The location of the septic tank in the suburban area. The most detailed and understandable instruction is the installation of a septic tank in the country. Tree care

The problem of hygiene and comfort always faces a person who decides to move to permanent place residence in private sector, where there are often problems with habitual residents " stone jungle» shower, toilet. Indeed, in such cases, it is often not possible to connect your housing to centralized communication systems, including the drainage system. Wastewater. And that is why, before building the house itself, most of the owners land plots planning and furnishing. How to do it, what is needed for this and how difficult is it?

Septic - what is it

Table. The main types of septic tanks.


This septic tank has a bottom and periodically needs to be pumped out. It is similar in design to a cesspool - in other words, it is an ordinary container for the accumulation of wastewater. A design that forces you to regularly spend money on cleaning with the help of vacuum trucks.

Water that has been treated in such devices needs additional purification. The most efficient, but also the most expensive septic tank.

This septic tank is equipped with several settling chambers, in which the water is partially purified, and then enters the well, which filters it, from which it passes already purified into the environment. It rarely needs cleaning.

Cesspool or septic tank - which is better?

For decades and even centuries, people for arranging sewer system(if you can call it that) built near their dwellings and on household plots conventional cesspools.

These holes have the following disadvantages:

  • fragility of use;
  • ordinary cesspool unable to deal with large volumes drains, which have increased significantly over the past decades, because in private houses there were bathrooms, washing and dishwashers, swimming pools;
  • complexity of maintenance - too large volumes of wastewater will require pumping out waste several times a week, which can hit your pocket hard;
  • there is a high risk of runoff entering groundwater and polluting environment- Cesspools often do not have a sealed bottom and walls at all:
  • bad smell hovering next to the pit;
  • problems with neighbors and sanitary inspection services.

All of the above disadvantages of a cesspool are absent from any properly equipped septic tank. It is more efficient, durable, economical, less likely to need cleaning and processing, and there is a special one for this. Although outwardly very similar to an ordinary cesspool, the filtration system in it is much more complicated. Rather, in the cesspool, it can be said to be completely absent.

However, the arrangement of a septic tank must also be carried out in accordance with certain sanitary standards - you cannot equip it anywhere and in any way. A septic tank can now be purchased at a specialized store or ordered to be built by craftsmen. But it is much cheaper to equip it with your own hands. Before you start building a septic tank, you will need to create its scheme, determine the size and location.

Every suburban or country house must have its own sewer, but connection to the city sewer network, unfortunately, is not always possible. There is only one option left - the use of an autonomous sewer system with a septic tank, that is, with a special cleaning system. local facility, which is necessary for the collection and further treatment of wastewater.

But installing a septic tank is not so easy, and the point is not even the complexity of installation, but the choice of location. The fact is that the installation of septic tanks requires special requirements, because some of them even form dangerous substances such as sulfuric gas or even methane. Almost all modern requirements to such treatment facilities are set out in the Federal Law under number 52 - "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population." Also, the rules related to the choice of a place for installing a septic tank are in SanPiN 42-128-4690-88, as well as in SNiP 30-02-97. If you fully follow the instructions described there, then the septic tank will be accurately installed correctly. If the laws are violated, then administrative responsibility will surely follow, and you should not forget that the comfort of living on the territory will also be violated.

Septic tank and requirements for its installation

Let's summarize the information contained in these documents and compile a list of all the rules regarding the installation of a septic tank.

  • From your country house or cottage, the septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 5 meters. This rule is aimed at preventing errors when installing septic tanks. If you install a septic tank under the windows, then it will be almost impossible to open them, as there will be a sharp and unpleasant smell. But you also need to know the measure, because with a remote location of the septic tank, there may also be problems associated with cleaning and installing sewer pipes.
  • From the fence connecting your site with the neighboring one, the septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 2 meters. Situations when the smell from your septic tank reaches the neighbors happen, they definitely won’t like it, and you will be brought to administrative responsibility, as mentioned earlier, but troubles can be easily avoided if you follow the rules.
  • From the foundations of outbuildings (for example, sheds), the septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 1 meter. This rule was introduced only because of possible unforeseen situations associated with the breakdown of a poor-quality septic tank.
  • From the water pipe, the septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 10 meters. Such a huge restriction is introduced in order to accurately prevent the possible ingress of sewage into the water pipe. This can happen in the event of a violation of the sealing of pipes.
  • From trees or shrubs, the septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 4 meters. This restriction was introduced to protect the environment from excessive moisture.
  • From an open reservoir, the septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 30 meters. This restriction is also aimed at protecting the environment, or rather, water bodies from the possible ingress of sewage and pollutants in case of any unforeseen situations.
  • From sources of drinking water (for example, from a well), the septic tank should be located at a distance of more than 50 meters. This restriction was introduced for a reason that is clear to everyone, but it can be avoided if the land on your site has low water permeability. But the chance that, for example, dense clays will lie on the site is extremely small, so you should focus on 50 meters.

Summing up

In addition to the obvious rules, it is also necessary to think about convenience. For example, we recommend measuring the direction of the wind, which is most common in summer. This is necessary in order not to accidentally install a septic tank on the windy side. Also consider access to a septic tank. The fact is that he will need constant maintenance, special cars will have to pass to him.

Even at the design stage of a private house, you need to take into account the availability of future amenities. The water that will be used must go somewhere, and waste should not poison the environment, so the location of the septic tank on the site must be provided in advance. This question is also relevant for those whose house has already been built, because it is not always possible to connect your home to the central sewer.

The priority requirement for storage septic tank is its tightness. In addition, there are a number of rules officially established by the relevant authorities and they must be observed.

Note! Under no circumstances should sewage be mixed with drinking water! This threatens with serious diseases.

Place a septic tank on your territory, if its area allows, it is better with back side houses without windows. The fact is that the septic tank must have a ventilation pipethrough which gas escapes - the result of decay. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient distance from the neighbors. It must be at least 2 m before their fence.

Considering that such a septic tank is emptied more often than others, it is necessary to provide for the access of heavy vehicles to it. The sewage equipment should freely get close to the septic tank, especially for residential facilities. If the area is very large, you should not install a septic tank in the farthest corner.

Before the device of the structure, which will clean the drains, the place of its "deployment" must be chosen more carefully.

If this is artificial filtration in a sealed container, the place where the water will be discharged for discharge must be determined in accordance with the regulations. This may be a well or a ditch if the drains are sufficiently cleared.

If the septic tank with natural filtration will be built from concrete rings or other heavy material independently, it must fully meet the requirements of SNIP ( building codes and rules). When choosing a site for digging a pit, it is also better to take into account the opinion of neighbors in order to avoid spoiled relations.

Linking septic tanks to distances

When choosing an installation site for almost any type of septic tank, certain distances must be observed:

  • From the foundation The septic tank must be at least 5 m away from the building, otherwise there is a possibility that the building will be washed away with water. The consequences of this can be devastating, and if the house has basement, it will constantly "suffer" from moisture.
  • Well or well with drinking water must be protected from the septic tank by a distance of at least 30 m, this is provided that the soil allows the treated drains to freely go deep into the ground. Depending on this, the distance can be increased.
  • From the fence, bordering on the neighboring territory, the septic tank is installed at 2 m.
  • Plantations, especially trees, it is better to "leave away" from the septic tank, but this does not apply to small bushes and flowers. Unlike trees, their roots will not rot from a large number moisture, because they are in the upper part of the soil and vice versa, they will mask the nondescript look of the hatch. The distance from the septic tank to the trees varies from 3 m or more.
  • If the plot bordering the river or flows through Creek, the distance from the septic tank to them must be at least 10 m. household chemicals. If it enters the reservoir, it will harm its inhabitants.
  • If the territory passes water pipes, the septic tank should be located 10 m from it. Damage to these lines is not uncommon, resulting in the risk of harmful bacteria entering the water.

Binding septic tanks to the relief

Entire cities and towns are often located on hilly terrain. What can I say if it is, for example, a suburban area. Difficulties arise when choosing a place for your septic tank on a “clumsy” surface for many, but here you need to build on three main indicators:

  1. The septic tank must be located so that the equipment can "get" it. If this does not happen, then all the contents of your container will have to be taken out and put somewhere manually. Despite the high-quality liquid absorption by the soil and the multi-level sewage treatment, someday the tanks will clog, and it will be time to free them from heavy rainfall.
  2. The septic tank must be located on some hill above the lowlands of the site. Only in this case, he will "work" only with what he should, and not with rainwater and melted snow. In other words, the septic tank will not flood.
  3. If the site has water well with drinking water and it is located on a hillside, the septic tank is installed below it, in the direction of the slope. So any muck from the sewer does not get into drinking water.

If you take into account all the requirements and norms, correctly positioning the septic tank on the site, there will be no problems with its operation.


This video shows how to position a septic tank on small area:

Septic tanks, especially those that use mechanical way settling, pose a danger to the environment. Therefore, unauthorized and uncontrolled installation treatment facilities prohibited. And if you decide to arrange a sewer in your house, and you want to use a septic tank as a treatment plant, it doesn’t matter if it’s a factory-made device or one made by yourself, the first thing to do is to draw up a project, approve it in the SES and get permission to install it.

But in order to be guaranteed approval, the project must comply with all standards, both construction and sanitary. The main point in the design is the installation site of the septic tank on the site.

The location of the septic tank on the site

When planning a place for installing a cleaning device, you need to follow the rules, this is the only way you can be sure that there will be no problems in the future. After all, even having received permission from the relevant authorities, you cannot do as you like, it is possible that in the future the work carried out will be checked for compliance with the project.

Video: Sanitary standards for the construction of wells and septic tanks


When installing a septic tank, you will have to adhere to the rules and regulations that are regulated by the following documents:

  1. The fundamental document, which must be guided in the first place -, it regulates the construction process outdoor network sewerage and facilities;
  2. If a well or a well is used as a water supply, the requirements prescribed in - external networks and water supply and sewerage facilities and - internal water supply and sewerage of buildings are additionally taken into account;
  3. – describes the requirements for security measures aimed at maintaining cleanliness surface water;
  4. - regulates the rules for the creation sanitary protection zones near environmentally hazardous objects.

Distance to a well

The most stringent requirements are prescribed for placing a septic tank near water intake points. After all, it is no secret that the ingress of sewage into groundwater can lead to contamination of a large number of sources and cause poisoning in people.

And even taking into account the fact that today most factory installations are sealed and made from heavy-duty materials, no one is safe from an accident. That is why the distance from the septic tank to the source of drinking water (well, well, etc.) should be as large as possible.

A properly located septic tank should be located at a distance of 20 meters or more from a well or well. In addition, the water intake point must be located above it in the direction of the flow. ground water. However, if the site is dominated by such a type of soil as: sandy, sandy or loamy, then the minimum allowable distance increases to 50 meters.

Distance to water supply

AT normative documents the rules are also written for the location of the septic tank near the pipes of the centralized water supply. It says that the sump should be no closer than 10 meters from the water supply. This will protect the water supply from contamination in the event of an accident.

Distance to home

According to the rules, the distance from the house to the treatment plant should be at least 5 meters. This requirement must first of all be observed for wastewater treatment systems (infiltrators, drainage ditches, filter fields, etc.). Local treatment plants, such as for example, can be installed closer.

It is also not desirable to locate settling tanks more than 5 meters, since the longer the length of the pipeline, the higher the risk of its depressurization. Therefore, the installation of septic tanks more than 20 meters from the foundation of the house is not recommended.

Distance to neighboring plot, fence

Of course, you want to place the septic tank aside and away from your home, but you should not ignore the interests of your neighbors. Therefore, when drawing up a project, the following rules should be considered:

  1. from the fence of the neighboring area to the septic tank must be at least 2 m;
  2. to the road with busy traffic - 5 meters.

Distance to garden

Plants can die from too much moisture. If there is a treatment plant near the garden, then trees and shrubs can get sick and die from excessive moisture. Therefore, the location of the septic tank, and especially the systems of soil post-treatment of wastewater, is not desirable closer than 5 meters from the trees.

Other requirements

When choosing a place for the installation of a septic tank, factors such as:

  • installation is recommended to be done in places with soft soil, this greatly facilitates earthworks;
  • from the foundation of outbuildings to the septic tank must be at least 3 m;
  • SNiP also regulates the regular cleaning of sump chambers, so treatment facilities must have free access for a sewage truck.

If the area is small

Not everyone can boast that they are the owner of the site large area. On a small area of ​​​​a maximum of 6 acres, several beds and a tool shed barely fit. And you still want comfortable conditions with toilet and bath in the house.

However, if it is not possible to comply with all norms and distances, this is not a reason to violate them. Perhaps you should think about another sewage device. You can, for example, make a simple storage tank.

A sealed container is buried in the ground and all drains are poured into it. As it fills up, the water is pumped out by a sewage truck. The disadvantage of this option is: fixed costs for pumping and odor.

Another option for creating a sewer system in a small area is a station biological treatment. They produce full cycle purification, that is, the water is purified by 98% and there is no need to create additional devices for cleaning. The disadvantage is the high price.

Video: What is the distance from the septic tank to the house should be so that the foundation does not subside

What is the main difference between a hut and a cottage? That's right, in availability of sewerage. As for sewerage, there are two possible options for its device. The first is the connection to the city network. The second option is the device autonomous system sewerage using a cesspool or septic tank. The latter will be discussed in this article.

The septic tank is a local element treatment facilities (sealed tank) designed to collect and treat wastewater. It is installed most often in cases where it is not possible to connect to central system sewerage. Therefore, the main buyers of the septic tank are the owners of individual houses and cottages.

A septic tank is one of those types of containers that have special requirements. This is due to the fact that explosive methane and bad-smelling sulfuric gas are formed in it, the smell of which resembles rotten eggs. With most requirements requirements for cesspools and, in particular, septic tanks, can be found in Federal Law No. 52 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 and SNiP 30-02-97 * "Planning and development of horticultural ( dacha) associations of citizens, buildings and structures".

The main thing you need to know when using a septic tank is where you can and where you can’t place a septic tank on the site in accordance with the regulations. Since in case of improper placement, not only the comfort of staying on the territory may be violated, but also administrative responsibility may follow. Therefore, anyone who wants to bury a septic tank closer to their neighbors needs to think twice.

Basic requirements for placing a septic tank on the site

1. Minimum distance septic tank from a residential building or cottage - 5 meters. This limitation is dictated by two requirements. Firstly, if the septic tank is located at a considerable distance from the house, then the cost of laying sewer pipes and cleaning them will increase. Secondly, the cesspool has a specific smell, which, if it is close to the house, greets you with the inability to open the window for ventilation.

2. septic tank and fence, delimiting you and neighbors - 2 meters. This requirement is explained by the fact that neighbors are people too.

3. Minimum indent septic tank from the road - 5 meters. It should also be noted here that this container should be located so that it is convenient to pump out the contents of the special equipment from it.

4 . Minimum distance between septic tank and foundations outbuildings(baths, sheds, etc.) - 1 meter. This is necessary in case of flushing in the event of an undesirable depressurization of the tank or a break in the connection between sewer pipe and a septic.

5. Minimum distance between septic tank and water pipe- 10 meters. This requirement presented in order to exclude the possibility of sewage entering drinking water in the event of a violation of the sealing of the water pipe.

6. Minimum distance between trees (shrubs) and a septic tank - 4 meters. This limitation is a recommendation. Since excessive moisture can kill plants.

7. Minimum indent septic tank from an open reservoir - 30 meters. This distance will avoid unwanted ingress of sewage into rivers and lakes.

8. Minimum distance between septic tank and source of drinking water - 50 meters. Fulfilling this requirement ensures that drinking water, for example, in the well will remain drinking. But this distance can be reduced to 20 meters in case between aquifers and a septic tank lie soils with poor water permeability. Such soils, for example, include dense clays.