The meaning of gymnosperms. The variety of species of gymnosperms, their role in nature and practical significance How a person uses gymnosperms

The role of gymnosperms in nature. Gymnosperms form coniferous and mixed forests, occupying vast areas. They enrich the air with oxygen, which is why they are often called the "lungs of the planet." Forests regulate the melting of snow, the water level in rivers, absorb noise, weaken the force of winds, and fix the sands. The forest is a habitat for many species of animals that feed on shoots, seeds, cones coniferous plants.

The role of gymnosperms in economic activity person. The wood of gymnosperms is a valuable raw material for the manufacture of furniture, sleepers for railway tracks, bridge supports, power line poles, and fastenings of mine passages. A large amount of wood is still used as fuel. The long fibers of spruce wood give it a special value as a raw material for the manufacture of high-quality papers. However, the intensive use of gymnosperm wood in various industries economy has caused massive deforestation, causing significant harm to our planet. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the renewal of forest plantations.

Pine needles are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C. Its decoction is used to treat and prevent certain diseases. Burning spruce wood, get Activated carbon used to treat a variety of poisoning and cleanse the intestines (for example, mushroom poisoning).

The resin of coniferous plants is widely used in medicine for the treatment of wounds and burns. Fir resin is of particular value, from which a special substance, camphor, is obtained. It improves the activity of the heart muscle, so it is used for heart diseases. Camphor is also part of various painkillers. Resin is used to extract many valuable chemical industry substances (e.g. solvent for oil paints- turpentine). Essential oils (volatiles, which have a strong and usually pleasant smell), obtained from the resin, are used in the manufacture of perfumes, in the confectionery and medical industries.

Pines, junipers and other conifers with a well-developed root system that penetrates the soil to a considerable depth are planted on the slopes of rivers and ravines to strengthen them and prevent erosion. It is estimated that on steep mountain slopes, up to 5 thousand m3 of soil is washed out annually from each hectare, and in dense juniper thickets, the soil is almost never washed away. Forest belts of coniferous plants trap snow in the fields, which improves plant nutrition in spring.

Coniferous plants continuously release into the air a large number of phytoncides (from the Greek phyton and lat. tsedo - I kill) - substances that inhibit the activity of other organisms. This is especially intense in spruce forests. So, according to scientists, 1 m3 of coniferous forest air contains no more than 500 cells of pathogenic bacteria, while urban air contains up to 30–40 thousand. Therefore, sanatoriums and hospitals for people with diseases of the respiratory system are located in coniferous forests.

Siberian pine seeds, popularly called "pine nuts", contain nutritious and tasty butter. It is used for food, like the "pine nuts" themselves.

A wide variety of gymnosperm crown forms is of great aesthetic importance. beauty and grandeur coniferous forests, slender pyramidal cypress trees inspire artists, writers, poets to create art paintings, songs, poems (remember, for example, the works of Taras Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainka, folk songs).

And what a festive mood spruce and pines create for us at the meeting of the New Year! But even for this, it is not worth cutting them in forests or parks. After all, trees growing on the streets, in parks, squares, forests, you and your family will admire not only a few winter days, and for many years. For new year holidays pines and spruces are grown by specialized farms and sold in the trading network.

In cities, conifers and other evergreens feel uncomfortable, as their leaves are polluted with dust and gases for a longer period than deciduous species. Pollution environment especially harmful to pine and spruce plantations. Scotch pine is different hypersensitivity to the effect of radiation. The increased radioactive contamination of the area of ​​the Chernobyl nuclear power plant led to the death of significant tracts of pine forests.

In Ukraine, an evergreen thuja with soft, flat, scale-like leaves is common. It was brought to our country from North America as an ornamental plant. This tree reaches a height of up to 20 m.

In addition to conifers, different parts On the planet, several dozen species of plants belonging to other classes of gymnosperms (cycads, Ginkgoaceae) are distributed. They have wide leaf blades, there are differences from conifers and in the structure of the stem, cones.

Cycads grow in the tropics and subtropics - tree plants from 1 to 20 m tall. Outwardly, they resemble palm trees: at the top of the trunk there is a rosette of complex pinnate leaves.

Ginkgo biloba is a tall (up to 30 m) deciduous tree common in Japan, Korea, China and some other countries of the East. Its petiolate leaves are bilobed. leaf blade(hence the name of the species). Ginkgo is used for greening cities. The inhabitants of the countries of the East have long been using fried ginkgo seeds for food. AT traditional medicine use a decoction of its leaves for diseases of the vessels of the brain.

In the long-lived pine - a long-living plant of our planet (individuals are known at the age of about 4,900 years) - each needle lives for almost half a century (up to 45 years). You can admire this plant in the mountains of California.

Larch wood is so hard and heavy that it sinks during the rafting. It is used for building bridges, fixing mines, making telegraph poles. In many countries, the floor in the premises is laid with unpainted boards or durable and beautiful parquet from this tree. "Ship groves" were called larch forests in Russia. Back in the time of Peter I, its wood was used for the construction of ships, which caused destruction large areas larch forests. Houses of the famous Italian city

Venice stands on piles of larch wood driven into the bottom of the sea bay, and for 400–500 years they have been withstanding the action of salt water and waves without significant damage.

Beautiful fir wood is an excellent raw material for making musical instruments(cellos, violins, pianos, double basses). For this purpose, wood with annual rings of the same width is used.

Cypress emits phytoncides, which disinfect the air from pathogenic bacteria by 50-60%. Cypress trees were brought to the Crimea by the ancient Greeks approximately 2,500 years ago; they became an integral part of the famous Crimean health resorts.

Juniper cones and shoots contain a lot of useful substances and are used in medicine, veterinary medicine, perfume industry, leather dressing. Preparations from this plant are effective as an analgesic, in the treatment of diseases of the joints, skin.

Flipping through the pages of biology:

General characteristics of the department of angiosperms, or flowering plants. Angiosperm classes

Class 7

Lesson #

Topic:Variety of conifers. The role of gymnosperms in the taiga ecosystem.

Target : Consider the diversity of gymnosperms, trace their role in the biosphere and human life.

Lesson type : combined (a lesson in learning new things with elements of consolidating knowledge)

Teaching method - partially search, problematic and reproductive.

Lesson organization form : conversation, association game, quiz game, work with the text of the textbook.

Forms of organization of students' activities : frontal, individual, group, steam room.

Learning Technologies Key words: game elements, elements of problem-based learning, active learning methods.

Organizational structure lesson:

    Organizing time.

Mutual greeting of students and teachers, fixing absentees, checking students' readiness for the lesson.

    Knowledge update.


Questions for students:

3. What are the structural features of conifers.

4. Describe the process of pine propagation.

III. Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson.

U: So, pine and related plants spruce, cedar are called "gymnosperms". And why they have such a name we have to find out in today's lesson. Theme of the lesson: "Gymnosperms". (recording the topic of the lesson in a notebook). In addition, today in the lesson we will meet

T: In the lesson we will learn:

IV. Learning new material.

U. What groups of plants have you met before?

D. Mosses and ferns.

U: Spruce and pine are the most widely known representatives of coniferous gymnosperms. middle lane.

U. Consider them carefully.

Now we will conduct a study and find out how gymnosperms differ from the groups we studied earlier.

1. What is the stem of pine and spruce: grassy or woody?

2. Yes root system at the pine and spruce?

3. Do these plants have leaves?

4. What have the leaves changed into?

5. Do pines and spruces have flowers?

6. Where are the seeds of these plants formed?

U: The main difference between these plants and flowering plants is that they do not have flowers. Their seeds do not develop in fruits, but in cones.

Cones are modified shoots. The cone consists of a central axis on which cover scales sit.

of these plants, the seeds are not covered by the walls of the fruit. They are located in cones, on scales, that is, the seeds are, as it were, naked. Hence the name of the plant department - gymnosperms.

The story of the teacher about the representatives of coniferous plants.

Spruce. slender evergreens shade tolerant trees, up to 60 - 90 meters high. Needles ate short, located on the shoots singly. Needles live up to 8 years. Spruce is demanding on soil moisture and fertility, in particular, it needs a high content of organic matter in the soil. Its roots are in surface layers soil, so spruces are more likely to turn their roots upside down during a storm. Individual representatives of spruce live up to 500 - 600 years.

Siberian fir. Reaches a height of up to 40 meters. Fir impresses with its cone-shaped crown and dark gray trunk. On its branches are elongated, like candles, female cones.

Larch. It differs from many conifers in that it sheds its leaves every year in the fall. This explains the resistance of larch to the polluted atmosphere of large cities.

Juniper. Low growing evergreen shrubs or small trees. The branches of these plants are densely covered with needle-like or scaly dark green leaves. characteristic feature juniper - juicy female cones that ripen for 2 years. During ripening, such a cone turns black and looks like a currant berry. Therefore, such cones are often called "cone berries" (although they have nothing to do with real fruits).

And what is the air like in coniferous forests? It is practically sterile due to phytoncides - special volatile substances that kill pathogens, contribute to air disinfection.

Working with the textbook "Variety of conifers" page 48.

How many classes does the department include?

List the families of each class.

The game "Third extra".

Spruce, araucaria, pine (Araucaria - Araucaria family, Coniferous class)

Juniper, pine, thuja (pine - Pine family, Coniferous class)

fir, larch, cycad (cycad - class Cycads)

cypress, sequoia, ginkgo(Ginkgo - Ginkgo class)

Working with the textbook page 49 "The meaning of coniferous forests."

Select keywords and phrases relating to the meaning of coniferous forests.

Some of the things we encounter every day can remind us of gymnosperms(demonstration of bath foam, toothpaste, flattering balm toilet soap).


IV. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.

Creative tasks.

1. Pine is often used in plantings to fix sands, but spruce is not suitable for this. What is it connected with?

3. In pine trees growing in the forest, the lower branches are lost, while in spruce they remain until old age. What is it connected with?

4. Somehow to Siberia late autumn the inspector arrived. I saw the naked taiga, asked the forester:

What trees give the best wood for making musical instruments. (spruce, Siberian pine)

Game - quiz "Coniferous plants".

I read the description of coniferous plants, their application, try to find out which plant corresponds to given description.

1. This plant grows in a variety of soils, but prefers sands. On shortened shoots, two needles. cones small size. light-loving plants. It gives good drill and ornamental wood, turpentine, rosin (Scotch pine) are obtained from resin.

2. big tree up to 50 meters with a pyramidal crown. There are no shortcuts. Single shoots are usually tetrahedral. The tree is shade tolerant. Yields valuable timber. (common spruce).

3. Light-loving tree, forming light forests. The wood is hard, resinous, durable, used in construction. On shortened shoots - bunches soft needles, annually dumped for the winter. (Siberian larch).

V. Summing up.

Did you remember in class today? , what you knew and learned a lot of new things, we systematized this knowledge. Now you can tell your comrades, parents about these amazing plants and that their lives are largely dependent on us.

VI. Homework.

Paragraph 18, pp. 48 - 49, prepare an abstract 2-3 sheets "Gymnosperms"

Taiga and mixed forests

Forests rise high into the mountains and move far north due to the frost resistance of many species. coniferous trees. Taiga, or coniferous forest, borders the north of Eurasia and America with an almost continuous strip. Mixing with hardwoods, conifers also form mixed forests.

Coniferous seeds feed on many birds and animals.

Rice. 1. Nutcracker on a pine tree.

The genus Cedar includes 4 species. All of them are very warm-hearted. The plant, popularly called the Siberian cedar, is the Siberian pine (Pinus).

Application in the economy

TOP 3 articleswho read along with this

  • getting wood;
  • receipt of paper and cardboard;
  • obtaining many other materials (cellulose, viscose, camphor, industrial alcohol, etc.);
  • manufacturing of medicines;
  • the use of seeds and starch of the stems of some gymnosperms in nutrition;
  • decorative;
  • fuel.


The wood of coniferous trees has valuable properties due to which it is used:

  • in construction;
  • as an ornamental material;
  • in production.

The most important property of coniferous wood is resistance to decay, which is associated with the presence of resin in it. Sequoia, thuja, yew, pine, etc. are especially famous for this.

Rice. 2. Sequoia felling.

The wood of gymnosperms is beautiful and is used to make furniture and various items interior. In general, the properties of coniferous wood are different, and each species has its own use. For example, spruce and fir have good acoustic properties, and are used in the manufacture of musical instruments. Pine gum (resin) is a raw material for obtaining turpentine, rosin, camphor.

Rice. 3. Extraction of resin.

Many types of gymnosperms are ornamental plants. They also purify the air, as they release substances that kill microbes. Some conifers do not tolerate smoke and urban pollution, therefore they are not used for landscaping:

  • fir;
  • juniper;
  • pine.

Larch, on the contrary, due to the change of leaves, tolerates air pollution well.

So, ginkgo is a sacred plant in the Shinto religion. At Eastern Slavs pine has always been revered. In their mythology, she acts as one of the symbols of life and cosmic order.

The need for protection

This applies, for example, to cedars. Their wood has long been highly valued, but the areas of cedar forests have recently been noticeably reduced and declared protected areas. Average rating: 4.5. Total ratings received: 91.

Class 7

Lesson # 14

the date : October 22, 2015

Topic: Variety of conifers. The role of gymnosperms in the taiga ecosystem.

Target : Consider the diversity of gymnosperms, trace their role in the biosphere and human life.

Lesson type : combined (a lesson in learning new things with elements of consolidating knowledge)

Equipment: Textbook Biology Diversity of living organisms Grade 7 publishing house "Enlightenment" 2014, tables, drawings, exercise book.

Teaching method - partially search, problematic and reproductive.

Lesson organization form : conversation, association game, quiz game, work with the text of the textbook.

Forms of organization of students' activities : frontal, individual, group, steam room.

Learning Technologies : game elements, elements of problem-based learning, active learning methods.

Organizational structure of the lesson:

    Organizing time.

Mutual greeting of students and teachers, fixing absentees, checking students' readiness for the lesson.

    Knowledge update.


Questions for students:

1. What are the structural features of gymnosperms? Why is the department named like that?

3. What are the structural features of conifers.

4. Describe the process of pine propagation.

III. Learning new material.

Association game.

What associations do the following plants evoke in you: pine, spruce, cedar pine, larch, Himalayan cedar, cypress?

If you are attentive and sensitive, look closely at every movement of plants, you can learn much more about them. Once in the forest I managed to hear the conversation of plants. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. Plants can talk too. You just need to listen.

The story of the teacher about the representatives of coniferous plants.

Spruce. Slender evergreen shade-tolerant trees, up to 60 - 90 meters high. Needles ate short, located on the shoots singly. Needles live up to 8 years. Spruce is demanding on soil moisture and fertility, in particular, it needs a high content of organic matter in the soil. Its roots are located in the surface layers of the soil, so spruce is more often everted with roots during a storm. Individual representatives of spruce live up to 500 - 600 years.

Siberian fir. Reaches a height of up to 40 meters. Fir impresses with its cone-shaped crown and dark gray trunk. On its branches are elongated, like candles, female cones.

Larch. It differs from many conifers in that it sheds its leaves every year in the fall. This explains the resistance of larch to the polluted atmosphere of large cities.

Juniper. Undersizedcreeping evergreen shrubs or small trees. The branches of these plants are densely covered with needle-like or scaly dark green leaves. A characteristic feature of juniper is juicy female cones that ripen for 2 years. During ripening, such a cone turns black and looks like a currant berry. Therefore, such cones are often called "cone berries" (although they have nothing to do with real fruits).

Relaxation. Close your eyes, imagine that you are in a coniferous forest, you can hear the voice of a violin. And what is the air like in coniferous forests? It is practically sterile due tophytoncides - special volatile substances that kill pathogens, contribute to air disinfection.

Working with the textbook "Variety of conifers" page 46.

List representatives of gymnosperms.

How many classes does the department include?

List the families of each class.

Work with a notebook. Write down the names of gymnosperm classes.

The game "Third extra".

Spruce,araucaria , pine (Araucaria - Araucaria family, Coniferous class)

Juniper,pine , thuja (pine - Pine family, Coniferous class)

fir, larch,cycad (cycad - class Cycads)

cypress, sequoia,ginkgo (Ginkgo - Ginkgo class)

Working with the textbook page 49 "The meaning of coniferous forests."

Select keywords and phrases related to the meaning of coniferous forests.

Some things that we encounter every day may remind us of gymnosperms (demonstration of bath foam, toothpaste, Flattering Balm toilet soap).


IV . Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.

Creative tasks.

1. Pine is often used in plantings to fix sands, but spruce is not suitable for this. What is it connected with?

2. During the influenza epidemic, the doctor recommended walking in the pine forest. Is he right?

3. In pine trees growing in the forest, the lower branches are lost, while in spruce they remain until old age. What is it connected with?

4. Somehow, in late autumn, an auditor arrived in Siberia. I saw the naked taiga, asked the forester:

Is it coniferous forest?


Where is the needle?


Whose fault?


Don't hide behind nature! You will be responsible for the destruction of the forest.

Will the forester be held accountable for the destruction of the forest?


What is this girl?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round. (Spruce)

Christmas tree is great

Only unusual -

To the cold at this Christmas tree

needles fall off. (Larch)

In the heat, a yellow tear cries,

And hides tears in the cold.

Not a larch and not a Christmas tree,

Although there are cones and needles. (Pine)

A slender bush turns green,

Like a pine tree and a coniferous tree,

But not pegs, like a Christmas tree

And the pine, its needles. (Juniper)

Which trees provide the best wood for making musical instruments. (spruce, Siberian pine)

Game - quiz "Coniferous plants".

I read the description of coniferous plants, their application, try to find out which plant this description corresponds to.

1. This plant grows in a variety of soils, but prefers sands. On shortened shoots, two needles. Small cones. Light loving plants. Gives good drill and ornamental woodturpentine, rosin (Scotch pine) are obtained from the resin.

2. Large tree up to 50 meters with a pyramidal crown. There are no shortcuts. Single shoots are usually tetrahedral. The tree is shade tolerant. Yields valuable timber. (common spruce).

3. Light-loving tree, forming light forests. The wood is hard, resinous, durable, used in construction. On shortened shoots there are bunches of soft needles, annually shed for the winter. (Siberian larch).

V . Summarizing.

Today in classdid you remember that, what you knew and learned a lot of new things, we systematized this knowledge. Now you can tell your comrades, parents about these amazing plants and that their life largely depends on us.

VI . Homework.

Paragraph 17 - 18, pp. 44 - 49, make a crossword puzzle about the diversity and significance of gymnosperms, a written task in a exercise book.

Gymnosperms make up the tree layer of temperate forests. They are the providers of oxygen and organic matter, the habitat of animals and their food, well purify the air not only from dirt, but also from harmful microorganisms involved in the cycle of water and other substances.

From the core of the drooping cycad, sago groats are made. large seeds Siberian cedar, the so-called "pine nuts", are eaten.

Tree species are used as fuel, Construction Materials(car building, shipbuilding, aviation, production of musical instruments, etc.).

Pine buds, fir oil, needles are used for the manufacture of medicines.

General characteristics of the department Angiosperms, or Flowering (Magnoliophyta)

Angiosperms (Flowers) are ubiquitous. At present, they dominate the vegetation cover of the Earth, therefore they are called the "dominant group". From the rest higher plants angiosperms are distinguished by a number of features that ensured their dominance on Earth:

o the presence of such new organs as a flower, which turned out to be the most effective formation for ensuring reproduction, and a fetus - best fixture for the distribution of plants, before they conquer new territories;

o seed rudiments do not develop on the carpels openly, but in the bud, therefore they are well protected from adverse environmental conditions;

o covering the seeds of the pericarp (why the department is called Angiosperms);

o further reduction of male and female gametophytes that develop on the sporophyte plant due to its nutrients;

o a variety of pollination methods are inherent, the most effective of which is pollination by insects;

o significantly reduced time from pollination to fertilization and seed formation (for comparison: in gymnosperms, the present time is six months or more, in angiosperms, it takes several hours from pollination to fertilization, and seed maturation lasts from three to four weeks to three to four months) ;

o double fertilization, as a result of which not only the embryo is formed, but also storage tissue (endosperm);

o a perfect conducting system (the presence of real vessels in the wood), better organized mechanical, integumentary and storage tissues;

o trees "yanistі or herbs" yanistі plants with well-developed and diverse vegetative organs - roots, stems and leaves;

o exceptional adaptability of flowering plants to different conditions existence;

o an inexhaustible variety of forms.

Angiosperms are divided into two classes - Dicotyledonous and Monocotyledonous. Consider the anatomical and morphological differences that exist between dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants (Table 22).

Table 22.



Class Dicotyledonous

Class Monocots

root system

Rod type, the main root is well developed. Some herbaceous forms have a fibrous root system.

Fibrous type, the main root dies early

seed germ

The embryo consists of two sim "poisons. Sometimes it has 1 cotyledon (buttercup, corydalis)

The embryo has 1 modified cotyledon (scutellum), which is adjacent to the endosperm

Grass "yaniste, trees" yaniste, capable of secondary thickening, branching. Conductive bundles are located in the center of the stem or have the form of a ring. There is a cambium. Cortex and pith usually well differentiated

Herbaceous, not capable of secondary thickening. Conductive bundles are scattered throughout the stem. No cambium, differentiated cortex and pith

Different shapes, dissected or serrated margins, venation net, pinnate, palmate. Leaf placement is alternate, opposite, rarely has a vaginal base.

Simple, complete. Leaves usually without petioles. They often have a vaginal base. Venation parallel, arcuate.

Four-, five-membered, only in some (measles-cason) plants - three-membered. Perianth double. Mostly pollinated by insects

Three-membered, sometimes four - and two-membered with a simple perianth. Most often pollinated by wind or self-pollination occurs.

life form

Deciduous trees and shrubs, annuals and biennial herbs

(exception - tree-like aloes and palms)

Number of species/families

About 180 thousand species and 325 families

About 60 thousand species and 65 families

Let us consider the main features of families of the class Dicotyledonous<Са) (табл.23) и класса Однодольные (ЬШор8ІсІа) (табл.24).

Table 23


life forms

Cruciferous (Cabbage, Bgayayaisaeeae), 3 thousand/220

Annuals, biennials, perennials

Ch2+2P2+2T2+4M1; brush; pod, pod

Stems are often shortened (rosette), leaves are simple, entire or dissected; modification of roots (root crops)

Vegetable: cabbage, radish, horseradish, turnip. Oilseeds: rapeseed, mustard, red. Medicinal: hiccups, horseradish, shepherd's purse, mustard. Decorative: levkoy. Bur "yanu: suripka, wild radish, jaundice, grains

Continuation tab. 23

Family, number of species in the world / in Ukraine

life forms

Features of generative organs (flower formula, inflorescence, fruit)

Features of the vegetative organs

Class representatives and their meaning

Rosaceae (Pink, Yaoyaseae), 3 thousand/150

Perennial herbs, shrubs and trees

or ChzPzKhoM "; brush, simple umbrella, shield; drupe, apple, many nuts, baga-tokistyanka

The stems often have spines, the leaves are simple and compound with shelter

Fruit and berry: apple, pear, plum, cherry, strawberry, raspberry, peach, almond.

Medicinal: cinquefoil, hawthorn, mountain ash, wild rose, raspberry. Decorative: rose, meadowsweet

Legumes (moth, Baceae),

Annual and perennial herbs, trees, shrubs


M1; brush, head; bean (one-, two-, many-seed); seeds without endosperm

The stems are often herbaceous lianas, the leaves are pinnatiform with large stipules, the individual elements of the leaf are trichately folded into tendrils. There are nodules with nodule bacteria on the roots

Products: beans, beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans.

Stern: clover, lupine, alfalfa. Medicinal: sweet clover, thermopsis, clover, vyazel, gorse, astragalus, sophora. Decorative: robinia, rank, albizia

Solanaceae (Zoiapaseae), 2.5 thousand/30

Annual and perennial herbs


brush, curls, brush;

berry, box

Leaves simple, entire or dissected, without stipules; some have tubers - modified shoots

Vegetable: potatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomato. Technical: tobacco. Medicinal: black henbane, dope, belladonna.

Decorative: petunia, tobacco

Compositae (Asteraceae, Lygegaseae), 25 thousand/800

Annual and perennial herbs

P(5)T(5)M1 or

the calyx is turned into a crest or reduced; basket; achene

Stems are often shortened (rosette), leaves are simple and compound

Oil: sunflower, safflower, madia. Vegetable: Jerusalem artichoke, lettuce, artichoke. Rubber-bearing: kok-sagiz, guayule. Medicinal: tansy, succession, yarrow, dandelion, wormwood Decorative: dahlias, asters, cornflowers, chrysanthemums. Bur "yanu: sow thistle, milkweed

Conclusion tab. 23

Family, number of species in the world / in Ukraine

life forms

Features of generative organs (flower formula, inflorescence, fruit)

Features of the vegetative organs

Class representatives and their meaning



annual herbs

Flowers unisexual:

3 P (5) P (5) T (2)+ (2)+1 ;

Ch(5)P(5)M1; single, dioecious; garbuzin

Stem recumbent - lashes, cling with antennae; leaves simple, without stipules

Vegetable: pumpkin, watermelon, melon, cucumber. Household: loofah. Medicinal: step white.

Umbrella (Celery, Ariaceae), 3 thousand/150

annual herbs

The calyx is reduced to teeth;

P5T5M1; complex umbrella, simple umbrella, head; dvosim heater

The leaves are simple, without stipules, the petioles at the base grow into a sheath that covers the stem.

Products: carrots, parsley, celery, dill. Essential oil: fennel, coriander, anise. Medicinal: angelica, hemlock. Forage: hogweed.

Lamiaceae (Lashiaceae),

Flowers irregular (zygomorphic);

Ch(5)P(2+3)T4M1; brush;

fruit - prefabricated (from 4 nuts)

Tetrahedral stem, simple leaves without stipules placed oppositely

Medicinal: m "mint, sage, thyme, lavender, dog nettle.

Decorative: monarda, sage brilliant.

Cynomolgus SІїeporosСіas

O5T5M1; inflorescence - panicle, complex ear; fruit - a nut, seed fruit (in beets)

Leaves simple, without stipules, sometimes reduced or fused with stem internodes, solid

Products: beets, garden spinach. Weeds: quinoa, kurai.

In the life cycle of flower development, the sporophyte (2p) completely predominates. From the microspores in the pilacs of the stamens, a male gametophyte develops - a pilk grain formed from a vegetative cell and two spermatozoa. With megaspores in the seminal rudimentary, a female gametophyte develops - the embryo sac. Inside the embryo sac, an ovum, synergistic cells, polar nuclei, and antipodes develop. Fertilization is double. Both sperm fuse with the cells of the female gametophyte - the egg and the central cell. The seed that is formed as a result of fertilization contains an embryo with one or two sim "poisons", a seed coat and an endosperm. The seed is formed inside the fruit, which is formed from the zav" yage of a flower or other parts of it.

Table 24


Family, number of species in the world / in Ukraine

life forms

Features of generative states (flower formula, inflorescence,

Features of the vegetative organs

Class representatives and their meaning

Cereals, (Tonkonogovі, Roaseae), 10 thousand/500

Perennial, rarely biennial and annual herbs

O2T3M1; compound ear, panicle, cob; Zernovka

Straw stalk (hollow inside the internodes, with

swollen nodes), leaves are sessile, with a sheath, entire, simple, linear, with parallel venation

Cereals: wheat, rye, barley, corn, millet, sorghum, oats, rice. Technical: sugar cane, bamboo, reed.

Stern: timothy, brome, bluegrass. Medicinal: corn, wheatgrass.

Bur "yanu: wheatgrass, foxtail, wild oats, pages-tnitsya, chicken millet



perennial herbs

B 3 + s 3 T 3 + s 3 H 1; single flowers, panicle, raceme, panicle;

box, berry

Characteristic modified shoots (rhizome and bulb). Leaves simple, entire, linear or oval, with parallel or arcuate venation

Vegetable: onion, garlic, asparagus. Medicinal: lily of the valley, kupena, onion, hellebore, aloe. Decorative: lily, tulip, narcissus, lily of the valley, hyacinth, blueberry

Sedge (Suregaseae), 5 thousand/150

Perennial and annual herbs

The flower has no perianth or it is greatly reduced; dioecious: 3 O(0)T.3; ? B(0)M1; spikelets, which, in turn, are collected in a panicle or head; nut.

The stem is often trihedral, rarely cylindrical; leaves are linear with a sheath that covers the stem in the form of a tube

Stern: sedge of dry areas.