What kind of soil does room dracaena need for active growth. How to prepare soil for lemon at home What soil is needed for

In this article we will consider: land and soil for indoor plants. Optimal parameters earth. How to measure soil moisture. Additional soil additives for different varieties flowers and plants.

You can often hear how the content indoor pots called land for plants. This is not true. Earth or scientifically soil is a complex living structure, which is characterized by mechanical composition, acidity, fertility.

Optimal soil parameters for indoor plants and seedlings

What is used for home floriculture is called a substrate. It is prepared from several components:

  • It is based on soddy or leafy land.
  • Add to it lowland peat.

Tip #1. Note! High peat in indoor floriculture cannot be used. Continuing to decompose, it releases substances harmful to plants. In open field gardening, it is often composted.

  • Humus for indoor plants should be well rotted, dry and small.
  • Additives necessary for each type of plant.

A universal substrate is prepared from these components, which is:

  • sandy loam or light loam,
  • neutral or slightly acid reaction.

This environment is suitable for many houseplants. Such a mixture is used not only for home floriculture, it is suitable for growing seedlings of garden and horticultural crops.

Garden soil - the basis for the substrate

To prepare the plant mixture, soil from the garden is used, to which peat, sand, and mineral fertilizers are added, which are necessary for each type of plant. To know what is lacking in natural soil, you need to determine the structure, acidity and moisture content of natural soil.

Determination of acidity, humidity and structure of natural soil for the preparation of a room mixture. Optimization methods

Acidity can be recognized by the "wild" vegetation on the site. If field horsetail, chicken millet, horse sorrel, passerine sorrel, caustic buttercup, creeping buttercup, tricolor violet, marsh marigold, large plantain predominate, then the soil on the site sour. Field larkspur (Comfrey), lanceolate plantain, self-seed poppy, field bindweed, sprawling quinoa, white drowsiness, field mustard indicate that the soil alkaline.

Field mustard, predominant on garden plot, indicates the alkalinity of the natural soil.

More precisely, the pH level can be determined using litmus paper or an acidity meter.

To achieve a neutral reaction, add to acidic soils:

  • Lime,
  • Limestone or dolomite flour,
  • ash,
  • Eggshell.

Alkaline soil is converted using gypsum or calcium sulfate, sapropel type "B", slightly acid reaction.

An important factor of natural land, its ability to hold water, This is evidenced by the structure of the soil. The so-called weeds will help to establish it. high humidity shows such natural vegetation:

  • sweet clover white,
  • forget-me-not small-flowered,
  • swamp forget-me-not,
  • pennyroyal,
  • sedge thin,
  • sow thistle.

Grows on dry sandy soils different kinds saxifrage, stonecrop, juvenile, fat woman, creeping thyme, sapling, gerbil, etc.

Provides accurate humidity readings special device- tensiometer. By the deviation of the arrow on the color scale, the presence of moisture in the soil is determined.

  • Red - drought.
  • Orange - red - urgently needs watering.
  • Orange - a significant lack of moisture.
  • Yellow - green - lack of moisture.
  • Green - optimal humidity.
  • Blue - waterlogged.
  • Blue - excessively wet.

Sand and peat are added to reduce soil moisture. Peat and organic fertilizers are applied to dry soils.

Improving the fertility of the substrate for indoor plants by mulching, sapropel, purchased soil, earthworms

Soil fertility is improved by adding mulch, sapropel, purchased soil, earthworms.

Pebbles reduce the evaporation of moisture and decorate the plant.

Sapropel added to the soil mixture, taking into account the acidity of the base soil. different types of this unique fertilizer are used on soils of a certain type.

Purchased soils- the simplest solution for indoor floriculture. Most often, manufacturers offer a mixture of grassroots peat and mineral fertilizers. Benefits about substrate in that it is ready for planting most indoor plants and sowing seeds for seedlings. At further care requires frequent watering because pure peat quickly evaporates water. The disadvantage is the constant introduction mineral dressings, because the nutrients easily dissolve and wash out of the substrate. Among flower growers, such mixtures are popular:

  1. "Royal Mix" offered different composition for flowering and decorative deciduous plants.
  2. "Live Blend" widely used for home flowers, seedling growing, cutting rooting.
  3. "Florio's substrate for indoor plants" - a balanced mixture of mineral fertilizers based on grassroots peat, suitable for many houseplants.

earthworms they have no idea what heated debates and battles flare up between supporters and opponents of their use in indoor floriculture. If in open field- this is an indispensable participant in the formation of humus, then in a cramped room pot it will not bring any benefit. Unless you offer him a large tub or a balcony box.

Folk ways to improve soil fertility

At self-training room mixture to improve fertility in the garden soil add manure, peat, litter, compost, eggshells, sawdust, yeast.

  1. humus- 0.5 kg,
  2. peat- 2 kg in sandy soils, 1 kg in clay soils.
  3. dry bird droppings- 10 g,
  4. mullein manure, from which the slurry is prepared at the rate of 1:20, insist a week. Before entering into the soil, it is diluted 2 times. Such a solution is often used to fertilize indoor plants with further care.
  5. egg shell used to neutralize acidic soils.

Tip #2. Note! 10 g of ground shells will neutralize 10 liters of soil per pH scale unit.

Sawdust loosen heavy soils, in care they are used in the form of mulch. It is worth paying attention that only small chips are suitable for indoor floriculture, and conifers acidify the soil, therefore they are used together with ash, eggshell or dolomite flour.

Some flower growers use sleeping water to feed plants. Tea coffee, which improve the structure of the soil, evenly feed it, regulate acidity.

Sleepy coffee grounds - good feeding for soil substrate

A good supplement is sugar, which replenishes the soil with glucose. To make it beneficial, add EM - preparations, for example, "Baikal - EM -1". In its presence, sugar does not cause the growth of pathogens, but is converted into top dressing for indoor plants.

It is easier to use ready-made fertilizers that are commercially available.

Land and Soil for Houseplants: Analysis of Fertilizers for Growing Houseplants

Five popular brands

Garden shops offer big choice room mixes universal and narrow application. Here is some of them.

Name Application Peculiarities
"Bona Forte" Liquid mineral fertilizer for full growth, bright color of leaves and flowers. Several formulations are available for flowering and deciduous plants.
Stimulates and strengthens tissues, mobilizes plant immunity, compensates for the lack of substances in the soil. The brand combines narrowly targeted means for ornamental crops, separately for orchids and ficuses.
"Gumi" Organic fertilizer for any soil and plants, increases fertility, activates the growth and quality of plants. The effect is enhanced with simultaneous use with EM drugs.
"Pocon" The organomineral agent combines chemical elements nutrition and humic acids. Optimizes qualitative composition soil, provides plants with an exhaustive amount of nutrition. Balanced compositions of a narrow focus are designed for different plants.
"Fertilizer flower happiness for ..." The continuation of the name contains a purpose, for example, "stimulating flowering", which means for blooming. And so for each group of indoor, balcony and greenhouse plants

Many fertilizer brands are designed for specific plants.

A modern range of fertilizers provides indoor floriculture with the necessary nutrition for plants of all kinds.

Features of soil care for indoor plants seasonally - spring, summer, autumn, winter

Substrate care is closely related to the growth characteristics of indoor crops in different seasons.

Spring most best time for the growth of all plants. In this they need to be supported. At this time, fertilizers are applied to the soil, in which nitrogen predominates. It is this element that stimulates the growth of tissues, especially stems and leaves, which is what plants need in the spring.

Summer when activity slows down it is important to support flowers with phosphorus - potash fertilizers, they are introduced into the soil autumn.

Most fertilizers contain all three NPK elements - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Seasonal top dressing different percentage substances and trace elements.

Preventive tillage from diseases and pests

Regardless of whether the substrate is purchased from a store or prepared independently, it is advisable to disinfect it before planting. This procedure is carried out in the oven or microwave.

Ignition lasts 45 minutes at a temperature not higher than +1250, otherwise the soil is charred and becomes a poison for plants

As a result of such treatment, pathogens and pests that live in the soil die. Unfortunately, along with them, the beneficial flora that synthesizes humus is destroyed. To resume soil life, the substrate is populated with effective microorganisms, for example, "Baikal - EM - 1". This must be done no later than two weeks before planting, and preferably a month.

Rubric: "Questions and answers"

Question number 1. Do I need to disinfect the soil for indoor plants?

Answer: Yes, it is necessary. AT natural land brought from the garden, pests and diseases are always present. In limited indoor pot they are much more dangerous than in open ground. A month before planting, the substrate is calcined and populated with beneficial flora.

Question number 2. What is hydrogel for, and how to use it?

Answer: A special jelly-like polymer is added to the soil substrate to retain moisture. The hydrogel first absorbs water, and then gives it to the plant, so the intervals between waterings increase significantly.

Question number 3. What role does expanded clay play?

  1. For loosening heavy soil.
  2. For mulching the surface of the substrate.
  3. As a drainage in the lower layer when growing plants that do not tolerate stagnant water.

Thanks to different fractions of expanded clay, you can choose the material for mulching, drainage, decoration.

Question number 4. How to apply coco substrate?

Answer: 1 kg of pressed substrate increases to 15 liters when soaked. It is a complete growing medium for houseplants that contains all necessary substances.

Serious mistakes gardeners make when preparing the soil and caring for it

  1. The use of greenhouse soil in indoor floriculture. It is undesirable to use the soil of their greenhouse for indoor plants. In conditions high humidity develop fungal diseases, which are dangerous for potted crops.
  1. Use of substrate for planting immediately after heat treatment. At high temperature not only pests and diseases die, but also beneficial microorganisms. They can be restored with EM drugs, but this takes time, at least two weeks.

Succulents are plants that for a long time can do without watering, as they have the ability to store water. Caring for succulents is easy, because they are unpretentious to the conditions of detention. Although the care of succulents is simple, in order for them to develop well, it is necessary to choose the right soil. The further condition of the plants will depend on which soil for succulents to choose.

The most common succulents are:

  1. Aloe.
  2. cacti.
  3. Echeveria or.
  4. Fat woman.
  5. Kalanchoe.

All of these succulents prefer warmth and light, as well as important role plays the composition of the land in which the plants are grown.

Soil selection

What soil is needed for succulents? The soil for succulents should be light, loose, well-drained, and also well-permeable to water and air. The level of acidity is not very important for such plants.

It is best to use neutral soil for succulents, so that the acidity is neither too high nor too low. For full development, succulents need a sufficient amount of minerals.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that, for example, nitrogen fertilizing or humus, in no case should it be applied in its pure form. Usually, succulents grow rather slowly, and excessive amounts of nitrogen provoke strong growth, and eventually, the skin of the flower will crack.

To improve soil aeration, experts recommend adding coarse sand and small bricks to purchased mixtures. To avoid rotting of the root system, the earth must be well-drained so that moisture does not stagnate in the soil.

Ready substrate for succulents

If you are going to buy soil for succulents, it is very important to study its composition. Since there are a lot of varieties of these plants, and each species has its own requirements for the substrate.

The composition of the store soil for succulents includes such a component as peat. It is characterized high level acidity, which is usually reduced with dolomite flour.

The peat itself can be different: lowland and highland.

  1. Lowland peat is considered heavy, it quickly cakes. Thus, it is recommended to add baking powder to peat soil and peat - expanded clay of fine fraction and sand.
  2. The high peat land is quite light, it practically does not contain useful material, the disadvantage is that it retains moisture for a long time, and after drying it is extremely difficult to wet.

Exists a large number of ready-made mixtures for succulents, such as the Seliger-Agro or Biagro substrate. The composition of such mixtures includes high and low peat. Compost is also added to the Bereginya soil substrate. For cacti, you can purchase a ready-made Vermion mixture, which contains biohumus.

DIY soil for succulents

If you know the composition and characteristics of home flowers, then you can add to the store soil necessary components. But, professionals prefer to prepare the substrate with their own hands. The most common method of preparing a mixture is a composition of sheet, soddy soil and sand, all components must be taken in equal proportions.

For flowers with a small root system, light and loose earth is required, therefore, it is required to add to the prepared substrate, broken brick or small pebbles. Thus, a mixture is obtained, consisting of the following components:

  • sod and sheet soil - 1;
  • sand - 1;
  • broken brick or pebbles (0.5).

Brick chips can be replaced with perlite or vermiculite.

Succulents with strong and thick root systems can store water. For such flowers, a small amount of loam is added to the composition of the earth, which is represented by soddy soil. Then the proportion of the substrate will change as follows:

  1. Sheet soil - 1.
  2. Sod land - 1.5.
  3. Sand - 1.

Also for flowers that grew in nature on rocky ground, flower growers are advised to add crushed stone. In almost every substrate for succulents, you need to add a little crushed charcoal.

Proper landing and transplant

Thanks to such actions, hot steam will rise from the sand and disinfect the soil. After steaming, the earth will be cleansed of all microorganisms. A month later, after they have transplanted into such soil, it is required to carry out processing with the help of special biological preparations.

When transplanting succulents, consider the size of the pot. Its diameter should be several centimeters larger than the previous one. Young flowers should be replanted annually, adults and large plants- 1 time in three years.

For fast-growing succulents, it is best to transplant by transshipment.

Optimal transplantation in early spring, during this period of the year, plants begin intensive growth. On the bottom of the tank, it is imperative to lay drainage from fine expanded clay. You can also pour expanded clay or pebbles on top of the planting ground, this will save the root collar from rotting.

Immediately after transplanting, the plant should not be watered, it must stand for several days to adapt. It is also not recommended to water the flowers before transplanting, about a week before.


It's pretty easy at home. In the hot season, the flowers are watered abundantly 2 times a week, and additional dressings are added. AT winter season the frequency of watering is reduced to 1 time in seven days, as daylight hours decrease.

In winter, you can not moisten the plant at all, as it can go without water for a long time. When the succulent withers, it is necessary to water it.

Such flowers need sunlight. Without enough light, plants slow down growth and development. These plants can be under direct rays and the sun and nothing terrible will happen to them, since they have protective elements from excess light.

Succulents normally tolerate sudden changes in temperature. But, they have a negative attitude towards the cold. In summer, it is optimal to take the plant pot to the balcony, because there is good air circulation.

If proper care is taken for succulents and the right soil is selected for them, plants will develop and grow well at home.

How to correctly choose the composition of the earth for cacti? The choice of substrate, soil and land for planting orchids

Land for indoor flowers needs a special one so that it does not dry out quickly or, conversely, does not turn into a clay lump. This is what we will talk about today in continuation of our topic about home cultivation plants.

Before heading to garden center shopping, it is worth refreshing your knowledge about home flowers:

But back to "our sheep" - what kind of soil for indoor plants is best.
First, I’ll tell you which soil is completely unsuitable for these purposes: soil taken from a flower bed or from a garden. Loose and fertile, in a pot it tends to become stone and is completely unsuitable for the home.

For planting indoor plants you need special composition. You can cook them yourself or buy them ready-made in the store.

It is worth talking about ready-made planting mixtures (substrates), usually used for growing home flowers, in more detail.

Why ready-made soil mixes are not suitable for indoor plants

Ready-made substrates that go on sale under the proud name "Soil Mix" actually have nothing to do with the soil. They consist mainly of red (high) or black (lowland) peat with the addition of mineral fertilizers and other components (coconut fiber, vermiculite, charcoal, etc.), depending on which plants they are intended for.

What the manufacturer usually reports in small print somewhere at the bottom of the package, heading this revelation - "Composition of the mixture."

Have you ever read it?

Most of the failures in growing indoor flowers are due to the use of ready-made (read: peat) substrates.

There is no doubt, use ready-made planting soils very comfortably. No need to look for different types of soil, no need to harvest them for future use and store them in the house, occupying the space necessary for life. Compositions based on peat are light, absorb water well. On sale you can find such a hodgepodge for all types of plants. And this would be the solution to the problem for most fans, if not for one but ...

But the peat composition is unstable, it dries quickly. All peat assorted should be kept constantly wet - when dry, they hardly absorb moisture. But most of your green pets require the earth to dry out between waterings. And some of them do not tolerate excess moisture at all.

That is why a flower in such a soil substrate is easy to fill.

In peat formulations, fertilizer reaches the root system much faster than in earthen ones, but it is easily washed out during irrigation. Therefore, a few weeks after transplanting, you will have to feed the plant. Do you know that the dose of fertilizer when feeding is not always easy to determine? At the same time, it is easy to “overfeed” your pet or, conversely, make him “starve”!

Using ready substrates based on peat, you create additional difficulties for yourself.

The exception is compositions with the addition of biohumus. Humus (chernozem) is a soil rich in organic matter. Such formulations are less common and usually more expensive than peat-based substrates.

We conclude:

Land for indoor flowers should be prepared with your own hands.

Don't be scared, it's not difficult at all.

A little information about various types soil will help you figure it out.

Characteristics of garden land

It is quite porous and elastic. It can be found in the meadow closest to your home. It is enough to take a good sod (a layer of soil with grass roots, 15-20 cm deep), chop it and sift it with a sieve. Plant residues can be discarded, and what remains will be sod land.

Deciduous (leafy)

This is a light, loose and quite nutritious soil, which is formed from the annual decay of foliage and branches in a grove, in a forest or in a planting. Finding leafy soil is easiest in places with densely growing deciduous trees, in which the foliage is not removed, but remains on the surface and rots. Remove upper layer freshly fallen leaves and collect the soil that is under it, but no deeper than 10-15 cm, it is possible with the remnants of well-rotted last year's foliage.

Obtained from rotted manure. It is light, fluffy and very rich in nutrients. In the village, finding humus soil is quite easy. In the city, you can get it in greenhouses.
In its pure form, sand is used for cuttings.

It is added to all mixtures in an amount of 10-20 percent.

The best is coarse-grained river or lake sand.

We prepare the ground for indoor flowers at home

Recipe one:

Such a mixture is called heavy. This soil composition is suitable for indoor plants with thick coarse roots: dracaena, monstera, large trees.

Recipe two:

This mixture is called medium. It is suitable for plants with roots of medium thickness: aspidistra, large spathiphyllums, anthuriums, small shrubs.

Recipe three:

This mixture is called light. It is suitable for species with fine delicate roots and all herbaceous species.

Recipe Four - universal soil for indoor plants:

Useful in the event that you could not find soddy and humus soil.

In the literature for flower growers there are complex recipes with the addition of various exotic components. For example: coconut fiber, sphagnum moss, brick or marble chips, perlite, etc. It is believed that some types of flowers grow better with such additives.

But the truth is that plants are very flexible and easily adapt to other types of soil mixtures as long as they contain enough nutrients. Therefore, do not complicate your life by looking for rare soil additives. The above recipes will suit almost all your green pets.

So, the sixth secret in growing indoor plants

To avoid difficulties in caring for house plants, the ground for indoor flowers must be prepared with one's own hands according to one of the above recipes.

The coffee tree grows on soils with a slightly acidic reaction. pH 5-5.5.

  • Sod land - 40%;
  • Leaf land - 30%;
  • Sand - 20%;
  • Peat - 10%.

For seedlings up to 4 years old, such a soil composition may still be suitable: soddy land, sand, leafy land in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. These plants are transplanted 1 time per year.

For adult plants (5 - 10 years old) they also take sod land, humus, leafy soil, sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 3: 0.5. Such a soil mixture is also suitable for older plants. They are transplanted 1 time in 3-5 years.

In the photo below you will see what the components that make up the mixture look like:

sod land

leaf ground

peat land

Method of preparing the mixture

The soil mixture should be prepared in advance. Experienced gardeners prepare the soil 2 weeks before transplanting so that it settles. Disinfection by steaming or piercing in the oven is recommended.

If it is not possible to make a similar composition of the soil, then choose any Universal soil. More better fit soil mixture for azaleas, it also has an acidity pH equal to 4,5-5,5 .

To it must be added 25% sand and a little coal chips. To do this, you can use several tablets of activated charcoal.

There is information that a young cutting of a coffee tree grows very well in a mixture peat and perlite(it's such building sand) in a ratio of 1:1. When planting, this mixture should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Attention! When planting, the soil is not compacted! The earth should be light, loose, soft and not dry.

Soil enrichment with mineral fertilizers

During the active growing season (spring - summer), feeding is carried out 2 times a month with diluted fertilizer from mullein or chicken manure.

Also, once a month, the soil is fertilized. mineral fertilizers. The most suitable supplement for flowering plants or for roses.

Therefore, 2 - 3 times a month, water for irrigation should be acidified (2 - 3 drops of lemon juice per 1 liter of water).

It is very important to remember about drainage in order to prevent excess moisture in the soil.

It's important to know that with a neutral or alkaline soil reaction, the absorption of nutrients by the plant slows down. There will be a delay in the development of the tree, the leaves may turn black (necrosis will occur), the tree will not bloom.

Useful video

In the video below you will learn how to transplant a coffee tree:


The coffee tree is completely unpretentious in home care.

By choosing the right soil for planting and following the care instructions, you can long years enjoy beautiful dark green leaves, fragrant white flowers and red or purple-blue berries.

Dear visitors! Leave your comments with landing methods coffee tree and the composition of the soil in which you plant it.

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Dracaena is an unpretentious indoor plant, which even a novice grower can take care of. An important point is a flower transplant. normal growth and the healthy appearance of the plant depends entirely on what soil will be chosen. Dracaena requires a special nutritional composition.

plant description

One of the most popular indoor plants can safely be called dracaena. In appearance, the flower is very similar to a palm tree. However, they are not related. Dracaena belongs to the genus Needle and is represented huge amount varieties that differ from each other in the shape and color of the leaves, the height of the trunk. The flower comes from hot African lands.

An evergreen plant usually has a smooth and straight trunk, long and pointed leaves at the ends. The huge demand for dracaena is due not only to the peculiar appearance, but also unpretentiousness in care. Therefore, they are used in the design of apartments, offices and offices.

The optimum air temperature for the comfortable existence of a flower is 15-20 ° C. Ideally, direct Sun rays. Some varieties do not tolerate drafts. Particular attention should be paid to planned transplants. Experts recommend using special soil for dracaena for this purpose. Which one will be better? The plant "loves" the soil, the composition of which is enriched with substances useful to it.

Choosing land for dracaena

substrate for transplant false palm must have a slightly acidic reaction and a set of certain useful components. Therefore, most flower growers prefer to buy ready-made land suitable for palm trees. Not applying special efforts you can try to do it yourself suitable soil for dracaena.

Shop soil mixtures contain the following substances:

  • vermiculite;
  • middle peat;
  • sand;
  • biohumus;
  • compost.

Enriched soil allows the plant to receive the necessary substances for growth and attractive appearance.

What kind of soil does dracaena "love"?

Soil for transplanting false palm trees experienced growers can do on their own. Most often, a mixture of turf and leafy soil, sand and humus (in a ratio of 1: 1) is used for this. Experts also warn that it is extremely undesirable to use clay for growing "false palm trees".

There are also disagreements about peat. Some gardeners claim that this component absorbs moisture very quickly and practically does not give it back. Dracaena "love" wet ground. Therefore, if peat is present in the soil mixture, the plant will have to be watered more often.

Soil for dracaena (composition ready mix varies depending on the manufacturer) must necessarily have a coarse fibrous structure in order to ensure the plant develops in a timely manner and normal growth.

Find leafy ground to plant houseplant available in parks and squares. It is best to collect it under maple and birch trees. For dracaena, it is necessary to take only the top layer of soil with fallen leaves. The soil is piled up and soaked nitrogen fertilizers. After 1-2 years, the soil for dracaena will be ready for use.

Sod land can be found in meadows where cereals and clover sprout. Small plates of soil should be laid on top of each other and watered with slurry and water. After 2 years, it will be ready for planting dracaena and other indoor flowers.

Features of transplanting dracaena

What kind of soil is needed for dracaena during the first transplant? In this case, preference should be given to a purchased substrate, which has a slightly acidic reaction. It is almost impossible to adjust this indicator when using a soil mixture prepared independently.

By moving the plant to new house» It is better to do it in early spring. During this period, dracaena wake up from hibernation and begin to grow actively. The pot should be a few centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one. If the pot is too large, the water will linger in it, which will lead to the death of the flower.

Be sure to make drainage from small pebbles, small pebbles, crushed expanded clay or shards. This will prevent the accumulation of water in the lower part of the pot and protect the roots of the plant from the development of putrefactive processes.

What to do with the old earth?

When removing the dracaena from the pot, the old substrate does not need to be shaken off. flower with earthy clod transplanted into new soil.

For dracaena, it is better to choose stable pots made of clay or ceramics. It is obligatory to have perforated holes at the bottom of the container.

When transplanting dracaena, less than half of the earth is poured into a pot, then the trunk itself is placed in the center and covered with the remaining soil mixture on the sides. If the plant has damaged roots, they should be carefully trimmed. After transplanting, the flower must be watered using a small amount of fertilizer. This will help the plant adapt faster.

Many flower growers advise replanting dracaena every 2-3 years. During this time, the flower takes all the nutrients from the soil. It is easy to determine the need to change the place of life of a plant by its condition. When the flower no longer has enough minerals, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, and new ones grow very slowly.

When choosing a soil for dracaena, you should definitely pay attention to its composition. Mandatory components are substances such as biohumus, sapropel and middle peat. The first component is a waste product of earthworms. Eliminates pathogens in the ground.

Sapropel is an organic sediment formed at the bottom of water bodies as a result of the decomposition of microorganisms of plant and animal origin. The structure of the middle peat allows you to retain moisture and prevent the root system from drying out.

After transplanting into a new soil, water the dracaena 2-3 times a week. The leaves must be sprayed with a sprayer. For a speedy recovery, it is recommended to fertilize the flower with preparations such as Zircon and Epin.