If the apple tree blooms but there are no apples. What to do if your favorite apple tree does not bear fruit. Too young tree

When growing apple trees, there are cases when the tree blooms regularly, but does not produce a crop. Also, fruiting may be insufficient or inconsistent with negative external influence or adverse weather conditions. When wondering why a planted apple tree does not bear fruit, it is necessary to find out the cause of the problem in order to restore productivity.

In practice, gardeners meet with large quantity various reasons why the apple tree does not bloom. Availability negative factors leads to the cessation of fruiting or partial loss of the crop.

Complete lack of apples

In the most neglected situations, there is a complete lack of harvest. Inexperienced gardeners are often faced with the question - why does the apple tree bloom, but there are no fruits. The reasons are in violation of the rules of disembarkation, illness, negative environmental conditions.

Landing made with gross errors

When planting apple trees, a number of nuances must be observed, since making mistakes affects the amount of the crop. Before landing on the site, a constantly illuminated place is selected, protected from through blowing. Groundwater for apple trees should be located more than 2 m from the ground surface. When planting plants, it is necessary to first prepare a pit and apply top dressing to it.

The young age of the apple tree

Some varieties of trees bear fruit several years after the first flowering. To begin with, apple trees need to form a powerful root system, adapt to environmental conditions, after which fruits are formed on the branches.

High concentration of trace elements

An excess amount of fertilizer in the soil leads to the fact that the apple tree begins to bloom profusely, while not bearing fruit. Most often, this situation occurs when entering into the ground nitrogen fertilizers with a significant overdose. To solve the problem with an increased concentration of trace elements, it is necessary to reduce the number of top dressings.

flower bud diseases

Under the influence of spring recurrent cold weather or in case of damage by a flower beetle, the development of diseases of flower buds is possible. In order to protect the trees, it is necessary to treat with repellents and cover the stands at low ambient temperatures.

Problems with Pollinator Varieties

For the growth of some varieties of apple trees, pollination of inflorescences is required. If pollinating varieties are not planted on the site, apple trees do not develop sufficiently and do not form fruits. In order for the trees to be well pollinated, it is necessary to grow several varieties that bloom at the same time. In a limited area, it is allowed to perform cuttings to the crown of a growing tree so that the grown branch plays the role of a pollinator.

Irregular fruiting

There are situations when the crop does not ripen on apple trees every season. The reasons for intermittent fruiting lie in improper care, individual characteristics of the variety and other external factors.

High yield

If in one season the apple tree brought a large number of fruits, then over the next few seasons there is a possibility of a decrease in yield. This situation can occur with excessive fertilization of seedlings, due to which the fruits begin to ripen intensively ahead of schedule. To prevent irregular fruiting, the amount of fertilizer should be controlled.

Variety features

Choosing suitable grade for cultivation, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics. Some varieties produce crops irregularly due to individual characteristics. Such varieties of apple trees are suitable for gardeners who do not have the opportunity to harvest fruits during each season.

Problems with pruning and crown shape

Removal of a large number of shoots during the formation of the crown leads to an imbalance in the roots and the surface part. As a result, the apple tree needs to restore balance and actively increase the vegetative mass without bearing fruit.

In order to prevent yield reduction due to improper pruning, the following points must be considered:

  1. Only dried and twisted shoots are cut, which interfere with the normal development of the tree.
  2. When pruning an apple tree, it is important to carefully inspect to detect tops growing vertically upwards. They absorb excessive amounts of nutrients and slow down fruiting.
  3. For pruning and shaping, a sharp pruner is used, which cuts the shoots evenly.

Measures to solve the problem of fruiting

The timely implementation of a set of measures helps to restore the yield of apple trees. If the question arises - how to make the apple tree bear fruit, you should establish the cause of the problem and, taking into account the condition of the tree, resort to appropriate measures. When creating a favorable environment and constant care, the plants will begin to bear fruit every year.

Eliminate the cause and wait for the result

Having discovered a problem with the fruiting of an apple tree, it is necessary to completely eliminate the cause of the reduction in yield. The method of recovery depends on the specific cause and may consist in changing the rules of care, combating harmful insects and diseases. After liquidation negative factors it remains to maintain the plants in a healthy state and wait for the result.

transplant apple tree

If the reason for the low yield is the wrong location on the site, you should dig up the tree and move it to a more suitable area. When performing a transplant, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. The optimal age for transplantation is the first year of life. In subsequent years, it is better to transfer plants with a closed root system.
  2. When digging up a seedling, it is necessary to carefully remove the tree from the ground so as not to damage the fragile roots.
  3. The early spring period is more suitable for transplanting fruit plantations. During the hot season, the apple tree will have time to adapt to a new place before the first frost.

Improve pollination conditions

To increase the yield in the garden, it is necessary to attract insects that can pollinate the inflorescences. Next to the apple trees, you can plant plants with pronounced aromas, including borage, dill, cumin. Also, certain varieties are suitable as pollinators. fruit trees. It is enough for the gardener to pick up seedlings that can mutually pollinate each other, and place them side by side on the site. The optimal amount for cross-pollination is considered to be planting 3-4 different varieties.

Fertilizers and top dressings

During intensive development and fruiting, a large amount of nutrients. Apple trees need fertilizer throughout all stages of growth. The basis for the planned harvest is laid in the spring, when the plants grow foliage and young shoots. Under the trees, mineral and organic top dressing. If it is necessary to accelerate the formation of the crown, fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen should be used.

Pest and disease control

Any fruit plants susceptible to infections and insects. For the apple tree, diseases such as powdery mildew, scab, fruit rot, milky sheen and cytosporosis.

The consequences of plant damage are the darkening of foliage, the occurrence of defects, decay, deterioration in fruit quality, and reduction in yield. In order to fight pests and diseases, spraying with preparations from the insecticidal and fungicidal categories should be carried out.


Crown pruning provides air access and sun rays to the fruits. Primary pruning is carried out a few days after planting the seedling on permanent place in order to redistribute nutrients between top and roots. The following season, the apple tree is re-cut, leaving the strongest branches. The central shoot is shortened so that it rises 20-25 cm above the rest of the branches.

Lunar landing

Among gardeners, planting fruit trees according to the lunar calendar is very popular. Depending on the phase of the month in which the seedling is planned to grow, it is possible to calculate the days when the environmental conditions will be most favorable for the subsequent development of the plant. In particular, information from lunar calendar helps to calculate the period in which the amount of underground moisture is sufficient to saturate the roots.

Folk methods

  1. Spraying seedlings with organic decoctions that prevent the development of infections and stimulate growth.
  2. To strengthen the roots, hilling is required next to each tree.
  3. Young seedlings are recommended to be placed in the direction from east to west, so that the sun evenly warms all the plants.
  4. The soil in the root area must be mulched to protect against low temperatures and germination of weeds.

other methods

Less common methods include: artificial delivery of nutrients to the roots, chemical thinning, rationing of the number of fruits. The implementation of a set of measures helps to restore plant health and increase the yield.

The apple tree is one of the most common trees in our gardens. Her delicious and healthy fruits everyone loves. And growing this tree is not difficult, the main thing is to properly care for it, and then the apple tree will give you a wonderful harvest.

However, there are apple trees that do not bloom and bear fruit for a long time, so why is this happening? Let's look at this issue, which worries many amateur gardeners.

What to do if the apple tree does not bear fruit?

The reasons for the situation when the apple tree does not bear fruit for a long time can be different:

If you take care of the tree correctly, but it still does not bear fruit, you can use folk methods to make the apple tree bear fruit. For example, you can bury any metal objects with rust under a tree, or drive a couple of rusty nails into the trunk of an apple tree. It is the intake of iron that sometimes gives impetus to the fruiting of the apple tree.

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If the apple tree does not bear fruit for a long time, then there may be several reasons.

Winter varieties of apple trees generally begin to bear fruit much later than autumn ones, and, moreover, summer varieties. This can happen even in the seventh year after planting a one-year-old or two-year-old seedling. But, if all the deadlines have passed, and the apple tree does not want to bear fruit, check if you have deepened the trunk too much when planting. The tree will have to be lifted or dug up. The root neck when planting apple trees is not buried in the soil at all. Let it be better a little above the surface of the soil.

Another reason is that the branches grow vertically or almost vertically upwards. They must be bent almost horizontal position. Only on horizontal branches is fruiting. The branches should be bent gradually, for this they make a cuff from dense material, which freely wraps around the branch. Then a rope is tied over the cuff without tightening the cuff. The end of the rope is tied to a peg driven into the soil on the side where you are going to deflect the branch. The peg is driven obliquely from the tree. Now you begin to gradually wind the rope around the stake. During the summer, gradually bend the branch a little and let it winter in this position. The next summer, bend it back to an almost horizontal position. Usually, after the branch is deflected to a horizontal position, so-called tops (young shoots growing vertically upwards) immediately appear on it. They either need to be immediately cut to the very horizontal branch on which they grew, or also gradually deflected to a horizontal position, directing them to where there is no suitable branch.

But sometimes the branches are horizontal and the planting is done correctly, but the apple tree does not bear fruit. This may be caused by iron deficiency. There is an antique folk remedy: drive two medium-sized rusty nails into the trunk of an apple tree. You can, of course, do something not so radical, just bury a few rusty ones under the apple tree. metal objects or spray during the season 2-3 times with a 0.1% solution iron sulphate(1 teaspoon of vitriol per 8-10 liters of water). There is an excellent preparation "Ferovit". Spray the leaves a couple of times in spring and early summer with a solution of the drug - 4 drops per 1 liter of water. But keep in mind that it stimulates plant growth.

You can simply bury a few metal ones around the perimeter of the tree crown. cans(empty, of course). Since the cans are now anodized with aluminum that does not rust in the soil, the cans must first be burned in a fire, then flattened, and only then buried.

In addition, the root system should be shortened, because it stimulates the growth of the trunk and branches, but inhibits the laying of short fruit branches on them - fruits. To do this, dig the tree with an annular groove 1.5 m from the trunk to the depth of the roots and chop the roots! Do not be afraid, the tree will not die, but it will begin to supply less nutrition to the growing branches, and this will make the buds wake up and begin to grow, giving fruitlets, on which fruits are formed.

In general, the tree has two tasks: the capture of living space and concern for the preservation of the species, that is, the creation of seeds (but not the pulp around them - the fruits in which we are interested, not the fruit tree). Roots usually do not extend far beyond the perimeter of the tree crown. The aerial part tends to grow upward to take a place under the sun. While there is an annual large increase (about a meter) at the ends of the branches, the tree spends all the juice from the roots on it and does not lay small overgrowing branches - fruits, because there is no food left to awaken these buds.

If you stop the supply of nutrients to vertically growing branches, then something falls off for the buds that give fruit, and they wake up. For this, it is necessary either to reduce the volume of the root system in order to reduce the nutrition of growth buds, or to cut a narrow, only 2 mm, strip of bark with a cambium about 3-4 cm long under an infertile branch, or to bend the branch to a horizontal position (then the pressure there is less juice, and the growth at the ends of the branches slows down, and the buds of the fruits begin to awaken). But at the same time, tops (growing vertically upward branches) may appear on bent branches. They must either be cut out without leaving stumps, or rejected to a horizontal position if an additional branch is required.

With normal growth (about 45 cm), the growth and laying of fruit buds go evenly, and nothing needs to be done. But, when the tree grows up to 2 m, it should regularly shorten the central trunk, preventing the tree from growing vertically upwards. Pruning is done right above the kidney so that a dry stump does not appear in the future. All other branches should also be shortened about 15 cm less than the center conductor. Pruning should be carried out above the kidney, which "looks" outward of the crown. It is imperative to remove the branches growing inside the crown, and the sooner the better. Branches rubbing against each other, located close to each other, thicken the crown. The thinner the crown, the better it will be illuminated by the sun. There will be fewer apples, but they will be much larger. Fruit enlargement is also facilitated by partial pruning of overgrown fruitlets. These short fruit twigs, on which flower buds develop, grow too large over time. Also, they get old. All this leads first to the grinding of fruits, and then, after 12-15 years, to the cessation of fruiting.

Apple trees. Varieties with early fruiting

These varieties of apple trees are distinguished by early fruiting, rapid increase in yields, their abundance and regularity. AT full complex all these properties are found only in some varieties, individually - in a large number.

For example, while most varieties come into fruition in the fourth or sixth year after planting in the garden and even later, some - Narodnoye, Winner, Student, Melba, Lobo, Welsey, Dessert Isaeva, Mekanis, Young naturalist, Orlik, Zhigulevskoye - begin to bear fruit in the first three (and even earlier) years after planting.

By ability

Varieties differ in the ability to regularly bear fruit. Some - regularly fruiting, or regulars - produce crops annually, others - periodically fruiting, or periodicals - bear fruit in a year. Many varieties are characterized by an average frequency of fruiting: high yields they alternate with small ones, and in some years even a complete absence of fruits is possible. The frequency of fruiting in these varieties is usually associated with the conditions of their cultivation: with careful care, they bear fruit annually, with poor care - after a year.

The main reason for the periodicity of fruiting is excessive yields. In this case, the trees are not able to "feed" a huge mass of fruits at the same time, and provide nutrition for the laying of flower buds for the next year's harvest. There is a "failure" in fruiting. In addition, in periodicals, due to excessive yield, the size of fruits decreases, and winter hardiness decreases. That is why varieties with a fairly high, but at the same time regular fruiting, are especially valued, for example, Narodnoye, Autumn Joy, Zhigulevskoye, Northern Sinap, Pepin Saffron. Trees of such varieties are distinguished by moderate flowering, while those of periodically fruiting varieties are completely covered with flowers.

By concepts

The concept of "intense type variety" also includes restrained growth, which determines the small size of the tree. This makes it possible to plant more densely, which means it increases the yield per unit area and facilitates tree care: pruning, pest control, harvesting. These qualities are especially valuable for family gardens - after all, elderly gardeners often take care of trees. Relatively small size trees stand out varieties Narodnoe, Brusnichnoe, Young naturalist, Zhigulevskoe.

Of course, there is a whole arsenal of agricultural techniques that allow you to enhance any of these properties separately. Fruiting can be accelerated by tilting the branches, moderation in pruning young trees, sometimes by banding and furrowing the trunk and branches. The frequency of fruiting is softened by a combination of pruning with manual removal of some of the flowers and young fruitlets. Systematic pruning also restrains the growth of the tree. In combination, all these properties can also be obtained by growing varieties on low-growing rootstocks. In this case, varieties are usually successful, which in themselves are approaching an intensive type, that is, in this case, as it were, the realization of their potential occurs. That is why the concept of "intensive type variety" also includes the suitability of growing it on low-growing rootstocks, on which not all varieties succeed equally well. But all these are just improvements, "finishing", requiring additional labor and time. The success of the business, as always, decides the grade.

And one more feature: just like when conducting an intensive culture on low-growing rootstocks, varieties of an intensive type require caring care and above all mandatory pruning combined with careful care for the soil, its fertilizer and watering.

The essence of the spur

But the so-called spur varieties are really intense. Their main difference is the shortened (very close) internodes, due to which the tree turns out to be undersized and literally completely covered with fruiting points (ringlets). Most of them come from American varieties, grown in our south - Delicious, Golden Delicious, Mekintosh.

Get to know the three closest to the intensive type of varieties for middle lane Russia.

Folk. The variety was bred by S.I.

What to do if your favorite apple tree does not bear fruit

Isaev in Michurinsk from crossing Chinese Bellefleur with Papirovka. The fruits ripen in late August - early September, differing in an unusually long storage period for an early ripening variety - up to 140 days in the refrigerator, that is, almost a month more than Antonovka ordinary. Medium-sized apples (90-100 g), round, beautiful golden-yellow color, excellent dessert taste: sweet and sour, with a spicy aroma.

The variety is quite winter-hardy. It begins to bear fruit very early - the first fruits appear already in the first or second year, the economic harvest - in the third. Fruiting is regular. The peculiarity of growth is partial self-fertility, which provides it with good fruit set even in unfavorable weather during flowering.

The tree is undersized, up to 4-4.5 m, so a more compacted planting than usual for an apple tree is quite acceptable. It is recommended for sites located in conditions that are quite favorable for gardening, starting from the Moscow region. Promising for the formation of the "Taganrog boat", and in the northern regions - in the form of a creeping culture.

Zhigulevskoe. The variety was bred by S.P. Kedrin from crossing Borovinka with the Wagner variety. The fruits are harvested in early September, but they are stored as in winter varieties until January and beyond. Large apples - 170 g, flat-round, golden yellow with a bright red blurred blush. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant. Winter hardiness is average. Productivity is plentiful, often periodic. The variety is relatively resistant to fruit scab and moderately resistant to leaf scab. The first fruits appear in the fourth or fifth year, by the age of 7-8 years, 17-18 kg are obtained from the tree. The tree is medium-sized, with a rounded crown.

lingonberry. The variety was bred in Moscow by A. V. Petrov. Ripening time is autumn. Fruits are stored for no more than two to three weeks. They are of medium size - up to 100 g, barrel-shaped, with a bright cherry blurred blush on most of the fruit, very elegant. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant. It enters fruiting early - in the second or third year after planting in the garden. Harvests are plentiful and regular. The tree is undersized.

As a highly winter-hardy variety, Brusnichnoye is zoned even in places that are not very favorable for apple trees, such as Yaroslavskaya, Tverskaya, Vladimirskaya, Ivanovo region, but as a variety closest to the intensive type, it is also interesting for more southern regions.

Every gardener dreams of enjoying not only healthy appearance their "wards", but also their fragrant fruits. But it was not there. For many years now, your favorite apple tree refuses to please you with delicious ones.

Why the apple tree does not bear fruit and what to do in such a situation? To eliminate the problem of fruit tree infertility, first of all, you need to correctly diagnose the cause. In this article, we will show you how to help your pet and eliminate the problem of her infertility.

Fruiting and age

The time of onset of yield depends on many subjective factors: correct planting and care, type, level of pollination, quality of seedlings, rootstocks, etc. Therefore, it is impossible to calculate with accuracy what year after planting your apple tree will begin to bear fruit.

Most varieties of apple trees begin to bear fruit in the 6–8th year after planting. Often, gardeners try to speed up this process with the help of special techniques.

Summer and autumn varieties often give a quality crop for 20 or more years, while some actively reduce yields after 15 years of fruiting. Winter varieties can delight you with fragrant apples for 30 years in a row.

Did you know? In America, a long-lived apple tree grows, planted back in 1647. It's hard to believe, but the tree is still bearing fruit.

The number directly depends on their size: the larger, the less the tree can “endure” them.

If a tree, regardless of variety, bears fruit periodically, it is worth strengthening its care. In this situation, everything depends only on the gardener. The correct diet of feeding, watering, looking after and caring for the ovaries - the application of such efforts will be rewarded with a generous harvest.

Many ovaries

A lot of ovaries is one of the main reasons that provokes the frequency of fruiting of an apple tree, because it prevents the laying of flower buds on next year. In addition, a large number of ovaries depletes the tree. Therefore, you should not be too happy if your apple tree is all covered in color.
Any experienced gardener assure you that you need to get rid of an excessive amount of ovaries. You can resort to this both manually and chemically.

The main thing in the process of getting rid of unnecessary ovaries is not to harm the central flower and not to provoke damage to the whole inflorescence.

Manual thinning of the ovaries consists in cutting off the lateral flowers of the inflorescence in the first or second half, depending on the variety. The stalk from the flower must be left so as not to harm the inflorescence. AT right time she will fall off on her own.
Chemical thinning of the ovaries is carried out using the recommended chemical substances(ammonium thiosulfate, carbamide, etc.) in the proportions indicated in the instructions. This method should be applied after dusting central flower inflorescence, which occurs on the 3-4th day of flowering. Side flowers are sprayed with a chemical that either burns them or prevents dusting.

Important! chemical method thinning the ovaries is quite risky. And it's not even about the correct calculation of proportions. In the event of an attack after chemical treatment, you personally deprive yourself of the crop.

No pollinator variety

One of the main prerequisites for obtaining good harvest fruit trees is the presence of pollinating varieties. The fact is that the flowers themselves are practically barren, for fruitfulness they need pollen. There are, of course, self-fertile fruits, but the apple tree is not one of them.

Even at the stage of laying the garden, it is necessary to combine which varieties of fruits and where to plant in order to avoid under-pollination. Optimal cross-pollination occurs when there are 3-4 varieties of trees of the same species.

An apple pollinator variety is a tree that should grow no further than 50–60 m so that they can freely carry pollen. The flowering time of such a tree, the formation of pollen on it, the ripening period must coincide with that which it pollinates. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid the randomness of planting varieties with different fruiting periods: early varieties It is advised to plant near the early ones, - near the late ones.

Choice best pollinators also depends on the variety. For example, suitable, "Renet" -, "Makentosh" - "Antonovka", - "Suyslepskoe", etc.

bad place

The apple tree is a picky tree. But, like everyone, she has her whims. She does not like excess moisture, so planting this type of fruit in marshy areas is not advised. The level of groundwater occurrence should also be taken into account: optimal - 1.8 m for moving waters, 2–2.5 m - for stagnant waters.
The area where long time linger thawed and rain water, is also not suitable for planting an apple tree, since its root system may die from excess moisture. The most best soil for the growth of apple trees - loamy and sandy loam. Stony soil, crushed stone or sand are harmful to the full life of fruit plants.

should be protected from cold northern winds and provided high level illumination.

Did you know? Apple orchards occupy 5 million hectares of the surface of our planet. Every second tree on earth is an apple tree.

Damage to young branches

Both man and animals, and nature itself, are capable of harming young branches of an apple tree.

The wrong one can seriously injure a tree, make it barren for a while and even lead to death. Often, an apple tree suffers from uninvited guests - and rodents who are not averse to feasting on its bark and young branches.
In such a case, action must be taken first. emergency care You need to treat her wounds. To do this, use antiseptic agents (heteroauxin,), garden pitch, a mixture of liquid and clay, which prevent the spread of infection.

In nature, there are many, among which there is even cancer. The main task of the gardener is to correctly diagnose the disease and start treatment on time.

Insufficient pruning

Another reason why the apple tree does not bloom and does not bear fruit is a violation of agricultural practices and crowns. It is the correctness of this process that regulates the qualitative fruitfulness, growth, health and development of the tree.
Tree pruning is carried out. Omission of this process leads to thickening of the crown, which is fraught with many problems.

A dense crown is a breeding ground for pests of leaves and bark of an apple tree., as well as a moisture accumulator, which provokes leaf strife and the emergence of many fungal infections that are harmful both to the tree itself and to its fruits.

An insufficiently pruned crown entails immature and tasteless fruits. The fact is that fruits do not receive the amount necessary for ripening. sunlight. As a result of such an oversight, the yield of the plant will decrease every year.
Neglecting the crown trimming procedure is fraught with other unpleasant surprises. For example, thick branches will not allow rotten fruits to fall to the ground. Apples will remain on the tree and accumulate many infections that can spread to well-groomed plants.

Why the apple tree does not bloom and does not bear fruit - the reasons and what to do? The apple tree is a favorite since childhood garden culture, which always gives a lot of reasons for both optimism and concern. The more we experience when the long-awaited flowering young tree everything is delayed and delayed.

Meanwhile, there can be several quite understandable reasons for the lack of flowering and fruiting. It is noteworthy that, as a rule, this is a clear signal that something is wrong with the tree. What is the specific problem and what are the ways to solve it - we will understand further.

What you will learn from this article:

Why the apple tree does not bloom and does not bear fruit - the reasons and what to do

  • 1 Specificity of the selected variety
    • 1.1 Unregistered variety
    • 1.2 Periodic fruiting
    • 1.3 Too young tree
  • 2 Mistakes when planting an apple tree seedling
    • 2.1 Buried root collar
    • 2.2 Non-compliance with other landing conditions
  • 3 Wrong care of the apple tree
    • 3.1 Cropping
    • 3.2 "Overfeeding" or lack of fertilizer
    • 3.3 Lack or excess of moisture
  • 4 Lack of fruiting due to apple disease

The specificity of the selected variety

Problems with the fruiting of an apple tree may be due to the fact that when buying you chose the wrong or specific type of tree.

Unrestricted variety

For example, you may have accidentally ordered online or purchased a variety from the market that is not suitable for growing in your area. climate zone. In other words, such an apple tree may not be suitable for fruiting in excessively hot or cold (or dry or humid) conditions in your area.

The apple tree will not bloom and bear fruit for one simple reason - it spends all its strength on adapting and taking root in new conditions.

For example, if you live in the northern region, and your soil is on suburban area heavy, then for a seedling stock and a late-ripening variety, 10-11 years is a normal waiting period.

Periodic fruiting

There are varieties of apple trees that bloom and bear fruit not every year, but every other year. So there is no point in worrying, the reason is quite clear - cyclicity. Let's say it can be Grushovka Moscow, Cinnamon striped, Antonovka, Malinovka, July Chernenko and others.

Grushovka Moscow

Although the frequency of fruiting can sometimes have a slightly different (even completely different) meaning, as you can learn from the following video.

The frequency of fruiting apple trees video

Too young tree

It happens that even on the 5th and even on the 6th year after planting, the apple tree does not begin to bloom. First of all, you need to find out on which rootstock the tree is grafted. If on strong rootstock, then you should not expect early fruiting, and 6-8 years is a normal period. You just have to be patient and keep waiting. Apple trees of the following, as a rule, winter varieties ripen quite late: Northern Sinap, Anis Striped and Scarlet, Sun, Suislepskoe.

northern synapse

In addition, it often happens that in apple trees of such varieties, the first flowering does not end with fruiting, since this is a kind of trial flowering.

Why the apple tree does not bear fruit

Errors when planting an apple tree seedling

One of the main reasons why an apple tree does not bloom and / or does not bear fruit may be improper planting of seedlings. It is on her that the future development of a young tree largely depends.

Buried root collar

Most often, the main reason for the lack of flowering or fruiting of an apple tree can be excessively buried root neck of a tree.

Be sure to check whether the root neck of the seedling was deepened during planting, whether it is level with the ground. To determine this, you should carefully dig the ground near the trunk to find the topmost root.

You should find it at about a depth of 2-3 centimeters. If it is noticeably closer or deeper, then it should either be sprinkled with earth, or, conversely, slightly dug.

Moreover, it is desirable to free the trunk from all sides by about 50-60 centimeters, making holes, and building walls of stones or bricks along the edges so that the earth does not again fall asleep the previously excessively buried seedling trunk.

Non-compliance with other landing conditions

For example, you could plant a tree in wrong overly dark and very windy place where the land is heavy and infertile, and the ground is too close.

Wrong chose landing time. Despite the fact that apple trees can be planted in spring and autumn, certain rules still worth sticking with.

And finally, a weak seedling (for example, old and half-dead) was bought and planted.

Important! About when and how to plant an apple tree spring and autumn you can read in our materials.

Wrong apple tree care

Suppose that you figured out the specifics of the variety, planted it according to all the rules, but the apple tree still does not bloom and does not bear fruit. It is possible that the reason lies in the improper or insufficient care of the tree.


Proper pruning also affects the fruiting of the apple tree.

If you over-pruning, then the tree will simply spend all its energy on growing new branches, instead of blooming.

If you completely start the tree, then perhaps for the first few years it will bloom profusely and give big harvest(even if there are enough small apples), but then he will gradually lack nutrition, because there will be too many branches, they will begin to dry and they will certainly not be able to bloom.

That is why the apple tree, like any other fruit tree, needs regular pruning, including sanitary, rejuvenating and shaping.

Vertical growth of branches

Another reason for the lack of fruiting is the vertical growth of the branches of the apple tree. The fact is that flowers can form only on horizontal growth. In this case, you need to use a load or a brace to give the vertical branches a horizontal position, in other words, reduce the angle of inclination of the branches. However, fruiting should be expected only in the 2-3rd year after the bend.

Bending of branches for the formation and better fruiting of fruit trees

It is much more efficient to start forming the crown of a tree from the moment the seedling is planted.

By the way! detailed information about apple tree pruning in spring and her preparation for winter.

Overfeeding or lack of fertilizer

If you apply an excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizers under an apple tree, then such a situation may arise that even if the buds form, the flowering will be weak or completely absent.

It is also important to fertilize at the right time. If you feed the tree with nitrogen at the end of summer or autumn, then next year it will begin to “fatten”. Nitrogen supplements (e.g. fresh manure, bird droppings, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate) should only be done in the spring.

BUT in the second half of summer it is good to feed the apple tree with potassium, phosphorus and boron fertilizers, as well as humate.

Note! On our website you can read about .

iron deficiency

Old folk way to make an apple tree bear fruit is to drive a couple of rusty nails into its trunk. However, not every gardener will decide on such a drastic step. Therefore, you can do much easier - bury the nails in trunk circle trees in several places. Some even bury old tin cans.

You probably already understand what the meaning of this procedure is. The tree is simply not enough iron. You can determine how much an apple tree suffers from its lack by yellow leaves tree.

To replenish the required supply of iron, you can spray the apple tree with a weak solution a couple of times per season.

Hammering nails into an apple tree

Too little or too much moisture

Another reason why an apple tree may not bloom due to improper care, may be non-compliance with the rules of watering.

So, during irrigation under young apple trees (1-2 years old), at least 20-30 liters of water should be poured, under 3-5-year-olds - at least 50-80 liters, and under adults - up to 100 liters of water. It is very important that water has time to penetrate the entire root system of the plant, hence the increasing volumes as the tree grows.

Lack of fruiting due to apple disease

If you carefully examine the tree, you may find that it is sick or damaged due to sudden weather changes. That is why, in fact, flowering and / or fruiting may not occur.

Returning spring frosts

Alternatively, because return frosts kidneys could be damaged.

Save the tree from negative impact low temperature It is possible with the help of its sprinkling and smoke.

essence smoke in order to increase the air temperature with the help of smoke from a smoldering fire. However, the method is effective only under the condition of weak frosts (up to -4 degrees).

Meaning sprinkling in that shortly before frost (preferably at night) you irrigate the trees with water. When the temperature drops, the moisture will begin to evaporate and the air will warm up.

If you didn’t have time to do anything, but it was frosty and the apple trees didn’t bloom, then try to spend furrowing of the bark, in other words, make vertical cuts on the bark to the wood 5-7 centimeters long with a garden knife.

Video: how to make an apple tree bear fruit by bending (branching) vertical branches and furrowing the bark.

How to make an apple tree bear fruit

insect pests

The reason for the lack of flowering or fruiting in apple trees can be pests: apple flower beetle or weevil larva, which can gladly destroy more than 80-90% of all buds and ovaries of a tree.

The method of dealing with them is quite simple - it is spraying with insecticides. You can also use mechanical traps to combat garden pests- trapping belts.

fungal diseases

Flowers and ovaries may be exposed to one of the dangerous diseases, for example, to catch powdery mildew, get sick with peronosporosis or even black cancer.

A very dangerous fungal disease is moniliosis(fruit rot). One of its signs is the appearance of dry branches at young seedling summer. And already next spring despite the good abundant flowering, as well as a possible ovary, fruiting may not be at all.

Important! To prevent such problems from occurring, spend every spring processing and spraying apple trees from pests and diseases.

Thus, having determined the reason why the apple tree does not bloom and / or does not bear fruit in your summer cottage, you can choose the appropriate methods and methods for solving the problem in order to get a noble harvest in the near future and treat yourself, your relatives and friends with delicious and fragrant apples .

What to do if the apple tree does not bear fruit

Why the apple tree does not bloom and does not bear fruit - the reasons and what to do.

Where to buy seeds and seedlings with delivery

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The apple tree is a garden culture beloved since childhood, which always gives a lot of reasons for both optimism and concern. We are all the more worried when the long-awaited flowering of a young tree is delayed and delayed. Meanwhile, there can be several quite understandable reasons for the lack of flowering and fruiting. It is noteworthy that most often this is a clear signal that something is wrong with the tree. What is the specific problem and what are the ways to solve it, we will understand further.

The specificity of the selected variety

Problems with the fruiting of an apple tree may be due to the fact that when buying you chose the wrong or specific type of tree.

Unrestricted variety

For example, you may have accidentally ordered online or purchased a variety from the market that is not suitable for growing in your climate zone. In other words, such an apple tree may not be suitable for fruiting in excessively hot or cold (or dry or humid) conditions in your area. The apple tree will not bloom and bear fruit for one simple reason - it spends all its strength on adapting and taking root in new conditions.

For example, if you live in the northern region, and the soil in your summer cottage is heavy, then for a seedling stock and a late-ripening variety, 10-11 years is a normal waiting period.

Periodic fruiting

There are varieties of apple trees that bloom and bear fruit not every year, but every other year. So there is no point in worrying, the reason is quite clear - cyclicity. Let's say it could be Moscow Grushovka, cinnamon striped, Antonovka, Medunitsa, Malinovka, July Chernenko other.

Grushovka Moscow

Although the frequency of fruiting can sometimes have a slightly different (even completely different) meaning, as you can learn from the following video:

Too young tree

It happens that even on the 5th and even on the 6th year after planting, the apple tree does not begin to bloom. First of all, you need to find out on which rootstock the tree is grafted. If on strong rootstock, then you should not expect early fruiting, and 6-8 years is a normal period. You just have to be patient and keep waiting. Apple trees of the following, as a rule, winter varieties ripen quite late: Northern Sinap, Anis Striped and Scarlet, Sun, Suislepskoe.

northern synapse

In addition, it often happens that in apple trees of such varieties, the first flowering does not end with fruiting, since this is a kind of trial flowering.

Video: why the apple tree does not bear fruit

Errors when planting an apple tree seedling

One of the main reasons why an apple tree does not bloom and / or does not bear fruit may be improper planting of seedlings. It is on her that the future development of a young tree largely depends.

Buried root collar

Most often, the main reason for the lack of flowering or fruiting of an apple tree can be excessively buried root neck of a tree.

Be sure to check whether the root neck of the seedling was deepened during planting, whether it is level with the ground. To determine this, you should carefully dig the ground near the trunk to find the topmost root. You should find it at about a depth of 2-3 centimeters. If it is noticeably closer or deeper, then it should either be sprinkled with earth, or, conversely, slightly dug. Moreover, it is desirable to free the trunk from all sides by about 50-60 centimeters, making holes, and building walls of stones or bricks along the edges so that the earth does not again fall asleep the previously excessively buried seedling trunk.

Non-compliance with other landing conditions

For example, you could plant a tree in wrong overly dark and very windy place where the earth is heavy and barren, and ground water are too close.

Wrong chose landing time. Despite the fact that apple trees can be planted in spring and autumn, certain rules should still be followed.

And finally, a weak seedling (for example, old and half-dead) was bought and planted.

Wrong apple tree care

Suppose that you figured out the specifics of the variety, planted it according to all the rules, but the apple tree still does not bloom and does not bear fruit. It is possible that the reason lies in the improper or insufficient care of the tree.


Proper pruning also affects the fruiting of the apple tree.

If you over-pruning, then the tree will simply spend all its energy on growing new branches, instead of blooming.

If you start the tree completely, then, perhaps, for the first few years it will bloom profusely and give a large harvest (even if there are enough small apples), but then it will gradually lack food, because there will be too many branches, they will begin to dry and bloom already. definitely can't.

That is why the apple tree, like any other fruit tree, needs regular pruning, including sanitary, rejuvenating and shaping.

Vertical growth of branches

Another reason for the lack of fruiting is the vertical growth of the branches of the apple tree. The fact is that flowers and fruits can form only on horizontal growth. In this case, you need to use a load or a brace to give the vertical branches a horizontal position, in other words, reduce the angle of inclination of the branches. However, fruiting should be expected only in the 2-3rd year after the bend.

Video: bending branches for the formation and better fruiting of fruit trees

It is much more efficient to start forming the crown of a tree from the moment the seedling is planted.

"Overfeeding" or lack of fertilizer

If you apply an excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizers under an apple tree, then such a situation may arise that even if the buds form, the flowering will be weak or completely absent.

It is also important to fertilize at the right time. If you feed the tree with nitrogen at the end of summer or autumn, then next year it will begin to “fatten”. Nitrogen fertilization (eg, fresh manure, bird droppings, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate) should only be done in the spring.

BUT in the second half of summer it is good to feed the apple tree with potash, phosphorus and boron fertilizers, as well as humate.

Note! On our website you can read about

iron deficiency

An old folk way to make an apple tree bear fruit is to drive a couple of rusty nails into its trunk. However, not every gardener will decide on such a drastic step. Therefore, you can do it much easier - bury the nails in the near-trunk circle of the tree in several places. Some even bury old tin cans.

You probably already understand what the meaning of this procedure is. The tree is simply not enough iron. You can determine how much an apple tree suffers from its lack by the yellow leaves of the tree.

To replenish the necessary supply of iron, you can spray the apple tree with a weak solution of iron sulfate a couple of times during the season.

Video: hammering nails into an apple tree

Too little or too much moisture

Another reason why an apple tree may not bloom due to improper care may be non-compliance with watering rules.

So, during irrigation under young apple trees (1-2 years old), at least 20-30 liters of water should be poured, under 3-5-year-olds - at least 50-80 liters, and under adults - up to 100 liters of water. It is very important that water has time to penetrate the entire root system of the plant, hence the increasing volumes as the tree grows.

Lack of fruiting due to disease andpests

If you carefully examine the tree, you may find that it is sick with something, it has been attacked by pests or suffered due to sudden weather changes. That is why, in fact, flowering and / or fruiting may not occur.

Returning spring frosts

Alternatively, the kidneys could be damaged due to recurrent frosts.

You can protect a tree from the negative effects of low temperatures by sprinkling it and smoking it.

essence smoke in order to increase the air temperature with the help of smoke from a smoldering fire. However, the method is effective only under the condition of weak frosts (up to -4 degrees).

Meaning sprinkling in that shortly before frost (preferably at night) you irrigate the trees with water. When the temperature drops, the moisture will begin to evaporate and the air will warm up.

If you didn’t have time to do anything, but it was frosty and the apple trees didn’t bloom, then try to spend furrowing of the bark, in other words, make vertical cuts on the bark to the wood 5-7 centimeters long with a garden knife.

Video: how to make an apple tree bear fruit by bending (branching) vertical branches and furrowing the bark

insect pests

The reason for the lack of flowering or fruiting in apple trees can be pests: apple flower beetle or weevil larva, which can gladly destroy more than 80-90% of all buds and ovaries of a tree.

The method of dealing with them is quite simple - it is spraying with insecticides. You can also use mechanical traps to control garden pests - trap belts.

fungal diseases

Flowers and ovaries can undergo one of the dangerous diseases, for example, pick up powdery mildew, get downy mildew, or even black cancer.

A very dangerous fungal disease is moniliosis(fruit rot). One of its signs is the appearance of dry branches in a young seedling in the summer. And next spring, despite the good abundant flowering, as well as the possible ovary, fruiting may not be at all.

Important! To prevent such problems from occurring, spend every spring.

Thus, having determined the reason why the apple tree does not bloom and / or does not bear fruit in your summer cottage, you can choose the appropriate methods and methods for solving the problem in order to get a noble harvest in the near future and treat yourself, your relatives and friends with delicious and fragrant apples

Video: what to do if the trees do not bear fruit

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