Red berry: types, names and description. Strawberries, raspberries, red currants, viburnum. poisonous berries

It's cold here today. In the morning it was -32 places. Therefore, it draws on all sorts of summer memories.
I'll try to organize something. In geology, this is called winter office work.
Some of the photos are mine and some are not.


forest cherry
The main undergrowth of birch forests in the Southern and Middle Urals. There are years when from it - red red. Forest cherry, although smaller than garden cherry, is much more fragrant.

Forest blackcurrant
He loves the banks of rivers and lakes, wet forests, the edges of swamps. Unlike garden plants, it is practically not susceptible to diseases and frost, therefore it is often used by Ural breeders as the basis for local cultivars. Wild berries are small.
Currant has diaphoretic, diuretic and fixing properties. Leaves, buds and fruits black currant have a disinfecting effect associated with essential oils.


forest raspberry
Undergrowth in mixed Ural forests, and even in pure pine forests, sometimes grows. The berries are very fragrant. Fruits and leaves are used for colds, flu, as an antipyretic.


forest sea buckthorn
It grows along the banks of lakes, rivers, streams. The sand is very fond of. Berries are very useful. Stimulate the recovery processes in soft tissues, including in liver cells after alcohol intoxication, increases the protein content in the liver, regulates the metabolism of fats, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
Forest animals and birds are very fond of these berries. Especially wintering here.


Rose hip
Undergrowth in deciduous forests. The fruits contain a lot of tannin.


It adapts to almost any conditions, but sunny edges are better, of course. Blooms early, flowers withstand frost. The berries are sweet, contain a lot of pectin, they are great for various marmalades, jelly ... Birds love irgu, so you have to fight for the harvest.


It tolerates our frosts easily, but it is photophilous, therefore it is more common near water in the forest-steppe. Although I met her in not very dark coniferous forests.
IN traditional medicine everything except the root is used. Even the list is long. I recommend ladies to ask, a very useful plant for us.


It is frost-resistant and shade-tolerant, therefore it grows everywhere. The fruits are used in medicine as a multivitamin agent and carotene-containing raw materials. To use them in in kind, it is better to collect after frost, when the bitterness leaves.


bird cherry
It loves wet places, so it grows along the banks and in the lowlands. In folk medicine, fruits, bark, leaves, flowers are used ... you need to read.


It grows in shrub thickets, along forest edges, in rare deciduous and pine forests, in rivers, on screes and outcrops. It grows slowly, shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, frost-resistant. Fruits and flowers are used in folk medicine for rheumatism, edema, atherosclerosis, increased thyroid function, migraine, mental disorders in menopause, epilepsy, hypertension.


blue honeysuckle
Please do not confuse with red and yellow - they are poisonous. Blue wild honeysuckle grows in the undergrowth of coniferous and mixed forests of the Middle Urals and its more northern regions. The berries are dark blue with a bluish bloom, are edible and are valued for their delicate aroma and bitter-sour taste, reminiscent of blueberries. Honeysuckle blooms very early. Flowers withstand up to -6 frost. Therefore, it is the most important honey plant. bushes in early spring just buzzing with bees.


Actually, it's a shrub. Just a short, short one from the heather family. I think it's evergreen. There is a thaw in the spring, and there are green lingonberry leaves. Whole cranberries are also used. Both leaves and berries. Lots of uses. Useful plant.


Do not believe it, it is also a heather shrub, only its branches are filamentous and creeping. It really needs water, so it grows in swamps. The berries are used as an antiscorbutic colds, rheumatism, tonsillitis, beriberi. The leaves can be used as a tea.


Another heather shrub. I will not talk about the taste of berries. You know him.
The fresh berry is considered useful in the treatment of scurvy. In medicine, both berries and blueberry leaves are used. They are mainly used for diseases of the eyes, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus and in gerontology, as well as locally in the treatment of burns and ulcers, stomatitis and gingivitis. Leaves and shoots are used for initial forms diabetes, since the neomyrtillin glycoside contained in them has the ability to lower blood sugar


Again a heather shrub, but already 50 cm high. Sometimes up to a meter. Unlike blueberries, the stem is woody almost to the top. By appearance(especially due to the similarity of the leaves) blueberries can be confused with blueberries. Blueberries differ from blueberries in lighter stems and the shape of the receptacle on the berry: in blueberries it is even, almost round, in blueberries it is more broken; the taste of blueberries and blueberries is also very different. Blueberry juice is colorless. The taste is not bright, therefore, in desserts, blueberries are recommended to be mixed with berries that have a brighter taste: blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries.



Wild strawberry
Herbaceous plant. Prefers glades, edges, clearings and clarified forests. Berries are very tasty - a favorite dessert. An aqueous infusion of wild strawberry leaves is used as a diuretic for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.


forest strawberry
Herbaceous plant. The leaves are larger than those of strawberries, more fluffy. Harder. It can also grow in dense grass, but prefers mowing. In folk medicine, infusions of fruits and leaves are used as a diuretic and diaphoretic, for colds and anemia. And yes, it is very tasty. And the smell is just amazing!


Stone berry
Herbaceous plant. Sweet and sour fragrant berries. Very useful for anemia and colds. In folk medicine, a decoction of leaves and stems is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tumors, gout, inflammation of the joints and as an antiscorbutic agent. In Siberia, leaf infusions are used as an analgesic for heart, migraine, dandruff, to strengthen hair and as a sedative.
Perfectly stored just sprinkled with sugar. The most delicious thing I remember from my childhood.


Grows in the northern regions of the Urals. Frost-resistant. The fruit is a juicy polydrupe, sweet in taste when ripe, similar in size and shape to an ordinary raspberry, but its color is more complex. The aroma of ripe berries reminds a pineapple . Very tasty.
The juice of the princess helps to reduce the temperature, quenches thirst. Recommended as a tonic and tonic. The leaves can be used as a tea.


"Royal berry". Prefers northern areas. North of the Middle Urals and Subpolar Urals. Swampy places.
The fruit is a combined drupe with a diameter of 1.5 cm, shaped like raspberries, but has a special smell and taste, sweet; unripe berries are red, and ripe ones are orange color, almost transparent, reminiscent of pure bright amber. The berries change color three times. Very tasty and healthy. Cloudberries contain three times more vitamin C than oranges. Taiga residents also respect her. The places of its growth are the favorite pastures of white partridges and lekking capercaillie.
Cloudberry berries have antimicrobial, diaphoretic, antispasmodic effects. In terms of provitamin A content, cloudberries are superior to carrots. Cloudberries are a source of tocopherols, which are necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. Fruits can be used as an aid in the treatment of beriberi and hypovitaminosis. Cloudberry juice lubricates the areas of skin affected by scabies. Cloudberry is effective in the treatment of non-healing wounds. In this case, berries and other parts of the plant are used: leaves, roots, sepals.


So... What did I forget? Who is local, Ural?
What grows in your forests?

Berries at any time on the table is a favorite food. Sweet pleasant aroma berries and beckons to itself. Listed here are berry names that will make you salivate, but some berry names you will only hear for the first time.

You will come across amazing berry names on the list that are actually berries. You may be puzzled, but some fruit names are not berries. The fine line that separates these fruits is a classification defined in botany.

How is the term berry understood in botany? Berries are fruits that have an inner pulp, an edible peel, a pericarp, produced from a single ovary. In other words, this is one ovary with pulp that grows in juicy fruit, and there is no barrier between the seeds and the pulp that these seeds feed on.

Non-professional understanding of berries: All small juicy, colored fruits with pulp are berries.

List of berries.

Proper Berries: These fit the botanical definition of berries. Therefore, they are real berries.

Barberry: Barberry fruits are small berries, red or dark of blue color. Barberries are long and narrow fruits. They are used to make jams and tinctures. They are rich in vitamin C.

Elder: They have antioxidant properties that reduce cholesterol levels, increase vision, strengthen immune system, as well as eliminate heart problems, coughs, colds, flu, bacterial and viral infections, tonsillitis. Also added to ice cream and many other products: cocktails, jams, semi-finished products, muffins and syrups.

Grape: Grapes contain vitamins A, C, and B6. They also contain potassium, calcium, magnesium and folic acid.

Honeysuckle: They are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and quercetin (an acid that fights free radicals). Honeysuckle has been used in Chinese folk medicine for centuries. There are some poisonous varieties of honeysuckle. Therefore, it is better to buy honeysuckle in a store than to pluck it in nature. You can read about here.

Viburnum reddish: These berries can be eaten raw or processed. Once plucked from the tree, they spoil quickly and can only be kept for 3 days in the refrigerator, or they need to be frozen, canned, or dried. All parts of the plant are used in medicine.

Red currant: These are small round red or white berries that are used to make jams, pies and salads. They contain a lot of vitamins C, iron, potassium and dietary fiber.

Gooseberry: These are small round berries with a striped color. Unripe fruits are green in color, while ripe ones are pink to yellow.

Mahonia holly (Oregon grape): They look like grapes and have a blue or purple. They look like they are covered in powder. They are known as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents in nature.

Sea buckthorn: These orange berries are about the size of grapes. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help reduce weight and protect against dementia.

Podofil: Podophilus grows wild, mostly in the forest. Most podophylls do not bear fruit and have only one leaf. Those that bear fruit have 2 leaves and only one flower, which then turns into a fruit. In the budding phase, the fruits are green, hard and poisonous. However, it gradually turns yellow and becomes soft, and when ripe it has a pleasant taste.

A tomato: It is a common vegetable-fruit in the human diet, botanically classified as a berry. Tomatoes are the most common fruit in garden plots.

Currant: These are red, green, yellow or black berries. They were dried and used as raisins.

Black currant: These are popular fragrant berries similar in appearance to red currants. From them I make jams, pies, ice cream, cakes, etc. Black currants contain vitamin C. Berries also contain potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B5.

Rose hip: These are red oval berries, also known as wild Rose. They are the pome fruit of the rose. Berries are rich in vitamin C.

Drupes: They have a tough skin and only one seed inside. They are also called stone.

Aronia: There are two types of chokeberry, chokeberry and red rowan. Purple chokeberry is a hybrid of the above berries. Berries are used to make juices, jams, etc. They are also used as a flavoring and coloring agent. Berries are high in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Acai: These small round black berries are Brazil's largest cash crop. Juices, cocktails and various other drinks are made from them. These berries are known for their antioxidant properties.

Barbados cherry (acerola, acerola cherry, malpighia nude): This berry is native to the West Indies and Central America. The juice of these berries is also popular in the West Indies, as well as orange in America. The content of vitamin C in this berry is almost 65 times more than in an orange!

Dereza vulgaris (Goji berries): Outwardly, the berries look like dried and shriveled berries. They are also called wolf berries. They are usually cooked before consumption. They are used to make herbal tea, wine, rice water, Goji juice, etc. They contain 11 essential and 22 dietary trace minerals, 18 amino acids, 6 essential vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dietary fiber, etc.

Irga canadian: The berries have large seeds covered with a hardened rind. Ripe berries are red or purple. They are mainly eaten by birds. Berries are sweet.

Canadian pride: These are seasonal berries with a stone, blue-black color. They are food for birds and animals.

fruit tree frame: Winter fruit turns red or orange when ripe. Although the fruits are edible, they are rarely used in food. However, they are happily eaten by wild birds and animals that eat them throughout the winter.

Persimmon: They are not considered berries, but in fact they are according to the botanical classification. The color of the persimmon is red or orange. Contains glucose and protein. Persimmon is used in medicine.

Bird cherry virgin: Unripe red berries have a sour, astringent taste. Ripe berries are dark in color and not very tart in taste. Berries are used to make jelly, jam and syrup. They require a lot of sugar or sweetener to preserve.

Emleria: The berries are oval green and hard at the time of ripening and subsequently become reddish, and the ripe berries are black-violet.

Suprapistil berries (false berries): These develop from the lower ovary, unlike true berries, which develop from the superior ovary.

Cowberry: Cowberries are used to make jam, juice, syrup, compote, sauce, etc. Cowberries are rich in vitamin C, provitamin A, vitamin B (B1, B2, B3), potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Crowberry: These dry black berries are very similar to blueberries in appearance and taste. They are used as a natural food coloring. Native Americans use them to treat sore eyes. They contain few vitamins and a lot of water.

Cranberry: Berries are white when unripe and red when ripe. They are used to make juice, sauces, wines, etc. Eating large amounts of cranberries is very beneficial for health. Berries contain high level vitamin C, fiber, mineral salts and manganese.

bearberry: Red-brown berries. Berries have many medicinal properties. Bearberry herbal tea is used in the treatment of nephritis.

Blueberry: The berries are dark blue or purple. They are used in jams, purees, juices, pies and muffins. They contain high levels of antioxidants and can help prevent many diseases. For example, diseases of the stomach, heart, dystrophy.

juniper berries: They have green color when not yet ripe and ripe berries have a purple-black color.

Fruits: These are berry-like fruits. However, they do not develop from a single ovary like true berries. Many ovaries from one or more flowers are combined into one, making up a berry-like fruit.

boysenberry: These berries are burgundy in color, shiny large juicy berries are a hybrid between raspberries, blackberries and logan berries. They are added to pies and pies.

Voskovnik: China is the birthplace of berries. The berries are dark red. These berries can be eaten or used to make jam, pickles, wine, and juice.

Blackberry: This berry is most common in the UK. These are small, dark, purple berries that are the main ingredient in jams and pies. Berries contain a lot of vitamin C.

blackberry: They belong to the blackberry family and are sweeter than blackberries. Unripe berries are dark red, while ripe berries are dark purple. However, the striking feature is that male and female plants grow separately.

Irga: These are red berries, ripe black and blue. They are similar in size to blueberries. They make jams, muffins, etc.

Irga spiky: These are sweet berries that are used to make pies and jams.

Irga alder-leaved: This berry comes from Canada and is very similar in appearance to blueberries. Berries are rich in vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, copper and carotene.

: It is the most popular fruit all over the world. Various culinary dishes, jams, ice cream, sauces, pies, cakes, milkshakes, etc. are made from strawberries. Strawberries contain a high content of vitamin C, manganese and folic acid.

Loganberry: These are ruby ​​red, sweet, juicy berries. They are used in the preparation of juices. Berries contain vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium, fiber and carbohydrates.

Raspberries: These are small red berries that ripen in summer or autumn. They are used to make jam, jelly, pies and ice cream. They contain a lot of vitamin C, manganese, vitamin K and magnesium.

Raspberry fragrant: The berries are red. These fruits are so fragile that they can break when you take them in your hands.

Raspberry purple: These are red or orange berries. Contrary to their name, they are not suitable for the production of wines due to their astringency.

Cloudberry: Ripe berries have a pleasant taste and color from yellow to orange-red. They make jams, sweets, marmalade and wines. Native Americans eat these berries with dried red caviar, hence the name Salmonberries (salmon berries).

Mulberry: These berries are red, purple and black in color. Berries are used to make pies, cakes, liqueurs and jams.

Marionberry (marion berries): This is a hybrid. They are darker than blackberries and are used to make pies, tortos, ice cream and jellies.

Olallieberries: These berries are found mainly in California. They are rich in vitamin C and fiber, which are helpful in reducing the risk of cancer.

Youngberry Large: Sweet reddish black berry, hybrid of blackberry and black currant. They ripen 2 weeks earlier than blackberries. Berries are rich in vitamins A, C and B1, calcium, cellulose.

Poison Berries: These berries fit the botanical description of berries, and some just look like berries. These are poisonous berries that should not be eaten.

Wolfberry (Wolf's bast): The berries of this plant have a fragrant smell and are poisonous. They come from Eurasia, North Africa and Australia.

Voronets: Berries grow on flowering herbaceous plants belonging to the family ranunculus. poisonous berries contain cardiogenic toxin. These toxins affect the heart muscle tissue, leading to cardiac arrest and death.

: These large berries are white in color and have a black mark that resembles an eye. The berries are very poisonous. In English, the berries are called Doll's Eyes Berries.

Lakonos(phytolacca): These dark purple berries are poisonous to humans, but birds eat them. Two species of this plant grow in Russia.

Lily of the valley: This plant completely poisonous due to the content of convallatoxin in it. In Russia, it is distributed in the European part, the Crimean Mountains, Transbaikalia, the Amur Region, Primorye, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

Ligustrum (privet): The berries of this plant are poisonous, have a black color. One species grows in the South of Russia. The flowers of this plant are purple.

nightshade(Jerusalem cherry): Yati berries are poisonous, they are often confused with tomatoes. Like many transplanted plants and fruits to Australia, nightshade has become an invasive weed there.

holly berries: These red berries are used as ornamental. If ingested, they can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Yew berries: These red or blue berries contain poisonous seeds. In case of need for survival, consume these berries without seeds.

Such a huge selection of berries allows you to enjoy them to a sufficient extent. However, be careful when you are in nature and want to pick a berry hanging from bushes and plants that you do not know, it can be a very poisonous berry. So the list of berries is over, a big request to add unmentioned names of berries in the comments!

This article describes edible fruit and berries that grow in the Siberian taiga.

Firstly, this is the well-known strawberry, which is called the "queen of berries" for its unique taste and aroma.

Distributed everywhere. You will meet her in any clearing, in deciduous and mixed forests.. She is absent only in pure coniferous forests. Collect it in June-July.

In general, while in the taiga, stay close to the water - several types of berries always grow near any stream.

For example:
(comes in black and red)

It grows along the banks of streams, rivers, in any damp wetlands. It is also found far from water, but practically without berries. Bushes up to a meter high. Collection time July-August-September.

It grows mainly in damp shady places, usually spreads like a carpet on the ground, but it can also grow in separate bushes (up to 10-15 cm) both in deciduous and coniferous forests. A characteristic feature is the presence of 1 to 6 berries on one stalk.
Collection time July-September.


Delicious berry with a very bright subtle aroma. It looks like a raspberry, it is easy to distinguish by smell and by the size of the bush (the princess bush is no more than 10-15 cm tall)
We collect it in August-September.


Short (up to 30-40cm) perennial shrub, prefers damp coniferous forest and open marshland.
Berries from greenish-blue to dark blue (depending on maturity). It is very similar to blueberries, which, by the way, you can also find here.
Collection time July-September.

Evergreen perennial small creeping shrub. A frequent companion of blueberries, it almost always grows next to it. It can be found in coniferous forest on uplands and rocky slopes, but usually without berries. Very similar to cranberries. Berries, depending on maturity, from white to maroon

Collection time July-August-September.
Lingonberries and blueberries(Lake Baikal)

Vitamin treasure. Prefers a sunny deciduous forest, but if you look you can find it everywhere.
Harvest time: flowers May-June,
fruits July-August

In dense thickets of shrubs, in the undergrowth of a coniferous forest, you can often find wild forest raspberries.

Less often, on the banks of rivers in the forests of Transbaikalia, you can find such a berry as sea buckthorn.

Its name comes from the fact that the branches of this tree (up to 6 meters high) are densely covered with fragrant spicy berries in autumn, the color from light yellow to red-orange. Very rich in vitamins, especially vitamins A and C.

Harvest time August-September.

And, in conclusion, a couple of lines about another gift of nature - the fruits of Cedar Pine, which is mistakenly called simply cedar.

Pine nuts - valuable food product, can be eaten both raw and after heat treatment (can be fried like sunflower seeds), are a rich source of iodine. If you find a cedar forest in the taiga, then you definitely won’t die of hunger) The protein of pine nuts is high in lysine, methionine and tryptophan - the most deficient essential amino acids, which usually limit the biological value of proteins.
Cedar is very common in Western Siberia, in Eastern Siberia and in the Urals.

Maturation of cones occurs within 12-15 months. Collected usually in August-September.

You can often hear about cases of mushroom poisoning, but do not forget that other gifts of nature can deliver us serious problems. Our article will introduce you to the types of poisonous berries and teach you how to provide first aid in case of poisoning with them.

Poison Berries: Precautions

Walking through the forest, you just want to put seductively bright, beautiful and very appetizing-looking berries into your mouth, here and there attached to the branches of shrubs and trees. Is it worth it to meet this desire? Of course not, because any of them can be poisonous to our body.

Signs of berry poisoning

Various types of poisonous berries have a strictly defined effect on the human body, but we will try to highlight main symptoms indicating poisoning. So the things to worry about are:

  • convulsions
  • Rapid pulse
  • Labored breathing

First aid for berry poisoning

The very first aid is to stimulate vomiting - this procedure will free the stomach from poisonous contents. To do this, the victim needs to be given 2-4 glasses of water (you can add Activated carbon - 2 tbsp. per 500 ml, salt - 1 tsp. 500 ml or potassium permanganate). The procedure will have to be carried out several times.

In the presence of medicines it is recommended to give the patient activated carbon, tannin, as well as any laxative and heart remedy. In the presence of seizures will have to use chloral hydrate. If there is no first aid kit, you can give the patient black crackers, starch solution or milk. It does not hurt to also do an enema (if possible). The victim must be wrapped warmly and take to the doctor.

Honeysuckle forest

Honeysuckle forest - shrub, often found in the Urals and Western Siberia. Dark red berries this plant, unlike garden honeysuckle, poisonous. The ripening time of the forest variety is July-August.

Wolf's bast

Wolf bark - shrub or small tree . The plant is common in moist forests. European part of Russia, as well as in Western Siberia. Oblong red-orange berries wolf's bark dot the bush in autumn. Even touching them can lead to poisoning.

Belladonna or belladonna

Belladonna is a member of the nightshade family. Beauty gives a harvest black with a purple tint of sweet and sour berries of an oblate-spherical shape already at the beginning of autumn. Most often, this poisonous berry can be found in middle lane of Russia.

raven eye

This perennial has a low stem, on which there are 4-5 leaves of a rather large size and only one fruit ripens. raven eye distributed almost throughout Russia. This blue-black berry a bit like blueberries, but it is very poisonous (it affects the heart muscle, paralyzing its work).

Snowberry white

round berries white color ripen by the end of summer, and then hibernate on the plant until the onset of heat. Despite the seductive appearance, the berries are absolutely inedible. In our country, the snowberry is used as ornamental plant.

warty euonymus

Warty euonymus is deciduous shrub or a small tree, often found in European part of Russia. Euonymus fruits are very original - bright orange berries decorated with a black dot, and they ripen on a long "thread" (herbaceous stalk).

Nightshade bittersweet

Nightshade bittersweet - semi-shrub with woody base and long curly stem. Red berries with a bittersweet taste, ripen in June. The plant continues to bear fruit until October. Nightshade can be found in central Russia, as well as on the Far East and in Siberia.

Marsh calla

Marsh calla - creeping hydrophyte with large heart-shaped leaves. Its fruits ( bunches of juicy red berries) ripen already at the end of June. The plant is widely distributed throughout Russia ( in wetlands).

Elder herb (stinky)

smelly - herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the honeysuckle family. fruits ( small black drupes with red juice) appear in August-September. This plant is most commonly found in the southern regions of Russia in the mountains and foothills.

Privet or wolf berries

thermophilic deciduous shrub olive families. You can meet this plant in the southwestern part of Russia. Black and very poisonous berries ripen in September and remain on the branches for a long time. It's worth knowing that not only the fruits are poisonous, but also the leaves.

perennial herbaceous plant with thin stems and pinnate leaves. It can be found in the forests European part of the country. The fruits have elongated oval shape, as they mature, they change color from green to white, and then to red.

perennial herbaceous plant with a thin stem and with large pinnate leaves on long petioles. Oval-cylindrical, slightly flattened and collected in a vertical brush berries change color from green to black. You can meet this plant in the European part of Russia, as well as in Western Siberia.

Aronnik spotted

Aronnik is a perennial herb with a thickened tuberous rhizome and basal leaves resembling a spearhead. In August, the leaves die off, and a stalk with numerous red berries remains above the ground. In September, the fruits fall off, and in the spring next year self-seeding appears.

Aronnik spotted

Poisonous properties are possessed by fruits - berries of common ivy, double-leaved mink, May lily of the valley.

poisonous berries can not only poison, but also lead to death. That is why it is extremely important not to eat unfamiliar fruits, no matter how tempting they look.

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" Garden

Wild berries are delicious and useful product. Chefs use them to prepare masterpieces, and housewives find berries used in all spheres of life.

You can pick berries during summer, autumn and even winter. Strawberries and strawberries are the first to appear. They are best harvested in early summer, when the berries are ripe and full of flavor. For lingonberries, blueberries, stone fruits and blueberries - go to coniferous forests. Berries such as cranberries and cloudberries grow near damp places. Most often in swamps or near streams or rivers. An excellent dessert will be raspberries and blackberries. However, when going to the forest, you need to pay attention that not all berries are edible. Poisonous berries are life-threatening! Names of the most popular edible berries are listed below.


Saturated gustatory qualities of lingonberries growing in dry areas of pine forests. These are small bushes with bright scarlet berries. It is necessary to collect lingonberries by the end of summer - in the fall, when the berries have poured and become dark coral in color. The fruits contain a lot of sugar, so lingonberries make good jams and jams.. Not only berries are used, but also leaves. They have disinfectants and other useful properties.

A plant with shoots creeping along the ground, only 30 cm high. Bone fruits are very similar in appearance to raspberries, both in shape and color. In each drupe of the fruit, there is one bone. The taste of the berry resembles a ripe pomegranate.. The berry finds a wide scope. It is often used for drinks and desserts. Tea is brewed with leaves. It turns out fragrant, but slightly viscous. Made from berries Home wine and even added in the production of vinegar and shampoos.

These large berries, dark blue in color, are easily confused with blueberries. You can tell them apart by the size of the bush. The blueberry bush is 30 cm high, while the blueberry grows on a shrub reaching a height of 90 cm. The flesh of the blueberry is a watery structure with a greenish tint. You can pick berries in various types forests. Most often, the berry grows on hills and in the mountains. When picking blueberries, care must be taken to ensure that rosemary leaves do not get into the basket along with the berries. The leaves are poisonous. Cause drowsiness, dizziness and fainting. But blueberry leaves, on the contrary, contain a lot of useful properties. On their basis, teas are brewed, infusions are made and used in cooking.

It is not recommended to give blueberries to children under 1.5 years old, to use by lactating and pregnant women. The use of berries is dangerous with the risk of developing diathesis.

One of the healthiest berries. It has a blue-black color. Blueberries are a strong dye. After eating a handful, a colored tongue can be observed for a long time. Grows on small bushes in moist and shaded areas. The berry has wide application in medicine. Blueberries contain many useful properties that help fight the formation of tumors, scurvy, improve vision. Berry is useful for losing weight. Substances contained in blueberries contribute to the process of accelerating metabolism. Use better berry fresh, but for the winter you can dry or freeze blueberries.

Due to a one-time use of berries in large quantities, digestive problems may occur.

Black medium-sized berry, in appearance resembles a blackcurrant. You can find it both in the shady and warmed by the sun. Grows on shrubs or low trees. Best time for collecting elderberry - late summer - early autumn. At this time, the berries ripen and become the most useful for humans.

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that black elderberries contain only useful substances, and red ones are poisonous to humans.

Dangerous are unripe elderberry fruits, foliage and flowers. IN medicinal purposes the berry is used in dried and processed form. To save elderberry for the winter, you need to pay attention to storage conditions. The berry is quite susceptible to temperature and humidity.


Small evergreen shrubs creeping along the ground. Berries are common in all corners the globe but the best climatic conditions for wild cranberries are high humidity and low temperature. The fruits have a dense skin and a fiery red color. The berry has a specific, sour, taste. Usually, the collection of cranberries begins in August, but the fruits can hold out on the plant until the beginning of spring, while retaining all the nutrients, and there are quite a few of them in cranberries. It is of great value as medicinal plant, used in cooking for preparing drinks and various dishes. It tends to be stored for a long time in frozen and dried forms.

Berries are contraindicated for people with intestinal diseases and acid-sensitive tooth enamel.

Advantages and disadvantages

All varieties and types garden berries were bred from their forest ancestors. However, garden-grown berries do not get the same unique set of elements as forest-grown berries. It has long been known that berries tastier and healthier. They are often used in pharmacology and medicine.

The main useful properties of wild berries are:

  1. Berries growing in wild forests are not polluted by civilization. They absorb those useful substances that nature and the plants around them give, without the admixture of chemicals or fertilizers.

Wild berries are an environmentally friendly product
  1. Fruit contain a large number of antioxidants, which remove toxins from the body, help maintain a figure in good shape, slow down aging, and prevent diseases of cardio-vascular system, deterioration general well-being, apathy, sleep disturbances.
  2. Berries do not accumulate heavy metals. Everything harmful substances linger in the roots, stems, leaves of plants. Therefore, when collecting foliage, you should pay attention to whether there are nearby industrial enterprises or tracks.
  3. The use of wild berries, allows you to save consumed vitamins for long term . What is the key to good health in winter.
  4. Many berries are reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.
  5. Antiseptic properties of fruits useful for those who suffer from diseases of the bladder and kidneys.
  6. Blueberry contains substances that reduce the likelihood of blood clots in vessels and the development of atherosclerosis.
  7. When using wild berries visual acuity improves. Researchers have proven that with the daily use of wild natural berries, in the conditions of a modern lifestyle, good vision is maintained up to 55-60 years.
  8. A berry such as raspberries is often used as an antipyretic.. When sweat is released, the body is cleansed of substances accumulated due to improper lifestyle. Raspberries strengthen the immune system, which allows you to more effectively fight colds and other viral diseases.

Raspberry is a good antipyretic
  1. Not only berries have medicinal properties, but also foliage, flowers, and sometimes plant roots. On their basis, infusions are made and teas are brewed. Plant parts can be used fresh or dried.. The leaves have the ability to lower blood sugar.
  2. The use of red berries, increases hemoglobin in the blood. This is especially helpful for the elderly. Before use, you need to pay attention to contraindications, if any.
  3. Of course, wild berries have a real rich smell and taste. They absorb the aromas of the forest: needles, herbs and others. Can be used to make desserts, sauces, drinks. Useful berry treats will be for children. They will help strengthen and protect the child's body from harm.

Wild berries have a small number of disadvantages, which are lost against the background of the list of advantages. But still it is worth paying attention to them.

Berries should be consumed in moderation. The fanatical use of berries in all areas of life can lead to health problems:

  1. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract
  2. The appearance of rashes, redness, and the subsequent development of allergies
  3. The occurrence of dental problems: the destruction of tooth enamel, the development of caries, increased sensitivity.

Caution should be taken to the use of berries for people with diseases of the pancreas and liver, since an excess of certain substances can adversely affect the organs.

Forest berries - a storehouse useful substances And palatability. Their moderate use can give long life, reduce the risk of diseases and simply strengthen the body. And of course, fragrant forest berries will be a good addition to culinary masterpieces.