Varieties of western thuja. Coniferous tree thuja: description and plant species. The right approach to plant selection

There are more than 200 varieties of thuja. These varieties are usually divided into tall and short, and varieties with yellow needles are also distinguished. Landscape designers use thuja not only to form hedges. Border varieties of coniferous plants are great for decoration and flower beds. Using different varieties of thuja in your area, you can create a wonderful green composition. Consider the thuja varieties that are most suitable for the foreground of the composition, and the trees specially bred to form a hedge.

Spherical varieties of thuja

Spherical varieties of thuja were bred to decorate flower beds on the site. These varieties belong to the curb subspecies of thuja. They grow very slowly, their height is not more than 1 m. Spherical varieties perfectly tolerate shearing and shaping, but they suffer very much from sharp frosts. These varieties should be planted next to tall bushes, for example, so that the thuja is protected from the wind and is in partial shade. A spherical thuja variety can reach a size of 90 cm in diameter. Such thujas are great for those areas, most of which are darkened by tall shrubs or trees. Among the globular varieties there are arborvitae with yellow needles, which perfectly complement the green varieties.

The most popular spherical thuja variety is Globoza. The tips of the branches of this bush are yellow, closer to the middle - the color becomes light green, and near the trunk itself - green.

Low-growing varieties of thuja

Low-growing varieties of thuja are great for decorating a plot with outbuildings. The height of these varieties reaches 3 m. Low-growing arborvitae tolerate frosts and autumn temperature changes well. Such varieties are most often used to form hedges. They are very decorative, as they are compact in size and almost never set seeds.

Most popular variety undersized thuja- "Smaragd". You can buy a subspecies of this variety with yellow needles.

Tall varieties of thuja

Tall varieties of thuja are planted only in large areas. The height of coniferous trees can reach 9 m. They are used to divide the site into zones or instead of columns in a hedge.

If your area has too much light for growing shade-loving cultures, plant at least one tall thuja. In five years it will be possible to make beds for shade-loving plants near it.

Tall green thuja trees with flat branches located in different planes form solid screens, limiting and shaping the space, forming closed landscape zones. The play of color shades in the folds and shading created by multidirectional branches makes the textured surface expressive, making a stunning impression. Unpretentious plants tolerate pruning well, great for creating dense hedges and all kinds of green figures, decorating rocky hills and driveways.

Types of thuja

Several types of thuja are grown in culture, on the basis of which breeders have bred a wide variety of varieties, which include columnar, pyramidal, spherical and pillow-shaped forms of different colors and shades. Thuja western, eastern and folded are distinguished by the greatest selection diversity.

After you opt for any kind of thuja suitable for your garden, use our article "", which will help you: choose the right seedling, plant and grow a beautiful tree or shrub from it.

Thuja western (Thuja occidentalis)

Large trees up to 20 m high natural conditions grow in the forests of North America. The crown is formed in the form of a pyramid narrowed upwards, becoming rounded with age. The reddish-brown bark cracks and flakes off, hanging down in long strips. The needles are green, flat, light on the underside. Small cones 1–1.5 cm long ripen in autumn and quickly crumble.


A delightful dwarf variety of Danish selection obtained in 1948. An adult plant reaches a height of half a meter, develops slowly. The dense crown forms a perfectly rounded ball of dense green color. A special charm of this thuja is given by a wavy surface formed by fan-shaped branches placed in a vertical plane. Bright needles in summer, tend to turn brown in winter. The tree is compact and great for planting in mixborders, for landscaping rockeries.

Fastigiata (Fastigiata)

A well-known variety of German selection is a slender dense tree over 15 m in height. The development is fast, annual increments reach 20–30 cm. The columnar crown, expanded at the bottom and narrowed upwards, is formed by strong skeletal branches directed vertically.

Lateral branches are flat, horizontally placed, wrapped at the ends and covered with dark green needles. It reproduces well by seeds, however, the resulting seedlings can be very different from the mother plant.

Thuja orientalis (Thuja orientalis)

The name Thuja orientalis was assigned to a species that does not actually belong to the genus Thuja, although it looks very similar in appearance. It is more correct to call this decorative conifer Oriental flathead (Platycladus orientalis) or Eastern Biota (Biota orientalis). The species originates from Korea and China, where it grows singly or in small groups on stony poor soils in a temperate climate.

It develops slowly, mainly in the form of a tree, reaching 5–10 m in height, growing even higher in favorable conditions. In cold regions, it takes the form of a shrub. The crown is pyramidal or cone-shaped with a wide base. The bark is reddish-brown, exfoliating in strips.

The flat fan-shaped branches are directed vertically and are covered with bright green scaly needles. Young plants, like, may differ in needle-like sharp needles. In winter, the needles drastically change color - it turns brown or turns yellow.

Aurea Nana

The dwarf variety is popular in regions with a temperate or warm climate, in cold winters it requires shelter. Despite some whimsicality, the plant fell in love with the bright light green "grassy" color of the needles, the cone-shaped crown, which becomes ovoid over the years, and slow development. By the age of ten, it reaches 0.8–1 m in height, an adult tree grows up to one and a half meters, it turns darker.

In winter, the color changes, the needles acquire a golden-bronze hue. The plant is capable of showing rich colors only in sunny areas and moist soils, in which case Aurea Nana will serve as a real decoration for a flower garden, rock garden or mixborder.

Justinka (Justynka)

Spectacular dwarf variety of columnar form of Polish selection. By the age of ten, a tree grows up to 1–1.2 m. The forming branches are directed upwards, the branches are fan-shaped, located in a vertical plane, the crown is dense, with dark green flattened needles. It is noted as a cold-resistant plant, it winters well in temperate latitudes. Looks great in rockeries, small mixborders.


An unusual thuja was obtained by Australian breeders, it is distinguished by a dense pyramidal crown of golden yellow fan-shaped branches. In winter, the tree becomes even more attractive, acquiring a reddish-bronze color. bright color, sometimes with an orange tone. It develops slowly, growing by 5–7 cm per year, by the age of ten it reaches a height of 70 cm.

Thuja folded (Thuja plicata)

Huge trees of this species in the natural conditions of the Pacific coast of North America grow up to 60 m, thanks to which the species received another name - Giant thuja (T.gigantea). At the latitude of St. Petersburg, the tree reaches 12–15 m, but is prone to freezing in severe winters. The crown is low, dense, spreading, the branches are directed horizontally or obliquely upwards, the lateral branches are drooping. The needles are scaly, long, emerald green in color, with a whitish stripe on the underside.

About 50 varieties have been bred, due to their large size, the species is more often planted in parks; for household plots, it is recommended to choose dwarf and slow-growing variations.

Whipcord (Whipcord)

A wonderful dwarf variety of American selection grows as a tree with a spherical crown, reaching 1.5 m. The shoots are large, sloping, long sharp needles fall, giving the thuja an exotic look. In the cold season, the color becomes bronze.

It grows slowly, no more than 7–10 cm per year, requires open areas and sufficient moisture, and is frost-resistant. Whipcord looks exceptional in single plantings against the background of stones, it is effective in standard form.

Zebrina (Zebrina)

Slow-growing variegated variety with a wide-conical crown, loose in young plants, dense in adults. On poor soils and in northern regions grows 7–10 cm per year, reaching 2.5 m in height and 1.5 m in diameter by the age of ten. Under favorable conditions, nutrient soils gives annual growths up to 15–20 cm.

The skeletal branches are sprawling, the lateral branches are drooping, covered with shiny scaly needles of a juicy green tone, in young shoots with creamy white or golden transverse wide stripes. A lush, elegant tree is most suitable for solitary planting.

It originally grows in central Japan, on the islands of Honshu and Shikoku, in Japanese culture, the species is considered one of the five sacred trees of Kiso, and in old times this thuja was forbidden for felling. A large beautiful tree with vertically directed sprawling branches that form a pyramidal crown with a wide base reaches a height of 20 m. In cultivation it grows up to 6–9 m, but under natural conditions old trees can grow huge - up to 35 meters or more.

The bark is fibrous, reddish-brown. Needles with a characteristic strong smell, flat, matte, bright green, the reverse side is bluish-silver. Thuja Japanese is frost-resistant, but suffers from a lack of moisture, it develops better on nutritious, drained loams. Open area or partial shade is preferred.

Thuja Korean (Thuja koraiensis)

Spreading shrub or conical tree with a loose crown, growing up to 7–8 m in height. In the wild, it is found in forests, on the mountain slopes and valleys of China and Korea, where it is considered a fairly winter-hardy plant. The bark is reddish-brown, rough, the shoots are flat, with narrow, blunt needles, silvery on the underside. The view is distinguished by grace and lightness thanks to light tone lace twigs with curved edges.

Species plants are available for purchase in nurseries, a few varietal varieties are rare.

Glauca Prostrata (Glauca Prostrata)

A promising slow-growing variety with a height of an adult plant up to 60 cm. The plant is spectacular, with graceful openwork branches, similar to fern leaves, bluish-green in color with a silver lining. Light lush crown with branchy shoots looks airy.

It grows poorly in deep shade, losing its decorative effect. An exceptional choice for mixed foreground plantings, it looks great as a tapeworm against dark backgrounds.

Groups of thuja varieties by growth rate, shape and color of the crown

The whole variety of thuja varieties can be divided into categories according to the intensity of growth and the shape of the crown. Another important feature is the color of the needles. The most common among thujas are variations of various shades of green, golden yellow plants are spectacular, varieties are less common. blue tint, most often these are a few representatives of the eastern thuja.

Pyramidal (conical)

Platycladus Pyramidalis Aurea (Platycladus Pyramidalis Aurea)

Beautiful variety thuja eastern with a narrowed cone-shaped crown of juicy green color. It grows up to 4–6 m in height, the crown is formed by vertically directed branches, the top is pointed. Overgrowing twigs are small, densely covered with scaly yellowish-green needles that do not fade in winter.

The variety is characterized by moderate growth - up to 10 cm per year. Great choice to give color to mixed plantings of conifers or to form a colorful slender hedge.


A strong lush tree with a pyramidal crown, densely growing from the ground itself, is a famous representative thuja folded. The crown is formed by elastic branches located horizontally and drooping. The needles are glossy, dark green, covered with silver stripes on the reverse side, becoming golden or bronze in winter.

The growth rate is average, by ten years the tree reaches 2.5–3 m in height and up to 1.5 m in diameter. To form a solid hedge or screens, seedlings are placed every 0.8–1 m. The cornik looks great as a tapeworm.


Golden Globe

Round golden thuja obtained by Dutch breeders in 1963 and is a mutation of the variety Woodwardii. The crown is assembled from flat small branches directed horizontally. It grows moderately, 7–8 cm per year, the diameter of an adult globular shrub 1–1.2 m. The needles are very light, shining golden yellow, becoming reddish-copper after frost.

For full coloring, open space is needed. The variety works well in single plantings in flower beds and mixborders, excellent in original design tracks.


Slow growing shrub is a variety western arborvitae Polish selection, grows 4–8 cm per year. The crown is rounded, even, formed by skeletal branches directed obliquely upwards with small overgrown branches and bristling young shoots, which makes the surface look tender, velvety. The needles are small, smooth, emerald green, clear in color, bronze in winter.

correct globular crown by the age of ten it reaches half a meter in diameter. In adulthood, the plant becomes flattened, acquiring a cushion shape, and can reach a diameter of more than a meter.


Columna (Columna)

One of the best columnar varieties obtained in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. high slender tree characterized by an average growth rate, by the age of ten it reaches 3 m in height and 1.2–1.5 m in diameter, later it can grow up to 10 m, which is unique characteristic thuja of a columnar shape, which usually do not reach such sizes.

A narrow crown with a blunt rounded top is formed by horizontally directed branches, fan-shaped widened at the ends. Small glossy needles are smooth, dark green. The variety is frost-resistant, unpretentious, suitable for the formation of green screens that do not need a haircut.


fast growing western thuja with a columnar or narrow cone-shaped crown. It grows actively, in favorable conditions it gives annual growths of up to 30 cm, reaching a height of 3.5–5 m. The overgrowing branches are flat, multidirectional in the form of a fan. Scaly needles of a dense green tone, the color is stable, does not change with the advent of cold weather. The surface of the crown is wavy, over the years it acquires a loose structure. Used for group plantings and evergreen alleys.



western thuja dwarf type is a rounded shrub with a dense crown, with age it acquires a slightly elongated oval shape. By the age of ten, it reaches a height of about 30–50 cm, growing at 4–5 cm per year.

Shortened lateral branches are fan-shaped, delicate growths, light cream when they appear, make the surface textured, soft, similar to lichen. In winter, the needles become brownish-brown.

Zmatlik (Zmatlik)

Nice Czech variety western arborvitae dwarf type with vertically directed growth. The crown is columnar, narrow, up to 1.0–1.2 m high and up to half a meter wide. In seedlings and young plants, the shape is indefinite, curved, the plant itself seems disheveled.

Over time, due to the fan-shaped winding branches, the dense surface acquires a patterned texture due to spirals and waves that overlap each other. The needles are small, dark green. It tolerates planting in the shade, but in this case the crown becomes loose, losing its amazing decorative effect.


Umbraculifera (Umbraculifera)

Cushion western thuja obtained at the end of the 19th century by German breeders. It develops slowly, up to 7–10 cm per year, by the age of ten it grows about 1 m tall, forms an appressed wide crown with a diameter of more than 2 m, umbrella-shaped rounded along the edge.

The branches are flexible, with densely growing lateral branches, curved and placed in different planes, which gives the surface a peculiar effect of water ripples. Growths are flat, covered with dark glossy needles with a bluish tint.

Golden Tuffet

Spectacular variety western arborvitae at a young age, rounded, later the crown becomes wide, cushion-shaped, reaching a height of 60 cm. The overgrowing branches are graceful, drooping, arranged in different directions. On young growths, the needles of a delicate pinkish-golden tone, in the bright sun, acquire an orange or bronze hue. A plant planted in the shade loses warm colors, turns green, the crown becomes sparse.

golden (yellow)

Forever Goldy

Promising "evergreen" variety thuja folded with bright golden-green needles that do not change color throughout the year. A compact tree with a cone-shaped crown is formed by strong small branches with flat shoots, turned vertically and parallel to each other. Increments up to 10-15 cm per year, by the age of ten the tree grows no more than one and a half meters in height.

Young shoots are much lighter than deep greens, and these play of light and shadow make the plant particularly attractive. It grows well in the sun and in partial shade, but in open areas the golden color becomes more saturated. It is used as a tapeworm on rocky slides, as well as for low bright hedges.

Golden Minaret

Beautiful light-loving variety thuja eastern is a lush pyramidal tree with needles of a golden-bronze hue, reddish-bronze tones predominate in winter. When planted in the shade, it turns lemon green. It grows up to 4 m in height and about 1.5 m in diameter, the growth rate is moderate - about 10 cm per year.

The needles are scaly, densely covering short twigs, the growths bristle and create the illusion of a soft, plush surface. Needs shelter for the winter, especially at a young age, shoots are prone to burns in spring.


Blue Cone

This eastern thuja with a dense cone-shaped crown in the form of skittles, it develops intensively, in good conditions grows about 20 cm per year and reaches a height of 2–3 m and a width of 1.2–2.0 m. Flat branches in the form of a fan are vertically directed, the needles are bluish-green, dark, of a shade of a sea wave.

Blue Con is undemanding to watering, it does well in hot regions, surpassing western thuja in drought tolerance. AT northern latitudes in harsh winters with little snow, it can freeze, requires reliable shelter.

Meldensis (Meldensis)

Variety eastern thuja with an ovoid crown in young plants, which becomes pyramidal in adults. The branching is dense, the branches are fan-shaped, the shoots are multidirectional, they form a dense flat surface. The needles are bluish-green, darkens in winter, acquiring a purple hue, young growths turn brown. Plants grown from seed are more resilient and grow faster.

fast growing

Gelderland (Gelderland)

A beautiful slender plant with a perfect cone-shaped crown, formed from the ground itself. It develops quickly, growing by 20–25 cm, reaching a height of 4–5 m. Delicate needles, densely green in summer and golden or bronze in winter, make the plant particularly attractive.

Planted as a tapeworm, this amazing thuja with a folded surface ( folded thuja) soft dense crown resembles a fabulous Christmas tree magnificent at any time of the year.


Another wonderful representative folded thuja, at a young age of a columnar shape, then cone-shaped with a wide base. Growing up to 30 cm per year, a large tree reaches 12–15 m in height and more than 3 m in diameter. The branches are directed horizontally or obliquely upwards, drooping at the ends. The needles are shiny, dense green, slightly lighter on growths.

The variety is stable, winters well, strong and showy. Prefers fertile loams, picky about the presence of moisture. Looks luxurious in alleys and groups.

Video about the variety of species and varieties of thuja

In small ornamental gardens, on rocky hills, near fences and in mixborders, luxurious arborvitae, with their dense abundant needles, will come in handy, rich in color. Pyramidal and spherical, emerald and golden, tall and dwarf, they represent a huge scope for creativity, allowing you to realize the most daring design solutions. And of course, nothing can replace the columnar thuja when creating slender alleys and green screens that visually expand and lengthen the space.

Several centuries ago, this magnificent plant was called the tree of life. Thuja is always pleasing to the eye. Its evergreen needles fill the garden with life and beauty all year round.

It has a spicy, refreshing aroma that beckons to the garden to take a break from everyday problems. Thuja has rot-resistant wood. It is winter hardy and heat tolerant.

Thuja belongs to the cypress family and is represented in nature by trees, the average height of which is 12-18 meters (in rare cases, a tree reaches 75 meters), as well as shrubs of a wide variety of shapes and heights.

The needles of the thuja are scaly, in young plants they are needle-shaped. Thanks to the huge variety garden forms, thuja forms the basis of most proposals for the landscape design of a particular site.

AT landscape design Tui are divided into the following types, according to the application:

- dwarf (used in rockeries and);

- for hedges;

- solitary (for a single landing).

For hedges, the following types of thuja are most often used:

Thuja western "Brabant"

This variety is valued very highly due to its high frost resistance. This plant forms a dense and high green wall, and requires pruning twice a year, preferably in August and April.

"Brabant" grows quite quickly and can reach a height of up to 4 meters. As a hedge, the plant should be planted at a distance of 0.5-1 meter from each other, it depends on the required strength of the hedge.

Thuja western "Smaragd"

This plant with a narrow cone-shaped crown can reach a height of 6 meters. This variety of thuja has high frost resistance and wind resistance. She is not particularly whimsical and does not need careful care.

"Smaragd" is ideal for hedges. Also used in single and group landings.

Photo of thuja "Smaragd"

Thuja western "Holmstrap"

This plant forms a fairly dense wall, reaching 2.5 meters in height. This variety grows very slowly and only within 10 years can reach the desired height.

Therefore, it is often used in small gardens for low decorative hedges. The plant must be planted at a distance of 70-80 cm from each other. This thuja does not need a haircut.

For rock gardens and rockeries, the following dwarf forms of thuja are used:

Thuja western "Dannika"

This variety has a spherical crown. It grows rather slowly. In height, as a rule, it reaches no more than 80 cm. The diameter of the crown is about a meter.

The spherical shape is preserved even without trimming. Great for small garden plots, patio, container gardening and rock gardens.

A photo globular thuja varieties "Danica"

Thuja western "Little Dorrit"

This variety, like the previous one, has a spherical crown. The height of an adult plant is about 80 cm. The crown diameter is 60 cm. It is distinguished by high winter hardiness.

Thuja western "Khozeri"

This plant, also with a spherical crown, grows up to 0.5 meters in length and 0.6 meters in diameter. Looks impressive in rock gardens and low hedges.

For solitary planting, as a rule, the following types of thuja are used:

Thuja western "Reingold"

A slow-growing variety that reaches 150 cm in height. The crown of the "Reingold" is spherical. The color of the needles is golden yellow, closer to winter and completely brown. Perfect for groups and single landings and alpine hills.

Thuja western "Sunkist"

This shrub has a conical shape and golden yellow needles. Grows very slowly. For a decade of slow and measured growth, it reaches a height of about 3 meters and 1 meter in diameter. This plant does not require shearing.

Photo of thuja "Sunkist"

Thuja folded "Kornik"

A conical shaped shrub that grows fairly quickly. The height of an adult plant is 2.5-3 meters, and the diameter is up to 1.5 meters. This plant is somewhat moody and prefers fertile and moist places. Very poorly tolerated high temperatures and needs constant moderate watering.

Thuja refers to those plants that do not lose their all year round. decorative look . Thuja is especially beautiful in winter. In addition, such plants bring practical benefits - they soften the microclimate, restrain strong gusts of wind, purify the air of dust and enrich it with oxygen.

But it should be remembered that some types of thuja are highly poisonous and can cause severe burns and even a heart attack. Therefore, when choosing such plants, consult with specialists.

Most gardeners, when choosing evergreen conifers, prefer unpretentious and very beautiful tree- tue. In its appearance, it resembles its closest relatives: juniper and cypress. It is characterized by a pyramidal shape, a rich crown, soft scaly needles and grows like a shrub.

Description of the appearance and features of the thuja

In our country it evergreen tree grows in almost all bands. And this is due to the fact that thuja can adapt to any weather conditions and climate. This is a compact plant that does not take up much space, but it is surprisingly fluffy. Therefore, it is so often planted in close rows to each other, creating the thuja root system also has a compact size, growing not in breadth, but in depth.

The Cypress representative reaches a height of up to 20 meters, but usually in Russia the height of the plant does not exceed 4 meters. Thuja is a long-lived tree, the maximum recorded age of a coniferous beauty is 150 years.

How to plant this evergreen shrub and what should be considered when planting it? We will talk about this in our article.

What is the root system of thuja

Thuja is an unpretentious shrub that quite calmly tolerates the various composition of the soil. But on fertile soil, more fluffiness of needles can be expected from it. Thuja loves the sun, but not direct Sun rays throughout the day. Therefore, it is worth considering planting a tree not only from a design point of view, but also from a biological one.

The most optimal place for a tree will be partial shade, but the full shady side will not allow the crown to fluff up beautifully. The choice of landing site will not affect either the quality or the growth of the shrub: dense thin roots, intertwining with each other, form a compact single system.

tree planting

After we have decided on the place of residence of our beauty, we proceed to planting a seedling. Begin:

  • with a closed root system, it is desirable to produce in spring time of the year. The system can be considered closed when the roots of the plant are placed in special containers, bags or an earthen coma.
  • The pit for planting should correspond to the size of the thuja root system. Typically, the width and depth indicators are 1 meter. The plant needs to provide good drainage, which can be used as pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks.
  • The soil mixture should consist of earth in combination with peat or sand, the volume is 2 times less than the soil.
  • In order for the coniferous plant to take well, it is necessary to correctly place the neck of the seedling. It should be at ground level. If planted higher or lower, the thuja will die.

If you decide to plant young trees in the form of an alley or hedge, then in this case the planting pit will look like a trench. Below is a photo of the thuja root system in a closed type.

Planting thuja with an open root system

An open root system indicates that the roots of the tree are in a natural state, without additional shelters in the form of a pot or container. Landing such a thuja plan is no different from a closed type, except for one nuance. To avoid freezing of the roots, planting should be carried out exclusively in spring or autumn, but it is better in spring, since the risk of freezing of the plant is minimal. Spring landing will provide the plant with accelerated acclimatization and improved growth.

When planting a tree, it is necessary to take into account the variety to which it belongs. Larger species require more space for their root system to grow. Therefore, the distance between planting trees should be calculated with this in mind. The planting hole should be at a distance of 1 to 3 meters from other garden crops.

Evergreen shrub care

Depending on the climatic conditions Watering is necessary as the soil dries. AT summer time watering should be at least every 3-4 days. This is quite enough for the thuja root system. But the crown of the shrub should be irrigated twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. This will preserve the rich color of the needles and improve shoot growth.

Removal weeds, loosening the soil will ensure the healthy development of the evergreen shrub. When cultivating the soil, it is important to carefully carry out the work, since the roots of the thuja are superficial and can be damaged. The depth of loosening is allowed to do up to 10 centimeters. To keep safe root system thuja from unwanted damage, a backfill of peat or sawdust can come to your aid.

What is the most popular variety of thuja

A long-lived tree has a variety of varieties that differ in shape, shades and developmental features. As a decoration for your garden plot very often use the thuja variety - Smaragd. In this representative, the crown has a conical shape and rich light green needles, very lush, unlike other species, it does not need regular pruning. This is due to the fact that the shoots grow slowly, but the crown of the tree is held tightly and very aesthetically pleasing. When planting several trees, the distance between them should be calculated so that the dimensions of the root system of the Smaragd thuja do not interfere with each other.

The peculiarity of this thuja is that it is very shade-tolerant and can survive low temperatures, up to -40C.

This variety is planted in the ground with an open root system of thuja Smaragd. When planting a tree, it is necessary to lay drainage so that the roots feel good in the soil. It is important to note that not all thuja varieties need drainage, which has a beneficial effect on the roots and prevents them from rotting. Drainage also contributes to good air exchange and maintaining the thermal regime.

coniferous pruning

Pruning is necessary for plants to correct their shape and renew shoots. In the spring, the first pruning of the thuja begins. Thanks to this, it becomes more lush, which serves as a wonderful decoration for your garden. The second time this operation is performed in August, so preparations for the cold season begin.

It is necessary to start pruning only after the third year of the life of the thuja.

The process itself is as follows: the top of the thuja must be cut narrower than that of the main trunk with needles. The haircut should give the tree a pyramidal shape. As a result of such manipulations, sunlight will evenly spread along the branches. And a non-bush tree will not be exposed. If you remove young shoots at the first pruning, they will be updated faster, and there will be more of them.

Some professional gardeners use coarse mesh for pruning. This allows you to create a uniform haircut, and, as a result, give the correct decorative shape.

If you notice dried twigs, then they should definitely be removed.

Thuja mineral supplement

Thuja is very picturesque decorative tree, which is of particular interest to both professional gardeners and amateurs flora. It requires care, like any living creature, but quite ordinary, which even a beginner can do.

We have already learned a lot about the care, planting and features of this bush tree. But it is important to note one more feature of the thuja, which is relevant after the winter period.

It is better to survive the wintering of thuya in a wrapped state in order to preserve the crown of the tree and its shoots. And at the foot, it is required to prepare a flooring of peat or sawdust in order to provide the necessary temperature conditions throughout the depth of the thuja root system.

Spring top dressing after hibernation with mineral fertilizers will help the plant to recover soon and give rise to new shoots. Such top dressing is carried out in the morning and evening hours in the first month of spring, in moist soil.

If mineral fertilizer was laid during the initial planting of the thuja, then for the first two years it will not need to be fed. As soon as the first snow melts for the third spring, mineral fertilizer is already a necessity to fully support the growth and development of the tree.

Coniferous plants are becoming more popular. And one of the main roles in landscaping is played by thuja, the types and varieties with photos of which amaze with a variety of shapes, sizes and surprisingly elegant colors. The ancestors of modern thujas were wild North American shrubs, first systematized and described by Carl Linnaeus.

If in nature it evergreen more often it looks like a large shrub or tree as high as a multi-storey building, then in squares and gardens dwarf varieties no higher than a meter are more often planted. The dense crown of wild plants, thanks to the efforts of breeders, has become pyramidal and rounded, ovoid or columnar.

The species, called Thuja occidentalis, or, in the photo, has expanded significantly since the end of the 18th century due to ornamental plants, significantly different from the first discovered specimens from the north of the American continent.

At the disposal of summer residents and professional landscape designers not only thuja with green, silvery needles, but also variegated or golden plants. Therefore, before planning the planting of conifers on the site, it is useful:

  • study the proposed varieties, types and photos of thuja;
  • compare their strengths and weaknesses;
  • create all conditions for active growth and long life of plants.

Along with the western thuja, other types of this conifer are used in landscaping. Most often, this is a folded thuja, as well as a biota, due to its Asian origin, called the eastern thuja.

Thuja western Danica (T. occidentalis Danica)

Among the most popular varieties- the thuja Danica shown in the photo with a very compact dense crown in the shape of a ball. small, almost dwarf plant ideal for low borders, single and group plantings on spacious lawns or in secluded corners of the garden, against the backdrop of larger trees, and even flowers.

At a height of 60 cm, the crown diameter of the Danica thuja is 80–100 cm. Strongly branching shoots are covered with soft scaly needles, which are painted in bright light green tones in the warm season, and become reddish-bronze by autumn. The Danish variety, bred in 1948, is characterized by very unhurried growth, so the thuja retains its shape well even without a haircut.

The advantages of the conifer include frost resistance, the ability to grow in partial shade and not be subjected to spring burns, which seriously spoil the appearance.

Thuja western Miriam (Thuja occidentalis Mirjam)

Thuja western turned out to be excellent material for the work of breeders. Today, the ancestors of modern varieties are already beloved varieties, such as Danica. You can see that the photos of this species and the Miriam thuja variety have many similarities.

The plant, obtained due to the noticed and fixed mutation of the needles, is a direct descendant of the Danish variety. He has the same compact spherical crown with a diameter of up to 80 cm, a small annual increase and excellent endurance.

The main difference between thuja Miriam is the yellow-green summer color of scaly needles, which becomes brownish in winter.

Thuja Miriam is recommended on soil with a slightly acidic reaction. Until the plant takes root, the soil is kept moist. In the future, the shrub becomes more resistant to drought, but grows better with regular watering. Ephedra fits perfectly into the landscape of a Japanese garden, it will be appropriate at the foot Alpine slide or against the rich greenery of larger crops.

Thuja western Rheingold (T. occidentalis Rheingold)

Golden needles and an attractive wide-conical crown are the reasons why the Rheingold thuja enjoys special attention from the owners of country houses. Bronze tones appear in the original color of the shrub with cold weather, which in no way spoil either the appearance of the arborvitae or the entire landscape. This variety belongs to the dwarf. Only in very old plants, the crown can grow up to 2.5 meters in height. This, due to the slow growth rate, occurs only 15–20 years after planting.

The shrub is equally good as a tapeworm and as part of an ornamental hedge. The young plant takes root in a container and perfectly decorates terraces, loggias and balconies. Thin, flexible shoots of this thuja variety tolerate a haircut well, which helps maintain a beautiful crown shape and a healthy look of needles.

Thuja western Spiralis (T. occidentalis Spiralis)

Pyramidal thuja and varieties with a narrow conical crown are indispensable for hedges that retain their beauty and functionality throughout the year. Today, gardeners have many similar plants at their disposal, and thuja Spiralis is one of them.

This conifer is characterized by an original, spirally twisted form of shoots, which gave the variety its name. The crown of an adult specimen has the appearance of a narrow cone and reaches a height of 3 meters. The branches are densely covered with scaly needles of a rich green hue.

Since this thuja grows faster than other closely related plants, shrubs require regular shearing and competent selection of a planting site. In the shade, the thuja becomes loose, loses its correct shape.

Thuja western Golden Tuffet (T. occidentalis Golden Tuffet)

Another dwarf shrub with a spherical crown is distinguished by bright yellow needles, which lag behind thin, drooping shoots at the ends and acquire a warm, reddish-brown or orange tone in cold weather.

For thuja Golden Taffet to show her best qualities, a well-lit area with moderately fertile loose soil is selected for her. If the crown of the shrub is in the shade for a long time, its color will fade and lose most of its attractiveness.

In the garden, a plant of this species and variety, as in the photo of a thuja, will perfectly decorate a rocky corner, a border, a small lawn next to heathers, tall flowering perennials that do not shade small bright conifers.

Thuja western heather (T. occidentalis var. ericoides)

In favorable conditions, heather forms dense dense thickets. Heather thuja does not have this ability, but the shape of the shrubs has much in common. The multi-branched crown of the conifer, growing, becomes an irregular ball with a diameter of about a meter.

Shoots are covered with soft needle needles, which in the upper part of the bush has a bright green or yellowish color. On perennial wood, greens turn into calmer silvery or grayish shades.

A characteristic feature of the variety is an unusual winter color with a predominance of purple and brown colors.

Thuja western Amber (T. occidentalis Jantar)

The yellow shade of summer and the bright, honey-amber color of winter needles are a characteristic feature of the Amber thuja with a cynic crown from 1.8 to 3.5 meters high. Although this variety has recently become available to lovers of coniferous plants, due to the density of the crown, its original color and unpretentiousness, the plant has already found many admirers.

Thuja is winter-hardy, easily adapts to the conditions of a modern city. The shrub does not suffer from the active spring sun and, with a growth of about 10–20 cm per year, maintains the correct natural shape.

Thuja Yantar is suitable for growing both outdoors and in containers. In this case, the plant will decorate a spacious open terrace, balcony or paved area near the house.

Thuja western Mr. Bowling Ball (T. occidentalis Mr. Bowling Ball)

dwarf thuja Bowling Ball with an openwork spherical crown attracts attention not only small size, but also with silvery thin needles, leaving an impression of lightness and tenderness. In autumn, bronze strokes appear on the shoots, which persist until spring.

Like most miniature varieties, this thuja has a very low growth rate. Therefore, only by 10–15 years the plant reaches a diameter of 70–90 cm. The shrub does not need frequent cutting, it is enough to remove damaged shoots in the spring and slightly adjust the spherical shape.

Thuja western Little Champion (T. occidentalis Little Champion)

The characteristic features of the Little Champion thuja are a round-ovoid crown shape and green scaly needles, which become brownish-brown for the winter. The variety belongs to miniature, almost dwarf. By the age of 10, the shrub reaches a height of no more than one and a half meters. During the year, the plant does not add more than 6–10 cm and can be used both in group plantings and as a single plant at the base of large stones, next to coniferous or deciduous trees. From the arborvitae of this variety, a free-form border or an excellent potted culture will be obtained.

Thuya Little Champion tolerates a haircut well, but does not need frequent pruning. The plant is unpretentious, survives winters without serious losses, tolerates urban air pollution and irregular droughts.

Thuja western Filiformis (T. occidentalis Filiformis)

Most varieties of thuja western shoots branch heavily, but there are exceptions. These include the decorative thuja Filiformis with original filamentous branches, thanks to which the shrub takes on the appearance of a small haystack. Light green scaly needles tightly fit the drooping shoots and emphasize the unusualness of the plant.

The slow-growing conifer is sun-loving, does not tolerate long and regular dry periods, but does not look oppressed when grown in a tub or in a city. By the age of 10, the wide-pyramidal thuja reaches a height of 1.5–2 meters with almost the same crown diameter. Thuja Foliformis is universal and thanks to unusual beauty sure to become a bright star in the garden.

Thuja western Wagneri (T. occidentalis Wagneri)

This variety of arborvitae with gray-green needles is suitable for growing in regions with cold winters. High frost resistance of the plant is not its only advantage. Tui Wagneri has a dense, thanks to the many thin, abundantly branching shoots, an ovoid crown. It perfectly keeps its natural shape and does not require time-consuming maintenance.

When planting a shrub, it must be taken into account that an adult specimen reaches a height of 3.5 meters, and its crown grows up to one and a half meters wide.

So that such a voluminous plant does not lose its attractiveness in the spring, it is tied up in the fall. This will protect the shoots of the thuja from breaks and desiccation.

Thuja western Little Giant (T. occidentalis Little Giant)

Little giant. This name of this thuja variety is fully justified, because the spherical crown of the Little Giant thuja does not exceed half a meter in height, but so beautiful plant it is impossible not to notice even among the most luxurious flowers and trees.

The dwarf form of the conifer is one of the smallest. She holds up very well natural look dense sphere. In summer, the thuja is dressed in bright green needles, which change color to brown with cold weather.

Thuja western Fastigiata (T. occidentalis Fastigiata)

Reminiscent of thuja Fastigiata, due to upward shoots, it has the shape of a dense column. A powerful plant with green fragrant needles never changes color, tolerates frost without visible losses and can grow up to 6 meters in height.

According to the description of the variety, thuja is ideal for those who successfully hide the site from prying eyes, but do not take up much space.

Thuja western Sunkist (T. occidentalis Sunkist)

Tui with golden needles is one of the most original jewelry garden. They do not lose their beauty in winter, they look great next to their green counterparts. Thuja western Sunkist has very bright lemon-yellow summer needles. In winter, the dense crown of the shrub becomes darker, almost bronze.

Due to its slow growth and good adaptability, the shrub does not need frequent deep cutting. At the age of 10, the coniferous culture grows up to 2 meters. Max Height of this thuja is three meters, which allows you to use Sunkist for living walls and spectacular green sculptures.

Thuja folded Kan-Kan (T. plicata Can-Can)

The conical thuja Kankan, like other varieties of the folded thuja, demonstrates high winter hardiness and extreme unpretentiousness. A shrub about one and a half meters high is covered with dense glossy needles, dark green on perennial wood and lighter, brighter at the ends of the shoots. The variety has a rare ability for thuja. It retains color throughout the year, while the average annual growth of the shrub does not exceed 10 cm.

Thuja folded Kornik (T. plicata Kornik)

Polish breeders received original form thuja folded with a conical crown, consisting of wide green-yellow shoots. Thuja Kornik is quite large. With the right place for planting and a little care, three-meter shrubs turn into dense beautiful hedges with fragrant pine.

Thuja folded Whipcord (T. plicata Whipcord)

The thuja Whipcord owes its name to the shape of the shoots, resembling a hanging string. The branches of the plant branch little, are covered with pointed scaly needles, retain a small thickness and drooping shape throughout. Thanks to this, an adult conifer has the appearance of a hemisphere with a height of 50 to 100 cm and a diameter of up to 150 cm. The bush perfectly holds the wind load, survives frosty winters, and does not lose its decorative effect in full sun. However, drought can cause irreparable damage to the shrub and its beauty.

The originality of the variety attracts not only ordinary summer residents, but also masters of topiary art, who, with the help of painstaking haircuts, give plants the most bizarre shapes.

Video about thuja varieties for the garden