Suitable paints for chipboard furniture. Paint for chipboard. Features of choice and application Paint chipboard with water-based paint

It often happens that the situation is annoying, but nothing changes from rearranging the furniture.

The easy way out is to change old furniture for a new one, but this is not always affordable.

Therefore, to change the interior of the room, you can paint familiar objects in a new color, thereby enlivening the room and saving a decent amount on this.

It is best to do it yourself, giving yourself pleasure from work. How to paint old furniture?

Having asked a question, you should clearly know how to do it, and what is required for this.

To prepare the surface of objects for work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • putty
  • paint container, roller and brushes
  • fine-grained sandpaper
  • rubber spatula
  • Grinder
  • goggles and gloves for protective purposes
  • masking tape
  • dye

Having purchased and prepared everything you need, you can proceed to the preparatory.

Furniture preparation

You should carefully prepare the surface of the old product for painting, because the quality of painting depends on it. It is worth doing this, guided by step-by-step instructions:

  • Inspect furniture for minor damage, repair them. Remove the doors from it, remove the drawers, remove the fittings. Use a spatula to remove loose particles of varnish and paint.
  • Treat the entire area with fine-grained sandpaper. Such paper will not harm the wood of the furniture, it will not leave big scratches on it. You can use a grinder.
  • Degrease the surface with vodka or alcohol to avoid the formation of a film. Cover the surface with a layer of primer, and then repair large defects and scratches with putty. Best fit acrylic primer– it perfectly closes small cracks and scratches. Use a brush to apply primer. Let the primer dry well. Apply putty rubber spatula carefully leveling the surface in this area.
  • After allowing the putty to dry, sand the areas with sandpaper worn on a bar or grinder. Process until smooth and flat surface.
  • Remove dust from the surface of the furniture and prime it.

The primer for the last layer should be taken as close as possible in color to the future color of the furniture. Thus, paint will be saved and even coloring will be ensured.

Paint selection

Renewing the look of old furniture made from wood is not easy, but interesting job able to please the end result.

It is important to think in advance what color the restored item should be so that it fits organically into the rooms.

To do this, you need to carefully approach the choice of paint:

  • The final color of the restoration can be matte or glossy. Fit a thing under already existing design rooms, it is easier to paint it with a covering tone of paint, for example, white.
  • To pretend natural wood, you can highlight and emphasize the texture by applying transparent and translucent varnishes, stains, impregnations, enamels. Having cleaned the surface from the old coating, it will immediately become clear what type of coating should be applied.
  • Use only compositions intended specifically for furniture. Having bought an expensive varnish for a yacht or parquet, you should not expect an exceptional result, but if you do not like it, it will be difficult to clean it off.
  • For wooden surfaces, water-based acrylic formulations are more suitable. Even if wet, they are washed off even with water, but after drying well, they hold well on the surface, not being afraid of exposure to water.

The positive point of acrylic compositions is its vapor permeability, because air access is very important for it. Acrylic composition well protects the tree from mold and pests. They are odorless - you can carry out restoration right in the room - this will not be bad for either children or animals.

Spray paint lays flat on the surface and dries faster.

How to repaint old furniture - presented in the video:

The issue of restoring furniture made of chipboard rarely arises, since it does not last long and its place after wear in the country or in a landfill. But if the furniture is strong enough, then you can repaint it and it can still serve for several years.

Painting furniture from chipboard is not only updating the walls, but also strengthening the surface - it is she who is prone to various types of damage. Before you start painting work, you need to familiarize yourself with how to paint old chipboard furniture with your own hands.

First of all, you should prepare the details of the product for painting. To clean the surface of the old coating, one of two methods is used - chemical or thermal. Chemical is the application different solvents to clean off the old coating.

It is taken depending on what means the old furniture is covered with. Thermal is the application of heat treatment: air or steam, for which you should use building hair dryer. Jet warm air softens the old coating, and it is easily removed with a spatula.

When all old paint removed, all irregularities and scratches should be repaired with putty, and after drying, treat them with sandpaper. Remove dust from the surface with a dry piece of cloth or blow off with a vacuum cleaner.

In addition, it is worth making wet cleaning where the painting will be done so that debris and dust do not settle on the freshly painted surface.

Acrylic paints are great for updating chipboard furniture because they are easy to apply and do not emit harmful compounds. Also a good option are alkyd and oil paints. Acrylic paint is available on water based so it dries quickly.

Before applying paint, cover the entire area of ​​​​the product with a primer, it is important to choose it from the same manufacturer and select it according to the tone of the paint. You can apply it with a brush or roller, the main thing is that there is a thin layer - it dries faster.

After the primer has dried, you can paint the surface, for which a brush and roller are used. It is necessary to apply a layer of paint, moving in one direction, and the second layer will be covered perpendicular to the first, so that it lies as evenly as possible.

After the first layer has dried, the second layer can be applied. The number of layers depends on what color of furniture you want to get in the final version.

To give gloss and to make the surface smooth, painted furniture must be covered with a transparent varnish. The varnish is applied in a thin layer with a roller or brush. It is better to treat the surface in several layers, waiting until the previous layer is completely dry.

The final touch will be the replacement of fittings or the restoration of the old one. Updated parts should be assembled, doors hung and drawers inserted. So old furniture gets a second birth and can serve for many more years.

Furniture restoration has its own secrets. Their use will help to complete this faster, spending a minimum of money on it and, as a result, get perfect look restored product. Tips include the following:

  • Materials should be taken from one manufacturer: varnish, paint, primer, putty. In this case, their compatibility will not spoil the result of the restoration. The manufacturer also produces coatings for different types materials for the production of furniture.
  • choose different color scheme to visually expand the dimensions of the room. The contrast of the furniture with the walls will also be unique, no matter what combination is chosen.
  • Prepare for work a roller for applying varnish and paint on a wide surface, and different brushes, so that it is convenient to paint the ends of parts and accessories.
  • Apply construction tape to keep painted surfaces from getting ink if several tones of paint are applied. It is not recommended to clean paint drops with a solvent - they can damage the finished surface.
  • For safety reasons, always use a respirator and gloves during painting work. Periodically it is worth ventilating the room, although varnishes and paints of modern production do not emit toxins and pungent odors, precaution does not hurt.

These simple tips will help you avoid some mistakes and end up with an updated and high-quality item. Having trained on small objects, you can confidently take on large sets: kitchen or furniture wall in the living room.

Do not immediately throw away old furniture that has become unusable or simply out of fashion. This is especially true for old wood products. As a rule, it was made qualitatively and for centuries.

Restoring an old wooden or chest of drawers is not difficult. As a result, the interior of the premises will be updated and satisfaction from the work done will be received.

Furniture is an important component of the organization of the space of any room, so a lot of attention is paid to its selection, manufacture and placement. Usually, inexpensive furniture made of chipboard - a material prone to scratches and chips during operation. Sometimes the furniture goes out of line with other interior details when performing cosmetic repairs rooms, such as changing the color of walls or flooring.

In order for chipboard furniture to blend well with surrounding objects, look modern and creative, its surface can be repainted. The process is not difficult, so all work is done by hand. Furniture restored in this way will last a long time, and its appearance will be different from standard facades budget cabinets and dressers.

Tool selection

There are several ways to paint old products yourself. Most quality coating without streaks and sagging is provided with the help of an airbrush, however, at home, this method is far from always acceptable. In order to repaint the furniture at home, you will need the following tools:

1. grinder;

2. fine sandpaper;

3. putty for wood products;

4. foam roller or wide brush for flat surfaces;

5. narrow brush to paint the ends;

6. primer;

7. coloring compositions desired colors and types;

8. masking tape;

9. funds personal protection(respirator, gloves, goggles).

paints and varnishes

Achieving the desired result is ensured by the use of dyes of various qualities. Restoring the protective layer and updating the gloss on the facade of the furniture is done using a colorless varnish. To correct or change color solution it is necessary to paint the old furniture with an opaque suspension.

According to their composition, all paints are divided into two main groups: with an organic and aqueous solvent. To create a hard and durable coating, chipboard can be painted with solvent-based enamel (for example, Tex, Dulux, Dufa Hochglanzlack). However, the drying process is accompanied by the release of toxic fumes and a strong odor, which is not always acceptable in a residential apartment.

The best option for do-it-yourself furniture restoration is a water-based acrylic mix (well-known trade marks Beckers, Sadolin Aqua, Feidal). This type of coating combines good adhesion to wooden surfaces, strength, water repellency and color retention throughout the entire period of operation. Absence harmful secretions is an important advantage water compositions allowing you to paint furniture facades at home on your own.

Surface preparation instructions

It is possible to qualitatively paint laminated furniture only if it is carefully carried out. preparatory work. Experts recommend making pre-processing in the following way:

1. Carefully dismantle all interfering elements from the surface to be repainted: handles, locks, overhead strips;

2. Treat chipboard with fine-grained sandpaper to create a slight roughness and grout small scratches;

3. Prime the treated plane with a wood compound (suitable acrylic primers Galamix, Teknos Woodex and others). The shade of the primer is selected to match the solution with which it is subsequently planned to paint the chipboard (especially if the coating will have White color);

4. scratches, chips and other defects on the chipboard must be leveled with putty, and then reapply the primer;

5. Immediately before painting the prepared surface, it should be additionally degreased with alcohol.

Painting work

Chipboard can be repainted with a roller or brush. The roller provides more economical consumption and even distribution of paint on a flat surface. In order to paint the cabinet with your own hands in the presence of a decorative relief, you will have to use a paint brush. In both cases, to obtain a uniform coating, painting must be done in unidirectional movements. Finishing layer applied along the long side of the furniture front.

To ensure good adhesion, the prepared surface must be free of any contamination. High quality paint front side Chipboard will come out in two passes. The second layer lies on the completely dried first. The curing time of water-based paint is about half an hour. During drying, it is not recommended to open doors and windows in the room.

If desired, the furniture is painted by combining various colors in accordance with common idea interior. To demarcate areas with different shades on the furniture surface laminated chipboard should use special masking tape, which, after performing its functions, is easily removed without damaging the coating. The border that separates different colors, can be additionally painted or trimmed with polyurethane molding.

The combination of shades achieves a change in the visual perception of space: in order to lighten the dark corner of the room, you can repaint the furniture located in it in white. The transitions of tones between the walls of the room and the elements of furniture can be both smooth and contrasting, depending on the style of the interior.

Painting chipboard and fiberboard is a responsible procedure that requires compliance with certain rules. For work, certain compositions are used to achieve optimal results. Due to its structure, the material absorbs the applied solution well, so it is necessary to carry out careful preparation. Also important is the place of use of the plates, because it involves a different level of exposure.


To accept the right decision how to paint chipboard or fiberboard, it is necessary to take into account the features of these materials. Although they are almost identical, each has its own structure.

How to paint chipboard and fiberboard?

The choice of paint is a very important process, it depends on it. end view coatings.

Paint for chipboard

The solution is selected taking into account several factors that depend on the type of surface and external parameters. It is recommended to use the following types of compositions:

A good option is spray paint. But aerosols don't let you color large area, so they are used for decoration.

Compositions for fiberboard

For fiber boards and panels, not all types that can be used for chipboard are suitable. For example, water-soluble paints do not have good adhesion to such a surface, since the fiberboard contains paraffin, which repels water. That is why when choosing acrylic mixtures, an additional primer is selected deep penetration.

On a note! Moisture-resistant chipboard will also require more labor-intensive preparation when choosing water-based formulations.

In addition to water emulsion, materials can be coated with the following types of coloring solutions:

The use of budget compositions in most cases is justified
  • Oil. This variety is used less and less due to toxicity, pungent odor and prolonged drying.
  • Alkyd. A good option, which is suitable for all types of products made from wood-based materials.
  • Drying oil. It is used as a decorative and moisture-proof impregnation, which is additionally varnished. Mordant can be an alternative.

For decorative varieties a quick-drying colorless varnish is suitable.

Coloring technology

The technique of staining different wood boards at home has some differences, but the preparation process for all types of materials is common:

Attention! An important condition is the minimum moisture content of the processed material, if necessary, it is dried in advance.

Painting chipboards

Chipboard painting begins with priming. For these purposes, an acrylic composition is used, with which the product is impregnated in several layers, each time waiting for the previous coating to dry completely.

When working with acrylic compounds soil should be selected similar

Do-it-yourself paint is laid as follows:

  1. The mixture can be applied with a roller or spray gun, brushes are used for hard-to-reach places. If the coating has not been primed, then a well-thinned paint is used.
  2. The composition is evenly distributed over the surface, the movements should be in the same direction. The number of applied layers varies from 2 to 5. Spraying - more than difficult process and requires experience.
  3. After the final coat has dried additional protection can be varnished.

If the spray gun is not available, then the best tool for coloring smooth surfaces there will be a roller

Coloring of wood-fiber products

Painting of fiberboard boards is carried out in almost the same order as the previous work, but it is recommended to use a fur roller or spray gun. Such material can be painted without a primer, then the procedure will be as follows:

  1. For the first layer, the mixture is slightly diluted. The paint is applied quickly, without processing the bald spots that appear due to the gradual absorption of the solution.
  2. The next layer is laid no earlier than a day later. The mixture should be more viscous.
  3. At the final stage, a third layer is applied.

Floors finished with fiberboard are painted in at least 3 layers

On a note! If the treatment takes place exclusively with varnish, then a suitable shade is selected, and the number of layers varies from three to six.

Features of working with chipboard

Laminated chipboards are common in furniture manufacturing. They are quite difficult to paint with your own hands, because upper layer reliably impregnates the base, which excludes the possibility of its removal. But laying paint directly on a laminated surface is not always good decision, therefore, such material is necessarily subjected to external grinding in order to create a rough base.

Modern interior items go out of fashion very quickly or lose their attractiveness, but acquiring new ones is not always possible. In this connection, the question arises: how to repaint furniture from chipboard with your own hands so that the product acquires an attractive appearance? It is not always easy to do this, because the result is influenced not only right choice materials and technology, but also the accuracy of the process.


Do-it-yourself painting of old furniture is a difficult and risky procedure. The fact is that for the manufacture of interior items (wardrobes, chests of drawers, kitchen modules), processed materials with a decorative layer are used. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly determine the type of coverage in order to draw up a work plan.

Chipboards used in furniture production, can be of the following types:

There are other types of plates, but they are not so common.

How to paint old furniture

To paint boring or defective interior items, you need to choose a composition suitable for these purposes. The main recommendation when choosing is to abandon cheap options.

Paint for furniture from chipboard should be chosen, taking into account the characteristics of the compositions:

  1. Oil. Preference should be given famous brands. A significant disadvantage is unpleasant and toxic fumes, in addition, the drying period of the solution is quite long. It is necessary to lay such a mixture thin layers, which is why the material is used infrequently.
  2. Acrylic. Modern version water-dispersed paints. The composition has many positive qualities which makes it in demand. But when working with laminated chipboard, it is necessary to purchase a solution with increased adhesion and not dilute it with water.
  3. Alkyd. This option is much preferable to oil. The products are suitable for painting furniture, but work is carried out in well-ventilated areas due to the specific smell of the composition.

Of the three proposed, the best is acrylic paint, oil is affordable, and alkyd enamel considered the golden mean

On a note! For tinting or decorating small areas, spray paint is used. For example, on bedside table one or two containers are required.

Chipboard can be repainted with other types of compositions. The stain is used only for tinting veneered material. The varnish serves to fix the decorative layer, it can act as an independent composition, but this will require complex preparation of the base. For work, it is better to use a quick-drying variety.

An obligatory element of the coating is a primer, the composition must have good adhesion.

None without soil decorative coating not applied to chipboard

How to paint chipboard

Painting wood chipboard furniture includes two main steps:

  • preparatory stage;
  • painting work.

On a note! Making a decision about painting chipboard, it should be borne in mind that the end result, even if all the nuances are observed, does not always meet expectations.

It is convenient to paint chipboard from an aerosol can, especially if you want to make a stencil pattern

Tool selection

Various tools can be used for work:

  • Airbrush. Due to the fact that furniture details made of chipboard material have a flat base, it is this device that is the best option. When sprayed, the paint can be laid more evenly. The main problem with this tool is correct selection distances. In the case of erroneous calculations, streaks and sagging are formed.
  • roller. This device is most often used at home. It is not always easy to paint with a roller, since the applied layer must have a small thickness, otherwise sagging will become noticeable. To paint furniture, tools with a medium-length fur coat are used.
  • Foam sponge. Suitable for tinting and painting well-primed elements, it allows you to get a uniform coating, but subject to the utmost care.

When restoring old furniture, you can get by with an affordable tool

Brushes for such a process are rarely used, their main purpose is decoration. They allow you to create the effect of antiquity, but if previously applied base layer A that hides the base.

On a note! repainting old table or a chest of drawers, the docking of parts is taken into account: a new layer should not lead to the appearance of distortions and protruding sections.

Foundation preparation

Step by step preparation instructions:

This is how all the details are handled.

If it is not possible to completely disassemble the old furniture, then the floor is covered with polyethylene before painting.


Coating of fragments with paint is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. The element is primed. It is recommended to perform at least two treatments, each time waiting for the product to dry completely.
  2. being prepared coloring composition. It is well stirred and tinted if necessary.
  3. The mixture is poured into a convenient container for the roller. The tool is impregnated with a solution, the excess is squeezed out.
  4. Painting starts from the middle. The mixture rolls well on the base, the movements should be parallel, it is impossible to create a thick layer. The first layer is the base, you must wait until it dries completely.
  5. Then the main coating is applied according to the previous principle.
  6. When using an airbrush, you will need to dilute the composition used. For selection optimal distance training staining is carried out.
Regardless of the type of composition, the surface is painted in 2 - 3 layers

If the part is subject to constant impact, then an additional layer of varnish is applied.

Furniture decoration

Decorating such material is not too easy. Many recommendations are found on creating the Provence style, but it will not work to achieve the effect that is obtained on furniture made of wood, plywood or MDF. This is due to the fact that chipboard products rarely have the desired appearance.

Using simple fixtures on furniture made of chipboard, you can create genuine masterpieces

You can diversify the interior in the following ways:

  • Painting the countertops or fronts of the chest of drawers in white, and other front parts in black. For this, paint with a glossy finish is used. The technology completely repeats the one described above, but the difference lies in applying three layers of varnish to the parts. The first layer is left untreated, and the subsequent ones are ground and polished.

To work in the "Decoupage" technique (artificial aging), special paints are used
  • Aging. To create this effect, after laying the base coat, paint with a darker color is applied with a brush. The movements should be sweeping and slightly uneven, a diluted white composition can be applied on top. Everything is fixed with varnish.

Many are wondering "" and is it possible to do this at all. After all, it often happens that you don’t want to part with comfortable cabinets and shelves, although they have lost their appearance and do not fit into the interior after repair.

In principle, cheap laminated furniture is considered disposable, and it is easy to replace it with a similar one with a different color or shape. But situations are different, and jacks of all trades have learned to restore and give a second life to cabinets and chests of drawers.

Step one: how to paint laminate furniture. Training

To work with a laminated surface, all dirt and grease must be removed from it. For this, active detergents and solvents. After cleaning, dry thoroughly and wipe all surfaces.

Easiest to paint horizontal surfaces, paint does not flow from them. Therefore, the masters recommend dismantling the cabinets, removing all shelves and drawers. If you plan to paint only the facade, then you can not disassemble it, but simply remove it from the wall and put it in a position convenient for work.

The laminated surface of the furniture is covered with polyvinyl chloride: this is a plastic that does not let water through and does not hold paint. In order for the dye layer to adhere to the laminate, it is necessary to treat the plane with fine emery. If there are damages and irregularities, they are hidden with putty and polished again. To seal cracks, latex putty or epoxy resin is used.

Plastic dust is not safe, so you need to work in a mask. After grinding, all dust is collected with a vacuum cleaner.
Before next steps all fittings are removed or covered with masking tape.

In order for the painted surface to look even, and the dye does not bubble, it is necessary to carry out a thorough primer treatment. For this purpose, it is necessary to purchase a polyurethane-based primer: it fits perfectly even on glass and tiles. It is not worth saving on this material, the success of the entire painting depends on the primer. Professionals recommend for greater reliability to use car primer. It is sold in an aerosol can, which makes the work more convenient. It is necessary to allow the soil to dry completely, it will take at least twelve hours.

Step two: how to paint laminated furniture. Painting

For painting laminated surfaces, paints based on polyurethane and alkyd are chosen. You can look for paints with a special label "for furniture". Paint on epoxy based also gives excellent result, but it takes a very long time to dry and, in addition, it smells for a long time. There are reviews about the practice of painting laminated furniture with acrylic and latex paints. It is possible, but in this case, the surface must be primed at least twice.

For painting, you need to choose the appropriate tool: a roller with a velor surface. It does not form air bubbles, and the paint lays down very evenly. For hard-to-reach areas, you need to prepare brushes with a beveled tip.

If you have skills, you can work with a spray gun. This greatly reduces paint consumption. It is only necessary to adjust the pressure and diameter of the jet in accordance with the type of dye.

Furniture in the hallway and kitchen is exposed to moisture, dirt and temperature. In this regard, it makes sense to cover the surface with varnish. Better choose acrylic lacquer. Its only negative is that it turns a little yellow over time, but this is noticeable only on light-colored furniture.

A few tips on how to paint laminate furniture:

  1. Impregnation for laminated furniture should be deep penetrating, this will reduce the toxic fumes of MDF and reduce paint consumption.
  2. If the surface is painted unevenly and the paint has smudges and bubbles, the varnish will only emphasize the defects.
  3. If you can’t even paint the facade of the furniture, you can come up with an ornament or painting. This will help hide the flaws.
  4. For complex drawings, masking tape should be used.
  5. Each coat of paint must be allowed to dry thoroughly before the next painting.
  6. Long pile roller will make the surface textured, short - smooth.

It is quite possible to give a second life to laminated furniture, you just need to apply your imagination and patience. But it is worth remembering that this can only be done once, the second painting MDF may not survive.