Begonia tuberous when to plant after winter. Planting tuberous begonias at home: for home or open ground. Ideal conditions for germinating tuberous begonias

When buying begonia tubers in a store, inspect them carefully first. Choose only dense and smooth tubers without signs of disease and pest damage.

Healthy tuberous begonia tuber: n the lower side of the tuber has a convex surface, and on the upper (flat or concave) live intact buds should be visible.

Treatment of begonia tubers from diseases

In mid-April, that is, 3-4 weeks before planting, tuberous begonia tubers must be germinated. Before germination, treat them with a fungicide solution (Vitaros, Maxim) according to the instructions. This is necessary in order to destroy the foci of fungal diseases that could occur during storage.

Germination of begonia tubers in the ground

Pour moist soil into the tray with a layer of 4-5 centimeters and place the tubers on the surface, slightly pressing them. If it is possible to constantly maintain soil moisture, then it is better not to cover them, if this is not possible, then cover (not tightly) with polyethylene or a lid from a food container. Put in a bright and warm place.

Germination of begonia tubers in sphagnum

There are other ways to germinate begonia tubers, for example, in sphagnum. The fact is that sphagnum has a high hygroscopicity and long time retains moisture. In addition, it has disinfectant and antibacterial properties because it contains antibiotics that protect otnia tubers. As a result, there is no need for fungicide treatment.

Put sphagnum in a tray with a layer of 5-6 centimeters, cover with a clean cloth. And wet well. Drain excess water.

Spread the tubers on the surface wet tissue. Then proceed in the same way as when germinating begonia tubers in the ground.

Keep an eye on the humidity, in addition to moistening the soil to awaken the buds, it is useful to spray them from a spray gun, especially if they are in your open state.

After 2-3 weeks, small roots appear and the first shoots reach a height of 4-5 centimeters. This is a signal that tubers can be planted in a container.

Planting a tuberous begonia in a container

Tuberous begonias do best in slides or containers. Planted in a container or in a balcony box, it will decorate any corner in your garden, as well as a balcony or veranda. In addition, with the onset of cold rainy weather begonia can be moved to a bright, rain-protected place where it will delight you with its flowering.

Like almost all plants that have a tuber, tuberous begonia does not tolerate stagnant water. Therefore, at the bottom of the container, be sure to put drainage from broken brick or expanded clay with a layer of 5 centimeters. Fill the rest of the container with a light fertile mixture with a neutral reaction. Mix 1 part peat, 1 part humus, 3 parts sod or fertile garden soil and 0.5 parts sand. If you are using acidic peat, then add 1 cup of wood ash or 3 tablespoons to the mixture. dolomite flour for 5 liters of mixture. To increase the moisture capacity of the soil, it is good to add 1 cup of perlite to it.or a little crushed sphagnum. The greatest effect to increase the moisture capacity is the addition of hydrogel granules to the soil. Compact the soil so that it does not settle too much when watering. Make holes for planting in such a way that the soil mixture covers the tuber by no more than 1 cm.

Water tuberous begonias only warm water. When watering cold water thin roots die off, which negatively affects its development and flowering, although you will not immediately notice this.

The soil must be constantly kept moist. When drying earthy coma begonia growth stops, and flowers and leaves fall off.

After the end of frost, place the container in partial shade. In the sun, begonia leaves lose their decorative effect, become dull, their tips dry up, and the flowers crumble ahead of time. Especially it concerns large-flowered varieties. With strong shading, begonia stretches strongly and blooms weakly.

At the beginning of growth, feed the begonia 2-3 times nitrogen fertilizer with an interval of 7-10 days. After the tuberous begonia begins to pick up buds, feed with a complex mineral fertilizer(nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements) with the same interval.

Tuberous begonia has the most beautiful flowers of all begonias. This is perennial cannot winter outdoors in climatic conditions middle lane Russia. Therefore, its tubers have to be germinated annually in order to be able to admire the luxurious flowers of the different colors and forms. They are grown in flower beds (outdoors), in containers, hanging baskets or balcony boxes. Begonias are beautiful houseplants decorating the premises.

A herbaceous plant of the Begonia family is afraid of frost, therefore it can grow and bloom only in warm weather. This should be taken into account during the germination of tubers. If they want to plant a begonia in a flower garden at the beginning of summer, then its tubers are germinated from March, in some cases, from the beginning of April.

Planting tubers in containers

At the end of February, the rest period ends tuberous begonias. This is clearly seen from the swelling and germination of the buds of adult begonia tubers and the awakening of small nodules that overwintered in the old pots (so as not to dry out). The best time for planting begonia tubers for germination - March - early April (depending on the readiness of the tuber and the time of its acquisition). There are tubers that wake up only in April.

First of all, you need to fill shallow wide planting containers with soil mixture. The main requirement for it is nutrition and friability. Begonias thrive in a mixture of loose compost, peat and sand. It is advisable to add a little. We fill the pot not to the very top. Approximately 1/2 - 2/3 of its height or 7 - 8 cm below the top edge of the pot. After that, we compact the soil and spill it with a solution complex fertilizers for flowering plants.

While the substrate is saturated with moisture, we have time to prepare the tubers for planting. Begonia tubers are covered with the remnants of old roots like a fur coat. top can be recognized by dormant buds and traces of stems previous year. If the kidneys are almost invisible, then the tuber is left in a bright place to speed up the appearance of eyes. There is another way not to turn the tuber upside down when planting. Its convex part should be in the ground, and the concave on top.

Once again we inspect the tubers (they should not have any dubious flaws), after which we clean them of old roots and earth left over from last year. At the slightest suspicion, we disinfect the peeled tubers in a pink solution of potassium permanganate or use another sanitization option.

Some amateur flower growers plant tubers that are soaked in clean warm water beforehand. Sometimes growth stimulants are used. They believe that this awakens the tuber more actively and accelerates the appearance of shoots. Unfortunately, such water procedures may result in tissue rot.

If there are a lot of tubers, then we select the best, strongest, youngest, 5–6 cm in diameter. We plant the rest “in reserve”. Healthy large tubers can be divided into parts and later used as a full-fledged planting material. The main thing is to keep at least one viable kidney on them. To do this, they are pre-germinated in containers filled with a mixture of peat and sand. As soon as shoots begin to appear, the tubers are taken out and divided into several parts. The cuts are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or treated with green paint. They are allowed to dry, leaving for a day in a dry room at room temperature.

It is worth mentioning about old tubers, the age of which is approaching the limit (by five to six years). They are larger (8 - 9 cm) and have many buds. During the lifetime, the shape of the tuber has changed, it has become deformed, not even, but angular. Outgrowths, traces from past shoots have accumulated. It is better to divide such tubers into parts, waiting for the buds to swell in wet sphagnum or tissue.

After that, lay the tubers on the soil in landing capacity. So that the kidneys and the entire top remain uncovered by the earth. Those. when planting tuberous begonias, we put the tuber on a moist nutrient substrate, and then sprinkle it on all sides with soil mixture.

Ampelous forms do not like crowding, so it is better to plant only one tuber per pot or hanging basket. When planting those tuberous begonias, which will then be planted in a flower garden, you can use individual peat pots or other temporary containers with a diameter of about 10 - 12 cm. Planting boxes are also suitable. In them, the tubers are germinated, planted according to the scheme 7 x 7 cm or a little denser.

After the emergence of shoots

We germinate the planted tubers in a bright place at an air temperature of about 18 - 20 ° C. One more necessary condition- shading from the bright sun. The soil in the container must be moistened so that it does not dry out. Bogs in a pot of begonias also do not like and quickly rot.

Those tubers that wintered in the previous pots are rearranged in March to a warm place (about 20 ° C) and we begin to moisten the soil very carefully. As soon as the buds hatch, we rearrange the containers with tubers closer to the light, protecting them from too bright sun. I like this way of wintering tuberous begonia less. I think that those plants whose tubers wintered outside the previous pot feel better.

After about 3 weeks (sometimes earlier), fleshy shoots appear from the buds, after a month their height is already about 2 - 3 cm. The roots grow first, which begin to absorb from the soil nutrients and feed the sprouting tuber. Begonias are voracious, so they need a lot of food to bloom profusely.

The weakest shoots should be removed by sprinkling wounds wood ash or crushed tablet activated carbon(pharmacy). In large-flowered tuberous begonias, we leave a maximum of three shoots, in small-flowered begonias - up to five shoots. The number of shoots depends on the size of the tuber. In young tubers (less than 5 cm), it is better not to leave more than three shoots.

During the period of growing shoots of tuberous begonia in the house, it is important not to deplete the tubers, so top dressing acquires great importance. The best complex organic fertilizers based on mullein. Begonias are useful watering with a very weak solution boric acid(without getting on the tuber). The first time we do top dressing when the first bud appears.

From the beginning of May, we accustom tuberous begonia to the conditions open ground. To do this, we take it to a place protected from the cold, especially from frost. For example, on a veranda, a glazed balcony or on a window sill under an open window.

Ideal conditions for germinating tuberous begonias

Tuberous begonias (large-flowered, small-flowered and ampelous forms with hanging stems) can bloom from May to October. To do this, already at the stage of germination of tubers, they need to create ideal conditions.

Begonia feels best when scattered sunshine. They are comfortable at an air temperature in the range of 21 - 24 ° C, although at the stage of tuber awakening and the appearance of the first sprouts, the air temperature should not be too high. The soil (fertile, neutral or slightly acidic) is kept moderately moist. With a lack of humidity in a dry and warm (day and night) room, the begonia can twist its leaves to reduce the evaporation area. Such a simple trick as moistened sphagnum moss spread around the edge of the pot or spraying the air next to the begonia helps.

As soon as the begonias have leaves, the tubers can be completely sprinkled with earth, preventing the bases of the shoots from deepening. To be safe, I sprinkle the “crown” with sand or powder it with ash so that in a wet rainy summer the tuber did not soak and did not rot.

We take tuberous begonias from the house to the site

So far, there are no such tuberous begonias that would not be afraid of frost. Therefore, they are planted on the site only after the end spring frosts. In case of unexpected cold snaps, tuberous begonias are insulated or temporarily transferred containers with them to a protected place.

The landing site should be light, light shading is also suitable. dangerous strong wind, breaking fragile fleshy shoots loaded with flowers. I saw luxurious flower beds in which collections were collected different varieties tuberous begonias. Near many bushes there were imperceptible supports. They were selected taking into account the height and degree of growth of begonias.

Young begonias bloom later than adults. A begonia with a good tuber often blooms as early as two months after the appearance of the first shoots.

Tuberous begonias with growing shoots need nutrition. They adore top dressing with water infusion of mullein, love ash and respond well to the introduction of boron and magnesium.

There is one "nuance" associated with the choice of container for tuberous begonias. I don't trust clay pots small size, especially if they are not completely covered with glaze. Caring for plants in them is troublesome: the soil dries out faster, on sunny place root system often overheats, and it is much more difficult to remove a plant that has stuck to the walls of such a pot during transplantation than from a plastic container. In addition, there is usually a disproportionately small drain hole at the bottom of such pots.

Another thing is voluminous and wide clay flowerpots (pots, boxes), in which, as on small flowerbed you can plant several tuberous begonias at once. If they don't have enough drain holes, then it is better to put this container in a place protected from rain so that after a rainstorm a puddle does not form in it. The large volume of this dish saves from the problems that inevitably arise in small clay pots per plant.

Tuberous begonias, according to my observations, are best grown in plastic containers with large quantity holes on the bottom. The volume of the pot can be adjusted by the height of the drainage layer.

Flowering tuberous begonias look wonderful in raised beds, in flowerpots near the house and in hanging baskets. But in the flowerbed among others bright colors they are sometimes lost. Especially after rain or watering from a hose, when water drops spoil or knock down luxurious flowers. Tuberous begonia is a plant that is worth admiring, and not planting it “to the heap”.

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Tuberous begonia is a plant with a pronounced dormant period. And now, closer to spring, our tubers are starting to wake up.

The awakening of different tubers can occur unevenly, with a large gap in time.

It is very important not to miss this moment, to prevent the begonia buds from waking up in the dark and sprouting with thin clarified lashes. Therefore, we regularly look through our sleeping begonia tubers. Ideally, we should have time to expose the begonia tuber when its buds look like this:

Begonia tubers are placed on moistened sphagnum and in a very bright place. Begonia should receive a lot of light immediately, from the moment of awakening, in order for its shoots to initially form strong. In addition to good lighting, temperature is important for the awakening and harmonious development of the begonia bush. Ideally, it is 10-15 degrees. At such a low temperature, begonias will germinate and develop more slowly, but with better quality.

I do not plant begonia tubers with newly awakened buds immediately in a pot with a substrate because the tubers at this stage of development do not yet have roots. At all. The roots will begin to appear when the kidney wakes up confidently (and it can sit in the same state sometimes for quite a long time - this is all individually for each tuber), and when the first leaves appear. Here at this stage:

Now you can and should plant a begonia tuber in a pot with a substrate. As you can see in the photo, I do not bury the tuber at this stage of growth, it is still not covered with the substrate from above. I'm waiting for those shoots that woke up last to grow a little. However, if a begonia tuber has many buds (more than five), then not all of them can start growing. Some will stop growing and subsequently die. Therefore, as soon as the older shoots reach a height of 7-10 cm, I cover the begonia tubers with a substrate of about 2 cm.

I described my way of awakening and starting tuberous begonias. But that doesn't mean it's the only correct way.

Some flower lovers do much the same as I do, while others have a different way of caring for awakening begonia tubers. For example, many people plant awakened begonia tubers immediately into a pot, without waiting for the roots to appear. At the same time, they completely cover the begonia tuber with the substrate - they do not wait for the shoots to grow. This method also has its pros and cons. The advantage is that less work. It's easier. The downside is that some not the strongest shoots that would have a chance to survive, with this method, lose a significant part of these chances. But a large number of we need shoots only if we want to subsequently remove the extra ones for reproduction. And so on the plant for its harmonious development it is enough to leave three shoots.

I wish you a successful spring start with begonias!

You can watch what is happening in our greenhouses on our video channel:

You can view the catalog of tuberous begonias and choose something for yourself here:

From the beginning of November to the end of February, begonia is at rest.: at this time, she is gaining strength after an active growing season, i.e. flowering and active development. How this plant "overwinter" will depend on its further growth, so it is important to provide all the necessary conditions for this: significantly reduce watering, stop, greatly reduce the illumination - all that will be discussed below.

If any of the conditions are not met during the dormant period, then it is more likely that it will not bloom when the time comes for this, because it simply cannot replenish all reserves and gain strength.

During the dormant period, the begonia stem remains green, so you need to carefully monitor when it stops blooming to find out when it will hibernate and start preparing for this period.

How to care at home?

Begonia is a heat-loving plant, so its preparation for winter is an important task., requiring an urgent decision, because its further flowering depends on how the dormant period passes.

But it is also important to provide conditions for this plant if it is grown at home. If a begonia with large tubers bloomed in a pot, then it can be left in it for the winter.

You can find out how to care for begonia after purchase, or you can read about what kind of care a flower growing in a pot needs.


In winter, watering is less common than in summer or spring., while it is still impossible to allow the substrate to dry out, because this is fraught with the death of the tuber, and stagnation of moisture at the bottom of the pot - rotting. The plant itself should “notify” about the lack of moisture: after the soil dries 1 - 2 cm from the surface.

Temperature and Humidity

A begonia left in its pot for a dormant period can be kept at room temperature, but the best option will be the coolest place in the apartment (balcony) or house (basement).

But, as a rule, with the beginning heating season the air in the apartments becomes dry. Containers with germinated tubers are placed closer to the light, watering is limited, the maintenance temperature is about 18 ° C. Tubers germinate quite slowly and unevenly. First of all, they take root.

top dressing

Plant fertilization should be done only during the growing season (from late spring to early autumn), and this should not be done in autumn and winter, unless, of course, the type of begonia grown is not blooming in winter. In this case, you need 1 time per week with a solution of mineral concentrate.


This plant, like many others, does not like direct sunlight even during the flowering period, therefore, during the dormant period, it is necessary to provide twilight or a very small amount of diffused light (it all depends on where the plant is located).


In October, the begonia stops flowering and the aerial part begins to die off., and it is at this time that 1–2 cm of shoots should be left, carefully cutting them off with sterile scissors, as soon as it is clear that the plant is no longer blooming.

As soon as the begonia leaves fall off, it is necessary to stop watering it!

How to save a flower in an apartment?

From the very beginning of November until the end of February, begonias are at rest, i.e. gain strength after flowering. And during this period tubers different sizes saved differently:

  • Young tubers emerging from seeds should be in a moderately lit and cool place, they need rare watering. But if it is not possible to dig out a small tuber, then it can also be left in a pot, while cutting off the ground part.
  • Large tubers that bloomed in pots, after the shoots dry out, remain in them and are placed in a cool place, their withered aerial part is cut off so that 1–3 cm remains.
  • Begonias that bloomed in the open ground, after digging (this should be done after flowering is over), are stored in dry peat or sand and cleaned in a cool place, and at the end of the dormant period they are taken out for germination.

The probability of shrinkage of young tubers of small size is greatly increased if they are stored under the conditions prescribed for large tubers. Therefore, their it is recommended to pull out the tubers of the container in which they grew and place them in dry soil or sand.

Can you help welcome spring?

In March or early April, a home-grown plant begins to wake up, so during this period of time it can already be moved to a cool window sill, where it will get used to bright lighting, while avoiding northern window sills.

After a few days, you can begin to increase the amount of water during watering. She must be room temperature, settled. At this time, while the begonia is getting used to the new conditions, its tuber will begin to germinate, and it will gradually begin to bloom. This is all that needs to be done to help the flower wake up if it has hibernated in a pot. How to properly grow, water and care for begonia so that it blooms longer, we told.

If in winter the tuber of the plant was stored in soil or sand, it must be planted for germination: planting in containers with a wet substrate according to the 5x5 scheme, or immediately into individual pots (read how to choose a pot and plant a begonia). Boxes or pots where tubers are germinated should be moderately watered, and also placed in a room with a temperature of 16-17 degrees.

Germinated tubers can be transplanted into open ground only when the stem grows and leaves appear on it, i.e. about 2 to 3 weeks later.

During the dormant period, begonia does not require absolutely no attention at all., so make it so that next year she delighted you with her bright and elegant colors very simply. And it doesn’t matter who is doing it: a beginner in this business or experienced gardener.

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Large and bright flowers tuberous begonias can become a worthy decoration for any garden or balcony. Abundant flowering at home lasts from May to October. In decorative floriculture, several types of begonias are used (, etc.), but this article discusses tuberous begonia. How to plant this plant in open ground and at home - more on this in the article below.

How to choose a begonia tuber?

in the majority garden centers begonia tubers go on sale by the end of January. In order to choose the right tuber, inspect it: it should have a dark brown uniform cover without light spots. If the tuber has mold, other suspicious spots or visible damage, you should not take it.

The size of the tuber must be at least 4 cm in diameter. note that convex part tubers - this is his bottom - bottom. On the the upper part of the nodule is a recess, and it is there that one should look for the awakened kidneys.

ON THE PICTURE:Usually the size of the tuber depends on the variety. However, too large can be old and hollow - they should not be chosen. Young plants bloom much better and are less susceptible to disease.

When choosing a tuber, it is important to check its weight - too light will not work. Planting a begonia tuber having optimal weight and size, will allow you to get healthy and beautiful plants. A light tuber may be too dry, germinate late, or not sprout at all!

In January and early February, most tubers are still in hibernation, so you need to choose them with special care, especially if you do not know how to wake up begonia tubers after winter. Tubers purchased at the end of February and March should have awakening buds.

ON THE PICTURE:Buds that have a pinkish-purple hue are characteristic of varieties with red and orange flowers. In white and pale pink varieties, the eyes are greenish-white.

It is undesirable to acquire tubers with already regrown shoots (stems).

ON THE PICTURE:It may seem that a tuber with a regrown stem will develop faster. However, such a sprout appeared in inappropriate conditions and subsequently often dies off. Give preference to tubers that are just starting to wake up.

So, in your basket you have a healthy and large tuberous begonia. Planting and caring for a young plant begins in February.

If you purchased the tuber too early, you can keep it in the refrigerator for a while, wrapping it in several layers of newspaper.

Planting a Begonia Tuber - Basic Steps

Drug treatment

Immediately before the planting of begonia tubers begins, they should be soaked in a growth stimulator (Epin, Zircon, Stimulus, etc.) according to the instructions. In order to further protect them from rotting, treat the tubers with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a fungicide ("", "", "", etc.). These activities are generally important for all corms, and tuber begonia is no exception (how to plant the rest of corms can be found in our Encyclopedia).

After processing, the tubers can be laid out in rows in pallets filled with a moist substrate (peat, sand, cotton cloth, table napkins, toilet paper), cover with a film and put in a warm place for rooting. Remember to ventilate the containers and keep them moist. There are tubers that germinate for a long time. Be patient.

Planting tuberous begonias at home in separate bowls should be scheduled for March or the end of February, when the nodules give noticeable roots.

ON THE PICTURE: If you got a too "shaggy" tuber, remove some of the old roots and dried soil before planting. It will be easier for young roots to break through.

Soil for planting begonias

After germination, we plant begonia tubers in specialized soil designed specifically for begonias.

You can try to make a mixture yourself. The proportions are as follows: two parts of leafy soil, one - humus, one - peat, one part of sand (2: 1: 1: 1). The plant prefers fertile soil, the reaction of which is slightly acidic.

Choosing a container for planting begonias

Planting a tuberous begonia at home begins with choosing a container that best meets the requirements of the plant. For planting, it is worth taking a wide, but shallow pot - the root system of the plant is superficial, the roots will not go deep, but there should be enough space in breadth. Choose a container of at least three liters. There must be good drainage.

If you are going to transfer the begonia to the garden in the future, you can plant it in small liter pots with a diameter of 12 cm.

Getting Started Planting Tuberous Begonias

Often, growers recommend planting a begonia tuber to a depth of 5 cm. However, it would be better if you plant it so that the buds are visible. To do this, a small depression is made in well-moistened soil, and then the nodule itself is placed and slightly pressed into it.

ON THE PICTURE: When planting, the edges of the begonia tuber should rise about 0.5-1 cm above the soil surface.

You need to pour the soil as the shoots appear and grow.

Tuberous begonia care after planting

After the planting of begonia tubers, pots or on a light windowsill has been completed, but not straight Sun rays . Watering is done moderately so as not to soak the tubers themselves. They also do not tolerate overdrying the soil. Watering can be increased when leaves appear on the planted tuberous begonia, but it should be watered sparingly and best in a pan.

Figuring out how to plant a begonia tuber correctly is only half the battle (albeit a rather important one). Further, the plant must be provided with proper care during the entire growing season. The temperature of the content should be + 16–18 ° С, and the air should be sufficiently humid (40–50%).

tributary fresh air rich carbon dioxide, will accelerate the growth of begonias. At the same time, do not forget to shade them from the bright sun, to which young plants are very sensitive.

ON THE PICTURE: Arrange the tubers so that there is enough space between them for watering. When watering from above, moisten the soil directly, in no case should water fall into the recess on the tuber!

How to feed tuberous begonia?

Tuberous begonias are responsive to feeding. But they begin to feed the plants only after the growth of the shoots begins, and the tuber is completely covered.

  • The first top dressing is done with a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. for healthy growth leaves (for example, "Agricola" for decorative leaves or "Azofoska").
  • The second time begonia is fertilized in the budding phase with complex mineral fertilizer.

Tuberous begonia: how to plant plants in the ground in the garden?

Begonia is very thermophilic, so you wait for the end of spring frosts (end of May - beginning of June). Pre-harden off the plant by placing the pots in the shade outdoors during the daytime. During hardening, tuberous begonias may fall leaves (this is normal).

To increase immunity during the adaptation period, young plants can be treated with Epin or Immunocytophyte.

ON THE PICTURE:Young shoots of tuberous begonia grow quite quickly in the first days. However, wait for the air and soil to warm up for planting in open ground.

Tuberous begonia: planting and care after disembarkation

If you plan to plant a begonia in a flower bed, then choose a semi-shady place for it with a drained, light and fertile soil. But keep in mind: it is much more convenient to provide necessary care and choose suitable soil for plants planted in individual containers. Therefore, even as a garden decoration, begonia is best kept in a container culture.

The planting distance is determined depending on the variety: 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm or 30x30 cm. After planting the begonia, mulch the soil around the tuber and sprinkle it with ash.

If you follow these simple steps for planting and caring for a young tuberous begonia, it will delight you with its flowering throughout the second half of summer and early autumn. Good luck!