Citrus calamondin micro home care. How to care for calamondin: ways to get fragrant citrus fruits. Caring for calamondin trees at home

Small citrus plants feel great at home. They are planted in ordinary flower pots and kept on the windowsill, loggia or greenhouse. At proper care trees are able not only to please the owners with their appearance, but also to bear fruit. One of these tropical plants that have taken root in apartments is calamondin. Home care for a small tree with delicate white flowers and fragrant fruits is not very difficult. So growing your own tangerines on the balcony or in the kitchen is quite realistic.

What does citrofortunella look like

The plant is often either mistakenly or for simplicity called tangerine. In fact, its correct name is calamondin. At home, he feels great and often bears fruit even with not very caring housewives.

At its core, a small tree of the rue family is a hybrid of mandarin and fortunella. The plant turned out to be surprisingly frost-resistant, completely unpretentious and perfectly fruitful. True, the taste of his mini-tangerines bears little resemblance to the "big brother". They are very fragrant, but not at all sweet, but with a bitter and sour taste. So they often end up on the table in the form of jam.

Like all citrus fruits, calamondin can grow both as a tree and as a shrub. On its branches are not very large bright green leaves with a glossy surface. If you touch them, a subtle aroma appears in the air. For 3-4 years of life in spring, citrofortunella is covered with small white flowers, which after a while turn into green fruits. By autumn, mini-tangerines ripen, radiating cheerfulness and filling the room with warmth and light. It is noteworthy that green and ripe fruits, as well as flowers and buds, can be on the branches at the same time.

Content temperature

Despite its frost resistance, calamondin feels better in conditions of moderate heat. In summer it can be 22-25 degrees (the heat will not do him good). And in winter, in order for the tree to rest, it is better to reduce it to 10-15. After spending several months at rest, calamandin will definitely respond to the temperature increase with active growth and flowering. In general, in the summer it is better to put it on the windowsill, and in the winter to take it out to the balcony or loggia, trying not to freeze. The plant reacts to too high a temperature by dropping fruits, flowers and even leaves.


For those who do not know how to care for calamondin, first of all, you need to deal with the moisturizing regimen. During the period active growth, flowering and fruiting (that is, from spring to autumn) it needs to be watered quite often, preferably daily. At rest (in winter), this is done less often, once a week will be enough. But this is subject to the correct temperature regime. If the plant is left in winter on the windowsill or on the floor next to the battery, then it should be watered as in summer.

The tree is quite capable of surviving the drought. It will not die, even if you forget about it for several months. But the appearance will suffer from this. Firstly, without watering, flowers (and even more so - fruits) can not be dreamed of. Secondly, the plant may shed its leaves. But in general, it will not die.

To make Calamondin feel good, it is recommended to spray it. Do this in the spring before flowering and in the summer, when the fruits appear. In winter, it is necessary to moisten the leaves only in case of excessively high temperatures. It is better not to do this during the flowering period, since the petals react rather painfully to water. And still it is not necessary to transfuse calamondin. Care for it should be such that the soil is not too dry, but the fungus does not appear. In the latter case, the plant may die.


The tree itself, being unpretentious, feels quite normal even without the sun. But only now it is unlikely to bloom and bear fruit in such conditions. Although the direct sun also does not have a very favorable effect on the well-being of calamondin. If we consider perfect lighting, then in summer it is a window sill with access to the west or east, and in winter - rather, the north side or shade.

In warm weather, citrus fruits are often taken out into the street, leaving them to "breathe" the air and bask in their natural environment. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, but you should not leave calamondin in strong sunshine. Home care after street "sunburn" can be complicated by the fact that the leaves begin to dry and fall off. With a lack of moisture and an excess of light, the fruits will also suffer.

Feeding and breeding

Citrus calamondin, which is cared for in accordance with the recommendations, does not need fertilizers. It is better to use top dressing during the period of active growth and flowering. For calamondin, natural organic fertilizers or a special mixture for citrus fruits are suitable. Sometimes formulations are used. The intensity and frequency of feeding should depend on the age of the plant (the older, the more often) and its condition. Mineral deficiency is indicated by small or pale leaves, lack of flowers.

It reproduces, like all citrus plants, in two ways: cuttings formed from twigs with 2-3 buds, and seeds planted in the soil. The second option is considered more laborious and requires mandatory grafting for subsequent flowering and fruiting. Calamondin, home care for which will be correct, takes root quickly enough. Before planting, cuttings are recommended to be dipped in a special liquid, and then covered with a trimmed top. plastic bottle. As soon as new leaves appear, it can be removed. It is more difficult to grow a tree from a stone, but this method is also very often used.

Pests and diseases

However, with insufficient watering, its leaves can become stained, curl and fall off. The solution to the problem comes down to timely hydration. With excessive watering, a fungus sometimes appears, which often goes away on its own if the plant is slightly dried.

Calamondin is a bright, beautiful and not very whimsical plant that can bloom and bear fruit in conditions ordinary apartment. If you follow the elementary rules and recommendations for care, it will not only please the eye, but also give a delicious aroma and a great mood. And from the fruit comes out a wonderful jam.

Wet tropical thickets, high blue skies, endless beaches and the intoxicating aroma of fruits - how you want to keep a piece of the southern sun in our cold apartments. A resident of the southern forests, who has perfectly adapted to the conditions of home maintenance, will help us to fulfill this wonderful desire - calamondin or, as it is also called, citrofortunella.

Calamondin is an ornamental houseplant whose appearance resembles a dwarf tangerine tree. The people called the plant that way - golden orange or indoor tangerine. The homeland of calamondin is the southern and eastern part of Asia, where a hot climate and high humidity prevail. Calamondin belongs to the rue family and is the product of crossing mandarin and. The result is a beautiful evergreen, which at home reaches 1 m in height (at home it grows up to 5 m). Moreover, from citrus fruits he got the appearance and fruits, and from the kumquat he got a sweet peel and resistance to low temperatures.

Against the background of small dark green leaves, bright orange fruits resembling tangerines look very colorful and contrasting. This plant can bloom and bear fruit almost all year round if properly cared for. A feature of calamondin (or citrofortunella) are small white flowers with four petals that emit nice smell and fragrant fruits weighing only 10-12 gr., appearing after flowering.

[!] Pollination of flowers will have to be done manually with a brush, then to enjoy fragrant small fruits.

Despite the very appetizing appearance, taste qualities Calamondin fruits will not please gourmets too much. Under the thin and sweetish peel is juicy and sour pulp with a large number of small seeds. And although there are few people who want indoor tangerines in their raw form, they make excellent, tasty and fragrant jam or jam. Moreover, the fruits usually fully ripen in November and can hang on the tree for another six months.

Attractive appearance makes citrofortunella popular New Year's gift in China. It is believed that this plant symbolizes prosperity and good luck in all endeavors. It is also customary to give calamondin on Christmas holidays in America, the Philippines, Hawaii and even in Europe. Decorativeness and unpretentiousness in care allow it to become a real decoration of any home.

Despite the fact that calamondin grows quickly, branches well and bears fruit abundantly at home, it needs constant care and certain conditions of detention. Let's consider them in more detail.

Calamondin care at home


For calamondin you need a large number of light, dark or shady places. Bright and diffused light is the optimal lighting for the plant. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight so as not to cause burns on tender leaves.

In summer, when the sun not only shines strongly, but also warms, care must be taken that the flower is not too hot, otherwise it will begin to drop leaves, flowers and even fruits. For a lush and symmetrical crown, it must be slightly rotated daily towards the light source (literally one degree clockwise).


Calamondin is a thermophilic plant. Optimum temperature for him, as for a person, the temperature is 20-25 ° C. However, in the cold season, it is useful for a flower to lower the temperature to 13-17 ° C: this way it will better bloom and bear fruit in spring and summer.

In general, calamondin withstands a temperature drop of up to 5 ° C, but, given our domestic climate, it is by no means impossible to take it out to the balcony in winter. During the heating season, care should be taken to ensure that the flower does not overheat when near a battery or heater.

Humidity and watering

The birthplace of citrofortunella is quite humid places, rainforests Southeast Asia, therefore, at home, he needs high humidity. To do this, calamondin regularly, especially in the hot season, you need to spray it with water. room temperature. It is best to spray and water with warm boiled and settled water to reduce the content of various impurities, especially chlorine. Water in the warm season, you need to be plentiful, and in the cold as needed, when upper layer the soil will dry out.

Soil and fertilizer

For this plant, the composition of the soil is very important. Since citrofortunella constantly bears fruit, it requires a certain amount and ratio of nutrients and minerals in the soil. The soil is optimal, which includes soddy and leafy soil, humus and sand in the same proportion. It is very important to pay attention to drainage, which does not allow moisture to stagnate and rot the root system. It is best to pour pebbles, gravel or expanded clay into the bottom of the pot by 4-5 cm, then add the finished soil mixture.

Calamondin needs constant fertilizer, especially during the flowering period, which begins in March. Therefore, from March to October, the plant must be fed with special fertilizers for citrus fruits. Top dressing is sold in dry form and is diluted with water in the required proportion before use. In addition to fertilizing the roots, it is imperative to pay attention to the aerial part of the tree. To do this, the diluted solution is irrigated under the foliage using a spray bottle. Depending on the size and needs, fertilize the plant 2-4 times a month.

Transplant and pruning

This miniature tree has a fairly developed root system, so it must be transplanted into larger pots as needed. Young shoots of calamondin are transplanted annually in February-March, before flowering. When the plant becomes already an adult and its growth is no longer so intense, then you can change the flower pot once every 2-3 years.

The root system is very sensitive to any changes, therefore, during transplantation, it is not necessary to break the earthen ball. Before placing calamondin in another pot, you should inspect the root system and if there are rotten roots, they should be removed. Moreover, it is necessary to plant in a new soil at the same level at which the root neck was before. After this month, you can not fertilize the flower, as this is not necessary.

In order for the shape of the calamondin crown to be fluffy, uniform and round, you need to periodically cut off the leaves and young shoots. If fat shoots are left, they will not only spoil the symmetrical shape, but also will not give flowers and fruits. Pruning is done annually in the spring.


This evergreen plant propagates with the help of seeds or cuttings, but there are a number of nuances. Cuttings for this flower are quite difficult process, so the cuttings take root very hard and require additional measures to care for them. Seeds, on the contrary, sprout quickly and easily, however, in order for the tree to begin to bear fruit, several years must pass.

  • Reproduction by cuttings

For cuttings, a young sprout is used. To do this, cut off the shoot, where there are already 4-6 leaves. After that, it must be placed in a solution of indolyl-3-butyric acid, root (25 mg of acid per liter of water) or heteroauxin for 16 or 10 hours, respectively. Then the cutting is planted in ordinary soil and covered with a jar or polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect and increase humidity. To stimulate the root system and the growth of the entire shoot, phytohormones are often used. It is very important that the temperature is 23-25 ​​°C. For this, cuttings are best done in the warm season (late spring or early summer) or use soil heating.

  • Reproduction by seeds

For seeds, bones of still fresh fruits are suitable. Dried fruits are not suitable, as the bones in them quickly lose their ability to germinate. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm in loose soil, for which peat, sand and a fertile mixture are taken. For the appearance of shoots, you need certain conditions: temperature 25-28°C and high humidity. Therefore, the surface of the soil is abundantly watered and covered with polyethylene or glass. After one and a half, two months, young sprouts with leaves should appear. When there are more than four leaves on the shoot, they can already be planted in pots with ordinary soil.

Diseases and pests

Citrofortunella, like many houseplants, is susceptible to various diseases with improper care or attack by harmful insects.

The most common pests for this miniature tree are: aphids, whiteflies, spider mite and shield. You can detect these insects by yellowing leaves, white bloom on the surface or the presence of cobwebs. To combat them, special insecticides are used, which are sprayed on top of the plant. After applying these chemical substances, the surface of the flower will need to be washed.

Growing problems

  • Calamondin sheds leaves. There can be many reasons. It's either too hot, or too cold, or too much water, or not enough. nutrients, or too dry air, or a draft. From the falling leaves, you can immediately see that the plant does not like something in its habitat.
  • Calamondin does not bloom. This may indicate insufficient light, nutrition, or moisture.
  • Calamondin discards unripe fruits. Most likely, there are not enough nutrients.

Calamondin does not tolerate any sudden changes and adaptations quite well. Very often, after buying this plant, at home, it may begin to shed its leaves. In this case, it is recommended to cut off all the fruits, if any, and wrap the calamondin with polyethylene to increase the humidity.

Sudden changes in temperature, as well as changes in lighting, citrofortunella also does not tolerate well. Therefore, during flowering and fruiting, you can not rearrange and turn the pot with the plant, otherwise the plant will get stressed and begin to drop both leaves and flowers.

If simple care manipulations are done regularly and in a timely manner, then this plant will delight its owner with constant growth and flowering all year round. Even with fruits on the branches, calamondin can continue to bloom further.

Calamandin in addition to the bright and original look, has pleasant aroma. Moreover, the smell of freshness with sourness is exuded by leaves, flowers, and fruits of this exotic tree. And small juicy citrus fruits contain, in addition, a number of vitamins that are beneficial to health. Most of all there are vitamins C and P, which are excellent antimicrobial agents and antioxidants.

Like any other plant, calamondin can be affected by some diseases and pests. The most common diseases of this crop are soot fungus, anthracnose, gummosis.

Sooty fungus (black) appears as a dark, sooty film that forms on leaves and green shoots. This disease covers the surface of the leaf plate, thereby spoiling decorative look plants. In order to eliminate black, the affected areas are wiped or sprayed with a solution of colloidal sulfur, ash infusion or Fitosporin. In order to prevent such treatment is carried out once a month.

Anthracnose is a calamondin disease that affects citrus leaves. Appears at the end of flowering in the form of small yellow-green spots up to 1.5 mm in diameter. Gradually, the spots turn brown, connect with each other and form necrotic areas. This disease spreads in places with high humidity air. To eliminate the fungus, browned and fallen leaves are destroyed, after flowering the tree is sprayed with a solution blue vitriol, during the growing season Bordeaux liquid. Prevention is carried out in the form foliar dressings solution of zinc or manganese sulfate.

The fruits of calamondin fall

In citrus crops, gommosis disease (gum disease) is often observed. Gommosis develops in the lower part of the trunk, gradually spreading to branches, leaves, fruits and roots. In places of defeat, swellings are formed - accumulations of gum. The affected bark cracks and dies, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Dark brown spots form on the fruits, the skin hardens. Trees affected by gommosis bear fruit, but their fruits lose their taste. In the treatment of culture, a set of measures is carried out. The affected bark and wood are cut out, after which the wounds are cleaned. The cut sections are collected and burned. Wounds are treated with a solution of copper sulfate and covered with Bordeaux paste.

To provide good development and the flowering of the tree, it is necessary to carry out a regular transplant (young individuals once a year, adults - once every 3 years). When transplanting, it is important to provide a layer of drainage that will prevent the roots from sticking out and rotting. To prevent gommosis, a few rusty nails are added to the soil mixture.

Calamondin drops leaves

Bright lighting is also a guarantee successful cultivation citrofortunella. With its deficiency, the leaves of calamondin curl, turn yellow, fall off, sometimes for this reason leaf necrosis develops.

The causes of "leaf fall" can also be: excess moisture in the soil, heat air, draft, use cold water when watering. Possible causes should be eliminated and the plant monitored. If the leaves continue to fall, it is recommended to fertilize with nitrogen fertilizer. Often the reason that calamondin sheds leaves is a change in the microclimate in the room. It takes 2-2.5 months for citrus to adapt to new conditions. If after the adaptation period the leaves continue to fall off, you need to transplant the plant. This will reveal rotten roots that need to be eliminated.

There is no need to take action if the leaves of calamondin fall in the fall, since all citrus crops shed their leaves at this time.

When the foliage has completely fallen off, it is necessary to remove all the fruits, since they take in the nutrients required for the strength and growth of the tree. After that, spray with a special fertilizer for citrus fruits, which will replenish valuable substances. After 2-3 weeks, new shoots will appear.

Calamondin leaves fall and turn yellow

Sometimes the leaves of calamondin turn yellow and fall off due to a lack of magnesium in the soil. In this case, a fertilizer containing this element should be applied.

As you know, citrofortunella with good care blooms and bears fruit all year round. But it happens that the tree stops blooming or flowering does not occur. long time. The reason why calamondin does not bloom can be poor lighting, lack of moisture, nutrient deficiency in the soil, damage by diseases or pests, unsuitable soil, cramped pot, frequent rearrangement of the plant. In order for the tree to begin to bloom, it must be removed possible cause. Calamondin does not bloom even with an excess nitrogen fertilizers in the soil.

With a lack of fertilizers, calamondin fruits fall off. To prevent this, fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers is carried out. In spring - 3-4 times a month, from October to spring 1 time per month. To improve fruiting, the Mag-bor fertilizer is used, which promotes the development of ovaries and prevents fruit from falling off.


The most common pests of calamondin are,.

Why doesn't calamondin bloom?

Shchitovka and false shchitovka settle on shoots, leaves, petioles and trunks of a plant. Signs of their appearance are considered to be brown tubercles 2-5 mm in size. When pressed, a yellowish liquid is released from them. Leaf tissues become discolored when damaged, a sticky coating of insect secretions appears on the leaf plate. with the help of insecticides will not lead to a result, since the scale insects are covered with waxy shields on top. Intestinal preparations will help to destroy the insect.

The spider mite bites through a citrus leaf and feeds on cell sap. With a lesion on the lower, less often upper side of the leaf, small white and yellow grains form. With an extensive lesion on the tree, you can see the web. Severely affected leaves fall off. The tick settles only on weakened plants that are not able to resist the pest. Drying out is also a risk factor for the occurrence of spider mites. earthy coma, excessive watering, improper feeding, dry air in the room where calamondin is grown. To prevent the appearance of this pest, the tree is sprayed daily. cold water. In the fight against insects, the bush is treated with acaricides. In order for the drug to work, it is necessary to use it three times with an interval of 5-10 days. However, with improper maintenance and care of citrofortunella, the spider mite will soon settle on the plant again. To completely get rid of a tick for a tree, you need to create optimal conditions growth.

Leaves are curling on calamondin

The whitefly also refers to that infect houseplants. It's petty sucking insect secretes sticky pad, as a result of which a fungus develops on the leaves, causing them to turn yellow, and then fall off. The whitefly settles on the underside of platinum sheets and develops rapidly in warm, humid weather. Having settled on a tree, the insect begins to lay eggs, after a while the larvae emerge from them, which eventually increase in size, gradually turning into an adult insect. At all stages of its development, the whitefly sucks the juice from the leaves and secretes drops of honeydew. Often the insect settles large colonies that distort the appearance of the plant. The invasion of whiteflies negatively affects the fruiting of the tree, sometimes leading to its death. This pest reacts poorly to insecticides, so it is recommended to take preventive measures to prevent its occurrence. The insect loves a warm, humid environment, places where there is no ventilation, so it is necessary to provide the plant with optimal temperature conditions and regular ventilation. If signs of whiteflies appear on citrus, wash the affected leaves under running water or remove them completely. Used in insect control chemicals, as "Vercillin", "Fufanon", "Confidor", "Aktellik". To catch adults, traps are used, which are made from sheets of plywood or foil. The trap is painted in a bright color and the surface is smeared with petroleum jelly or castor oil. Whiteflies attracted bright color, sit in a trap and stick.

Aphids are one of the most common pests of Calamondin. It settles on the leaves and the upper part of the shoots. Spraying the plant 3-4 times will help to destroy aphids brine. Severely affected leaves are removed, the tree is treated with Actellik, Aktara, Agravertin.

A delightful plant resulting from the natural hybridization of mandarin and kinkan is called calamondin or citrofortunella. In the people, the flower is also referred to as "Chinese mandarin" and "golden orange". The plant belongs to the Rutov family, the birthplace of the flower is Southeast Asia.

The plant is ornamental, grows well and bears fruit at home. Differs in small evergreen glossy leaves, has a pleasant smell. At home, the tree has a very modest size. The fruits of calamondin are small orange-colored balls. Topped with skin. They are very much like tangerine fruits.

Home care

Citrofortunella is an ideal gift in all respects for any grower. Firstly, it will complement the home collection of plants with dignity. Secondly, no one has ever called calamondin a hard-to-grow plant. Yes, of course, it’s worth knowing the basic rules for caring for a tangerine tree, but nothing more. Thirdly, citrofortunella will fit perfectly into stylistic design any interior.

Let's remember!"Tangerine tree" cannot be called capricious or finicky, but special care is required for the plant.

Adaptation period. First transplant

The first two weeks in new conditions for the plant are the most difficult. "Tangerine tree", after ideally formed growing conditions for it in the store, falls into the usual city ​​apartment. And here very often the conditions of detention are far from ideal.

Basic rules for caring for citrofortunella during the adaptation period:

  • In the first 2 weeks, transplanting a flower is not recommended. But it should be actively watered and sprayed. As a rule, in flower supermarkets, the soil is slightly dried. Spraying can be carried out daily, and watering - as the top soil layer dries up.
  • After 2 weeks, the plant is recommended to be transplanted into another soil mixture. This is done not for aesthetic or any other reasons, but simply because the shop soil in most cases is not suitable for the plant. Citrofortunella, which we are offered in flower shops, are of foreign origin. And this means that, as a rule, special growth capsules are introduced into the roots of a tree.
  • If in the conditions of cultivation on special technologies such stimulants bring only benefits, then at home they can harm the plant: the plant will begin to wither. Therefore, the tree should be transplanted into a substrate suitable for it with good layer drainage. If some roots are slightly or badly rotted, they should be removed immediately.
  • The most important point is the choice of a place for the "tangerine tree". Of course, many owners want to decorate the interior of their home with such an exquisite and unusual houseplant. But for citrofortunella it will be better if it is placed in the immediate vicinity of the window. Ideal - on a windowsill with a western or east side Houses. Calamondin prefers diffused light, so in hot weather summer days the plant should be shaded.
  • AT winter months for the "tangerine tree" the south window is also suitable, since in the cold season the sun is not as active as in summer. Perhaps even there will be a need for additional illumination of citrofortunella. And here either traditional incandescent lamps or modern phytolamps will come to the aid of the grower. Grow calamandin in a dark place where they don't go Sun rays, perhaps, but in this case one should not hope for the appearance of fruits and the successful development of the plant.

Important advice! A young calamondin needs abundant watering to a much greater extent than a mature plant.

Temperature regime for cyclofortunella

Moisture-loving and thermophilic citrofortunella "makes" special requirements for temperature regime in the room where the plant is grown.

Golden temperature rule for golden orange:

  • AT summer time the temperature of growing calamondin can range from +22 to +25 degrees.
  • In the winter months, the temperature of growing citrofortunella can range from +15 to +18 degrees.

An important point in the cultivation of "Chinese mandarin" is the dormant period. Without it, the plant will weaken from year to year, and eventually die.

Citrofortunella is in dire need of a dormant period, since in the winter months (from November to February) it is very difficult for the plant to provide a full daylight hours. Therefore, calamondin cannot fully develop, form fruits.

At rest indoor plant should be kept at a temperature not higher than +12 degrees. The room should be well lit. Watering the plant is slowly but surely reduced and brought up to 1-2 times a month.

Watering Citrofortunella

Moisture-loving calamondin is very, very favorable to frequent and abundant watering. The grower needs to clearly monitor the moment when it is time to water the plant. It is very easy to do this. You can go two ways:

  • Make an individual schedule for watering the "Chinese mandarin" and strictly adhere to it. But this option is only suitable if the apartment constantly maintains the same comfortable conditions for the flower. If there are fluctuations in both temperature and humidity levels, then this option is not suitable. The watering time may come up, and the topsoil will still remain wet. Then you should go to the second path.
  • Regularly check the degree of drying of the soil. The plant will need watering if the ground dries out half a centimeter.

Another important point- This spraying. They should be regular and frequent. There are special requirements for water for irrigation and spraying of the "tangerine tree", because the successful cultivation of the plant largely depends on its composition and properties. Spraying should be carried out exclusively with a spray gun.

Do not forget to regularly clean the plant from dust and dirt deposits on the leaves. This can be done with a damp cloth or non-abrasive sponge. The procedure should be carried out no more than 1 time per month.

Water requirements for watering calamondin:

  • Watering the "tangerine tree" should be carried out only with settled water. Do not have time to defend the water - it does not matter. Water the plant with filtered or boiled water. As a fallback, distilled water is suitable. Remember that alkali has a detrimental effect on the plant.
  • Water for irrigation should be warm. Ideal - at least +20 degrees.

Remember! In order for the “golden orange” to have a uniform crown, it should be rotated daily by 1-2 mm relative to the sun.

Citrofortunella transplant

The first plant transplant is carried out 2-3 weeks after purchase. In the future, the schedule of calamondin transplants will occur according to the following scheme:

  • young plants should be transplanted annually, in March-April;
  • mature plants should completely change both the soil and the pot no more than 1 time in 3 years. The rest of the time, it is enough just to update the top soil layer.

Rules for transplanting calamondin.

  • A pot for citrofortunella will need a tall and spacious one. After all, even a young plant can already boast of a developed root system.
  • Transplantation can be done by transshipment. It is not necessary to destroy the root clod, this can harm the already fragile system of the plant.
  • The drainage layer should be at least 2.5-3 cm. For calamondin, ordinary expanded clay purchased at a flower shop is perfect.
  • Soil for citrofortunella can be purchased at ready-made or mix necessary components on one's own. As an option, you can take 2 parts of sod land, one part of sand and one part of manure and gently mix all the components.
  • In no case should the neck of the plant be buried. It should remain about the same level as it was in the old pot.
  • After transplanting, the "Chinese tangerine" is abundantly watered and put on sunny place shaded from bright rays.
  • After transplantation, it is especially important to protect Calamondin from drafts.
  • Within 1-1.5 months after the soil is completely renewed, the plant should not be fertilized. The fact is that at first the plant will actively recover due to those nutrients that will be contained in the new updated soil. Therefore, she does not need additional dressings.

Calamondin fertilizer

During the vegetative period, the plant consumes a huge amount of energy, which must be regularly replenished. This should be done with the help of dressings: both root and foliar.

Principles of top dressing for citrofortunella.

  • The plant needs both root and foliar top dressing.
  • For calamondin, special complex mineral fertilizers for citrus. Another good option top dressing - solution ammonium nitrate and calcium chloride. They should be mixed in proportion: 5 g of saltpeter and 2 g of calcium chloride are dissolved in 1 liter of settled water.
  • In the spring-summer period, it is recommended to apply fertilizers 1 time in 10 days, and in winter - 1 time per month and a half. During the dormant period, top dressing is completely excluded.
  • Horse dressings should be applied to moist soil. Therefore, they are recommended to be applied the next day after watering the plant.

Important! If the plant does not have enough fertilizer, it will begin to throw off the leaves and stop setting fruit.

Reproduction of calamondin

The two most best way for propagation of citrofortunella: cuttings and grafting.

  • Propagation by cuttings. For propagation, cuttings with a length of at least 10 cm with three healthy buds will be required. They should be carefully cut from the plant and then placed in an organic growth stimulator solution. In this case, indoleacetic acid is suitable. Cuttings can only be cut from mature plants.

    Root cuttings in a nutrient substrate (a mixture of moss and peat) and germinate in greenhouse conditions. The cuttings should be provided with a high temperature (not lower than +25 degrees) and high humidity. After the appearance of the first leaves, young sprouts should be regularly aired.

  • Reproduction by grafting. Citrofortunella should be grafted in the same sequence and according to the same principle as citrus fruits grown from seeds. The stalk propagated in this way blooms very quickly, and the appearance of fruits can be expected as early as next year.

Difficulties in growing calamondin

The main reason for the appearance of pests on citrofortunella is improper care. "Golden Orange" can be affected by mites, thrips or shield. It is good to fight pests with the help of acaricides. For preventive purposes, the plant can be processed from time to time. soapy water. It should only be applied to the leaves. To prevent soap from getting into the soil, cover the soil with a layer of polyethylene. After processing, the soap should be washed off with a stream of water from the shower.

Often citrofortunella suffers from fungal diseases. So that gommosis or anthracosis are not terrible for your plant, it is recommended to periodically treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Citrofortunella is very bright citrus. Growing calamondin at home will bring only positive emotions to the grower, and he will not be afraid of any difficulties!

Calamondin - decorative tree which anyone can grow at home. Pleasant citrus aroma, beautiful and bright appearance - this is just a small list of reasons why many people fell in love with it. In particular, it can be noted that it is easy to take care of him, so he will not cause problems even for beginners in this matter.

This tree was obtained by crossing a kumquat (another name is fortunella) and an ordinary tangerine. Such a hybrid plant received a well-known name - domestic mandarin, in a scientific way it is called citrofortunella, from the name of its ancestors.

Concerning appearance, then it differs in relatively small growth - up to a meter. Glossy dark leaves are combined with white flowers that will please their owner with an interesting pleasant aroma. When the flowering period ends, tangerine tree ripen small bright orange or close to yellow fruit. They taste sour, and they have a lot of seeds.

Light and heat-loving calamondin came to us from southeast Asia. For the appearance of tasty fruits, it is necessary to create a suitable climate for the plant, that is, to provide both light and heat in abundance. Calamondin bears fruit all year round if done correctly.

Due to its exoticism, aroma and presence of fruits, homemade tangerine can be a very pleasant gift. If someone suddenly decided to please you so an unusual gift, or you just never started such plants, then you don’t have to worry about having to watch him 24 hours a day. He is quite unpretentious, and, perhaps, it will be difficult to call him capricious.

As soon as you got this plant in your hands, you need to immediately pay attention to the soil in the pot. It must be constantly hydrated. Within 14 days after buying citrofortunella, you need to spray it daily with a spray bottle and provide the most coverage. Also at this time it should not be transplanted - this is not required. After two weeks, you can already transplant it, but in a pot large sizes.

There are also several nuances about the content of citrofortunella. First, when transplanting, try not to hurt the tender roots. young plant otherwise it may perish without bearing fruit. Secondly, the roots can overheat. To avoid this, you can rearrange the pot in a white planter and cover with sunny side sheet of paper. It is worth noting that it is not necessary to change the soil during transplantation.

Moving from the store to your apartment, calamondin may encounter new conditions and a new atmosphere. Getting used to a new environment - adaptation - can manifest itself in the form of falling leaves in the first days of being in a new place. If this was noticed, it is necessary to create additional air humidity by putting an ordinary plastic bag on the tree. After that, it will need to be aired daily.

Imported plants are popular in flower shops, and homemade tangerine is no exception. Such exotics are grown in conditions specially created for them. It happens that plants are injected with capsules with hormones that are incompatible with the conditions in the apartment. For this reason, the plant may begin to fade before our eyes, which means that it is worth taking action quickly: transplant it into another soil and pot and pay special attention to the roots. If they are rotten, you need to cut off these areas.

Location and lighting

It is very important to properly plan the place where citrofortunella will stand. The room should be well lit with natural, but slightly diffused light, so it is better to place the pot on the sunny side of the apartment (west or east), but cover it with a transparent curtain from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

In winter, the tangerine will really miss the light, so you should put a lamp next to it to create artificial lighting, while moving the pot to north side apartments are the most a good option to place the tree. Only in the presence of light will the plant bear fruit.


When getting yourself a citrofortunella, you need to remember that she loves moderate heat and moisture, as described above. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature and humidity. In summer, a mandarin can live in a room where the temperature does not exceed +25 degrees Celsius, and in winter - up to +18 degrees. More low temperature in winter, it corresponds to the real temperature in natural conditions, moreover, this decrease provokes a greater number of flowers and, as a result, fruits.

Watering and humidity

Calamondin foliage needs to be sprayed regularly and not allowed to dry out, and the soil needs to be watered frequently. As soon as the soil becomes at least half a centimeter dry, you need to repeat watering. Tap water is not suitable for sensitive calamondin, because it contains a high concentration of various impurities, including alkalis, which are very harmful to the plant. You need to water it either boiled warm water or water from a filter.

With the onset of winter, the number and frequency of watering is reduced, while increasing the number of sprayings, because at such a time of the year as winter, which is characterized by particularly dry air, it is necessary to carefully control the drying of the crown.

If you want to form a beautiful rounded crown shape with your new green friend, then you must remember to turn the pot once a day clockwise by a few millimeters. But you should not rudely unfold it immediately with a completely different side to the light - this greatly harms the tangerine.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Calamondin like any other flowering plant, during flowering, it needs additional minerals and nutrients, so from March to September, you need to additionally fertilize the ground once a week and a half. At any other time, this should not be done so often, once a month is sufficient.

Specialty horticultural stores provide their customers with mixtures to feed your tree. It can also be purchased online for free. The most effective and popular fertilizer for calamondin can be called Citrus Humus. It contains many useful microelements, humic substances in a large dosage. On the other hand, you can simply purchase formulations for flowering houseplants.


To transplant tangerine tree, you will need a large pot, because it can have a very developed large root system. In addition, citrofortunella from little tree can grow into a fairly large tree for its species. It is necessary to pay attention to the position of the root neck relative to the ground in the old pot and ensure exactly the same, only in the new one. During transplantation, do not particularly touch the clod of earth with roots, so as not to damage anything. Drainage must be of exceptional quality.

Within a month and a half, the tangerine does not need to be fertilized, as a new fresh soil enriched with beneficial substances and minerals.

To lay the soil in a pot, you need to start with drainage. Lay it around the perimeter of the bottom with a layer of up to three centimeters. Next - a mixture of different soil. Soddy land, manure and sand are well suited for citrofortunella; their proportion is approximately 2:1:1.

If the plant is still young, then it needs to be transplanted quite often: every spring. mature tree does not require such frequent transplants, only once in 2-3 years is enough.

Citrofortunella pruning

All plants require timely regular pruning. To form a beautiful spherical foliage, you need a stem a quarter of a meter high. Upstairs are skeletal branches, followed by the formation of branches an order of magnitude higher. It is necessary to reach the branches of the 4th order, then the crown can be considered complete. The time for pruning begins in February, until the summer they level, and in the summer they cut off the extra protruding branches.

There are 3 types of reproduction of citrofortunella:

  • Graft.
  • Bones from fruits are planted in the ground.
  • Cut cuttings with several buds.

It must be immediately clarified that reproduction homemade tangerine It's hard work and you have to put in a lot of effort.

As for grafting, an orange seedling that is not afraid of drought and has strong roots is well suited for this case.

Planting seeds in a pot is considered by people to be the easiest way of all, however, it takes a lot of time. In order for your new tree to hatch into the light, you need to regularly fertilize the ground. special formulations for plant growth.

In the latter case, several small parts when propagating mandarin by cuttings:

  • First you need to determine the stalk from the top of the crown with developed leaves and large internodes.
  • Next, you need to prepare a growth stimulator, which can perfectly serve as root or zircon. In it for a couple of seconds you need to dip the stalk.
  • Prepare the ground and insert the cutting into it at the level of the petiole of the lowest leaf.
  • This design requires maximum humidity. It can be provided by a jar on top or a plastic bag.
  • The resulting greenhouse should be ventilated daily for half an hour, but no more.

Roots germinate in less than a month with proper care.

Your indoor tree is prone to various diseases, such as sooty fungus, anthracnose and gummosis. Sooty fungus appears as a blackening of the main part of the leaves and shoots, which spoils the overall pretty appearance of the tangerine. To defeat this disease, you need to regularly wipe the leaves and shoots from black plaque. Fitosporin solution in a spray bottle can also effectively cope with the misfortune.

Anthracnose also affects the leaves, but in the end they are not covered with a film, but yellow spots, causing necrosis of some parts of calamondin. Untimely assistance can lead to the reset of part of the crown. A solution of copper sulfate or, in the people, copper sulfate can save a mandarin from anthracnose.

Gommosis can cause complete yellowing of the entire tree. The disease goes from bottom to top: from the bottom of the trunk to branches, leaves and even fruits. First you need to cut out all the affected areas of the mandarin, then start healing the wounds with copper sulfate.

Excessive wind, deficiency natural light and high temperature environment can cause calamondin to shed its leaves. In such a case, the owner should pay attention to what turned out to be wrong and correct it.

Summing up, we can answer the most common question among "apartment" gardeners about whether tangerines growing on calamondin are edible. They are more than edible, but taste more like a lemon than a tangerine. Their main advantage is a bright appearance.

Decorative mandarin Calamondin (video)