How to feed house flowers for flowering. Winter care for indoor plants

See the best houseplant fertilizers at home. Recipes for more than 20 natural folk remedies are presented: yeast, sugar, banana peel, succinic acid, wood ash, eggshell and citrus peel.

As well as other homemade natural fertilizers, along with medical and kitchen secrets.

Home fertilizers for indoor plants: popular top dressings

To feed indoor plants with natural fertilizers at home, they successfully use various products and substances.

The most popular household fertilizers are banana peels, sugar, yeast, succinic acid, wood ash, and eggshells.

Top dressing of indoor flowers with a certain substance or product has its own characteristics and application rules.

The effectiveness of home fertilizers and folk remedies also varies significantly and generates debate.

Reviews of flower growers and the arguments of experts can be radically different.

Therefore, the use of folk remedies or home fertilizers as a top dressing for indoor plants is a purely individual matter.

1. Fertilizing indoor plants with yeast

Yeast is a popular household fertilizer for houseplants and flowers. They contain hormones, including cytokinins that regulate cell division, as well as auxins, thiamine, and B vitamins.

  • Due to this, yeast contributes to the active growth of domestic plants and their full development.

Fertilizing houseplants with yeast has been repeatedly studied by scientists. Scientifically proven that yeast accelerates mineralization organic matter, produce nitrogen and phosphorus, and also increase the activity of microorganisms in the soil mixture.

Thus, fertilizing houseplants with yeast at home is close to fertilizing with mineral fertilizer.


  1. 10 gr dry yeast (bag) and 3 tbsp. l. sugar stir in 10 liters of warm water. For a smaller volume: 1 g dry yeast + 1 tsp. sugar per liter of water.
  2. The resulting solution is infused for 2-3 hours.
  3. Before fertilizing home plants with yeast, the infusion is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 5, and then indoor flowers are watered.


  1. Dilute 200 grams of yeast in 1 liter of water.
  2. Before use, mix the solution with water in a ratio of 1 to 10.


For maximum effect feeding indoor plants with yeast must be supplemented with calcium and potassium - eggshell powder and wood ash.


  1. Dissolve 10 g of live yeast in one liter of water.
  2. Feed the plant once a year in the spring.

REVIEWS: some experts believe that top dressing with 1% yeast infusion is equivalent to top dressing with a seasonal dose of complex fertilizer for indoor flowers.

2. Wood ash - as a fertilizer for indoor plants

wood ash is a very effective home fertilizer for indoor plants. It contains many nutrients: phosphorus, iron, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, zinc and calcium.

In wood ash, phosphorus and potassium are readily available to plants.

The editors of the magazine "Feast of Flowers" believes that feeding indoor flowers with wood ash is a very powerful and safe folk remedy. Wood ash is considered to be the best organic fertilizer for indoor plants.


  1. 3 art. l. ash (about 25 g) dilute in 1 liter of water.
  2. Infuse the solution for a week, and then water houseplants 1 time in 10-14 days.

DRY: 1. Wood ash is mixed with the soil mixture before planting in a ratio of 1 to 50.

IMPORTANT! In addition to top dressing, wood ash also disinfects the substrate. Ash is very fond of begonia, geranium, fuchsia, cyclamen and other indoor plants.

3. Feeding houseplants with sugar

For feeding indoor plants, sugar is used as a source of glucose, which provides energy for various processes in the plant.

And as an excellent building material to stimulate the formation of organic molecules. Glucose to be great building material should be well absorbed by the plant.

This is possible only if there is sufficient concentration carbon dioxide. Otherwise, sugar will feed root rot or mold.

Therefore, to avoid such an effect, the feeding of indoor flowers with sugar should be supplemented with a preparation with effective microorganisms ("EM") ("Baikal EM-1" or "Vostok EM-1").

APPLICATION: feeding houseplants with sugar is made with a prepared solution - 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 liter of water.

Some growers sprinkle the soil mixture with sugar on top and then water - 1 teaspoon for a pot up to 10 cm in diameter.

GLUCOSE: maximum efficiency from feeding houseplants with sugar can be obtained by replacing it with glucose. In this case, the recipe is as follows: 1 tablet of glucose per 1 liter of water.

IMPORTANT! It is recommended to feed indoor flowers with sugar or glucose no more than once every 30 days.

4. Succinic acid for indoor flowers

Succinic acid is formed during the processing of natural amber and has useful properties. It helps to better absorb substances, strengthens the immunity of plants.

Succinic acid is not a fertilizer, but an auxiliary additive, which is often used for soaking seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as for spraying and watering.

Succinic acid for indoor plants use in tablets:

  1. A solution for feeding indoor flowers is prepared at the rate of 1 tablet (0.25 g) or powder per 1 liter of warm water.
  2. The resulting solution is sprayed on leaves, shoots or watered roots to quickly restore the plant.

REVIEWS: top dressing succinic acid especially like aglaonema, arrowroot, ficus, jade, begonia, prickly pear, oleander, chlorophytum, haworthia and citrus fruits.

Succinic acid tablets

IMPORTANT! Home flowers are recommended to be watered with succinic acid once a year, and for cacti and succulents (opuntia, haworthia) once every 2-3 years. An overabundance is not dangerous, but it will bring little benefit.

  • To accelerate the growth of young shoots, you can spray the ground part of the plant every 3 weeks in spring and summer.
  • The solution is suitable for top dressing for 3 days.

5. Eggshell fertilizer for houseplants

Eggshell - popular and controversial natural fertilizer for indoor plants. It contains a lot of calcium, but in a hard-to-reach form and reduces the acidity level of the substrate.

In addition, calcium loves a small number of types of home flowers, and an excess of the substance contributes to the occurrence of chlorosis.

  • Therefore, feeding with eggshell houseplants should be carried out carefully and start with small dosages.


  1. Eggshells are crushed, mixed with the soil mixture during plant transplantation.
  2. Make an infusion on eggshells and water.


  1. Dried and crushed eggshell poured warm water 1 to 5.
  2. Insist 15-20 days, stirring every 3-4 days.
  3. The resulting infusion is watered with home plants 1 time in 30-40 days.

DRAINAGE: eggshell can be good drainage. To do this, during transplantation, a 2-cm layer of crushed eggshell is poured onto the bottom of the pot.


  1. Mix 1 egg white in 200 g of water.
  2. The solution is placed in a dark and cool place (basement, cellar, but not a refrigerator (!).
  3. After a week, the solution is diluted in 2 liters of water and watered indoor flowers.
  • The smell is specific, but the plants actively respond to such top dressing.

6. Banana peel fertilizer for houseplants

Banana peel is a popular natural fertilizer for houseplants and flowers. It contains many nutrients, especially rich in potassium.

Top dressing from a banana peel for indoor flowers is made in various ways.

Here we will give the most popular and simple recipe, while others are described in a separate material.

  1. Fresh banana peel, thoroughly washed with warm water and dried (battery, oven).
  2. Dried banana skins are poured into a coffee grinder and crushed.
  3. Banana peel powder is poured on top of the soil mixture and watered with water (1 time per month). It can also be mixed with soil during plant transplantation 1 to 10.

7. Fertilize with citrus fruits

The peel from lemons, tangerines and oranges is an excellent natural fertilizer for indoor plants and flowers, which will stimulate their growth and strengthen immunity.

Top dressing from citrus fruits at home perfectly repels many pests and reduces the likelihood of diseases in indoor flowers, and also introduces nitrogen into the soil.


  1. Grind fresh citrus zest and fill liter jar 3/4, and then fill the entire jar with water.
  2. The zest is infused for 24 hours, then the infusion is filtered and mixed with water 1 to 3.


  1. If you collect peels from citrus fruits in winter to feed indoor flowers in spring and summer, then put the dried peels in a liter jar by 80% and pour boiling water over it.
  2. After the broth has cooled, it is diluted with water 1 to 5 and watered to feed the plant.

IMPORTANT! It is recommended to feed indoor flowers with citrus fertilizer at home in this mode: 1 time in 30 days - autumn / winter and 2 times in 30 days - spring / summer.

Natural folk remedies for feeding indoor plants:

8. Onions - the protector of indoor plants

Onion peel fertilizer occupies a worthy place in plant nutrition at home, as it contains many trace elements.

Feeding indoor plants with onion tincture is an excellent prevention against many diseases and pests due to phytoncides.


  1. 25 g of onion peel (about a handful) is poured with a liter hot water and boil for 7-8 minutes under a lid and over low heat.
  2. The broth is insisted for 3 hours, and after it has cooled, it is filtered and sprayed with houseplants and upper layer soil mixture.
  3. Top dressing with a decoction of onions is carried out approximately once every two months.

IMPORTANT! A feature of onion fertilizer is that it must be prepared before each feeding of home flowers.

Plants are fed by spraying, therefore, the maximum benefit will be for those species that do not have glossy or pubescent leaves.

9. Garlic

Garlic is powerful prophylactic from fungal diseases in indoor plants.


  1. 150-200 grams of garlic (cloves) are crushed and poured with one liter of water.
  2. The mixture is tightly closed with a lid and infused for 4-5 days, and then filtered.
  3. To feed indoor flowers, the infusion is diluted with water: 1 tbsp. spoon for 2 liters.

IMPORTANT! Garlic fertilizer is suitable for watering and spraying plants - 1 time in 10-14 days.

10. Aloe juice

Aloe juice is a well-known natural stimulant for rooting cuttings, while it can also be a fertilizer for indoor flowers. Feeding with aloe juice strengthens the plant's immunity.


  1. From 3-4-year-old aloe, the lower leaves are cut off and put in a bag, and the bag in the refrigerator so that the juice becomes more “soft”.
  2. The next day, the juice is squeezed out of aloe leaves and diluted with water - 1 teaspoon per 1.5 liters of water.
  3. Feed home plants by watering or spraying no more than 1 time in 14 days.


  1. 6-7 branches of aloe are chopped (cut with a knife into small pieces), put in a 3-liter jar and poured with boiled warm water.
  2. Insist week in a dark place.
  3. 200 grams of infusion (glass) is diluted in 3 liters of water and indoor flowers are poured under the root with natural fertilizer.

11. Sleepy coffee

This natural fertilizer is widely used by many flower growers. Drinking coffee makes the nutrient substrate looser and lighter, increases acidity and the amount of oxygen.

PECULIARITIES: increasing the acidity of the soil does not positively affect all houseplants. Top dressing with sleeping coffee is recommended for azaleas, hydrangeas, lilies, ripsalis, roses and many evergreen species.

APPLICATION: Mix the coffee grounds with the soil mixture in the pot.

12. Tea brewing

Some flower growers feed home flowers by pouring tea leaves like mulch on top of the ground, but we do not recommend it, since sciarids (black flies) are easily bred in tea leaves.

APPLICATION: sleeping tea as a fertilizer can only be used in this version.

  1. The tea leaves are dried, collected in a separate bag, and during the transplantation of indoor plants, they are mixed with the soil mixture in a ratio of 1: 3.
  2. It is recommended to feed with tea only indoor flowers with a delicate root system - begonia, peperomia, violet and others.

REVIEWS: sleeping coffee and tea brewing, according to experts, it makes sense to use it exclusively as a drainage.

13. Aquarium water

Aquarium water has a neutral pH and contains many substances that stimulate the growth of indoor plants, and, therefore, is a fairly good natural fertilizer.

APPLICATION: aquarium water can be fed with home flowers only from March to June, and no more than once a month.

Top dressing of indoor flowers: kitchen and medical secrets!


The main danger is the risk of the appearance and development of unwanted microorganisms.


Some flower growers feed indoor flowers with water that remains after soaking legumes (peas, beans, lentils) or potato broth.

The bottom line is that starch enters the water, which feeds the plants with energy.


fertilizing with decoctions of vegetables is popular with some flower growers, however, a scientifically proven positive effect on home plants has not been obtained.

Therefore, the editors of the Feast of Flowers magazine do not consider a decoction after vegetables to be a good fertilizer.

After June stimulate active growth green mass in most plant species is not necessary. And top dressing more than once a month leads to excessive reproduction of algae and further landscaping and acidification of the soil mixture.

17. A decoction or infusion of dried mushrooms

A natural stimulant for soaking seeds before planting certainly won't hurt, but scientific results have not been found.


  1. 25 grams of 3% hydrogen peroxide is diluted in a liter of water.
  2. The resulting solution can be sprayed or watered plants.

Feeding a weakened plant should be carried out several times until it looks better. Spraying indoor plants protects them from diseases.

19. YOD

Iodine is often used to protect against fungal diseases and powdery mildew, and also it is good stimulant growth and flowering.

  1. 1-2 drops (1 ml) per 1 liter of water.
  2. Watered around the edge of the pot, so as not to burn root system.

Feed every 7-10 days to restore a weak and fading plant.

  • In other cases, it is enough to feed houseplants with iodine once in spring and summer.



top dressing castor oil it has a very good effect on flowering plant species at the time of bud setting (budding) - 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water.


This top dressing is suitable for indoor plants that love alkaline soil.

  1. 20 ml of toothpaste is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water and potted flowers are watered.


This recipe is good for root rot.

  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of tooth powder, 2 tbsp. spoons of wood ash and 1 tbsp. spoon blue vitriol mixed in 100 g of water.
  2. Move the soil near the root of the plant and water it with the resulting solution.
  3. We move the plant to a dry place

The most famous and effective home fertilizers for feeding indoor plants are considered. We will be glad if it becomes easier for you to feed indoor flowers, and they will respond with their beautiful appearance.


If you have a favorite home plant fertilizer, please share your recipe with us.

Flower growers will be grateful, as will their pets!

Indoor plants are in almost every home. Green pets both in summer and in winter delight their owners with bright foliage and beautiful flowering. But for this they winter time required caring care, watering and fertilizing.
Of course, we are not talking about those plants that fall into hibernation. Them abundant watering and winter feeding is not needed.

Today on the site "Popular about Health" we will talk about how you can feed indoor flowers in winter folk remedies.

Features of feeding houseplants in winter

The need for fertilization in winter depends on the type of home plant and climatic conditions in room. For example, most succulents "rest" in winter. They do not require watering and, especially, fertilizers.

But others, in particular, azalea, indoor violets, as well as anthurium, spathiphyllum and other flowering ones, it is useful to feed in winter.

This is especially needed for flowers that love sunlight, watering and irrigation. In addition to fertilizing, it is also useful to highlight them with phytolamps, prolonging daylight hours.

Signs of the need for feeding

There are several main signs by which you can understand that plants need additional food:

Weak stems that stretch upward;
- yellowing, small, drooping leaves, loss of their brightness;
- falling leaves, the presence of spots on them;
- prolonged absence flowering;
- low disease resistance;
- other pronounced signs of ill health.

To help the plants, you can buy ready-made fertilizers at the gardening store. But many people prefer to feed indoor flowers in winter with self-prepared, folk remedies. Consider a few popular recipes:

natural fertilizers

wood ash:

Many gardeners are well aware of this fertilizer. wood ash contains useful material necessary for all plants. For indoor flowers - this is one of the best fertilizers.

From it you can prepare an infusion - 1 tbsp per 1 liter of settled water. It is recommended to water the flowers 1-2 times a week.


Houseplant lovers often use sugar for feeding. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp in half a liter of water. When the sugar dissolves completely, the plant is watered with a solution, no more than 1 time per month. Experienced gardeners recommend using some of the EM products with this top dressing, for example, Baikal EM-1.


Instead of sugar, it is better to use glucose, it is much more effective. Buy a tablet preparation, dissolve 1 tablet in 1 liter of water. Water, spray the leaves, but not more than 1 time per month.

baker's yeast:

This product is very useful for green pets. Yeast activates the vital activity of microorganisms in the soil, as a result, the release of carbon dioxide is accelerated, and the mineralization of organic matter is activated. The solution can be used, no more than 1 time per month.

A nutrient solution is prepared from yeast, which is useful for feeding indoor flowers in winter: dissolve 10 g of fresh yeast in 1 liter of warm water, where you first stir 1 tbsp of sugar. Before watering, dilute the solution with settled water, in a ratio of 1x10.

If using dry yeast, take 10 g - 10 liters of water and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Before watering, the solution is diluted with water 1 x 5.

drunk coffee:

The sediment left in the cup from brewed and drunk coffee is an excellent fertilizer for indoor flowers. It is easy to use: mix the sediment from the cup with the earth in a pot. Coffee top dressing is loved by many flowers. Among them are azaleas, roses, lilies, rhododendrons, as well as most evergreens.

tea leaves:

Many people add drops to the soil and tea leaves left after drinking tea. This is really useful for flowers, but it can also have an unpleasant effect: black flies are very fond of tea leaves, which, in large quantities bred in fertilized soil.

onion peel:

Speaking of fertilizing domestic plants in winter with folk remedies, one cannot fail to mention a decoction of the husk onion. This fertilizer is loved by all plants without exception. Top dressing promotes their growth, makes them stronger, activates flowering. And this is understandable, because the broth contains almost all the necessary nutrients.

To prepare fertilizer, pour 2 handfuls of husks with two liters of water. Boil, reduce heat, cook for 10 minutes. Then let cool and infuse, about 3 hours. Strain, spray plants. For watering, dilute in half with water.

banana peel:

Don't throw away the peels of eaten bananas. Fold in three-liter jar, fill to the top with water. After a day, strain the infusion, discard the peel. Infusion water and spray.

When transplanting a plant, mix dried peel into fresh soil. Over time, it will rot, and the plant will receive the trace elements it needs, activating growth, flowering and brightness of the green mass.

Experienced flower growers advise using homemade flowers in moderation, the main thing is not to overdo it. Excess fertilizer is just as harmful to plants as deficiency. In some cases, too concentrated watering solutions can even kill a green pet.

Therefore, top dressing should be correctly compiled, balanced as much as possible and made in a timely manner (taking into account the period winter holiday many plants). Only if these conditions are met, feeding will be beneficial.

Good afternoon friends!

What to do to have our favorite flowers on the windowsills all year round were green, beautiful, rampant in bloom?

And the secret of luxury indoor flower garden corny simple: plants need to be well fed. We eat three times a day, so flowers need a varied diet.

Moreover, for feeding indoor flowers, you can use home remedies that every housewife has, and it is not at all necessary to buy them in a store.

When and how to fertilize

First you need to understand general rules how and when to apply flower food.

When to feed plants

If your plant has stretched out, the stems have become thin, if growth has stopped or slowed down, the leaves have turned pale, they have appeared light spots, the plant refuses to bloom, then most likely it does not have enough nutrition.

But you don’t need to bring flowers to such a terrible state, you need to feed them regularly.

Already in March, when the sun begins to look into the windows more and more often and the flowers start to grow, you should start feeding them once every two weeks. And continue to feed in this mode until October.

Top dressing is applied both during growth and during flowering.

From October to February, plants usually have a dormant period, they, like bears, hibernate and do not need additional nutrition. The exception is those that bloom in winter. Winter-flowering can occasionally be fed, but not more than once a month.

Although flower growers still do not recommend doing this during the dark season from November to December.

How to properly fertilize

Important! In no case should top dressing be applied to dry land, as this can damage the plant and burn its roots.

First, we water the flowers, and after they have quenched their thirst (the next day after watering), we feed them.

Top dressing for flowers is applied both in dry form and diluted in water.

Dry products are scattered on the surface of the earth, then the soil needs to be loosened and lightly watered.

Top dressing, diluted with water, water the plant around the entire bush, preferably closer to the edge of the pot. It is not necessary to fill in, fertilizers are required to be applied very little. Water must be used only previously settled, and not from the tap, at room temperature.

Sometimes top dressing is used in the form of spraying.

Homemade fertilizers for indoor flowers from our kitchen

The most diverse composition of vitamins and microelements of top dressing can be found in our kitchen. Fertilizing indoor flowers with home remedies is no worse than store-bought fertilizers, and besides, they are completely natural. So don't rush to throw it away onion peel, eggshells, peels from oranges and bananas, coffee grounds.

What dressings for indoor flowers can be used and how to prepare them, my further story.


Probably the most famous, popular and effective top dressing for flowers - yeast. After all, they contain a lot of usefulness, including phytohormones, B vitamins that stimulate growth, and others.

Yeast top dressing is equated to full mineral fertilizer.

It favorably affects the root system, causes increased growth and flowering, and also improves the microflora of the earth. Your flowers will grow by leaps and bounds!


If you have natural pressed yeast, take 10 grams of them, stir in one liter of warm water, add a tablespoon of sugar.

Dry yeast should be taken 1 gram per liter of water + 1 teaspoon of sugar.

We insist this mixture for 2-3 hours.

Before applying top dressing, it will still need to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5 (1 glass of infusion to 5 glasses of water).


In fact, the same yeast, only we are not talking about pasteurized beer from bottles, but about live beer, which is bottled in pubs.

If, after some gatherings, you still have a little of such a drink (although, this is unlikely, well, don’t be sorry, leave at least a little bit for your pets), you can also treat your plants.

When the beer hits the ground, it will continue to ferment there, releasing carbon dioxide, which will feed the plants.

200 grams of beer are taken per liter of water, mixed and poured with this solution once a week. You will see your plants come to life.

Coffee grounds

There is a lot of nitrogen in coffee, and plants love it very much, especially after winter. And the ground is home remedy makes loose and soft.

After preparing and drinking a morning drink, we dry the remaining coffee grounds and collect them in a jar, in a few days a fairly decent mass will be collected, which is enough for all your flowers.

We distribute a couple of teaspoons of dry thick along the edges of the pot, loosen, water. Everything is simple!

tea leaves

Dry tea brewing, as in the previous recipe, is brought into the ground, this will be fertilizer for home flowers.

Or you can just water the plants with unfinished tea, even sweet. Ferns especially like to drink tea.

But do not overdo it and rarely use such top dressing, because black flies also love it.


Feeding indoor flowers with sugar gives them energy, so almost all plants respect sweet water, and cacti most of all.

Dissolve one tablespoon of sugar in a liter of water and water the flowers.

onion peel

Onion peel is useful to us not only for coloring eggs, but also a wonderful flower food from it!

We will need to prepare a decoction.

We put a good handful of husks in a saucepan, pour two liters of hot water into it and cook for 5 minutes over low heat.

After the broth has stood with us for a couple of hours, it should be filtered and used for spraying or watering flowers.

This decoction is not stored for a long time, so pour out the leftovers immediately. And the procedure can be repeated in a month.


The egg shell is rich in calcium, which is also necessary for our pets.

Therefore, shells from peeled boiled eggs (you can also use raw ones) are also not thrown away, we collect, dry, grind in a mortar, pusher or other convenient way. Preferably very finely, into crumbs and even dust.

Shredded shells can be used to feed plants in a dry form, sprinkling the surface of the earth and burying.

And you can insist them in water (a teaspoon of crushed shells per liter of water) and use for irrigation.

To prepare 1 drop of iodine, stir in a liter of water. Water very carefully along the edge of the pot so that the roots do not get burned. On one pot you can pour no more than 50 ml of the product.

Hydrogen peroxide

My favorite remedy is hydrogen peroxide. It not only saves me from the flu, but also helps the plants come to life right before my eyes.

Peroxide has an oxidizing effect, antiseptic properties, heals not only the leaves, but also the earth, protects against pests, and is a good disease prevention.

This remedy is Ambulance for withering plants as well as.

1 tablespoon is diluted in a liter of water and the leaves of plants are sprayed once a week, but only for those who like spraying. Other flowers can be watered with this composition.

In detail, he will talk very interestingly about peroxide as a good top dressing for flowers in his video.

Let's sum up. As you can see, there are quite a few home remedies available that can be used as houseplant food. It is better to alternate them. We bought bananas, make top dressing from their peel, bake pies - set aside some yeast for your pets, and pour sweet water or sprinkle with peroxide - much easier.

Let your favorite flowers delight and thank you for your work!

Feeding houseplants in winter. Passing next to a well-groomed flower garden, one cannot help but look at some bright fruit. And everyone comes up with an idea, or maybe they decide to plant flowers at home? Plants are a good addition to every design. If the morning started with pleasant feelings, then the whole day feels lighter. Keeping a garden is a very desirable hobby that will give positive emotions not only to your own family, but also to all your neighbors. How to feed indoor plants in winter Everyone knows that with the onset of cold weather, plants go to rest. There are species that stop blooming, some stop growing. But there are those who do not have a dormant period (cyclamen, Decembrist, orchids, violets, ficuses), they require a lot of attention in winter. Watering is done less often, and spraying more often. In winter, do not neglect fertilizers for indoor plants, because they really need additional nutrition. In order not to harm plants with subcortex, moderation must be carefully observed. Features of top dressing in winter: 1. If the plants are in a dormant period, it is not worth fertilizing.2. The amount of top dressing applied for each plant must be correctly calculated. Excess will only hurt.3. Fertilizers are applied no more than once a month. Since the daylight hours are much shorter and the process of photosynthesis of the plant slows down. Useful trace elements for flowers Fertilizer should contain the right quantities potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Without these elements, the plant will not fully bloom and grow leaves. Phosphorus - helps the plant bloom for a long time and profusely. Potassium - enhances the color of flowers, protects the plant from stress. winter period: 1. Infusion of orange peels. Pour orange peels in the amount of one hundred grams with one liter of warm water and leave for a day. Water once every two weeks. Such top dressing will fill the soil with nutrients.2. Dilute one teaspoon of aloe juice in one and a half liters of water. Disinfects the soil, prevents pests.3 Plants such as ficuses love sugar top dressing. One teaspoon of sugar per liter of warm water. Watering is carried out once a month. You should not get carried away with such top dressing, as pests will quickly move to the sweet soil. 4 Tea brewing will loosen the soil in flower pot, and will give the plant the necessary trace elements.5 The remaining blood from the thawed liver is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and applied under the plant. Such a solution is very rich in iron. Fertilizing flowers with chicken manureChicken manure contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, so fertilizing with this fertilizer will be very useful. The main thing is to observe the proportions of preparing the correct solution for irrigation. To do this, you need to dilute one teaspoon of litter in 8-10 liters of water. First, dilute chicken manure in one liter of warm water, then add this concentrate to the rest of the water. Fertilize in small portions, once a month. Everyone knows how lovers indoor floriculture take care of their pets, no matter what time of year. But do not forget that care in summer and winter periods are significantly different. It is better to underfeed the plant with fertilizer than to give it in excess and ruin the flower. Plant CareFertilizer for indoor plants in winter Do indoor plants need to be fed in winter? This question is often asked by flower lovers, especially beginner growers. If needed, how often to fertilize plants and with what? Let's try to deal with this issue. Let's divide our indoor pets conditionally into two groups. First, we will identify those plants that enter a dormant period in winter. And the second group - indoor plants, the vegetative period of which continues in winter. Naturally, the feeding regimen for these groups will be different. In indoor plants of the first group, with the onset of winter, the rest time comes. The processes of vital activity during this period are suspended or completely stopped. The plant rests before the period of growth and flowering following it. Such plants are usually cleaned in a cooler room. Watering and feeding them during this period is not necessary. This group includes gloxinia, cyclamens, some cacti. If the plant continues to grow, bloom and delight us with its beauty in winter, our task is to provide them with sufficient nutrients. Do not fertilize plants too often in winter, 1 time per month will be enough. And the concentration of fertilizer should be less than in the spring-summer period. But it depends on the plant and the phase it is in. If a houseplant blooms actively and profusely in winter, then it is natural that it needs a complete fertilizer for houseplants. which can be purchased at the store. Ready-made complex mineral fertilizers are usually used to feed plants. They contain all the substances and minerals necessary for our plants, necessary for growth and flowering in various concentrations. For ornamental deciduous plants, mineral complexes containing nitrogen are recommended for use. For flowering plants, phosphorus and potassium are more useful during budding and flowering. Liquid mineral fertilizers are the most convenient and often used by flower lovers. You can buy them at any flower shop or supermarket. These fertilizers are very effective, easily absorbed by plants. They are also convenient because they allow you to adjust the concentration of fertilizer applied. Soluble or bulk fertilizers. Before use, they should be dissolved in water and a solution of the desired concentration should be prepared, the fertilizer should be used immediately for its intended purpose. Granular fertilizers are solid fertilizers in the form of granules - balls soluble in water. This fertilizer is called the fertilizer of the future - it is effective and convenient to use, so such fertilizers today are much more expensive than liquid and water-soluble powders. Usually, granular fertilizers are laid immediately when the plant is planted, or distributed over the surface of the earth in a pot without embedding deep into the soil. And a few more tips for fertilizing indoor plants: before feeding the plants with a solution of mineral fertilizers, be sure to water the soil clean water until completely moistened; plants transplanted into fresh soil should not be fertilized for at least two months; sick and weakened plants can only be fed with a very weak solution. and it is better not to fertilize at all, because their roots in this state cannot assimilate top dressing and the plant may die. You should only fertilize healthy plants during the growth period; excessive fertilization harms plants. Proper care of indoor plants in winter How to care for indoor plants in winter? The question is not idle. The house becomes especially cozy when it is cold outside, and there is a flower garden on the windowsill. Cyclamens growing in warmth and care, zygocactus (Schlumbergera, Decembrist), chrysanthemums challenge even the most severe frost with their lush color. Perhaps, November is most disliked by houseplants. The time is indeed unfavorable: the end autumn - start winters. Short cloudy days and long warm nights can take a toll on your delicate pets. The supply of nutrients accumulated in the summer is quickly consumed with a lack of light and an excess of heat in heated rooms. We need your help here. Lighting, how to extend daylight hours for plants The most important concern at this time is to extend daylight hours for plants: arrange fluorescent or ordinary lighting electric light bulb. Light up when it gets dark. Natural and artificial light should together make up a 10-12 hour day. In order for the plants to bloom their beautiful buds, they will need direct lighting. Thermal conditions for indoor plants thermal mode. There are many features here. For example, aloe, aspidistra, aucuba, dracaena, lemon, zygocactus, ficus, cyperus and others are indifferent to temperature, they endure any. Heat-loving - royal begonia, anthurium, saintpaulia (Uzambara violet) - they like it elevated, from 15 degrees or more. Geraniums, hydrangeas, camellias, primrose, roses, fuchsias like coolness. Cyclamen does not tolerate room heat at all. Consider the tastes of plants by all means. It is known that on the windowsill, closer to the glass, the temperature is 3-4 degrees below room temperature. This climate is suitable for camellias, primroses, geraniums, fuchsias, hydrangeas. Flowers do not like drafts. When airing the room, cover them with newspapers, flowers located between the frames - with cardboard. Watering indoor plants Watering is one of the most capricious procedures. Frequent - harmful, since the earth at the bottom of the pot does not dry out, it turns sour. The lower roots rot and the plants usually die. Plants that have shed their leaves should be watered even less often, but do not let them dry out. This also applies to flowers at rest: tuberous begonias, gloxinia, cyclamen. And what should be the water? Pour it into containers in advance and keep it in the room: the water will settle and its temperature will become room temperature. Plants grow from warm water, cold water is poorly absorbed by the roots, and the flower may die from. lack of moisture. Boiled water is unsuitable for irrigation, as there is no air in it. Direct the jet from above closer to the edge of the pot, make sure that the earth does not erode. Be sure to loosen the compacted soil. From time to time, plants should be sprayed or washed from a watering can, under the shower. Don't forget to close the ground. You can wipe the leaves with a wet cloth or brush. Indoor pests will not appear at all or die immediately after they appear, if you wash the leaves first with soapy water and then with clean water. Soap is harmful to the roots, so make sure that it does not get on the ground. Top dressing for indoor plants in winter In winter, top dressing is also needed, but more rare than in summer. flowering plants feed from the appearance of buds until the end of flowering. The rest - once every two or three weeks. Remember that flowers assimilate nutrients only low concentration. Strong solutions burn the roots, lead to the death of flowers. You can prepare strong solution beforehand, taking 1 tablespoon mineral fertilizer for 0.5 liters of water. And when it's time to feed - stir 1 teaspoon ready solution for 0.5 liters of water. Sometimes, for 1 liter of irrigation water, you can add 1 teaspoon of milk or use the water left after washing milk dishes, plates with meat and fish dishes and fresh meat. Such an unusual top dressing will give the plants all the necessary nutrient salts. Meat water must be filtered through cheesecloth, otherwise pieces of fat will make it difficult for air to reach the roots. However, not all plants need to be fed. The exception is the sick, recently transplanted and those that are at rest. It is best to transplant flowers in early spring. Use these simple tips and you will see that your green indoor pets will be healthy, strong, will delight you with the beauty and aroma of flowers. Fertilizers for indoor plants in winter. Marina / Date: 2015-01-08 Dear readers , today on my blog I want to tell you about fertilizers for indoor plants in winter. In winter, almost all indoor plants slow down internal processes growth and, as a rule, do not require top dressing. But those plants that come from the tropics, where the temperature and humidity are stable all year round environment, and the lighting is weak, and in winter they will continue to grow, throwing out new leaves and root shoots. First of all, such plants include ficuses, peperomia, monsters, Bloom's coleus, plectranthus, scindapsus, antarctic cissus, Wilks' akalifa, philodendrons, arrowroot, chlorophytum , begonias, aglaonema, cyperus and others. Feeding is simply necessary for such indoor plants. It is also necessary to feed those plants that have a large root system, but are planted in small pots. Such plants will constantly lack the substrate, signs of an acute shortage of potassium, nitrogen and other elements will begin to appear on their leaves. It is also necessary to feed plants that are illuminated with fluorescent lamps. Do not ignore those plants whose flowering period occurs in autumn or winter, such as large-flowered eucharis, hybrid epiphyllum or Willis spathiphyllum. At the same time, azaleas and cyclamens form their buds and will also require top dressing. For such plants, feed mixtures based on potassium and phosphorus are most preferable. When giving top dressing in winter, it must be borne in mind that, compared with summer, top dressing should be of a lower concentration and be given less often, while trying to use highly soluble complex fertilizers With great content trace elements. Now you know what fertilizers for indoor plants you can use in winter. And of course, I advise you to watch a video on how to care for indoor plants in winter?

Indoor plants delight all households throughout the spring-summer period. However, like many other crops, with the onset of cold weather, they fall into a kind of hibernation and often throw off their foliage. This leads many novice flower growers to the question of whether indoor flowers need to be fed in winter. If yes, then what? This is a perfectly legitimate question.

In fact, first of all, it all depends on the particular plant. If it really falls into hibernation, then in this case it is better not to disturb it and not wake it up. However, there are many varieties of flowers that continue to function in the winter, just not as active as before. Such crops need additional trace elements.

However, before deciding what fertilizers to feed indoor flowers in winter, it is worth clarifying a few nuances. Firstly, in the cold season, you should not overdo it with additives. If the plant receives too many nutrients, then this can destroy it. Therefore, the amount of feeding should be correctly calculated based on the characteristics of a particular culture.

Secondly, you need to understand that in winter the duration daylight hours is shrinking. In this regard, the processes of photosynthesis are much slower, so it is quite normal that the foliage of plants becomes more pale and lethargic. This does not mean that the flower is sorely lacking in nutritional supplements. At this time, it is enough to make nutritional supplements at intervals of 1 time in 30 days.

Whether it is necessary to feed indoor flowers in winter can be determined based on the condition of the plant. Consider the recommendations of experts.

When does a plant need fertilizer?

Indoor flowers usually themselves signal that they lack nutritional supplements. It is enough to pay attention to some symptoms. First of all, sharply yellowed or fallen leaves should alert. However, in this case, it is worth making sure that this is not a sign of hibernation. If this happens to a plant that blooms year-round, then this is a very alarming signal.

Also embarrassing should be the appearance dark spots on leaves and flower stems. If the plant has stopped blooming and stopped growing, then this is also a symptom that the culture needs top dressing. In addition, you need to consider that the flower stems must be strong. If the plant cannot stand on its own and has to be tied up, then it is quite possible that we are talking about a lack of nutritional supplements. Consider the nuances of their introduction.

Features of winter top dressing

During this period of time, plants most of all need:

  • Phosphorus. This component is recommended for those who are wondering how to feed indoor flowers in winter so that they bloom. Phosphorus in the composition of fertilizers will help you enjoy beautiful buds for a longer period.
  • Potassium. This substance will help to return bright color flowers and save plants from stress.
  • nitrogen. This component is necessary if the plant has too little deciduous mass.

You can buy dressings that already contain all these substances at any specialized store. However, in addition to the main components, synthetic additives are often also present in such formulations. In this case, it is much cheaper and more useful to do the feeding yourself.

Orange and lemon peels

The vitamins contained in these citrus fruits are useful not only to humans, but also to plants. Therefore, when deciding how to feed indoor flowers in winter, you should definitely pay attention to them. The fact is that the bark of these citrus fruits contains vitamins that increase the immunity of the culture. Therefore, after eating an orange, you should not throw out its bark, but pour it with 1 liter of warm water. This tincture is prepared very quickly - 1 day. After that, the resulting liquid must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, so as not to burn the delicate root system. Next, citrus water is introduced into the soil.

Especially such top dressing like azaleas, hydrangeas and rapsis.


This plant is used not only for home treatment, but also by those who know how to feed indoor flowers in winter. To prepare a nutrient mixture, it is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of aloe juice and 1 liter of warm water and apply the liquid to the soil. Thanks to the juice of this amazing plant flowers will grow stronger. In addition, aloe has excellent disinfecting properties, so pests will be less likely to disturb flowers.

This top dressing is universal. It will suit any type of plant.


Sugar dressings are especially to the taste of ficuses and cacti. This is due to the fact that during the breakdown of the sweet additive, glucose is formed. Any experienced gardener knows how these crops respond well to a given substance. However, other plants can be fertilized with this simple component. Glucose is involved in the formation of complex molecules necessary for the growth and production of more energy by plants. By by and large this component provokes and accelerates the growth of new cellular material, due to which the flowers become healthier and fresher.

Therefore, when deciding how to feed indoor flowers in winter, it is worth diluting one teaspoon of sugar in a liter of heated water. Plants can be fertilized with this liquid once a month. Or you can just sprinkle the ground in the pots with a little sugar.

However, don't get carried away. Too much sugar is harmful not only to humans, but also to any other living organism.


Is it possible to feed indoor flowers in winter with vitamin supplements? Yes, you can, but only after reading the instructions in detail. The fact is that most formulations contain aggressive chemicals that are used to get a quick effect. If such additives are used in the winter, the plant may not be able to cope with their processing. Therefore, vitamins must be used with caution. At the same time, it is worth giving 2 times less amount of the recommended supplement. The instructions usually indicate the period when the flowers are in active stage. If we are talking about the cold season, then the plant needs much less vitamins.

When deciding how to feed indoor flowers in winter, preference should be given to natural compounds.

chicken manure

This top dressing contains everything necessary for the growth and health of flowers, including vitamins and useful trace elements. However, when using chicken manure also need to be careful. To prepare a nutritional supplement, it is enough to dilute 1 teaspoon of manure in a bucket of water. It is much more convenient to pre-prepare the concentrate by mixing the fertilizer with 1 liter of water, and only then pour it into a bowl with the rest of the liquid.

Also, do not forget about lighting for plants. After all, in winter they desperately need sunshine. Therefore, at this time of the year it is better to move flower pots closer to the windows. Or you can use additional lighting by installing lamps daylight for your favorite colors.


In addition, it must be borne in mind that in the cold season, flowers need to be watered much less frequently. Since all processes in plants occur more slowly, they do not feed as actively when compared with spring or summer period. It is best not to apply water directly to the ground, but to pour it into a bowl in which the pot stands. Then the flower will decide for itself how much moisture it needs to absorb.