Cushion under the neck. Do-it-yourself pillow-roller for sleeping. Herbal pillow for good sleep. How to do? What fabric are pillows made from?

It is difficult to find a completely healthy person these days. One regularly has a backache, another has a headache, a third suffers from insomnia, and a fourth has poor eyesight. Of course, these symptoms may indicate the most various diseases, but often to get rid of them it is enough to purchase the right bedding. One of the most convenient accessories for sleep - cushion cushion. How to choose this accessory and is it possible to sew it with your own hands?

Why is a roller pillow better than a classic one?

Quality rest during the night sleep is very important for the human body. This is the time for rest of all organs and systems of our body. How often do you manage to wake up in the morning fully recovered and alert? If this is a rarity, it makes sense to think about purchasing orthopedic bedding. One of modern solutions for a comfortable sleep - a pillow-roller. This product cylindrical shape, with an elastic or fairly rigid filler. classic pillow suggests the location of the entire head of the sleeping person on its surface. The roller is placed under the neck of a lying person and allows the spine to take correct position. For greater comfort, you can use two of these pillows, placing one of them under the lower back.

and application today

It is believed that initially cylindrical sleep accessories were invented in Ancient China and Japan. A popular version of their creation, according to which women dressed in national fashion and wore beautiful hairstyles with bouffants and an abundance of jewelry for more than one day slept on such products. Accordingly, the pillow cushion made it possible not to spoil the styling during sleep. In addition, proper support helped to maintain a healthy and beautiful neck, even with regular heavy loads in the form of the weight of voluminous hairstyles. Today, rollers are used not only for sleeping, but also in decor. Such pillows are very popular for decorating sofas and armchairs in living rooms and other rest rooms.

How to sew with your own hands: a simple scheme

It is not difficult to make such a pillow on your own, without even having any special skills. All you need is a large rectangle of fabric and two decorative ornaments. It can be tassels or large beads. For ease of use, you should separately sew the lower cover for the filler of the product and the outer one, providing it with fasteners. simple circuit the manufacture of this accessory involves stitching a rectangle along the long side, leaving allowances on the sides. Attention: the fastener is also more convenient to make with a zipper or buttons along the length of the product. Once you cope with this task, you can proceed to the assembly of the side parts. Finish the edge of the fabric and carefully pull the ends towards the center. In this case, neat assemblies should be obtained. That's all, you got a pillow-roller. With your hands you could make useful accessory for sleep and original item decor. It remains to place the selected filler in the lower case and put the upper one on it. Decorative tassels or other decorations can be sewn on the sides of the pillowcase.

Do-it-yourself pillow-roller: we sew an option with sidewalls

A more complex pattern of a cylindrical sleep accessory involves cutting two additional elements. In addition to a large rectangle, cut out two circles that are suitable in size. This will be the side pieces. Sew the pillow according to the previous instructions. First, connect the long sides of the rectangle to each other, and then sew the circles into the holes on the sides. Such a pillow cushion can be made of a fabric that repeats other textiles in the room, such as curtains or a bedspread. The original version of the decor is to sew the long part of the accessory from several separate strips of different fabrics. You can also additionally decorate the product with braid or some bright elements.

in the shop?

The selection of accessories for sleep should be carried out individually, taking into account the structural features of your body. You can measure the distance from the lower jaw to the shoulder in advance, or look for a pillow by trying it on in a store. The second option is considered the most reliable, since in addition to the size of the product great importance have the characteristics of its filler. Try to lie down on a few different pillows and choose the one that seems most convenient. Similarly, you should choose accessories for the back. Be prepared for the fact that the pillow cushion at the first use is unlikely to seem more comfortable than a traditional down pillow. However, over time, your vertebrae will take the right position.

Fillers and cases

Roller pillows filled with buckwheat husks are very popular. It is inexpensive and completely natural filler. Another eco-friendly option for bedding is herbs. Such pillows are not only pleasant to the touch and create the effect of micromassage, but also fill the air with a pleasant aroma that has a beneficial effect on the body of the sleeping person. Synthetic fillers are also popular, in particular polyurethane foam and latex. If the neck pillow will be used mainly in the bedroom, you will need a practical pillowcase made of natural fabric, pleasant to the touch. For decorative accessories, covers can be made from any materials, but it is desirable that they are also easily removed if necessary.

Attention: if you have serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it makes sense to ask for help in choosing a pillow from the observing doctor. Right choice sleep accessories can have a significant therapeutic effect in many pathologies and accelerate the improvement of the patient's condition. A worthy example of medical products - this product is able to adapt to the individual parameters of the body of its owner and provide high-quality support for his spine. You can use this accessory without special medical indications.

Herbal pillow for healthy sleep

Pillow and sleep are two inseparable concepts. Pillows are completely different in shape and size, have completely various fillers. Even the ancient rulers of Egypt used pillows for sleeping, but, of course, with modern pillows, they are completely different.

In China, for example, until the 19th century, pillows made of wood, stone, metal, and porcelain were used. Sleeping on such pillows is hard to even imagine, such a good rest modern people of course they won't call.

The ancient Greeks understood more what comfort is and sewed fabric pillows filled with bird down to make it comfortable to sit during conversations, such pillows have already come down to us. Now pillows are filled with the same fluff, as well as artificial fillers like synthetic winterizer.

There are many forms of pillows and their fillers, but we will talk about healthy herbal pillows. filled various herbs they are able to improve sleep, strengthen the nervous system, or help in the fight against colds. There are quite a lot of fees for filling pillows and they all have their own purpose. Today we will talk about all the herbs that you can fill useful pillow from herbs, as well as how to choose the right herbs for a specific purpose and how to make it yourself.

The purpose of the herbal pillow

A healthy sound sleep is impossible to imagine without a comfortable pillow under your head, but you can make a pillow that will also benefit your health. Such pillows will bring restful sleep for people with sleep disorders, such a pillow will help and overcome a cold faster. Probably, everyone noticed how well one sleeps in the bosom of nature, and this is not only because there fresh air, the aromas of herbs make our sleep in nature calm and peaceful. Having made such a pillow, you will bring to your home a piece of nature that will protect your sleep and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and respiratory tract.

Herbs for pillows and their properties

Exist a large number of medicinal herbs, but not every one of them is suitable for filling the pillow. Let's look at the herbs that are used in the manufacture of pillows for sleeping and relaxing, and also study their influence.


yarrow - known to everyone who uses herbs in treatment folk medicine. In a pillow, it will help in the fight against colds, which everyone gets sick in certain seasons, and strengthen the immune system. Yarrow is also the most natural antibiotic, has a pronounced bactericidal property. Helps in the fight against respiratory diseases.

To harvest yarrow, it is necessary during its flowering to cut off its upper part with a peduncle about 15 cm long and naturally dry it.

St. John's wort

St. John's wort- a herb that is called a miracle herb for 99 diseases and for good reason, it is rather difficult to overestimate its benefits. It copes well with bacteria, has immunostimulating, antiseptic properties. It is also a very good antidepressant, strengthens the nervous system. It has a very positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improves blood flow. By adding it to your pillow, you will improve your sleep, strengthen your immune system, and make breathing easier if you have respiratory problems.

For harvesting, it is cut off during flowering, 20 cm long from the peduncle, dried until completely dry.


Thyme - even in ancient times they considered it the grass of the gods and attributed to it the property of returning people to wasted health. They thought it was not in vain, even then people noticed this grass beneficial features. Even modern medicine does not bypass it, because to this day, thyme is valued for its antiseptic properties, it is also a good pain reliever and natural antibiotic, and the hypnotic properties of thyme help to overcome insomnia. A pillow to which you have added thyme will help to overcome a cold, help to suspend inflammatory processes respiratory tract and relieve cough and runny nose. Our great-grandmothers always put this herb in the mattresses of little children so that they sleep well and do not get sick.

It is harvested during flowering, the entire ground part of the plant is cut off and dried.

Common hop

Common hop - a powerful weapon in the fight against insomnia, even the most insidious insomnia that torments you already recedes before its aroma long time. With such a pillow, sleep will be very deep and calm, so if you need to wake up on time at an earlier time, it is better to drop such a pillow on the floor at the time of falling asleep, otherwise you risk oversleeping, because your sleep will be very strong. A pillow with the use of hops helps with angina pectoris, hypertension, nervous disorders.

Collecting hop cones is best in autumn period when they are at their most mature. They also need to dry well.


Oregano - a leader in the fight against nervous disorders. It calms restless sleep, so if you cannot sleep peacefully, restless dreams bother you, then an oregano pillow will undoubtedly help you.

It is necessary to collect oregano in July-August. perfect time to collect it, you need to cut it off, stepping back from the root of 20 cm, all that is left and dry it well.

Salvia officinalis

Salvia officinalis - fights colds well, has the ability to increase immunity. Promotes calm nervous system. The use of a pillow with sage during colds will help to overcome the disease faster.

It is harvested during flowering, the entire ground part is cut off.

Geranium meadow

Geranium meadow - will help with otitis media, colds, flu, raise your immunity and make breathing easier with inflammation of the respiratory tract. This pillow will calm your nervous system and normalize sleep.

Geraniums are harvested for harvesting from June to September during its flowering, for use it is dried.

red clover

red clover - has been used in aromatherapy for many years to treat colds. He is pretty good antiseptic. It has strong antibacterial properties. Good for sore throats, coughs, and headaches.

Collect it during flowering, cut off only the flowering heads and dry for further use.

red clover

Peppermint - has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and brain activity. It helps to restore the nervous system during stress, neurosis and others. mental disorders. This pillow is ideal for hypertensive patients and people suffering from heart disease.

Leaves and inflorescences are collected for harvesting, it is better to collect in the morning, at this time the leaves are more filled with juice.

birch leaves

birch leaves - will serve you well during the period of colds and viruses that cause colds. This pillow helps to relieve headache. Birch leaves help to strengthen the immune system.

The collection of raw materials takes place in May during the flowering of birch.

Elderberry black inflorescence

Elderberry black inflorescence - will help you in the fight against colds, strengthen your immunity for the period of seasonal colds. Also, inflorescences will help get rid of a headache. Sleeping or resting on such a pillow will help ease breathing.

Collection occurs during its flowering before the flowers fall.


Melisa- where without it in the fight against bad dream. It very well calms the nervous system during stressful loads. It helps to fight colds not only in the form of tea, but also as a useful pillow filler. Resting on such a pillow will help relieve headaches, especially in women during critical days.

The collection of melissa is carried out during its flowering, I collect leaves and inflorescences, for use it is dried.

pharmaceutical camomile

pharmaceutical camomile – will benefit even in collections for pillows. Its pronounced antibacterial action will help to overcome the common cold. It will also help you fall asleep peacefully and fall into a restful sleep. It will help to rest on a pillow where there is chamomile, to overcome depression and nervous disorders of a different nature.

Chamomile is collected during its flowering period, only flowers are collected and dried.


Wormwood - soothes your shattered nervous system, helps to overcome stress and irritation. The pronounced antibacterial property can help in the difficult fight against virus infections. With a strong cough and runny nose, it will help you breathe easier during sleep. Also, a pillow with wormwood will help with headaches and night cramps.

Wormwood is harvested, during flowering, retreating from the top of 15-20 cm, it is better to choose a plant with stems as thin as possible.


Lavender- a leader in the fight against sleep disorders and diseases of the nervous system. The aroma of lavender will help relieve nervous tension and overcome severe depression. Also, its unique aroma will help you plunge into a healthy deep sleep. Add lavender to your pillow collection and you will help your heart system to improve its work, increase the endurance of the body, relieve headaches. Resting on such a pillow will improve brain activity during strong mental stress.

Collect it during its flowering, cut off top part 10 cm long and dries well.


Motherwort- the most useful herb for the cardiovascular system. It will help strengthen your heart and help prevent heart attacks and strokes. It also has properties that can normalize the metabolism in the body and strengthen the immune system. Renders positive action to the nervous system. Normalizes sleep and helps to fall asleep easier.

Motherwort is collected at the beginning of its flowering, flowers and buds are cut, the cut is carried out 40 cm long from the top. It is advisable to choose plants with a thin stem.

How to collect and fill a sleeping pillow

For each problem, you need to choose suitable herbs. For example, if you want to do pillow to help fight colds, it is necessary to collect herbs that are effective in the fight against colds. For this purpose, prepare for a pillow, preferably in equal parts, herbs such as:

  • black elder;
  • peppermint;
  • sagebrush;
  • chamomile;
  • medicinal sage;
  • thyme;
  • St. John's wort;

and other herbs that have a similar property on the body. Herbs do not need to be ground if you are making a larger pillow.

If you are worried about insomnia, you cannot sleep peacefully, you fall asleep hard, deep sleep does not come, then you need to collect:

  • common hop;
  • lemon balm;
  • lavender;
  • motherwort;
  • thyme;
  • oregano.

If you have frequent stress, your work creates constant nervous tension for you, then collect herbs that will help you calm and strengthen your nervous system. In a pillow for the treatment of the nervous system it is worth putting:

  • lemon balm;
  • peppermint;
  • thyme;
  • hop;
  • lavender;
  • motherwort.

Sleeping and resting with such herbs will certainly help you survive difficult life circumstances.

If you suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, or you just care about your heart and want to prevent heart attacks and strokes, you should put in your pillow:

  • lavender;
  • motherwort;
  • lemon balm;
  • peppermint;
  • oregano.

For people who often suffer from headaches and migraines recommended for pillows:

  • lavender;
  • birch leaves;
  • oregano;
  • motherwort;
  • black elder flowers.

And your headaches will become less intense, and rest will bring relief.

Of course, you can fill a useful herbal pillow only with herbs, but if you are making a large pillow, then this method will not work, because dry herbs quickly begin to crumble and cake, making the pillow no longer so lush and comfortable. In this case, you still need a filler, feathers and synthetic winterizer, of course, are not suitable for such a pillow, they can simply clog the herbs, and they will not give the desired result.

As a filler for such a pillow, the most ordinary straw is perfect, by the way, its rustling and aroma also contribute to healthy sleep, you can also take dry thistle as a filling. The filler will need to be mixed with herbs and fill the pillow with such a mixture.

If you want to make a small pillow, for example, 10 cm in size, then just herbs alone will be enough for you, such a pillow is simply placed nearby to inhale the aroma of herbs or placed under your head on your usual pillow. This pillow is very convenient to take with you on the road.

Herbal pillow materials and care

In order to sew a useful sleeping pillow, you need to take a denser fabric, it is desirable that it be new, so it will hold tighter. For sewing, you can take linen, thick cotton, the main thing is that the fabric is natural and as dense as possible, the herbs should not spill out through the fabric.

Of course, such a pillow cannot be washed, so it is best to put a pillowcase made of thin natural fabric on it so that it can be removed and washed if necessary.

Do not wash the pillowcase with strong-smelling powders and do not use rinses, nothing should block the smell of herbs, they themselves tend to absorb odors and powder with rinse aid can ruin them, it is better to wash with ordinary laundry soap.

It's no secret that people sweat during sleep, and herbs absorb moisture very well, so it is recommended to dry the pillow once every couple of weeks, and better time a week in a warm place, for example, on a radiator.

The disadvantage of such pillows is that they are not long term services. It is recommended to use such a pillow for no more than 1 year, before harvesting new herbs. The pillow cover can be used the same, just change the filling in it.

Contraindications when using herbal pillows

Of course, everything that has a therapeutic effect may have contraindications. Before using this pillow, make sure you are not allergic to any of the herbs. Remember, the aroma, you must, you like it, if the aroma of any herb irritates you, immediately remove it, the body tells you that this is not what you need.

And most importantly, remember that aromatherapy is only an auxiliary treatment, and not the main treatment, and in case of serious diseases, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Even disturbed sleep can be a symptom of a serious illness, before you start using the pillow, it is best to consult a specialist so as not to harm yourself or your loved ones.

Be healthy!

Fine( 4 ) Badly( 0 )

It often happens that the purchased sleeping pillow is not satisfied with something: either the lightning will quickly fail, or the quality of the fabric leaves much to be desired, or the filler falls off and becomes a hard stone. Therefore, I propose to sew a pillow for sleeping with your own hands, and do everything to your taste.

On my website you can not only see different decorative pillows, but also watch a video on their tailoring. For example: which can be easily sewn in 20 - 30 minutes or and I am sure that you have not seen this anywhere else. There is also an orthopedic pillow-bone with a funny name. I do not change my tradition and show a video on sewing a pillow for sleep:

Choice of fabric.

In my opinion for the pillow cover is the most best fabric- it's a teak, of course. And if you decide to use feathers or down as a filler, then you need to take only teak. For artificial fillers Coarse calico, linen, polycotton or flannel are well suited - optional. Natural fabrics are preferred. For a pillow cover, I do not recommend chintz, as it has a loose structure, the threads are not tightly intertwined with each other and this filler will seep through the fabric.
For the pillow to have nice shape, then you can insert a piping for pillows into the seams and a zipper on one side. If necessary, you can replace the filler and wash the cover.
Expendable materials.
Two pieces of fabric in the size of the desired pillow. I will sew a pillow measuring 50x70 cm. To do this, I take two pieces of teak measuring 51 cm x 71 cm. I explain why: I have ready-made the pillow should turn out to be slightly smaller than the desired size - 48 cm x 68 cm. Everything else will go to seam allowances (1 cm each). This is so that a standard 50x70 cm pillowcase is free on my pillow.
Ready edging for pillows - 2.40 m (50 + 50 + 70 + 70 cm).
One-sided (preferably left-sided, in which the left half is missing) foot on sewing machine for stitching piping. The entire pillow is sewn with a one-sided foot.
Zipper 20-25 cm long.
Pillow tailoring.
Along the perimeter, sew a piping on one of the halves future pillow for sleep. At the corners, make cuts along the edge, not reaching the stitching line.
On one side in the center, sew one half of the zipper. Lay the fastening teeth of the zipper directly on the edge.
Stitch the sides from the top and bottom of the zipper on the cushion cover. Make fasteners immediately behind the iron with a zipper.
On the front side, make a backstitch along the second half of the zipper, covering it with a cloth.
Stitch the cushion cover along all remaining sides.
Turn right side out and fill with pillow filler.
? You will read the answer to this question in my article.

And if you want to sew with your own hands linens, but you don’t know, then on my site you will learn how to make calculations for any size of sets.
That's all! As you can see, it was quite easy. The sleeping pillow is ready! Sweets dreams!

In some hinterlands of Russia, in villages and villages, the traditions of stuffing mattresses and pillows have survived to this day. medicinal herbs. For us, city dwellers, such a bed, of course, is a curiosity. However, its usefulness is not in doubt.

In addition to the healing effect, the smell of herbs helps to distract from the hassle and bustle of everyday life. Inhaling the aroma, we can be carried away in our thoughts to a carefree childhood filled with the smells of freshly cut hay or summer meadow flowers, remember the first love or a recent happy vacation.

Pleasant memories create an appropriate emotional mood, help you fall asleep peaceful, and therefore wake up rested and full of energy.

In the last article, we studied the beneficial properties and contraindications of herbs that are most suitable for sleep pillows, learned how to choose the ones we need, according to our needs: from, for colds, to relieve fatigue, increase efficiency.

Today we will talk about how to make a pillow from herbs.

If you collect herbs yourself, think about the good, so that your good energy will strengthen healing properties plants. In the old days, it was customary to accompany with prayers and songs any good deeds, especially those aimed at healing.

The pillow can have different sizes: from regular to tiny. The more aromatic and active the plant (rosemary, sage, hop cones), the smaller the pad should be. Your imagination will tell you the shape: round, square, oval. If you have cervical osteochondrosis, the form of a roller is preferable, fill it with herbs more tightly.

For the main pillowcase (cover or pillowcase), only natural (“breathable”) and dense fabrics (cotton, linen, teak) are used so that the fillers do not seep and prick the face and neck.

Sew a pair of removable pillowcases from cambric, poplin, calico, silk. They can be worn over the cover, and changed for washing.

Herbs that give volume to the pillow

A feature and disadvantage of an aromatic pillow is the rapid caking of herbs. To avoid this, herbs are used that keep their shape - sedge, heather, bracken, straw.

The addition of these herbs also helps to avoid an overdose when you want to have a big pillow, and the selected herbs are strong (rosemary, sage, hop cones) and strong-smelling (mint, oregano, elderberry).

heather will not only add volume to our sleepy pillow, but it will also calm the nerves, help recovery from respiratory and viral diseases, and make it easier to breathe in a dream when coughing. Heather is harvested in August-September (flowering tops).

Sedge considered a little studied medicinal plant, but even our distant ancestors began to use sedge to fill mattresses and pillows, noticing it beneficial effect on health.

Sedge usually grows in damp places, in marshes, and comes with both small and large leaves. The small-leaved mattress turns out to be softer, but caking faster. Large-leaved sedge will give the mattress or pillow elasticity, and will allow you to maintain volume for a long time.

Knowledgeable people advise making 2 mattresses: one with large leaves (placed down), the second with small ones (placed on top). The same goes for pillows.

Pillows and mattresses stuffed with sedge can reliably serve for at least a year. They need to be shaken up from time to time. If from spring the sedge is constantly mowed in a certain place, then until late autumn it will give you excellent stuffing raw materials, without admixtures of last year's blades of grass.

bracken fern in many areas it is considered a weed that is very difficult to get rid of. Nevertheless, the plant has long gained popularity as a cheap construction (in roofing), bedding material for livestock, as a fertilizer and fuel.

In California, bracken was adapted for weaving baskets, in European countries - for filling pillows and mattresses. The benefits of a fern bed are explained by its bactericidal, stimulating, antipyretic, analgesic properties.

Dry, grind, mix, fill ...

We dry. Before use, dry the plants thoroughly so that mold and fungus do not interfere with our recovery. Usually herbs are dried in the shade, in a ventilated place, spread out thin layer and tedding several times a day. Herbs are ready when they break easily and rustle when touched. If you use roots, then it is better to dry them in the oven.

We grind. We break or cut the plants into pieces of 1 cm. The herbs that give the pillow volume can not be particularly crushed.

We mix. Use the recipes from the previous article or be guided by your intuition. At the same time, be sure to listen to your feelings - you should like the smell of grass. Also, look at the combination of flavors.

We stuff. For a pillow measuring 20 * 20 cm, you will need up to 500 g of dry filler. If you have not used up all the grass, then put the rest in a paper bag or a glass tightly closed jar, it will come in handy for “fresh pillows”, for baths, tea (in the absence of allergies and contraindications).

How to use herbal helper

Herbal pillows are short-lived and serve up to 2-3 months: medicinal plants gradually lose their healing properties.

Day rest pillow can be filled with tonic and restoring herbs: wormwood, lavender, geranium.

Before bedtime shake the sleeping assistant well to enhance the aroma of herbs.

small pillow put next to the head, under the main pillow or put in a pillowcase.

Storage: clean the pillow every time after use in plastic bag, in a dark place to keep the aroma of plants longer.

Will last a long time coniferous pillow: its contents are changed during the year 1 or 2 times. Ahead of the New Year, take the opportunity and before throwing away the Christmas tree after the holidays, collect the needles and use it to fill the pillow. Fir needles are more delicate and not so prickly when harvesting as pine needles.

Pine phytoncides have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, stimulating effect, have a beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiac and vascular system. Coniferous pillow will help with insomnia, hysteria, colds, flu, facilitate breathing during sleep when coughing, improve brain function.

Course duration the use of the pillow has limitations: from one to three weeks. After that, you can change it with a new one, with a different composition. The course is repeated 2 or 3 times a year.

Don't store herbal pillow more than a year.

In Russia, the procedure for updating their straw beds was necessarily carried out in mid-October, on the day of St. George. By this time, threshing was over, and there was no shortage of straw.

Last year's straw, which had turned into dust, was shaken out of mattresses and pillows. It was customary to burn it. The bedclothes were washed and dried, then stuffed with fresh straw, fragrant herbs or flowers prepared in the summer were added to it.

If, using a scented pillow for sleeping, you feel unwell, headaches - stop using it.


Our great-grandmothers knew how to make them from cattail, willow-herb or thistle. This process is quite laborious, but the result was worth it. The pillow turned out to be surprisingly light and could serve for more than one year.

Cut off the cobs cattail when they turn dark brown (in September). For drying, they left it in the sun, and in bad weather under a ventilated canopy.

When the tips of the cobs began to bloom, becoming fluffy, they were put in a pillowcase and immediately sewn up, leaving only a small hole. They dried it by hanging the blank of the pillow near the oven.

When the cobs were completely dry, the fluff unfolded and filled the pillowcase. After that, the stems were carefully removed one by one through the hole. The pillow was sewn up. Moreover, the cob spring collection never used, because they probably had insect larvae.

Properly collected and well-dried cattail fluff is not subject to dampness and mold.

If there was no cattail, they took fluff thistle. Preparing it is quite difficult. Flower heads were cut immediately after flowering, when white tassels appeared in place of the flowers.

The work required patience and perseverance: they pulled out the fluff with their hands, filled the pillowcase, sewed it up and dried it on the stove.

Down was collected in some places Ivan tea(Fireweed angustifolia). The seed pods were collected before opening into a bag, which was tied with a knot. A bag of raw materials was dried in the sun or placed on an oven. Dried boxes burst, light fluff filled the bag.

For a better separation of the fluff, the bag was shaken and beaten with wooden sticks, turning it upside down. At the same time, the boxes fell to the knot of the bag, and the fluff rose up. It remained to untie the knot and pour out all unnecessary.

At the end of the article MASTER CLASS:

How to make a decorative pillow from herbs with your own hands

We will need:

So let's get started:

1. Overlay cardboard templates hearts on the fabric, circle them with a pencil and cut them out. We have three hearts.

2. We fix the smallest heart on a large one with pins with heads. We sew a small heart to a large hand or machine seam.

3. We sew two large hearts together, leaving a small hole at the top, through which we will lay the herbs.

4. Insert a paper funnel into the hole and fill the pillow with fragrant grass. Pictured is lavender. Sewing the hole by hand.

5. Sew on a ribbon loop at the top. Now the pillow can be hung up and decorate the interior of the room.

6. We sew a cute bow to a small heart using the same ribbon.

It turned out to be a nice pillow. Hand-stitched, filled healing power herbs and charged with your kind thoughts, it can be a pleasant and useful gift.

Give your loved ones your care and love!

Sewing pillows with your own hands means not only saving on bedding, but also decorating your interior, giving it a personality with simple and inexpensive means. looking at the photo homemade pillows on the Internet, it may seem that you need a lot of experience or innate talent. But the same tasks can be solved much easier, and certainly, while sewing pillows, there is an opportunity to go from simple to complex, eventually creating things worthy of prizes at exhibitions of amateur art. This article is intended to help readers overcome several stages of this path.

What you need to know right away

It is not always possible to sew original pillows as simple sleeping pillows, in the form of a base and pillowcases. So special attention should be paid to the choice of fabric and padding. The pillow is conducive to sleep, and someone will fall asleep on it sometime. Probably tired, with unwashed and unkempt hair; That is, the sheathing fabric should not only accept the finish well, but also be amenable to cleaning. And best of all, the stuffing can be removed and the cover washed without spoiling its decor. In addition, the stuffing itself should retain hygienic qualities, elasticity and be moderately pliable for as long as possible. We will return to pillow materials that meet these requirements, but for now we will discuss ways to decorate them from simple to complex, keeping the above in mind.

Pillow Decorating Methods


The easiest way to sew decorative pillows in the same way as ordinary sleeping pillows is to choose the color of the fabric. And the simplest of simple solution- several pillows of different colors, forming an ensemble inscribed in the interior. In this way, you can not only turn the boudoir of a cocotte into something similar to a soft fluffy cloud, but also express the individuality of laconic interior styles. Such work, I must say, is mentally very difficult, but technologically and financially elementary. For example, on the left in Fig. the sofa with a composition of pillows is not in vain placed against the backdrop of a window (picture?) with live greenery contrasting with the general tone, and the flower in a vase is placed to the right of the sofa for good reason.

In the center in Fig. a method based on similar aesthetic principles, but not requiring a laconic interior and a special organization for the placement of its objects. The point here is that the background of the upholstery of the furniture and the upholstery of the pillow is the same, as well as the tone and density of the pattern here and there, but the patterns of the patterns are somewhat different. And the pillow is highlighted with a wide, so-called. French, edging, the same as the general background, but darker in color; the color scheme is slightly lighter on the lower and side parts of the furniture upholstery.

Finally, on the right in Fig. shows a way to give the pillow a choice of fabric colors, as they say, aesthetic self-sufficiency, i.e. the ability to express the meaning inherent in it by the craftswoman in any situation. Imagine such a pillow in ... a garbage dump. Will she look worse? And the point here is not only and not so much in the choice of 2-3, no more, catchy flowers that make up a fairly large pattern, but also in the arrangement of stylized images of flowers on the visible surface of the thing.

Applications and printing

Only a little more technically, but no less expressive, can be decorating pillows with appliqués. Here, as before. case, the key to success is the artistic taste of the author and, preferably, the combination of at least 2 things in an ensemble, and, unlike the use of colors, its meaning can be absolutely clear up to frivolity, as on the left in a row of photos, but obscene morally healthy a person in this composition will see no more than in normal marital relations.

A detailed, multi-valued composition of pillows with appliqués is technically more difficult to perform, and there is a risk of falling into flickering. However, today photo printing on fabric is affordable, and the images are durable and of the same quality as the texture of the material allows. So, when considering a multi-cushion group with pictures, first of all, it is worth considering the option of photo printing on blanks, in the center in the figure, especially since you can select / create pictures and simulate the entire ensemble in advance on a computer.

Note: modern technology photo printing on fabric allows you to create images that are visually equivalent to embroidery. Patches with printed pictures can also form the basis of the application, on the right in fig.

Shape and Fragment

Majority good designers prefers to work with the form, considering it to be the root cause of the expressiveness of things, and color, texture and drawing/pattern as factors of the next orders. One-two-three-tone sofa cushions, the aesthetic value of which is achieved by the form, can also be technologically uncomplicated (pos. 1 in the figure) thanks to the use of modern materials, see below.

Working with the form, it becomes possible to apply a new approach to the meaningful decoration of things: modularity, pos. 2. Technologically, in this case, only the labor intensity increases monotonously without the appearance of fundamental difficulties, since all modules assembled into the product are structurally similar and simple. But in such cases, you need to think about how to clean it, unless there is a desire to completely redo it at least once every 1-2 years. A furniture vacuum cleaner and cleaning products for it are understandable, but it is necessary to use them less frequently.

The modular principle also allows, without a significant increase in labor intensity, to create sewn things of a simple form, in which the form nevertheless works for aesthetics. This is the so-called. patchwork technique; simply patchwork. Patchwork is not necessarily something deliberately rough, rough, even clumsy.

Decorative pillows using the patchwork technique can be sewn gracefully and neatly without painful reflections and looking at samples / sketches to the pain in the eyes, pos. 3 and 4. All you need is a key element (mainly in the center), which is in harmony with the overall design of the thing, but also stands out in something. At pos. 3 this is achieved by a pattern of the same tone, but much larger than that of the elements of one diagonal and at the same time, of course, smaller than the solid color fill of the squares of the other. And on pos. Key 4, on the contrary, is distinguished by its shape, small size and relief (bulge).

Key element

In general, a compact key element (elements) is able to give grace to a pillow made in any technique. For example, at pos. Fig. 1, the key is a simple button combined with a twist of fabric patches with a trivial black and white geometric pattern, down to scraps of an old mattress. In the case of using a brighter and more colorful material instead of a button, upholstered in fabric, possibly, better fit button with a round pleated bow, pos. 4.

At pos. 2 tassels and a button ennoble cushions in modestly colored fabric. This approach is attractive in that it is possible to use furniture upholstery and even technical fabrics that do not get dirty easily, clean well, but are not produced bright and shiny. And on pos. 3 is an example of how brushes add aesthetic value to a pillow with a pattern that is too small for this purpose. Perhaps the larger pattern did not suit the overall design, but the pillow still needed decorative self-sufficiency, so the brushes came to the rescue.

Note: a single brush on the corner of the pillow can play, without losing its aesthetic value, a purely utilitarian role, hiding the last seam, see below. In this case, it can be successfully replaced with a pom-pom. How to make a brush and a pompom with your own hands, see next. fig., but in general, with tassels and pompoms as numerous elements of the main decoration of pillows, you need to be more careful, see below.

Lace, knitting and embroidery

All these ways of decorating pillows (see fig.) have in common that things, on the one hand, are laborious and difficult to perform (unless ready-made lace or organdy is used). On the other hand, lace and knitted pillows on the sofa provide not only a great aesthetic effect, but also respect with prestige: the complex quality work speaks for itself. Moreover, all such things are cleaned and washed many times: people have been weaving lace and knitting for centuries; both craftsmanship is quite adapted to washing much more harshly than in a modern washing machine with synthetic detergents.

Knitted sofa cushions there is one more advantage: the last seam is masked without any difficulties, see below. And by the way, thanks to the same circumstance, knitted decorative pillows can be very easy to make if you sew them from old sweaters, as on the right in Fig.

About knitwear

Knitwear as a material for covering the pillow retains all the advantages of knitted items, incl. the ability to conduct covert facial seam. It also has its own special merits. Firstly, the softness of the surface - wool sometimes “bites” the face, and knitting from mohair or down is more difficult. Secondly, accessibility: who hasn’t had to guess what to do with a grown-up child’s sweaters-blouses? Fill with holofiber (see below), sew up the armholes, embellish a little - and in an hour and a half a good one is ready original pillow from improvised materials, see fig. Will she fit in the living room overall design, but as a pillow in the nursery it will be quite in its place. You can also sleep on it without risking button prints on your cheek: turn it over, and that's it.

About embroidery on pillows

For those who know how to embroider, a pillow is a fertile canvas in all respects, see fig.:

If you want to embroider over the entire field, you will need a special hoop in the form of a frame; the canvas in it is stretched (unhoisted) with harsh threads. Drawing, pattern - everything is at your discretion and skill, but there are some features compared to embroidery of other things:

  1. No need to embroider with beads, it will be unhygienic and uncomfortable. It is impossible to completely remove particles of dirt from the holes in the beads using any known methods of cleaning pillows, and lying down on the beaded surface is also not very pleasant;
  2. Cross-stitch: satin stitch embroidery under the head/body quickly gets dirty and slips, and wrinkles when washed;
  3. When embroidering all over the field, make a continuous wide edging: it is just as easy to hide the last seam in it as in a knitted pillow.


Embossed decor: fringes, bows, frills, puffs, intarsia, weaving, voluminous applications (patches), quilting, etc., etc., see fig. - widely used for finishing pillows, because. allows you to achieve stunning aesthetic effects. However, when starting your first (or next) masterpiece, keep in mind, firstly, that to create beauty by the method “I want a lot of everything! And more!”, is not true in principle. You need to understand what you feel, what you want, and express it in the means available to you. Which do not necessarily have to be tricky and intricate.

Secondly, remember - you are not the trusted seamstress of the Marquise Pompadour or the Countess de Monsoreau. The charm created by your own hands, inexpressible to you once and erased. And the point is not only whether this thing will withstand washing, but also whether the machine will withstand washing such a thing. Not that, the hour is uneven, you will have to master interesting ones, but in no way simple ways repair washing machines. Tassel fringe can still be torn off and sewn on again, but for a soiled, labor-intensive pom-pom pillow, it’s hard to think of something better than throwing it away and making a new one. If the spirit is enough for it after such an opportunity.

However, to dissuade people from striving for beauty is meaningless, and worthless. So about every case in Fig. above - 2 ways to make roses from felt or cotton pads. Such flowers, if necessary, are easy to rip, and then re-sew. Or just make new ones to replace worn ones.

And in fig. on the right - advice about bows: take the same principle of conciseness as a basis, it will never fail, and make bows simple so that they can be untied and tied to take care of the pillow. That pillow is made of burlap, but does it look?

About puffs

Puffs on a suitable fabric, smooth and glossy, are another matter. Properly made, they can be vacuumed and washed by hand without any problems. And to make all this splendor is not at all as difficult as it seems. First you need to learn how to read the schemes for assembling puffs (assembling them, as the sewers say).

For an example, schemes for assembling simple puffs are given in fig. below. All puff schemes are built on an orthogonal-diagonal grid, the module of which (the side of the square) is 2-7 cm, depending on the size of the product and the density of the fabric. The grid in the diagram can be shown explicitly, as on the right in the figure, or its nodes are only marked with dots, as on the left. The mesh is applied to the inside of the workpiece with a textile marker in a mirror image.

Further, the areas that are pulled together (collected, collected) into a puff are marked either with converging arrows (on the left) or red lines (on the right), and those that are not pulled together are marked with simple thin lines. You can collect puffs either with one thread or separately. The first way is for the lazy, because a web of threads is formed from the inside. In any case, each puff is assembled with at least 3 stitches 4-5 mm wide, unless otherwise indicated in the notes to the diagram.

Then, the assembly sequence. It is produced in horizontal or vertical rows, again, unless otherwise indicated in the description of the scheme. In the case when the rows are indicated explicitly (on the left), they are displayed in the order of numbering and puffs in the row are also collected by numbers; here - Row1 1-2, 3-4, etc., then the same Row2 and so on. In the absence of an explicit indication of the rows (on the right), the puffs will be assembled simply in the order of numbering; according to the diagram on the right - 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, etc.

Try to collect any piece of fabric in puffs according to these entry-level schemes, and you will see that it will take a little time, even if you collect one at a time. And then watching a selection of master classes on making pillows with puffs that are much more spectacular and complex will not seem like a nightmarish horror:

Video: do-it-yourself puff pillows, master classes

About figurine pillows

The principle “You don’t need a lot of things! And sooner!” especially appropriate for decorative pillows, aesthetically working primarily in form. They are often sewn according to patterns for soft toys, forgetting that a sewn cat cannot wash itself under its tail. And he will have to take on not only room dust, but also fat. Perhaps, especially when it comes to children's pillows, so to speak, salvo emissions of pollution of biogenic origin.

On children's pillows, in addition, not only jump and ride on them; they not only fight and throw them, they also sleep on them. And a dream, leaning sideways, with a head that has moved to one side, is in no way useful to the emerging skeleton. This should be especially taken into account when sewing a children's toy pillow; For example, we give patterns in Fig.

On the left is a fish pillow. The shape and technique of execution seem to be chosen correctly: it is quite subject to care, the last seam can be covered with a tail or fins. But - the head of a sleeping person can slide to one side, a shoulder will stretch behind it and it turns out that we are sleeping crouched. An owl pillow is free from this drawback, at the top right: the “ears” will be held. Whoever tosses and turns in a dream is better to put such a pillow with a deflection between the “ears” to the neck; this pattern is easy to adapt for a cat pillow, only without a tail. In either case, for better ergonomics, it is desirable to make a diagonal cut as a bedding, see below.

Note: for kids - indefatigable sleepy little spinners on the right below, a pattern of a special pillow, on which the child learns to sleep on his back or on his side, freely stretched out.

Pillows in the form of letters (see Fig.) Moved even closer from pillows to soft toys than figurine pillows: there are a lot of dips in them, where to sleep there. It is believed that letter pillows are educational, developing, etc. Well, except for the coordination of movements and orientation in space, to climb between them big, like in a maze. As for the speedy learning to read and write, science has not yet been confirmed. Nevertheless, no harm from pillows in the form of letters was also noted, and fun for the child is already good for him.

Large letter cushions must hold their shape well and withstand the corresponding operational stresses, with which little users show amazing ingenuity. One of the variants of this kind of construction is shown in Fig.:

Foam 45 is the highest density furniture foam; we will talk about what holofiber is below. Of course, other ways of sewing letter pillows are also possible, see for example. next video.

Note: diagram in fig. also suitable for stuffing pillows, rolls, if you want to get their ends rounded.

Video: do-it-yourself letter pillows, manufacturing option

About puzzle pillows

Pillow in the form of elements of prefabricated mosaic paintings Puzzle is also quite popular. It is believed that if necessary, a mattress can be assembled from them. You can collect something, yes, yes. But anyone who has tried to sleep on such a mattress knows: it is impossible, it is spreading under you. Pillows, unlike puzzle pieces, are soft, pliable, otherwise not pillows, but some kind of bunks will turn out.

Materials and technique

The fact that when sewing it is necessary to give lapels of 20-30 mm, iron them, sew from the inside out and then turn the product inside out, etc., which is well known, we will not spread. Let's talk in this section about things that beginner seamstresses are not always aware of.


To properly sew a pillow without a pillowcase that is comfortable, hygienic, practical and durable, you need to choose suitable fabric. Firstly, particles of dirt should not stick to its fibers so that they can be sucked out with a vacuum cleaner without the use of detergents. Secondly, the lining fabric should, as far as possible, prevent the migration of dirt into the packing, which is difficult to clean and change. Silk, satin, crepe-satin and their synthetic counterparts satisfy these conditions from light, smooth and bright textile materials. From light, but soft - coarse calico, baize and other linen fabrics. From rough, but very durable - any furniture upholstery materials. Also, depending on the style of execution, it is possible to use any technical fabrics, except, perhaps, propylene matting and the like - too slippery, but at the same time rough and harsh.

Warp and weft

When cutting a pillow, the orientation of the warp and weft threads of the fabric matters. Orthogonal (straight) orientation, when the warp and weft are oriented perpendicular (along) resp. sides, allows you to more accurately maintain the shape of the pillow according to the pattern. But, if a straight-cut pillow with sharp corners is stuffed with sufficiently dense material, its corners may be empty and sag, pos. 1 in fig.

In pillows with a diagonal cut (warp and weft - at 45 degrees to the sides), the corners will always be full, but a “waist” will appear larger than provided by the pattern, pos. 2. If the pillow is elongated, the thinnest "waist" will be on long sides, pos. 3, which is not always desirable. In this case, the use of satin or twill weave fabric will help to give the pillow a pleasant fullness, pos. 4.


However, feather / down stuffing, firstly, is not elastic enough for decorative pillows, they are not fluffed up like sleeping pillows, because of the imminent damage to the finish from such treatment. Secondly, a fine soft pen and natural down for stuffing pillows are difficult to access. In the old days, the future bride on the wedding feather bed ( indispensable attribute dowry) feather and down were collected over the years by the whole family.

Nowadays, almost ideal stuffing materials for pillows have been developed - syntepuh and holofiber. In terms of hygiene, they are not inferior swan down; however, not for the lifetime of generations, but up to 7-10 years. On the other hand, the pillow decor is no longer alive. But these materials have an undoubted advantage: they are moderately elastic and retain this quality for years.

In essence, sintepukh and holofiber are the same material based on the finest tangled polyester fibers; This is the same polyethylene terephthalate (PET) used to make food utensils and bottles. Sintepukh is produced in the form of fluffy granules (on the left in the figure), and holofiber undergoes additional molding and goes on sale in sheets (plates), on the right there.

Sheet holofiber keeps its shape as well as the best furniture foam. By the way, in letter pillows (see above), you can make the entire base out of it, but it will cost a lot: sheet holofiber is much more expensive than foam rubber, and the material waste in this case is large. But where sheet holofiber is indispensable, it is in the manufacture of cloud pillows, etc. complex irregular shape: the workpiece must be shredded with scissors, and then, without a pattern, covered with a cloth in place.

Another stuffing material particularly suitable for baby pillows is round silicone granules. They don't get wet, this time. Two - silicone granules can be poured into the case through an opening just 2-4 cm wide, which greatly simplifies the problem last seam. Three - the cover from them can be emptied through the same armhole, and the granules can be washed by hand in a basin. In the car - in no case, it will fail instantly! Washed and dried silicone granules can be put back into the same bag; the pillow will be the same as before.

Note: to expanded polystyrene granules, which fill frameless furniture, all of the above regarding the sanitary and hygienic properties of silicone granules does not apply.

Last seam...

... he is the most difficult. You probably already guessed that this is the very seam that needs to be sewn up from the face when the pillow is already inside out and stuffed. Usually for this it is recommended to sew a zipper in advance. In relation to, say, a pear chair or another frameless furniture this is really the best option.

But the pillow does not have a bottom and a back, on which they never sit, do not sleep, do not lean on them, and waking up with the imprint of a fastener on your cheek is useless under any circumstances. As for the representatives of the stronger sex, a pillow with a zipper is able to cling to their mustache, beard and just 3-5 day stubble. The pillow sticking to the personality harmonizes perfectly with the rumpled physiognomy, but only in a comical sense.

There is no problem at all with knitted, knitted and embroidered pillows with edging, if the thread for the last seam is taken to match the material of the face: stitches of only 1-2 mm in this case are completely drawn into it and turn out to be quite strong. Good options are also a solid narrow textile piping in tone with the general color, see fig., lace or pleated border, inlay, etc. However one-stop solution the last seam is narrow, 2-4 cm, armhole in the corner. Through it, you can fill the pillow with sintepuh or silicone granules, and mask the front seam with a brush or pompom. Sintepukh, if necessary, is pulled out in shreds with a crochet hook. At first, silicone granules are simply squeezed out, like paste from a tube, and their remainder is removed from the inside-out cover.

About seamless pillows

Representatives of nomadic professions and residents of student hostels from times up to the middle of Khrushchev's have long been familiar with such people. A beautiful scarf allows you to make decorative seamless pillows in just minutes; basis can be regular pillow, and a piece of foam rubber cut off in shape or just a lump of rags. How this magnificent illustration of the saying “Need for inventions is cunning” is created is shown in the figure:

You can tie a curly knot or straighten its ends into a socket and grab it with threads; however, this will be a formal violation of the “seamless” principle. In this case, something like a rose from those described above will also fit in the center.

In Conclusion: Form Functionality