Rules for caring for a plant adenium obesum, breeding options. Adenium - a small tree at home: how to ensure proper care Houseplant adenium

Adenium (Adenium) - slow growing small trees or shrubs with thick trunks, having a thickening at the base, with numerous short branches, shiny or velvety leaves and large flowers from white to dark crimson. Representatives of this genus belong to the group of tree-like stem succulents.

Adenium is an amazingly beautiful flower, popularly called it the Impala lily or the Desert Rose, and is also known to many under the name of the Star of Sabinia. More recently about this unusual plant many gardeners did not know, but now it is one of the most popular and sought-after grown flowers. In addition, it is very easy to care for him, which does not require certain skills and craftsmanship from an amateur gardener.

At the moment, almost 50 species of adenium are known, which can reach a height of several meters in their natural environment. At home, flower growers grow Adenium obese. Some might mistake this beautiful plant for a man-made bonsai. But this is not at all the case, because adenium grows into such an unusual and original plant that only nature can create, and man cannot keep up with nature.

The flowers of this beautiful plant compared with flowers of lilies and roses, many see more resemblance to lilies. But we must not forget that everyone evaluates in their own way, and everyone has their own vision of qualities.

Location and lighting

Adenium refers to light-loving plants, so it is better to keep it on the windows on the south side of the house. But in the summer heat, the plant must be shaded, because despite the fact that he loves direct sunlight, they can burn his weak spot - the trunk.


Since adenium is a representative of a hot desert, our climate with a temperature of 25-30 degrees in summer is quite suitable for its cultivation. During this period, adenium can decorate any garden plot, and in winter comes a state of rest. The ideal temperature for a plant during the dormant period is from 10 to 15 degrees, since with greater cooling of the earth it may die.


Adenium is watered regularly with settled water of not too low temperature, and only after the soil has dried. Do not water the plant excessively. If adenium hibernates in a warm room without falling into a state of rest, then it is watered when the soil is completely dry. Otherwise, there is no need to water the plant. It is possible to re-irrigate only when leaving the dormant state and at least on the tenth day after the discovery of the first growth buds.

Air humidity

Adenium is unpretentious to air humidity conditions. But when it is actively growing, spraying its surface will not be superfluous. In this case, the flowers should not be touched in order to avoid losing their decorative qualities.

The soil

The soil for growing adenium should be breathable, loose, with acidity close to neutral. Soil for adenium can be prepared with your own hands by mixing coarse sand with leaf and sod land in equal parts and with an admixture charcoal. You can add crushed brick to the substrate and take more sod land if enough is transplanted mature plant. But if there is no time to prepare the mixture yourself, then ready-made soil mixture for cacti will do.

Top dressings and fertilizers

For top dressing, both mineral and fertilizers for cacti are suitable. The frequency of fertilization is 1 time per month.


Adult adeniums are transplanted when necessary. Young plants need to be transplanted once a year. The root system increases in width as it grows, not in length. Given this feature, you should choose a wide, but also shallow pot for the plant. In addition, it is advisable to take a pot that is not dark in color so that the soil does not overheat once again in the scorching sun.


Pruned adenium in the spring, when it begins to vegetate. Pruning is optional, but this procedure is necessary if there is a desire to turn the plant into something specific: a tree (one trunk will turn out) or a bush (several trunks). In the first case, the adenium is cut off by no more than one third of the height, in the second case, it needs to be cut even lower. And this applies to each of its branches. For young plants, one pinching is enough.

The procedure for breeding adeniums may seem complicated. But if you remember some of the nuances, then this task will be much simpler.

Reproduction by seeds

When propagating by seeds, only fresh seeds are taken, as they tend to quickly lose their germination capacity. right time for their sowing - from the end of winter to the beginning of spring. First, it is better to hold the seeds in an epin solution for 6 hours, and then sow in a mixture of vermiculite and sand. And then in a week the adenium will give its first sprouts.

Reproduction by apical cuttings

Adenium can be propagated in spring and summer time apical cuttings, vermiculite or sand serve as a substrate. The stalk is cut into a length of 10-15 cm, then it must be treated with charcoal and dried. At normal humidity the plant will take root in the first month, otherwise its cuttings will rot. It is necessary to maintain the temperature within 25-30 degrees and good lighting.

Propagation by air layering

Propagation by air layering is one of the easiest and most effective ways for both young and mature plants. Making cuts is best late spring or at the beginning of summer, when adeniums begin to grow actively after winter dormancy. Young plants may bloom as early as next year.

On a shoot with a thickness of at least 2 cm in diameter, a circular shallow incision is made with a knife, dried, and then treated with a stimulant for horses. The incision is wrapped with sphagnum moss and wrapped with an opaque film (can be wrapped with thread or wire). Sphagnum is periodically moistened. Roots usually appear in 3-4 weeks. After the roots appear, the cuttings are separated and planted in the ground.

This method of reproduction also has its drawbacks. The flower will not have pronounced decorative qualities, because the trunk will not turn out to be as thickened as that of obese adenium.

Difficulties in growing

In autumn, adenium leaves turn yellow and fall off, which can alert beginner flower growers. But you should not worry, as this is normal for him, because at this time the plant enters a state of rest. In other seasons, the reasons for this may be too low temperature, as a result of which it freezes, or a change in the usual conditions of detention.

Diseases and pests

Adenium is most often affected by mealybugs and scale insects. Also dangerous are all kinds of rot that occur as a result of excessive watering.

Important! And finally, you need to add that adenium refers to poisonous plants, therefore, it should be kept away from children and not placed in children's rooms, and after contact with it, hands and tools that worked with this plant should be thoroughly washed.

Adenium - care and cultivation features (video)

The Adenium plant is a member of the Kutrovye family. His homeland is Saudi Arabia. Translated from some languages, it is called as desert rose adenium.

Adenium flower is a compact tree with a fleshy trunk, grows rather slowly, the main half of the thickened trunk is above the ground. The shoots of adenium are branched, and the leaves are elongated with a glossy appearance and a slightly sharp and rounded end.

Individuality and beautiful appearance are distinguished by adenium inflorescences, large in size and an interesting shade ranging from light to rich crimson. The inner part of the flower has a lighter shade.

It should be noted that when pruning, adenium emits a toxic substance, after working with a flower, you must wash your hands well.

Adenium species and varieties

The adenium family represents about five species, and all the rest are subspecies.

or other name adenium obese . The plant develops slowly, its trunk is stiff, significant branching begins in the upper part. The height of the plant is approximately 1.5 meters, and in diameter the trunk passes the mark more than a meter. Grayish shoots with a thick fleshy base. Light green leaves grow on the upper shoots with a long base reaching a length of about 10 cm.

AT summer period a plant about 5 cm in diameter with bright pink, red or light petals. Growing this plant at home, its height can reach about 70 cm, it all depends on the conditions of care and abundance of moisture. In some tribes, its poison was used in the creation of poisonous arrowheads.

natural habitat is the south of the Arabian Peninsula. Worth noting interesting fact if the plant does not have enough water, then the adenium remains in the form of a bush with a large root system. And if there is enough water, then the plant develops and becomes a tree.

The leaves of this plant are externally shiny and larger than obessum, and with age they become long up to 20 cm and a width of about 11 cm. The trunk reaches up to one meter in diameter. Adenium arabicum develops well at home, a rather unpretentious plant.

Flowering begins in the third year after planting. The first inflorescences begin to appear in the second half of winter. The most striking feature of Adenium Arabicum is its caudex, this is its appearance and extended base.

This is the most bright representative among other species. It represents an actively branching bush, which blooms unusually and very actively from the moment of planting. Its growth is slow, as in all species. The peculiarity that the plant has is inconsistent varietal characteristics after breeding work, the difference in color and shape.

his homeland is the coast of Mozambique. This species forms various interesting hybrids with adenium obessum. This plant is a shrub, its identity is its rhizome, but by the fifth year of growth it disappears. Flowering in this species takes place in cold and dry times, in winter. Inflorescences are white with a red border. There are also red, burgundy and pink shades with inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter.

Adenium home care

Care for adenium does not take much time and effort, so the plant is quite popular among flower growers.

Adenium is a heat-loving plant that develops well even when hit sun rays. Sufficient lighting is a necessity for adenium care and maintenance, therefore South side what is needed for him. The plant on the windowsill must be constantly unfolded so that it grows evenly and does not “curve the top”.

For adenium at home, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 24 to 35 degrees, this is necessary during active development from autumn to spring. Humidification does not play a big role, you can sometimes spray in the summer and do not touch only the leaves, flowers.

In the autumn, when the sunny day at adenium is shortening, a state of rest begins. In some varieties, part of the leaves fall, and sometimes all. AT winter time adenium can withstand temperatures as low as 10 degrees, but it is important not to flood the plant during this period, otherwise you risk losing the plant due to a fungal infection.

Adeniums watering

Watering in the spring and in the summer, when active development takes place, you need to regularly and abundantly moisten. In winter, watering is reduced and moistened as needed when the ground cover dries up. Water for irrigation needs soft, room temperature and slightly sour.

Adenium blooms from spring to autumn. Inflorescences are large, bloom in large numbers. Bouquets of flowers are at the ends of the branches.

Adenium transplant

For adenium, transplantation is performed as needed, but in good conditions adenium can develop quite quickly. The first transplant is required at the age of about three months.

The thickness of the shoots usually reaches one centimeter. Adenium transplantation is carried out in the evening or cloudy weather and is not moistened for several days. If it turned out that the transplant fell on daylight hours, then after the transplant, the plant must be moistened.

How to transplant adenium

The plant is taken out of the container, reviewed for the presence of putrefactive formations. Drainage is poured on the bottom of the new container and not a large number of soil and place a seedling there, sprinkle the soil and make sure that it replaces the void between the roots. After transplantation, the plant is placed in a dark place for a couple of days. Young plants prefer moderate watering.

soil for adenium

For adenium, the soil for transplantation has special meaning. Ideal soil for adenium it is light and moisture-permeable, with a sufficient amount of fertilizer and a neutral or sour reaction.

The soil can be purchased ready-made and add perlite or vermiculite to it, but so that its amount does not exceed 20%. Can be bought ready ground for terrestrial orchids. Also, the soil can be prepared independently. The composition of such soil for adenium should include coconut fiber or peat, hardwood or humus, coarse sand, perlite, and the ratio (5: 2: 1: 2).

Why adenium does not bloom

Because of wrong conditions content, sometimes adenium stops flowering. The reason may be a large amount of fertilizer, because of this, the flower goes well into the foliage, and does not bloom. Also, there may be a lack of sunlight, rotting of the root system and abundant watering in the cold season and improper observance of the dormant state for adenium.

Therefore, in order to make the plant bloom at home, you must follow these rules of care.

The process of growing adenium from seeds takes place in stages:

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for several hours in warm water by adding a growth stimulant to it. In order for the cultivation of adenium from seeds at home to be successful, you need to properly prepare the soil. The composition of the soil is peat for succulents with a soil ripper, one to one. Coarse sand or perlite, fine charcoal or expanded clay can serve as a ripper. If there is no peat, take coconut fiber.

Before planting adenium seeds in the ground, you need to choose a container, it is better to give preference to small pots with holes or disposable cups. At the bottom we settle the drainage from brick chips, small pieces of foam or charcoal, at the end of the soil.

We plant seeds on top of the soil and press gently into the ground. Covering them with food film or you can use the cut off to cover plastic bottle. Humidification of adenium seeds must be done moderately from the sprayer.

The temperature must be maintained at about 25 degrees, periodically airing your seeds. After germination of adenium seedlings, they are placed in a fairly lit warm room so that they can actively develop. The timing of seedlings may vary depending on the cultivar, but after about a few weeks.

Adenium seedling care

When the seedlings grow a few leaves, they should be transplanted. In adenium, transplanting seedlings after germination during the year should be done about three times, as they grow. Planted adenium from seeds begins to bloom in a couple of years. Caring for seedlings, as well as for all plants.

When to feed adenium seedlings

It is necessary to feed once a month with mineral and organic liquid fertilizers. This must be done during active growth and during flowering. To achieve lush leaves, you need to fertilize with nitrogen at the beginning of spring. The duration of flowering can be extended with the addition of phosphorus or potassium.

Trimming adenium at home

To form the roots of the adenium, the so-called caudex, with each transplant, you need to raise it a little. But not too high above the ground, because it can stop its development because of this.

You can form an adenium at home. In adenium, the formation of a crown is not always the end result, the result you expected. For this you need to be patient. Young individuals simply pinch, and from adult adeniums they form a trunk using pruning.

How to trim adenium

Pruning in adenium is, the larger the diameter of the shoots, the more it is necessary to make the cut area, and this promises a lot of new stems at the place of the cut. Form a crown pruning at the adenium, as you would like to see your plant in your interior.

It should also be borne in mind that if the adenium is cut too low, then the wrong thin stems will grow in the plant. best period for pruning, this is the beginning of active growth. New branches appear at the cut site after a month and a half.

In adenium, root pruning is a real art. Correct formation roots will give your plant an exotic look. Root pruning must be done on mature plants.

There are many interesting formations. One of these is when adenium is planted on a round plate, thanks to which, root system expands sideways like an octopus.

The roots must be fixed in the desired position with sticks or toothpicks.

Diseases and pests of adenium

Adeniums are rarely exposed to diseases, the reason for this may be non-compliance with the conditions for caring for the plant.

Adenium sheds leaves what to do - Most likely, the reason is insufficient lighting. Due to lack of sunlight, adenium leaves turn yellow and fall off. If this happens in winter, try to provide artificial lighting. Also, the cause may be a lack of nitrogen, you should feed fertilizer with the addition of nitrogen.

Adenium leaves curl or leaves do not grow , the reason for the lack of phosphate fertilizer.

Adenium pests are a mealy worm and a spider mite . An insecticidal solution is used as a treatment.

Fulfilling all the instructions, your plant will delight you with its growth and flowering!

Desert rose, impala lily, adenium - these are the names of the same plant that appeared on our flower market quite recently and immediately won the hearts of indoor flower lovers. This exotic succulent is ideal for growing in our apartments, as it successfully combines spectacular and long flowering, a bizarre stem shape and unpretentiousness.

Once upon a time there were deserts rainforests in which they grew up beautiful adeniums. With climate change, many residents of the tropics left their homes, but adeniums remained, having managed to adapt to new conditions. The stems acquired a bizarre shape, turning into a pantry of moisture and nutrition. Thanks to this, the plant retained the splendor of flowering and received the name - desert rose.

Although tropical and subtropical in origin, adenium feels great on our windowsills. In summer, this exotic succulent is covered with large flowers collected in brushes. They are formed both on old and young shoots and even on the stem. The shape of the flowers is similar to a lily, hence the second name - impala lily. Each flower lives 7-10 days. Thanks to the caudex - the thickening of the stem in the lower part - even in winter during dormancy, when the leaves completely or partially fall off, the plant looks spectacular.

The birthplace of adeniums is Central and South Africa, Arabian Peninsula.

AT natural environment This is a small tree or shrub 1-2 m high with a fleshy silver-gray stem, thickened at the base. Rosettes of leaves are formed on the top of the shoots. Now we need to make a clarification.

Adenium is not the name of a particular plant, but a genus that combines many species: many-flowered, Crispum, Nova, Socotra, Arabian, Swazicum, Olieforum, Boehlianum, Somali, Obese and etc.

Using wealth species diversity, breeders brought great amount varieties of adenium with simple, semi-double and double flowers, with a smooth or wavy edge of the petals. In addition to the natural pink color, flowers can be red, white, cream, yellow and even variegated.

The diversity of the leaves is not inferior to the flowers. Coloring is different: green, yellow, red, variegated, with light edging or spotted. The surface is smooth or velvety. There are varieties with narrow and small leaves, and vice versa - the leaves can be wide and large.

With all due respect to the work of breeders, adenium fans prefer varieties with pink-red flowers, that is, the way nature intended them. This is Grimbley Byte - flowers are pale pink with a white border; Kandy Strip - with salmon-red flowers and longitudinal bright red stripes; Azkha Asha - purple flowers, red border, wavy edge; Calypso - with purple petals of a wide-oval shape and a blunt top, etc.

Photo 2: Varieties (types) of adenium: 1. Many-flowered. Arab. Fat

Features of growing adenium

On the window, adeniums rarely grow above 60 cm. But this does not mean that they grow slowly. For three years of life, the stem in the lower part reaches a diameter of 6-8 cm. In most representatives of this glorious genus, the shoots are short and thick, the flowers are large, tubular with a five-lobed limb. In the buds of the share, the corollas are tightly twisted, they open at the end of spring and adorn the plant all summer.

Like most succulents, adenium loves warmth and light. In spring and summer, the plant needs direct sunshine daily for 4-6 hours. At that time optimum temperature for him 23-28 degrees. The ideal place to live is south-facing window sills, although it grows well in bright diffused light on any window except the north one.

In autumn and winter, when most exotics retire, adenium also needs to rest in order to gain strength for lush flowering. That is why in October you need to move the pot to a cool place with a temperature of 12-15. At the same time, it should be light. In a dormant plant, the growth of shoots stops and the foliage partially or completely flies around. During sleep, he does not need watering, top dressing, he just needs to make sure that there are no sharp fluctuations in temperature and drafts.

It was noticed that if the adenium rested cool and without watering, it would wake up in March, and if occasionally, but watered and kept warm, then the dream would last for several more weeks.

Adenium: planting a flower

Adenium is best grown from seeds, since the thickening of the stem - business card of this plant - is not always formed when propagated by cuttings. Seeds are easy to get, through an online store or from lovers of exotic plants, which have recently appeared in abundance. Seeds are quite large, freshly harvested, have high germination, but quickly lose it. Therefore, it is necessary to sow as soon as received by mail. Season of great importance does not, although experts recommend sowing in February-March, so that the plants grow over the summer.

Before sowing, it does not hurt to disinfect the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, you can stimulate germination with zircon by dissolving it in warm water and lowering the seeds there for 2-4 hours. Can you wrap it in wet wipe and sow after sprouts emerge. Prepared seeds germinate in about 10 days, without preparation - after 21 days.

Sowing is carried out in boxes filled with air- and moisture-permeable substrate with a neutral reaction (pH 7). To obtain such a composition, it is necessary to mix either vermiculite and peat, or perlite and sand (in a ratio of 2: 1) with the addition of charcoal (5-10%).

Before sowing, the soil is moistened and the seeds are laid out on top, without deepening, but only lightly sprinkling them. Then cover with a thin food transparent film and put in a warm place (24-28 degrees). With the advent of seedlings, the film is removed.

Seedlings are protected from direct sunlight and midday sun, drafts and low temperature(below 18 degrees). When 2-4 true leaves are formed, they are planted in pots with a diameter of 5-6 cm. This usually happens 2-3 months after sowing. Flowering occurs after 2 years.

Propagation by cuttings has both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages - flowering begins earlier than that of seedlings, and when breeding hybrid varieties all selection achievements are preserved. The disadvantages balance the advantages: we have already mentioned the thickening on the stem, which forms several years later than the seedlings, or does not form at all, and the second disadvantage is the difficulty of acquiring cuttings in the Russian outback.

However, if you have a desert rose growing in your home, propagate it easier cuttings. Usually cut them in spring or summer from the tops of the shoots. Optimal length 10-15 cm. The cuttings easily rot, so the sections are dusted with charcoal and slightly dried. Root in the same substrate as when sowing. Clean calcined and cooled sand is poured around the handle, pieces of charcoal are placed to prevent decay. At a temperature of 25-30 degrees, rooting continues for a month. Periodically, the substrate is moistened with a spray bottle, preventing the soil from drying out. Plants bloom from cuttings after 1.5 years.

Adeniums grow very quickly, so young plants are recommended to be replanted every year. At the same time, you do not need to buy a large pot, for growth. Its diameter should be equal to the crown of the transplanted plant. Transplantation is usually carried out in spring or late summer. Drainage is laid at the bottom at 1/6 of the height of the pot, which provides good aeration.

While the plant is young, you need to decide how you want to see it - a tree or a bush.

To give bushiness in young plants, pinch the growing point. After 45-50 days, intensive branching begins. If the plant is formed as a tree, all branches are cut by a third, the trunk is shortened. All these operations are carried out only in the spring, at the beginning of shoot growth.

Photo 3: Formation of an adenium flower by a bush (1) or a tree (photo 2)

Adenium: care for an adult flower

In the third year of life, adenium becomes an adult, profusely flowering plant, that is, the very desert rose for which you have worked so hard. Now the plant needs another pot. Due to the fact that the roots of an adult adenium grow horizontally, he needs a pot not deep, but wide. And a prerequisite - drainage holes at the bottom - the more of them, the better.

How to fill a pot? The soil mixture should still be neutral, well permeable to air and water, but more nutritious than for young

plants. You can use a store-bought cactus substrate or make your own from equal parts sand, turf and leaf earth with the addition of charcoal (10% of the volume of the mixture). It is better to take leafy soil from under linden, birch, hazel, and it is advisable to use fine river sand.

An adult plant is transplanted every few years, and the composition of the soil is also changed. So that it does not cake, mix turfy earth with sand, expanded clay or broken brick with a diameter of 1-3 mm, the proportion of which can vary from 30 to 70%. Some use peat as the main component, mixing with pieces of foam and sand. Drainage is still necessarily laid at the bottom and transplanted into a wide pot with many drainage holes.

The plant is examined and shortened by lateral and secondary roots, diseased areas are removed, carefully cleaning out the rot with sterile tools. Wounds and cuts are not treated with anything other than charcoal, since adenium does not like chemistry, the plant itself soon heals the damage. When transplanting, the stem is slightly raised, placing it slightly higher than in the previous pot.

Before transplantation and after it, adenium is not watered for 3-4 weeks to allow damaged roots to heal.

Actively care for this handsome man only in spring and summer. If, after hibernation, the shoots began to grow too quickly, they are pruned. Water only with settled water at room temperature. It is important not to flood the plant, that is, water it when the soil dries up. Watering should be plentiful so that water comes out through the drainage holes. Seedlings and young plants are not afraid of waterlogging, while adults suffer from excess moisture.

The reason is that, by its nature, adenium stores water in a thickened stem in order to survive a long drought. Over time, the stored moisture becomes more and more. And if there is still excess water in the soil, the roots can rot. Even in summer, between waterings, the substrate in adult plants must dry well, otherwise the leaves lose their elasticity, the stems wrinkle and darken. For the same reason, after watering after 15-20 minutes, the water from the pan must be poured out. And some flower growers even water only after the stems begin to wither.

AT autumn-winter period watering should be reduced to a minimum, young plants are watered once every 2-3 weeks, adults - once a month. When leaving dormancy, the first watering is done very carefully, in small portions. Usually it is carried out 2-3 weeks after the plant begins to grow.

In order for the desert rose to live up to its name, it must be fed. Provides lush bloom complex mineral fertilizer with an equal amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and even better if microelements are included in its composition. In spring and summer, fertilizer is applied at each watering, reducing the dose indicated in the instructions by 3 times, approximately 1-2 g / l of water is obtained. During the dormant period from autumn to spring, plants are not fed.

Adenium rarely gets sick, only if they overdo it with watering, keep it in a draft, or lower the temperature too much by frequent airing in winter. Pests are more dangerous for him. True, and here special difficulties there is no order in putting things in order, since the same insects that annoy most indoor plants damage it. This is mealybug, scale insect, spider mite.

The mealybug is easily identified by the white cotton-like coating on the leaves and stems where the female usually lays her eggs. The plaque is removed with a napkin, then the plant is washed with soapy water or pyrethrum infusion and the plant is placed in a cool place.

Shchitovki fit snugly to the leaves, covered with a wax coating like a shield, and suck out the juice. In damaged plants, leaves fall prematurely. The pest is cleaned with a cloth dipped in soapy water, every 5-6 days. The procedure is repeated for three weeks.

Spider mite most often moves to adenium from other plants. Damaged leaves are covered with small yellow spots, with excessive reproduction, a transparent cobweb is formed. From spider mite it is easy to get rid of a decoction of cyclamen tubers, the saponin of which destroys the pest completely in 1-2 sprays (50 g / 0.5 l of water). From chemicals you can use a 0.2% solution of Rogor. Only it is necessary to treat the flower not in the room, but on the balcony or landing.

Flower Adenium - a note to the grower

As a houseplant, adenium obesum (A. obesum) is most often grown. He deserved it good character, the ability to adapt to different conditions without reducing the duration and splendor of flowering.

Each flower of the desert rose adorns the tree for a whole week.

Like many exotics, the periods of rest and flowering of adenium are pronounced: after sleep, the plant wakes up, begins to bloom, sometimes even before the leaves bloom, and falls asleep again in October. If you choose the right soil and care for it, following this frequency, you will understand why adenium is called the desert rose.

If you want plants sown at the end of winter to start flowering faster, illuminate them with fluorescent lamps after emergence.

Adenium seedlings grow very quickly, in six months they already have a thick stem.

For all its attractiveness, adenium is a poisonous plant. Therefore, planting, transplanting, pruning a flower must be done with gloves!

More suitable for adenium plastic pots light in color, they reflect the sun's rays better, overheat less.

In summer, adenium can be taken out on Fresh air- balcony, loggia or garden, protected by a small canopy in rainy weather from excess moisture in pots.

During the period of filling the buds, the plant can neither be rearranged to a new place, nor can the pot be turned.

In the heat, adeniums respond well to a spray shower.

Planting and caring for adenium at home - sharing experience

Adenium or rose in a "bottle"

There are decorative leafy indoor plants, flowering, and recently also dwarf ones, formed in the form of bonsai. But the bewitching flower adenium, which is also called desert rose, has all these characteristics. It is both decorative and deciduous and flowering (some species even with fragrant flowers happen), and sometimes even resembles a bonsai.

flower description

This is a slow growing shrub or small tree with a fleshy trunk, which has a thickening at the base - caudex. most of it may be underground. In total, there are 10 types of adeniums in nature. They may have different leaves- in some they are rounded, in others they can be elongated and pointed at the ends. The color of the leaves can be either pale or bright green, glossy. Flowers also differ in these plants. They can be large and small, terry and ordinary. And there is no need to talk about the palette of colors, it is so diverse - from white to purple.

Among these types of beautiful flowers there are adenium obesum, or, as it is also called, fat". This species has gained immense popularity among flower growers for its unpretentiousness, early and abundant flowering. Under good conditions, it blooms in 1.5-2 years, it happened to me in the third year. It has thick gray-brown stems that taper towards the top, as if resembling the shape of a bottle. The shape of the leaves is different, it is either lanceolate with a pointed tip, or oval. The foliage itself has a smooth structure and a glossy dark green color.


It was such a handsome man that I decided to have at home. The seeds were sent to me from China by mail. They came very quickly, in the spring of 2012. While they were on the road, I carefully studied the information on how to sow them correctly and how to grow adenium in the future.

And here I am holding in my hands the treasured envelope with seeds. There are several ways to prepare the seeds for sowing, I chose the most correct and suitable for me. First, I soaked the seeds of adenium in a fungicide (everyone chooses his own, because there are a huge number of them), it is possible in the usual, color pink potassium permanganate, literally for 20-30 minutes. I did this in order to protect future shoots from possible diseases. Then the seeds were soaked for another three hours in a growth stimulator (there are also a huge number of them). So that the seeds do not sink in the container, I first wrapped them in gauze. If there is no gauze. then you can use any other material or even cotton pads.

After the seeds were processed, I proceeded to sow them. Prepared small (capacity 500 ml) plastic cups. I made drainage holes in them with a needle. I planted each seed in a separate cup, did it intentionally so that when the plant will go in growth, neighboring shoots did not interfere with it, and it grew stronger. Naturally, picking is not required. In my opinion, this sowing and planting is the best.


In the spring and summer, adeniums should be watered frequently, as the soil dries out quickly, especially when there is intense heat. These plants drink a lot of water. Need to keep an eye on that. so that the soil is always slightly damp. Sometimes in the evening I also spray the plants. In winter, the opposite is true: plants hibernate at a temperature of 10-15 degrees, almost all the leaves fall on them and a dormant period begins. Watering at this time they need to be very careful not to flood. Personally, I only water when I see that the stem of the plant is starting to wrinkle. But even in this case, I moisten the soil very moderately.


I used the following substrate for sowing adenium seeds: I added vermiculite and chopped coconut fiber to the prepared soil for cacti, mixed everything and scattered it in cups. I did not compact it tightly so that the seeds would not rot. In the middle of the glass I made a small depression 1 cm deep and put a seed there, then leveled everything. Sprinkled with warm water from a spray bottle on top and covered with glass. You can use a regular plastic bag to create such a mini-greenhouse.

Adenium Care

Before the seeds germinate, the cups can be kept in the dark, as I did, as long as it is warm. Since I sowed in the spring, the seed containers were near the battery. When the seeds began to hatch, this happened about a week after sowing, I rearranged the cups under the lamps so that the adenium seedlings would reach for the light and grow faster. The glass was not removed immediately, but after 5 days, and all this time the seedlings were gradually accustomed to air. Since before sowing the seeds were soaked in a solution of growth hormones, the seedlings grew very well and amicably, and most importantly, everyone was strong and healthy.

With each month, the plants rose higher and higher, and the caudex became thicker and wider. So the year passed unnoticed. Adeniums became crowded in small cups, and I decided to transplant them. When choosing a container for transplantation, I was guided by the peculiarity of the growth of adenium roots.

They mostly grow in breadth, so I chose a wide and shallow pot for transplanting. The substrate was made the same as when sowing seeds, only a little horse humus was added there. In a wide and spacious container, the plants immediately began to grow again.

After hibernation

When the buds begin to hatch on the plant, the period of their winter hibernation ends. But even after you saw that the buds began to hatch, watering can be started no earlier than in 1.5-2 weeks.

As for lighting, adeniums are very fond of diffused light. In summer, they need to be shaded from direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves from the scorching sun can quickly burn out. In winter, during the dormant period, light is not necessary for them, but this is only if you arrange this wintering. If someone is warm and dry on the windowsills, then you can illuminate the adeniums without putting them into hibernation.

I spend top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers, but only mainly in spring-summer period during active growth and flowering. From mineral fertilizers I use a mixture for succulents, I breed according to the instructions, I fertilize once every 8 months. With the same frequency I apply and organic fertilizer as horse manure, I dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:15 and insist for several hours. In winter, I feed adeni-ums only once with mineral fertilizer.

The flowers have blossomed!

In the spring of 2015, my adeniums turned three years old. I made another transplant-transshipment into a large container. Added to the soil in advance mineral fertilizers. And put his favorites in the brightest place. The result was not long in coming. Soon a bunch of buds appeared on one of the plants, which I was incredibly happy about. I have been waiting for this moment for three years, and I was eager to see with my own eyes, and not in the picture, all the charm of this amazing flower.

But the buds did not open for a very long time, apparently, this is also a feature this plant. The flowers bloomed closer to summer, the beauty is indescribable! These gramophones of gentle white-pink decorated my window sill for 1.5 months, some flowers fell off, but others hurried to replace them.

Having grown adenium from a seed and brought the plant to flowering, I realized that it is unpretentious, not capricious, but rather easy to care for and therefore suitable even for a beginner.


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  • adenium- an unusual flower that belongs to the genus of tree or shrub succulents, the family - kutrovye. Adenium was brought from Africa. It is considered one of the most beautiful and amazing flowering plants. The names that adenium received speak for themselves: "Star of Sabinia", "Desert Rose", "Impala Lily".

    The appearance of this flower depends on its variety. In total, there are nine varieties of adenium:

    1. (Adenium Obesum), which means "fat, fat." This species is widespread in floriculture, because it is the most unpretentious of all existing adeniums. The thick stems of this shrub are very wide at the base and taper towards the top. The leaves are oblong with a rounded or pointed tip, green in color with a glossy sheen. Adenium obesum flowers can be the most various shapes and colors. There are different specimens - with five petals, terry (like roses), with wavy and smooth edges;

    Adenium Obesum

    2. Adenium Multiflorum(Adenium Multiflorum), which means “multi-flowered”. This species is represented by a shrub, but favorable conditions can grow to the size of a neat three-meter tree. The multiflorum grows quite quickly. stems Brown with great speed stretch upwards and branch. Flowers - light color, on the sides there is a dark red edging, up to seven centimeters in diameter. The leaves are large, dark green;

    Adenium Multiflorum

    3. Adenium Arabicum(Adenium Arabicum) - the leaves of this plant reach twenty centimeters in length and twelve centimeters in width, pointed at the end. Touching the leaf with your hand, you can feel its velvety, although at first glance it seems glossy. The flowers are pink. Arabicum has a very wide caudex, or the base of the trunk, the most different colors, from light to black.

    Adenium Arabicum

    4. Adenium Socotranum(Adenium Socotranum). The caudex of this plant can reach two and a half meters in diameter. Branches grow only at the very top of the adenium. Socotranum is the slowest growing of all adeniums. The leaves are green, can reach twelve centimeters in length, there is a white vein in the middle. Flowers are pink, up to fourteen centimeters in diameter;

    Adenium Socotranum

    5. Adenium Somalense(Adenium somalense). This type is a small tree up to five meters high. The leaves are long and narrow, with a white vein in the center. The flowers of this plant can be of various shades, from pink to maroon. The size is about five centimeters. Some representatives of adenium somalense have star-shaped flowers, only the edges are bent back;

    Adenium Somalense

    6. Adenium Boehmianum(Adenium Boehmianum). This is a shrub, its height is about three meters. It has long and thick stems. The leaves are heart-shaped, gray-green in color, up to fifteen centimeters in length. Flowers - large, in the form of a circle, five-leafed, pink;

    Adenium Boehmianum

    7. Adenium Oliefolium(Adenium Oleifolium), which means "oily" in translation. Leaves are green, blue tint, narrow and long (up to eleven centimeters). The flowers are pink, with a white or yellow center;

    Adenium Oliefolium

    8. Adenium Swazikum(Adenium Swazicum). The height of this bush does not exceed a meter. The leaves are long, light green in color, often twisted along the longitudinal axis. The color of Swazicum flowers is from pale pink to purple. Flowers in diameter no more than seven centimeters;

    Adenium Swazikum

    9. Variegated adeniums(Adenium Variegated). Plants of this species are represented by many specimens that are completely different from each other. It can be a plant with completely light golden leaves. Or a plant with dark leaves, in the middle of which there will be red streaks. Or it can even be an adenium with spotty variegated leaves, along the edges of which a light border runs.

    Variegated adenium

    Adenium Care

    Adeniums love bright light, preferably direct, the absence of any shading. However, if there was not enough light in the winter season, in the spring you should be more careful and accustom the flower to light gradually. Adenium loves warmth, so at a temperature of 25-30 degrees it feels great.

    Watering should be regular, but moderate. Allow the soil to dry out between each watering. Adenium does not like excessive moisture. You can spray the plant only during the growing season, since water should not fall on the flowers. Otherwise, they will lose their attractive appearance. In spring and autumn, you can feed, once a month.

    Adenium can be transplanted only in spring, preferably in a light or translucent pot. Immediately after transplanting, you can not water the flower! The soil into which adenium is transplanted should be breathable, preferably with the addition of coal. The ideal substrate for this plant is leafy soil, soddy soil and coarse sand.


    Propagation is carried out either by cuttings or seeds in the spring, or by grafting on an oleander.

    If adenium is propagated by seeds, then you need to plant seeds in the ground in February or March. First, do not forget to soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for forty minutes. Keep the planted seeds at a temperature of 32 to 35 degrees. When the seeds sprout, you need to keep them together at the same temperature for about two weeks, and then accustom them to a separate content.

    [!] Do not forget that adenium juice is poisonous! Remember to take precautions when working with it.