How to make a shocker at home. Powerful electric shock with your own hands. Homemade do-it-yourself ladies' stun gun How to make a powerful shocker

Ensuring human security plays an important role, it is for this reason that many choose various means protection. Pneumatic or, for example, firearms are not always available, and also unsafe. The stun gun belongs to the means of self-defense for which a license is not required. For this reason, this type of protection has been quite popular for many years.

The choice of such devices is now quite wide, but you can make a stun gun with your own hands. The diagram below will help you quickly and easily understand everything. A homemade stun gun does not pose any danger to others and can only be used for self-defense. In the article we will talk about what this device is, how it works. In addition, we will tell you how to do what features of its use.

Types of stun guns

Modern factory stun guns are various kinds. Outwardly, they may different sizes, differ in power and even have a body in the form of items such as a flashlight, pen, gun, lipstick etc. The device can be powered by batteries or a rechargeable battery. Batteries are installed in less than powerful models. Sparking in a stun gun can be low or high frequency. Devices with a frequency of 50-80 Hz cause pain in the first second, but do not cause severe harm. As a rule, they can only scare. Devices with a frequency of more than 100 Hz allow you to temporarily neutralize the attacker. Stun guns differ from each other in that low-frequency ones emit a crackle, high-frequency ones buzz. You can also independently determine which stun gun is in front of you by experience: more powerful devices can set fire to paper.

Such devices are used for self-defense in order to neutralize the attacker by applying an electric discharge. The stun gun creates a strong pain effect and acts on the muscles, paralyzing the attacker for a certain time. Use this device allowed only to persons who have reached the age of majority. To purchase a stun gun in a specialized store or to make it yourself - everyone decides individually. Buying a ready-made device is quite expensive, but simple. There is Alternative option- try to make a stun gun with your own hands. The scheme of such a device clearly shows what we will have to face.

The choice of such devices is very large. They differ not only in appearance and power, but also in cost. Diagram of the a simple stun gun does not require high knowledge in the field of electronics, necessary details also available for purchase. The manufacture of such a means for self-defense cannot be called very simple, moreover, the device must meet a number of requirements. Wiring diagram stun gun must be thought out so that the device is:

  • compact, inconspicuous, not causing inconvenience when moving;
  • powerful, able to neutralize the attacker and give you a few seconds to respond;
  • with the possibility of recharging, since no one needs a disposable tool.

If you decide to make a stun gun yourself, remember that a device of simple design should not consume a lot of energy. A well-made device, taking into account all necessary recommendations will serve well long time and provide reliable protection from intruders.

What do you need for self-manufacturing stun gun:

  • Soldering iron for alloying parts.
  • Converter.
  • ferrite rod.
  • Capacitor.
  • Discharger.
  • Wire.
  • Transformer.
  • Epoxy resin.
  • Insulating tape.

Principle of operation

What is the principle of operation of a stun gun? The circuit shown in the article assumes the following: the ignition capacitor acts on the transformer, resulting in a spark that breaks through several centimeters of air. The capacitor at this moment directly hits with all its energy. The use of a conductive channel makes it possible to charge without large losses, while maintaining not only the power of the device, but also convenient dimensions. How to make a stun gun at home? Let's get to work.

The transformer is the main part of the device, one of the most difficult to manufacture. To work, you will need a B22 armor core made of 2000NM ferrite. It will need to be wound on enameled wire(0.01 mm). You need to wind until there is about 1.5 mm of space left in the core. Excellent result it will turn out if you wind it with electrical tape. The result will be 5-6 layers.

It should be noted that it is quite difficult for non-professionals to make a stun gun with their own hands. The circuit may seem quite simple, but during manufacturing there are many details that must be taken into account. This is especially true for isolation. The wound wire must be insulated with one layer of electrical tape, and then another 6 turns should be made, but already with a denser wire with a diameter of about 0.8 mm. When making the third turn, you will need to stop and twist, after that you can continue and add 3 more turns. To ensure the strength of the structure, you can use superglue. At the end of the work, the cups need to be glued or wrapped with electrical tape again. Contacts must not come into contact with environment, otherwise we run the risk of causing damage to ourselves by current instead of defense.

Further, for work you will need a tube with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 5 cm, made of polypropylene. In a stun gun, this part will be a sectional frame. To do this, use a drill to fix the bolt, which is suitable for the diameter of the tube, and carefully groove the grooves with an emery cloth. It is important not to damage the pipe during operation and, as a result, to obtain sections measuring 2 by 2 mm. After that, with a clerical knife, you need to make an incision up to 3 mm wide along the frame without damaging the pipe.

Second phase

So, we continue to consider how to make a stun gun with your own hands. For subsequent work, you will need a wire with a diameter of 0.2 mm. It must be wound on all sections of the frame, while it should not go beyond. For more convenient work, it is advisable to solder the beginning of the wire or fix it well with glue, leave it free at the end.

A ferrite rod with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 50 mm must be processed using an emery wheel. The result should be a round part. The ferrite rod must be wrapped with electrical tape and made on top of 20 turns. You need to use the same wire as for the first transformer, that is, 0.8 mm. Be sure to wind in the same direction, after which you need to insulate the wire in several layers.

The main part for a homemade stun gun

The prepared rod must be inserted inside the frame, from the side where the HV winding ends, and the two windings are connected together. After that, the transformer must be placed in cardboard box and pour hot paraffin. It only needs to be melted, but not heated to high temperature. It is necessary to fill in paraffin with a margin, because after hardening it will settle a little. The excess part will be easier to cut off. Now we have the main part that will allow us to make a stun gun with our own hands. The diagram clearly shows the location of the main elements.

Charging the device

The igniting conder is charged through the bridge, and the combat conder is charged through additional diodes. Thanks to this, one chain is not created. Any transistor can be used, there are no special requirements for the resistor either. The capacitor provides inrush current limitation and serves to protect the converter. If the stun gun assembly scheme provides for the installation of a powerful transistor, then the capacitor can be omitted.

Installed batteries size AA in the amount of 6 pieces. Transistors are mounted on a radiator. It is desirable that it has insulating gaskets. We install all the prepared parts. Most importantly, you need to fix the HV-pins, the distance between which should be more than 15 mm. Otherwise, the stun gun has every chance of quickly burning out.

Charge frequency

Whether to use a charger for a stun gun or not depends on the desire of the owner. Batteries are the best for power. The stun gun does not require a specific setting, it should immediately work. If these batteries are used, the discharge frequency should be close to 35 Hertz. If this figure is lower, the transformer may be incorrectly or poorly wound, or other transistors should be selected. Empirically, you need to select the frequency of discharges. This is done through divorce. You need to test the discharge frequency for 5 seconds. The distance should not be the maximum possible, otherwise at one fine moment the stun gun may burn out. Note that air breakdown is affected by pressure, humidity and other external conditions.


What do you need for homemade stun gun? Thick cardboard is suitable as the body of the device, on which you can immediately draw the location of all the parts, and then proceed with their installation and fastening. It is best to bend the material with pliers. Glue is applied to outside. It is important to ensure the tightness of the seam. It is better to place the parts inside the case first, and then start fixing them one by one.

Determine a place to charge the battery and the start button. It is desirable to treat the stun gun with heat shrink, this will help to drown some elements a little inside and provide a very good protection from external environment. After using heat shrink, you need to check the operation of the stun gun again. Aluminum rivets should be used as protective electrodes.

The final stage of production

After checking the operation of the stun gun and the tightness of the entire system, you can proceed to pour the device with epoxy resin. After that, you need to wait 6-7 hours. At this stage, you can cut off the extra parts, give comfortable shape until the epoxy has hardened. You can process the device with sandpaper and then varnish the finished case. The instruction manual for the stun gun does not require special explanation. This device is used for self-defense purposes, does not cause much harm to health and does not need a license.

Power of the stun gun

If the spark between the contacts of the device is small and raises doubts about the effectiveness, then you can check it. stun gun? For this purpose, it is sufficient to use a conventional mains fuse, which must be placed between the contacts, without creating a direct interaction between them. If the fuse blows, it will indicate that the output current is already over 250mA. As a result competent work It turns out a compact and reliable means of protection with the necessary power.

Shooting stun gun

Let's take a closer look at what such a device looks like. more difficult to implement. For this reason, many prefer the conventional model of the device. This device works as follows: a special unit is installed in it, which is directly connected to the source of electricity high voltage wires; at the moment when the block hits the target, voltage is applied to the electrodes, and an electric shock occurs. The design itself is difficult to manufacture. To work, you will need a firing system and special wires. The disadvantages of such a stun gun should also include the fact that the device must be recharged after use. If there are several attackers, some difficulties may arise, and the stun gun will not provide adequate protection.

Safety when using a stun gun

It is important to remember that the device should only be used for its intended purpose and in case of danger. A stun gun is not fatal. But if a person suffers from heart disease, he can die. An electric shock to the chest area is dangerous even for a healthy person. It is safe and effective to use the device in the area of ​​the abdominal muscles, where they are responsible for the coordination of movement. Such an application will disable the intruder for some time.

Improper use of the stun gun can harm the wearer. For example, in wet weather, you can get yourself The stun gun is forbidden to use in water, near open fire and also near explosive ordnance. The thickness of the attacker's clothes does not affect the quality of the device. It is important to observe the time of exposure to a stun gun on a person. For disorientation and calling pain 1-2 seconds is enough to use the device. Prolonged use is unacceptable, as it can lead to fatal electric shock. The effect of using the device lasts an average of 20 minutes. At the same time, contact with the following areas should be avoided:

  • Chest area. The heart can fail, and the user is charged with exceeding the necessary self-defense, resulting in death.
  • Solar plexus. The person may suffocate.
  • Head. Possible cerebral hemorrhage.

There are a lot of ways to create a stun gun at home, and we have considered only one of them. In each case, one must take into account certain features and subtleties, so as not to spoil the details and not redo the work several times. The material for the manufacture of the stun gun and the result of the efforts depend on the skill and experience of the specialist. You can buy the necessary parts or get them from other unnecessary equipment. Additionally, the device can be equipped with a flashlight for convenience. It already depends on personal wishes.

Present on the market a large number of different models stun guns, which also differ in power from each other. For the purpose of self-defense, it is allowed to use a stun gun up to 3 W, and only after reaching the age of majority. Devices with more high power allowed only for special services. Now you know how to make a stun gun at home. We hope that our article will become useful and help you make a high-quality self-defense tool with your own hands that will fully meet your expectations and last a long time.

The stun gun is an excellent weapon for self-defense. Today anyone can buy it individual who is 18 years old, it is completely legal! The shocker does not require additional documents from the buyer and its use is legal. The stun gun is intended for active defense against robbers and hooligans, but everything is not so simple. The fact is that the law of our country does not allow us, mere mortals, to wear stun guns with a power of more than 3 watts. The voltage of the shocker (arc length) does not matter and is intended only for breaking through clothes, it follows that a shocker with a voltage of several million volts in difficult times can be just a toy ... Really powerful shockers use only organs if you have "police" shocker, you don't have to read this article, but I ask everyone else to warm up the soldering irons and prepare the details for the device.

I present to your attention the design of a stun gun with a power of 7 - 10 watts (depending on the power source), which you can do with your own hands. The design was chosen as the simplest so that even beginners can handle it, the selection of parts and materials is also available to beginners.

The voltage converter is made according to the blocking oscillator circuit on a single transistor, a reverse conduction field effect transistor of the IRF3705 type is used, which allows you to squeeze "all the juice" from the power source, IRFZ44 or IRL3205 transistors can also be used, there is almost no difference. Also, you need a 100 ohm resistor with a power of 0.5-1 watts (I used a 0.25 watt resistor, but I strongly advise against repeating my mistake).

The final and most important element of the converter is a step-up transformer. For the transformer, a core was used from impulse block power supply from the DVD player. First, we remove all the old windings from the transformer and wind the new ones. The primary winding contains 12 turns with a tap from the middle, that is, first we wind 6 turns, then we do it, we twist the wire and wind 6 more turns in the same direction on the frame, the diameter of the primary winding wire is 0.5 - 0.8 mm. After that, we isolate the primary winding with 5 layers of transparent adhesive tape and wind the secondary. Both the primary and secondary windings must be wound in the same direction. Secondary winding contains 600 turns of wire with a diameter of 0.08 - 0.1 mm. But we wind the wire not in bulk, but according to special technology!
Every 50 turns we put insulation with adhesive tape (in 2 layers), so the transformer will be reliably protected from breakdowns in the high-voltage winding. A transformer wound using this technology does not need to be filled, although just in case it can be filled with epoxy. We solder a stranded wire to the terminals of the secondary winding. insulated wire. It is desirable to install the transistor on a small aluminum heat sink.

After the converter is ready, it needs to be tested. To do this, we assemble a circuit without a high-voltage part, there should be a "burning current" at the output of the transformer, if it is, then everything works. Next, you need to solder the voltage multiplier. Ceramic capacitors have a capacity of 4700 picofarads, the capacity is not critical, the main thing is to choose capacitors with a voltage of at least 3 kilovolts. With a decrease in the capacitance of the capacitors, the frequency of the discharges increases, but the power of the shocker decreases, with an increase in capacitance, the frequency of the pulses decreases, in return, the power of the shocker increases. The diodes in the multiplier need high-voltage type KTs106, they can be obtained by breaking the Soviet TV multiplier or simply bought on the radio market.

Next, we connect the multiplier to the converter according to the diagram and turn on the shocker, the arc should be 1 - 2 cm (if you use all the ratings that are indicated in the diagram). The shocker emits loud pops with a frequency of 300 - 350 Hertz.

Lithium ion batteries can be used as a power source. mobile phones with a capacity of 600 mA, it is also possible to use nickel batteries with a voltage of 1.2 volts, four nickel-metal-hybrid batteries with a capacity of 650 mA were used in my design, due to the powerful field effect transistor Batteries work under heavy load (close to short circuit), but nevertheless their capacity is enough for 2 minutes of constant operation of the shocker, and this is a lot for such a compact and powerful stun gun!

Installation - is carried out in any convenient plastic case (fortunately, I had a suitable case at hand from the old Osa stun gun). The high-voltage part of the circuit must be coated with silicone (for reliability). A cut-off fork, nails or a screw will serve as bayonets. The stun gun must be supplemented with a switch and a non-latching button, this is necessary to avoid self-switching in your pocket.

In the end, a few words about the parameters of the shocker - the voltage on the arresters is over 10 kilovolts, the breakdown of clothes is 1.5 - 2 cm, the average power is 7 watts, the shocker is also supplemented with a built-in charger and an LED flashlight, the charger circuit is taken from a Chinese LED flashlight. The switch has three positions, the LED must be connected to the power source through a 10 Ohm resistor (so as not to burn the LED).

This shocker turned out to be quite compact due to the multiplier and is quite suitable for our beloved ladies. Compared to factory-made stun guns that are sold in stores, our stun gun is much more powerful, and if you still want to increase the power, you can increase the power to 7.2 volts, because. A lot also depends on the capacity of the batteries.

List of radio elements

Designation Type Denomination Quantity NoteScoreMy notepad
MOSFET transistor


1 IRFZ44 or IRL3205 To notepad


2 To notepad

100 ohm

1 0.5-1 Watt To notepad
Capacitor4700pF 5kV2 To notepad
SW1 Switch 1

How to make a stun gun

Hello dear visitors of our educational portal. This training video lesson from the master of homemade Roman Ursu will talk about the wonderful idea "How to make a stun gun with your own hands at home."

From this video tutorial, you can make a mini stun gun yourself at home. By the name of the mini, it may seem to many that since it is small, it means it is weak, but not this time. Do-it-yourself novel powerful stun gun and we can boast even than store-bought, factory-made. For example, we can take a store stun gun such as "Bumblebee" or as everyone calls it "Wasp 618" its output power is about 300 thousand volts. And the home-made one, which we will make on our own, will have an output power of about 800 thousand volts. It is a very powerful and loud stun gun, with the help of which it will be possible to protect not only from ill-wishers, but also to scare dogs.

How to make a stun gun at home

So, for the manufacture of such a shocker, we need two converters. One of the converters converts from 3.6 volts to 400 thousand volts, so two converters will give us 800 thousand volts at the output. You can learn more about how where to buy them and which ones are the best to take from the second video lesson. To make a mini stun gun, we will also need two mini adapters in the form of sockets, a tact button, and a connector for 18650 batteries. And of course, we ourselves rechargeable batteries 18650 at 6000 milliamps, 3.7 volts.

First of all, using hot glue, we must glue together two converters, as well as two battery connectors. Next, we connect the minus from the connector with the minus from the converter and do the same with the second ones. As soon as we connected them together, we take glue and glue them together. Then we solder the plus from one connector with the converter to the clock button and also repeat with the second ones.

Now we take one of the adapters, disassemble and connect, one wire from the converter to one plug, and the second wire to the second plug. We disassemble the adapter completely, connect the wires, glue it to the converter, and assemble it. We do the same with the second adapter.

Our stun gun is ready, we can start testing. First, insert the batteries and test. The sound of the stun gun is very loud, but the sound transmitted through the camera is quiet. On this we will say goodbye, do not forget to recommend this video to your friends and acquaintances. Subscribe to our social groups and stay tuned for updates.

Do you or do you know?

In the West, stun guns have been used since the beginning of the 20th century. Tasers are loved by law enforcement officers, as it helps to detain a suspect without injuring him. Later, enterprising manufacturers began to produce shockers for "civilians" as well.

What you need to make a stun gun

In this video you will learn what you need to make a stun gun at home. Roman Ursu specially recorded this video where he will tell in detail about the purchased products for the stun gun. We need Pro 60W 220V soldering iron, 400000V module, 18650 connector, 2 pieces 18650 3.7V 6000mAh battery.

The requirements for such a device are usually rather big - a pocket shocker must be compact and have high power. Having made a stun gun with your own hands, you can also equip it with a built-in flashlight. Thinking about how to make a shocker with your own hands, you can additionally consider the location of the charge readiness indicator in it. It is also desirable that the manufactured device does not consume too much electricity and has a relatively simple design. As a flashlight, it is convenient to use not a lamp, but a white powerful LED that works through a resistor from a common power supply. It is also more convenient to provide a ready indicator with a small LED. It will be useful to have a fuse that will protect against accidentally pressing the discharge button in your pocket.

To make high voltage coil, it is necessary to wrap a ferrite rod with three layers of electrical tape, and wrap at least 5 layers of tape on top. Then the primary winding is made, which consists of 15 turns of wire with a diameter of 0.5 to 1 mm. The coils should lie in close contact with each other. Again, 5 layers of electrical tape and 6 layers of tape are placed on top. Further manufacturing involves the use of polyethylene, for which it is well suited ordinary package. It must be cut into strips corresponding to the coil in width and 10 cm in length. They are necessary for the secondary winding, consisting of 350-400 turns. The winding should also lie tightly and in the same direction as the first. Each wound row is insulated with two layers of tapes cut from the package. The top of the winding after the end is reinforced with adhesive tape in 5 layers.

Additionally, then 2 layers of electrical tape and at least 10 layers of adhesive tape are applied, and the side holes can be filled with silicone for reliability. The finished transformer must be checked for breakdowns; for this, current is supplied from the capacitor to the primary winding. If, after the formation of the arc, no breakdowns appear in the winding, everything is done correctly. In this case, you can start manufacturing the converter transformer. For this, a ferrite transformer is again needed, which can be purchased, or can be removed from power supplies of various worn-out equipment. All existing windings from such a used transformer must be removed; to facilitate this procedure, it can be placed in boiling water. The broken parts are connected with superglue, for performance finished product it won't affect.

The primary winding of the converter transformer, without which no do-it-yourself stun gun circuit can do, should consist of 12 turns and is carried out with a 0.8 mm wire. The finished winding must be insulated with 3 layers of electrical tape and 5 layers of adhesive tape. The secondary winding of the converter consists of 600 turns, and the wire is required with a diameter of 0.1 mm. The winding is carried out in rows, it is not necessary to make it a turn to turn, but even when doing it in bulk, you need to be as careful as possible. It is most convenient to make a row of 70 turns, each new row from the next is isolated with electrical tape in 4 layers. After the winding is completed, the halves of the ferrite are combined and tightly wrapped with tape or electrical tape. The stages of manufacturing transformers in the manufacture of a homemade stun gun are the most complex and time-consuming.

To receive quality product need manufacturing spark gap so that the capacitor can give its charge to the primary winding of the coil. It can be made from an old fuse by removing the tin from its contacts with a soldering iron and carefully removing the wire inside. Instead of a wire, small screws are screwed on both sides, which should not touch in the middle in order to avoid a short circuit. The size of the gap between the screws regulates the frequency of the discharges that form between the electrodes. Installation of parts is carried out in any case of suitable size, for example, from an old shocker. It is advisable to additionally cover the high-voltage part of the circuit with silicone for safety reasons. As bayonets, you can use a fork with cut middle teeth, two small nails or screws.

For greater safety, the transformer can be placed in a suitable cardboard box and filled with completely hot paraffin. The box should have a margin in height, since the paraffin shrinks after cooling, and the excess can be removed with a knife after hardening. Paraffin for this is melted in iron utensils, but do not heat too much, since the whole work can be spoiled from hot paraffin. Experts recommend that the process be carried out in two stages - first, fill it with paraffin, and then expose it to a fan heater or any other heat source for 10-15 minutes. This will get rid of all air bubbles, which could be formed in the first pour. If it is possible to build Vacuum pump, it is better to use epoxy resin instead of paraffin.

In order to supply the finished shocker with a charger, you can use ready scheme from a flashlight on LEDs, where the switches have several positions. During assembly, the batteries are located at the rear of the case, and the power switch can be used as a fuse. Any model of 4-5 amps or more can be used as a switch. You can remove them from the fixtures that have become unusable. The lock button should also be high current, and have 2-3 positions. For a flashlight, you can connect from 1 to 3 LEDs, this lighting is usually enough for a night road. After all the parts are mounted in the case in their places, you need to check the circuit for serviceability again. Then, to check the power, an ordinary incandescent lamp is placed between the bayonets, which, when correct work should light up from the discharge.