpen your knives. The clock in the kitchen, equipped according to Feng Shui, must be wiped in a timely manner with a damp cloth, and do not forget to change the batteries. Even such seemingly insignificant trifles can affect your material wealth and success.

  1. Do not force the countertop with kitchen utensils and decor items. It is designed exclusively for cooking, so it is not advisable to store anything on it. Make sure your countertop is always clean and tidy.

  1. Pay special attention to the kitchen stove. The stove is the strongest symbol of prosperity in the family, so it should be treated with special awe and respect. If you want to bring more positive energy into your home, follow the advice of the experts and start using all the burners, not just a couple of the largest ones. According to Feng Shui, the more burners that work, the better.

  1. In every kitchen there must be elements such as Fire, Water, Earth and Metal. As a rule, in this room there is no energy of the Earth. You can bring this element by placing a miniature plant in the room, photo wallpaper or a tablecloth depicting plants or fruits. When the above elements are in harmony, you will notice their positive impact on your mood and well-being. The kitchen design shown in the photo demonstrates perfect combination all interior items.

  1. Feng Shui kitchen design is the way to beautiful figure and healthy body. People who are struggling with being overweight are not recommended to use photos, paintings and other decorative elements in kitchen design that even remotely resemble food. Instead, decorate the interior with images of beautiful landscapes or bright bouquets. Dishes should be stored in closed cabinets, and it is better to remove vases with sweets, fruits and cookies altogether. Replace them with flowerpots. Place a few magazines or books on the table to dinner table you did not associate exclusively with food and eating.

Now that you have learned the basic rules of feng shui kitchen design, we invite you to look at some photos of interesting designs.

feng shui kitchen layout

The location of the kitchen wins back essential role, therefore, when choosing an apartment or starting the construction of a private house, special attention should be paid to this issue. If you make a mistake with the choice, then in the future you will have to resort to a lot of tricks so that the interior is harmonious and consistent. established rules. There are cases when, due to the unfavorable location of the rooms, the owners have to radically change the layout of the apartment.

Important! The element of Fire is dominant in the territory of the kitchen, so it is best to place it in the south or southwest.

If in your house it is located in the northwest, you may need a correction or even a complete redevelopment.

A kitchen located in the west should not only be decorated according to Feng Shui, but also equipped with special decor elements. Experts note that this room is characterized by a special energy, so it must certainly be separated from the rest of the rooms.

A great solution would be to equip the kitchen in the back of the house. Among contemporary designers studio apartments, which are common in the West, where the kitchen is located in the central part of the house, are gaining more and more popularity.

Such a layout provides for the combination of the dining room with the living room and even the hallway, which in turn is unacceptable according to the generally accepted rules of Feng Shui. The followers of this doctrine argue that such an arrangement can lead to frequent family conflicts and quarrels. If you still purchased a studio apartment, then level Negative influence planning will help zoning space.

For these purposes, you can use decorative partitions, filament curtains, screens, as well as various design solutions for individual functional areas. So that the smells of food do not bother you during your vacation, take care of good ventilation and install a powerful hood.

Food is considered a symbol material well-being, which most people are trying not only to preserve, but also to increase. That is why experts do not recommend equipping the kitchen near front door. Indeed, in this case, you seem to leave your wealth on the threshold, from where it can easily slip away.

It is believed that guests who come to a house where the kitchen is located at the front of the house intend to leave immediately after a hearty meal. Another reason why such an arrangement is considered unacceptable is the flow of various energies coming from external environment through the front door. The kitchen becomes defenseless and vulnerable, which can negatively affect the residents of the apartment. Agree, when entering an apartment, we often leave on the threshold the fatigue that has accumulated during the day, and irritation, and various negative thoughts.

Also, the door can be associated with unexpected guests, beggars and intrusive neighbors. The kitchen is a special place in the house, so it is highly undesirable to let negative energy into it. In addition, when the kitchen is located in close proximity to the front door, the owners may develop ailments associated with the digestive system. The fear of losing accumulated funds greatly affects the overall energy of the house. It can cause regular overeating, which in turn has a bad effect on the figure, health and performance of a person.

Of course, redevelopment requires a lot of money, so if you can't do it, protect the kitchen with a strong door, extravagant beaded curtains, or place it at the entrance. exotic plant that will take all the attention.

The bathroom is an undesirable neighbor for the kitchen, since Water has a very strong energy, which simply will not allow wealth to linger in your home for a long time. Perhaps the reason that money is constantly flowing out of the house, like water, lies precisely in the wrong layout.

Perhaps the only room that can make a harmonious company in the kitchen is the dining room. If the layout of your apartment is wrong in terms of feng shui, for example, the kitchen is oriented to the north - do not be discouraged. You can correct the influence of adverse factors with the help of special crystals and wind music.

Flowers for the kitchen according to Feng Shui

Many people love to decorate their homes beautiful flowers. It's not strange, because flowering plants delight family members with their excellent views and give spring mood. So, how to choose flowers for the kitchen according to the rules of Feng Shui? Depending on the released energy, plants with male (Yang) and female (Yin) energy are distinguished. The former include flowers such as dracaena, lemon or asparagus, while the latter include violet, petunia and cyclamen.

On a note! To achieve harmony, the home is decorated both with representatives of the flora with male energy and with female energy.

But even here it will not do without nuances. The fact is that Yang plants are categorically not recommended to be placed in the kitchen. It is better to decorate with them those rooms in which a male presence should be felt, for example, in the bedroom.

In exceptional cases, such flowers can be placed in the dining room, the windows of which face south. Flowers with Yin energy, on the contrary, will perfectly fit into the interior. Moreover, kitchens located in the north or northeast must be decorated with flowers without fail.

This will help bring happiness and prosperity to the family. On the following photos you can see a Feng Shui decorated kitchen, complemented by different colors and floral arrangements.

feng shui aquarium in the kitchen

Many people like to watch exotic fish while cooking and want to place an aquarium in the kitchen. But in this matter, it is also necessary to take into account some recommendations and warnings. Followers of Taoist practice do not recommend putting an aquarium in the kitchen for women who are pregnant. It is believed that he is able to weaken the health of the baby. As noted earlier, the element of Fire dominates the kitchen, so by adding a water talisman to the room, you can disrupt the positive energy created earlier. The kitchen, equipped according to the rules of Feng Shui, is shown in the photo.

On a note! If you want to add some decorative elements to the room, then hang a beautiful clock in the kitchen.

They will contribute to the speedy implementation of the tasks set and the achievement of goals.

The use of Taoist practice in interior design will bring harmony and well-being to your home. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules and recommendations of experts. We invite you to view the photo beautiful designs feng shui kitchens to choose some interesting ideas for yourself.

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Feng Shui is, on the one hand, the ancient science of harmony with the outside world, and on the other hand, the art of introducing it into everyday life person. Questions of the harmony of space and its influence on the mood of a person, his life are questions relating to the interaction of a person and color solutions, design and shapes of objects. Simply put, the art of Feng Shui is a way to give harmony to any object surrounding a person by placing it in the right place.

The status of calm and harmony

In order to apply this art to the kitchen space, create harmony using already existing furniture and kitchen utensils and household appliances, you must follow the laws dictated by feng shui cuisine.

According to the followers of ancient art, the kitchen is the center of the well-being of an apartment, house, the general atmosphere, not only in the premises, but also in the souls of the inhabitants. According to the doctrine, the more comfortable and warmer the interior and kitchen design will be, the better the condition of all family members will be and the happier their life will be. So, equipping the kitchen, you must definitely remember that the health and well-being of the whole family depends on this event.

Layout Features

In no case should you arrange the entrance to the kitchen opposite the front doors, otherwise, all the negative energy strangers, which enters the kitchen from the outside, will upset the balance of comfort and prosperity that has already been established in the room. Also, it is not recommended to arrange an entrance near the front doors, as the Feng Shui kitchen renovation explains, all material wealth can easily slip through these doors. Yes, but modern layouts apartments very often sin just with these shortcomings. What to do in this case, and is it possible to somehow avoid such troubles with the already existing wrong location doors and entrances.

It turns out that it is possible, experts in Feng Shui recommend diverting attention from the entrance to the kitchen bright accent, which is facilitated by a bright picture, any bright object that can be hung at the kitchen entrance. No less effective are crystals or "wind music", which, following the rules of Feng Shui, can be hung over the door or open entrance to the kitchen.

Various drops and protrusions in the kitchen area do not contribute to the rules. It is impossible to divide kitchens into zones with their help, that is, the installation of steps and podiums, artificial beams in the ceilings, also negatively affect the atmosphere of the house, it is especially not recommended to do this to separate the kitchen from the dining room - the common floor must be smooth, even and located in one level.

The art of Feng Shui does not recommend arranging an interior in the kitchen that is contrary to the elements of Fire and Water. According to experts, correct device should be based on the standard idea of ​​a triangle whose vertices are the fridge, sink and stove. In this case, these different elements will coexist harmoniously in the kitchen and not oppose each other.

Therefore, Fire, that is, a stove, microwave oven, toaster, should not stand next to the elements of Water - a dishwasher, freezer, refrigerator, washing machine or sink. Otherwise, constant quarrels and scandals will begin in the family.

However, if the existing layout and interior do not allow these conditions to be met, then you can separate the interior elements with wooden furnishings or a houseplant, tiles on the wall in greenish tones or an ornament made in green-brown tones. According to Feng Shui, a tree is considered an intermediary between the elements of Fire and Water.

Design and colors

According to the rules, the color of the feng shui kitchen should also match the special atmosphere. So, in interiors it is necessary to avoid such color combinations, which are symbols of opposite elements, for example, in the southern part of Fire there should not be black objects, since it is associated with water, which can cause a contradiction and create a negative energy atmosphere. In the southeastern and eastern parts of the kitchen, it is necessary to avoid the use of objects of such colors that are associated with the element of Metal, as this suppresses and neutralizes the element of Wood.

In addition, experts in the art of feng shui advise avoiding objects and furniture in the kitchen that are very bright and rich colors, especially, bright colors red and blue flowers. Also, in the kitchen, you do not need to put furniture, decorate the walls with tiles of gloomy and disturbing shades, such as rich purple, dark gray, dirty brown, etc. It is best to use light pastel shades green, yellow, orange-brown or pure orange and white flowers. Any other colors can be used as accents and decorative trim.

Following the rules of Feng Shui, in the kitchen, and in other rooms of the apartment, you do not need to keep large and bulky things and arrange similar interior elements above your head. It is always fraught with subconscious and strong feeling anxiety and psychological discomfort. Arranging the design of the kitchen according to Feng Shui, it is necessary to provide in advance storage space for heavy and large kitchen utensils. If this is not possible, then they should be stored as far as possible from the place where they cook or sit at the table.

It is not recommended to finish the kitchen mirror tiles or even include elements with reflective effects in the decor. It is believed that if they break any reflection into fragments, they can “break” family life as well, this is an element of contention.

Also do not recommend protruding corners in the kitchen, open shelves and sharp objects - according to the rules of Feng Shui, they create and attract negative energy Sha. In the design of the kitchen, it is necessary to abandon furniture with sharp corners and any similar structural elements. If the interior of the kitchen has open shelves, then only round containers and objects can be stored on them. Cutting and piercing objects - knives, scissors and forks, following the rules of Feng Shui, must be stored in closed boxes.

Main Rules

The main enemies of the home atmosphere of warmth and comfort, prosperity and peace in the family are garbage, clutter and old unnecessary things that litter and overload the space. All this litters the life of the apartment owners. So, starting to equip the kitchen according to Feng Shui, you need to bring perfect order in kitchen furniture- shelves and cupboards. All unnecessary items must be removed from all horizontal surfaces including countertops. broken dishes, hidden broken devices and devices must be mercilessly thrown away. If the kitchen has faucets with leaky gaskets, in connection with which, taps are leaking - they need to be replaced - financial well-being flows out of the apartment along with water.

A photo

Options for what a Feng Shui kitchen should be:

According to the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, the kitchen is a symbol of wealth, abundance and health. This is a truly unique place in every home, because it is here that all family members gather for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and hostesses often spend most of their free time from their main work.

Feng Shui is a very complex doctrine, and recommendations for home improvement are given by specialists to an individual home. But, nevertheless, there are basic rules for designing and arranging Feng Shui furniture in the kitchen, with the help of which you can bring harmony, prosperity and mutual understanding into your home. Today we will share the main ones.

feng shui kitchen layout

The location of the rooms depends on us only if we ourselves planned the construction of the house. But this, of course, is not always the case.

According to the Feng Shui methodology, the kitchen door should not be located directly opposite the front doors - it is believed that because of this, wealth will constantly slowly flow out of the house, and such an arrangement will encourage the household itself to constantly snack, and this, of course, cannot have a positive impact on health. But if kitchen doors located opposite the entrance, do not worry.

You can reduce the flow of negative energy in the following way:

  • always keep doors closed;
  • if there are no doors and it is not possible to put them, hang them in their place light curtain, beaded or tape curtains;
  • if possible, place in the hallway some decorative element- for example, a small sculpture, a tree in a pot, a picture - so that the gaze is directed at it when entering a house or apartment.

Favorable feng shui cuisine is not facilitated by all sorts of protrusions on the floor and height differences.

Make sure that there are no steps or pipes at the entrance. Also, experts in ancient Chinese art do not advise dividing the room into zones using podiums, steps, different in level and color. floor coverings, ceiling arches and beams.

However, the location of the kitchen according to Feng Shui does not matter if you use it exclusively for cooking and washing dishes, and eat in the hall or dining room.

Household appliances and furniture

It is very important that all sharp corners of furniture and technical devices in no case did they “look” at the people sitting at the dinner table.

And the table itself, in turn, should be round or oval - it is believed that sharp corners cause aggression and bring negativity into our lives. For the same reason, you should not leave sharp and cutting objects on the table - knives, forks, corkscrews, etc. Also, none of the family members is recommended to sit with their backs to the door, otherwise you can get under the "draught" of Qi energy.

If it is impossible to avoid this, wind music should be hung by the window - this will prevent the leakage of Qi energy.

Under no circumstances should a mirror be hung. Also banned are all reflective surfaces on furniture and household appliances. According to Feng Shui theory, a mirror in the kitchen breaks the reflection of a person, which means it can break the well-being and harmony in the house. The dishwasher and refrigerator belong to the element of Water. Therefore, they should be located in the northern part of the room so that Water can give them its support.

And in the western or northwestern part, they can be supported by the element of Metal, so if your sink is made of metal, it is better to place it in these parts. A coffee maker, microwave, dishwasher, stove, toaster belong to the elements of Fire, and therefore they should not be placed near objects of the elements of Water - sinks and refrigerators.

Cooking is best on a regular oven, not a microwave. It would be best to abandon it altogether. The fact is that the microwave oven is a serious distributor electromagnetic field, which negatively affects not only the body, but also the soul of a person. For the same reason, use gas stove preferable to electric.

Interior Design

The color of the kitchen according to Feng Shui can be light and cold shades: blue, light yellow, green,
light beige, light brown, white. But to decorate the kitchen in red and orange colors Not recommended. If you prefer bright colors, they should be balanced with calm colors of wall elements and decor.

The Feng Shui kitchen should not be lit with fluorescent lights. Not only does such light negatively affect nervous system and eyes, but also can contribute to an increase in arterial and intracranial pressure and the appearance of headaches.

If you have fluorescent light in your home, dilute it with at least one daylight bulb. It is desirable that in the morning and daytime the room be filled with natural light. That is why it is worth giving up massive curtains, blinds and curtains that prevent penetration sunlight. Windows should always be clean and well washed in order to penetrate Sun rays. As for artificial lighting, it is desirable that it be bright and varied.

Above the dining table is to hang the main lamp, but it should not be too voluminous and massive.

For a Feng Shui kitchen, it is very important to find right place for the dining table. It must not be allowed to be located in the so-called voltage line - between the window and the doors. It is also unacceptable to put the dining table in a corner or move it against the wall - this can cause trouble at work and the occurrence of various traumatic situations.

As for the decor, it can be noted that the elements of Water and Wood predominate in the kitchen and dining room, and that is why they should contain green decorations and paintings. But at the same time, it is very important that they have elements of red tones. Red color, as you know, supports the element of Fire, stimulates the appetite and is a symbol of the hearth.

Those who care about their figure and want to lose weight, according to the theory of Feng Shui, should not hang pictures, frescoes, calendars depicting any food in the kitchen. It is better to replace them with images of landscapes, waterfalls, flowers, etc. You can also put magazines, newspapers, brochures on the table - this will help to associate the situation not only with food, but also with the center of knowledge and communication.

However, you should not read while eating - this negatively affects both digestion and our vision. If you are a plant lover, remember that according to Feng Shui theory, you should choose different flowers for the kitchen, and only then can they complement each other energetically.

However, not all houseplants can be suitable for the design of the room, since, according to their energy type, they may not have the same influence on us as we would like. So, for example, it is not recommended to put palm trees, succulents, cacti and similar plants, since their energy negatively affects human health. On the kitchen window it is desirable to place a flower such as chlorophytum, since it is able to create female Yin energy in the room, reduce the concentration of harmful microorganisms in the air, and also turn a negative atmosphere into a positive one.

Begonia is considered a good option, since this plant is a symbol of well-being and, moreover, is able to remove harmful fumes and carcinogens from the room. And red, pink and white geranium it is distinguished by its ability to absorb negative energy - it is enough for a person to be near this plant for a couple of minutes in order to get rid of fatigue and tension.

As you can see, the rules of Feng Shui are very simple. In order to bring harmony, prosperity and prosperity into your life, you must not only adhere to them, but also believe that everything will turn out well in your life.

The kitchen is one of the most important places in any home, especially for the hostess. It is understandable, because the mood and, accordingly, the quality of work of the one who prepares dinner largely depend on the level of comfort in the kitchen. One of the issues that deserves the most attention is correct layout kitchen space. What types of planning are there, and which option should be preferred?

Kitchen layout options in the house

Any kitchen layout is based on three main elements: refrigerator, sink and hob. This basic triangle is a guarantee of minimal time and effort for cooking. The comfort and productivity of work in the kitchen depends on the distance between these elements - the smaller it is, the greater the convenience. Most optimal distance from the sink to the stove is about 1200-1800 mm, to the refrigerator - 2100 mm.

In this video you can see an example of planning and arranging furniture in the kitchen of a private house

U-shaped layout

U-shaped placement of furniture and household appliances it will only be advisable if the width of the kitchen is at least 3 meters. Many women prefer these types of layouts, in which the sink is located next to the window (which allows you to admire the view from the window while washing dishes). If you also like this option, remember that its implementation is only possible if you have wide window sill(to spray dirty water did not hit the glass). In addition, you will need to install a special faucet that can be laid on its side, thereby opening the window when necessary.

An example of a U-shaped kitchen layout in a private country house

In the event that the kitchen area is small, the options for implementing this type of layout should be selected most carefully. In a small kitchen U-shaped layout next to the window you can get quite decent dining place, which will, however, have minor drawbacks. This option is best suited for a couple of two people.

If you need a full-fledged dining place, then it is better to equip it in the living room, and in kitchen area organize only small area for snacks. The width of the tabletop on this side will allow you to get an extra few centimeters, suitable for drawers and easy movement.

corner layout

Corner placement of furniture and household appliances is standard for many Russian apartments, but can also be suitable for a small private house up to 100 square meters. m, in which the kitchen will occupy a small space. By organizing a small distance between the stove, sink and refrigerator, you can get an almost perfect space.

Small layout corner kitchen

linear layout

Linear furniture placement is great for when family members prefer to eat out. This layout does not take up extra space, but at the same time it has everything you need to prepare a quick breakfast. If you choose to add multiple boxes, you can get full kitchen in which any hostess will be comfortable. At the same time, please note that the furnishing line cannot be stretched too much, otherwise, in the process of cooking, you will have to run from one corner to another.

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Location of rooms in a private house on the cardinal points

Example linear layout cuisine

If in your house high ceilings, then you can improve this layout even more by equipping mezzanine boxes for storing things. A drywall box will allow you to move the ventilation duct to a more convenient place.

Parallel layout

In some cases, due to the special configuration of the living room or the location of the windows, only one kitchen layout is possible. If the doors are located opposite the window, then two opposite walls can be taken away for appliances and furniture. Parallel layout it is especially convenient in those cases when all the necessary things should be at hand - to get them, it is enough to turn 180 degrees.

Parallel layout is especially suitable for custom-shaped kitchens

island layout

island layout kitchen is a very attractive option, but its implementation is possible only with large areas, availability ventilation duct for exhaust, as well as time-consuming wiring of water. If you don't want your kitchen set to be visible to guests, consider using sliding system doors. Thanks to this, you can hide the kitchen while changing the content of the space.

Island kitchen layout in the house


Starting the layout of the kitchen, be sure to take into account all the important areas that need to be arranged in a certain order. For example, a storage area next to the refrigerator, followed by a storage area for dishes next to the sink. The kitchen utensils that you use most often should be placed at the level of your belt or outstretched arm so that they are always nearby at the right time. Correct location kitchen set It will save you time and energy by saving you from unnecessary running around.

Interior design of the kitchen-living room

If you have given preference to the kitchen-living room, then first of all you need to carefully consider its design. Combining two rooms is a rather risky business, the implementation of which requires foreseeing all, it would seem, even the most insignificant details. The successful arrangement of furniture and the selected color scheme will turn this room into a magnificent living room, which will be comfortable for both home and guests.

The first thing that implies is to divide the premises into separate zone recreation and cooking area. At the same time, a minimum of space should be allocated for the last zone (for example, a narrow strip a third of the length of the room). Here, in the future, household appliances will be located. It is advisable to choose built-in options that take less space. In addition, it is necessary to provide a separate place for storing small household appliances, which should not be in front of everyone.

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Feng Shui kitchen

Feng shui kitchen

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of cuisine, especially in the life of our man. If we compare the kitchen with the human body, then the kitchen symbolizes the stomach. In Chinese, the words "food" and "money" have the same meaning.

The kitchen is the basis of the abundance and well-being of the family, it is a place of communication and gathering of all household members. People who treat their kitchen with due attention and respect will never be in poverty or get sick. Right organized kitchen generates positive energy for the whole house, is a source of material and moral well-being of the family. Even just decorating the kitchen, you already have a beneficial effect on your prosperity and health. And if you equip the kitchen according to Feng Shui, choosing the right color for the kitchen, this guarantees that the family will get rid of bad luck.

Where is the best place for a kitchen?

The best location for the kitchen according to Feng Shui is the southern part of the house or apartment (the south is the element of Fire, which symbolizes the main subject of the kitchen - the stove). The eastern or southeastern side of the house is also favorable (element - Wood).

The most unfavorable option is if the kitchen is located in the north (Water element). According to Feng Shui, if the kitchen is in the northern sector, it will make it less frequented and even slow down digestion. In the northern kitchen, you should especially monitor the health of the plumbing: there should not be leaking taps.

What should be the kitchen according to Feng Shui

General location

kitchen area

In the kitchen, it is especially important to have free space for good circulation of positive Qi energy.

The kitchen should not be located in the center of the apartment, because then the smells of food from the kitchen will spread throughout the apartment and attract negative Sha energy, quarrels and scandals will appear in the family.

Also, the kitchen doors should not be visible from the entrance, otherwise you will feed the guests all the time, who will go to your house in orderly endless rows.

Free space in the kitchen and free access to all items necessary for work are very important. Also in the kitchen there should always be a good inflow fresh air, so the hood in the kitchen is attached special meaning: as a rule, it is placed above the stove. In general, the more often you ventilate the kitchen, the better for your home.

The shape of the kitchen should be square or rectangular. If your kitchen is rounded on one side, or has sharp corners, or is L-shaped, dead zones form on it, in which negative energy accumulates, bringing illness or even death.

The kitchen must be isolated from the living rooms. If you are building a house, place the kitchen at the back of the house. It is best when there is a dining room next to the kitchen. If the kitchen is part of the dining room, they should be separated at least visually.

It is unfavorable when the kitchen is near or opposite the front door to the apartment: the wealth that the food symbolizes will easily leave, and you will start to get sick. If the kitchen is next to the entrance, all possible negativity comes from the entrance directly into the kitchen.

It is also impossible to locate the kitchen next to the bathroom or toilet, as is often the case in our modern apartments. The water of the bathroom will “wash” all the well-being from the kitchen.

What can you do if you can not change the location of the kitchen:

It is very important that piercing and sharp objects (knives, forks, etc.) are stored in special closed places and do not lie on the table. Their sharp corners generate bad energy and lead to quarrels and illnesses in the family. Sha also appears in sharp corners, in poorly lit and hard-to-reach places. Therefore, the lighting in the kitchen should always be bright, and objects and furniture should be arranged so that there is no curved space and it is easy for you to move around. Kitchen lighting should always be very good, especially in the area of ​​​​the work surface - this is both good Feng Shui and very convenient for the cook.

Interestingly, in Slavic practice, healers say about the same thing about knives and forks: devilry can use sharp objects lying in plain sight to provoke discord in the family.

The main kitchen elements: stove, sink and refrigerator should ideally be located in the corners of an imaginary triangle, at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. The separating elements between the stove and the sink should be wooden or green, symbolizing the tree. It can be plants, their images or just green color. If this is not possible, then separate the sink and stove at least wooden countertop or board. If this is not done, then the elements of Fire and Water will come into opposition and harm you.


The stove is the queen of the kitchen, its heart and most important item. Therefore, it should not be located in the corner. The stove can also not be placed near the window: along with the fumes from the stove, all your well-being will go there.

The stove must always be kept in perfect cleanliness like the rest of the kitchen in general. If trouble has settled in your house, first of all go to the kitchen and wash the stove clean, and you will almost immediately feel favorable changes.

Its ideal place is on the south side of the kitchen, in the element of Fire. The direction of the plate to the central part of the house is considered lucky. If the stove is oriented towards the front entrance, towards the stairs, towards the bedroom, towards the doors to the toilet or bathroom, then this will lead to poverty.

The Chinese believe that the stove should be with an open fire or at least gas. It is worse if it is an electric stove, but the microwave is considered the most unacceptable option.

Your well-being also directly depends on the number of burners on the stove: the more, the better. If you use one or two, then periodically you need to turn on all the burners. If you hang a mirror over the stove, then you kind of double the number of burners.


Feng Shui masters believe that the sink is best placed from of stainless steel, since the element of Metal destroys harmful energy structures and helps water wash them away. The sink, as a representative of the element of Water, should stand separately from the stove, which symbolizes Fire.


The refrigerator, like the sink, belongs to the sign of Water. It is undesirable to locate it in the south: food will quickly deteriorate. It is best to place it in the southeast or southwest: this will improve your financial situation.

feng shui kitchen color

kitchen color

The color of the kitchen according to Feng Shui should be green, yellow, brown, orange and white. The elements of Fire and Water are most represented in the kitchen, so some predominant color in the interior is undesirable: red, blue and black, otherwise the balance of Feng Shui energies will be disturbed.

White color is a good mediator between fire and water, it goes well with metal objects, of which there are many in the kitchen. When choosing shades, try to avoid combining a color with the opposite element. Black or blue color should not fall into the southern zone of Fire, the colors of Metal (white, silver, yellow) should not fall into the eastern and southeastern part (Wood). It is very good to use green color in the design of the kitchen.

electrical appliances

Electrical appliances in the kitchen are good for stimulating the areas in which they work. Therefore, you can consciously activate the desired sectors by placing small gadgets.

Cook in the kitchen

The chef is given special importance: it is main man on the kitchen. He should be comfortable and comfortable, because the quality of food depends on his mood. A door should not be allowed behind the person preparing food: a person may be frightened of the one who enters. If you cannot change the location of the stove and work surface, hang a mirror over the stove so that the chef can see who comes in.

How to improve feng shui cuisine

  1. Remove unnecessary things in which Qi energy stagnates.
  2. All utensils must be in cabinets; Broken, cracked or chipped dishes should be thrown away immediately.
  3. Throw away spoiled food immediately.
  4. Arrange as much as possible wooden elements, maybe green. wooden utensils, containers and even floors enhance the elements of Water and Fire.
  5. Place fresh fruit in a vase or flowers in the kitchen.
  6. Hang an old family photo on the walls - this is how you "invite" your ancestors, your good guardian angels to the table, thank them and God for your well-being.
  7. Food should be prepared with pleasure, by a healthy person and in good mood. The bad energy of pain, irritation and fatigue will poison the food.
  8. You need to eat without haste and fuss, with a sense of gratitude. Don't eat stress. Before eating, take a deep breath, chew food thoroughly - then the Chi energy will help digestion.
  9. In the kitchen you can not quarrel and sort things out.
  10. Be careful with mirrors: if eaters are reflected in it, then you will constantly cook and feed, and the kitchen will become a walk-through courtyard.

If you listen to Feng Shui advice and arrange your kitchen according to them, your kitchen will become a desirable place for family lunches, dinners and just friendly conversations.