Card file of houseplants in kindergarten. Card file of indoor plants. Junior preschool age

indoor plants in preparatory group

Morpho - biological characteristic indoor plants corner of nature in the preparatory group.


Sedge family. Homeland tropical rainforests on almost all continents. It's elegant herbaceous plant, in general, it is not whimsical. Cyperus does not have a pronounced dormant period and grows equally in cool and in warm rooms. Cyperus in nature grows in swampy areas, so the main requirements of this plant are abundant watering and high humidity.

There are several species in culture, all of them are quite similar to each other, i.e. have umbrellas with long legs.

Cyperus sprawling Cyperus diffusus - grows about 60 cm tall, looks like a small palm tree, its leaves at the base are about 1-1.5 cm wide.

Cyperus alternate-leaved Cyperus alternifoius - grows about 1 m in height, and its leaves are about 0.5 cm wide at the base, there are variegated and dwarf forms. It blooms under good conditions at any time of the year with small nondescript yellowish flowers collected in spike-shaped inflorescences.

Cyperus papyrus Cyperus papyrus is a larger and original plant - up to 2 m tall, the leaves on the umbrella are very thin and there are so many of them that the umbrella is more like a drooping panicle, this is a rather difficult and rare species in culture.


Temperature: Moderate in summer, within 18-25°C, in winter about 16-18, not lower than 12°C.

Lighting: A bright place, light partial shade, shading from direct sunlight in summer, good lighting in winter.

Watering: Abundant all the time, the soil should never dry out. It is better to water from a pallet.

Fertilizer: From March to September, every two weeks they are fed with a special complex fertilizer for indoor plants.

Humidity: Likes very much wet air, regular spraying and washing of leaves is required. It is best to place the cyperus on a tray of water.

Transfer: Annually in the spring, however, the pot should not be too spacious. The soil is a mixture of clay-turf (2 parts), leaf (1 part), peat (1 part) and sand (1 part). It would be nice to add a little charcoal and brick chips to the soil.

Reproduction: Seeds, dividing the bush, as well as apical cuttings. To do this, cut the umbrella, after it has faded or before flowering, and lower it into a glass of water "head down", with the handle to the top. After a while, it will give roots.



Choice of dishes

The size: The main requirement for dishes for cacti is that it must correspond to the size of the root system. The pot should not significantly exceed its volume in a straightened form.

If the cactus has short roots, choose a low pot, and according to cacti with taproots, deeper dishes are needed.

Material: cacti are usually grown in plastic pots, but this is not necessary at all.

Pros of pottery: the earth dries out faster and cools more after watering. This is good for winter watering and for cacti with sensitive roots.

Advantages of plastic utensils: the earth dries out more slowly, and it is advisable to plant young rooted plants in such pots.

The form: For a long time square pots were used for cacti, as they take up less space than round ones. However, round pots are preferred as they provide a more favorable moisture and air exchange regime than square pots standing close together.

Drainage: This is perhaps one of the most important conditions for growing succulents. Pots must have holes for water to drain! You can also put a crock or plastic plate on the bottom for better drainage.

Most important characteristics earth mix: looseness, air and water tightness chemical composition – different types cacti need a different ratio of organic and mineral components.

Acidity cacti require a slightly acidic reaction

Landing: If there are holes in the dishes, then the lower drainage-pebbles-is not necessary. Earth is poured as much as the depth of the pot exceeds the length of the roots of the cactus. After that, the plant is placed in a pot so that the base is at the level of the edges, and kept in this position, at the same time pouring earth around the stem. The base of the stem does not need to be deepened into the ground. So that the plant does not stagger, you can pour drainage pebbles. Tall cacti need to be tied to a support.

Young cacti are transplanted once a year, old ones every few years. Transplanting is best done at the beginning of the growing season.

For a few days after transplanting, do not water the cacti and do not expose them to the hot sun.

Watering: For irrigation, you need as clean and soft water as possible. It can be rain, snow, or simply boiled or settled tap water. You can water in a pot and from a pallet, it does not matter.

Cacti are watered only during the growing season: from late spring to early autumn. Watering cacti in winter is not necessary at all, with the exception of some epiphytic cacti. If you do not water in winter, there will be more chances that the cacti will bloom. Do not be afraid that they will not survive without watering for several months during the dormant period they do not need water at all!

Light and temperature: One of the most important conditions for the development of cacti is the presence of light. Among cacti there are no favorite shadows, there are hardy shadows. Cacti no less need warmth for normal vegetation, but in principle they are not afraid of light frosts and temperature changes. With a lack of light, cacti do not need heat or moisture. For most species, wintering at 5-15 ° C is suitable. This is the rule for placing cacti during winter dormancy. After wintering, cacti need to get used to bright sunlight. To do this, you can cover the window glass with paper or whitewash them.

Reproduction: Cacti can be propagated vegetatively or from seed.


Tradescantia Guiana(family Kommelinovye). Homeland - tropical America. widespread ampelous plant, its long stems reach a height of up to 0.5 m or more, sometimes used to create a "green curtain". On the stems are alternately bright green oval-shaped sessile leaves. Occasionally tradescantia bloom with small white flowers. Tradescantia needs abundant watering and systematic air humidification. In dry air, it quickly loses its decorative qualities- the leaves become smaller and darker, the lower part of the shoots is exposed.

The plant puts up with a lack of lighting, does not tolerate direct sunlight. Tradescantia is propagated by stem cuttings, which are planted in an earthen mixture consisting of soddy, leafy, humus earth and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1.

Tradescantia Guiana has more decorative varieties white or yellowish stripes on the leaves; care for them is the same as for the main form, but they need more light.

Tradescantia virginiana(family Kommelinovye). A swamp low or medium height plant with erect stems, on which narrow long sessile leaves alternately. The plant is beautiful and blooms profusely. The flowers are located at the top of the shoot on pink stalks, rather large, bright blue, collected in an umbrella. Each individual flower blooms for a short time, 6-10 hours, then it is replaced by another. The flowering period of tradescantia is large - almost throughout the year; a short break in flowering occurs only in winter.

The plant needs abundant watering and systematic spraying. It tolerates a lack of lighting, grows well even on windows facing north. Propagated by stem cuttings and division of the bush. Grows pretty fast. it is necessary to divide the bush annually, and sometimes twice a year.

Tradescantia striped, zebrina(family Kommelinovye). Houseplant with hanging stems of medium length; the leaves are quite large with wide silvery stripes. Its variety is multicola with brown, pink and silver stripes. Requires a moderate amount of light, abundant watering and spraying. Easily propagated by cuttings.

Temperature. The temperature is not lower than 12-14o C.

Air humidity. Plants do not need special measures to humidify the air and spray the leaves.

Lighting. Lighting must be very intense, otherwise the stems are stretched, which leads to a weakening of the zebra and unaesthetic overall appearance. But the plant should not fall under direct Sun rays.

Watering and feeding. In spring and summer, water abundantly. In the autumn winter time just enough to dampen the soil. In spring and summer, once every 15-20 days, a complex fertilizer is added to the water for irrigation at the rate of 10-20 g per bucket.

Care. Transplantation is carried out in the spring using a more spacious pot. Remove damaged parts and monochrome green leaves.

breeds very easy stem cuttings. Planting is carried out in the spring in the soil, which is a mixture of sand and peat (1: 1), a mineral complex fertilizer with microelements is applied at the rate of 30 g per bucket of soil. You can plant cuttings without rooting, covering them from above. transparent material(glass jar, polyethylene film) to maintain the required humidity.

Diseases and pests. Plants can be infested with green apple aphids and mealybug. Aphids are eliminated with the help of special preparations designed to combat this pest. They get rid of the worms with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol and treatment with anti-coccidial drugs.

Usambar violet

The cultivation of the uzambara violet first became popular in Germany, and soon throughout Europe. Violet came to North America in 1926 thanks to Armacost and Royston, who were importing plant seeds from German and English greenhouses. The imported species had blue flowers, similar to pansies. Today, there are about 2,000 types of violets in a variety of colors - white, pink, purple, yellow, and, of course, blue.


Violet is one of those plants that require more love and care than ordinary indoor flowers. Be careful not to drop water on the leaves, as this will cause discoloration of the leaf. Sometimes a violet is placed over a tray of water to increase the humidity of the air. However, this is not necessary if you live in a tropical climate. Violet requires a lot of light and a long daylight hours to bloom. Therefore, in temperate climates, violets usually bloom in the summer.

Watering: As mentioned earlier, in no case should water fall on the leaves of the plant. Violet does not like hard water, so if you live in an area where hard water is supplied to the plumbing, do not water the violet directly with tap water. Use demineralized or rain water. Keep the soil slightly moist. Excess moisture causes root rot. On the other hand, violet is sensitive to soil drying, so water it as soon as the soil starts to feel dry to the touch, but before it has hardened.

Top dressing: During the period active growth violets need to be fed once a month. If the plant won't bloom, use a nitrogen-free fertilizer, such as for feeding cacti.

Transfer: Violet should be repotted once a year in the spring. Transplantation is carried out in a shallow wide pot. Almost any ready-made soil mixture is suitable for violets. Be sure to provide a good drainage layer.

Reproduction: Usually violets are grown from a cut leaf. Cut a leaf from 2-5 cm of the stem, insert it into the rooting compost and keep the temperature around 20°C.


Geranium family. Motherland South Africa. One of the most common plants, and, as a rule, pelargonium or geranium can be found not in the collection of an experienced amateur grower, but on the windowsill of any grandmother who, not particularly understanding what to plant and how to water correctly, nevertheless always enjoys the annual fragrant flowers .


Temperature: 0-20 C

Lighting: sufficient, partial shade

Humidity: Moderate

Watering: copious, limited in winter

Top dressing: once a week liquid fertilizer with late spring until early autumn

Reproduction: seeds, stem cuttings in spring

Pests: mealybug and red spider mite

Purpose: pot culture, in " bottle gardens", terrarium, greenhouses


Donkey family. Motherland Central and South America, New Zealand. These are evergreen shrubs, of which there are about 100 species in nature.

Fuchsia graceful Fuchsia gracilis is a shrub with reddish stems. The leaves are opposite, oval-lanceolate, 4-5 cm long, pointed at the end and slightly serrated along the edge. Flowers drooping on long stalks. The fruits are black berries. Flowering begins in spring, and fuchsia flowers are short-lived, but quite numerous and bloom when favorable conditions plentiful.

In culture, there are and continue to appear many different varieties fuchsias, which are difficult to describe everything. Fuchsias differ in the shape and structure of flowers - simple, double, semi-double and their colors - white, pink, red, purple, violet, etc. Unfortunately, fuchsia is a rather short-lived plant, as it is very demanding on temperature conditions and at the end of flowering begins to shed leaves.


Temperature: Moderate or cool throughout the year, at temperatures above 18-20 ° C, fuchsia sheds flowers and leaves, until the death of the plant. In winter, not below 6 ° C, fuchsias prefer a cool overwintering at a temperature of 8-10 ° C.

Lighting: Fuchsia is very photophilous, while the light should be diffused, fuchsia can get burned from direct sunlight. Well fuchsia will grow on east windows.

Watering: Abundant in summer, the soil should be slightly damp all the time. In winter, watering is moderate or limited, depending on the temperature. With insufficient watering, fuchsia sheds buds and flowers.

Fertilizer: From March to September, fuchsia is fed mineral fertilizer for flowering houseplants.

Air humidity: In summer, fuchsia is periodically sprayed. In hot summer days you can place the plant on a pallet with wet pebbles.

Transfer: Every year in the spring. Soil - 3 parts of clay-turf and 2 parts of peat land with the addition of 1 part of sand. It is better to make drainage in a pot or tub.

Reproduction: stem cuttings in spring or summer, which are rooted with the use of root formation stimulants (heteroauxin, root).

Dracaena family. Homeland - tropical regions of Africa and Asia, the Canary Islands.

When choosing a dracaena for an apartment, it is necessary to take into account how much space it will be given, because. among various types dracaena is both giant and dwarf, and the usual form of the plant. In general, dracaena are considered not a difficult plant, but it all depends on the species. Most unpretentious species- Bordered Dracaena, Dragon Dracaena and Godsef Dracaena - they endure shading and low temperatures in winter. Other species are mostly quite demanding plants.

Dracaena still need elementary care - wiping the leaves from dust, rejuvenating old plants, providing a dormant period that lasts from October to January.

Dracaena godseffiana Dracaena godseffiana - has an appearance uncharacteristic of other dracaena. It is a shrub-like plant with pointed, oval leaves covered with cream spots and speckles, but coloration and varieties depend on the cultivar. Grows up to 60 cm in height. It blooms at a young age with fragrant yellowish-green flowers, after which red berries sometimes appear.


Temperature: Moderate, not below 15°C, most dracaena prefer a cool overwintering at a temperature of 10-12°C.

Lighting: A bright place, partial shade, does not tolerate direct sunlight. Many consider dracaena to be a shade-loving plant, but in fact it will vegetate in a dark place. Intense light is needed for good growth and development. Variegated forms require more light than green leafed forms. If there is enough light in summer, then in winter the dracaena should be rearranged closer to the window, since in winter there is usually always not enough light. Dracaena grows well under artificial lighting.

Watering: Plentiful in summer, moderate in winter, but subject to room temperature. Does not tolerate stagnant water in the pot or overdrying earthy coma. Dracaena are suitable for growing hydroponically.

Fertilizer: During the growth period from April to August, every two weeks, dracaena are fed with special complex fertilizers for indoor plants. You can use "Rainbow", "Ideal", "Giant", etc.

Air humidity: Dracaena are resistant to dry air, but require regular foliar spraying when kept in rooms with central heating in winter. Periodically arrange the plant warm shower to wash off the dust and refresh the plant.

Transfer: Spring every two years. The soil is a mixture of heavy sod and leaf soil, rotted manure or greenhouse soil with the addition of sand. The roots of dracaena are more located in the upper layer of the soil, so they make a lot of drainage in the pot.

Reproduction: Apical cuttings (with the use of heteroauxin and heating of the soil), pieces of the trunk, at least 10 cm long, layering. If you cut off the top of the dracaena, you can put it in a jar of water, adding a few pieces of charcoal there, after about three months the roots will appear and the plant is planted in a pot. At the site of the top cut on the mother plant, new shoots from lateral buds will appear.


Saxifrage family. Distributed in East Asia in the highlands. The saxifrage grows between stones, crevices of rocks. A fairly well-known and unpretentious plant, which is grown as an ampelous plant.

Saxifraga stolonifera Saxifraga stolonifera is a herbaceous plant with leaves collected in a basal rosette. The leaves are rounded, about 5-7 cm in diameter, with a serrated edge, pubescent on both sides. The color of the leaves is dark green, with light stripes along the veins, the underside of the leaf is lighter interspersed with reddish dots. The saxifrage forms long mustache lashes, at the end of which child rosettes are formed. Forms an inflorescence panicle of small inconspicuous white-pink flowers. Blooms in spring at 2-3 years of age.


Temperature: Cool in summer, preferably no higher than 20°C. In winter, they are kept in a cool place, at a temperature of about 10-12 ° C. Winter minimum 6°С.

Lighting: The saxifrage is quite photophilous, although it is considered by many to be a shade-tolerant plant, nevertheless, it is necessary to choose a bright place for it, in summer with protection from direct sunlight.

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn - the soil should be moist all the time, in winter watering is moderate or limited, depending on the temperature of the content.

Fertilizer: From March to September, they are fed with fertilizer for indoor decorative leafy plants every two weeks.

Air humidity: Saxifrage leaves should be sprayed periodically, both for hygiene purposes and for moisturizing. If the room is warm in winter, then spray daily.

Transfer: Every year in the spring. Soil - 1 part of soddy land, 1 part of leaf, 1 part of humus and 1 part of sand, you can add a handful of fine gravel or expanded clay. Good drainage.

Reproduction: Child rosettes and seeds.


Lily family. Homeland - South America. Chlorophytum is one of the most common indoor plants. This is not surprising: it grows quickly, it has beautiful curved leaves, and in spring and summer, small white flowers appear on thin stems, and then tiny rosettes of leaves. They can be separated and rooted. Another reason for the popularity of chlorophytum is its hardiness. Chlorophytum refers to photophilous plants. Chlorophytum comosus has been grown in many countries as a houseplant for more than two hundred years. Curved leaves form a beautiful wide rosette. On long peduncles, daughter leaf rosettes grow. Chlorophytum can be grown both in hallways or on flights of stairs, and in bathrooms, if there is a window.


Temperature: Moderate. In winter, not lower than 18°C. Of course, unpretentious chlorophytum will not die at adverse temperatures, but this will certainly affect its appearance. From cold drafts, or keeping near an uninsulated window, the plant is harmed.

Lighting: Bright diffused light. Grows well near an east or west window. It can also grow on a north window, but in a place that is too dark, the plant loses its decorative appeal. Shading is needed on the south window.

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn. The soil must be kept moist at all times. Moderate in winter.

Fertilizer: Fertilizer watering is carried out once every 2 weeks from March to August with a complex fertilizer for decorative and deciduous plants.

Air humidity: In summer, it is useful to spray the leaves from time to time and arrange a warm shower. Spraying is mandatory if the plant is kept near the heating system.

Transfer: Annually in February - March. large plants or the old ones are transplanted after two years, but fed annually. Soil - 2 parts sod, 1 part humus, 1 part leafy soil and 1 part sand. Chlorophytum has large thick roots, if they grow, then the pots crack near the bottom. Therefore, chlorophytum is given spacious dishes.

Reproduction: Rooting daughter outlets, as well as division during transplantation.

Begonia evergreen

Begoniaceae family. There are many types of begonias and they are all beautiful in their own way. Among the begonias there are both decorative-deciduous and decorative-flowering species. Begonias are beautiful houseplants with succulent, slightly lopsided leaves. The pedicels contain both male and female flowers. In female flowers, a trihedral seed box is formed above the petals. Most begonias bloom all summer, but when they are created good conditions, they can bloom in autumn, and even in winter. All begonias are divided into two main groups: decorative leafy begonias and decorative flowering begonias.

Begonias decorative flowering

Valued for the beauty and abundance of their flowers. Among the decorative blooming begonias there are evergreens that can be kept indoors throughout the year, for example, evergreen begonia. Some of the most spectacular flowering begonias are tuberous begonias, these are potted crops such as Lorrain begonia hybrids and Elatior begonia hybrids. These plants finish their growing period after flowering and are usually discarded. Tuberous begonias bloom in summer and autumn (at good care from spring to December), for the winter they lose their leaves. In autumn, when the tuberous begonias begin to go dormant, watering is reduced, and after the leaves fall off completely. The tubers are freed from the ground and stored in boxes in the sand, in a cool room. When wintering tubers in a room, in pots, they are watered from time to time, but without allowing dampness.

Caring for decorative flowering begonias

Temperature: Moderate temperatures above 20°C are undesirable for these begonias. winter temperature about 17-18°С, but not lower than 15°С.

Lighting: Bright lighting, with obligatory protection from direct sunlight during the hot part of the day. During flowering, begonias should not be crowded on the windows, so that one flower does not block the other. To maintain the correct growth, they are periodically turned on the windows.

Watering: Abundant in spring and summer, but do not flood, because. begonias do not like stagnant water, as well as the drying up of an earthen coma. Water should be soft, settled. Tuberous potted begonias are not watered in winter, they are stored in a dry peat substrate.

Air humidity: Begonias love high humidity, but do not tolerate spraying. Practice has shown that almost all types of begonias react to the ingress of moisture on the leaves with the appearance of brown spots. Therefore, in hot, dry weather, you can place pots of begonias on a tray or box with wet peat or moss.

Transfer: In early spring tubers are planted in fresh soil. Rhizome begonias are transplanted as needed when the pot is already cramped. The soil is nutritious - a mixture of humus, leaf and sod land with the addition of a small amount of coniferous land and river sand. At the same time, the earth is not covered to the top, so that later, when additional roots are formed, it would be possible to fill up the earth. The plants are placed in a sunny window, and they are quickly covered with new leaves, and buds appear after about 40-50 days.

Fertilizer: It is useful to fertilize decorative flowering begonias from the moment of formation flower buds liquid complex fertilizer for flowering indoor plants 1 time in two weeks. Do not use nitrogenous fertilizers on ornamental foliage plants, as this will cause leaf growth and inhibition of flowering.

Reproduction: Propagated by stem cuttings and seeds. tuberous begonias in addition, they reproduce by dividing germinated tubers. The tuber is cut in half, so that each part has sprouts and roots, sections on the tuber are sprinkled with coal or sulfur. Nodules are planted so that its top does not rise much above the soil level.

Caring for decorative leafy begonias

Temperature: Moderate, optimally 18-20°С, not lower than 16°С in winter. Royal begonia hybrids prefer temperatures slightly above the optimal 22-25°C.

Lighting: Bright lighting, with mandatory protection from direct sunlight. It is desirable that the lighting is uniform all year round. To do this, in the summer the begonias are somewhat moved away from the window (but the place should be very bright), and in the winter they are moved as close as possible to the window.

Watering: Abundant in spring and summer, but do not flood, because. begonias do not like stagnant water, as well as the drying up of an earthen coma. In winter, watering is moderate, on cloudy, gloomy days, when there is very little light, watering is completely stopped. Begonias are watered very carefully so that the stream of water does not fall on the leaves, otherwise brown spots remain on them. Water should be soft, settled. Between October and March, begonias are watered more moderately. From March to October, fertilizing is carried out once a week, using liquid complex fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants.

Air humidity: Begonias require high humidity air. But bush begonias, for the most part with downy leaves, do not tolerate water on the leaves, so you can place pots of begonias on a tray, or in a box with wet peat or moss.

Transfer: Annually or every other year, in the spring. In a cramped pot, begonia leaves turn pale and lose their decorative effect. The soil is nutritious - a mixture of humus, leaf and sod land with the addition of a small amount of coniferous land and river sand. Begonias prefer soils that are slightly acidic when pH = 5.5 - 6.5. After transplanting, the plants are pruned.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings, leaves, part of a leaf, division and seeds. The stems are cut into pieces 2 cm long and placed for rooting in bowls, preferably with soil heating.


Asparagus family. Homeland tropical and subtropical regions of the Old World. It is divided into semi-curly species - pinnate asparagus and ampelous species- Asparagus Sprengeri. Fern-like asparagus with awl-shaped "leaves" are common as houseplants. Pinnate asparagus Asparagus plumossus is a compact plant with graceful branches spreading at a young age, which eventually become bare at the bottom. Most small variety Asparagus plumossus Nanus. Asparagus Sprenger Asparagus densiflorus sprengery has hanging shoots with bright green "leaves" and red berries. Less common, but more decorative Asparagus Meyer Asparagus meueri. Straight and hard, densely pubescent "leaves" shoots reach 40-55 cm in length and effectively shade plants with large leaves in compositions. Asparagus sickle-shaped Asparagus falcatus is not at all like a fern. It has large heart-shaped "leaves" and spiny stems reaching one meter in length. Asparagus asparagoides is a branchy shrub with creeping stems that reach 1.7 m in length. Two common asparagus - pinnate and densely flowered - are valued for their elegant openwork branches. Despite popular belief, they are not ferns, and their silky "leaves" are actually modified stems.

In general, asparagus is an unpretentious plant.


Temperature: Moderate to cool, for most asparagus around 15-18°C. Winter minimum 10°C, ideal 10-14°C.

Lighting: Light-loving, the best place is the windowsill of the northeast or northwest window. If the plant is placed in a room, for tulle curtain, then its place is near the east or west window; if the window is south, then in the room at some distance from the window. In winter, more diffused light is needed, the plants are rearranged closer to the window.

Watering: In winter (from November to February), watering is moderate, in spring it is increased. In summer, you can leave water in the trays.

Air humidity: He likes moist air, sometimes asparagus does not bloom just because the air is too dry. If the plant is close to the battery central heating or a fireplace, then the small leaves begin to turn yellow and crumble, and spraying will not help here, you will have to rearrange the plant away from the source of hot air.

Transfer: Asparagus requires spacious dishes and light nutrient soil from leafy, greenhouse and clay-turf soil with sand. Young plants are transplanted annually in the spring, old ones every 2-3 years. When transplanting, one should not unnecessarily damage the root system, but if the roots have grown very violently, then you need to carefully cut off the nodules with your hands, so that the root system decreases three times. During the period of active growth, fertilizing is carried out.

Reproduction: Sowing (March-April) seeds that ripen easily and dividing the bush. When dividing, the plant is carefully knocked out of the pot. They are divided into 3-4 parts so that each has at least one above-ground shoot. Fertilizing weekly watering in summer promotes strong growth and abundant flowering. Old plants with dried shoots are best rejuvenated by dividing the rhizome, after pruning.


Lily family. Motherland Japan. In nature, 8 species are common. Aspidistra elatior is grown in culture as a perennial herbaceous plant. She has an underground creeping rhizome, glossy leaves on long petioles of a wide oval or lanceolate shape, about 50 cm long and 15 cm wide. At the base of the leaf one can see 1 or 2 reduced leaves enclosing the petiole. Flowers are small, magenta, appear under the leaves on short stalks.


Temperature: Grows well in moderate conditions. In winter, it requires coolness, preferably no higher than 15 ° C, optimum temperature 10-12 °C, minimum 5 °C. When kept in winter at temperatures above 20 ° C, regular spraying is required.

Lighting: In summer, shade from direct sunlight, light partial shade. In winter, aspidistra needs good lighting.

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, moderate or rare in winter, depending on temperature.

Fertilizer: From April to September, every two weeks, they are fed with a special liquid fertilizer for indoor plants.

Air humidity: Aspidistra tolerates dry air only if it is not too oily. However, regular spraying and washing of the leaves only have a beneficial effect on the plant.

Transplantation: Since the aspidistra does not tolerate transplantation well, it is transplanted as needed - after 3-4 years, in the spring. The soil is a mixture of soddy land (2 parts), leaf (1 part), humus (1 part), peat (1 part) and sand (1 part).

Reproduction: In the spring, dividing the bush during transplantation. Aspidistra can also be propagated by a leaf, using a special technology. It consists in the fact that a healthy leaf without a petiole is cut off from the aspidistra, so that a thick fleshy influx is preserved at the base of the leaf (formed by reduced leaves in the likeness of a vagina). Then the cut of the leaf is dried and placed in a bottle of water (a bottle with a wide neck, like kefir). The bottle is closed with a lid and covered with plasticine so that air does not get there. The bottle is placed in a warm and bright place. When roots appear on the cut of the leaf, it is taken out and planted in loose (preferably leafy) soil and covered with a jar or placed in a room greenhouse. If the roots did not appear, and the end of the leaf began to deteriorate and rot, then you can cut it off to a healthy tissue (only in the place of thickening of the leaf) and in clean water put back into the bottle.

1. Cyperus2. Cacti3. Tradescantia 4. Usambar violet 5. Geranium6. Fuchsia7. Dracaena8. Saxifrage9. Chlorophytum 10. Begonia11. Asparagus 12. Aspidistra

Card file of indoor plants


Temperature: preferably moderate, not lower than 18 °C.

Lighting: All varieties of rubber ficus prefer a bright place, with protection from direct sunlight.

Watering: Moderate, does not like waterlogging of the soil. Water room temperature, well defended. Top dressing with fertilizers from March to August in two weeks.

Air humidity: Leaves should be wiped regularly with a damp sponge.

Transplant : It is carried out in the spring, when the roots will braid the entire earthen ball, young plants in a year or two, old ones in a few years.

Reproduction: Apical cuttings


Temperature : Moderate, optimally 21-22 ° C, without sharp fluctuations. Winter not below 16 °C.

Lighting : Bright light, shaded from direct sunlight during the hottest hours.

Watering: the earth should always be moist, but not flooded. Water for irrigation should be warm, soft, separated for at least 12 hours.

Air humidity: love moist air (about 50%). But it is not advisable to spray - only during flowering with a very fine spray.

Transplant : The best pot for saintpaulias is one whose height matches the width, since the roots of these plants do not grow deep.

Reproduction: Leaf cuttings, part of a leaf, seeds and daughter rosettes.


Temperature: Moderate

Lighting : Bright lighting, with obligatory protection from direct sunlight during the hot part of the day.

Watering : Abundant in spring and summer, but do not flood, because begonias do not like stagnant water

Air humidity: Begonias love high humidity, but do not tolerate spraying.

Transfer: In early spring, the tubers are planted in fresh soil. Rhizome begonias are transplanted as needed when the pot is already cramped.

Reproduction: Propagated by stem cuttings and seeds. Tuberous begonias also reproduce by dividing germinated tubers. The tuber is cut in half, so that each part has sprouts and roots, slices on the tuber are sprinkled with coal or sulfur


Temperature: During the growing season, optimally 17-23 ° C. During the dormant period, the bulbs are stored at 10°C.

Lighting : Bright ambient light. Shade out of direct sunlight.

Watering : Abundant during flowering - the soil should be moist all the time. Keep dry during dormancy.

Air humidity: If the plant is in a room with dry air, then you can lightly spray the buds from above.

Transfer : About once every 3-4 years, during the dormant period

reproduction : Daughter bulbs during transplantation, seeds. Separated children are planted in the prepared soil mixture in separate pots with a diameter of about 12 cm, so that a third of the height of the bulb remains above the soil surface.


Lighting : Prefers indirect light, can grow in partial shade.

Temperature : Moderate in summer, winter minimum 12-14°C.

Humidity : Moderate.

Transfer : In the spring, as needed.

Watering: Abundant, temperate in winter.

Food: In summer, once every two weeks, with any liquid fertilizer.

reproduction : Propagated by seeds and offspring formed on long peduncles sugar


Temperature : Balsam is quite thermophilic, in winter it prefers a temperature of 15-20 ° C, in winter - 13 ° C

Lighting: photophilous, preferably a certain amount of direct sunlight in winter and shading from the hot sun in summer

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn - the soil should be moist all the time, moderate watering in winter - the soil should be slightly moist.

Air humidity: The leaves are periodically sprayed. Balsam does not like dry air,

Transfer : Balsam is better to transplant annually in the spring, it is not necessary to take a pot bigger size, because he does not like too spacious dishes

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring, summer or autumn, they take root well in water within a week or two. As well as seeds in the spring.


Lighting : Prefers indirect light or partial shade.

Temperature : Winter minimum 10°C. Avoid high winter temperatures.

Humidity : Undemanding.

Transfer: mature plant transplant only when the roots begin to push the plant out of the pot and only after flowering has finished.

Watering: Water moderately from spring to autumn and sparingly in winter until the peduncle is 15 cm long. If watered too much, the leaves will grow more quickly, while the peduncle will stop growing. Try not to flood the plant, as the roots are prone to rotting.

reproduction : Offspring that are separated from old plants during transplantation. Possibly seeds. Seedlings bloom no earlier than 5-6 years after sowing.


Lighting: Photophilous, love direct sunlight.

Temperature : Moderate, winter 10-15°С. will endure a little more cold, but will be better preserved at the recommended temperature.

Humidity : Resistant to dry air.

substrate : Soddy and leafy soil, humus, peat and sand in equal proportions.

Transfer: As needed in the spring.

Watering : Moderate, all year round. Plants easily tolerate a slight drought, but react poorly to waterlogging, in summer it requires more water than other types.

reproduction : Cuttings in spring and late summer. Some varieties can be seeds.


Lighting: Shade tolerant plant, avoid direct sun. It can be placed in the back of the room, on the windows of the northern orientation.

Temperature : In winter, keeping in a cool, but non-freezing room at 7-10 ° C is ideal.

Humidity : Resistant to dry air.

Transfer : Usually - once every 3-4 years, in February, March. Choose larger containers. Good drainage is required.

Watering : Moderate watering from spring to autumn, scarce in winter. Don't over-moisten the soil.

Reproduction: By division. From March to May, the rhizome is divided, each piece should have 2-3 leaves.


Lighting : Intense, but avoid direct summer sun.

Temperature : Preferably 10-16°C in winter. Avoid high winter temperatures.

Humidity : Spray the leaves of vegetative plants from time to time.

Repotting: Every spring.

Watering: In the period from spring to autumn it is moderate, in winter, during the dormant period, rarely. Avoid stagnant water at any time of the year.

reproduction : Cuttings in spring or summer.


Lighting: Even light or partial shade, avoid direct sun. A. Sprenger, unlike other species, is unusually resistant - it can grow in an open sunny place.

Temperature: Winter minimum 7°C. A. setaceus is best kept at a minimum of 13°C.

Humidity : Spray occasionally, especially in winter in a room with central heating

Transfer : Every year in the spring in a more spacious dish. When transplanting, it is desirable to remove bare shoots and yellowed branches. Old plants can be transplanted after a year.

Watering: Abundant watering from spring to autumn, limited in winter. You need to make sure that the soil does not dry out.


Lighting : Photophilous, withstand bright solar lighting but not direct exposure to sunlight.

Temperature: Winter minimum 15°С.

Humidity : Requires high humidity. Spray the leaves frequently.

Transfer : At the end of winter, when the roots begin to protrude beyond the edge of the pot.

Watering: Water generously from spring to fall, keep roots moist in winter, and use soft, non-alkaline water.

Food: Feeding the plant at the beginning of winter helps to revive the color of the foliage.

Reproduction: Seeds in spring, stem cuttings in spring or summer.


Lighting: Intense, a little direct sun is acceptable. In low light, the picture fades.

Temperature : In winter, keep at a temperature not lower than 10°C.

Humidity : Spray occasionally.

Transfer: As needed.

Watering : Regular and abundant throughout the year.

Food: Once a month with any fertilizer.

Reproduction: Cuttings.


Lighting : Intense, but avoid direct sun exposure.

Temperature: Winter minimum 13°С; for D. godseffiana and D. sanderiana - 10°С.

Humidity : Spray the leaves regularly. D. godseffiana is resistant to dry air.

Transfer: Spring, as needed.

Watering: Water abundantly from spring to autumn, sparingly in winter. Never let the roots dry out.

Food : Feed regularly in spring and summer.

Reproduction: Top cuttings; air layers (for bare bottom plants); pieces of stem, seeds.


Lighting: Penumbra. Excessive lighting leads to discoloration of the plant.

Temperature: Winter minimum 14°C.

Humidity : Needs high humidity. Spray the leaves regularly.

Transfer : Replant annually last days winters. Older specimens - through the spring.

Watering : Water generously from spring to autumn, moderately in winter. Use soft water.

Food : Feed regularly in summer.

Reproduction: division mother plants spring.


Lighting : The best. Take out full sunlight.

Temperature: Frost-resistant. During active growth, preferably 14-21°C

Humidity : Undemanding, but in a warm room, the pot is best placed on a tray of pebbles. It is useful to occasionally spray.

Transfer : Repot in autumn if necessary.

Watering : Water generously from spring to autumn while they have leaves on them.

Food: Feed regularly in summer.

Reproduction: stem cuttings


Lighting: Intense light, but not direct sun in summer.

Temperature: Winter minimum 7°C for C. fragilis and C. isophylla. C. carpatica is more cold hardy.

Humidity: Undemanding, but occasionally spray the leaves.

Transfer : As needed.

Watering: Regular and abundant in summer, limited in winter.

Food: During the flowering period, abundant top dressing is necessary.

reproduction : cuttings (in February-March) and seeds.


Lighting : Plants are photophilous and grow best on southern windows. For the summer you can put in the garden.

Temperature : Cool room in winter. Daytime temperature in winter is 12-14 °C. Night - preferably about 5 ° C.

Humidity: Dry air resistant.

Transfer : Transplant in the spring of the second or third year after planting.

Watering : Moderate in summer, rare in winter (once every one or two months).

Food : Feed occasionally in summer.

reproduction : Offspring (disconnect carefully to avoid damaging root system) ; seeds in spring.


Lighting : Intense, but avoid direct sun exposure. In summer, you can take it out into the open air and put it in partial shade.

Temperature: Plants should be kept away from heating system and regularly ventilate the room.

Humidity: Spray the leaves regularly.

Transfer : Transplantation should be done one month after the end of flowering, before growth begins. No more than once every 3 years.

Watering: Water generously at all times, using soft water whenever possible. Spray regularly, but not at the time of flowering.

Nutrition: Feed the plants once every two weeks from spring to early fall.

Reproduction: Semi-lignified cuttings from May to August.


Lighting : Bright light or partial shade, shelter from direct sunlight required.

Temperature : Winter minimum 7°C. The rest of the time - 18-20°C.

Humidity: Increased (75-80%) . Spray the leaves regularly.

Transfer: Every year in the spring

Watering: Water generously at all times, keeping the roots moist. The pot can stand in a small amount of water.

Food : from mid-spring to early autumn.

reproduction : Seeds, apical cuttings and dividing the bush.


Lighting: Light-loving, but tolerates partial shade. On summer days, it is desirable to darken from the bright sun.

Temperature : Summer 16-20°C. AT warm days it is good to take the plant out into the open air. In winter they are kept cool - 10 -14 ° С.

Humidity : To maintain high humidity, spray the leaves regularly.

Transfer: In the spring, at least once every 2 years.

Watering : Regular and moderate from spring to autumn, scanty in winter.

Food: Top dressing is given only during the growing season (from spring to autumn), once a decade.

reproduction : Cuttings in spring or autumn; growth stimulants must be used. Can be seeds (sprout at a temperature not lower than 20°С).


Lighting : The plant is undemanding to light, does not like direct sunlight and grows best in partial shade.

Temperature : Summer 15-16°C. In winter, it grows well in a cool room with a temperature of 8-15 ° C.

Humidity : It is useful to spray in winter and summer.

Transfer : Repot every spring as long as pot size can be increased. During transplantation, shoots should be shortened.

Watering: Abundant in summer, moderate in winter. Never let the roots dry out.

Food: Feed regularly from spring to autumn, once a decade.

reproduction : Stem cuttings throughout the year.


Lighting: Bright, indirect light works best, but will withstand direct sun and some shade.

Temperature : Winter minimum 14°C.

Humidity: Dry air resistant.

Transfer : Frequent transplantation is not required, transplanted as needed. It is advisable to transplant into a shallow container with good drainage.

Watering: Water moderately from spring to autumn, very moderately in winter (once a month or less). Always let the soil dry out a little before watering.

Food: Feed regularly during the summer.

reproduction : Division; leaf cuttings (but varieties with a yellow border will turn into a green form). Seeds are rare.


Lighting: Diffused light, in summer requires shading from direct sunlight.

Temperature : Preferably 10-15°C in winter. High temperatures shorten the flowering period.

Humidity : Moderate. Plants benefit from spraying.

Transfer : In the spring, with the beginning of the appearance of new leaves, transplant

Watering : Abundant, soft water. Do not allow the earthen coma to dry out and water to enter the tuber.

Food : No special need. But if the plant is pale, then once every two weeks it should be fed with liquid fertilizer. After flowering stop feeding.

reproduction : Seeds, rarely tuber division in summer


Lighting: Prefers diffused light or partial shade. Under the influence of direct sunlight, the leaves turn pale and become covered with yellow spots.

Temperature : Winter minimum 15°C.

Humidity : Spray the leaves regularly.

Transfer : Every year in the spring a young plant, once every three years - an old one.

Watering : Regular and abundant from spring to late autumn. In winter, keep the soil moist, trying not to overmoisten it.

Food: In summer and autumn every 14 days with a general mineral fertilizer for indoor plants. In winter - 1-2 times for the entire period.

reproduction : Cuttings; air outlets.

Greetings, dear readers of my blog! I am with you again, Tatyana Sukhikh! All parents dream of their child being in kindergarten, was in the same healthy microclimate as at home. To provide such an environment, it is necessary to acquire vegetation. With the help of them, it is possible to create coziness in the room, as well as to establish an aesthetic side. Indoor flowers in a group can act not only as an interior item, but also as an element of a living corner in the lives of children. One of my readers asked why it is impossible to put indoor flowers in a preschool?

The fact is that among these "pets" there are prohibited varieties that can be very dangerous for the health of the child. Based on the principles of choosing indoor flowers for a kindergarten, you can create a beautiful, and most importantly safe green corner. Children will be interested not only in the process of getting acquainted with specific varieties of vegetation, but also in learning how to properly care for them, because the surrounding atmosphere is very important for good health and full development.

List of prohibited plants:

  • certain species have thorns or pointed leaves that children can get hurt on (rose, cactus, certain varieties of aloe);
  • some of them are saturated with poisonous juice, which, when interacting with the skin, can lead to severe burns (diffenbachia, alocasia, croton, and others);
  • some representatives of the plant world have colorful fruits that can lead to the appearance of serious disorders: nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen.

What plants can be put in a preschool

By the way, to organize a beautiful and interesting corner for children in the garden, quite a few types of plants will do. We bring to your attention the most popular of them:

  • chlorophytum, hibiscus, balsam. These representatives need a lot of light. In the heat, they can feel pretty good at temperatures up to 25 degrees, in the cold season the temperature drops to 4 degrees. Watering during the period of active growth should be as abundant as possible, in the cold season more moderately. Spraying is recommended to be carried out several times during the day;
  • begonia. The flower requires moderate lighting, feels great in partial shade. The optimum temperature is about 25 degrees, it should be watered carefully and moderately, but often. It is worth focusing on regular spraying;
  • species such as dracaena, asparagus, ivy require sufficiently bright and saturated light, which must be scattered with tulle. In the hot season, temperatures can reach 21 degrees with a plus sign; in the cold season, it is quite acceptable to lower the temperature by a couple of degrees. It is necessary to ensure systematic spraying;

  • primrose and violet. It is necessary to provide rich and bright lighting. In the hot season, temperatures can reach 25 degrees, in the cold, up to minus 19. It is advised to ensure high-quality and systematic watering. Humidity should be moderate, as the foliage does not like spraying, so it is recommended to place a deep fixture with water near the flower;
  • plants like pike tail, geranium or ficus is ideal for quite bright, but diffused light. In the hot season, the temperature can reach 18 degrees, and in the cold -16. It is necessary to water very carefully and in moderation, in the cold season it is necessary to ensure poor watering. Once every seven days, carefully wipe the foliage with a damp sponge.

In order to facilitate the work of employees of preschool educational institutions, each of these establishments must have a passport of indoor flowers. I have given you an approximate list with the names of the most successful specimens that will be a winning option for decorating a green corner.

How should plants be selected?

In the process of organizing a green and flowering corner, you need to show responsibility and a serious approach. For this purpose, it is necessary to adhere to a number of principles:

  1. First of all, you need to think about security. It is impossible to place flowers saturated with poisonous juice on window sills and in other areas of the preschool educational institution. Prickly varieties with different berries are also not suitable. Young children have a very inquisitive mind, so they will never miss the opportunity to try a berry hanging on a tree in the garden. It is also not necessary to place representatives of vegetation with "fluff" and pollen. The foliage usually collects a lot of dust, which can cause severe allergies. Violet can be a vivid example.
  2. It is also worth paying attention to the unpretentiousness in the care of indoor flowers. Taking into account the fact that the employees of the preschool educational institution will take care of the corner, it is better to choose simple and unpretentious exhibits. More specifically, these are varieties that do not need to be cut often, fed, or constantly maintained air humidity under certain conditions.
  3. Air filtration. It is necessary to pay attention to those varieties of plants that are not only safe, but also beneficial for children's health. Many flowers contribute effective cleaning air from dust, absorption of harmful and toxic components.

Each preschool institution should have a file cabinet with photos and pictures of permitted and prohibited types of indoor flowers. I suggest you buy a book, which presents subject illustrations of flowers and their models for caring for them.

Choosing flowers according to age groups

For each individual group in the kindergarten, plants should be selected individually. For example, if size and brightness are important for the smallest, then for older children such types will be ideal, which they will look after together with teachers in preschool educational institutions, joining this exciting activity.

  • for the first and second junior group it will be quite enough to place compositions with large flowers and leaves. Preference is given to flowering compositions, different in height, size and color scheme. Ideal begonia or hibiscus;
  • in middle group Kindergarten needs to expand the flower assortment. Now the green corner can consist of about a dozen different flower specimens. Indoor plants should differ in foliage size and shape, stem structure. This is the age when the child has a desire to compare representatives according to their external data;
  • the older group involves expanding the choice to which each baby should have access. A distinctive feature is that teachers can teach children the basic principles of caring for plants, students can observe the process and even take part in it. Several varieties of the same flower should be grown in order to provide a more accurate idea of ​​​​a certain representative of the flowering world;
  • in the preparatory group, children can not only gain theoretical knowledge, but also implement it in life. They can now water the plants with small watering cans, loosen the soil thoroughly, spray and wipe the foliage surfaces with a damp cloth. It is for this reason that several representatives of vegetation should be with large foliage at once, so that children can get rid of dust without any problems. The child is already able to fully determine when to water and spray, develops responsibility.


Temperature: preferably moderate, not below 18 °C.

Lighting: All varieties of rubber ficus prefer a bright place, with protection from direct sunlight.

Watering: Moderate, does not like waterlogging of the soil. Water at room temperature, well settled. Top dressing with fertilizers from March to August in two weeks.

Humidity: Leaves should be wiped regularly with a damp sponge.

Transplantation: It is carried out in the spring, when the roots will braid the entire earthen ball, young plants in a year or two, old ones in a few years.

Propagation: Top cuttings


Temperature: Moderate, optimally 21-22 ° C, without sharp fluctuations. Winter not below 16 °C.

Lighting: Bright light, shaded from direct sunlight during the hottest hours.

Watering: the earth should always be moist, but not flooded. Water for irrigation should be warm, soft, separated for at least 12 hours.

Humidity: They like moist air.(about 50%) . But it is not advisable to spray - only during flowering with a very fine spray.

Transplanting: The best pot for Saintpaulias is one whose height matches the width, since the roots of these plants do not grow deep.

Propagation: Leaf cuttings, part of a leaf, seeds and daughter rosettes.


Temperature: Moderate

Lighting: Bright lighting, with obligatory protection from direct sunlight during the hot part of the day.

Watering: Abundant in spring and summer, but do not flood, because begonias do not like stagnant water

Air humidity: Begonias like high humidity, but do not tolerate spraying.

Transfer: In early spring, the tubers are planted in fresh soil. Rhizome begonias are transplanted as needed when the pot is already cramped.

Propagation: Propagated by stem cuttings and seeds. Tuberous begonias also reproduce by dividing germinated tubers. The tuber is cut in half, so that each part has sprouts and roots, slices on the tuber are sprinkled with coal or sulfur


Temperature: During the growing season, optimally 17-23°C. During the dormant period, the bulbs are stored at 10°C.

Lighting: Bright diffused light. Shade out of direct sunlight.

Watering: Abundant during flowering - the soil should be moist at all times. Keep dry during dormancy.

Air humidity: If the plant is in a room with dry air, then you can lightly spray the buds from above.

Transplant: Approximately every 3-4 years, during the dormant period

Reproduction: Daughter bulbs during transplantation, seeds. Separated children are planted in the prepared soil mixture in separate pots with a diameter of about 12 cm, so that a third of the height of the bulb remains above the soil surface.


Lighting: Prefers diffused light, can grow in partial shade.

Temperature: Moderate in summer, minimum 12-14°C in winter.

Humidity: Moderate.

Watering: Abundant, moderate in winter.

Nutrition: In the summer, once every two weeks, with any liquid fertilizer.

Reproduction: Propagated by seeds and offspring formed on long peduncles.


Temperature: Balsam is quite thermophilic, in winter it prefers a temperature of 15-20 ° C, in winter - 13 ° C

Lighting: photophilous, preferably a certain amount of direct sunlight in winter and shading from the hot sun in summer

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn - the soil should be moist all the time, moderate watering in winter - the soil should be slightly moist.

Air humidity: Leaves are periodically sprayed. Balsam does not like dry air,

Transplantation: Balsam is best transplanted annually in the spring, and it is not necessary to take a larger pot, as it does not like too spacious dishes

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring, summer or autumn, they take root well in water within a week or two. As well as seeds in the spring.


Lighting: Prefers diffused light or partial shade.

Temperature: Winter minimum 10°C. Avoid high winter temperatures.

Humidity: Not demanding.

Transplanting: Transplant an adult plant only when the roots begin to push the plant out of the pot and only after flowering has ended.

Watering: Water moderately from spring to autumn and sparingly in winter until the peduncle is 15 cm long. If watered too much, the leaves will soon grow while the peduncle will stop growing. Try not to flood the plant, as the roots are prone to rotting.

Reproduction: Offspring, which are separated from old plants during transplantation. Possibly seeds. Seedlings bloom no earlier than 5-6 years after sowing.



Lighting: Photophilous, love direct sunlight.

Temperature: Moderate, in winter 10-15°С. will endure a little more cold, but will be better preserved at the recommended temperature.

Substrate: Soddy and leafy soil, humus, peat and sand in equal proportions.

Transfer: As needed in the spring.

Watering: Moderate, all year round. Plants easily tolerate a slight drought, but react poorly to waterlogging, in summer it requires more water than other species.

Propagation: Cuttings in spring and late summer. Some varieties can be seeds.


Lighting: Shade tolerant plant, avoid direct sun. It can be placed in the back of the room, on the windows of the northern orientation.

Temperature: In winter, keeping in a cool, but non-freezing room at 7-10 ° C is ideal.

Transfer: Usually - once every 3-4 years, in February, March. Choose larger containers. Good drainage is required.

Watering: Moderate watering from spring to autumn, scarce in winter. Don't over-moisten the soil.

Reproduction: By division. From March to May, the rhizome is divided, each piece should have 2-3 leaves.


Lighting: Intense, but avoid direct summer sun.

Temperature: In winter, preferably 10-16°C. Avoid high winter temperatures.

Moisture: Mist the leaves of vegetative plants from time to time.

Transplant: Every spring.

Watering: In the period from spring to autumn moderately, in winter, during dormancy, rarely. Avoid stagnant water at any time of the year.

Propagation: Cuttings in spring or summer.


Lighting: Even light or partial shade, avoid direct sun. A. Sprenger, unlike other species, is unusually resistant - it can grow in an open sunny place.

Temperature: Winter minimum 7°C. A. setaceus is best kept at a minimum of 13°C.

Humidity: Spray occasionally, especially in winter in a centrally heated room

Transplantation: Annually in the spring in a more spacious dish. When transplanting, it is desirable to remove bare shoots and yellowed branches. Old plants can be transplanted after a year.

Watering: Abundant watering from spring to autumn, limited in winter. You need to make sure that the soil does not dry out.


Lighting: Light-requiring, withstand bright sunlight, but not direct exposure to sunlight.

Humidity: Requires high humidity. Spray the leaves frequently.

Transfer: At the end of winter, when the roots begin to protrude beyond the edge of the pot.

Watering: Water generously from spring to autumn, keep roots moist in winter, and use soft, non-alkaline water.

Nutrition: Feeding the plant at the beginning of winter helps to revive the color of the foliage.

Propagation: Seeds in spring, stem cuttings in spring or summer.


Lighting: Intense, some direct sun is acceptable. In low light, the picture fades.

Temperature: In winter, keep at a temperature not lower than 10°C.

Moisture: Spray occasionally.

Transfer: As required.

Watering: Regular and plentiful all year round.

Nutrition: Once a month with any fertilizer.

Reproduction: Cuttings.


Lighting: Intense, but avoid exposure to direct sun.

Temperature: Winter minimum 13°C; for D. godseffiana and D. sanderiana - 10°С.

Moisture: Mist the leaves regularly. D. godseffiana is resistant to dry air.

Transfer: In the spring, as needed.

Watering: Water generously from spring to autumn, sparingly in winter. Never let the roots dry out.

Nutrition: Feed regularly in spring and summer.

Reproduction: cuttings tops; air layers(for bare bottom plants); pieces of stem, seeds.


Lighting: Penumbra. Excessive lighting leads to discoloration of the plant.

Humidity: Needs high humidity. Spray the leaves regularly.

Repotting: Repot annually in the last days of winter. Older specimens - through the spring.

Watering: Water generously from spring to autumn, moderately in winter. Use soft water.

Propagation: By division of mother plants in spring.


Lighting: The best. Take out full sunlight.

Temperature: Frost resistant. During active growth, preferably 14-21°C

Humidity: Undemanding, but in a warm room, the pot is best placed on a tray of pebbles. It is useful to occasionally spray.

Repotting: Repot in the fall if necessary.

Watering: Water generously from spring to autumn while they have leaves.

Nutrition: Feed regularly in summer.

Propagation: Stem cuttings


Lighting: Plants are photophilous and grow best on southern windows. For the summer you can put in the garden.

Temperature: Cool room in winter. Daytime temperature in winter is 12-14 °C. Night - preferably about 5 ° C.

Humidity: Resistant to dry air.

Transplanting: Transplant in the spring of the second or third year after planting.

Watering: moderate in summer, rare in winter(once every one or two months).

Nutrition: Feed occasionally in summer.

Reproduction: Offspring(disconnect carefully to less damage the root system); seeds in spring.


Lighting: Bright light or partial shade, cover from direct sunlight is required.

Temperature: Winter minimum 7°C. The rest of the time - 18-20°C.

Humidity: High(75-80%) . Spray the leaves regularly.

Transplant: Annually in the spring

Watering: Water generously at all times, keeping the roots moist. The pot can stand in a small amount of water.

Nutrition: from mid-spring to early autumn.

Reproduction: Seeds, apical cuttings and dividing the bush.


Lighting: The plant is undemanding to light, does not like direct sunlight and grows best in partial shade.

Temperature: Summer 15-16°C. In winter, it grows well in a cool room with a temperature of 8-15 ° C.

Humidity: It is useful to spray in winter and summer.

Repotting: Repot every spring as long as pot size can be increased. During transplantation, shoots should be shortened.

Watering: Abundant in summer, moderate in winter. Never let the roots dry out.

Nutrition: Feed regularly from spring to autumn, once a decade.

Propagation: Stem cuttings throughout the year.


Lighting: Bright, indirect light works best, but will tolerate direct sun and some shade.

Temperature: Winter minimum 14°C.

Humidity: Resistant to dry air.

Transplantation: Frequent transplantation is not required, transplanted as needed. It is advisable to transplant into a shallow container with good drainage.

Watering: Water moderately from spring to autumn, very moderately in winter.(once a month or less). Always let the soil dry out a little before watering.

Nutrition: Feed regularly in the summer.

Reproduction: By division; leaf cuttings(but varieties with a yellow border will turn into a green form). Seeds are rare.


Lighting: Prefers diffused light or partial shade. Under the influence of direct sunlight, the leaves turn pale and become covered with yellow spots.

Temperature: Winter minimum 15°C.

Transfer: Every year in the spring a young plant, once every three years - an old one.

Watering: Regular and plentiful from spring to late autumn. In winter, keep the soil moist, trying not to overmoisten it.

Nutrition: In summer and autumn every 14 days with a general mineral fertilizer for indoor plants. In winter - 1-2 times for the entire period.

Reproduction: Cuttings; air layers


Lighting: Intense. A little direct sun is useful, but not in the summer through the glass at the hottest time of the day.

Temperature: Preferably 10-13°C in winter for H. carnosa; winter minimum 18°C ​​for H. bella.

Moisture: Mist the leaves regularly, but not during flowering.

Repotting: Don't repot unless absolutely necessary, as the roots don't like it.

Watering: Abundant in spring and summer, moderate in autumn and winter.

Meals: As required. Feed sparingly during flowering, as excess fertilizer will inhibit flowering.

Reproduction: Cuttings of semi-lignified tops or pieces of a stem with a kidney.

Card file indoor plants in kindergarten


Lighting: Intense, but avoid exposure to direct sun. In summer, you can take it out into the open air and put it in partial shade.

Temperature: Keep the plants away from the heating system and ventilate the room regularly.

Moisture: Mist the leaves regularly.

Transplantation: Transplantation should be done one month after the end of flowering, before growth begins. No more than once every 3 years.

Symbols Air humidity Relation to light Endurance Watering Hardy Capricious Normal temperature Regular spraying Good drying of the earth Light drying of the earth Constantly moist earth Water level in the pan Direct rays Diffused light Penumbra Shade 18 C

Violet Light: intense diffused. In spring and summer, shade from direct sunlight. Temperature: in the spring-summer period 20-24°C. AT autumn-winter period the temperature must be at least 12°C. The plant does not tolerate drafts, especially in winter. Watering: abundant in the spring and summer, watered moderately in the autumn and winter, when watering, drying out and excessive waterlogging of the substrate should not be allowed. Air humidity: spraying, especially in heating season. Violet is a herbaceous rhizomatous plant with short fleshy leaves, dark green leaves densely planted together, red-violet below, about 15 cm long.

SANSEVIERIA (PIKE TAIL) Light: bright diffused light, tolerates both light partial shade and full shadow. But for variegated plants, bright intense light is needed, as the variegated color of the leaves is lost in the shade. Temperature: spring-summer period prefers moderate temperature within 18-25°С, in autumn-winter period temperature long time should not fall below 14-16 ° C, in the event of a prolonged decrease in temperature, the plant becomes ill. Watering: moderate from spring to autumn, the soil should have time to dry out. In winter, watering is limited. When watering, especially in winter, water should not be allowed to enter the center of the outlet; this can cause decay. Air humidity: It is useful to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Sansevieria is a perennial rhizomatous evergreen herbaceous plant with erect succulent lanceolate leaves. It usually blooms in spring, in April - May, with small white flowers collected in racemose inflorescences. Enough comes from them at night strong aroma vanilla.

FICUS BENJAMINA Light: bright diffused. Temperature: in spring and summer 23-25°C, in winter most species need a temperature of 12-15°C, but they tolerate wintering well in the warmth of a dwelling. Watering: plentiful in spring and summer. In autumn, watering is reduced, in winter it is watered moderately. Air humidity: the plant is able to tolerate dry air, but responds well to spraying. Ficus does not like change, so it is better to immediately determine for him permanent place and, if possible, do not move, move or disturb. In summer, ficus can be taken out on Fresh air, balcony or terrace. For ficus, a bright place with shading from direct sunlight in summer is suitable.

GERANIUM (pelargonium) Light: bright. The plant tolerates direct sunlight. Temperature: room temperature in summer. In winter, pelargoniums are kept as cool as possible, at a temperature of 8-12 ° C. Watering: moderate, as pelargoniums do not like waterlogging. In winter, the plants are watered very sparingly. Humidity: May be sprayed on hot days. Geranium can be grown on the windowsill, and in the garden or on the balcony. In addition to its beauty, geranium creates a positive aura around itself. It is easy to care for, seldom diseased, requires moderate watering and not too nutritious earth mixture, drought tolerant, and has a high vitality. They bloom for a long time with large and colorful inflorescences.

Dracaena bordered Light: Bright place, partial shade, does not tolerate direct sunlight. Intense light is needed for good growth and development. Dracaena grows well under artificial lighting. Temperature: Moderate, not below 15°C, most dracaena prefer a cool overwintering at a temperature of 10-12°C. Watering: Abundant in summer, moderate in winter. Does not tolerate stagnant water in a pot or drying out an earthen coma. Dracaena are suitable for growing hydroponically. Air humidity: Dracaena are resistant to dry air, regular spraying is perennial, growing up to 3 m in height, with a thick woody stem, which usually branches little and is very bare. Leaves up to 50 cm long, about 1-2 cm wide, glossy, narrow-lanceolate. The color of the leaves is predominantly green, but depending on the variety, it may have yellow or red stripes.

SPATIFILLUM Light: In summer, shade from direct sunlight, i.e. bright place, light partial shade. Good lighting is a must in winter. Temperature: It develops well only in warmth, not below 18°C, the optimum temperature is 22-23°C. Does not tolerate drafts. Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, more moderate in winter, but the soil should never dry out completely. Spathiphyllum does not tolerate stagnant water in the roots. Air humidity: Likes very humid air, regular spraying and washing of leaves is required. Before spraying, you need to cover the flowers and buds. Homeland South America, East Asia, Polynesia. If this herbaceous plant is picked up appropriate place, then it can bloom almost the whole year. In addition, spathiphyllum begins to bloom at a fairly early age - after 6-7 months. The flowers last quite a long time - more than a month. Large specimens are grown in tubs.

ZAMIOKULKAS Light: bright. The plant is able to tolerate direct sunlight. With a lack of lighting, it can stretch. Temperature: from spring to autumn, a temperature in the range of 20-25 ° C is suitable for Zamioculcas; in winter it is desirable to keep the plant at a temperature of about 16°C. Watering: moderate from spring to autumn, careful in winter, when kept cool, watered after the substrate has dried to at least 1/2 the height of the pot. Air humidity: does not play a significant role. Zamioculcas is very beautiful decorative deciduous plant with chic leaves, came to us from East Africa, belongs to the aroid family. Zamioculcas takes root and grows very slowly

CRASSULA Light: bright. The plant needs direct sunlight. Temperature: in the spring-summer period around 20-25°C. In autumn and winter, it is desirable to lower the temperature to 10-15°C. Watering: plentiful in spring and summer. Rare in autumn and winter, after the substrate has dried. Air humidity: does not play a significant role. Crassula or "money tree", as well as zhiryanka and "monet tree" - all these are the names of succulent plants that belong to the Crassula family. Plants have a beautiful tree trunk. The tree blooms, but few have seen this miracle.

Lighting. windows on the east or west side. Temperature. 18 to 24 degrees. In winter, the temperature should be less than - degrees. Watering. From spring to autumn, water immediately after the top layer of soil dries, and in winter - a couple of days after the soil dries from above. Humidity. It is recommended to spray twice a day in the hot season - in the morning and in the evening. SYNGONIUM Syngonium is a large evergreen liana of the aroid family, the birthplace of this plant is South and Central America. Young bright green leaves are arrow-shaped. In an adult plant, aerial roots appear to absorb moisture, and the leaves become dissected to the base, silvery in color, on which dark veins stand out well.

Calathea Lighting. shade-tolerant Temperature. 18 to 20 degrees, protected from drafts Watering. hygrophilous Humidity. Spraying is not recommended. Calathea is a perennial herbaceous plant with erect or decumbent shoots. The leaves of the plant appear directly from the ground on tall and strong petioles. Very large leaves of calathea have an oblong-oval shape. The height of the plant is approximately cm. The leaf blades of the plant are rather narrow, with a pointed upper edge, they are oval, elliptical or heart-shaped.

Mini plant passports for plant pots, pre-print, laminate, cut out. Take tubes for juice, cut in half, make small cuts from one edge, insert a laminated card into the cut - a mini plant passport.

Requirements for the selection of plants corner of nature. The corner of nature provides an opportunity to focus children's attention on a small number of plants, on their most typical features, thereby providing deeper and more solid knowledge. The variety of plants that children encounter directly in nature makes it difficult to single out what is common, essential, and regular in plant life. The spatial proximity of plants in a corner of nature also matters. Children get the opportunity to look at plants well, to observe them for a long time. When selecting plants for a corner of nature, the requirements of the program should be taken into account. Only under this condition can an educational and educational impact on children be ensured. - Plants in a corner of nature should be outwardly attractive, capable of attracting and retaining the still not very stable attention of a preschooler. - It is necessary to have several copies of the same type; children see in the objects of observation not only general, but also individual signs, which will lead them to an understanding of the diversity and uniqueness of living organisms. - Plants must be absolutely safe, not bring the slightest harm to the health of children. - It is necessary to take into account the possibility of normal life, growth and development of plants in the conditions of the preschool educational institution. - A corner of nature should please the eye, decorate the interior. Plants must be placed so that children can move freely, approach them, observe and work in a corner of nature.

Plants corner of nature in the younger groups. In the younger groups, they take into account, first of all, the peculiarities of children's perception of objects (kids highlight bright signs and properties.) Children must learn to recognize and name 2-3 plants, their main parts: leaf, stem, flower. Children of the 2nd younger group are involved in caring for plants: they are poured with water prepared by adults (he also determines the dosage), they wipe large plants with a damp cloth. leathery leaves plants. Plants with clearly defined main parts (stem, leaves) and bright, abundant and long blooming are placed in the corner of nature of the younger groups: primrose, begonia, common or zonal geranium, balsam, clivia, aspidistra, ficus, tradescantia, dracaena, Chinese rose. Of these species, during the year, 3-4 plants are introduced, and some of them must be in duplicate so that children find the same plants.