Ways to successfully store winter garlic at home. How to prevent storage problems. Storing dry garlic

Garlic is one of those vegetable crops who need special conditions storage. Otherwise, it will begin to germinate and deteriorate. One of the main conditions for its preservation until spring is the correct and timely harvesting. It is time to remove the garlic if the leaves turn yellow at the bottom and begin to dry, and the scales of the head pulled out for testing are dry and thin. If the bulbs began to disintegrate, then you were late with the cleaning. Such garlic is unlikely to "live" until spring.

Garlic ripening time middle lane Russia falls in mid-July - the first decade of August. Harvesting is carried out on a warm, dry day. Each bulb is dug carefully, trying not to damage. The stems are not broken. The dug garlic is laid out under a canopy for 5 days, and then hung in a dry, ventilated place until it dries well. Then the roots and stem are cut off from the garlic at a height of 8-10 cm.

An ideal place to store garlic is a dry, ventilated basement or cellar with a constant temperature of 0 to 5C and an air humidity of 70-80%. Therefore, for owners of private houses with a cellar or basement, it will not be difficult to keep garlic until spring.

But what about the residents of city apartments?

Often housewives try to store garlic on the balcony. Needless to say, it's not the best The best decision. Temperature fluctuations have a bad effect on garlic bulbs. At temperatures below 0, the garlic will simply freeze and, upon subsequent thawing, the heads will rot. When the weather is warm, the garlic begins to sprout. Garlic is no less demanding on air humidity. Optimal Humidity for its safety - 70-80%. If the humidity is less than 70%, the garlic will dry out, and high humidity may cause it to sprout or rot.

So, how to keep garlic until spring?

1. Storage in the kitchen

Garlic is placed in a regular grid and hung on the wall. Previously, the roots of the heads of garlic are cauterized with a candle. This is done so that it does not germinate in heat. You can store garlic in the usual kitchen drawer by putting in a paper bag. But you need to keep in mind that with this method, garlic can be stored for a maximum of up to the end of winter.

2. Storage in a salt box

The bottom of the box is covered with coarse table salt. Garlic is laid on the salt. If the box is shallow, the garlic should be placed in one row. Several layers of garlic can be placed in a deep box, sprinkling each layer with salt. The box is placed in a dark place. Since salt is an excellent preservative and, in addition, retains moisture well, garlic can be stored this way until the summer.

3. Storage in paraffin

Paraffin must be melted in a steam bath and cooled slightly. Each head of garlic is dipped into the resulting liquid paraffin, holding it by the cut stem. The "shell" of paraffin will perfectly protect the garlic heads from external influences. Garlic processed in this way can be stored in open form until spring without fear that it will deteriorate or lose its taste or aroma.

4. Storage in vegetable oil

Boil vegetable oil, add a few drops of iodine to it and treat dry garlic heads with the resulting composition. Dried garlic is placed in boxes, baskets or other containers made from natural raw materials. Film vegetable oil will protect the heads of garlic from drying out and spoilage until spring.

Garlic is one of those vegetables that require special storage. If not create him optimal conditions, it will quickly begin to germinate, and even rot. There are two ways to save garlic until spring - cold and warm. Each hostess can choose for herself best way garlic storage. In addition, fresh heads are preferred for some, while others prefer simple blanks.

Before planting garlic for the winter, you need to preparatory work. By this time, the garlic roots are usually completely dry. They need to be set on fire to the very bottom. You can use both a candle flame and a regular lighter for this.
With a warm method of storage, dry heads of garlic fit tightly into cardboard box and left in a dry room at a temperature of 13-17 degrees in a dark place with a humidity of 70-80%. The disadvantage of this method of storage is that garlic loses some of its meatiness due to slight drying. But at the same time everything beneficial features garlic, pungent taste and specific smell persist until spring.

With a cold storage method, a room is needed in which the temperature is constantly maintained from plus 2 to 3 degrees and the humidity is 70-80%. In a city apartment, one of the departments of the refrigerator is suitable for this, where such temperature regime. Garlic is placed there in cardboard boxes. With cold storage and properly cauterized roots, garlic retains its fleshiness and all its beneficial properties until spring.

An excellent place to store garlic is the cellar. Therefore, in the village or on suburban area where it is, garlic is much easier to keep until spring. In such a cellar, the temperature is usually maintained at 0 plus 2 degrees with a humidity of 70-80 percent. To keep garlic breathing, it is best to store large supplies in wicker baskets or wooden crates.

In urban areas, you can try to store garlic on the balcony in the same way, constantly checking the temperature. At temperatures below 0 degrees, the vegetable will simply freeze. In addition to temperature, humidity must also be monitored. The fact is that this indicator is very important for garlic. At a humidity of less than 70%, it begins to dry intensively, and at a humidity of more than 80%, it begins to rot.

To keep garlic until spring, you can use this method. Burn the garlic roots. Melt several paraffin candles in a saucepan. Let cool. Quickly dip the head of garlic into warm paraffin. Let dry. Put in a cardboard box and place in a cool place. Thin layer paraffin will prevent the garlic from drying out and rotting, even if it is not possible to provide the necessary moisture.

Garlic perfectly retains its taste qualities and complete set useful substances in some forms of preservation. The simplest is the following way to store the finished product. Peel clean garlic, place in glass jar, pour fresh olive or sunflower oil. You need to store the jar in the refrigerator. Garlic is used as needed, and the remaining oil can be used in sauces or salad dressings.

" Garlic

Garlic has long been an essential ingredient in many dishes and folk recipes. To all year round to have fragrant and fresh heads on hand, you need to know how and where to properly store them at home in the winter.

There are several common ways to store this vegetable that will keep it fit for consumption until the next harvest.

As a rule, the following places are chosen for this:

  • underground;
  • balcony;
  • fridge;
  • dry places in the apartment.

It is more convenient for owners of private houses to choose a subfloor, since there may not always be enough space in the refrigerator. Having a dry place in an apartment or house is perfect for placing garlic braids and bunches or hanging a net. A glazed balcony is a great place to "winter" this vegetable in jars and boxes.

Storage in braids

The time-tested method it is a plaited braid of heads dried with a stalk. The finished braid is left in a dark and dry room. For this, a closet or pantry is suitable. Garlic braids take up very little space, but require skill and skill to weave the stems together well.

Storage in bundles

Dried heads with stems are tied into a bundle with a rope and hung in a dry room. The method is practically no different from the previous one, and the beams can also act as interior decoration.

Use of jars and boxes

Many people choose three-liter jars for overwintering vegetables without filling their heads with anything. This allows it not to dry out and germinate. Banks must be placed in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

To keep the garlic in the box, it is necessary to sprinkle its bottom with salt, then lay out some of the heads, sprinkle with salt again and lay out layer by layer in this way. This option allows the vegetable to remain fresh and juicy for a long time.


Storage in bags

For this, bags made of natural materials. R It is recommended to periodically sort out the contents of the bag to remove damaged heads.

In order to reduce the risk of mold and bacteria, you must first soak the garlic in concentrated brine, let it dry, and then place it in a bag.

Storage in the refrigerator in a city apartment

To leave a vegetable for the winter in the refrigerator, it dry well, put into paper bags and put separately from other products.

To prevent spoilage of the product in the refrigerator, it is recommended to sprinkle the contents of the bags with salt or onion peel.

Freezing and canning

You can freeze as whole peeled cloves wrapped in foil or cling film, and finely chopped to reduce the cooking time when using them. This option is suitable for those who use the vegetable in cooking less often, since freezing changes the taste and structure of this product.

For preservation, you can use wine or vinegar. To do this, peeled cloves are placed in a jar and poured with dry wine or white vinegar. tight closed jar placed in the refrigerator. The method allows the garlic not to deteriorate for up to four months.

How to properly prepare crops for storage?

Properly carried out preparation is a guarantee that the product will not deteriorate in winter period in a city apartment.

Preparation for wintering should begin with the harvesting stage. It is important to know that there are two types of garlic that determine the timing of its collection:

  • Winter:
    • collection time: end of July;
    • determination of readiness: the leaves turn yellow, the scales become thinner, the skin of the inflorescences begins to crack;
    • storage temperature: +1-3°;
  • Spring:
    • collection time: first half of August;
    • determination of readiness: the leaves turn very yellow and begin to bend over and lie down on the ground;
    • storage temperature: +16-20°.

Digging must be done carefully, since damaged heads deteriorate much faster than whole ones and are more susceptible to the development of bacteria. For this purpose, a pitchfork or a shovel is used.

Preparing garlic for storage - tying together

After digging the garlic, dry it well. Do it better under open sun. The stems must be cut off, except in cases where weaving braids or bundles is supposed.

After harvesting, you need to get rid of all:

  • damaged heads;
  • rotten or affected by bacteria;
  • empty heads.

Unsuitable garlic can be dried and used as a condiment.

After carrying out all of the above manipulations, you can begin to send the vegetable for the winter.

Storage problems

The most important and practically the only problem that can occur during wintering is damage to the heads. It can happen for several reasons.

First of all, it is a fungal infection. This can be avoided by very careful sorting. Also, the product may be damaged due to wrong conditions storage.

The following signs allow you to determine the corruption:

  • not nice smell reminiscent of overcooked garlic;
  • the presence of rotten lobules or whole heads.

To keep garlic as long as possible suitable for consumption in winter season, it is necessary to strictly observe the algorithm for preparing for wintering and the conditions of the method chosen for this purpose.

Preserving garlic for the winter at home is quite simple. The main thing is to follow all the preparation measures and choose the most suitable method for yourself. Having done everything established recommendations, you can delight yourself with a tasty and juicy vegetable until the new harvest.

It just so happened in Russia that garlic is not only a seasoning, but also a medicine, and there is a special attitude towards it. Of course, it is easier to buy it in a store or on the market. But there is one. Firstly, you are confident in the quality of garlic grown by yourself. Secondly, the price of garlic is not so small. Thirdly, the cultivation of garlic is not so difficult process. And it just so happened that most gardeners successfully grow it themselves. Garlic is one of the most common crops in our household plots. But grown garlic must be stored until the next harvest. How to store garlic -

The ideal option is the cultivation of both spring (spring) garlic and winter garlic. Winter is easily stored without any tricks in a dry, cold room until about the New Year. Spring has a longer shelf life. It is easily stored until spring and beyond. But in our area, most gardeners prefer the cultivation of winter garlic.

It would not be superfluous to recall that garlic is stored longer, which was removed in time, dried in the shade, cut correctly and healthy heads were selected. In our region, they are cut as follows: the roots are removed with a knife, scissors or secateurs, and the stem is cut at a distance of 1.5-3 cm from the head.

Storing winter garlic until spring

When we choose garlic from the ground, I hang it in the country to dry, cut off both the leaves and the roots. Then I take an enameled pan and start laying the garlic in layers. I pour each layer with the usual wheat flour. Last upper layer dust well with flour. I close the pan with a lid and put it on the cabinet in the kitchen, where it is dry. Garlic is stored until spring, as if it had been removed from the garden yesterday. If my experience is useful to someone, I will only be glad. Now for many years I have not had any problems storing garlic.

What other storage options for winter (winter) garlic

There is different ways keep winter garlic, some of them will now be discussed in more detail.

  • In late autumn, the heads need to be packed in polyethylene bags, tied and wrapped in several newspapers to make two or three layers. This bundle needs to be buried on the site. When it will be late fall the place where the garlic is buried should be covered with tomato tops. With this method of storage, garlic can only be used in the spring.
  • The second method that is used to store garlic is to put the garlic in wooden box with holes in the walls, but first you need to pour salt into this box, a small layer. Arrange the garlic cloves in a row and sprinkle with salt. Then again put a row of heads of garlic and again cover with salt, so do to the top of the box. In such a box, garlic will remain juicy and fresh until spring.
  • There is another way to store garlic is to store garlic in oil (sunflower). Garlic cloves must be peeled and poured into three-liter jar, pour it with oil and close the jar with a plastic lid with holes, this is necessary so that the garlic does not “suffocate”. In such a jar of oil, and in the refrigerator, garlic will not deteriorate for a long time and will always be ready for use. And the oil acquires a pleasant smell of garlic, and it can be used for cooking.
  • If you store garlic in the kitchen, at a temperature of eighteen to twenty-five degrees, then it should not be stored in plastic bags, as the garlic "suffocates", rots, rots in them. It is best to store garlic in fabric bags, the fabric should be dense and natural. They should have the same onion peel. It is good to store the garlic in the transplanted dry sawdust or ash.

How to store spring garlic

Spring garlic is stored longer than winter garlic, so for long-term storage it makes sense to keep it.

Store garlic in a dark ventilated area. Temperature - the lower, the better, but not minus. However, spring garlic tolerates short-term slight frosts easily.

I will bring the old folk way garlic storage. So, she keeps garlic and onions very simply: she scatters the heads in a not too thick layer on the mountain (ie, in the attic) of her house. If the temperature drops below -10 degrees, she covers the garlic and onions with old blankets. That's all. So she keeps onions and spring garlic until spring.

Choose the way you like to store garlic.

Good luck!

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