Pruning ornamental shrubs in autumn. How to prune ornamental shrubs. Pruning ornamental and berry bushes

This is the name of this beautiful flower, which relatively recently appeared on the Russian flower market and instantly became popular with most lovers. indoor plants. The flower was introduced from Africa and is one of the most unusual and most beautiful flowering plants.

plant description

Adeniums are succulents simple leaves, which are located on small cuttings. The flower stores nutrients and water at the bottom of the trunk, in a special thickening. The adenium plant has funnel-shaped flowers, which are collected in inflorescences. They can be red, white or pink. And you can also find two-color, double and tri-color flowers. AT wild nature The succulent will grow up to ten meters in height. At home, the height of adenium is 35 cm. The flowering period depends on the variety and species. May bloom in spring, summer or early autumn. Adeniums are common in Africa, on the Arabian Peninsula and on

It is no coincidence that the flower is very popular with flower growers. This plant combines exoticism with unpretentiousness. In the warm season, flowering adeniums with juicy green leaves will decorate your room, and in winter, an original bonsai with thick, strong roots that resemble intertwined snakes.

plant varieties

The appearance of adenium depends on its variety:

  1. Obesum is quite popular in floriculture and is considered the most unpretentious of all adeniums. This species has a large stem, which is wide at the base and narrows towards the top. The leaves are green with a glossy sheen, with a rounded or pointed top.
  2. Multiflorum is a shrub, but under suitable conditions it can grow to a small three-meter tree. Grows pretty fast. The stems are brown in color, the flowers are light, along the edge of their dark red edging.
  3. Arabicum has a broad base of the trunk, and the leaves reach 20 cm in length and 12 cm in width. Flowers pink.
  4. Socotranum can have a trunk base up to 2.5 m in diameter. This is the slowest growing variety of adeniums. Branches grow exclusively at the top of the plant. Green leaves with a vein in the middle white shade. pink flowers can reach 14 cm in diameter.
  5. Somalense - small tree five meters high. The leaves are narrow and long, in the middle there is a white vein. Flowers five centimeters in size with a different color from pink to burgundy.
  6. Boehmianum is a shrub up to three meters in height with long and thick stems. Leaves are heart-shaped greyish-green. Pink flowers resemble the shape of a circle.
  7. Oliefolium has green leaves with a bluish tint. Pink flowers with yellow or white centers.
  8. Swazikum is no more than one meter high. The light green leaves are often twisted along the longitudinal axis. Flowers are up to 7 cm in diameter from pink to purple.
  9. Variegated adeniums are presented large quantity different copies. For example, a plant may have golden or multi-colored variegated leaves, or there may be a dark red vein in the center of the leaf.

Propagation of adenium by cuttings

As a rule, the plant is propagated by cuttings or seeds. The process of propagation by cuttings is considered more complex. To begin with, the upper shoots of adenium are chosen, a little more than ten centimeters long. They are then dried with charcoal. The cuttings are then planted in a mixture of sand and coal. For the formation of roots, it is necessary that the temperature in the room be twenty-five degrees and bright lighting. Basically, the roots appear thirty days after planting.

Growing adenium from seeds

Even a novice florist can grow adenium. Seeds are purchased in flower shops that sell exotic plants. For fresh seeds, germination reaches one hundred percent, but the more time has passed, the worse they germinate, so it is better to plant immediately after purchasing the seeds. If it was not possible to sow the seeds, then they are placed in an airtight package and put in the refrigerator for better germination. The seeds look like small sticks.

When choosing varieties of adenium, it must be remembered that there is a greater or lesser probability of a new plant deviating from the selected variety. The percentage of matching depends on the characteristics of the flower. White and pink varieties are the most stable in the manifestation of the properties of the parents. Accurate repetition of color and shape mother plant achieved only when vegetative propagation. Growing adenium from seeds is best done in spring or summer. Before flower growers are advised to process them for accelerated germination. Seeds can be placed in warm water or damp cloth and put in a warm place for two to four hours. During soaking, it is possible to use various growth stimulants, as well as fungicides.

In practice, most flower growers do not soak the seeds and at the same time get excellent seedlings. There is no single answer to this question, so everyone decides for himself whether to soak the seeds or not. If you are growing adenium for the first time, then you can soak some of the seeds and plant the other without soaking. Growing adenium from seeds allows you to get a beautiful thickened root and a compact crown.

soil for seeds

The soil for sowing should be loose and breathable. The substrate can be made independently, for this you will need sand, peat, vermiculite and perlite. All components must be thoroughly mixed and slightly moistened. Ready-made soil mix for orchids or succulents is perfect. The tank needs to be drained. Before planting seeds, the soil is cultivated

Landing Rules

It is desirable to arrange the seeds horizontally and sprinkle with earth about half a centimeter. The distance between the seeds should be three centimeters. Next, the seeds are watered warm water and close the container with adenium plastic wrap. A couple of times a day, you need to open the film for thirty minutes to air it. The soil during seed germination should be moist, but not wet.

In order to grow adenium, you must follow temperature regime in the range of 24-35 degrees. To heat the container with the plant, you can use a 40 W lamp. When growing adenium from seeds, sprouts appear after ten days, but there are times when even after twenty days. Approximately four days after germination, the sprouts take on a bottle shape. Young plants are best placed on the southern windowsill. As soon as four true leaves appear, the succulent swoops down. The grown plant is transplanted into a large container. Adenium, grown from seeds, blooms in the second year.

Adenium: home care

Caring for a plant at home is quite specific, but not complicated. Adenium belongs to succulents, so it needs warmth and light. In spring and summer, the succulent needs five hours of sunlight every day, the temperature should be 23-28 degrees. window sill on south side ideal for him, however, the flower grows well in bright diffused light. In autumn and winter, adenium (photo below) is at rest and gaining strength for flowering.

In October, it is necessary to rearrange the pot with adenium in a bright, cool place with an air temperature of 13-15 degrees. During the dormant period, the shoots of the plant cease to grow, the foliage partially or completely falls off. At this time, the flower does not require watering and top dressing. It is necessary to ensure that there are no drafts. Subject to the above conditions, adenium will wake up in March. If the plant is watered and kept warm, then the rest period will last another couple of weeks.

Soil and plant nutrition

For adenium, land without peat would be preferable, and the presence of coarse sand in the mixture should be negligible. Flower growers recommend ordinary leaf soil for adenium. For an adult plant, 50% of fine expanded clay or brick chips must be added to the soil. During the growing season, the plant should be fed once or twice every thirty days. To do this, you can use fertilizer for cacti, after diluting it with water. In addition, ordinary mineral supplements, but they should be in low concentration. Otherwise, an excess of minerals can harm the flower.

Plant transplant

The young plant is transplanted in the spring every year. An adult adenium transplant is required as needed, when the roots will not fit in the old container, approximately every three years. The container for an adult plant should be shallow, but wide. The transplanted adenium is watered when the damaged roots dry out. Plant transplant rules:

  • carefully remove the plant from the container;
  • gently clean the root system from the ground;
  • cut long roots and remove diseased ones;
  • dry the cut places and treat with a fungicide;
  • plant the plant in another container with a new substrate.

Watering the succulent

Adenium, the care of which during summer period It consists in constant moistening, watered when the earth dries out. Excess water negatively affects adenium, for this reason it is better to skip watering than to over-moisten the soil.

During the winter period, when the plant is at rest, it is not necessary to water the adenium. When emerging from hibernation, minimal moisture is required. The first serious watering of adenium should be done only fourteen days after the appearance of the kidneys. Adenium does not require spraying.

Pruning and appearance of the plant

The plant can be formed for every taste. Flower growers recommend carrying out all operations during active growth. First you need to decide and decide which plant you want, since the depth of pruning depends on this. Cauterization of the growth center makes it possible to obtain branching in the upper part of the trunk. Pruning a plant in the middle of a branch will show up branching around the cut. Deep pruning will give you the opportunity to get abundant branching from the caudex (lower wide part of the trunk). It must be remembered that pruning should be done below the cotyledon leaves. In addition, pruning adenium postpones the flowering period. The roots and branches of the plant can not be cut in winter. There are several ways to trim to get a unique adenium:

  • Trimming any parts of the succulent.
  • Splicing of several adeniums.
  • Weaving roots and branches.
  • Direction of branches with soft wire.

When working with a flower, special care must be taken, since its juice is poisonous, so the use of gloves is mandatory. After trimming, it is advisable to wash your hands with soap and water. The appearance of adenium (photo above) depends entirely on your desires. You can make a plant with thin barrel or in the form of a ball with a large number of branches, or vice versa. It all depends on imagination and courage. Some species do not require crown formation and branch on their own.

Diseases and pests

Diseases in plants in most cases occur due to improper watering. Basically, the root system is sick, as it is very sensitive to a wet and cold substrate. To eliminate these troubles, a drained, instantly drying soil mixture is used. The cause of the disease may be an excess of fertilizers. A significant proportion of adenium varieties grow well, so top dressing should only be used to replenish nutrients which are quickly absorbed into the soil.

worms and spider mites are considered major pests. Ticks in most cases affect the upper parts of the adenium, such as buds, tops of young shoots and leaves. If you notice a change in the appearance of a flower or a new leaf, then, most likely, spider mites have appeared in them. In order to avoid these troubles, it is necessary to carry out seasonal preventive treatments against pests.

Possible problems when growing a plant

Adenium at home may not bloom. This is most likely due to the wrong soil, lack of pruning and rest in the winter. The leaves turn yellow and fall off during drafts, hypothermia, diseases of the root system, as the dormant period approaches. Finding adenium close to moisture-loving plants leads to fungal infections. With excess moisture, the plant may begin to rot the stem.

Adeniums have won the hearts of most flower growers around the world. Despite the exotic appearance, the flower perfectly adapts to home conditions, not particularly whimsical to care for. Compliance with the rules for keeping succulents during the dormant period will reward you with beautiful flowers.

Spectacular adeniums with a hypertrophied thickened stem, a small bunch of leaves and a scattering of luxurious flowers are becoming more and more popular with amateur flower growers. With all the exoticism, it turns out that growing adenium from seeds at home is not difficult at all and even a beginner can do it.

Light brown seeds, similar to miniature tubes, open in just three days, revealing to the world a tiny, but already quite fleshy plant. Thanks to the rapid germination and further active growth, adeniums can be safely recommended to the most impatient home gardeners.

With seeming simplicity and understandable joy at the sight of the first shoots, one should not forget that adenium comes from Africa, and in room conditions its shoots need a special approach.

How to grow adenium from seeds, properly organize sowing, germination and care of seedlings?

Conditions and preparation of seeds for sowing adenium

Adeniums are heat-loving plants, therefore, their germination requires elevated temperature and humidity.

Experienced connoisseurs of this room culture advise maintaining a temperature of about 30–35 ° C. In this case, the seeds hatch quickly and amicably.

If the air cools down to 28–29 ° C and below, the germination percentage drops, and in the seedlings that have already appeared, the delicate root system may rot.

The second prerequisite for growing adenium from seeds is a properly selected soil that would provide full access to the roots of moisture and oxygen. In this case, the substrate should not contain pathogenic fungi and pests.

Before sowing, adenium seeds are sometimes advised to soak in warm water. However, there are opponents of this method, who believe that moisture provokes the development of rot on seedlings. But it simultaneously activates the development of the embryo.

What to do, decides the florist himself. But if you use not just water, but fungicides and growth stimulants, you can get rid of such a problem of growing adenium before planting, as in the photo above, a defect in the development of the root system.

Pre-sowing treatment will help neutralize fungal spores that have settled on the surface of the seed and support the growth of the future indoor flower.

To do this, the seeds are immersed for half an hour in a pink solution of potassium permanganate or treated with an available complex fungicide, for example, phytosporin, which is effective and safe for the plant. After that, for a couple of hours, the planting material is lowered into a solution of growth hormone.

Soil preparation for growing adenium from seeds

The best substrates for adenium are easily permeable to moisture and air. They are well structured and do not cake after several waterings. Dense soil prevents the growth of the plant, promotes the accumulation excess moisture. Therefore, during preparation for sowing, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of a suitable mixture.

Today flower growers willingly use prepared soils which are different:

  • appointment;
  • acidity;
  • supply of nutrients;
  • a set of basic and additional components.

At home, it is convenient to use substrates based on or coconut fiber for adenium seeds, but for greater lightness and airiness, it is useful to loosen them further.

The mixture for planting adenium should only be half succulent soil or universal soil. The second half is baking powder, which can be taken as:

  • perlite or vermiculite;
  • coarse river sand;
  • crushed charcoal;
  • the smallest fraction of expanded clay;
  • foam balls, which can be obtained by crushing a piece of packaging from household appliances.

The capacity for planting seeds of adenium can be any. The main thing is that at its bottom there are many drainage holes that freely pass excess moisture.

It is convenient if the container has a lid, then it turns into a miniature greenhouse for the duration of growing adenium at home. A drainage layer of expanded clay, fragments of coal, polystyrene or brick is laid out along the bottom. A substrate is poured on top, which is moderately moistened. Now it's time for the seeds.

Sowing adenium seeds at home

Since adenium seedlings are quite large and conspicuous, the grower can choose between group sowing in one container or using small pots for each sprout.

How to plant adenium? Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

Single sowing allows you to save time on transplanting seedlings, allows plants to actively grow roots and get better coverage. But at the same time, for the mass of cups or seedling cells, often used to germinate adenium seeds at home, you need a lot of space both on the windowsill and under

Sowing in a common container, on the contrary, saves space, but with uneven growth, some strong young plants will begin to stretch in anticipation of weaker shoots catching up with them. In addition, such adeniums really need a transplant, otherwise crowding will lead to a rapid weakening of green pets. Usually, transplanting in their own pots is carried out 2-3 months after sowing.

In order not to accidentally fill the sprouts in individual containers, it is better to choose a container of a minimum volume, use cells for seedlings with drainage holes, peat pots or tablets.

When sowing, adenium seeds are laid out flat at a distance of at least 3 cm from each other, and then sprinkled with a layer of substrate 5 to 10 mm thick. In this form, the container is placed in a greenhouse. Further care is:

  • in keeping pretty high temperature and air humidity;
  • in regular irrigation of the soil surface with a spray gun or in neat watering in the pan.

To maintain stable heat for adenium seeds, at home, you can use the bottom heating with a moisture-proof heating pad, shoe dryer, and other improvised means.

Every day, the greenhouse, in which the seedlings remain for about a month, is ventilated. After the appearance of mass shoots, young adeniums are transferred to a bright place, leaving heating for another 7-10 days. Fortified plants are seated.

Since it is possible to grow adeniums from seeds all year round, winter seedlings need mandatory illumination, which is easiest to provide with the help of special fitolamps. Further care for indoor plants is no different from what adult specimens receive.

How easy it is to grow adenium from seeds - video

Growing adenium at home will delight households and guests with wonderful flowers of various shapes and colors. But perhaps the most remarkable thing about this compact tree is the trunk. Thick at the base, fleshy, with curly branches. From afar, it looks like a ceramic bottle made by a skilled potter.

Native to the desert

Adenium spread around the world with the help of travelers who discovered a curiosity in the vicinity of the Arabian Peninsula, and then the countries of Africa. Experts attributed it to succulents (shrub or tree), and flower growers called it the "Desert Rose". Bonsai lovers call adenium a "bottle tree".

New varieties appear every year: enterprising Thais, as well as Indians, are experimenting with species of this plant. On the shelves of shops you can find trees unusual look: with red leaves or purple flowers. At home, the branches of the bush can reach a height of several meters, and the length of the leaf plate exceeds tens of centimeters. On the windowsill, adenium will not grow above half a meter.

You should not buy a plant with flowers of outlandish colorings without the experience of breeding adeniums. They are capricious and sensitive to temperature changes, changes in irrigation regime, lack of a large number sunlight.

Botanists number about fifty plant varieties, it is often difficult to believe that they are representatives of the same species. The color of the buds and flowers can be:

  • pink or burgundy;
  • snow-white;
  • lilac or scarlet.

The pattern of each petal is unique: various inclusions of strokes or dots, veins of various shades. The leaves of each variety have their own features, can be bright, shiny or cast with a soft gloss; slightly pubescent or smooth; green, red, yellowish.

The trunk of the tree is of a constant light gray color. The shape of the caudex (thickening at the bottom of the trunk) varies with various kinds adenium. The plant is deservedly popular due to the fact that it reproduces at home in almost all known ways. The flower grower will be able to choose the right one, because sometimes it is not possible to purchase adenium in a pot.

Method one: growing from seeds

Growing adenium from a tiny seed is a fascinating process. In this way, plants can be obtained different varieties. Trees grown from seeds immediately grow caudex and begin to branch. The best time for sowing works comes in the spring.

Immediately about the soil. Manuals and the Internet often offer the following soil components for adeniums: coconut fiber, rice husks and something from a fern. You can hardly get it, of course, but Russian flower lovers successfully use improvised materials. You need to buy an inexpensive ready-made mixture (for succulents) and add:

  • crushed charcoal;
  • perlite;
  • expanded clay or crushed brick.

At home, it is better to sow seeds collected no earlier than a year. If the sachet indicates a shelf life of several years, you should pay attention to the date of packaging - germination will depend on this.

First you need to prepare a suspension of settled water and crushed coal (the proportion is not significant), place the seeds there and leave in a warm place for a couple of hours. Only a specialist will figure out where the seed has the top, the rest is better to put it horizontally, slightly buried in moist soil. Now you need to cover the box with glass and monitor the temperature.

The optimal thermometer indicator is 30 ° C, when it drops to 18 ° C, it is likely that the adenium will die. Drafts and direct sunlight. If all conditions for growth are met, young adenums can sprout on the fifth day. In not the most favorable environment cultivation is delayed up to two weeks.

Method two: cuttings

It's over efficient way to preserve the species characteristics of the original adult adenium than growing from seeds. But it is necessary to take several cuttings - their decay is possible. Many flower growers noticed an unpleasant feature when cutting - the resulting adult plant sometimes lacks a basal thickening. This does not affect flowering, the tree produces many buds.

The ingredients for the soil must be crushed. The soil should be loose (breathable), with a neutral or slightly acidic PH.

It is worth adding a little of any fungicide to prevent diseases. It will protect the cutting from rotting if the temperature drops or excess moisture accumulates in the containers. The length of the handle should not exceed ten centimeters. Before planting, it should be dried and sprinkled with plenty of chopped charcoal.

Method three: propagation by layering

Flower growers are taken to work in the spring - an active sap flow begins at the tree, it is full of strength, it is actively growing.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. make a circular incision, dry the shoot well;
  2. sprinkle the cut with any stimulant;
  3. bury the shoot in wet sphagnum;
  4. wrap the cut with waterproof material.

The results will be good when using powerful shoots (2 or 3 cm in diameter).

It remains to remember to wet the moss and wait for the formation of roots. You'll have to be patient, adenium will grow roots only after five weeks. Everything is ready for landing. With this method of reproduction, the risk of decay is minimized.

Content Features

Adenium will always have little sunlight. At home, he does not lack lighting, so he grows to an impressive size. When arranging a place for a tree, it is necessary to focus on a high level of penetration of sunlight. Exceptions exist for plants from the store and young seedlings. A recently purchased plant requires adaptation - it should be accustomed to bright light gradually. And fragile sprouts can burn under direct sunbeams. Pots with them should be rotated regularly.

Like any plant, with excessive abundant watering adenium rots. It is able to accumulate moisture in the thick part of the trunk, so even in dry soil it does not suffer from its lack. Watering is carried out in different ways depending on the season.

  • Late autumn - winter.

The tree is at rest. Sap flow is slow, flowering is absent, foliage does not accumulate. It is enough to water the adenium once a month, making sure that the earth is dry.

  • Spring Summer.

The plant begins the active phase of growth, it begins to grow new leaves, blooms. At this stage, the tree needs constant watering. Do not moisten the soil if it is not dry yet.

Water should be soft, without excess impurities. Rain or settled will be great option. After a few hours, it is necessary to drain the water accumulated in the pallets. It is important to follow the rule: it is better to underfill water for adeniums than to overfill it.

Adeniums are fed at home only during the formation of buds, with each watering. The applied dose of fertilizer is reduced by three times compared to that indicated on the package. In addition to mineral supplements, good complex fertilizer should contain equal parts nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

With the onset of autumn, the frequency of top dressing needs to be reduced. And when the tree comes to a state of rest, stop fertilizing altogether.

Granular fertilizers are well suited for plants. When watering, part of the granule will gradually dissolve and release the necessary substances.

What should be the new pot?

The seedlings have grown, grown stronger and now they are waiting for cultivation in separate pots. It is better to choose pots deeper so that over the summer the root system of young adeniums is fully mastered earthen clod. This will provide them with a comfortable wintering at home. If there are not enough drainage holes in the bottom of the pot, you need to make a few more.

Mature plants should be transplanted in early spring when new shoots begin to grow. For them, a deep pot is not required, but it should be three or four centimeters wider in diameter, with more holes for drainage. Adenium bought in autumn does not need larger pot, you only need to replace the store soil. After transplanting, watering begins after a few days.

You should not buy dark-colored pots - they will heat up unnecessarily in the sun, the irrigation regime will be disturbed due to increased evaporation. For the same reason, growing in ceramic pots is inconvenient.

When transplanting, special attention should be paid to the root system. Too long, as well as rotten roots need pruning. This will only benefit the plant, it will quickly grow new ones. Places of cuts need to be dried and sprinkled with charcoal. When transplanting, the trunk is slightly raised above the ground so that the roots are slightly bare.

Unusual tree shapes

You can let adenium grow and develop without outside intervention. But regular pruning of the crown will only benefit. Strongly shorten the branches is not worth it - the tree will knock out a lot of thin, ugly shoots. The best time to carry out the procedure at home comes at the end of winter, before the plant leaves the “hibernation” state.

Flower growers pinch seedlings before transplanting into separate pots. Usually leave a few pairs of strong leaves, and the rest are removed.

Adenium was created for experiments in the bonsai technique. You can lift the plants above the ground, exposing and intertwining the roots in bizarre compositions. Growing two identical young seedlings can result in mature trees that are completely different from each other. And when there are a lot of seedlings, the possibilities for creativity become limitless.

The enemy does not sleep: diseases and pests

For any plant, putrefactive processes occurring in stems, trunks or roots are dangerous. Such an instance becomes infectious for neighboring plants. Rot is not amenable to treatment - their carriers are subject to immediate destruction.

Exotic adeniums are affected by rot in the following cases:

  • with a sharp drop in temperature (below 18 ° C);
  • with too much watering.

It is important to drain the water from the pallets in time, not to spare expanded clay and to correctly compose the soil. Having spent so much time growing, it's a shame to lose a plant due to a banal oversight. Mature trees require more loosening components when preparing the soil mixture. This should not be forgotten when transplanting.

Despite the fact that most parts of the adenium are poisonous, they are attacked by pests. On closer inspection, you can notice on a saddened plant:

  • shield;
  • spider mite;
  • mealybugs.

Pest control will take time. The use of insecticidal preparations will get rid of insects in 2-4 weeks. It is necessary to carefully spray all parts of the plant and the soil with a solution once a week. Excellent proved "Fitoverm" and "Neoron".

If there are children or animals in the house, it is worth taking care of the place of residence of the adenium with special attention. The tree is poisonous and dangerous. Toddlers or pets should not have access to it. Flower growers should work with the plant with gloves, and then wash or take a shower.

You can look at adenium endlessly and constantly discover something new in it. The beauty of flowers is mesmerizing funny shape trunk uplifting. By purchasing a bag of seeds, the florist brings a piece of colored plasticine into the house. And now he can only sculpt his unusual tree.

How to grow?

Adenium is grown by seeds, cuttings, layering, grafting on an oleander base or the same type of plant.
Basics successful cultivation at home, the young shoots of Adenium are:

  • The ability to provide a comfortable temperature;
  • Sufficient lighting;
  • Optimal duration daylight hours(12 h);
  • Strictly dosed watering;
  • Air-permeable soil;
  • The presence of a drainage layer;
  • Drainage holes in the flowerpot.


Three options soil for adeniums:

  1. Coconut peat (3 hours), vermiculite (1 hour), humus (1 hour), polystyrene foam (2 hours), peel from peanuts (1 hour), small gravel (1 hour).
  2. Solid fractions of crushed stone or similar material (8 hours), coco peat (1 hour), vegetable fibers (1 hour).
  3. Ready soil for cacti.

Choice of dishes

Types, size of flowerpots:

  • Flowerpot material does not affect the development of adeniums.
  • Containers must have drainage holes.
  • Until the plants are three years old, each specimen recommended to repot every year, choosing small in diameter, moderately deep containers.
  • In parallel, you can engage in giving an interesting shape to the roots protruding above the ground.
  • Adult plants can be kept in wide, small flowerpots.

Temperature and watering

Comfortable temperature limits for the plant and watering:

  • Summer: at 23–38 C°(irrigation of foliage on hot days, moderate systematic watering as soon as the soil is completely dry after the last moistening; daily moderate watering on days when it is hot and stuffy around the clock).
  • Winter: at 13–18 С°(poor watering when a decrease in elasticity is detected in the lower part of the trunk - caudex), at 10–13 ° C (watering should be reduced to a minimum, otherwise the root system will rot).

Growing from seeds (seeding rules)

Adenium seeds have shortened shelf life- after purchase planting material do not delay with its germination. The optimal period for planting adenium seeds: from April to the end of August.

The labor costs of growing Adenium by seed propagation pay off by obtaining specimens with a highly decorative caudex.

For Adenium, growing from seed at home starts with pre-prepared container with soil, consisting of sand, crushed granules of charcoal and verimculite.

It is permissible to replace the last component with fine-grained gravel, pre-treated with boiling water or stewed for 20 minutes in a red-hot oven for disinfection.

Before placing seeds in the ground, a container with it must be keep at least 12 hours in a warm place to achieve a good warming of the soil mixture.

Soaking the seeds for half an hour in a warm, light solution of potassium permanganate with water will reduce the likelihood of developing a fungal

Having distributed the seeds over the ground into grooves or separate shallow recesses, the Adenium sowing is lightly sprayed, and then sprinkled with soil. But not thicker than 3-4 mm. The manger is covered with plastic wrap to create greenhouse conditions.

favorable conditions sprouts will appear in 3-7 days. However, some seeds can take up to three times longer to germinate.

Young sprouts are sprayed with warm water as the soil around them dries up, aired twice a day.


At the end of two months from the date of seed germination, the young adenium is ready for transplantation. If there is enough space in the container, and the seedlings are green, “cheerful”, actively grow in growth and gain volume in the “waist”, then they can be kept longer.

Adenium seeds, photo

Seedling transplant

You can plant grown seedlings in separate container with the same soil as in the greenhouse. The plant is not afraid of changing the soil to ready-made store-bought soil for cacti.

Having transferred the Adenium seedling along with a clod of earth to a slightly moistened new place, the first meager watering is performed no earlier than a week later.

Even a transshipment transplant for a plant stress. Therefore, you need to take care of round-the-clock support of the optimal temperature near the pet in order to exclude an additional unfavorable load on it.

How do Adenium seeds germinate?

pecking healthy seeds may start from the third day after sowing. First, an arc of a “hook” appears from the ground. A straightened sprout resembles a dense light green carrot with a pair of tiny leaves on top.

When growing Adenium from seeds, when will it bloom?

The color of the flowers may differ from that characteristic of the parent adenium buds, since hereditary traits are not always transmitted to the seeds. The first buds appear on a two-, four-year-old plant, if he is provided with the due .



  • The accustomed stalk can please with flowering next year.
  • The plant will become a clone of the parent and preserve color and shape of flowers.


  • Cuttings take root not always.
  • In specimens grown from cuttings, sometimes difficult to form a volumetric caudex high decorativeness.

Material for grafting adenium by cuttings is obtained after pruning the parent bush. It is more rational to take material from a plant at the beginning of summer, after installation is stable warm weather- Sufficient lighting and a warm atmosphere increase the percentage of plants that take root.

Adenium cuttings can be of any length, but the easiest take root 12 - 15-centimeter "sticks" with multiple leaves.

Not everyone solutions for early root formation can be used for adeniums. Therefore, it is better to let the cuttings dry in the air. minutes 30 and then carefully stick it into the ground 5 centimeters deep, and then cover the container from transparent polyethylene, a plastic half-liter glass, a glass jar.

Important terms of care behind a rooted cutting:

  • The soil (2 hours of perlite with 1 hour of vermiculite or 2 hours of pure sand, 2 hours of sphagnum, 1 hour of perlite) should be consistently slightly moist, but not wet;
  • The plant must be provided with heat (25-35 ° C) and light;
  • Use when watering any solutions with stimulants it is forbidden.

Propagation by cuttings in water

Growing the root system of adenium cuttings - pure water lottery.

With a probability of 50–70% a cut branch may begin to rot.

But for some flower growers, cuttings still give roots with this method of germination.


How to root Adenium? For rooting, cuttings need half moon to three. Twigs separated from the bush and planted in the ground in warm weather.

If the procedure is carried out in early spring or late autumn, outside a special greenhouse, then under the flowerpot with cuttings you need spread out a heated mat. Or place the container directly on line heating system near the window.


At the disposal of the florist two ways vaccinations:

  • Flat (flat).
  • V-shaped.

It is possible that the first vaccination option more rational and less traumatic for a plant.

Insofar as:

  • no need to split the rootstock on the parent bush;
  • the grafted cutting itself has not two, but one cut(flat);
  • the cut of the cutting fits snugly to the rootstock.

In addition, the flat-grafting site looks more aesthetic, with its help for one "stump" you can graft cuttings from different bushes.

For a classic V-graft from a rootstock branch remove the top. The remaining stump is split, and a previously prepared cutting is inserted into the resulting gap, the lower edge of which is symmetrically cut off from two sides.

The vaccination site is strengthened with adhesive tape, cloth, plastic tape. Take off auxiliary material after successful fusion of the inoculum.

Mandatory conditions for successful vaccination in any way:

  • stock and scion must be healthy;
  • on the scion should be at least one living kidney;
  • the grafted bush and the plant that gave the stalk must be in the growth stage;
  • edge trimming should be done disinfected instrument;
  • grafted plant must be kept in comfortable conditions;
  • connection must remain motionless.

For a flat scion:

  • The rootstock branch must be larger diameter than a scion (or the same).
  • The connected ends of the plant must have even cut.
  • After connecting, the formed branch is neatly wrapped in polyethylene, and then securely fix the vaccine, using adhesive tape.

When do they start to bloom after vaccination?

Flowering of varietal adeniums and grafts is coming after a few months.

Adenium is a very "grateful" plant. For simple care and warmth, both sincere and quite real, he will definitely thank exuberant bloom. And experienced flower growers-experimenters will get buds of different colors on one branched bush.

The unusual appearance of adenium and comparisons with a rose, lily or star addressed to its flowers are the reasons for the increased interest in a plant from African deserts. At the same time, adeniums, which are not difficult to care for at home, are very unassuming.

A little knowledge, diligence, attention, and the pet will answer lush bloom. BUT unlimited possibilities pruning and shaping allow you to grow a truly unique specimen.

Adeniums have a very recognizable appearance. Thickened stem, small rosette of dense leaves crowning the top and large flowers in all shades from white to deep purple.

Plants, which in nature are not spoiled by the conditions of semi-deserts, perfectly adapt in the house, bloom and even allow experiments on themselves. They result in whimsical adeniums shaped like octopuses, mangrove jungle trees or abstract green sculptures.

Secret successful care for adenium at home is simple and consists in providing maximum sun, loose soil, regular but moderate watering.

Temperature and humidity for adenium

Adeniums can be called one of the most "heat-resistant" indoor plants. Comfortable for them is a temperature of 30-35 ° C. A decrease of 3–5 units does not cause discomfort, but prolonged cooling of the air to 18–20 ° C causes the plant to slow down growth, refuse to bloom and begin preparing for the winter dormant period.

Signs of depression are also noticeable in a room that is too warm. The temperature of +38 ° C when caring for adenium at home is often critical if the humidity in the room is not high enough. Moisture helps the flower to endure heat, but in the cold, on the contrary, it causes problems.

Minimum allowable temperature for keeping adenium in the room is +10 °C. If the air continues to cool, the risk of damage to the measles system and its death from decay increases significantly.

Adeniums are characterized by pronounced periods of hibernation or rest, when the plant:

  • partially or completely sheds leaves;
  • stops growing;
  • does not form new buds.

A peculiar sign for a flower is:

  • decrease in daylight hours;
  • cooling down to 16–20 °C.

"Hibernation" helps the plant recover and create a reserve for future flowering. Therefore, for all its time for adenium, a temperature of the order of 12–16 ° C is maintained and watering is radically reduced. It must be remembered that plants cannot stand even slight frosts. As in the photo, when caring for adenium at home, you can do without spraying and special measures to increase air humidity.

Adenium lighting for home care

Adeniums are photophilous, unlike most indoor plants, they do not need shading and feel best on the south and east side.

In the summer, the more sun they receive, the more magnificent the flowering will be, the denser and healthier the crown will be. In winter, the conditions do not change, but if there is not enough light, then the shadow can be partially compensated by maintaining the temperature within 15 ° C or for a long time.

Aiming for the sun indoor adeniums lean towards the window. You can restore beauty to the crown by turning the flower. Over time, the stem will straighten again.

It is desirable to keep the light regime for adenium, which comes from the equatorial zone of the planet, close to natural values. That is, from autumn to spring, in order for the plant to receive light for 12–14 hours, it will need illumination.

Soil for adenium and its transplantation

The soil mixture for adenium should be light, very loose, nutritious and permeable to moisture and oxygen. The acidity level comfortable for the plant is pH 5.5–7.

There is a wide range of products on sale today. ready substrates based on peat or coconut fiber. For adenium suitable soil for succulents or universal soil with the addition of loosening, structuring components.

If the acquired soil is too dense or seems poor, you can mix the soil for adenium yourself by taking:

  • 5 parts of the finished substrate;
  • 3 parts of leafy soil with a high content of humus;
  • 2 parts vermiculite river sand or perlite.

A good addition would be crushed charcoal, which can act as a natural component of the soil or.

The recommendations major manufacturers involved in the cultivation of adeniums, there is an indication of the composition of the substrate for this crop. To three parts of crushed tree bark, a part of perlite is added. Such soil for adenium perfectly passes air and moisture, never compacts and can be considered universal. However, there are not too many nutrients in it, so the grower will have to think about frequent feeding of his pet.

This also leads to a significant proportion of foam balls, brick chips, charcoal and other baking powder, which are added to increase the airiness of the substrate.

Adenium transplantation is most often carried out in the spring, when active growth begins. new pot should not be too large, otherwise the plant may delay the long-awaited flowering. However, even in a too tight container it is difficult to achieve harmonious form caudex stem.

If the reason for transplanting adenium was the formation of its bizarre roots, such a plant is not watered for 5-7 days or moistened very carefully. Healthy adeniums, such as seedlings transferred into separate pots, can be watered as usual.

How to water adenium?

The irrigation regimen of a decorative native of Africa depends on:

  • from the time of year;
  • from air temperature;
  • from the capacity of the pot;
  • from the soil chosen for adenium;
  • on the location of the plant and the phase of its vegetation.

During the period of active growth, the plant needs a lot of water, and the higher the temperature, the greater the needs of adenium.

AT hot weather The soil in the pot should be slightly damp. This will help the flower to maintain vitality and not drop the flowers. It is not necessary to spray adenium.

Cooling - sure sign grower that watering needs to be reduced. Excess water often causes disease and death of the root system. How to water adenium to be sure of the optimal amount of moisture?

In summer, at comfortable temperature, a new portion of water is needed when upper layer soil completely dried out after the previous watering. In winter, in a cool room, you need to water the flower to a limited extent, when the substrate dries out completely. In a warm room and while maintaining growth, adenium is watered as usual, but somewhat less frequently.

Pruning and shaping adenium

To make the crown thick, branched, flower growers resort to the formation and pruning of adenium.

Often this is simply necessary, since in many plants the apical development is dominant and does not allow other shoots to develop, except for the central one.

Removing the top activates dormant lateral buds and starts branching. As a result of such pruning at home on adenium:

  • the amount of foliage increases;
  • more buds are laid;
  • the crown is leveled, voluminous and dense.

Usually, after pruning, more than three buds wake up, and the thicker the cut stem, the thicker the shoots form along the edge of its “stump”.

Also pruning adenium at home is used to rejuvenate adult plants, some of the branches of which noticeably weaken with age. It is carried out with a frequency of two years, shortening the shoots to 5–8 cm.

Formation of the adenium caudex

Adenium - rare plant, allowing the grower to form not only the above-ground, but also underground part. Pruning and shaping the adenium caudex allows the grower to grow incredible specimens.

The flower is extremely “loyal” to all the manipulations of a person who can intertwine the roots, cut off part of them, or completely remove the bottom of the plant in order to grow a new root system of a given shape.

Most often, on the basis of adenium, bonsai are formed like a mangrove tree. For this:

  • choose a grown seedling with a thick stem base;
  • in the plant, at the site of the narrowing of the caudex, the root is cut off;
  • the resulting cutting is rooted again in water or a loose mixture of perlite and vermiculite.

When the plant acquires roots again, it is transferred to a wide pot, on a light soil for adenium. A pre-prepared round plate of thick plastic is placed under the handle. The roots are straightened and fixed to give the desired shape. Then the roots are sprinkled with soil for one or two centimeters.

Care after such an adenium caudex formation consists in more frequent, usually moderate watering and regular checking of the position of the roots. To do this, the plant is transplanted twice a year, straightening the rhizomes and removing unnecessary ones.

Video about the rules for caring for adenium at home