Lemon leaf disease. Causes of diseases of lemons. Viral diseases of lemon

Many vegetable growers mistakenly assume that at home, a houseplant will not be exposed to diseases and pests. However, a lemon growing at home is still a plant. Therefore, the risk of the appearance of a disease or a tick still exists. Do not panic ahead of time. In this article, we will tell you what lemon diseases exist and how to deal with them.

Causes of diseases in homemade lemon

Cause disease in houseplant could be many reasons. The main ones are:

  • poor quality soil;
  • inoculum;
  • containers that have already been used before;
  • weakened immune system due to improper watering, air temperature, fertilizer, lighting, pruning;
  • weakened immunity caused by a previous disease;
  • the ingress of spores, various viruses and bacteria during the summer airing period;
  • viruses and bacteria that got into the apartment "thanks" to insects;
  • mite.
There are many other reasons as well. However, they are less common.

Harmful insects for indoor lemon

The main pest of citrus fruits is aphids. It destroys the leaves of the plant, then spreads to the branches of the tree. At the same time, aphids choose the youngest and most tender leaves. What does a pest look like?

This insect small sizes, has a light green color. First, the pest attacks the inside of the leaves, which is why it is so difficult to notice at an early stage of infection. Then the insect captures the entire plant along the branch. The first sign of an aphid infestation is leaf curl. homemade lemon. An insect can get on citrus from another houseplant, such as fuchsia.

This culture is a favorite delicacy of aphids. You can harm a lemon by bringing wildflowers home. The pest can hide in the soil, and suffer from it different cultures. Therefore, taking untested soil after other plants or even another lemon, you run the risk of completely destroying the indoor tree.

However, do not immediately put an end to the plant. The success of the fight depends on how quickly you identify the disease. If the pest did not have time to spread far, then it will be enough to cut off the infected branches and crush the pests.

Many gardeners use folk methods. For example, an infusion of garlic helps from a pest. To cook it, use eight cloves of garlic. They must first be cleaned and reground. Mix the finished mixture with water in a ten-liter bucket and leave for one day.

The infusion will be ready after you express it.
If aphids appeared due to poor-quality soil, then soil replacement will be needed. Before this, you need to prepare the plant. Place a lemon in a contact insecticide solution or garlic infusion. However, this time the concentration of the drug should be half that in the fight against aphids.


Another pest of homemade lemon is the scale insect.

In this state, it cannot resist bacterial and viral diseases. However, there is a rule for this insect. As with aphids, garlic water, insecticides, and a soap solution work well. Soap infusion is prepared as follows: two tablespoons liquid soap dilute in a liter of water. Then treat the infected leaves with this preparation. After sixty minutes, thoroughly wash the soap off the lemon. The procedure is recommended to be repeated after two or three days.

The common spider mite can also kill the plant. He is also not averse to eating young citrus leaves. The main sign of the pest is the characteristic cobweb on the leaves of the plant. Very often, the spider mite appears on crops growing in dry air conditions.

The spider mite is afraid of moisture. Use a 1% solution to control ticks. boric acid. Most often, one spray is enough to kill the tick. However, if the tick does not give up, then repeat the procedure four or five times. An interesting fact is that pest control is equal to the procedure for preventing viral diseases.

Viral and bacterial diseases

Some of these diseases are treated quickly and painlessly for the plant. However, there are diseases that are difficult or impossible to treat. Such a disease is a soot fungus, which greatly weakens the plant, leads to drying and weakening in growth. You can recognize the disease by the ashy bloom on the leaves. It is not difficult to cure a plant. Need to wash it warm water with a dish sponge. It is recommended to ventilate the room where the lemon was before putting it back.

Another disease is scab. It affects the leaves and branches of the plant. Scab is characterized by the appearance of spots on lemon leaves, which gradually darken and become soft. Diseased areas of the lemon rot and fall off. The disease is carried by wind or insects. The fight against the virus must begin with preventive measures. In the spring, treat the culture with a two percent solution of copper sulfate. If the disease does appear, immediately destroy the affected areas of the plant. Treat the rest with Bordeaux mortar.

Another fungal disease that can infect indoor lemon - warty. Judging by the name, you can determine the main symptom of the disease. The fact is that growths form on the leaves of the culture. However, they are not as harmless as they might seem. The fungus depletes the plant and destroys future harvest. The methods of struggle are the same as with scab.

root rot

Infection is much more difficult to deal with. The most common lemon diseases are gummosis and root rot. The first infection is characterized by rotting and cracking of the tree bark. In this case, you need to water the culture with warm water.

The main purpose of root rot is evident from the name. The infection affects the roots of the plant. If the lemon leaves wither, the branches dry up, and the leaves begin to fall off prematurely, then this root rot. Infection control measures are as follows. Remove the tree from the container, and clean the roots from the ground. The affected soil is sterilized. Pour new soil into the container.

We cut off the rotted parts with a knife. We place the root system of the lemon for about sixty minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. Next, the plant is removed from the solution and slightly dried. Process cut points wood ash. Then the treated plant is planted in a new place of growth. However, the work did not end there. You need to keep a close eye on the lemon and fertilize it constantly.

So, we have listed the main lemon diseases, and also told what their treatment is. Lemon pests are no longer afraid of you.

Pests and diseases of citrus cause great damage to the quality and quantity of the crop. In closed ground are formed ideal conditions for their existence and reproduction. Therefore, in greenhouse conditions The control of pests and diseases of lemon is of paramount importance in order to avoid crop losses.

To prevent the appearance of pests and diseases in the greenhouse, preventive measures are constantly taken. From May to August the greenhouse is ventilated natural ventilation. During the year, plants are inspected for the timely detection of pests and disease infestation. All side walls concrete racks smeared lime mortar, glass coatings in summer time washed with a solution washing powder or soda ash. It is impossible to talk about disinfecting the soil by steaming or replacing the soil mixture, since lemons are perennial plantations. Since lemons bear fruit throughout the year, a periodic analysis of the fruits is carried out by the laboratory of Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance. As a result, conventional pest and disease control measures are not possible in in full. Once every six months, the soil is spilled with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect the soil. When transplanting plants - 1% solution.

In the block of the household building there is a special unit for preparing solutions of fertilizers and chemicals. Spraying is carried out using motorized, backpack sprayers depending on the amount of work.

In the greenhouse - lemonaria, the following pests are found: spider and red mites, soft false shield, citrus whitefly, aphids, mealybugs.

Such methods of struggle were used that are safe for human life:

1. Fumigation with tobacco dust. Tobacco factory waste in the form of powder Brown color distributed evenly throughout the greenhouse cans. Then tobacco dust is set on fire and a smoke screen is created. Processing time 4 - 5 hours.

The first information on the treatment of citrus fruits against citrus whiteflies dates back to 1890, when tobacco infusion was used against eggs and larvae. This method is also used in this greenhouse.

2. Washing with soap and soda emulsion. A pre-prepared solution of soap and soda is supplied through the sprinkler system, at the rate of 30 g per 1 liter. water. Sprinkling in each section is carried out for 3-5 minutes.

3. Washing the crowns of trees in the early morning with a jet of cold water.

4. Watering the soil with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate.

An important measure that ensures healthy growth, normal development and good fruiting of lemons, is the fight against diseases and pests.

Diseases of citrus fruits can be divided into three groups:

- fungal diseases;

- infectious diseases;

- Viral diseases.

Black . The disease is caused by black sooty fungi, which most often develop on sticky sweet secretions, insects (aphids, whiteflies, thrips, scale insects, mealybugs). The disease is not dangerous for the plant, but spoils it appearance: on the affected organs of plants, a plaque appears in the form of dark brown or black spots, similar to powder, because. called "soot". Sooty plaque clogs the stomata on the surface leaf blade and thus hinders plant photosynthesis. The plant weakens, its growth slows down.

Control measures: “soot” is washed off with a wet swab from all leaves, and then the whole plant is washed under strong warm shower, while not only the remnants of soot deposits are removed, but also insects and their secretions that caused the disease. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to start fighting insects.

Control measures: the affected leaves are removed, the plant is treated with a systemic fungicide, the lemon is not sprayed for several weeks, the volume and frequency of watering are sharply reduced

Anthracnose . It affects leaves, shoots, branches, sometimes fruits. On the leaves, already at the beginning of the first spring growth, light brown rounded spots appear. In the future, black dots form on the spots on the upper side - fruit-stalked mushrooms. The disease leads to leaf fall and drying of shoots. Its development is facilitated by various unfavorable conditions: Cold winter, excess moisture, lack of nutrition

Control measures: pruning of affected shoots, collection and destruction of fallen diseased leaves, digging trunk circles and spacing. Spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid

A fungal disease that manifests itself in the form of a white powdery coating on the leaves. As a result, the leaves curl, turn yellow, plant growth slows down. This disease, like anthracnose, rarely affects indoor lemons.

Control measures: the affected leaves should be removed, and the rest should be sprayed with a solution of copper sulphate (5 g of copper sulphate per 1 liter of water)

Gommoz - infection. The disease is characterized by the formation of small cracks in the bark and the outflow of gum from them, especially at the root collar. These cracks gradually expand to the size of wounds, the bark in the affected areas gradually dies off.

As it dries, the bark falls off, exposing the wood. Often the disease spreads higher along the trunk, can move to the root, causing gum disease and the death of the bark. This disease can lead to the death of the tree. Sick trees have yellowish foliage and this differs from healthy ones.

The main causes of gommosis are mechanical damage, frost damage, heavy, highly moistened soils, and deep planting.

Control measures: elimination of the causes causing gommosis. When gommosis appears, it is carried out thorough cleaning affected areas to healthy wood, followed by disinfection

scab (warty) . Affects fruits, leaves, branches. At the beginning of the development of the disease, very small warts appear on the underside of the leaves, flat on top and somewhat depressed in the center, pinkish-yellow, brown or brown. Affected leaves fall off. In the center of the growth of fruiting, mushrooms appear in the form of a plaque.

Control measures: prevention of spraying with a 1% solution Bordeaux liquid and destruction of affected tissues.

The disease manifests itself in the yellowing of the leaves. Plants affected by chlorosis weaken, lag behind in growth and may die. Chlorosis can be caused by a lack of zinc iron in the soil, abnormal water regime, severe prolonged drought.

Control measures: elimination of causes, disease-causing, and the introduction of a complete mineral fertilizer in combination with microfertilizers. When standing high ground water soil drainage is required.

Control measures: effective way there is no cure. To prevent the spread of the disease to other plants, the diseased lemon will have to be destroyed.

From the above brief overview of diseases, one of the treatments for most diseases is to spray affected plants with systemic fungicides.

Fungicides- This is a group of pesticides that suppress the development of plant pathogens and are used to combat them. According to the type of action on the pathogen, fungicides are divided into protective (preventing infection) and therapeutic, causing the death of the pathogen after infection of the plant, and according to the nature of distribution throughout the plant, into contact and systemic. Contact fungicides after spraying remain on the surface of the plant and cause the death of the pathogen when it comes into contact with them. Systemic ones penetrate inside the plant and suppress the development of the pathogen due to direct impact on it, protect the new growth. The spectrum of action of fungicides is different: from drugs that act on pathogens of many diseases, to poisons with an extremely selective effect. For humans, most fungicides have low toxicity, however, the treatment of plants with fungicides should be carried out with the mandatory use of personal protective equipment.

In addition to diseases, pests attack citrus fruits:

An adult mite is red, body size is 0.3-0.4 mm. Damages all citrus fruits. Settling in the mass on the leaves, the pests suck out the juices, first causing the leaves to become whitish, and then yellowing and falling off, which leads to a decrease in yield and general inhibition of the plant. The mite also damages the fruits.

Control measures: sulfur preparations.

The adult female has a rounded shield with a convex middle, light or reddish brown. Shield diameter 1.5 - 2 mm. Larvae and adult insects settle not on the upper side of the leaves, on the fruits, and sometimes on young shoots. In places of damage, whitish and yellowish spots are observed, merging together during a massive infection with a scale insect. Infected fruits and leaves fall off. Shoots and branches with a strong infection die.

Control measures: spraying during the dormant period of plants with a 2% solution of mineral oil emulsion prepared in soft oil (transformer).

. This is a polyphage that infects citrus fruits and other subtropical and tropical plants in greenhouses and greenhouses. The body of the female is asymmetrical, broadly oval, flat, 3-4 mm long, yellowish-brown in color. Males and shields of their nymphs are little known. Larvae and females settle on leaves, most often on veins, as well as on stems. They cause deformation of leaves and shoots, and sometimes their fall. The female can lay up to 1000 eggs and in greenhouse conditions is able to develop in 6-7 generations.

Effective in growing lemons agrotechnical measures aimed at preventing the entry of pests into closed ground. Among biological means protection, the cryptolemus ladybird (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Muls.), which is bred by the Lazarev Experimental Plant Protection Station, is especially effective. It is being introduced in the Ufa limonaria. Of the chemicals, Actellik is used, sometimes karbofos and mineral oils with laundry soap.

Polyphage. One of the most serious pests of citrus fruits. Inhabits young shoots, causes twisting of leaves, passes to fruits, causes their abscission, forms cracks in fruits.

Itself is light crimson, covered with white powdered wax, up to 4.5 long, 2.5 mm wide. Lives on trunks, branches, leaves and fruits, develops in three generations, fecundity over 600 eggs.

Control measures: the same as for the soft false scale.

. Causes great damage to citrus fruits. Harm from whiteflies in sucking the juices from the leaves, which causes them to oppress and fall off. Leaves covered with black bloom are deprived of the normal physiological process, which worsens the general condition of the plant.

Pest and disease control measures focus on the limited use of chemical methods.

Safe for human life and an environmentally friendly method is biological - the use of insects that eat pests.

. Sedentary sucking insects, winged and wingless, ranging in size from 1 to 5 mm. The body of the aphid has a very delicate outer cover of a wide variety of colors. It feeds on the juice of the soft tissues of the plant and usually attacks tender leaves, young shoots with succulent tissue, buds and flowers. Insects multiply rapidly.

Control measures: the use of conventional pesticides: thiofol, anabazine sulfate and others in normal concentrations.

Tiny insects with an elongated body (no more than 1 mm). They have two pairs of membranous wings bordered with long black or brown hairs. Pests lay their eggs in the leaf tissue, the larvae hatch in 8-10 days. Crawling from leaf to leaf, thrips leave behind characteristic silvery streaks. Their reproduction is facilitated by warm and dry air.

Symptoms of infection: flowers become stained and deformed. Numerous light dots first appear on the leaves, then the leaves become discolored and fall off. The growth of the whole plant slows down.

Control measures: the same as for infestation with aphids, mites and scale insects.

citrus disease,which include mandarin, are to some extent specific, and to some extent characteristic of many fruit plants. In most cases, tangerine tree diseases are caused by microorganisms: mycoplasmas, viruses, bacteria, fungi. The consequences of their actions are various defects on a tree and fruits: growths, ulcers, rot, spots, etc. They can penetrate inside the plant through the stomata of the leaf, into wounds formed by mechanical damage, through insects, wind, when spraying or watering. The difficulty is that not all mandarin disease control measures are effective, and in some cases even useless. Below we will dwell in more detail on the most characteristic diseases and how to deal with them.

The disease is caused by the pathogenic fungus Colletotrichum glocosponoides Penz, which develops in a humid environment and settles on the fruits, leaves, and branches of the plant. Infected leaves are initially covered with pale green spots that darken over time. If the infestation occurs during the rainy season, the spots may be dark brown. Black dots appear on the tops of the shoots. The branches turn completely brown, then light gray, covered with many swellings and die off. Affected flowers become covered with reddish spots and crumble. The fruits show small dark spots around the pedicel, which are expanding, injure the skin. It acquires a dark brown color, softens. On fruits, the disease can also appear during storage. They have bad smell and bitter-sour taste.

This fungal disease of mandarin occurs when high humidity and improper care. In order to combat it, the affected shoots are cut off and sprayed with special fungicides according to the instructions. It is recommended to use Fitosporin biofungicide as it is non-toxic. It is also added to water for irrigation as a prevention of fungal diseases. For prevention, gardeners advise spraying tangerines with a solution of Bordeaux liquid (1%) two to three times per season.

Did you know? Mandarin in its natural environment grows up to 70 years, increasing yields every year. Up to 800 fruits can be harvested from one tree per season.

Another disease caused by a fungus that affects the entire plant. It appears at first as small yellow transparent spots on the leaves, which then transform into pinkish-gray warts. The growths that appear on young shoots increase and turn into an impressive growth, which leads to the death of the branch. When fruits are infected, spots grow on them. orange color which turn brown as they grow. In this case, the existing ovaries fall off. The condition for the spread of the disease is high humidity and air temperature. The fight against the disease consists in removing the damaged parts of the plant, which it is desirable to burn so that the spores do not spread into environment. The plant is sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid (1%): in March, in June (after flowering) and in July.

The disease, the causative agent of which is the fungus Pythiacystis citrophthora R.E.Sm, manifests itself in the form of protruding longitudinal drops of gum on the bark of a tree. Basically, the infection affects the bark of the trunks and the main roots of the tree, without penetrating into their other layers. Over time, the bark separates from the rest of the trunk or root. If this happens along its circumference, the branch, root, or entire trunk dies, as the circulation of juice is disturbed. The fungus can also appear on fruits, causing brown rot.

Important! The fatal consequences of the action of this disease are reflected on the leaves only a few weeks, or even months after the death of the branch or trunk.

Before treating a tangerine tree, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that caused the disease.

Among them may be:

  • lack of potassium and phosphorus with an excess of nitrogen in the soil. In this case, the share of nitrogen and organic fertilizers decreases;
  • lack of drainage under the root system of the tree. Watering is completely stopped for a couple of days, and then they are resumed carefully and with great limitation;
  • too deep planting of seedlings;
  • mechanical damage, due to which wounds appeared, where the infection got.

In addition to the measures described above, the following must be carried out. Clean the wound and disinfect with a solution of copper sulfate (3%). To do this, dissolve 30 g of the product and 200 g of slaked (or 100 g of quicklime) lime in a liter of water. After that, the wound is treated with garden pitch. The procedure is repeated until the signs of the disease disappear. If this cannot be achieved, the plant is uprooted and burned.

Cancer of citrus

A disease caused by bacteria that infect the leaves and fruit of the tree. It appears as bright dark brown spots. There is no cure for citrus cancer. The plant must be removed from the ground and destroyed.

Important! It is possible to find out exactly which pathogen caused a particular disease only in a laboratory. Many symptoms of diseases caused by both fungi and bacteria are very similar to each other. However, sometimes brown pustules, black dots or gray plaque can be distinguished on infected surfaces - these are fungal spores. When infected with mycoplasmas and viruses, the shape of flowers, leaves, and shoots changes. A mosaic pattern appears on them, panicle stems, dwarfism are observed. At the same time, fungal and bacterial diseases are treated with fungicides, and mycoplasmic and viral treatment do not lend themselves, the plant has to be destroyed.

late blight

Most often this fungal disease strikes tangerine trees that had previously been grafted onto an orange. It often appears on young seedlings, which are surrounded by a brown oily spot. Usually the damaged area is cleaned and treated blue vitriol or similar means with more a high degree actions. It is recommended to dig up the plant and check if the roots are damaged by the disease. If the inspection positive result the tree must be destroyed.

It is difficult to detect it, as the roots of the plant are affected. Usually, the disease manifests itself outwardly in an already advanced stage, when the leaves of the tangerine fall en masse. How to reanimate indoor tangerine in this case? Dig up the plant and inspect the roots. If found damaged areas, they are removed with a sharp disinfected instrument. All roots are treated with a rooting stimulator and the plant is transplanted into fresh, clean soil. Then the pot with tangerine should be put in a greenhouse or wipe the leaves regularly damp cloth, avoiding abundant watering. Give the plant good lighting.

Important! In most cases, the leaves of a mandarin fall off not due to illness, but from improper care. In fact, this is how the plant reacts to stress factors: lack of light, waterlogging of the soil, low temperatures And so on. Wherein mature plant, which is at least three years old, may die. The cause of abundant leaf fall can be the depletion of the tangerine when it was not sent to rest in winter period. From the end of October to the beginning of March, it is recommended to put a pot of tangerine for 12 hours every day in a cool place (14 - 16° C) with lighting fluorescent lamp power of 20-40 watts.

The cause of the disease is a virus of the same name that affects the entire plant. As a rule, trees older than 5 years become its victims. First signs - stop or brake further development and change in leaf color. At first they fade, become slightly bronze, then near the veins they acquire a yellowish tint. At the same time, more mature leaves begin to fall at the base of the branches. After leaf fall, the branches extending from the trunk weaken and die. The fruits also change color and fall off early. If you dig up a plant, it turns out that root system hit very hard.

Important! There are mandarin varieties that are resistant to this disease. But they are also carriers of this virus, they just do not activate it.

The disease is transmitted by insects or by budding (plant grafting). Not treated. It is recommended to destroy the infected tree.


A virus that can reside in a plant and not develop until 10 years of age. Outwardly, it is very similar to gommosis, as it damages the bark of the plant. But he is not cured.

Infection that infects plants open field spring, and indoor - from autumn to spring. The first signs of the disease are the dull color of the leaves. They fall from the tree, while the petioles remain on the branches. After the leaves fall, the shoots dry out with a simultaneous change in the color of the bark. She becomes carrot or orange red. Drying continues from the end of the branches to the base, and then passes to the main trunk. The disease is not treatable. The causative agent Phoma tracheiphila Petri is spread by spores that rainy weather emerge from cover and are dispersed by the wind or working tools.

Did you know? Mandarin is considered not only a dietary, but also a medicinal fruit. They contain a lot of potassium, mineral salts, carotene, fats, proteins, organic acids, sugar, fiber are also found. Therefore, tangerines and fresh juice from them are recommended for people with heart disease. The skin contains a lot essential oil, therefore, decoctions and infusions from it are recommended for intestinal disorders, nausea and other gastrointestinal diseases. Rubbing the juice helps fight fungal diseases on the skin.

Diseases caused by lack of fertilizers and trace elements

Sometimes the external manifestations of plant ailments turn out to be signs of a lack of important trace elements in the soil.

Homemade lemon diseases can cause a lot of trouble, and sometimes even lead to the death of the plant if the problem is not treated in time.

Need to know possible diseases indoor lemon to prevent his death

The reasons

Lemon diseases can be caused by a number of reasons:

  1. Weakened immunity, which is caused by improper care.
  2. Poor quality, unsuitable soil can become fertile ground for the appearance of pests.
  3. Infection of a houseplant from the street - if you take flowerpots outside in the summer.
  4. Insects that are carriers of various infections.
  5. Diseases already carried by the plant can cause new ailments.

Disease symptoms

One of the common diseases of domestic lemons is aphids and scale insects.

The first affects the leaves of the plant or penetrates the soil. Aphids can be transmitted through other plants that are near the lemon. You can bring it into the house yourself with a bouquet of wildflowers. Shchitovka falls on lemon leaves as a larva. The adult is already immobile. It sticks to the stem of the plant or the veins on the leaves.

A common pest among citrus fruits is the spider mite. He is able to destroy all the green leaves and lead the lemon to death. Such diseases affect the leaves if the tree is young, weakened, or when special lemon pests appear that affect only it.

The fight against them can be long, but quite successful, if a chemical or home-made preparation is correctly selected for a room lemon. They can also be used for preventive purposes.

In most cases, lemon diseases are associated with a violation in the recommended care. This plant needs a lot of attention. To avoid leaf disease, it is necessary to monitor a stable temperature, sufficient illumination and rational watering.

By balancing these three factors, it is possible to prevent a large number of cosmetic defects of the plant, which do not belong to a serious disease, but spoil the appearance.

  1. Yellowed and fallen leaves.
  2. No fruiting.
  3. Dropping the formed ovary.
  4. Drying of branches in winter.

Bacterial diseases are much more difficult to treat. It is recommended to entrust the chores to specialists who will help your plant quickly cope with the disease.

Illnesses not related to nursing

Specialists distinguish between diseases that are inherent in citrus plant varieties. Among them, you can find those that are very difficult to eliminate on their own.

Direct consultation with a specialist is desirable, who can visually look at the affected lemon and advise a suitable drug, it can be Bordeaux liquid, phytosporin, hydrogen peroxide (substances containing alcohol are prohibited), copper sulfate as a fungicide and other drugs.

Lemon diseases:

  1. The leaves are uneven, punctately pigmented - leaf mosaic. Not to be confused with chlorosis, in which the edges light spots fuzzy.
  2. Brown or yellow spots, with hardened plaques inside, quickly affecting the entire plant - bacterial cancer citrus fruits.
  3. Two species of aphids are known lemon pests. From the usual green, which is difficult to confuse with another insect, the basal aphid is white in color, and its habitat is in the ground.
  4. The gradual death of the tree, the leaves are the first to be affected, they dry first, then the entire branch, and the fruits are covered with red-brown generalized spots - "Anthracosis".

Lemon diseases such as tristeza, root rot and melseco can be prevented at home if you provide the tree with a stable place and diffused, bright sunlight from the very beginning.

If the leaves begin to turn yellow, first of all you need to remember when the last watering was, measure the temperature in the room, remove drafts (many tropical and subtropical plants cannot tolerate them) and contact a specialist if there is not enough experience in recognizing the problem.

Almost inevitable is such a bad period in the life of every lover of growing lemons as the disease of this beautiful plant. In this article, we will only talk about those diseases that occurred through no fault of yours. Namely: about infectious and about bacterial diseases. There are also viral diseases, they, alas, are incurable, in the event of such a disease of your lemon, the plant must be immediately removed from other domestic plants, after which it must be destroyed. Lemon is a plant that is prone to many plant diseases, so if you are going to have this plant at home or already have one, tips and knowledge about lemon diseases and its treatment you simply need.

Infectious diseases of lemons


This lemon disease is infectious. The bark in the lower part of the trunk becomes brown, cracks appear, from which a dark sticky liquid begins to flow. Cracks gradually become larger, after which they begin to rot. It is very difficult to treat and completely cure this disease. The place damaged by the disease must be cleaned and smeared with copper sulfate, after which it is necessary to remove the lemon from the soil, thoroughly clean the roots of the plant and transplant it to a new place with good soil. Various pathogens can cause this disease, sometimes it is not possible to cure a plant from this disease.


This disease causes infectious desiccation and death of lemon shoots. On the plantations of Georgia, this disease manifests itself suddenly in the spring, and in lemons that grow at home, the disease manifests itself in autumn period until spring. This disease of lemons causes foliage to fall, the disease begins to develop from the tips of the branches. Lemon wood, which is already affected by this disease, acquires a reddish-orange color at the cut sites. Petioles from the leaves remain in place when falling. Those who are just starting to grow lemons need to know that if a few leaves have fallen off at the bottom of the tree or along the edges of the branches, and the petioles remain in place, then this may well be due to a lack of consecration. So no need to panic. There is no single cure for this disease.

root rot

Already by the name itself, everything is clear. Lemons growing at home have several varieties of this disease. This disease is almost invisible until the leaves begin to fall en masse from the tree. With such symptoms, the plant must be dug up and the roots inspected, if there are affected, they must be cut off. sharp knife. Also, the roots need to be treated with a rooting stimulator and completely change the soil. The plant must be placed in a greenhouse, or wipe the foliage with a damp cloth as often as possible. In no case should the plant be flooded with water! He needs good lighting.

Viral diseases of lemon

Psorosis A or xylopsorosis

This virus can remain dormant for up to 10 years. When does activation occur? this disease, the bark of the tree begins to be strongly affected. On plantations, real professionals check for infestation by grafting sour lime. Amateur gardeners who grow lemons at home, as a rule, fail to identify this disease, they mistake it for Gommosis. There is no cure for this virus.


There is a death of the bark on the trunk of a lemon. There are varieties of lemon that are resistant to this disease, on such plants it is simply in a latent state.

Leaf mosaic

The disease manifests itself in the form of patterns on the foliage. This disease belongs to the viral, for this reason, it is not treatable.

Cancer of citrus

Like any citrus plant, lemon is highly susceptible to cancer. The disease manifests itself in the form of dark brown spots on the fruits of the tree and on the foliage. Also not subject to treatment.

This, of course, is not the whole list of diseases that your plant can get sick with. You just need to be more attentive to this plant, to carry out preventive procedures, 1 time in 3 months you need to spray and shed the plant with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (0.05%). Such measures will help you avoid many diseases.

Lemon pests

In addition to viral and fungal diseases, pests such as spider mites, false shields, scale insects and aphids are also considered enemies of citrus plants growing at home. spider mite can be seen with the naked eye, it also leaves white dots on the leaves (especially old ones) on the underside. The tick, if touched, begins to quickly run away. Young leaves begin to curl strongly, after which they become covered with a white cobweb.

Aphids can be seen on the shoots of young lemons. Adult individuals have a yellowish-green color, their length is from 1 to 3 mm, aphids can become infected with lemon from a bouquet of flowers you brought or from a window. Tip: you do not need to put bouquets of flowers brought next to a growing lemon. It is worth noting that citrus plants strongly attract these pests, for this reason it is better to carry out the prevention of the fight against these pests than to fight them afterwards.

Prevention is as follows:

1. At least once a month (preferably once a week), it is necessary to thoroughly wash the leaves and branches under the shower, covering the soil in advance plastic wrap. Also, along with a shower, at least once a month, you need to treat the crown with soapy foam.

2. When buying a new plant, you need to carefully examine it and do not place it next to (i.e. in the same room) with your lemon for 2-3 weeks.

3. It is very good to view every leaf and twig every day, such an inspection can take 5 minutes, but this will prevent the development of diseases and pests.

To combat ticks or aphids, you can use garlic, tobacco dust, laundry soap. 1 st. a spoonful of tobacco dust is poured with 1 cup of boiled water, infused for 6 days, after which 10 g is added. laundry soap. The resulting infusion is necessary to spray the diseased plant 3-4 times, taking a break a week.

You can use garlic: pass 1 head of garlic through a meat grinder or grate, then pour 1 cup hot water and leave in a dark place for 2 days in a sealed container. After the solution is filtered and applied in the same way as tobacco with soap.