Reo care. Proper care at home for the reo flower

First of all, flower growers appreciate Reo for the decorative foliage, which is not only monophonic (green or purple), but also has stripes of various colors: white, pink or yellow. At the same time, its small delicate flowers in boat bracts are quite elegant and attractive.

A photo

Post-Purchase Care

Flower reo care at home requires special. Buying a plant no need to transplant immediately. It needs to be placed separately from other flowers for several weeks. This will help him get out. stressful situation associated with the move, and will also provide an opportunity to detect pests, if any.

After that, Reo must be transplanted into a properly selected substrate, since in flower shops plants are usually kept in a transport soil that does not contain any nutrients. Further, he is being followed by the usual care, which does not cause any particular problems, since Reo is not too demanding and whimsical regarding the conditions of detention.


Indoor Reo prefers bright but diffused light. In this regard, he will feel great in the eastern or western part of the room. If the plant is located on the windowsill of the south window, it needs to create additional protection from the bright sun to avoid sunburn.

Important! Insufficient lighting can cause Reo's variegated species to lose their original bright color and will quickly stretch out, losing all their decorative effect.

Temperature and humidity

In spring and summer, the air temperature in the room where Reo is located should be maintained at twenty to twenty-two degrees. In winter, it is reduced to fifteen degrees.

At the same time, you should know that a draft is contraindicated for a plant, as well as a sharp change in temperature.

Since Reo belongs to tropical plants, for him important high level air humidity.

Therefore, the Reo plant must be sprayed daily, and moss or expanded clay can be put in the pan, which must be regularly moistened.

Watering and feeding

In spring and summer, the plant needs regular abundant watering. In autumn and winter, it is watered less often, only as needed.

Feeding Reo begins in April and continues until early September. This is done twice a month and complex mineral fertilizers are used.

The soil

Reo requires light and loose soil. From ready substrates you can use ready ground for decorative and deciduous plants. If the soil mixture is prepared independently, then you can take the following components:

Sod land - two parts, leafy land - one part, peat - one part, sand - one part;
Sphagnum moss, peat, perlite and vermiculite in equal amounts (landless mixture).
Before planting, it is necessary to spill the prepared mixtures with a solution of potassium permanganate or calcine in the oven for disinfection.
Transplant and pruning

In the first years of growth, Reo is transplanted every year, older plants - once every three years.

A pot for transplanting a plant should be chosen low and wide in diameter a few centimeters larger than the old one. There must be holes at the bottom.

The flower must be removed from the container without breaking earthen clod and carefully move to new pot with good layer drainage and fresh nutrient soil.

Reo does not require special pruning, you just need to regularly remove dried leaves. If the plant is grown as a single plant, then it is necessary to cut it off in a timely manner. side shoots.

Reproduction at home

Reo can be propagated by cuttings (apical and lateral shoots) and sowing seeds.

Growing from seed

Propagation by seeds is best done in the spring. To do this, prepare a container with a mixture of peat and sand. Seeds are evenly distributed over the surface of the soil, slightly pressed in, moistened with a spray gun, stretched from above polyethylene film. It must be removed every day to ventilate and moisten the plantings. Subject to all requirements, seedlings appear quickly enough. When three or four leaves form on the seedlings, they can be transplanted into individual containers.

Reproduction by cuttings

For the vegetative propagation method of Reo, you need to select healthy, well-developed cuttings at the beginning of spring and carefully cut them with a clean knife.

The places of cuts must be treated with activated carbon, and the base of the cuttings with a growth stimulator. Each delenka is planted in a separate pot with peat and sand and placed in a bright and warm room for rooting.

You can use another method, for this, the cuttings are placed in a container with water, to which a small amount of crushed is added. activated carbon so that the cuttings do not rot. After the roots that have appeared grow up to four centimeters in length, you can plant the shoots in separate containers.

Important! All work with Reo must be carried out with gloves, since getting its juice on the skin of the hands can cause severe irritation and even minor burns.

Benefit and harm

Although the chemical constituents of the plant have not been fully studied to date, in its homeland it is widely used by traditional healers to treat many diseases. Antipyretic, wound healing and antiseptic compounds are made from it. Decoctions prepared from the flowers, leaves and roots of Reo are used to treat stomach ailments, colds and rheumatism.

But, despite the fact that the plant is possible and has healing effect, do not self-medicate without consulting a specialist. Besides Reo is poisonous, that's why it misuse can lead to very serious consequences.

Reo has a number useful qualities. It helps to eliminate negative energy, aggressive atmosphere and tension in the room. The house is restored calm, peaceful and comfortable environment and friendly and respectful relations between residents. It has been noticed that in people who grow this plant, the condition of the vessels improves.

Diseases and pests

Although indoor flower Reo is a fairly resistant plant, but if the rules of care are not followed, it can be affected by scale insects and spider mites.

Detected pests must be removed from the plant with a solution of laundry or green soap. After that, it is necessary to spray the cleaned flower with an insecticide solution.

Of the diseases for Reo, the most dangerous gray rot and powdery mildew , which develop rapidly in conditions of excess moisture. In the process of treating a plant, all damaged parts are removed from it, and then it is carried out complete processing fungicides, including soil. Treatment must begin at the first sign of the disease, otherwise the plant cannot be saved.

Possible difficulties in growing

Often, novice growers when breeding Reo face a number of problems and do not know how to fix them. Consider the most common of them:

  • The leaves of the plant are deformed and dry due to rare irrigation, this can also happen when using too cold water;
  • Foliage shrinks due to lack of lighting or lack of nutrients in the soil;
  • For sunburn leaves are covered with yellowish spots;
  • Waterlogging of the soil inhibits the growth of Reo and provokes falling leaves at the bottom of the plant
  • If a the plant stretches and loses its color brightness, which means that he does not have enough light;
  • Dry ends Brown talk about too dry air;
  • Softening and sagging sheets indicates that the room is too low temperature air.

If these problems arise when growing Reo, you need to review the conditions for its maintenance and adjust them in accordance with all requirements.

As can be seen from the above, Reo is not very demanding and fastidious, so when minimal cost time and effort, you can grow a very attractive, bright plant which will add even more coziness to any room.

Reo (Rhoeo) or reo, roeo is a spectacular indoor plant from the Commelinaceae family. In some sources, it is referred to the genus Tradescantia (Tradescantia), in others it is a separate monotypic genus Reo (Rhoeo). In any case, Reo's indoor flower is a close relative of the long-known undemanding plants-, fragrant callisia (golden mustache).

The homeland of reo is Central and South America, where this plant is found on the forest edges of tropical rainforests, grows along river banks and is even found on rocky places, which suggests that it is very unpretentious in care.

Reo - low grassy perennial with beautiful multi-colored leaves: from below they are purple-violet, from above - green. The leaves are xiphoid, dense, about 30 cm long, growing straight from a short fleshy trunk. Some varieties have longitudinal light stripes on the upper side of the leaf.

Reo is often planted with several plants in one wide pot to get a lush hat. colorful leaves. For greater bushiness, pinch the top of the main shoot and, over time, side shoots appear.

Reo usually blooms in summer, but may bloom at other times of the year if it has enough light. Its inflorescences appear at the very trunk and have a very unusual shape- a pair of convex, tightly converging and overlapping bracts look like a clam shell or a small boat. This is probably why the reo flower is called the “Boat of Moses”. Small white flowers are hidden between these bracts.

Reo juice can irritate the skin and cause redness. In places of natural growth, this plant is considered medicinal - its juice is used to stop bleeding from the gums, and a decoction of the leaves is used for respiratory diseases.

In indoor floriculture, the most common reo varieties are:
Reo discolor ‘Vittata’ - distinguished by longitudinal yellow stripes on the leaves.
Reo discolor ‘Compacta’ is a short, easy-bushing variety with purple-green leaves.
Reo discolor ‘Stripe in Pink’- dwarf form has striped leaves, with pink stripes on a silver background and mauve reverse side sheet.

Growing indoor reo flower at home is not at all difficult. It is absolutely, undemanding in leaving, perfectly is suitable for gardening of offices.

Lighting. Reo prefers a well-lit place, but in summer without direct sun rays. Western and eastern windows are well suited in summer, in winter - southern windows. In poor light, the reo stretches, and the variegated forms lose their color.

Temperature. In summer, the temperature for reo is within 20-24 degrees, in winter it is not lower than 16. Sudden changes in temperature and drafts are not desirable.

Watering. Water abundantly in spring and summer, the soil should be moist all the time, but without stagnant water in the pot. Reduce watering in winter. For irrigation use soft, well-settled water.

Air humidity. Reo prefers high humidity, but this plant is not too demanding on air humidity, normal conditions tolerates flats normally, but periodically spray the leaves with water room temperature healthy.

fertilizers. The reo flower is fed in the summer once every two weeks with a complex mineral fertilizer for decorative and deciduous plants. In the fall, top dressing is reduced, in winter they do not fertilize at all.

Transfer. Reo is desirable to transplant every spring. root system reo grows in breadth, and not in depth, so the pots are taken wide, not deep. A good one is required at the bottom of the pot drainage layer because the plant does not tolerate stagnant water.

The soil. The soil mixture for reo is made up of equal parts leaf, sod, humus soil and sand, or use a ready-made purchased substrate for decorative leafy plants.

reproduction. Propagating a reo flower at home is not difficult. For propagation, take apical or lateral cuttings in spring. Planted cuttings in separate pots. Shoots take root quickly. You can also root the cuttings in water, after removing the lower leaves so that they do not rot in the water.

You can propagate reo and seeds. Fresh seeds give good friendly shoots.

Diseases and pests. Reo is a fairly pest-resistant plant. But sometimes it is struck by a scale insect. Of the diseases, gray rot and powdery mildew are dangerous with excess moisture.

Possible difficulties when growing reo at home.
Too much small leaves- lack of nutrients, lack of moisture.
The plant is stretched, the leaves are not dense, the color is pale - lack of lighting.
The lower leaves fall off, the growth of the plant stops - excessive watering.
Brown dry leaf tips - dry indoor air, especially in winter when the heating is on. It is necessary to increase the humidity in the room.
The leaves turn brown, the leaves shrivel and dry out - watering with cold or chlorinated water.

Reo is an indoor flower that belongs to the Commelin family and is considered unpretentious, which is suitable for beginner flower growers. Reo care at home does not require special efforts and, as a rule, it is planted in a pot by several shoots to obtain greater bushiness.

Reo - home care

Reo is similar to tradescantia and zebrina, the countries of Central and South America where it grows on river banks and in tropical forests. Reo is a perennial herbaceous flower small height with original leaves different color that will brighten up any room.

The leaves are green in color, and below they are a rich purple hue, their length is up to 30 cm, and they grow directly from the trunk. The juice contained in the plant can cause allergic reactions and reddening of the skin, and in the natural environment it is considered medicinal and is used to stop bleeding.

Reo flower blooms mainly in summer period, but may at other times, subject to sufficient lighting and appropriate conditions. Blooms with small flowers white color, which are located in the so-called shell, consisting of two leaflets.

The main home varieties of reo

To date, the most common and famous varieties plants are the following species.

Which include:

  • compacta. A feature of the variety is bright purple leaves and undersized flower with good bushiness.
  • Hawaiian Dwarf. They are characterized by an interesting color of the leaves, which has a raspberry, white and green tint.
  • Sitara Gold. This species has yellow foliage.
  • Stripe in Pink. Belongs to the dwarf type, and the leaves have stripes color pink on a silver background.
  • Vittata. It differs from other varieties in green leaves with yellow stripes.

Reo care at room conditions

In order for the flower to grow normally indoors, you need to know how to care for reo at home, while it is recommended to comply with the following requirements, which include:

1. Lighting. Prefers fairly good light, but avoiding direct sunlight is recommended. For placement, windows that face west and east in the summer are optimally suited, and for winter - the south side. With a lack of light, the leaves of the flower fade and stretch.

2. Watering. Watered with settled and soft water. In spring and summer, it is watered abundantly, and in winter it is significantly reduced. The soil should be constantly moistened, but it is necessary to avoid stagnant moisture in the pot, which negatively affects the root system.

3. Temperature regime. Optimum temperature for a plant, it is considered 20-25◦С in summer and not higher than 16◦С in winter months. It does not tolerate drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

4. Air humidity. It is considered normal for a plant high humidity air, however, tolerates room conditions. It is recommended to occasionally spray the plant.

5. Fertilizers. Fertilize the flower in the summer once every two weeks. For this use mineral fertilizers which are intended for ornamental plants. Fertilize less often in autumn, and do not feed at all in winter. It is possible to use complex organic fertilizers, for example, a mixture of onion skins and egg shells.

Plant transplantation and propagation

Reproduction of reo at home is not difficult. This will require lateral and upper cuttings, which are separated in the spring and planted in separate pots. The shoots quickly take root and take root well.

For faster root formation, you can hold the process in water for some time, after removing the leaves in order to prevent their decay. It is also possible to propagate reo with seeds that germinate well and give a good result.

repot flower follows every spring, while wide and shallow pots are needed due to the growth of the root system in width. A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom of the tank to avoid moisture stagnation.

The soil can be purchased at a specialized flower shop or prepared independently. This will require sheet, sod land, humus and sand, which are taken in equal proportions. Subject to all the recommendations, reo grows quickly enough, which will allow you to receive regularly new planting material.

The main pests and diseases of rheo

Diseases and pests of reo can appear when improper care or non-compliance with the necessary parameters. Despite the fact that the plant is quite resistant to pests and diseases, but it can to hit scale insects, as well as gray rot and powdery mildew. The reason for their occurrence may be an excess of water.

Lack of nutrients and fertilizers can lead to a decrease in the size of the leaves of the flower. With an insufficient level of illumination, the leaves are drawn out and lose their rich shade.

When waterlogged, the leaves may fall off, and in some cases, the growth of reo stops completely. Insufficient humidity in the room, especially during the heating period, leads to drying of the tips of the leaves. In order to stop this process, you should spray the flower and increase the humidity in the room, for example, place a container of water next to the plant.

When watering chlorinated cold water leaves can dry out and wither, and subsequently change their color to brown. With an excess of light, the longitudinal stripes on the leaves become dull, so it is recommended to rearrange it in a less lit place.

Indoor reo flower in the presence of a threat to his life should be transplanted at any time of the year. To do this, you need to separate the healthy part of the flower and root it.

Root mites can appear when the soil is waterlogged, despite the fact that the plant is quite moisture-loving. Therefore, a prerequisite for planting and reproduction is a layer of drainage at the bottom of the tank.

From the Kommelin family.

The flower is found mainly on the edges of the tropics, likes to grow near rivers and lakes, which indicates its endurance.

Reo is as unpretentious as a cactus, but beautiful as an orchid. Therefore, it is ideal for beginners.

a brief description of

The length of an individual leaf will be up to 30 cm, and the width will be up to 7 cm. The leaves are dark green on top and red-violet on the bottom with faint stripes. Orange-red hairs grow throughout the plant.

Reo has small white flowers that grow on small pedicels. The flower has protection in the form of a "boat", which is formed by two or three purple leaves of the bract.
Flowering takes short period and is not tied to a specific quarter, it can take place both in autumn and summer. But if you create favorable conditions and provide proper care, then it can bloom throughout the year.

Did you know? This plant also has another name that has become widespread among flower growers - “The Boat of Moses”.

How to care at home

Very hardy and unpretentious. Even a child can handle the care of this flower. After all, even if you make a mistake somewhere, it will not greatly affect the flower itself.

Location and lighting

The reo flower must be contained in special conditions. Caring for him at home requires good lighting from the owner.
This flower can withstand high temperatures, but long, direct sunlight can be dangerous for him.

Therefore, it must be kept in conditions of small but sufficient lighting. Otherwise, the leaves of the flower may get sunburn. If the plant is not sufficiently lit, then your flower with purple leaves will change color to pale.

Temperature regime

The temperature should not be lower than 10-16 degrees. If you leave the plant on the balcony, then keep in mind that it can tolerate temperatures up to 5 degrees.

If it drops, then the flower will begin to lose internal pressure, which will make it difficult for water to enter the cells and the subsequent death of the leaves.

Also, sudden changes in temperature and drafts are not desirable.


The plant does not need special care in terms of watering. The main points can be noted:

  • Should not be kept dry for very long.
  • From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, watering should be frequent up to two times a week.
  • For the autumn-winter period, you need to water less often: 2-3 times a month.
  • For irrigation, use settled water, because it is softer.

Important! Tradescantia leaf juice can cause allergic dermatitis.

Air humidity

The plant does very well in a humid environment. Therefore, it sometimes costs from a spray bottle. In winter, this needs to be done more often because of the constantly running heaters.

top dressing

Reo begin to fertilize from March to August. This should be done special for indoor decorative leafy plants every two weeks. In the fall, top dressing is reduced, and in winter they do not feed at all.

Possible difficulties in growing

The plant is resistant to many, so it is difficult to grow given flower no.

If you notice rotting stems, leaves or flowers, then you should:

  • cut off all diseased areas;
  • transplant the plant into another soil;
  • if the root is also affected, then diseased branches must also be removed from it;
  • treat the plant with a remedy.
It happens that your plant can hit. To get rid of it, you need:
  • wash off pests with a sponge soaked in soapy water;
  • wash off the remaining solution with clean water;
  • treat the flower with an insecticidal agent.
Signs by which you can determine that the plant is missing something or it is sick:
  • Chopping leaves - few nutrients and lighting.
  • Burns on the leaves - exposure to direct sunlight on the flower.
  • Plant growth stops - excessive.
  • Dry tips of the leaves - insufficient humidity in the room.
  • The leaves wrinkle and dry out - water too cold or water too little.
  • Too soft leaves - low room temperature.
  • The leaves are not densely arranged - a lack of nutrients in the soil.

Transplant rules

First you need to prepare the soil into which the transplant will be carried out. For this plant, a special mixture of sand, leafy, soddy soil is prepared. If there is no time for self-preparation of the soil, then you can buy a substrate for decorative leafy plants in the store.

Did you know? In Mexico, the sap of the reo plant is used to create blush. The juice irritates the skin and causes redness.

Transplantation should begin when the plant reaches the age of 2 years. In this case, they are transplanted every 2 years. Adults are considered specimens that have reached the age of 5 years, they should be transplanted every 5 years.

It is worth noting that you need to choose wide pots, because the plant grows in width when it reaches its maximum growth in height. You should also give preference to plastic and porcelain containers, because, unlike clay ones, they retain moisture longer. Transplantation should begin in the spring.

Reproduction methods at home

The reo flower, like most flowers, can reproduce in two ways: by division and. Let's consider both of these methods in more detail.


Reo is fairly easy to propagate by division. To do this, you need to split the top of the main shoot and wait until side shoots grow on it. They need to be separated in the spring, and then transplanted into separate pots.

Houseplant Reo - perfect gift beginner florist. It is beautiful, as its leaves have an amazing color and are unpretentious. In addition, it will delight its owner with flowering almost all year round.

His unusual green purple leaves will decorate any interior and will be appropriate both at home and at work. special care behind it is not required, so it is ideal for beginners.

plant description

The name of the flower was in honor of the nymph Reo. In botanical circles, it has another name - tradescantia veiled. The plant comes from the American continent, where there is a warm, humid climate, but despite this, it is well adapted for living in apartment conditions.

The flower belongs to perennials, it can reach a height of up to 0.5 meters. If a suitable bright place is chosen for it, then the shoots of the plant are even, with a lack of lighting they can twist and sag, as a result, the bush as a whole turns out to be of arbitrary shape (see photo).

As Reo grows, its lower leaves turn yellow and fall off, over the years it becomes like a palm tree. Its xiphoid leaves have a pointed shape, they are located very close to each other on the stem and grow up to 30 cm long. The color depends on the chosen plant variety and can be green, with white, pink, yellow and purple stripes or the lower part of the leaf.

The inflorescences of the plant are enclosed in boat-shaped bracts, which is why it received the name "Boat of Moses." Flowers do not live long, but when created good conditions inflorescences replace each other continuously.

A plant is grown not for the sake of flowers, but because of it. decorative leaves double sided color.


Plant varieties differ only in the color of the leaves, in most cases their upper side is green, but the inner side has not only a common purple hue, but it can also be variegated.

popular species for indoor floriculture are the types:

  • Yellow. Along the leaves are vertical stripes yellow or cream.
  • Motley. This species is native to the Antilles. Its leaves reach a height of up to half a meter, their shape is oblong. The color is green on the top and purple on the bottom. Its inflorescences are small, have white small flowers.
  • Pink. Almost the same view as the previous one, but only from the inside the leaves are painted pink.
  • Striped. On the front side of the leaves there are longitudinal light stripes, they are rare and located closer to the edges of the flower, towards its central part they thicken.
  • Multicolored. This type of plant is characterized by both dark and light stripes located on front side, due to the contrast of shades, the plant acquires a special decorative effect.

Choice of location and conditions of detention

From correct location plants at home depends on the success of the development of his bush.

Lighting and location

The Reo flower loves bright lighting, but is afraid of direct sunlight. It can be placed inside the room or on windowsills that face the west and east side Houses. If on the window with south side there are blinds, then the plant can be placed on it, but to regulate the flow of light by closing or opening the window curtain.

If Reo experiences a lack of light, it will stretch out strongly, with direct rays of the sun, burns appear on it.

Duration daylight hours for the normal development of the flower should be at least 10 hours, if there is a lack of it, then it should be provided artificial lighting LED and fluorescent lamps.


The boat of Moses does not tolerate heat and cold, she loves moderation in summer time the room should not warm up more than 24 degrees, and in winter it should be cooled below 17 0 C.

The presence of drafts and sudden changes in temperature have a bad effect on the condition of the flower.

Air and humidity

Though in the homeland of a flower and tropical conditions, in room conditions it reacts negatively to high temperatures, but the humidity of the air does not particularly affect it. To help it develop normally, you can periodically spray the plant in warm weather. warm water, but it must be cleaned and settled.

In warm months, the plant will gratefully accept its bathing under running water, it is better to do it in the shower, and then leave it to recover right in the bathroom. After such a procedure, Reo's leaves will immediately align and he will stretch out, but it cannot be carried out during the flowering period.

AT winter time in case of severe dryness of the air, support normal conditions for a flower, regular spraying or installing a humidifier near it will help.

In summer, it is permissible to plant such tradescantia directly into the ground or take it out to the balcony.

soil and pot

The root system of Reo develops only in breadth and occupies the upper layers of the earth, which is why the pot for the plant is chosen wide, but shallow.

As a soil for it, both purchased and self-prepared land can be used. When purchasing a store composition, it must be taken into account that it is saturated with the useful components required by the flower, it must contain humus. The soil mixture should be used for decorative and deciduous indoor plants and be loose.

For self-study soil you need a peat bog, humus, coarse sand, leaf and sod land. Under it in a pot, you need to perform good drainage, for this purpose it is better to use expanded clay.


It is necessary to develop some rules for caring for the plant so as not to harm it if it is transplanted incorrectly or untimely feeding.


It is almost the same as for any indoor plants, in winter it is quite enough to carry it out twice a week. But in the summer it should be done more often, about once every two days. For irrigation, settled, filtered or warm melt water is used.

To avoid waterlogging the roots of the plant, it is necessary to pour expanded clay or pebbles into the pot. If this has not been done, the option would be to put the container with the pot in another tray and pour pebbles into it.

top dressing

It is obligatory during the period of increased plant growth, which falls on the period from March to September. Fertilizers should be applied twice a month, but not when transplanting, so as not to burn the roots.

Used as supplements mineral compositions or special fertilizers for decorative leafy flowers. Alternatively, you can use a homemade tincture made from onion peel and egg shells.

For the support and benefit of top dressing plants in autumn-winter period carried out once a month, by adding it to the water for irrigation.


To provide the roots with access to oxygen, it is sometimes worth loosening the soil, it is advisable to do this after watering, when the soil is slightly moist.

Pinching and trimming

It is not necessary to specially cut the flower, but it is desirable to pinch the tops of the plant so that the bush becomes more voluminous. Pruning to give the plant the desired shape is best done in warm weather; cuttings cut after this procedure can be used for propagation.

When pruning a bush, white juice is released from its shoots, its contact with the skin can cause redness and itching, because of this, it is better to carry out any manipulations with the flower with gloves.


It is carried out annually in the spring, it becomes clear from the flower that it has grown very much and the pot has become small for him. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment, so as not to destroy the earthen ball in which the roots will be located. Mature plants may require repotting twice a year.


There are several methods for obtaining a new plant from an old one:

  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • seed reproduction.

If you properly care for the plant, then it grows rapidly, and new shoots grow around it.

plant division

The procedure is best combined with a spring flower transplant. The scope of work is as follows:

  1. carefully remove the adult bush from the pot;
  2. cut the root with a sterile knife mother plant into several parts, but so that each of them has strong roots;
  3. plant individual bushes in previously prepared pots with an earthen mixture.

This method is used for adult plants, young bushes should not be divided.


Seeds should be germinated in moist peat, cover them transparent plastic or glass, if necessary, ventilate. After the appearance of the first shoots, the transparent cover is removed.


For propagation, you can use not only apical, but also lateral shoots. In the spring, cuttings should be cut and disinfected, and then immediately planted in containers with sandy-peat soil. For those who want to be safe, you can first place the cuttings in water and add a growth stimulator to it, and when the roots appear, then plant the planting material in pots.


The step-by-step planting process is as follows:

  1. A drainage layer 2 to 3 cm high is formed in the pot; for this, pebbles, expanded clay or broken remains of red brick are used.
  2. Pour some prepared soil.
  3. Carefully remove the bush from the old pot and move it to the center of the pot. Better to do it with earthy clod to make it easier to do this, you need to water the plant a few hours before transplanting.
  4. Fill the resulting voids inside the pot with an earthen mixture.

Diseases and pests

Reo shows high resistance to various diseases, but even with him, due to some omissions, flower growers can experience unpleasant moments, including:

  • the color of the leaves fades - indicates excess lighting, in order to compensate for this, it is necessary to rearrange the pot further from the window;
  • new small leaves - the flower lacks nutrition and light;
  • falling of the lower leaves - the plant is heavily flooded;
  • yellow or light brown spots indicate sunburn;
  • dry tips of the leaves warn of high dryness of the air in the room;
  • wrinkling and drying of foliage - lack of moisture.

Pests rarely settle on a flower, sometimes you can see a scale insect on it, which is eliminated with soapy water.

Signs and superstitions, benefits and harms

A flower with a double color is endowed with a stronger energy than single-color plants. It is in his power to neutralize the impending aggression between people, and at the same time open up for them the creative potential and desire to create.

If the owner of the flower has unfinished business, then he will be able to help him gain strength in order to bring everything to its logical conclusion.

Some sources claim that the Reo flower is endowed with protective powers from love spells and magical slander, so it is purchased as a home amulet.

This plant is under the influence of Mars and the Sun. The first planet absorbs the negative energy of the house, and the second is responsible for the manifestation of deep and beautiful feelings. If you want an invisible protector of housing for yourself, then be sure to choose Reo at the flower shop.