Security car alarm sherkhan. SCHER-KHAN car alarm with auto start: setup and description. Setting the panic mode

Transmitters-keyfobs for signaling SCHER systems KHAN - Sher Khan

The question of how to protect the car from direct encroachments of unkind people is always at the forefront of the agenda. There is no need to invent anything extraordinary. It is important to choose an anti-theft alarm system for your car that meets modern standards of quality and reliability. And the incredibly easy-to-use pager SCHER KHAN is a real find in maintaining the comfort and tranquility of car owners.

Benefits of using the SCHER KHAN pager - Sherkhan

Keychain pager has a stylish appearance with liquid crystal display. If you have two cars, and they are equipped with similar anti-theft systems, it is possible to control another car with the main key fob. The ability to control the anti-theft system of the car with the engine on (in the absence of a key in the ignition). There is a function that allows you to save the energy of the pager's batteries, increasing their life several times. The car parking time is monitored with subsequent notification. Keychain SCHER KHAN - Sher Khan is equipped with a function that locks the buttons to prevent unauthorized pressing (in the event of an alarm).The main functions of the key fob-pager SCHER KHAN - Sher KhanThe state of the anti-theft system is constantly displayed on the pager screen. With the alarm function, it is possible to start the system at a specified time. Special encoding allows you to protect the system from scanning and electronic hacking. Commands executed from the key fob are accompanied by information notifications on the display. The key fob is equipped with a vibration device, as well as a display backlight function. The working distance between the machine and the pager is about two thousand meters. The pager monitors the condition of the car's battery. The pager has the ability to constantly inform you about the climate in the car, and also performs the function of a chronometer. In case of loss or breakdown of the pager SCHER KHAN - Sherkhan site http: // site provides you with the opportunity to select and purchase it.

Alarm key fob repair

In stock and under the order components for car alarms, basic and additional key rings, keyfob express repair parts, LCD display, keyfob housing, protective glass, micro buttons, etc.).

We make warranty and post-warranty repairs, key fobs, car alarm units (replacement of the display, case, buttons, etc.).

Feedback in the alarm system allows the owner to quickly receive information about the car when intruders commit any illegal actions. Read about how to install a Sherkhan alarm in a car.

Consider a real situation: your car has sensors installed all over the area, and someone hit the fender of the car badly. The result of this incident will be an instant message to the keychain. If it also has an LCD display, you will see what part of the car is affected.

Important! Simple alarm without feedback, it would simply turn on the siren.

However, the feedback properties are not limited to this. The most advanced models constantly exchange messages between the controller on the key fob and the control unit in the car. The result is that any code grabber is useless in such a situation.

Naturally, most models of Sherkhan alarms have feedback. Due to the increased activity of car thieves, developers have to come up with more and more new ways of protection.

Separately, you need to talk about the autorun system present in the Sherkhan alarms. It allows you to warm up the engine before you get behind the wheel. While at home with a cup of tea, you can instruct the car to autostart and even turn on the air conditioner.

Alarm Sherkhan Magikar

This series is one of the most popular on the market, now the 14th model is gaining popularity, but SCHER-KHAN MAGICAR 10 still holds the palm of spectator sympathy. At one time it was a real breakthrough in the world of alarms. Even now, this Sherkhan alarm system has an impressive list of features, here are the main ones:

  1. Slave mode - allows you to control the Sherkhan alarm from a distance.
  2. Ability to control two cars with one key fob.
  3. Tachometer sensor.
  4. Connectivity additional sensors.
  5. Improved energy saving.
  6. Parking timer.
  7. Possibility of blocking buttons.
  8. Alarm.

Certainly, this is far from full list those opportunities that the Sherkhan signaling can give. One of its main advantages is its low price.. Also, one cannot ignore such a function as connecting to the CAN bus.

An adapter is built into the processor unit. It allows you to quickly and without any difficulties install the Sherkhan alarm. Modern technical solutions greatly simplify the installation process. Therefore, every driver can install an anti-theft system. True, for this you will have to spend at least a day.

As a result, you can install the Sherkhan alarm even in the most difficult places car. Not surprisingly, it is extremely difficult for car thieves to cope with the detection of this brand's anti-theft system. At correct installation finding the right wires will take so much time that any intruder will simply run away.

Speaking of others specifications signaling "Sherkhan", then the range of the transmitter cannot be ignored - it is as much as 2 kilometers. In addition, here is implemented reliable system encryption, which guarantees the stability of the signal within the city.

Attention! The coding algorithm varies from signal to signal. As a result, intellectual hacking is useless.

With each new version alarm systems "Sherkhan" of the "Magikar" series receive new functions that allow you to manage with great convenience anti-theft system. The tenth version of the key fob has such functions as:

  • Displays the status of the sensors installed on the machine.
  • Two channels of information transmission - one for removal protective mode, another to enable.
  • Commands are confirmed by sound and visual signals.
  • There is a vibration mode.
  • Screen backlight.
  • Determining the temperature inside the cabin.
  • The key fob also shows the status of the vehicle's battery and accumulator.

Of course, this list of functions cannot be called impressive, but it is more than enough to ensure that the car is properly protected. Much bigger interesting opportunities for the driver provides a processor unit, more precisely, it is he who is the brain of the car. The device is capable of performing functions such as:

The shock sensors included are two-level and are considered one of the most sensitive in their series. But in order for them to be able to adequately recognize the danger, it is necessary to configure them.

Alarm setting Sherkhan Magikar 10

It all starts with programming the CAN module, perhaps this is the most milestone work. First, determine the firmware number. This information is located on the side central block. If you want the climate system to work together with the Sherkhan alarm, connect CN11 to the orange wire of the car network.

Attention! Some machines do not have the ability to connect to the CAN port. To remove this limitation, you will need a repair cable.

A special role in setting up the Sherkhan alarm is played by programming functions. Let's start by setting the settings for automatic closing glass when switching to armed mode. To do this, you need to reprogram function 2-4 to position 3. After you do this, you no longer have to think about whether you closed all windows before setting the protective mode.

Be sure to take a few minutes and set the windows to close automatically. According to statistics, most car thieves use this oversight of drivers to get inside.

There are also a number of other important functions with which you can start programming the Sherkhan alarm:

  1. To activate SLAVE mode set function 2-14 to 2.
  2. To disable the return to armed mode, you will need to set f1-8 to position 3. This will allow you to forget about the constant return of the system to the protected mode after disabling.
  3. Ф 1-1 transfer to position 3. This will avoid triggering the Sherkhan alarm when you open the trunk with a command from the key fob even when the security mode is on.
  4. An important advantage signaling "Sherkhan" is that it can be trained. Therefore, one of the first things you should do is to start the engine on idling. In this case, you need to hold the VALET button for about two seconds. The hazard warning light should turn on and off. After that, you need to release the key, wait 5 seconds, and press it again for 4 seconds. One siren signal will announce the successful completion.

Of course, there are a number of other instructions in the manual. important points, but these points will help you with maximum comfort use the purchased device.

Operation of the alarm system Sherkhan Magikar 10

Let's start with the simplest, namely arming the car, for this you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Turn off the engine and close all doors, including the trunk, hood, and so on.
  2. Find the button with number 1 on the key fob, click on it. After that door locks should be locked up. This activates the starter lock.
  3. If the installation is successful, the siren will sound, the alarm lamp will flash, the headlights will flash, the key fob will respond.

The sensors will turn on 30 seconds after the mode is activated.

Alarm Sherkhan Logicar

The Sherkhan company produces many alarms of different specifications. At the same time, she is famous for two well-known series: "Magicar" and "Logicar". There is also a UNIVERSE series, but it is not yet so popular in the domestic market.

A series of car alarms "Magikar" from the company "Sherkhan" currently has 14 models. The lineup Logicar is more modest. There are only 6 full-fledged products and two special editions. The latest and most advanced in technical terms is considered Logicar alarms 6i. Nevertheless, the most popular version is the one in the abbreviation of which there is a unit, which will be discussed further.

Alarm "Logicar 1" from the company "Sherkhan" has similar technical properties with the device "Magikar 10". But there are, of course, some differences. For example, the radius of the transmitter is one and a half kilometers.

The loss of 500 meters affected the price, you can buy the Sherkhan Logicar 1 alarm for 5,000 rubles. The AES-128 encryption system is used to protect the signal. This makes the system immune to intellectual hacking.

The display has a high contrast, thanks to which you can easily track all the processes that occur with the car. Additionally this device from the company "Sherkhan" is able to display the following parameters:

  • engine temperature,
  • battery charge,
  • the time the engine has been running during automatic start.

The Sherkhan alarm keychain has an ultraviolet coating and is not afraid of scratches. High-strength plastic avoids cracks and chips even when dropped. There are four function keys for control. Programming can be carried out directly from the key fob.

By carrying out each command, the driver will receive audiovisual confirmation. There is also a function to control two cars at once. It's worth saying that this alarm"Sherkhan", despite its low cost, has a number of significant advantages, including:

  • private idintifier,
  • disabling protection in two steps,
  • Turbo mode and JackStop,
  • work with petrol and diesel engines,
  • installation both on cars with automatic transmission and manual transmission.

You can set the time auto start for signaling "Sherkhan". It will automatically run every few hours. But to make it possible this function must be activated once every 24 hours.

If we talk about the rules of operation, then they are similar to the Magikar 10 alarm. It is worth noting that all Sherkhan alarms have a similar tuning algorithm. Except for some technical nuances. If we talk about the rules of operation, then they are almost the same.


The Sherkhan company has been producing multifunctional alarms for many years. affordable price. For 5-7 thousand, you can purchase a system that will be equipped with autorun and feedback. Installation is carried out both independently and in a service center.

Car alarm Sherkhan appeared on the domestic market back in 1995. The owner of this very popular automotive brand security systems is an Russian company"Mega-F Capital".

The popularization of the Sherkhan alarm for a car became possible thanks to the constant introduction the latest technologies and expansion of the range on the part of the manufacturer. Today, these are advanced security systems that can protect a person's vehicle through numerous solutions.

Setting instructions

Many people, acquiring this or that model car alarm, may encounter difficulties in its installation and correct setting. The car alarm manufacturer Sherkhan tried to make it as easy as possible to solve such problems by adding detailed instructions to the package of his products.

The main stages of this process, for all types of such devices, are:

  1. Placement of the panic button. Initially, you need to choose the right place. It should be Smooth surface, which is at least surrounded by metal elements from all sides, capable of extinguishing the signal. After that, the actual installation takes place. Most often, good superglue is used for this purpose, and the quality of fixation must be checked.
  2. Receiver installation. Manufacturers recommend using the front panel to install this element. vehicle or the space below it. For fixing, the same superglue is used.

All modern models car alarms from this manufacturer are equipped with LCD screens, so further system setup usually does not cause any problems - just read the attached instructions and repeat necessary actions on the screen. In addition, if difficulties still arise, you can always set up a similar system at the nearest service station.

All car alarm models Sherkhan

One of the advantages of this brand is the ability to choose the right product from a fairly impressive range.


Features of the Scher-Khan UNIVERSE alarm system:

  • Access to the manufacturer's remote server for full technical support.
  • Remote control of the vehicle and obtaining the necessary information about the vehicle systems at a distance of up to one and a half kilometers.
  • Has integration into Russian system GLONASS.


Features of the Scher-Khan LOGICAR model:

  • Multifunctional key fob with LCD screen and signal interception protection.
  • The presence of a programming system for starting the power unit of the vehicle at a certain time.
  • Remote control at a distance of up to one and a half kilometers.

The system works great in extreme temperature conditions and is designed for vehicles with diesel and gasoline power units.


The main advantages of the Scher-Khan CANYON option:

  • Possibility of visual or sound accompaniment of incoming information.
  • Impact resistant housing.
  • Protection against signal interception and functionality at a distance of up to 1500 meters.

In addition, this option allows you to individually program access to the central locking of the machine.


The Scher-Khan MAGICAR system today is one of the best on the domestic market in terms of a number of characteristics. In your segment this model gives a hundred points ahead of the best foreign analogues.

The main features of the Sherkhan Magikar model:

  • A specially protected communication channel is used to exchange information and orders with the vehicle.
  • All the required information is immediately sent to the system's key fob screen.
  • It is possible to program the start of a gasoline or diesel power unit at a certain time.
  • The presence of special shock sensors, giving additional protection- information is received by the owner even before the car thieves get into the car interior.
  • The ability to control not only the car engine, but also other equipment. For example, air conditioning and so on.

All these features make the system, which is popularly called Sherkhan 5, the undisputed leader among car alarms in the domestic market.


Benefits that a person who uses Scher-Khan model TAIGA:

  • Designed for use in special vehicles - on buses, trucks and so on.
  • Allows you to protect not only the car itself, but also the cargo that is in it.
  • The working distance is up to two kilometers.


Advantages Scher-Khan MEDIA ONE:

  • The set includes two types charger for key fob batteries. One provides for recharging through the network, the second - through electrical system car.
  • The ability to start the car engine.
  • All information is presented on a high quality OLED screen.

CAR MONITOR... and your hand is always on the pulse of your car!

Car theft statistics convinced most car owners of the need to use specialized security systems. At the same time, the experience of their application revealed a number of "bottlenecks". One of them is the inability to determine the source of the alarm system.

How to determine why your car began to "cry for help"? It is good if the car is in the zone of direct visibility. You can check its status by simply looking out the window. But what if the car is not visible, if it is located somewhere around the corner of the building or hidden by dense vegetation? The situation becomes much more complicated when it happens at night. To solve this problem, motorists use remote alarm notification devices (pagers).

Unfortunately, most of these devices have a number of disadvantages:

  • short range
  • low information content
  • lack of information about the location or exit from the transmitter coverage area
  • weak receiver channel

The CAR MONITOR vehicle condition monitoring system successfully solves all of the above problems and has a number of advantages over similar devices.

High information content.

Status information 5 protection zones(doors, engine start, hood, trunk, two-level shock sensor) is displayed on the LCD screen of the receiver, duplicated by a sound and (or) vibration signal.

Constant control over being in the coverage area.

The transmitter constantly sends alert signals to the receiver, which displays the signal strength on its display.

Large range.

The receiver of the system is able to "see" the transmitter at a distance of up to 1 km (800 meters in urban areas).

Ergonomic design.

The pager is small in size and is equipped with a convenient plastic holder and a carabiner.

Scher-Khan Car Monitor

The Car Monitor system is absolutely new development in area car accessories and security systems, which represents not even today, but rather the future in the field of automotive security systems. It is difficult to call this security system just a car pager, Car Monitor is the most sophisticated electronic device that can display high quality new level any available security system, or work independently to guard your car.

Systems trademark Scher-Khan, which includes Car Monitor, are known for their information content and unique radio channel parameters that can provide communication between processing unit and key fob at a distance of more than 600 meters.

The technical excellence of Car Monitor is so great that many manufacturers specializing in the production of security systems are not yet capable of producing such products on their equipment.

Service functions:

  • The receiver has a built-in alarm clock.
  • Loud alarm signal with the ability to select a melody or use the vibration of the body.
  • Illumination of the liquid crystal display.
  • Using a standard AAA battery as a battery for the receiver and displaying its discharge on the screen.

When operating security alarm systems from one manufacturer, it is noticeable that the activation algorithms for individual functions are similar for different models. This statement is confirmed by the Sherkhan signaling. The models differ in functionality, but at the same time they have uniform settings algorithms.

Functionality of the security system

Security systems are widely used due to the use of a secure radio channel with a long transmission distance - up to 2000 meters. Information is exchanged between the processor unit and the key fob switch. The Sherkhan car alarm works successfully on cars with automatic transmission or “mechanics”, in a 12 V circuit. The system has the following levels of protection:

  • processor - IP-40, which provides for installation in the car;
  • siren - IP-65 with installation in the engine compartment away from heated surfaces.

Before using the Scher khan Magicar complex, you should read the instructions in order to study the basic functionality.

Functionality of key fobs

The control elements include a multifunctional block with 4 control buttons and the ability to control operating modes and the status of alarms and auto systems.

Among the main functions of the controls, the following positions of magicar stand out:

  1. Interception protection system code signals.
  2. Synchronization of readings of all control key fobs involved in the work.
  3. The presence of two control channels.
  4. Low battery indication and a power save function.
  5. Battery level monitoring.
  6. Programming of all functions from the control key fob.
  7. Talkback level indication.
  8. Car interior temperature control.
  9. Engine timer indication when working with autorun or Turbo mode.
  10. Other helper function (current time, parking timer).

The key fob automatically reminds the owner of certain events, which is accompanied by vibration, sound or visual indication

Processor operating functions

The processor unit for providing work has extended functionality. At the same time, it is convenient to present the main features in the combined groups:

  1. Car security mode. Assumes manual or automatic statement for protection. When choosing the option of how to turn off the alarm, direct deactivation or gradual deactivation using a personal identification code is allowed.
  2. Engine guard with running engine. This mode is used when the car is warming up, when it is left for a short time.
  3. Autorun mode allows you to give commands to start at certain time intervals, or based on the specified parameters (temperature in the cabin or cooling system).
  4. Programming individual parameters . The mode allows you to set the alarm operation conditions for certain conditions and situations.
  5. Special modes of use. Anticipate unusual situations.

The security complex Sher khan magicar allows you to set the necessary alerts for the owner of the car, regarding the state of protection, the operating parameters of the car and the alarm.

Technical features

Before use, it is important to know some technical features Sherhan. Alarms are transmitted as the following signals:

  • siren work ( sound signal, sounds continuously, 30 sec.);
  • visual signal(works through alarm, sounds for 30 seconds intermittently with a frequency of 1 Hz);
  • radio signal (works through a dedicated channel, the sound is intermittent at a frequency of 0.08 Hz for 40 seconds).

To protect electrical circuits from damage, including with directional action, some equipment protection measures are provided:

  • delayed action fuses with automatic operation;
  • internal protection transistors;
  • directional diodes email current (when changing polarity);
  • current-burning resistors;
  • surge protection electric current.

The alarm system operates under the conditions of ensuring the following physical parameters:

  1. Temperature Range: from - 40 °С to + 85 °С.
  2. Equipment supply voltage: 9-18 V.
  3. Current consumption: 20-35 mA.

The power supply of the alarm control units, according to the operating instructions, is provided by:

  • working unit - 12 V from the battery;
  • key fob switch– 1.5 V via standard element AAA nutrition;
  • key fob- 6 V through batteries with the index CR-2025.

For the normal use of the signaling capabilities, one should not only know the purpose of the individual Magikar keys in accordance with the manual, but also establish the order of their activation.

How to use key fobs

To master the activation of modes, we use symbol key fob keys:

  • key I - a symbol of a closed lock;
  • key II - a symbol of an open lock;
  • button III - a symbol of an open trunk;
  • button IV - question mark.

When the modes are activated, short (0.5 sec.) and long (about 2 sec.) presses of the control keys are used. Below, a long press is represented with the symbol "-". Popular buttons and their combinations:

  • key I (protection activation, alarm termination, start blocking, car search);
  • key II (disarming, opening doors, duplicating other commands of button I);
  • key III (display activation);
  • key IV (checking the state of the security complex);
  • I "-" (activation of the "Panic" mode, forced engine stop);
  • II "-" (interception of an ignition attempt - Pit-Stop mode);
  • III "-" (opening only the trunk);
  • I + III (activation of the Valet mode);
  • I+IV (enable/disable shock sensor);
  • II + IV (activation / deactivation of the self-start timer);
  • II + III "-" (using the "Hands free" mode);
  • III+IV "-" (setting a personal identification code);
  • I + IV "-" (activation of the programming mode).

Active use possible modes increases the efficiency of the car alarm Scher Khan, increases the degree of security of the car.

Basic operating modes

The task of the required mode is carried out from the programming menu also using the key fob. Please note that the current time task allows you to use the autostart timer, parking timer. As an example, the order of programming the following modes can be given:

  1. Programming. The transition is carried out by a combination of buttons I + III "-". Confirmation of entry through the indication "Pro 9".
  2. Time setting. In programming mode, the transition is automatic. The time indicators flash, use the I and II keys to set the current time.
  3. Autorun mode. Called by the IV key. “Timer” flashes, use the I and II keys to set the autorun time.
  4. Owner's call. Activated with the IV button. The handset symbol appears on the screen. Enable/disable the function by pressing the I key.
  5. Exit programming. Becomes available after pressing the IV key. A tone signal confirms the exit.

Please note that the time of use active function does not exceed 15 seconds. In the passive state, the transition to the normal mode is carried out.

Some additional features

Security system Scher-khan Magicar by analogy with Logikar, it has some additional functions:

  1. Parking timer. It is activated by double short pressing of button III.
  2. Turning off the siren. During the night period, a short simultaneous pressing of the I+II keys activates the function.
  3. Valet mode. Provides door opening without starting the engine. It starts working after a joint short press of the I + III buttons in the disarmed mode.
  4. Forced one-time remote start of the motor. It is carried out by long pressing the II key. This activates the protection mode.

By analogy with Starline B9, the alarm uses a second communication channel. This is required during installation. additional equipment. It could be the hood latch preheater. In this case, they are controlled through the second radio channel. If the function is programmed, it is activated by long pressing the IV key.

Possible failures in work

Among the possible incorrect manifestations of the signaling in operation, both damage to the structure and individual elements, and individual failures in the execution of commands are distinguished.

If the algorithm “how to enable” the armed mode is completely executed, and there is no display on the switch, possible reasons may be the following:

  • disruption of radio signal transmission;
  • damage to the antenna or key fob as a result of impact;
  • violation of the basic settings of the transmitting device;
  • battery discharge.

In this case, it will be necessary to carry out diagnostics in accordance with the installation map, and step by step check all the indicated positions. In some cases, schemes different alarms do not differ depending on the equipment used. So, Starline alarm installation cards are close in execution.

Repairs performed will require the basic settings to be set again, and individual characteristics will have to be programmed.

Among other failures, according to reviews, the work notes:

  • independent transition to the Valet mode;
  • difficulties with disabling the security mode;
  • continuous notification of individual indicators - for example, a blue light is constantly on:
  • there is no reliable engine start remotely.

Before you go to the repair of key fobs, it is worth working out a plan "b". Very often, the cause of failures is a discharged accumulator battery, or the car's basic flip key.

Sensor failure is usually associated with damage electrical circuit power supply, which is easily diagnosed by a broken wire.