Abstract of labor activity in the second junior group watering plants. List of indoor plants with pictures by age groups a dw Didactic game “From which plant is a leaf

Into the corner of nature of the younger groupsplants are placed that have clearly defined main parts (stem, leaves) and bloom brightly, profusely and for a long time. This is an ordinary (or zonal) geranium, fuchsia, ever-flowering begonia, balsam ("light"), azalea, Chinese rosan, etc. Children and plants with variegated leaves attract the attention - aukuba ("golden" or "sausage" tree) , coleus. Aucuba and Chinese Rose ( small size), in addition, they have rather large and strong leaves, on which children of the second younger group can be taught the first simple methods of keeping plants clean. The same techniques can be taught to children in the process of caring for young aralia, ficuses. Of these species, 3-4 plants are introduced for observation during the year. One of them should be in duplicate, so that children can learn to find the same plants.


In winter, the ficus also needs light, so the plant pots are moved closer to the window. And variegated forms, such as ficus benjamin, can stand all winter even on the southern window. With a lack of lighting in winter, weak and twisted shoots and leaves are formed.

Ficuses propagate by cuttings. From the shoot, you can get as many cuttings as there are leaves on it. The propagating stalk should consist of one leaf with an intact eye and half of the lower internode without an eye. After cutting the cutting, it is lowered into warm water to stop the secretion of milky juice. For better rooting at the bottom of the handle, a cut or split is made (for a handle with hard wood, it is cross-shaped, for a handle with soft wood, one cut). It is better to root the cuttings with soil heating and covering the cutting with a plastic bag.

For all ficuses, such a soil mixture is best suited - 2 parts of leaf, 1 part of peat soil and 1 part of humus. Ficuses do not like being planted in dishes much larger than them. root system, so they are transplanted when the roots are supposed to fill the entire pot or tub. At the same time, they grow quite quickly, therefore, the soil during transplantation should be nutritious, in addition, fertilizing is carried out in spring and summer (they respond well to top dressing organic fertilizers well suited for this rotted cow dung or shop fertilizer "Giant"). Ficuses can also be fed with fertilizers such as "Rainbow" and "Palm". Old specimens of large ficuses are transplanted very rarely - after 5-6 years. But you can replace it every year. upper layer land for a new one. You should also replace the top layer of the earth if a white crust appears on it - a salt coating.

Temperature: preferably moderate, not lower than 18 °C. They like to "keep their feet warm" - do not put a ficus pot on a cold windowsill, marble or tile floor, etc. In an above-moderate temperature room, the leaves begin to hang down.

Lighting: All varieties of rubber ficus prefer a bright place, with protection from direct sun rays. Variegated forms need a lighter and warmer place than dark-leaved forms.

Watering: Moderate, does not like waterlogging of the soil. Water room temperature, well defended. Top dressing with fertilizers from March to August in two weeks.

Humidity: Leaves should be wiped regularly with a damp sponge.

Transfer: It is carried out in the spring, when the roots will braid the entire earthen ball, young plants in a year or two, old ones in a few years.

Reproduction: Apical cuttings, for better rooting with soil heating and covering the cuttings with a plastic bag.


Aralia family (Araliaceae) includes 84 genera herbaceous plants and trees, including the genus Polyscias. This genus includes about 80 species of trees and shrubs originating from Polynesia and tropical regions of Asia - most of them are called Aralia. Plants are great for indoor cultivation. They tolerate lighting at 11 lux and above. Some dwarf varieties great for growing in 10-20 cm pots, others can be used as outdoor support plants, a number of species are ideal for bonsai.

Aralia can be propagated by layering soft wood stem tips and twigs or pieces of mature stem, even without foliage. Layering should be planted in well-moistened soil, important condition– good drainage and moisture capacity. The rooting process can be accelerated with the help of root hormones.

If possible, during the breeding season, the soil temperature should be kept at 21-24°C. The soil factor should be kept at 6.0, for this calcium and magnesium can be added to the soil. The amount of dolomite used will depend on the initial acidity of the soil. It is necessary to fertilize the plant once a month (after rooting), the ratio of elements is 3-1-2 to 2-1-2. Illumination range providing good growth and dark green color leaves, is 135 - 400 lux. Optimum temperature for Aralia growth is 21-29°C.

Possible problems of physiology:

1) Quick shedding of old foliage

Signs: Old leaves show signs of chlorosis, then fall off (possibly no signs of chlorosis). Usually happens late autumn or at the beginning of winter, usually the cause is a sharp drop in temperature to 4-12°C, the use of ethylene or other toxic fuel to heat greenhouses. Also, strong leaf fall will be observed with excessive drying of the plant.

Solution: Protect the plant from low temperatures. Plants usually recover slowly after this type of damage. Monitor the work of heaters, Check them before the start of the season. Avoid drying out the soil.

2) Slow growth and loss of old foliage.

Symptoms: Often the cause is bad development root system, fungal infection and root rot are possible.

Solution: When planting, use sterilized or well-dried soil. Do not over-deepen the layers when planting.

3) Slow and uncertain rooting.

Symptoms: Stem cuttings are very slow to root, and the percentage of successfully rooted plants is not high.

Solution: Keep the temperature of the Aralia root zone in the range of 21-24°C. It is advisable to use hormonal powder. Do not use cuttings or cuttings that have been stored for a long time.


Geranium room or Pelargonium felt.


Temperature: 0-20 C

Lighting: sufficient, partial shade

Humidity: Moderate

Watering: copious, limited in winter

Top dressing: once a week liquid fertilizer with late spring until early autumn

Reproduction: seeds, stem cuttings in spring

Pests: mealybug and red spider mites

Purpose: pot culture, in " bottle gardens", terrarium, greenhouses


Donkey family.


Temperature: Moderate or cool throughout the year, at temperatures above 18-20 ° C, fuchsia sheds flowers and leaves, until the death of the plant. In winter, not below 6 ° C, fuchsias prefer a cool overwintering at a temperature of 8-10 ° C.

Lighting: Fuchsia is very photophilous, while the light should be diffused, fuchsia can get burned from direct sunlight. Well fuchsia will grow on east windows.

Watering: Abundant in summer, the soil should be slightly damp all the time. In winter, watering is moderate or limited, depending on the temperature. With insufficient watering, fuchsia sheds buds and flowers.

Fertilizer: From March to September, fuchsia is fed mineral fertilizer for flowering houseplants.

Air humidity:In summer, fuchsia is periodically sprayed. In hot summer days you can place the plant on a pallet with wet pebbles.

Transfer: Every year in the spring. Soil - 3 parts of clay-turf and 2 parts of peat land with the addition of 1 part of sand. It is better to make drainage in a pot or tub.

Reproduction: stem cuttings in spring or summer, which are rooted with the use of root formation stimulants (heteroauxin, root).

Begonia evergreen


Temperature: Moderate temperatures above 20°C are undesirable for these begonias. winter temperature about 17-18°С, but not lower than 15°С.

Lighting: Bright lighting, with obligatory protection from direct sunlight during the hot part of the day. During flowering, begonias should not be crowded on the windows, so that one flower does not block the other. To save proper growth they are periodically turned on the windows.

Watering: Abundant in spring and summer, but do not flood, because. begonias do not like stagnant water, as well as drying out earthy coma. Water should be soft, settled. Tuberous potted begonias are not watered in winter, they are stored in a dry peat substrate.

Air humidity:Begonias love high humidity air, but do not tolerate spraying. Practice has shown that almost all types of begonias react to the ingress of moisture on the leaves with the appearance brown spots. Therefore, in hot, dry weather, you can place pots of begonias on a tray or box with wet peat or moss.

Transfer: In early spring tubers are planted in fresh soil. Rhizome begonias are transplanted as needed when the pot is already cramped. Nutritious soil - a mixture of humus, leaf and sod land with the addition of a small amount coniferous land and river sand. At the same time, the earth is not covered to the top, so that later, when additional roots are formed, it would be possible to fill up the earth. The plants are placed in a sunny window, and they are quickly covered with new leaves, and buds appear after about 40-50 days.

Fertilizer: It is useful to fertilize decorative flowering begonias from the moment the flower buds are formed with liquid complex fertilizer for flowering houseplants once every two weeks. Do not use nitrogenous fertilizers on ornamental foliage plants, as this will cause leaf growth and inhibition of flowering.

Reproduction: Propagated by stem cuttings and seeds. tuberous begonias in addition, they reproduce by dividing germinated tubers. The tuber is cut in half, so that each part has sprouts and roots, sections on the tuber are sprinkled with coal or sulfur. Nodules are planted so that its top does not rise much above the soil level.

Balsam ("light")

Balsam Sultan, or light, or impatiens Impatiens sultanii Hook. (family balsam).

Homeland - tropical Africa. Stem watery, light pink, translucent, erect, 40-50 cm high, well leafy, sprawling, densely covered

opposite leaves.

Blooms exceptionally long (June - October).


Temperature: Moderate, in winter not below 12 °C. For flowering in winter, the temperature needs to be at least 15 ° C.

Lighting: It is light-requiring, but in the summer it is necessary to shade from direct sunlight. It takes several hours of direct contact to bloom in winter. sunlight daily.

Watering: Abundant, the soil should always remain moist. Reduce watering in winter.

Air humidity:From time to time it is useful to spray the leaves, avoiding water on the flowers.

Transfer: It blooms well only when the roots fill the pot. If necessary, transplant in the spring.

Propagation: Stem cuttings at any time of the year or seeds in spring.


Family - heather. Homeland - East Asia, Carpathians, Caucasus.

Azalea is a small shrub that blooms in a room in the dead of winter. Azaleas have beautiful large, often double flowers the most diverse color: from white to bright red. The leaves are small (5-7 cm long), leathery, green.

Accommodation. Prefers bright rooms with bright diffused light. In summer and autumn, before frost, it is advisable to leave the azalea for fresh air. In winter, the azalea is placed in a bright Azalea cool room with a constant temperature of 12-15 ° C. A plant with emerging flower buds contribute to more warm room(18°C). After flowering is completed for a new formation of buds in next year the plant is re-installed in a room with a temperature of 8 -12 ° C.

Care. During the flowering period, in summer and early autumn, it is necessary abundant watering, in winter - moderate. Top dressing is carried out weekly with fertilizers that do not contain lime. Azalea is moisture-loving, so it should be sprayed frequently or placed on a gravel tray filled with water. The plant needs to be repotted in the spring every 2-3 years.

Reproduction. Apical cuttings, they are rooted in perlite or coarse sand, when the substrate is heated. Hard to root.

Pests and diseases.The main pest is the azalea aphid, on the secretions of which the sooty fungus settles. If the soil ball is too dry, a red tick may appear.

Advice. Faded flowers and brown leaves are removed. This protects the plant from infections. In place of the old flower, a new shoot will eventually form, which will bloom next year.

Chinese rosan

Malvaceae family.

Evergreen shrub, at home from 70 to 1.2 m tall. Blooms quite easily good care large, up to 12 cm in diameter flowers. Flowering can be very abundant and long - from spring to autumn, although the flowers do not last long - about two days. Flowers are different shades- orange, yellow, red, pink or white, as well as different shapes- simple or terry. There are varieties with variegated leaves. For the summer, it is better to take the plant out into the garden, but the place should be protected from the wind and slightly darkened.


Temperature: Hibiscus is quite thermophilic. In summer they are kept at a temperature of about 20-25 ° C. Winter at 15-20°C, minimum 13°C.

Lighting: Photophilous, prefers bright diffused light, with a small amount of sunlight. In winter you need bright room. The best place for hibiscus on an east or west window. On the south window you will need shading during the hottest hours of the day.

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn. The soil must be kept moist at all times. Moderate in winter. Avoid waterlogging or overdrying the earthy coma. Do not water with cold water.

Fertilizer: From April to August, hibiscus is fed with special complex fertilizers for flowering houseplants, every 3 weeks. You can use "Rainbow", "Ideal", etc.

Air humidity:Spray regularly.

Transfer: Soil - 1 part sod, 1 part leaf, 1 part peat, 1 part sand. Transplantation in March - April. Cut off after transplant. And in the summer you can repeatedly pinch. Dishes are preferably spacious. In the spring, the plant is shortened and transplanted into fresh soil.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings, which are best rooted in July-August.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Martynova
Project " Houseplants"(second junior group)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten combined type "Brook" R. Bashmakovo

Project« Houseplants»

in second junior group

Compiled by the educator:

Martynova Ekaterina Sergeevna

R. Bashmakovo village, 2017

Type of project by dominant activity - research

Type of project in the subject-content area - interdisciplinary.

Type of project by the nature of coordination - open coordination.

Type of project by the number of participants - collective.

Type of project duration - short term.

Type of project according to the nature of contacts intragroup.

Target project: To give children knowledge about indoor plants, the rules for caring for them, their significance for life, the role of a person for plants. Cultivate an interest in development and growth indoor plants, observation and curiosity, visual - effective thinking.

Tasks project:

Educational: Activate and expand the idea of ​​diversity and usefulness indoor plants; introduce such houseplants like: cactus, geranium, begonia; learn to draw and sculpt plant in accordance with reality.

Educational: develop coherent speech of children through the compilation of descriptive stories; develop the ability to communicate with teacher: listen and understand question asked answer it clearly, develop interest in the structure, development and growth plants, observation, curiosity, the ability to convey a familiar image in a drawing indoor plants; develop aesthetic perception; develop fine motor skills of hands through fine activity: modeling, drawing.

Educational: to consolidate the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten; to form a friendly attitude towards each other; to cultivate interest in each other, to form emotional responsiveness to joint activities.

Estimated result:

Children's possession of information:

What plant growth requires light, heat, water, air, earth;

What plant is made up of roots, stem, leaf, flower;

What plants different from each other;

What a state plants depends on the care of the person;

Members project:

Children 2nd junior group;

-teacher: E. S. Martynova



Stage 1 project - problematization.

We faced such a problem that the children do not know the name indoor plants that surround them. Children see around them, both at home and in kindergarten, houseplants, but do not think about what benefits they bring, what they are called and what kind of care is needed for growth and development plants.

Stage 2 - goal setting.

Purpose of children: expand your knowledge about indoor plants.

Children's Assumptions:all plants identical and do not require maintenance.

Solution: learn more about indoor plants.


Consider group houseplants to know their structure.

Get to know the names of some plants: cactus, geranium, begonia:

Find out what conditions are necessary for growth plants.

Learn to care indoor plants.

Stage 3 - activity planning.

Find out which indoor plants are in the group.

Replenishment of the development environment

Replenishment of a corner of nature necessary equipment (watering cans, rags, basins and buckets, aprons)

Equipping the ecological zone in group with new plants

Manufacturing "Passports indoor plants»

A series of experiments to identify needs plants in moisture, warm, light.

Cards - schemes of care houseplant;


Card file of didactic games on acquaintance with indoor plants.

Interaction with parents

Stock "Give kindergarten plant»

Final event: open class

Product shape: Exhibition of children's works on the topic project.

Presentation Form project methodological advice on project work : the passport project with application, presentation.

Stage 4 - implementation project.

Speech development Cognitive development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development Social and communicative development

Reading the tale of G. H. Andeosen "Flowers of Little Ida"

FEMP Theme: "In the Flower Field"

Construction "Garden Fence" Examining the poster "Flowers" DI "Where is the captain hiding?" MIA "Hello"

Excursion to the ecological room

Conversation: « Houseplants»

S/r game "Flower shop"

MONDAY "Call it sweetly"

Reading a story "Azalea and the White Cat"

Acquaintance with the environment Topic: « Indoor plants are our friends» Mobile game coloring pages "Cucumber" MIA "Friend"

Conversation: "My green friends"

S/r game "Daughters-Mothers"

Reading a poem by Z. Alexandrova "Daisies"

Di "Gift for a droplet"

Planting onions in glasses with and without water Listening to music. compositions "Waltz of the Flowers" music K. Delibes

Sculpting Theme: "Cactus" mobile game "Plant Flowers" MIA "Bell"

Conversation: "Structure houseplant»

Stock "Give kindergarten plant»

I. S. "Help Kapitoshka find the geranium"


Reading a story "The Story of a Flower" DI "Kapitoshka is watering the flowers" Drawing Topic: "Flowers"

DI "Collect a Flower" Finger gymnastics "Scarlet Flowers"» MIA "Circle of Joy"

Conversation: "How to take care of houseplant

Problem situation: "Why did the flower wither?"

FRIDAY "Find the same"

Speech development "Compilation of a story according to the description houseplant»

Observation "Why the plant is spinning» observation-contemplation indoor plants.

mobile game "Homeless Bunny" MIA "Greetings"

Conversation: What are the differences and similarities between animals and plants

S/r game "Birthday"

Stage 5 - reflection.

Children use their knowledge and skills in independent activities.

Stage 6 - perspectives.

Continue to expand and enrich children's knowledge on the topic.


1. Gerbova V. V. "Classes on development speeches: second junior group", 2010

2. Ushakova O. S. "The development of speech of children 3-4 years old" 2010

3. Aji A. V. “Summaries of integrated classes in second junior group of kindergarten» 2009

4. Komratova N. G. "The World I Live In" 2006

5. Lykova I. A. “ Visual activity in kindergarten. Junior group» 2012

6. Voronkevich « environmental education in kindergarten"

Natalya Fulavkina

Target: Introduce children to indoor plants.

Tasks: To form in children an understanding that houseplants eat root, stem, leaves, flower, that they are living beings. Describe the importance of soil and water for plants. Cultivate a desire to care for plants.

PPRS: Indoor plant, scheme of the structure of a flower, watering can, spatula.

Course progress.

1. Surprise moment

Children are sitting on chairs, the teacher is in the center, next to him is small table. Here it comes through the door knock: the doll Katya came to visit, in her hands she has a flower pot.

caregiver: - Guys, look, Katya's doll came to visit us, and what do you have in your hands?

2. Main body

Katia: - Hello guys! This flower was given to me for a holiday. Only here are there flowers in pots! Flowers after all are growing in the flowerbed and in the meadow.

caregiver: - Katenka, of course, it's a flower. And your flower is called geranium, it blooms very beautifully and its leaves smell delicious. Guys, let's all say together what is the name of Katya's flower.

At the window this early

The geranium has blossomed.

round leaves,

lush flowers

Even very good

So the kids decided.

Children answer, name a flower.

caregiver: - Well, I remember the name of your indoor plant?

Katia: - remember: geranium! it indoor plant called geranium. (picture display)

Look at us in a group of many indoor plants and some of them guys already know. Guys, what indoor plants you know?

Children name geranium, ficus, begonia and show them.

caregiver: - And why these plants are called indoor?

Children: - Because they grow at home. They purify the air, create comfort in the house.

caregiver: When it hurts, you have an ear, you can tear off a leaf of geranium, roll it up and put it in your ear, and the pain will stop. And if you have a runny nose, then aloe juice or Kalanchoe is instilled into your nose and the cold goes away.

(Showing at the same time plant) .

caregiver: Guys, look how beautiful indoor plant, it's called begonia. Begonias have red large and small flowers, rough, green leaves.

caregiver: And this the plant is called violet, leaves rounded, drooping (the story is accompanied by a show). Come, touch what leaves the violet has. Violets have flowers, let's smell them, how they smell they are small round, with cloves.

caregiver: You need to water the violet, very carefully, with warm water, under the spine, make sure that water does not get on the leaves.

caregiver: And what color are violet leaves?

Children: Green.

caregiver: And now, I suggest that you stand in a circle and imagine that you "Flowers".

Physical education minute:

The plant starts to grow

(children rise slowly)

Leaves rise to the light

(hands up)

Flowers are blooming

(palms up)

Plant feels good.

(finger exercise) Repeat 2-3 times.

caregiver: What else do you need plant for life?

Children: Light, water, heat, air.

caregiver: Guys, what does everyone have plants(showing cards with the image of parts plant) .

Children: Root, stem, leaves and flower.

(Guys, show live plant, part plants).

caregiver: - Katya, we also have geraniums.

3. Experimental and research activities

The teacher puts a non-blooming flower on the table.

Katia: But it's completely different. plant. It has no flowers.

caregiver:- Guys, let's take a closer look at these two plants. Look at them leaves Do they have the same leaves or are they different? Children answer that the leaves are the same. You see, Katenka, this is also a geranium, it's just that flowers haven't appeared on it yet.

Katia: - Will they bloom too?

caregiver: - Well, of course, you just need to properly care for him. Now our guys will tell you how they take care of plants in a group.

The children answer that the plant needs to be watered loosening the earth in a pot. One child comes out and shows how to properly water and loosen the earth. The teacher draws the attention of the children and Katya to what to water often the plant is not allowed, from excess moisture it can get sick and die.

Katia: - Thank you guys, I will take good care of my flower so that it always blooms so beautifully. Katya says goodbye and leaves.

4. Reflection

caregiver: - Guys, what did we talk about today? Who came to visit us? What did Katenka bring us? What was the name of her flower? All of you are just great!

Related publications:

Abstract of the integrated GCD for the observation of indoor plants "Aibolit's Green Service" Purpose: to teach children to carefully examine plants, find signs of their unhealthy condition, draw a conclusion about the lack of any conditions.

Summary of GCD on cognitive development in the senior group "Care for indoor plants" Program content: Develop interest in indoor plants; Continue to teach children to describe the plant, identifying differences and similarities.

Synopsis of GCD "Introduction to indoor plants" in the senior group Synopsis of the GCD “Introduction to indoor plants” MBDOU No. 41 Educator: Yasupieva I. S. 2016 Tasks: To develop cognitive interest.

Synopsis of the GCD in the second junior group "Care for indoor plants" Synopsis of the GCD “Care for indoor plants” in the second junior group Irina Shalomina Purpose: Consolidation and expansion of knowledge about indoor plants.

Summary of the lesson "Caring for indoor plants" in the middle group Program content: 1. Correctional and educational. To form an initial ecological idea of ​​a houseplant. Learn.

Chuprina Maria Vladimirovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MADOU №3 "Alyonushka"
Locality: Piyutovo village, Belebeevsky district
Material name: methodical development
Topic: Open class in the second junior group "Indoor plant - violet"
Publication date: 23.03.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Topic: "Indoor flowers - violet."

Program content:

Educational: clarify and expand children's ideas about indoor

plants, about the conditions necessary for them for their healthy growth and development; about

their environmental significance in human life.

Developing: develop mental processes, fine motor skills and the ability to

associate words with movements; enrich and activate vocabulary.

Educational: cultivate a love for nature, an interest in indoor plants,

friendly relations; tolerance towards their peers.

Vocabulary work: indoor plants, violet, root, fragile.

preliminary work: looking indoor violets, viewing

photos of violets, sticking a pot and leaves on a sheet of paper.

Equipment: flowers in pots - violets, houseplants; spray,

oilcloth; tape recorder, music by Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers".

Lesson progress

1 part. ( Children enter the hall to the music decorated with indoor flowers,

stand in a circle).

Organizing time

1. Psycho-gymnastics "We are plants"(performed to slow music).

We sit down and close our eyes. And let's pretend that you small plant, which

planted in the ground. It is still very weak, fragile, defenseless. You are being watered

dust you off. The plant begins to grow (children slowly

rise), the leaves rise to the light (hands raise up),

the plant feels good (hands down).

Open your eyes. Did you enjoy being a plant?

Guys, are green plants growing outside now? (Not).

Why don't they grow? (Winter, cold). That's right, the plants are green now

only in the room. That is why they are called indoor plants. look

on them, how beautiful and green it is. All this beauty is given to us by indoor flowers.

Today we will talk about them and what is necessary for growth.

(Children sit on chairs).

2. Introductory conversation.

Guys, why do you think these plants are called indoor? (Them

grown by people in rooms in special pots).

Why do you think people plant these flowers? (For beauty, cleanse

air, give oxygen). Also for medicinal purposes. Guys, many flowers

people use to treat diseases.

3. Examining violets.

Guys, I want to introduce you to this beautiful flower. It's room

plant. They call it violet.

What is it called? (Violet).

What does a flower have? (Leaves, flowers).

What color are the leaves? (Green).

What color are the flowers? (violet). Violets have different flowers: white,

blue, pink, purple, even light green.

Guys, our plants drink water with their roots, violets also have roots, they

are in a pot, in the ground.

4. The game "Where did the butterfly sit"

Look at you ... (butterfly). Where did the butterfly land? (Butterfly

sits on a leaf, stem, flower; children say where the butterfly landed).

5. finger game"Flowers"

Let's give this flower good mood. (Children perform

physical minute).

Our delicate flowers

Dissolve the petals. (Join your palms in the shape of a tulip, then slowly

open your fingers.)

The wind breathes a little

The petals sway. (Sway your hands)

Our delicate flowers

close the petals

(Slowly bring your fingers together to form a flower.)

Sleeping quietly

shake their heads . ("Color" sways in the wind again)

6. Comparison of 2 flowers

Guys, look at these 2 flowers, which flower do you like more? (Answers

children). Why didn't this flower catch your attention? What didn't you like?

(Answers of children).

Yes, guys, this flower is a little sick. And he fell ill, because for him on time

weren't cared for.

7. The game "What plants need to grow"(arrange cards according to


I have magical pictures. Let's take a look at what is needed

plant growth.

Without sunlight and heat, plants do not grow. Plants need land.

Plants need air. Watering can and water, we water the plants. And be sure to them

need our care and tenderness.

8. Violet care.

In order for our flower to grow and be beautiful, what should be done? (Water, loosen).

The flower must be loosened so that air enters the roots. (shows action).

9. Experiment "Watering flowers".

Touch the leaves of the violet, what are they? (Fluffy, soft).

And now touch the cotton pad. What is he? (Fluffy, soft).

Let's splash water on a cotton pad, what has it become now? (Wet,

heavy). Violet leaves do not like water, they can rot from water. Therefore it

it is necessary to water carefully, with warm water, under the spine, so that water does not get on

leaves. (shows action).

And gently sweep the dust from the leaves with a brush. (shows action).

Features caring for flowers are many. Broad leaves can be rubbed

with a rag, and plants with small leaves spray because they are fragile and

may break.

III. Summary of the lesson. A plant is a living thing, it grows, breathes, and therefore it is necessary

be in love. Do not tear flowers and leaves.

10. Reflection

- Why do people grow flowers? (For beauty, they purify the air, give


What is necessary for plant growth? (sun, air, water, earth).

What houseplant did we meet today? (Violet).

What should be done to make the flowers grow healthy? (Water, loosen,

wipe the leaves).

(Music plays, children leave).

Used Books:

Nikolaev "Ecological education of junior schoolchildren".

Formation of ecological culture of preschoolers: planning,

Synopsis of the OOD in the second junior group: "Introduction to indoor plants" (examining the plant).

Purpose: To promote the acquisition of knowledge about the concept of a houseplant using the example of a violet.


Introduce children to the concept of "houseplant"

To acquaint with the indoor flower - violet.

To teach children to recognize and name 3-4 bright distinguishing features (rough, round leaves, short stem, colorful flowers.

Learn to follow an object, denoting an exploratory action with a word: stroke, feel

To form in children an interest in plants.

Develop cognitive activity, mindfulness, speech, memory.

Enrich, activate the vocabulary of children at the expense of the words: Houseplant, violet, loosen, water, wipe, rough, villi.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards plants, the desire to care for them (water, remove dust from the leaves.)

Materials for GCD: Dasha doll, indoor plant (violet), pictures (violet leaf and blooming violet), Coloring Violet.

Lesson progress:

Introductory part:

Educator (brings in a doll and a flower): Children, look, a Dasha doll has come to visit us. Oh, Dasha, what do you have?

Doll: - Yes, I don’t even know what it is. They gave it for a holiday, they said it was a flower. But do such flowers exist? It's more like regular potted grass. So I came to you, maybe you can help me figure out what it is? Maybe it really is a flower.

Main part:

caregiver : - Dashenka, of course, it's a flower. This is a houseplant. Guys, are green plants growing outside now? (No)

Why don't they grow? (winter, cold)

That's right, the plants turn green now only in the room, in the heat. And that's why they're called rooms. Guys, let's repeat what these plants are called. Darling, do you remember?

Doll: Yes, it's a houseplant.

Educator: Houseplants are planted small in a pot, they are looked after, and then they grow large and beautiful. Let's all show together how houseplants grow.

Physical education minute: children crouch, stand up slowly and stretch up, depicting how a plant grows. Then the plant picks up a bud and a flower blooms. (finger exercise "Flower")

Here are the buds, here are the flowers

The petals are unfolding.

Repeat 2 times.

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: - Dashenka, this flower is called violet. Guys, let's all say together what the name of Dasha's flower is.

Educator: Guys, violets, like all plants, haveroot, stem, leaves, flower.

Guys, do you know why a plant needs a root? It helps, the flower is kept in the ground, and also with the help of it the flower is fed when water hits the ground, so the flowers need to be watered! The root is underground, so we can't see it.

And this stem, what color is it? Leaves grow on the stem of the plant, what color are they, and what shape? The leaves of the violet are dark green and covered with villi. You can touch them. What does the leaf feel like? (rough)

Guys, violets also have flowers, but they don’t bloom yet, but here’s what they are (show the picture), they are multi-colored.

Doll: Do you guys have indoor plants at home? Do you take care of them? Oh, I also need to learn how to care for the flower that was given to me.

Educator: Guys, how do you think how to care for the plant? Guys, you need to water the plant, loosen the soil so that air gets there and wipe the leaves when dirt and dust accumulate on them so that the leaves can breathe, because the plant, like you and me, is alive and growing.

Final part:

Doll: oh guys, how much I learned about indoor plants, only now I forgot the name of this plant. Oh, guys, what does the plant have, remind me. Oh, now I won’t forget, although it’s better to color the houseplant for me so that I don’t forget exactly how it looks.

Educator: Let's color the children.

Doll: thanks guys, bye.

Educator: Goodbye Dasha, let me see you.