Red spring flower. The first spring flowers: photos, names and descriptions of primroses. early herbaceous flowers

Despite the fact that in almost every garden beautiful, bright varietal flowers and shrubs delight the eye, we cannot pass indifferently past their modest forest relatives. Surrounding ourselves with lush floral splendor, we lose the thread of natural harmony. And simple forest flowers give us it again. This is probably why many of us want to move a “piece of forest” to our site. And it is quite possible to do this, because wild plants, for the most part, unpretentious. They are well adapted to their natural habitat. They do not need weeding, additional watering, artificial pollination.

However, when planting forest flowers, one very important factor must be taken into account - their compatibility with new conditions. For example, if a tall bell, accustomed to shady, damp places, is planted in a sunny flower bed, then in the first year it will become small, and in a year it may not bloom at all. And his neighbors marigold, wintergreen and calla in such conditions can die immediately. Also, not everyone normally tolerate loosening the soil. Weeds around the two-leafed love should not be weeded out, but periodically cut short. But wild-growing bulbs are normal for weeding. Some flowers in a cramped bed may not have enough space, while others can multiply very strongly and will be difficult to get rid of. Therefore, before planting wild plants in your area, you need to study how they grow in their natural habitats.

Forest plants prefer moist soil with a large proportion of leafy soil. It is necessary to plan their landing in such a way that the chosen place is as close as possible to their natural conditions growth. If the plant becomes larger every year, grows and blooms profusely, then these conditions are suitable for it.

Let's get to know some of the green inhabitants of the forest closer.

In spring, snow still lies in the forest, and the first leaves and flowers are already visible on the thawed patches. Represent such residents spring forest like snowdrop, blueberry, muscari, crocuses, lilies of the valley, violets, anemones no need. They are well known to everyone, breeders have bred a lot ornamental varieties these plants. In spring, you can also find such forest flowers as sleep-grass, lungwort, marigold, ivy-shaped budra, fragrant violet, spring primrose, fragrant woodruff and many others. Let's get acquainted with some of the more rare guests of garden plots.


Noble liverwort (Hepática nobilis)- the Ranunculaceae family, a small herbaceous perennial (5-15 cm). Flowering occurs in April, the color of the flowers is from whitish to blue-violet. One flower does not fade for almost a week. The diameter of the corolla is 2-4 cm. The three-lobed leaves vaguely resemble the human liver in their shape (hence the name). The leaves remain under the snow all winter (only fade a little). Helps to keep warm and survive spring frosts numerous fluffy hairs on the lower part of the leaves and on the petioles. After flowering, a fruit is formed with seeds about 8 mm in diameter. It is odorless and attracts insects with its pollen. Most often, this flower can be found in a spruce forest. Therefore, an open place is suitable for the noble liverwort, where the sun will be from early morning until 2 pm. The soil needs loose, rich in humus. Is medicinal. Often this plant is confused with snowdrop and blueberry.


Corydalis (Corydalis)- Dymyankovye family, herbaceous plant 10-20 cm high. The leaves are dissected. Inflorescences - a dense brush. The flowers are sometimes white, but more often red-purple or light purple. Flowering continues from April to June. tuberous plant. Grows in mixed forests. Very resistant to frost, as well as pests and diseases. Prefers slightly acidic humus soils. It multiplies quickly, does not like stagnant water. Has many types.

Chistyak spring

Spring Chistyak (Ficaria)- family Ranunculaceae, low perennial (10-30 cm). Lacquer leaves in the form of a hoof of emerald green color. The flowers are small bright yellow glossy stars. Blooms one of the first along with snowdrops. Looks like a small bouquet. It looks bright and delightful against the backdrop of the still bare earth. But it multiplies very quickly and can become a weed. By the time the seeds ripen, it becomes poisonous. Medicinal plant.

summer flowers

In summer, the flowers in the forest surprise with their variety. These are gentian, leucanthemum, wild-growing bergenia, officinalis veronica, bluebells, forget-me-nots, cornflowers, moonwort, common sorrel, wild poppy and many others. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Fireweed angustifolium or willow-herb (Epilobium angustifolium L.)- Onagric family. The stem of the fireweed is erect with lanceolate leaves, it will grow from 50 cm to 2 m. The inflorescence is a brush of large pinkish-crimson flowers that bloom gradually from bottom to top. Flowering occurs in the second half of summer and lasts about 30 days. It grows in forests, on the edges, conflagrations, clearings, slopes of ravines. Unpretentious, frost-resistant. The rhizome grows very strongly, so it needs to be thinned out before the seeds ripen. Amazing honey plant. It has a lot of useful medicinal properties.

Kupena or Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum)- the Liliaceae family, a herbaceous plant with a curved stem 60-70 cm. Oval leaves (10-12 cm) are located on the stem in symmetrical pairs. Axillary flowers, whitish-cream in shape, resemble elongated bells up to 1.5 cm. They practically do not smell. Kupena remotely resembles a large lily of the valley. Blooms in early June. Then black berries form in place of the flowers. The shoot dies off every year. Kupena is unpretentious, but does not like dry places. A wild plant can be propagated on the site by dividing the rhizome. Toxic. Possesses medicinal properties. Grows in deciduous-spruce forests.

Blue or azure cyanosis (Polemónium caerúleum)- the Sinyukhov family. The stem is erect, from 40 cm to 1 m. The leaves are oblong, pinnate. Blooms in June-July. The inflorescence is a panicle of beautiful blue flowers. After flowering, the plant does not look decorative, it is recommended to cut it immediately. After cutting, it quickly recovers and becomes pretty again. The cyanosis is winter-hardy and unpretentious, but loves low-lying areas where it is close ground water. In nature, it grows in forest-steppe zones in damp places. Has medicinal properties.


Meadowsweet or meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)- the Pink family, has an erect stem, reaching two meters. Dark green large three-lobed leaves are pubescent below. When rubbed, they emit a characteristic cucumber smell. The inflorescence is an upright panicle of many small white-pink or pale yellow flowers. Blooms in mid-summer. Has a very strong aroma. Thick, creeping rhizome forms new shoots by August. Meadowsweet is a cold-resistant and moisture-loving plant. Distributed in forests and forest-steppes, in humid places. Excellent honey plant. It is a medicinal plant.

Among the spring primroses, the leading position is undoubtedly occupied by bulbous flowers. And it is well deserved. After all…

Autumn flowers

In the autumn forest, which is full of bright colors, the flowers become less flashy and not so noticeable, they also bloom in autumn, but in a special, more modest way. What flowers can be found in the forest in autumn? Basically, these are summer autumn flowers that continue to bloom, gentian, meadow calico, calico, clover, cinquefoil, oak maryannik, cumin, umbrella hawk, autumn kulbaba, black cohosh and others.

At the beginning of autumn in the forest, the flowers of oregano, goldenrod, twisted bluebell, violets are delighting us with farewell to summer.

Oregano or oregano (Origanum vulgaris L.)- family Lamiaceae, a small perennial (30 to 80 cm). Small two-lipped flowers are collected in oval spikelets, which at the end of the branches are collected in panicles. The color of the flowers is pinkish-purple, rarely white. Blooms all summer and early autumn. In August, the seeds begin to ripen. The plant is cold-resistant, undemanding, but does not grow well on heavy acidic soils. Light-loving. Distributed very widely. It grows in the steppes, in clearings and forest edges, on the slopes of ravines. loves pine and aspen plots the woods. It has a pronounced pleasant aroma and a bitter-spicy taste. It is a medicinal plant and is used in cooking as a spice. It is used in the design of mixborders, rockeries, discounts.


Common goldenrod or golden rod (Compositae)- Asteraceae family, perennial with reddish stems from 40 cm to 1 m. Oblong-oval leaves with small teeth along the edge. Paniculate inflorescences are collected from baskets, which, in turn, consist of small yellow flowers. From the second half of summer until the end of September, they bloom. It grows in forests, on the slopes of ravines, on the edges, clearings, clearings. Unpretentious. Sometimes requires a garter. If you want to avoid self-seeding, then immediately after flowering, you should cut it off. Goldenrod is possible, also suitable for flower beds and mixborders.

Twisted bell

Twisted or assembled bell (Campanula glomerata L.)- Bellflower family, perennial up to half a meter high. It has broad lanceolate leaves. Capitate inflorescences resemble small bouquets, consisting of small blue-violet bells (sometimes white). Blooms all summer and early autumn. Unpretentious. It grows on the edges and clearings in the forest, as well as among shrubs. Medicinal plant. AT landscape design used for planting under trees, in flower beds, natural gardens and for cutting.

Violet tricolor

Violet tricolor or pansies (Viola tricolor L.) and field violet (V. arvensis Murr.)- the Violet family, annual and biennial herbaceous plants with an erect, slightly ribbed stem 10-45 cm. The leaves are ovate in shape and have jagged edges. The flowers are solitary, irregular, consisting of 5 petals, located on a long pedicel. The violet has a tricolor long corolla. The upper two petals are purple or dark blue, the two side petals are of the same color, only lighter, and the lower large petal with a spur is light yellow (maybe with a purple edge). And in violets, the field corolla is not long and the flowers are smaller. They also differ in color. The field violet has white upper petals, while the middle and lower petals are bright yellow. Violets bloom from May to early October. It is found everywhere on the edges and clearings in the forest, in forest belts, as well as along roads. Violet is undemanding and hardy. Soils prefer neutral. Does not like fertilizer with fresh manure! Care for wild violets is the same as for its ornamental varieties. It is a medicinal plant.

But there are flowers in the forest that bloom in autumn, these are autumn colchicum. The name itself suggests that it blooms at the wrong time, not like all its bulbous counterparts. He confused spring with autumn.

Colchicum autumn

Colchicum autumn or Colchicum (Colhicum autumnale)- Lily family bulbous plant about 10 cm. The aerial stem is erect, rounded. Three or four broad-lanceolate leaves are collected in a rosette around the fruit, they die off in the middle of summer, and with the onset of cold weather, large flowers up to 25 cm appear, similar to crocuses. Flower color ranges from white to purple. Blooms in the first half of autumn. In nature, it is found in wet water meadows, along rivers and streams. Colchicum is an unpretentious plant. In the fall, he will be able to decorate the site, and will stand in a vase for about 5 days. It is only necessary to remember that the whole plant is poisonous. You need to work with it with gloves and take precautions.

Non-flowering forest plants

Walking through the forest, you suddenly stop looking at a plant that does not stand out for flowering, but still has some kind of special attraction. After all, not only the delicate charm of forest flowers, but also beautiful or unusual leaves make wild plants very decorative.

Cuff (Alchemilla)- Rosaceae family, creeping perennial (15-60 cm). The cuff has unremarkable flowers, they are small, false umbrellas are collected in inflorescences, an inexpressive greenish-yellow hue. Blooms from May to late summer. But the main advantage of this plant is the leaves. They are light green, round, fan-shaped, pubescent, with slightly concave lobes. Due to the pubescence, dew drops linger on the sheets. In the light of the first rays of the morning sun, it looks just amazing! The plant is unpretentious, but loves moist soil. Self-seeding well, so you need to immediately cut dry flower stalks. Successfully coexists with tall plants (bells, delphiniums, etc.). Medium-sized undersized plants should not be planted near the cuff (more on which you can learn), growing, it can simply close them. A good cuff on an alpine slide and as a curb. In the wild, it is found in ravines, forest edges, banks of water bodies and wet meadows.

Ferns and horsetails will add a unique pristine atmosphere to your garden. These ancient representatives flora have interesting and lush foliage. They grow in our forests many species.

Kochedyzhnik (Athyrium)- This genus includes approximately 200 species of ferns. There are 12 species found in our area. These are large ferns up to 1 m, growing mainly in the forest. Leaves with short petioles, pinnately dissected, covered with brownish scales. Very widespread in moist forests, can form entire thickets. It reproduces intensively by spores. Considered poisonous. He likes wet shady places, he is often planted near artificial reservoirs.

Common bracken (Pteridium oquilinum) - perennial- fern up to 1 meter high, branch width with leaves up to 70 cm. Pinnate or pinnatifid, lanceolate leaves blunt at the ends, located on long petioles, dense. They have a peculiar smell. It does not grow as a bush, the leaves are arranged singly and are connected underground by a rhizome. Reproduces by spores. It grows most often in oak and pine forests. Unpretentious. It is considered poisonous, although it is used as food by the peoples of the Far East.

horsetail- herbaceous perennial spore plant, which has an interesting texture. It has hard branched green jointed shoots 30-60 cm and cone-like spore-bearing spikelets. Often found in forests in marshy areas. Some types of horsetails are used in landscaping.

forest shrubs

There are many beautiful shrubs in our forests, you just have to look closely. Here hung beautiful long catkins of hazel, wild species of willow meet spring with fluffy "seals", wolf's bast, euonymus, honeysuckle, dogwood, brittle buckthorn, privet delight with flowering and decorative fruits. Beautiful and useful black elderberry, hawthorn and blackthorn. Do not count everyone.

Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra)- this shrub in the wild is found everywhere. Its height is 6-10 m, the leaves are large, slightly shiny. In May, it is covered with fragrant whitish-cream umbrellas of inflorescences. And closer to autumn, flower umbrellas turn into brushes of black berries. This unpretentious shrub on the site causes trouble by active reproduction. However, this is not a reason to refuse this pretty and very useful medicinal plant.


Hawthorn (Crataegus)- tall bush, Rosaceae family. Has many types. This plant retains its decorative effect for almost the entire warm season. At first, the bush pleases the eye with beautiful white flowers, and in autumn it flashes with red-orange clusters very useful berries. Fruit color can range from light orange to black. Very undemanding and strong plant. Beautiful in hedges, thorny branches will make such a barrier impenetrable. It also looks decorative alone on the edges.

Blackthorn or blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.)- branched thorny shrub from 1.5 to 4 m, from the Rosaceae family. Oblong-oval leaves with denticles along the edges. In spring, it is covered with medium-sized white five-petal flowers, and in autumn, black-gray fruits resembling small cream appear in their place. Sweet and sour in taste, they have a slight astringency. The plant is medicinal. In the wild, it grows in the forest-steppe zone. Unpretentious.

Forest plants in landscape design

We can “invite” a lot of forest guests to our garden plot. Growing in harsh conditions wildlife, in a well-kept garden, they can reveal all their possibilities. It is best, of course, to use plants from your area.

For moorish lawn some forest flowers will do: leucanthemum, bluebells, wild poppy, forget-me-nots. On the shady area you can plant ferns, horsetail, kupena, they will give this part of the garden a touch of mystery and peace.

Liverworts will decorate rocky hills in a group with small-bulbous primroses. Kaluzhnitsa, Ivan-tea, meadowsweet will look great on the shore of an artificial reservoir. Sinyukha will decorate any flower bed. Oregano can be used for mixborders and discounts.

Most shrubs are suitable for creating hedges and will perform well in a single planting. A wonderful border will come out of the cuff.

Now such a direction in landscape design as “natural garden” or “eco-style garden” is coming into fashion. The basis of this style is to recreate on garden plot corner of the wild. Of course, everything should be done as naturally as possible. For this, they are used wonderful plants our forests, which are in perfect harmony with the inner world of man.

The first long-awaited spring flowers appear on the thawed snow. In the summer, when there are so many bright colors around, they would hardly have been paid special attention to. But after long winter even the tiny bud of a mother-and-stepmother who grew up on bare earth delights us. There are many primroses that can decorate our site. Among them there are those that are still too early to be considered popular.

Adonis spring, or spring adonis (Adonis vernalis). This perennial (150 years and more!!!) early-flowering herbaceous plant of the Ranunculaceae family was known as medicinal as early as the 16th century. They were treated for heart disease. Blooms in April - May for 2 - 3 weeks. Adonis, whose flowers light up when sunshine, is considered a difficult crop to grow by amateur flower growers. Popular names (“yellow flower”, “gold flower”) contain a hint of the color of the flower. In cloudy weather and at night, the flowers close. When growing on the site, you should pay attention to the fact that adonis in nature grows better on chernozem soils. It is advisable to finish off a small amount of lime. The place should be well lit, shading can destroy the adonis. Reproduction is difficult due to the low germination of seeds (up to 30%), which have an underdeveloped embryo. They need to be sown within one year. The division of the rhizome is The best way reproduction, since adonis after that may not take root. There are several varieties of spring adonis, even with white flowers.

Or anemones (anemona). Some species of this plant of the Ranunculaceae family replenish the number of primroses. Among them anemone radde (Anemone raddeana), which naturally grows on Far East. Mass flowering in April - May for two weeks. Max Height peduncle - 25 cm, more often 10 - 15 cm. A flower with white "petals" has a diameter of about 4 cm. The most popular species is the oak anemone (Anemone nemorosa), which grows in the forests of the middle lane and blooms from early May. Anemone oak loves loose soil. There is a terry variety "Vestal", which blooms later, by the middle - the end of May.

spring whiteflower (Leucojum vernum) like the snowdrop belongs to the Amaryllis family. This bulbous perennial blooms very early, appearing on thawed patches. The flowers are white, the edges of the petals are corrugated, there is a yellow or greenish spot on the petals. Peduncle up to 20 cm high can hold not one, but two flowers. Leaves appear towards the end of flowering. The plant grows rapidly (especially in the penumbra of trees), forming bouquets on moist nutrient soil. blooming primroses. Grows well in low places. Avoids acidic soils, grows best on nutrient soil mixture. Propagated by freshly harvested seeds (flowering will have to wait up to 6 - 7 years) and children (dry quickly). Bulb nests should be planted every 5-6 years. In summer, planting white flowers must be watered.

Spring bulbocodium, or spring brandushka (Bulbocodium vernum). This is a perennial stemless bulbous plant (from the Mediterranean, southern part of Eastern Europe, south of Ukraine) with a height of only 7 - 8 cm has pinkish-lilac flowers. They appear in April - May, flowering lasts about three weeks. Narrow, green leaves with a bluish tint, which grow up to 25 cm long, turn yellow and die by mid-summer. Prefers sunny places, fertile soils. Propagation by seeds (blooms for 6-7 years) and corms.

(iridodictyum). A miniature bulbous perennial iris belonging to the Kasatikovye family. Flowers appear in April-May. Some species are fragrant. All types and varieties are decorative, great for rockeries and flower beds, where the bulbs are planted on the south side. Flower color is different. It is bulbous winter-hardy, most species hibernate without cover. light-loving plant tolerates partial shading. On the fertile soils(neutral) in three years, a whole nest of bulbs is formed. Poorly tolerates prolonged waterlogging and planting in damp places. The bulbs are left without transplantation for 4-5 (up to 8) years. In the flower departments of stores, you can buy bags of iridodictium bulbs of one color or a mixture. Until planting in the second half of September, they are stored at a temperature of about 18 - 20 ° C. seed propagation often used for breeding purposes.

Bulbous iris-snowdrop

Marsh marigold (Caltha palusrtis). The name of this plant confirms its craving for damp places: “kaluzha” = “puddle, swamp”. One of folk names marigolds - "paddling pool". You can see the marigold near water bodies and in the damp meadows of most of Russia, when its bright yellow simple flowers bloom from the end of April. There is garden form With white-yellow flowers and with golden yellow double flowers. Flowering lasts about 20 days. After the end of flowering, the leaves grow. All parts of the marigold are slightly poisonous. In our area, the marigold appeared on its own. Not only near the decorative pool, but also under ... blackberries. In the spring, this plant with golden flowers looks wonderful. Later it dissolves in the greenery of other plants.

Kandyk (Erythronium). This interesting plant, called "dog's fang" for the color and shape of the bulb, grows on the edges, meadows and in moist but light forests. Some species are grown by amateur flower growers on their plots. This is, first of all, hybrid erythronium, which blooms in April. Flowering does not last long, no more than two weeks. There are varieties with bright crimson flowers, lilac-pink, white, etc. Their central part has a contrasting color. American erythronium, whitish erythronium and some other species (Siberian kandyk, Caucasian kandyk) are also grown with slight shading on light soils with an acidic reaction. Bulbs are planted and transplanted in the second half of July - in August. Protect them from drying out. Kandyk grows without a transplant for up to 6 years, forming a beautiful curtain during this time. In the spring, kandyk is not transplanted!

spring crocuses

Merender three-column (Merendera trigyna). This is a very beautiful corm plant 5-12 cm high. Blooming in April (simultaneously with crocuses), it is rare in our areas. One of the problems is poor reproduction. Merendera is a cold-resistant culture. Neither spring frosts nor snowfalls kill her. The flowers are pink, appeared later - whitish. The diameter of each flower is from 3 to 5 cm. Another species blooms early in spring, merendera radde (Merendera raddeana). Its light purple-pink flowers resemble crocus flowers. Merendera is often propagated by seeds (autumn sowing), which bloom in 3-4 years.

Hellebore (Helleborus). This plant of the Ranunculaceae family in Europe is called the "Christ rose". Rhizome perennial with evergreen leaves blooms in April - May. Flower color white, yellowish green tint, burgundy, peach, dark reddish, etc. Hellebore is grown in partial shade. Water moderately, do not plant in damp places and where melt water stagnates for a long time. High frost resistance. Hellebores reproduce by division, less often by seeds. Beware, the plant is poisonous.

(Muscari). This unpretentious perennial bulbous primrose is known by many as "mouse hyacinth" or as "viper onion". Most likely due to the appearance and smell of some species, reminiscent of musk. There are several dozen species in the genus. Not all of them can be cultivated in Russia. Muscari are especially good at a young age, until the elongated peduncles have died under the weight of the inflorescences. Flowers are more common (collected in spike-shaped inflorescences) different shades blue coloration. On our plots, Armenian Muscari (Colchis) usually blooms with bright blue flowers and white “teeth”. There are varieties with white, purple and dark blue inflorescences. Incredibly decorative inflorescences with smooth transitions of different shades of color. Flowering (late April - May) lasts 3 - 4 weeks. Seeds form lower tiers inflorescences, which usually consist of 40 or more flowers. A very interesting late-flowering variety "Blue Spike" has inflorescences in which up to 170 flowers !!! It is decorative for 20 - 22 days. "Terry" varieties of seeds are not tied, they need to be propagated only by children. Other species are also popular, for example, muscari grape-shaped. It is worth considering the thermophilicity of some species (broad-leaved muscari). Bulb nests are planted every five years. When sowing seeds, flowering has to wait about three years.

daffodils. Early varieties of daffodils bloom in late April - early May.

(Hepatica). This charming perennial plant in the Moscow region blooms in the second half of April. In nature, it can be seen on slopes and other dry places freed from snow. We have a liverwort settled among the stones on an alpine hill. Delicate blue, light blue, whitish, pink and violet-blue simple and double flowers are visible from afar. Bright yellow stamens are clearly visible on them. The liverwort gets used to the site and begins to weed. You can read about the liverwort in the article.

Or galanthus (Galanthus). Primrose belongs to the Amaryllis family. More often planted on plots snowdrop white (Galanthus nivalis) or another kind, Elwes snowdrop (Galanthus Elwesii) and its hybrids. This bulbous plant may not bloom for the first couple of years, settling in a new place. After that, galanthus will invariably bloom in those places where snow lay yesterday. There are no worries with this primrose. It can stay in one place without a transplant for 5-6 years. They say it's long frosty winter prolongs the flowering period of galanthus. After the end of flowering, the leaves gradually die off. A detailed description of the snowdrop and caring for it is in the article.

Snowdrop (galanthus)

Or scylla (Scilla). The earliest of the forests - Scylla bifolia (scilla bifolia) with pink, blue and white flowers. Soon the flowers will appear Scylla Siberian (Scilla sibirica) with blue or white flowers. At the same time, white-blue blooms Scylla Tubergen (Scilla tubergeniana) and large-flowered scylla rosena (Scilla Rosenii). Scillas are often weedy, as their seeds are taken away by ants. Scillas grow well in semi-shady places.

Pushkin (Puschkinia) in the Moscow region blooms early, soon after the snow melts (April - early May). Flowering lasts 3 - 4 weeks. Inflorescences racemose. Pushkinia is sometimes confused with a blueberry. These unpretentious small-bulbous plants grow best in sunny places on well-cultivated soils. Two types are cultivated: pushkinia proleskovidnaya(pale blue flowers, blooms from May) and pushkinia hyacinthus(with pale blue, almost whitish flowers with a bright blue stripe, peduncle height up to 15 cm). Propagated by bulbs (autumn) and seeds.

Pushkinia next to the liverwort

Chionodoxa (Chionodoxa). A miniature, early-flowering bulbous plant in the Liliaceae family is sometimes referred to as the "snowman". Chionodox Lucilia blooms in April-May, flowering lasts about 20 days. The flowers are blue-blue, have a white spot in the throat. They are collected in brushes of 5 - 10 pieces. There are forms with white and pink flowers. This unpretentious plant is very winter-hardy.

Photos of the first spring flowers you can see .

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In spring, nothing pleases the eye like the first flowers! Only blossoming, they carry a feeling of warmth and tenderness. Every year, the first flowers await with special trepidation, because this is like the beginning of a new life of nature. Bulbous flowers will delight you the very first, but in order to enjoy bright primroses in early spring, you need to take care of this in the fall by planting plants.

Spring bulbous flowers are characterized by early flowering, which means that starting from the end of March, you will admire their beauty!

In a mixed flower bed, bulbous primroses are best planted next to summer bulbous flowers or other perennials. After all, while all other plants are “sleeping”, primroses will already illuminate you with might and main with their bright flowering and aroma of spring. And as soon as they fade, summer flowers will come to replace them, preventing your garden from remaining empty and faded, even for a moment.

And what flowers from the bulbous family can be planted in spring? Let's find out!

Spring bulbous flowers are usually divided into two types:

  1. Small-bulbous. Such flowers are distinguished by early flowering, as soon as the snow melts. bulbs usually small size they need very little time to wake up.
  2. large-bulbous. This type of flower starts blooming from mid-April and will decorate your garden until early summer.

Description of flowers: names and photos

Blooming in early spring

Snowdrop (galanthus)

The snowdrop is one of the first flowers to bloom, which is known and loved by everyone - at the end of March. This is the reason for the name of the flower, it seems to sprout right from under the snow.

INFORMATION! The snowdrop is not afraid of frost or cold. It is believed that if the snowdrops have blossomed, then spring is very close.

Snowdrops are planted from July to September. The landing site should be shaded, but at the same time it should always be warm there. When planting, it is worth considering that galanthus grow better in groups of 10-30 pieces. They are often planted as carpets under trees or between shrubs.


She is commonly referred to as "Snow Beauty". This is a wonderful perennial plant, unfortunately so far rarely found in Russian gardens. Chionodoxa flowers are star-shaped, usually deep blue or turquoise.

The plant itself is unpretentious and is not afraid of the cold, so you can plant it in the shade. Chionodox blooms in April for two weeks.

Vesennik (erantis chimelis)

Lovely bright yellow flowers with a honey aroma belong to the ranunculus family. This perennial bulbous plant blooms from late March to April, just like the snowdrop, it is planted in parts of several pieces.

Vesennik is unpretentious and resistant to diseases, it instantly grows with the help of seeds. Grow it in both shade and full sun.

Iris reticulated

Perennial bulbous plant belongs to the iris family. Reticulated iris is the smallest plant in its family. These miniature primroses bloom from March to April. The color of the iris varies from pale blue to dark blue, but there are also purple, yellow flowers.

Reticulated iris, although it tolerates frost well, loves light and warmth, so it is preferable to plant the plant in a lighted place.

spring whiteflower

This perennial plant belongs to the Amaryllis family. Blooms in April. Outwardly, the flower resembles a snowdrop, many even confuse them. But the white flower has nothing to do with the snowdrop, except perhaps a similar appearance. The white flower is unusually beautiful: its flowers are pale white, hanging like bells. The flower has a pleasant spring fragrance.

The best time to land is from July to September. The spring white flower plant is planted under the trees, as is the snowdrop similar to it.


This extraordinary beautiful flower impresses with its diverse shades and many species, many of which are primroses that bloom already in early April. And the name of the flower is translated from Latin as "first". The inflorescences resemble a bunch of keys, which is why they are popularly called "keys".

Primula is photophilous, so it is better to plant it in well-lit areas.


Very popular flowers among summer residents. Crocuses are varied color scheme: yellow, blue, purple, white, they will perfectly decorate a spring garden that has not yet turned green. There are two main types of crocuses - hybrid and botanical. Hybrids are distinguished by large flowers, botanicals are small. You can watch the flowering of crocuses already in April.

Crocuses are planted in autumn, preferably in a bright place, although the plants adapt well in the shade.

Scillas (scillas)

These perennial bulbous plants belong to the asparagus family. The flowers are small, usually blue. Scillas have become so widespread due to their unpretentious qualities: frost resistance, endurance and immunity to diseases. Well, and of course thanks to early flowering. Scillas serve as an excellent decoration for the landscape, they look good next to stones and ponds.

Scylla can be planted both in the shade and in the sun. Plants prefer loose, well-drained soil. Scilla will not grow in wetlands.

Kandyk (dog tooth)

Perennial bulbous plant belonging to the Lily family. Blooms in April. The flower itself is solitary, usually looking down. The color is white, purple or pink. This one comes from early flower from the northern forests, thanks to this it has a frost-resistant character. it unusual plant not often found in our gardens.

Kandyk prefers to grow in the shade, so you should plant it under the trees.

Bulbous flowers that bloom in mid to late spring

A little later than the above primroses, it is the turn of other bulbs.


Hyacinth is a bulbous perennial plant belonging to the Liliaceae family, native to Asia Minor. It is grown as open ground as well as at home. Nowadays, there are about a thousand varieties of these wonderful flowers. Regardless of the variety, the flowers are always bright and juicy in color, there are terry and ordinary.

Hyacinth grows well in loose soils, in a sunny place and loves watering.


Daffodils grow in almost every summer cottage. This bulbous plant belongs to the Amaryllis family. The flowers are large, usually white with yellow or just yellow. The intoxicating and at the same time light and unconstrained aroma of daffodils sets a warm spring mood!

REFERENCE! Daffodils prefer sunny areas of the earth, but can also grow in the shade. During flowering need watering!

In one place, a flower can grow up to 5 years, subject to fertile and well-fertilized soil.


The tulip, like the daffodil, blooms in late April - early May. These perennial bulbous flowers of the Liliaceae family are associated with the most beautiful period of spring, when everything is in bloom, from plants to trees. Tulips have a beautiful appearance: graceful shape and bright color(usually red or yellow, can be multi-colored).

These plants are very popular among flower growers, and they are also very often used to decorate urban flower beds.

We can say that tulips are unpretentious. Landing - end of September. It is advisable to water the plants thoroughly after germination, and periodic fertilizer will also benefit.


The name was given to the flowers because of the similarity of color with feathered hazel grouse. The plant is colorful and bright, perfectly decorates the garden, and attracts attention. There are many types of hazel grouse. For example: Imperial, Chitral, Edward's hazel grouse, Radde's hazel grouse, etc. The flower itself is shaped like a bell drooping down.

IMPORTANT! The hazel grouse is a rather capricious and demanding plant, as soon as it fades, you need to immediately dig up the onion and put it in a warm place to warm up, for example, an attic is well suited for this, or put it in the sun. After warming up (in August), hazel grouse can be planted again.

All the same, the first spring bulbous flowers are a real miracle of nature. On the snow-covered ground, they break through the frost and delight us with the first notes of spring, and the subsequent May and April flowers amaze the imagination with their lush and bright blooms. Spring bulbous flowers the best option for you and your garden.

And do not forget that it is not necessary to plant flowers on the site, especially since many simply do not have it. There are ones that fit perfectly into home comfort!

Useful video

An overview of the earliest bulbous flowers that bloom in spring:

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Spring is not only a pleasant, but also a long-awaited time of the year. This is the time when nature wakes up after a long winter sleep. Feeling the first rays of the sun, birds begin to sing, streams murmur, animals and insects wake up. Primroses peep out of the melting snow, the first spring flowers that have come a long way through the frozen ground and cold snow. They rush to be the first to please those around them with their flowering.

spring primroses

In nature, there is a rather large number of primroses, despite the fact that plants are considered fragile.

In the list of the first flowers of spring, there are many species and varieties.

The most famous first flowers:

How to plant in the garden

Spring for gardeners and flower lovers is a real holiday, because you want to quickly put things in order in the flower beds and see the first sprouts of plants. In addition, spring is the time to think about planting new plants.

Primroses are often found not only in forests, glades, meadows, but also in gardens. Fans of flowers actively plant them in order to admire the beauty in early spring. Many primroses are perennial and do not require much care.

Rules for planting primroses

In order to plant primroses in the garden, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. For planting primroses in a summer cottage, it is better to give preference to autumn. At this time, young plants will be able to strengthen the roots, but will not germinate until the onset of frost.
  2. Before planting, it is important to dig up the ground, remove weeds and add fertilizer to the soil.
  3. Further, the bulb is planted at a depth several times greater than itself.
  4. After a while, when the earth freezes, and a constant low temperature, the landing site is mulched with dry leaves, peat, straw.

Primroses - lovely plants who are not afraid of snow, frost and are in a hurry to please everyone with their appearance. You can meet them in a variety of places, and planting them in your summer cottage, you can admire the flowers every spring.

In early spring, your favorite garden lacks colors. The lawn is only on its way to lush greenery, and the trees and shrubs are still sleeping. This is the time when primroses reign in flowerbeds and alpine hills. We present to your attention the best early flowers for the garden with a wide variety of colors.

About the features of growing

All primroses have a special development cycle. In the period when all nature is reborn after winter and begins to actively vegetate, they have already experienced the most active phase of their lives. This occurs in April-May, depending on the type of plant and variety.

Primroses are always planted outdoors in autumn from September to November to admire their flowering in early spring. Places are chosen open, drained, consecrated by the sun. Suitable areas between stones, under trees that do not yet have leaves in spring and the area is completely open to the sun.

Bulbs or perennial plots are planted with the condition that in summer their aerial part will either be completely absent or lose their decorative effect. That is, you need to plant them in groups near summer ornamental plants and shrubs.

In the garden, the option of planting bulbs in the lawn is interesting. In a few years they will grow and will delight the eye with whole flowering glades.

Primroses are not only beautiful plants, but also very easy to care for. Do not require watering and any agrotechnical measures. It is enough just to feed them 1-2 times a year and seat them if necessary.

Ultra early bulbous

There is still snow, but the first heralds of spring, snowdrops, begin to break through from under its cover, and other flowering bushes will delight us one after another with bright colors.


Snowdrops are the first to wake up from hibernation. Their white bell flowers appear in March, as soon as the snow melts. The botanical name of the plant is. Propagated by daughter bulbs or seeds. Prefers growing conditions close to natural. Terry varieties of snowdrops look especially impressive in the garden.

Groups of galanthus are planted under shrubs, trees, in partial shade, so that in the summer in the scorching sun the bulbs in the ground do not dry out.

  • crocuses:
  • hyacinths;
  • blueberries;


This is one of the most numerous color groups of spring flowers. They are yellow, blue, purple, pink, and have a two-tone color. There are natural forms and hybrid ones, bred in Holland and with large flowers. Most often, the unpretentious Tommasini and Ankir are grown on personal plots. The plant grows rapidly, as it forms numerous children after flowering.

Crocuses are like hyacinths and are great for early distillation in containers. To do this, in November they are planted in a light substrate with a high sand content. By March, the crocuses will bloom. For a spectacular appearance, 5-10 bulbs are planted in a container.


Bushes have not only aesthetic appearance, but also with a bright aroma, especially for Dutch varieties. In total, more than 300 varieties of this plant have been bred over a 5-century history of cultivation. They plant it both in groups and singly on alpine slides or in combination with crocuses and tulips.


The most unpretentious and bright primroses appear in the garden. Depending on the variety, they bloom from April to May. They bloom for about 1.5 weeks, after which the aerial part dries up. planted in groups to create the effect of a flowering carpet. The predominant color of the inflorescences is white, blue, purple.


A low-growing plant with small flowers fits in. The botanical name is scylla. The Siberian blueberry has bright blue flowers, it is she who is widely represented in the gardens of the middle lane. Exceptionally unpretentious and ideally suited to the landscape of a natural style garden. All the plant needs is moist, light soil during the flowering period. When planting a scilla in the garden, you need to be prepared to restrain its active growth.


This plant is also included in the list of ultra-early bulbs. It blooms in April with bright yellow flowers with a diameter of only 2-2.5 cm, and does not lose its decorative effect even during snowfalls. The plant reaches a height of 10 cm. They must be planted in groups, in single landings doesn't look impressive.

The list of early flowers for the garden can be supplemented by representatives such as irises (netted), daffodils, hazel grouse. The latter are the most numerous and are represented as dwarf species, similar to snowdrops, and large, reaching a height of 80-90 cm.


Representatives of the family are no less numerous in terms of varietal diversity. On the market you can find ultra-early bulbs and late ones that bloom in May. The most elegant among daffodils are:

Delicate irises

Reticulated iris is a dwarf representative of irises. The botanical name is iridodictium. It reaches a height of 10 cm, so I plant it in groups on or among the lawn.

Most bulbs do not need to be dug up. In one place, they can grow for at least 5 years. The exception is plants that grow quickly and require more space. This also applies to tulips, which every year go deep into the earth, from which the flowers become smaller or do not appear at all.


The brightest and long-awaited symbol of spring is the tulip. The plant is found both wild in fields and meadows, and cultivated. Hundreds of cultivars and hybrids have been bred. They differ in the size and color of the bulb, the height of the plant, the diameter and color of the flower, the timing of planting and flowering.

Tulip flowers can be goblet, oval, cupped. Petals can be simple, terry, fringed. There are varieties that form several buds on one plant.

Most early varieties tulips that bloom at the end of March:

There are many more varieties of tulips that bloom from mid-April to the end of May. They are distinguished by a high stem up to 40-50 cm, a variety of shapes and colors of inflorescences. For abundant flowering, they need moisture and nutritious soil. The more organic components it contains, the larger and brighter the flower will be, and the bulb will give more babies.

Grown outdoors and in containers. Bulbs are planted in the ground in October-November, depending on the region and weather. Soil temperature should not exceed +10°C. The bulb should have time to take root before the onset of persistent frosts, but not develop a green aerial part.

If the plant is used for container planting, the bulbs are planted in November and left in a cellar or other cool and dark room until January.

In the month of planting, water 1-2 times to prevent complete drying of the soil. In spring, tulips are fed 2 times with nitrogen and mineral fertilizers until flowering.

When the plant fades and the stem turns yellow, the bulbs are dug up, dried and stored in a ventilated area until autumn planting. Tulips differ from other early flowering bulbs in that they are ideal for cutting and arranging bouquets.

Herbaceous early flowering perennials

Perennials are very easy to grow, as they don't take much time and are usually less whimsical than annuals. For several years in a row, they occupy a permanent place in the garden, grow and delight with decorativeness. Knowing the exact timing of flowering plants, it is possible to form the so-called gardens of continuous flowering, highly decorative throughout the warm season of the year.

spring primrose

- the most numerous early perennial in terms of varietal characteristics. The first green leaves of the plant appear in March, and bloom from April to May. Primrose bushes are compact, from 8 to 20 cm high. Inflorescences are simple or terry white, yellow, burgundy. Propagated by dividing the bush and seeds. Can be grown outdoors and in containers.

Among the variety of varieties there are representatives with flowers similar to muscari, they are called so - muscariodes. There are so-called candelabra primroses, the peduncles of which are very high, and the inflorescences are arranged in a circle in a ring.

Varieties are distinguished by high decorativeness:

Primroses are divided into early flowering, medium flowering and late flowering, and some species bloom 2 times per season - in early spring and late summer.

Hellebore Caucasian

Hellebore - differs from other early-flowering ones in that it is planted in the garden in early spring, as soon as the soil thaws a little. Its green remains decorative all season due to dense and tough green leaves. The plant is frost-resistant, strong and highly decorative. It blooms from February in warm regions, in cold regions - from April. Used in the garden hybrid varieties, which differ in the variety of colors of flowers and their diameter. Hellebore can be white, purple, yellow and pink.

Anemone longhaired

Anemone - gentle and unpretentious flower, popularly called anemone. It blooms in April with white, pink, pale purple flowers on tall stems. There are both simple and hybrid forms with double flowers. It grows rapidly due to the creeping rhizome, most often its growth must be restrained. After the plant has faded, the greenery of the bush remains decorative until the onset of winter. In a long and warm autumn, the anemone blooms again.

Marigold marsh terry

Kaluzhnitsa - a resident of wet and swampy regions. In the garden, it is used to decorate ponds. It is a compact shrub with bright yellow flowers. Hybrids have double flowers.

Early and mid-flowering primroses include daisies, forget-me-nots, periwinkle, bathing suit and dicentra, the flowers of which look like a broken heart. All of them are unpretentious and perfectly adapted to climatic conditions middle lane.

Rare exotics

In temperate climates, adapted varieties of tropical plants feel good. One of them is Ornithogalum, a bulbous relative of the hyacinth. The second name of the plant is the Poultryman.

The following types of this primrose winter well and are unpretentious in care:

Sanguinaria terry

Canadian Sanguinaria is a miniature flower that blooms as soon as the snow melts. Flowering is long - about 3-4 weeks. The flowers look like tiny water lilies. This is a representative of the poppy family, whose homeland is North America.

The plant is shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, unpretentious. Not affected by diseases and pests, propagated by plots. In the garden, it is planted under trees and shrubs, quickly growing to whole glades.

Kandyk Siberian

Kandyk is a rare bulbous plant from the lily family, outwardly similar to cyclamen. It blooms in April, and both flowers and leaves with brown spots are decorative. It forms dense bushes 30-40 cm high. Peduncles are high, on which drooping flowers with bent petals of white, pink, purple and other shades are located. Winter-hardy and unpretentious plant, originally from the northern regions.

Early flowers for the garden have one main advantage - they are eagerly expected to bloom. It is they who symbolize the arrival of the long-awaited spring, even if there is still snow in the yard, and frost is getting stronger at night.

Primroses in landscape design - video