Fight against fungal diseases of conifers. Causes of diseases of coniferous plants. Fungal and parasitic diseases. Measures of prevention and treatment. Treatment and prevention of rust diseases of trees

Owners summer cottages more and more prefer to plant conifers on their "landscapes". They seem to be unpretentious, they are easier to combine with other plants, without having a special education or experience. It seems that conifers do not require special care. It turns out that even these prickly giants are prone to disease. One of the most common of them is the shuttle. You will learn what types of it exist, how to deal with it, what preventive measures should be taken.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Such unusual name, unusual to our hearing and articulatory apparatus, comes from the German word "schütten" (translated - to pour). As a result of infection, the needles change color, crumble. Schutte is a group of dangerous fungal diseases that affect almost all types of coniferous crops.


In parks, squares, nature reserves or in the country - everywhere you can find an infected tree. The color of the needles, the condition of the branches, partially bare places on the trunk are all signs of the appearance, active reproduction of a harmful fungus.

How does the disease work? Depending on the type of pathogenic fungus, infection occurs in different ways:

  1. Through the snow.
  2. From a nearby infected tree.
  3. Through the soil

These mushrooms love dampness, high humidity, so most often the tree becomes infected in spring. autumn period. Once in the bark, the fungus begins to spread rapidly, blocking the entry of nutrients into the needles. They change color, dry out, and fall off.

Shutte is most dangerous for young 2-3-year-old seedlings. Such young growth instantly reacts to the attack of the pathogen, it is almost always impossible to save it. Therefore, young seedlings must be looked after, processed in a timely manner.

An adult tree is less affected. The lower branches are mostly affected. However, if you do not take care of the sick, do not treat him, even an adult culture will not be able to fight the pest for a long time.


Coniferous crops are susceptible to various diseases, including those that most often affect broad-leaved or fruit trees. How to distinguish shutte from another infectious or fungal infection?

The main symptoms of the fungus:

  • The appearance of gray, white, moldy or cobweb plaque;
  • Changing the color of the needles from green or blue to yellow, rusty, brown;
  • The appearance of black spots, other lesions on the needles;
  • Abundant shedding;
  • Bare branches or whole areas on the free;
  • Places braided with cobwebs, mold.

Shutte types

From what kind of conifer is affected, what fungus causes the disease, there are several types:

  • The present. Signs become noticeable in the spring. Appears on pins and needles white coating, from a distance similar to dew drops. Over time, the plaque darkens, and the needles acquire a brown tint, begin to crumble profusely. In autumn, on the fallen needles, on the one that is still on the tree, oblong black spots become noticeable - these are the winter shelters of pathogens.
  • Brown. It affects firs, spruces, pines, junipers, cedars. After winter, a dense cobweb coating of black or brown color is noticeable on the affected plants. The needles are glued, in this form they can stay on the branch for a long time.
  • Ordinary schütte spruce and pine. It provokes a color change to red-brown, the appearance of black longitudinal stripes. Immediately the needles do not crumble, maybe a year or two to stay on a branch.
  • Snowy. The disease got its name from the way the fungus penetrates the trunk: through the snow. The mushroom feels good, develops in the thickness of the snow. The higher the snow cover, the more the tree is affected. The first symptoms: the appearance of a dirty white or gray coating that looks like a cobweb.
  • Juniper and fir. The main symptom is yellow or brown needles. As a rule, old, last year's needles are affected.
  • Gray highway pines. Infection occurs in summer months most often in June. Infected needles turn yellow, then grey.
  • Shutte larch. A dangerous disease that affects up to 40% of larches on average. Some types of this culture are more susceptible, some less. If an area (reserve or park) is planted with one species with little resistance against the fungus, it is possible that all of them will be infested. The causative agent has a high reproduction rate. The first symptoms: the appearance of black dots on the tips of the needles. Then the needles turn brown, twisting in places.

In order not to expose your evergreen pets to the risk of infection, you need to provide them with comfortable conditions for growth. To do this, you need to take preventive measures to combat pathogenic fungi:

  • It is best to plant coniferous crops in sandy soil on a hill. clay soils are not suitable because they long time retain moisture, this contributes to the emergence and reproduction of fungi. Lowlands or natural depressions are not suitable for planting pines or other conifers. For the same reason - the accumulation of moisture.
  • It is necessary to constantly clean the area from fallen needles.
  • Young seedlings should be isolated from adult crops, as they are weaker and more prone to fungal diseases. It is difficult to save them in case of infection.
  • In summer, spring, as a preventive measure, it is necessary to treat trees with solutions - Bordeaux liquid, fungicidal or other copper-containing preparations.

If, nevertheless, you find infected needles, start treatment immediately. Treat with the same solutions as for prevention, but more often - every 15-20 days. The dosage must be calculated depending on the type of infected culture and the type of disease.

Like all other plants, conifers are subject to disease and pest attack. In addition to viruses and infections, needle trees and shrubs on the site suffer from frostbite and sunburn of the bark, the frequent ingress of urine from stray animals has a detrimental effect on cultures, and if not removed in time winter shelter, needles can rot in conifers.

Various types of aphids, false scale insects, mealybugs, caterpillars, mites, diseases caused by primitive fungi - all this can be found on conifers. They also have their own specific diseases, most of which, unfortunately, can be transmitted not only between conifers, but also between deciduous plants. Prevention is the free placement of plants in the composition and the prevention of the spread of diseases in neighboring species.

The spread of old and the emergence of new pests and diseases of coniferous trees is largely due to the uncontrolled supply of imported material. When purchasing plants, never stop your choice on dubious specimens. Plant new plants for at least one year on an isolated "quarantine" site, and not in a common composition.

How and how to treat coniferous trees, you will learn on this page.

How and how to treat conifers in the garden

Treatment of diseases of coniferous plants is a complex process. An incorrectly chosen drug or its high concentration can ruin the “patient”.

The symptoms of many diseases and the type of damage caused by pests are often similar, so that it is not easy to recognize them, but, fortunately, the measures for controlling them are close. Pay attention to the recommendations presented on this page - they will help you and your green pets. Use in the garden only those pesticides that are approved for use in personal subsidiary plots, and strictly follow the instructions that come with the preparation.

Table "Diseases of coniferous trees and their treatment":

Signs of defeat

Prevention, control measures

Small yellow-green insects covered with gray-white waxy pubescence. Suck the shoots between the needles. Before fledging they switch to needles

pubescent aphid

Systemic insecticides

Colonies of large shiny aphids on branches and bark

measles aphid

Sticky small fluffy snow-white formations on the underside of the needles

On the bark of a formation with a white sticky fluff, under which dark brown small insects hide

bark hermes

Small caterpillars on buds and (or) shoots adjacent to them

bud moths

Caterpillars from green to brown. They eat needles and young growths, wrapping them in cobwebs

Leaf rollers, scoops, shooters, moths, etc.

Small oval flat-shaped formations are initially white and then dark brown. Miniature larvae hide under the shields

False shield

Systemic insecticides. It is possible to use actellik, karbofos or other similar drugs

Groups of different sizes of sticky white hairy secretions, under which small larvae hide, on needles and tender twigs

juniper bug

Systemic insecticides

The branches are covered with groups of the finest cobwebs. The smallest mites move inside the web. The needles are turning brown. Up to 3-6 generations of pests are formed per season

spider mite


On the needles and branches, spindle-shaped swellings with yellowish mucous or gelatinous secretions of fungi


Removal of affected branches. Destruction of severely affected plants. Wound disinfection. Fungicide treatment

Needles in spring within 1-2 days after snow melt becomes red-brown with black transverse lines and falls off. The disease is especially dangerous for young plants. Adults are more resilient

Schütte ordinary

Fungicide treatment. It is possible to use colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux mixture or other similar preparations. Removal of dead needles and dead plants

The needles in the spring after the snow melts turn out to be a dirty green color, because they are covered with a thin gray mycelium. During the summer, the needles become light gray with black dots and fall off. The disease is especially dangerous for young plants. Adults are more resilient. Infection occurs in autumn

Schütte snowy

Treatment with fungicides in spring and in July-September. It is possible to use colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux mixture or other similar preparations. Removal of dead needles and dead plants.

Cancer ulcers on trunks and branches. On the dead bark, white discharges 2-4 mm in diameter are formed

Step cancer

Removing dead branches or diseased plants

Vertical cracking of the bark. Most often on young thujas, thujas and cypresses

Frostbite of the bark

Warming trunks for the winter. Coating wounds with garden pitch, tightening and wrapping the bark until it grows together

Spring browning of branches and needles above the snow cover zone


Planting in the shade or under cover of other plants. Plant warming with late autumn light breathable covering material. Spring shading after removing the shelter. Spraying affected, but living branches that have a chance to grow back. Removing Dead Branches

Browning and shedding of needles on one side of the plant

spring sunburn

Plant shading in early spring sunny side. Planting in the shade or under cover of other plants

Sudden local browning of needles and branches, Shine on needles. In the future, the death of branches or the death of the plant is possible.

Effects of cat and dog urine

Immediate washing of plants clean water. Pruning diseased branches

Browning of needles and small twigs in the center of the crown in the spring after removing the shelter

Wetting of needles due to strong screed or too late removal of shelter

Light screed of branches before shelter. Gradual and timely removal of shelter, Shading after removal of shelter. Cleaning at the beginning of summer, after the awakening of the kidneys

Yellowing and drying of needles and small twigs in the center of the crown at the end of summer - autumn

Natural seasonal dying off of needles

Does not exist. In autumn, cleaning is undesirable, as dry needles warm plants in winter. It is recommended to remove needles and cut dead branches on a dry day in early summer.

The most common diseases of coniferous plants are shown in these photos:

Protecting coniferous plants from typographic pests

It is worth dwelling on how to protect coniferous plants from the typographic bark beetle, since over the past few years, due to climate change in Eastern Europe, its numbers have increased dramatically. In Russia, the situation became especially alarming after the relatively warm winters of 2010 and 2012. Significant areas of shrunken plantings of common spruce began to appear everywhere. The forests of the Moscow region and adjacent areas were especially affected. Let's try to deal with this problem.

In nature, there are a sufficient number of stem pests:





Typographic bark beetle ( Ips typographus) , black-brown, about 5 mm in size. It is found everywhere in Europe, and Russia, as practice shows, is no exception.

The life cycle of the development of the beetle is quite complicated. First of all, the bark beetle-typographer settles on spruces, weakened due to various factors. In the spring, when the air temperature exceeds 10-12 degrees Celsius, and for central Russia this is the end of April - the beginning of May, males arrive and begin to drill the first inlet-channels. Males are polygamous, meaning they can mate with several females in turn. After settling, already in the bast layer of the bark, they gnaw out an additional area, the so-called "marriage chamber". Then they secrete odorous pheromones, which, mixed with recycled bark particles called "drill meal", are ejected from the passages and attract females.

The emergence of "drilling flour" on the trunk or individual branches indicates that the coniferous tree has already been populated by this pest. Females flock to the smell in large numbers, mate with males, and after that they begin to gnaw on the uterine vertical passages, where they subsequently lay their eggs. After leaving the eggs, the larvae also gnaw through additional larval passages, where they pupate, and later the young beetle that has taken shape gnaws through the exit hole and flies out. Also, about two weeks after the first laying, the females of this pest of coniferous plants lay eggs of the “sister generation”. On average, about 65-70 days pass from the settling of parent males to the emergence of young beetles.

These dates are somewhat arbitrary and directly depend on the climatic factors of the area and the weather conditions of a particular year. On average, a typographer in the Moscow region gives two generations.

See what this coniferous pest looks like in the photo:

The main signs and stages of damage to coniferous trees by a typographic pest:

  • The emergence of "drilling flour" on the trunk and on the lower branches, as well as on the grass near the trunk circle.
  • Abundant resination. At the initial colonization by individual males, this is a positive sign. The tree secretes resin - "resin", tars individual beetles, fights for its health and life. In the mass summer of females, resin flow no longer helps.
  • A close examination of the trunk and branches of the tree shows small holes- the tree is inhabited.
  • Yellowing-brown individual branches. A close examination of the trunk and branches of the tree shows larger holes, slight streaks of resin - the tree is not only inhabited, but also begins to die. The first generation has already taken off.
  • There is a fall of the bark. On the trunk, uterine and larval passages, the larvae themselves, beetles are observed. The tree is dead.

The mechanism of plant damage is always the same. First of all, the vessels that feed the crown and are located in the bast layer of wood are blocked. Violation of the movement of nutrients inside the trunk leads to the drying of the branches and the death of the entire tree.

This happens within one to three years. There is also such a thing as “green dead wood”, when the crown of the tree is still green, but in essence the tree has already died, since the bast layer of the wood has been completely destroyed. Typographic bark beetles can winter both under the bark and in the trunk circle, within a radius of 1-1.5 m from the tree at a depth of 5-8 cm.

Prevention of the colonization of coniferous trees in the garden by the typographer beetle is one of the most effective methods of dealing with it. As a rule, processing is carried out in late April - early May, before the first spring flight of the beetle.

The most effective of them is Clipper. The solution is plentifully sprayed along the trunk, its action ends in about a month. If the drug is applied during the period of active precipitation, then its duration decreases, and the percentage of surviving beetles increases accordingly. A typographer trying to populate an already processed tree usually dies after coming into contact with the bark. But if the bark beetle population is very large, then some of the beetles still manage to colonize the tree. And then even re-processing will not be effective. At the initial stage of settling, spruce can be saved by injecting other certified insecticides or special biological preparations under the bark. After such injections, not only adult beetles become infected and die, but also their offspring.

The combination of prophylactic treatment of the stem and intra-stem injection is considered the most effective method control of this pest of coniferous plants. If, on the affected tree, the branches are already beginning to turn yellow and dry out, most likely your efforts were in vain and it will no longer be possible to save it.

The tree will have to be destroyed, but in this way it will be possible to prevent infection of nearby plants. second preventive treatment insecticides on the trunk should be carried out in late July - early August, during the period of the possible departure of the developed first generation.

A few words must be said about pheromone traps to combat this pest of conifers. If their use is quite effective on large areas in forest areas, then in gardens they can only bring harm.

Many practitioners gardeners have long known that rust fungi, belonging to the class Puctiniomycetes, are the most common pathogens in our region. It is impossible to get rid of them, because our climatic conditions most favorably affect the entire life cycle of these fungi.

But at the same time, there are a number of rules, preventive measures and good advice to protect plants from fungal diseases such as rust.

This disease often found in our gardens and landscaped landscapes. It spreads quickly and can destroy solid plantings, roses, berries and conifers, which we loved so much when forming hedges, topiary in general garden design.

And in this article we will talk with you about how to protect garden conifers from diseases such as rust. Consider measures for the prevention, protection and control of coniferous rust if the disease has already begun.

Rust and browning of needles

rust on plants cause fungi of the order Rust fungi, puccinia (lat. Pucciniales), which belong to the class Pucciniomycetes (lat. Pucciniomycetes). The class of these mushrooms is very extensive and includes more than 8000 species.

Often coniferous rust confused with the physiological manifestations of damage to trees or browning of the needles, which are caused by completely different types of fungi. In order to clearly understand that it was rust that appeared in the conifer in the spring, let's take a closer look at the symptoms.

The main symptoms of coniferous rust

When identifying symptoms must be remembered that fungal disease occurs only on living ground parts of the plant: foliage, needles or shoots of the first year of growth.

Pathogen It feeds on the contents of only living cells, which means that dead plants or dead parts of a tree are completely unsuitable for the development of the fungus.

rust mushrooms perfectly visible on leaves and young shoots. The affected organs are covered with tubercles from bright orange to red-brown, forming different sizes and shapes.

When the shell such a tubercle cracks, an orange-colored powder pours out of it, which is similar to rust. These are spores of the pathogen.

On branches and trunks seals of the same orange-brown color are formed. They gradually thicken, grow, become covered with cracks and turn into wounds. In the spring, well-marked yellow-orange tubercles filled with powder of fungal spores form at the sites of the lesion.

Pathogen, remaining in the soil on plant residues, penetrates into plants in spring through small lesions on the bark, leaves, roots, and needles.

Illness leads to reduce the decorative properties of plants. Affected plants practically do not form new growth.

Without corresponding protective measures from rust fungi, the plant will die due to a violation water balance and metabolism in general.

Causes of yellowing and brownish needles

If in the spring If yellowing or browning of coniferous needles was noticed in the garden, their unanimous fall, then do not rush to draw conclusions about the rust of the conifer. This is not always the case.

There are several triggers, which lead to browning of the needles and contribute to its shedding. There is also a physiological reason for this behavior of trees. This is important to know and take into account when determining the disease of your conifers. After all, knowing what needs to be treated, it is immediately clear what needs to be done.

Remember that that spruce and pine trees, like other conifers, rarely get sick. And if the needles, after winter period, has become brown in color, this may be due to the fact that the root system is physically damaged, covered by root rot, or late blight develops on the plant.

In the latter case, with the development late blight- the needles become dry, crumble, and in their place a brown spot forms at the base of the branch, which expands along the periphery of the stem and moves towards the top.

Ephedra infected with phytophthora should be dug up with roots and removed, and the place where they grew should be treated with a fungicide. In these areas it is worth planting plants that are not sensitive to phytophthora. If this is not done, then a stable hotbed of phytophthora is formed on your site.

Some gardeners treat plants affected by late blight with copper-containing preparations. For a while the situation improves. But if the pathogen has penetrated deep into the tree, then such conifers will constantly get sick. And still have to say goodbye to such plants.

Also, there are non-pathogenic causes yellowing and browning of needles. It often happens that after a dry summer or harsh winter, coniferous trees turn yellow, the needles crumble, and sometimes the branches themselves.

This is what happens when the root of the tree is damaged. This damage can occur physically, from lack of water or severe waterlogging.

Another case damage to the root system - is the presence of root rot, which is caused by bacteria. And swamping of the soil around the growing point of the tree leads to rot.

Additional reason browning of needles can become in the soil. The composition of the soil for the successful growth of conifers is essential. The soil should be light and slightly acidic. Periodically needed in the ground to compensate for them possible disadvantage or washout.

With unfavorable city air needles can also safely turn yellow, turning brown over time. Concentration harmful substances in the air affects the health of trees and plants as well.

Browning needles, as an infectious disease, is characteristic of young or weakened conifers. This disease is caused by a group of fungi of the genus Phomopsis, Diplodia and Valsa, which affect trees affected by negative factors: unfavorable weather conditions, thickening of plantations, long-term moistening of needles.

Browning of needles is more characteristic of spruce, pseudo-hemlock, less common on pines. AT varying degrees are affected:

  • European spruce, or common (lat. Picea abies);
  • Prickly spruce (lat. Picea pungens);
  • Eastern spruce, or Caucasian (lat. Picea orientalis);
  • Siberian spruce (lat. Picea obovata);
  • Spruce Engelman (lat. Picea engelmanii);
  • Schrenk spruce (lat. Picea schrenkiana).

The first signs of the disease browning of the needles appear as separate yellow spots at the end of summer. next spring yellow spots become brown or red-brown, merge and cover the surface of the needles.

On dead needles sporulation of the fungus is formed in the form of small black dots. They are located in rows on the underside of the needles and serve as a characteristic sign of the disease. The diseased needles fall off during the summer-autumn, i.e. 1 year after infection.

Infectious browning needles starts from the lower branches and gradually rises to the top. Sometimes the infection appears in the middle part of the crown, spreading to other branches.

Systematically recurring lesion leads to massive shedding of needles, the death of branches. This leads to a strong thinning of the crown, weakening of trees with a decrease in their decorative properties.

Protection of plants from rust and browning of needles

To protect conifers plants, it is necessary to initially understand what disease we are dealing with? Infectious, non-infectious, fungal, bacterial. This depends on the treatment plan.

If you saw on coniferous plants there are signs of rust, then it is necessary to carry out 2-3 treatments with Topaz and Strobi fungicides, according to the instructions, with a frequency of 20 days.

Presence of pathogens browning of needles or schütte encourages the use of Topsin M 500 SC fungicide. Spraying should be repeated after 10 days.

If you don't want to overuse chemicals, you can use Biosept Active during the second treatment. In subsequent years, especially at high humidity, for prevention, Biosept Active is sprayed on plants in combination with every 2 weeks.

Also remember that ephedra infected with phytophthora should be removed along with the roots and removed, and the place where they grew should be treated with a fungicide.

In order to prevent, in autumn or spring, apply complexes of macro and micro fertilizers. Carry out preventive spring treatments of conifers with copper-containing preparations - Bordeaux liquid, Hom, etc. Improve soil structure by adding sand or vermigrain.

Spray with bioactive products, Fitoverm, Akarin their Christmas trees and junipers. And let the aroma of the forest be a familiar guest in your garden.

​Related Articles​

Pine spinner, cone rust. This disease is caused by rust fungus fungus

It should be noted that Often there is a fall of branches and the death of plants. The scutellum of the female is slightly expanded towards the posterior end, grayish, 1.5-2 mm long. Scale insects are difficult to eradicate pests, as the females develop under the shield, and are also hidden under the needles. Control measures: before bud break, the pine is sprayed with insecticidal preparations. Pine moth is a pest of Scots pine, sometimes damaging spruce and cedar.

Sources of infection of pines

Do nothing. For adult pines, Hermes are not a deadly scourge. However, they weaken the plant, slow down its growth, spoil the needles. Young pines may die.

The disease is caused by a heterogeneous fungus

Pine: diseases and pests

The disease is caused by a fungus

- living under the bark and in the trunk (large and small pine beetle, pine barbel, pine elephant, spot tarry).

The most common diseases of coniferous trees (photos are presented in the article) are fungal. Among them, the most common diseases are pine fusarium (hanging needles and its further reddening and drying out); Shutte ordinary (yellowing of needles); Shutte brown (the appearance of mycelium on the needles); snow shute (gray-ashy coating); Shutte gray (massive fall of needles); pine dotystromosis (red spots on the needles); rust of pine needles; blister rust of the trunk; cortical necrosis; ulcerative cancer.

Pine rust

The infection can persist for a very long time in damaged needles. And ripening fungal spores infect herbaceous perennials.

All existing pine diseases are divided into infectious and non-infectious.

Melampsora pinitorqua

Lophodermium seditiosum

Nectric necrosis of the cortex

pine disease

Pine spinner

The flight of butterflies usually begins at the end of May and continues until July. The female lays eggs in rows (7-32 eggs in each) on old needles. The fertility of one female is 150-230 eggs. The egg develops in 20 days. Caterpillars usually appear at the end of June and feed in crowns until the end of September or October. Not only old, but also young needles suffer, as well as buds, "while the pine is threatened with drying out. Control measures: spraying against caterpillars younger ages biological product "Lepidocid" - Zl/ha or other permitted insecticidal preparations.​

Option 2.

Melampsora pinitorqua


Common Schutte Pine

How to eliminate plant diseases

Prevention and treatment of Schutte diseases

To combat rust, copper-containing preparations are used ("Abiga-peak", "Kuproksat", "Khom", "Oksihom").

Pine diseases and pests

​Non-communicable diseases​

. The first symptoms of a fungal infection are the death of the top of the shoot and the S-shaped curvature of the trunk. At the same time, the cones open wide and dry.

Is the causative agent of a disease such as real schütte, which is considered one of the main causes

are not always infectious. Trees often fall ill due to unfavorable conditions. external conditions, for example, such as waterlogging of the soil or its drying out. Conifers are also sensitive to a lack of iron or phosphorus in the soil. In this case, the needles turn yellow or acquire a red-violet hue. In addition, these evergreen trees do not respond well to air pollution from automobile and industrial gaseous emissions. Such factors lead to the death of needles and growth retardation. Very often diseases are a secondary factor. Pathogens are carried by insect pests.

Pine scoop feeds on May needles, eats out buds, gnaws at shoots.

Pour Aktara under the root, treat the crown with one of the insecticides - Fufanon, Decis, or Actellik. Spray with an insecticide: karbofos (90 g per 10 liters of water), Iskra (1 tablet per 10 liters), Commander, actellik, actara. Since 3-4 generations of this pest are born per season, crown treatments must be repeated every 3-4 weeks in order to destroy insects at different stages of development. Aktara under the root - if necessary. After processing, a white coating may remain, but this does not mean that the insects are alive.

and is developing quite quickly. Passing the aecial stage, the pine shoots bend, and the top dies off altogether.


This is not a complete list of pine pests; more than 130 species of these insects are known. To combat them, spraying, stem injections, and vaccinations are used. Solutions of Actellik, Karbofos, Akarin, Fundazol help well. Only comprehensive measures will help prevent diseases and the appearance of pine pests. Firstly, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for plant growth, use both chemical and biological methods of insect control, properly collect seeds, store them at a low temperature, treat them with a solution of potassium permanganate before sowing, and disinfect the soil.

To avoid such problems, select the material for planting with special care, thin out plants that have already taken root in a timely and high-quality manner. To treat these diseases, it is recommended to spray coniferous trees with various fungicidal solutions (sulfuric or copper-containing). Cut off the affected branches in a timely manner and remove the fallen needles.

This fungal disease is formed on the bark of the shoot, it is considered cancer of the pines. The disease causes browning of needles and stems. Young shoots dry out quickly. And orange convex spots become noticeable on the bark, darkening with time. The infection persists even in the bark of a dead tree. Therefore, in order to prevent the spread of infection, such pines must be cut down, removed and burned.​

Caused by conditions that are unfavorable for the growth of this culture: excessively high or low level air and soil, lack of lighting and soil nutrition.

The causative agents of rust of pine needles are fungi of the genus

falling needles

Pines have a certain immunity to infectious diseases, although under certain conditions they suffer quite strongly from them. However, disease resistance increases as the plant matures. And, conversely, it decreases with aging of the tree or exposure to adverse factors. environment(e.g. construction).​

The development of caterpillars optimal conditions(25-27°C) is completed in 25-30 days, in unstable weather it takes up to 40 days. In spite of short period being in the harmful stage, the pine scoop is a serious pest of pine plantations. Destroying pine needles, damaging May shoots and buds, causes plantings to dry out, especially in dry areas. Plantations damaged by the scoop are populated by stem pests, accelerating their death.

Option 3, eco-friendly.​

Diseases of coniferous plants: schütte, rust diseases, prevention

Rust is found in almost all types of conifers. Its nature is classical, development takes place in a certain, warm and humid environment. The disease affects the needles of trees and the plant loses its decorative appearance. Sometimes, when mixed with other diseases, needle rust can lead to the death of the plant.

, affecting, most often, different types of pine. It develops under snow cover and can lead normal life even at temperatures below zero degrees. In the spring, when the snow melts, the fungus begins to grow more intensively, and every moment captures the next needle. The needles darken, gradually change color to brown, become very fragile.

Shutte diseases

gray mold disease

Diseases of conifers Coniferous plants do not lose their attractiveness for a long time and can delight their appearance, located throughout the suburban area. Such plants can be not only decoration of the territory, but also excellent material to create various kinds of wood compositions. Such trees are distinguished by longevity and uniform appearance all year round, but like other plants, they can suffer from pests and various diseases.

real schütte

​Rust disease treatment​​This is a pine disease caused by the rust fungus Melampsora pinttorgua. The disease is characterized by the curvature of young pine shoots. Pine spinner is found both on seedlings and on young pines up to 10 years old. Infectious diseases

Ordinary Shutte

Coleosporium. Like almost all diseases of pines, this shutte mainly affects young or weakened plants. The first signs of infection are a change in the color of the needles in spring and early summer- the needles turn brown and fall off, and in autumn yellow dots appear on the needles, which gradually grow and turn brown. The causative agent of this disease is well preserved under fallen needles and infects other plants. Common pine diseases are some types of soil-dwelling fungi

Snow Shutte

The fight is carried out in the spring against younger caterpillars. Processing of plantings is timed to coincide with the period of bud break. The biological product "Lepidocid" 3 l / ha or other insecticidal preparations is used. Treat the plants with green soap, tobacco, garlic infusion or ash. With a serious scale of damage, these methods, alas, are ineffective. Experts recommend the following measures. Plants must be isolated from affected specimens. Young coniferous trees should not be grown near possible pathogens or vectors of diseases. If the disease already occurs, then the affected areas must be cut and destroyed. The resistance of coniferous plants to rust diseases can be increased through the action of special immunostimulants or microfertilizers. It is also recommended to spray coniferous plants during the growing season with water suspensions. It can be Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride, prevent, Abiga Peak. Spraying in the autumn will not hurt either, when the drug should fall not only on the plant, but also on its discarded needles, as a source of infectious infection.Brown shute is also a fairly well-known fungal disease of coniferous plants. It is most common among trees such as fir, pine, spruce, cedar, juniper. Most often, brown schütte affects young plants in nurseries or self-sowing in the open field. The reason for the development of the fungus Nerpotrichia nigra is the weakness of the young plant. Infection occurs by bag spores, immediately after the snow melts. The needles are dark, dead, covered with a cobweb coating. During spring and summer, the plant weakens, the needles of the whole plant become sick and thin branches begin to die. This disease develops well in conditions high humidity and shading, as well as in non-thinned forests and forest belts.​

Brown Shutte

In order to keep plants healthy, they need proper care and some knowledge that will help to recognize or generally prevent the onset of the disease. There are plenty of such diseases and every coniferous plant, whether it be pine, spruce or thuja, can suffer from it.

Shutte juniper

To prevent them, it is worth isolating diseased trees from healthy ones. Affected plants will have to be completely cut out, otherwise infection is inevitable. The treatment is the same as for Schutte diseases. Soil fertilization and the use of high-quality immunostimulants are recommended.​

How to protect plants from Schutte diseases

The disease is very dangerous for annual seedlings, it can cause their mass death. Infection of shoots is typical for the second half of May.

Rust diseases of coniferous plants


Spruce spinner or cone rust

Pine silkworm is one of the most serious pests of pure pine stands, capable of causing their death over large areas.

Pine spinner

Seryanka (resin cancer, pine blister rust) is a pine disease caused by rust fungi. In fact, there are much more diseases of coniferous trees and their pathogens than it is generally possible to list. Often there is a crossover of diseases, when a tree or bush suffers several diseases at once, and in order to bring the plant back to life, one should not only treat it, but also initially determine the disease or their complex, so as not to make a mistake with the drugs. Fortunately, everything that is needed for this is now on sale. But there are other recommendations that say that in order for the plants on the site to be healthy, it is required to carry out prevention, and not to treat already diseased plants, and the first thing to start with is healthy planting material. Only if you buy strong seedlings, immediately treat them with prophylactic agents, plant them in prepared soil, and then, throughout the entire period of growth of coniferous trees or shrubs, will properly care for them, fertilize the soil, ensure it is watered or dried, sprinkled and so on, you can enjoy the majestic, coniferous garden. If not, then believe me, in the future, the plant will experience needle rust, root rot, and drying of the root system, which will be quite difficult to deal with and, ultimately, quite expensive. The disease proceeds very similar to those described above. The first signs appear in the spring, infecting the needles of the plant with the fungus Lophodermium juniperinum. Gray, black, yellow, bright brown, it can be quite different, depending on the region, and the whole summer the disease develops on the plant. Further, the plant is overgrown with mushrooms, the size of which reaches 1.5 mm. They survive even in low temperatures. This disease, under conditions of heat and humidity, can completely kill the plant.

needle rust

Such a disease of conifers as gray mold most often affects young plants, or rather, their aerial part. This disease occurs in dense parks and forest belts, in neglected nurseries, where trees grow very densely and are poorly ventilated. Also, the disease can be caused by insufficient lighting. It manifests itself quite simply - with affected shoots, which are covered with a kind of gray-brown bloom.

Treatment and prevention of plant rust diseases

Pine pests

Infection occurs with basidiospores formed on last year's fallen leaves (litter).

Diseases and treatment of cedar, pests, photo

Pine hermes

Pine trees can get sick due to poor environmental conditions, the presence of a source of infection, and the presence of pests. The development of diseases is facilitated by the accumulation of viral and fungal infections in the litter (the so-called infectious onset).

Pine spinner pest is a fungus. This fungus belongs to the class of rusty basidial heterogeneous fungi, it has full cycle development. Pine spinner on a pine tree affects seedlings, seedlings, young pine trees. The spinner also destroys poplar and aspen leaves. Poplar and aspen are intermediate hosts for it. It causes in a pine tree: branches - curvature, shoots - drying, shoots - dying off of needles. This disease of conifers can be found in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia, in the central regions, it is also found in the steppe regions of Russia. Lophodermium pinastri

and Most often it affects Scots pine, which is its main fodder species. They are very rare on other conifers.

It is characterized by the formation of irregularly spindle-shaped swellings on the trunks and branches, on the surface of which numerous dry sulfur-yellow formations (aecidia) protrude in spring. When ruptured, a sulfur-yellow dusty mass of spores spills out of the shell of the aecidium. The mycelium of the fungus spreads over (bark, bast, cambium, wood, in which it causes local death. The dead bark peels off and falls off, exposing the affected wood and causing an abundant flow of resin (popularly it is called "serka", hence the name of the disease).

How to deal with Hermes:

This pest is easy to spot on the branches and needles on a white coating. In fact, there are drugs for these diseases, there are various methods of prevention. which keep the plant healthy throughout its life. The first protective measures against schütte are the selection of the correct and initially healthy planting material. It must be prepared for a certain region, properly grown and well maintained, that is, a young plant must already be strong. We would like to note and recall the fact that plants in the shade, in a humid environment, for example, in dense forests during snowmelt, are most susceptible to Schutte diseases. If you want to avoid such diseases, then the first prevention will be the correct, uniform fudge of coniferous trees in the territory, as well as timely care. It is also necessary to apply spraying of plants with preparations that contain sulfur or copper - Abiga-Peak, Bordeaux mixture, HOM or, in general, lime-sulfur decoction. The funds must be applied in the spring and be sure to repeat the spraying in the summer if the diseases suddenly appear.

This disease of coniferous plants is fungal. Basically, the disease is manifested by the darkening of the needles and its premature fall. Mostly young, immature plants are affected, which quite often die. The disease is active year-round and, starting in spring with a bloom on the needles, but continues until late autumn, when it covers the needles with brown spots and gradually grows. Pine pests do not appear just like that, there are a lot of sources of their occurrence. They can come from a nearby park where there are conifers, or from a forest, if there is one nearby. In addition, pests can be introduced along with the soil or purchased along with planting material. Wind, birds, even the person himself can bring harmful insects to the pine.


At the end of May - in June, the first signs of this disease begin to appear. Whitish dots (inconspicuous) appear in the bark of the apical shoot - spermogony, they turn yellow after a few days. They develop spores - spermatozoa that do not cause infection of plants, but play significant role in further development fungus. Approximately in the same period, the causative agent of the disease (ecidia) appears on the needles, young shoots and stems. They are golden-yellow oblong swellings. - the causative agent of the disease is the common schütte. The symptoms of this disease are similar to those caused by the previous disease. In autumn or spring, the needles of young plants become red-brown, dark transverse lines appear on the needles, after which the plant gradually dies. Most often, weakened trees in nurseries and self-seeding pines suffer.

Control measures:

In case of mass reproduction of the pest, the fight is carried out against the caterpillars of younger ages by spraying with the Lepidocide biological product - Zl / ha or other permitted insecticidal preparations.

Aphid pine

The disease is very harmful. The overall growth of a diseased tree decreases, the crown thins out, the tree weakens, is populated by beetles and other stem pests, which accelerate its death. The disease often proceeds chronically, on average up to 30 years. Pine trees get sick at any age, but more often at an older age. Hermes (Adelgidae) is an insect, aphid.

Control measures:

In this section of the article, we will consider a special number of diseases of coniferous plants. They are called

common pine shield

The disease continues to live even on needles crumbling to the ground What are conifer pests

Fungal disease, which is characterized by the autumn appearance of yellow spots on young needles, increasing in size and having an irregular shape.

pine cutworm

Like all representatives of coniferous trees, Scotch pine is susceptible to various kinds diseases. A tree can get sick as a result of pests settling on it, violation of growing conditions. Infectious diseases of Scots pine are also common. From the aecidia protrude (ecidiospores) - a bright yellow mass (this happens at the moment when the epidermis bursts). In places where aecidia appeared, elongated ulcerations begin to form on the shoots, the shoots begin to bend due to the severity of their upper part, at the same time, the upper part continues to grow. wounds, they become filled with resin. Mature spores are carried by the wind, they fall on the leaves and infect other trees. Spores begin to germinate after overwintering.

Control measures:

Diseases such as brown and snow shute are also common. The symptoms of these diseases are somewhat different from each other, but all of them, with untimely treatment, lead to the death of trees and the massive spread of infection.

Pine silkworm

. Infection with them often leads the roots of young trees to decay and die off and, as a result, to the death of trees. Anamorphic fungi (belong to the category of soil pathogens) are the causative agents of tracheomycosis wilt. The roots affected by the fungus acquire a brown tint, the mycelium penetrates deep into vascular system plants and fills it with its biomass, due to which the possibility of access to nutrients is almost completely blocked, and the tree fades. Pine needles turn yellow, then turn red and fall off, and the plant itself gradually dries out. Like all diseases of the pine tree, the spores of the shoot are a pine silkworm (a butterfly from the leafworm family), the larvae of which are introduced into young shoots or buds.

Control measures:

Removal of diseased trees, destruction of intermediate hosts, currants and gooseberries, which are an intermediate host, should not grow nearby.

Pine shooter silkworm

Hermes larvae, very small, covered with long waxy hairs, so we see the colony as a white coating on branches and needles. The larvae suck the juices out of the plant, which causes the needles to turn yellow. Adult insects are larger, brown; they are easy to see with the naked eye. Winters on a pine tree in the larval stage. Basidiomycota mushrooms

Control measures:

Pine diseases

All pine pests are divided into the following types: In the spring, diseased needles turn yellow. After that, the needles turn red and dry. The fungus forms on reverse side needles, covering them in parallel rows. In summer, black pads form, which contain spores that spray the fungus into the wind. Thus, neighboring trees are infected.

Quite often, pines are attacked by scale insects, which is characterized by falling needles. It is quite difficult to deal with this pest, since the body of females is protected by a shield (hence the name). You need to process the tree at the moment when the larvae come out. This is usually May-June. At this time, the pine tree needs to be treated with "Akarin" at the rate of 30g / 10 l of water. preventive measure against rust diseases is the spatial isolation of healthy trees from infected plants. Very often, the reason is the preliminary damage to pines by pests, such as a sawfly. Prevents the spread of diseases by timely treatment from pests, cutting of affected pines, the use of immunostimulants and microfertilizers. If it is impossible to remove affected pines, rust diseases are treated by spraying with systemic fungicides or stem injections under the bark of a tree. In order to prevent the spread of these diseases, it is necessary to carefully select planting material, and thin out rooted plants in a timely manner. good effect gives fungicidal spraying (treatment with sulfuric, copper-containing and other systemic fungicides). It is recommended to immediately cut off the dried branches and remove the fallen needles. Good result gives the method of stem injections to pines.​

The most common fungal diseases

Fusarium oxysporum

The buds dry up, the shoots are bent. Pine aphids are oblong-ovate, highly hairy, grayish insects that sit in rows on the needles of Scotch or mountain pine. Hermes easily migrate from tree to tree, infecting entire forests. that affect the bark of shoots and needles. The disease is quite contagious and can quickly spread even to other plants. Shutte in conifers The disease is caused by the same fungus - sucking (pine aphids, hermes, coniferous scale insects, pine scale insects, pine root bug, spider mites); For the purposes of prevention, it is recommended to spray young seedlings and trees with Bordeaux mixture or Abiga-peak substitute. In conditions of the mass spread of the disease, trees are treated in summer and autumn. When the top dries up, growth decreases, needles fade, it is necessary to check the tree for the presence of a root bug. This pest hibernates in the litter. Therefore, in spring and autumn, the trunk circle is sprinkled with dust (no more than 25 g per pine). And in May, the tree can be treated with an actellik solution (15 g / 10 l of water). 250 g of solution is consumed per tree. Also, leaves flying into the nursery must be collected and burned. It is recommended that the pine be treated three times with eighty percent cineb at a 0.8 percent concentration or seventy-five percent polycarbacin (one percent). We carry out the first spraying in the period from the fifteenth to the twentieth of May. We repeat after six to seven days, we carry out the second spraying and after the same period of time after the second, we carry out the third spraying. Processing can be carried out from a generator (aerosol LAGO), or from a tractor sprayer (with a flow rate of twenty-five liters per thousand plants).​

Withering (drying out)

- shoots become lethargic, then die. Fungal organisms penetrate into the vessels of the stems and roots and clog them, while releasing poisons (toxins).

Shrunken brown tufts of needles appear at the ends of pine shoots. In autumn, black shiny dots appear on the needles - pycnidia (spore receptacles). Droplets of resin are visible on infected shoots. The shoots die, the whole pine can dry out.

Withering needles and branches on a blue spruce
- mushroom Acanthostigma parasitica.

Fungal attack Acanthostigma
spruce prickly

Infection with this fungus occurs in the spring. Usually in the middle of summer the needles become yellowish-pink. Then the shoot curls up and dries out. Resin streaks appear on the shoot bark. The whole spruce may die.

Drying of needles and shoots of juniper Skyrocket
- mushrooms Stigmina deflectens and Phoma juniperi.

juniper phomosis
- mushroom Phoma eguttulata

In June, the needles turn pale, lose their juicy color, turn yellow, then become covered with brown spots and dry out along with the ends of the shoots. Dark dots appear between the scales of the needles - pycnidia with spores. Fungi cause the death of needles and shoots, juniper often dies.

Drying of thuja shoots western Brabant - mushrooms Macrophoma mirbelli and Pestalotia funerea.

The needles and shoots of the thuja are covered brown spots, the ends of the shoots dry out. Over time, dark dots appear on the needles - sporulation of mushrooms, dead needles turn gray.

Protection measures: preventive spraying in early spring Kurzat (0.7% solution), during treatment, spraying alternately with Strobi (0.04%), Fundazol (0.2% solution), Bayleton (0.15%), with the addition of Zircon (0.01%). It is also possible to spill the soil under the plant with Fundazol (0.3%) with Zircon (0.01%). Pruning and burning of infected parts of the plant.

Fusarium wilt, tracheomycosis wilt

Pathogen- mushroom Fusariumoxysporum on the shoots of juniper gave a plentiful coating in a humid chamber.

With this disease, the needles of young coniferous plants turn yellow, redden and fall off, the crown thins, and the plants themselves gradually dry out. The pathogen from the soil penetrates the roots, which turn brown, partially rot, and then the fungus penetrates the vessels. A dark ring is clearly visible on the cross section of the affected branch. Treatment is problematic.

Diseases of needles and shyutte - needles on coniferous trees turns yellow, turns brown or becomes grayish, falls off. Dark pads of various shapes are formed on the needles - rounded or elongated. These are receptacles for fungal spores. The shoots die off, and the whole tree may die. Examples:

The death of pine needles- mushroom Sclerophoma pithya.

Dried needles take on a grayish color. Black, rounded dots are formed on the needles (pycnidia of the fungus with spores). Infection usually occurs in August. The disease manifests itself immediately or the next year.

- mushroom Leptothyrium pseudotsugae.

The needles at the ends of the shoots turn yellow, then dry out. Small dark dots form on it (pycnidia of the fungus with spores). The development of the fungus causes the death of the shoots, often the whole plant dies.


- also a disease of needles caused by fungi. Signs: discoloration of the needles, the appearance of black dots, premature death, falling of the needles immediately or vice versa, a long stay on the branches. Different types shutte affect pine, cedar, spruce, fir, juniper, larch.

Young pine plants are affected. During spring and early summer, the needles turn brown and fall off. Already at the end of October, small yellowish spots appear on the needles or at the ends of the needles. Immediately after the snow melts in spring, the needles die off and turn red (turn brown). In early May, black dots appear on the needles (pycnidia with fungal spores). During the summer, the needles fall off, the pine tree weakens and may die.

Common Schutte Pine- mushroom Lophodermiumpinastri.

Common Schutte Pine - Mushroom Lophodermium pinastri- initial phase (left) and dead needles (right)

In autumn or more often in the spring of the next year, the needles turn yellow or turn brown and die. On the needles, the fruiting bodies of the fungus are formed in the form of small black strokes or dots. Warm and humid weather favors infection. Weakened and young pines get sick and die more often.

Real pine schütte - mushroom Lophodermium seditiosum.

From spring to July, the needles become brown and fall off. In autumn, small yellowish dots are visible on live needles, and dotted black fruiting bodies are visible on dead needles. Young pines and weakened trees are mainly affected.

Shutte juniper- mushroom Lophodermiumjuniperinum

The disease manifests itself in early summer on last year's needles, which turn yellow or brown. At the end of summer, round black fruit bodies up to 1.5 mm appear on the needles. Weakened plants are most affected, which can die in wet conditions.

- mushroom Meria Laricis

In May, brown spots appear on the tips of young needles, which grow rapidly. Soon all the needles twist slightly and turn brown. The sporulation of the fungus on the needles is very small, they can only be seen with a magnifying glass as the smallest black grains of sand. Sick larch branches dry out, the whole plant may die.

Protection measures: quality plant care, regular feeding mineral fertilizers. In snowy winters, scattering of peat crumbs for accelerated snow melting. Spraying in late autumn and immediately after the snow melts with Kurzat (0.7%) or Copper oxychloride (0.5%). In spring, spraying every 10-12 days with Fundazol (0.2%), Bayleton (0.15%), Strobi (0.04%), with the addition of Zircon (0.01%). Strait of soil under the plant Terminator (0.05%) with Zircon (0.01%). Mandatory collection of infected needles; burning needles and dead plants.


in spring, the needles turn pale or turn yellow, fall off. The decorative appearance of coniferous plants suffers (mostly pines, spruce rarely). On five-needle pines (cedar, Weymouth pine), rust leads to cancerous tumors on the branches or trunk and often to death.

Needle rust on Scots pine- mushroom Coleosporium tussilaginis.

In May, yellow flakes-pustules (receptacles of spores) appear on the needles of Scotch pine. The needles prematurely turn yellow and fall off, the pines “go bald”, lose their decorative effect. Further, the fungus passes to the next host - coltsfoot and develops already on it. In late autumn, the fungus "returns", infecting pine.

- mushroom Cronartium ribicola

blister rust on pine
- mushroom Cronartium ribicola

In autumn, the tips of the needles turn brown. In the spring, the needles turn pale, dry, thickenings appear on the branches or trunk, then cancerous ulcers from which the resin flows. Yellow-orange bubbles protrude from the breaks in the bark, spraying fungal spores in the form of a "smoke" when touched. If the trunk is affected, the plant quickly dies. The second host of the fungus is blackcurrant, which the fungus infects in summer. At the end of summer or autumn, cedar infection occurs through spores that form on currant leaves.

Protection measures: spraying in October and spring after the snow melts Tilt (0.25% solution) with Epin (0.01%). Watering under the root with Fundazol (0.3%) with Zircon (0.01%).

On cedar and Weymouth pine, at the first signs of withering of the needles (discoloration, blanching), pruning of these branches. When orange bubbles appear on the branches, pruning; on the trunk - urgent digging and burning of the plant. Mandatory processing black currant in June and August Topaz (0.05%), Strobi (0.03%). Burning of affected currant leaves. If possible, plant currants as far as possible from the cedars. Destruction of weeds - coltsfoot, sow thistle.

Resin crayfish of pine, or crayfish

Affected trunk (left) and branch (right) of a pine

This fairly common disease is caused by rust fungi. Cronartiumflaccidium and Peridermiumpini. Intermediate hosts of bluegrass and impatiens participate in the development of the first fungus. The second fungus spreads only from pine to pine.

The fungus penetrates through the thin bark at the top of the tree into the wood cells and resin passages, destroying them. The affected part of the tree is abundantly impregnated with resin and acquires a grayish-black color. When the pitch ulcer completely rings the trunk, all living branches above the ulcer die.

Non-infectious diseases of conifers:

sunburn . If winter starts from severe frosts, and the snow does not fall immediately, then the soil freezes deeply under the plants. And if in the future there are few thaws in winter, then the snow lies dazzlingly white. Then already in January-February, in frosty sunny weather, sunburns begin. The needles in the cold and the sun lose moisture, and the plant cannot replenish it at the expense of the roots - the root system is frozen. By spring, the plants are already standing with red needles, especially on the south side.

Non-frost-resistant plants are especially affected, as well as plants in the first year after planting, in which the root system has not had time to develop.

On juniper Strikta

Black Pine Sunburn

Protection measures:

- water-charging watering in dry autumn, mulching for the winter with a layer of peat 10 cm under the plant,

Shelter from autumn with covering material of the most “burned” plants (Konika spruce, Chinese juniper Strikta, Blue Alps, Meyeri junipers, generally columnar junipers, thuja Smaragd, Brabant, Panderose yellow pine). In unfavorable winters (for example, the winter of 2009-2010), even blue spruce and black Austrian pine suffered from burns in places. The current winter is also unfavorable for plants - burns began already in early February!

Net shading of large plants,

- scattering of peat chips or ash to reduce the reflection of sunlight and accelerate the melting of snow,

- in the spring it is important to open the plants in time - immediately after the snow melts, and start watering so that the root system unfreezes and begins to supply moisture to the needles.

- application of potash-phosphorus fertilizers in late August - early September.

- spraying plants with Epin (0.01%), watering under the root with Zircon (0.01%).

Dog urine ingestion for coniferous plants. It is necessary to immediately wash it off the needles with plenty of water, then pour 10 liters of water with Zircon (0.01%) under the root of the plant.

Lack of watering- shedding of needles due to drought, especially on sandy soils. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the plants, do not forget to start watering in spring the plants planted last year. In the sultry summer of 2010, watering was especially relevant for all plants!

Mechanical damage to the roots, trunk. Coniferous plants must be dug up with a big enough lump to save the bulk of the root system. In addition, useful fungal organisms (mycorrhiza) often live in the soil of the coma, without which the plant cannot effectively absorb nutrients. This primarily applies to pine, cedar, junipers. If the roots are severely chopped, the earth has crumbled from the roots, or the trunk is badly damaged around the circumference, the plant has little chance of taking root.


Coniferous plants, like deciduous ones, are also affected by various pests.

Sucking insects that damage needles: aphids, false shields, scale insects, mites, hermes.

Pine aphid (Cinara pini) damages young, well-growing pines. The larvae suck the juices at the base of the buds, later between the needles of young shoots.

fir pubescent aphid(Mindarus abietinus) at the aphid stage founders suckle on the shoots between the needles, and before fledging passes to the needles.

Various coniferous ornamental plants damage other species: spruce false shield -Physokermes piceae damages spruce;

Spruce false shield

On the shoots at the end of May, brown “balls” about 3-5 mm in size are glued. These are female spruce false shields. In June, females lay up to 2000 eggs under the shield, from which larvae hatch in a month, also sucking needles. The needles turn yellow and fall off.

harms on thuja thuja false shield(Parthenolecanium fletcheri)

on yew - yew false shield(Parthenolecanium pomeranicum)

in the Caucasus and Crimea cypress shield(Carulaspisjuniperi) damages cypress, juniper, thuja, pine:

Control measures similar with them, as on deciduous plants and roses (see). It should be sprayed with Bi-58 (0.2%), Clipper (0.02%).


Spruce spider mite - damages spruce, pine, fir, juniper, thuja. The eggs hibernate at the base of the needles on the growth of the previous year. In May, larvae emerge from them, which suck the juice from the needles and after 3 weeks turn into adult ticks. Up to 6 generations of ticks develop per year, especially in dry, hot weather. The affected needles are covered with pale spots, the thinnest cobwebs, then turn brown and crumble. Ticks can seriously weaken coniferous plants and spoil their appearance.

Protection measures. Spraying coniferous preparations of the FOS group: Bi-58, Fufanon, Fosban, Aktellik, specific acaricides (see the section "Ticks" on Deciduous plants).

And there are sucking pests that lead a secretive lifestyle, these are primarily Hermes. It is very difficult to fight them.

These are the smallest (0.5-1mm) sucking insects whose bodies are covered with wax fluff.

Different types of hermes harm spruce, fir, larch, pine, cedar.

The biggest problem is pine hermes on cedar.

Spruce-larch hermes(Sacciphantes viridis)(on the various types spruce and larch)

Spruce-fir hermes(Aphrastia pectinatae)(on spruce and fir)

General form

Cocoon with oviposition when magnified under a microscope

Pine hermes(Pineus pini) and hermes weymouth pine(P. strobe)(on a pine tree)

In May, a white “fluff” appears between the base of the needles on the branches of the cedar, sometimes very plentiful. These are laying eggs of pine hermes, which also harms pine. Hermes larvae suck the juice from the needles and shoots, the needles fall off. The decorative appearance of cedars suffers, they “grow bald”, and are also affected by fungal infections. Pine hermes eggs and larvae are protected by a wax fluff, and it is difficult to destroy them with chemicals.

Protection measures: in early May, preemptive spraying with BI-58 (0.25%), Decisom (0.02%) should be carried out. Perhaps the use of mineral oil, which has a suffocating effect. Under the root, you can irrigate with BI-58 (0.3%), Confidor (0.15%) with Zircon (0.01%) for systemic plant protection. Treatments should be repeated until complete disappearance"a gun".

Needle-eating insects: caterpillars of scoop butterflies and silkworms, sawfly larvae.

pine sawfly

Red pine sawfly
neodiprion certifer

Common pine sawfly
Diprion pini

Females lay their eggs in the needles on the shoots of the current year. False caterpillars gnaw at the needles, completely exposing the branches. The red pine sawfly damages pine trees, as well as cedar.

spruce sawfly

Likewise hurts spruce sawflyPristiphora abietina: first, the female ovipositor damages the needles when laying eggs, and then the larvae damage more seriously on the shoots.

Pests of shoots and trunks: beetles: bark beetles, weevils, barbels; caterpillars of runaway moths, runaways;

bark beetles

These are small beetles of brown or black color, usually 2-6 mm in size, attacking pines, spruces, cedars, larches. They gnaw through under the bark (less often - in wood) passages of various shapes, laying eggs. Numerous larvae hatch from the eggs, gnawing their passages. As a result, infected trees die within a month.

Bark beetles are dangerous for large seedlings over 2.5 m in size and for mature trees on your site, especially if it is located near a forest or infected last year's tree plantings. The attack (flight) usually occurs in the spring, but during the years of mass breeding outbreaks there may be a second invasion in the summer (for example, in 1999, in the Moscow region, the bark beetle-typographer on spruce had two flights - in May and July).

bark beetle typographer(Ipstypographus) (on spruce and other conifers)

Engraver (Pityogeneschalcographus) - found on spruce, fir, pine, cedar. Here - on a fir

Engraver (Pityogeneschalcographus) . Here on the cedar

Large pine beetle(Blastophaguspiniperda) (on a pine).

A large pine beetle attacks pine trees in late April-early May, always gnawing vertical upward passages. Drilling flour is partially poured out of the passages, which is collected at the base of the branches, under the tree trunk.

Protection measures:

At the end of April 2005, I had to defend twelve 5-6-meter pines, which I planted as winter plantings in Valentinovka, in a cottage village near Losiny Ostrov. A mass flight of the bark beetle (large pine beetle) began from the nearby forest, although the snow in the forest had not completely melted yet. There were so many beetles that they sat on the shoulders of all the people on the site. Right before our eyes, they penetrated under the bark, especially in the places where the branches were attached, where the bark was thicker.

The search for and struggle with this bark beetle was facilitated by the fact that the large pine beetle always gnaws vertical passages under the bark upwards from the inlet, from which resin flows out and drilling flour spills out. I had to manually open all the moves with a knife and pick out bugs. But first I made full spraying of pines drugs BI-58 (0.25%) and Decis (0.02%). I repeated the treatments three more times a week, using Confidor (0.1%), Karate (0.02%), with the addition of Zircon (0.01%) - Zircon reduces the negative effects of chemicals on plants.

If I had arrived at the site a couple of days later, it would have been too late. And so all the trees were saved. During the summer, I kept intensive care of the pines, and they all took root, giving an average growth of 25 cm by the end of the year. I observed these pines for another two years, carrying out preventive spraying in early spring.

The fight against bark beetle-typographer on spruce also comes down to preventive spraying of trunks and crowns in early spring. In addition, all infected and dead trees in the area last year must be burned along with their roots and fallen needles.

In May 2004, I encountered an attack by a bark beetle-typographer on 9 pieces of 7-meter-high fir trees in the cottage village of Mitropolie along the Yaroslavl highway. At the same time, in a cottage village near Timoshkino (Novo-Rizhskoye direction), bark beetles attacked 5 pieces of 7-8-meter-high firs. I ate everything I planted as winter plantings in February-March.

It was also necessary to carry out a complete spraying of chemical preparations of all spruces. Also, I used beetle entry holes injections- the same drugs, but in a stronger concentration. The bark beetle-typographer, unlike the large pine beetle, cleans its passages, throwing out all the sawdust - drill flour. Therefore, it is not necessary to open its moves with a knife: a solution of preparations under pressure penetrates well to the very beetle. Thus, in both areas, I managed to destroy the pests and all the trees took root. Of course, the main role in the successful fight was played by the fact that I expected the invasion of bark beetles from the forests located right on the border of both sites, and carried out preventive spraying.

In principle, it is also possible to water large-sized seedlings under the root with solutions of systemic insecticides, the same BI-58 and Confidor. Moreover, beetles hibernate in the litter of needles under trees or under the bark at the very roots. But in all cases, the success of the fight depends on prevention and constant supervision, especially in spring, of the condition of the trees.

shoot moths

Drying of shoots and yellowing of Siberian fir needles- fir shoot moth.

The larvae of this moth gnaw through a channel inside the shoot, and it dries out. In addition, larvae were found in the canal during the analysis of spores of a harmful fungus. Verticillium albo-atrum.

Protection measures: spraying Bi-58 (0.2%), Aktara (0.04%), with the addition of Zircon (0.01%). Pruning and burning shrunken shoots.


For example, on a pine tree it hurts winter shooter(Rhyacioniabuoliana)

Escape damage


Shooting larva

These are small brown-gray butterflies with a wingspan of about 20 mm. The caterpillars are brown, they gnaw out the buds and the core of the growing shoots. This leads to the curvature of shoots and stems, their breaking off, multi-top. The caterpillars of the wintering shoots feed on the lower part of the growing shoots. The resin shooter causes the formation of a resinous influx that covers the place of introduction of the caterpillar on the shoot.

Protection measures: the same as from shoot moths