Honeysuckle ordinary and Tatar. Secrets of successful cultivation of Tatar honeysuckle. Description of honeysuckle Tatar

Tatar honeysuckle is a beautiful and unpretentious plant, ideal for decorating your summer cottage.

AT wild nature honeysuckle is found in China, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, as well as on the territory from western Kazakhstan to the Volga.

A decorative shrub is distributed throughout the world. Honeysuckle has become popular among gardeners for a reason.

Due to its resistance to various adverse natural phenomena and build its growth rate, vulnerability to viruses can be attributed to the disadvantages.

Honeysuckle bushes look great as solo decor elements, as well as in company with others. perennial bushes and plants.


Buds appear at the end of May and honeysuckle blooms for the next 2 weeks. Then a lot of beautiful round orange-colored berries are formed on the bush, not edible, like the fruits of all types of honeysuckle.

The Rosea variety is unpretentious in care, grows in any soil, easily tolerates pruning and transplanting. Easily propagated by cuttings.

Honeysuckle Tatar: grade Hack Red

A distinctive feature of this variety is bright saturated purple flowers, which flaunt on the bush from late spring to mid-June. bright flowers are replaced by no less bright fruits, continuing to decorate your gardens and orchards.

Honeysuckle Tatar: variety Elegans

It differs in the color of the petals, the petals themselves are bright red with pink veins.

Honeysuckle Tatar: variety Zabelli

Distinguished by deep rich burgundy flowers and light red fruits.

Cultivation and care


Honeysuckle can be propagated by almost all known methods.:

  1. cuttings,
  2. layering method,
  3. seedlings,
  4. seeds.


You can collect cuttings for planting either in summer or autumn.

  1. In summer, young shoots are used for this, and in autumn they are already stiff, which are added dropwise until spring.
  2. For cuttings, good shoots of this year are chosen, they are divided into parts of 10-12 centimeters with two nodes and an internode.
  3. The cuttings are placed in a nutrient substrate of sand and peat, before planting, the cuttings are treated with a root growth agent, and the branches are placed in a box at an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. Next, the box must be turned into a greenhouse, covered with a thick film and reap the appearance of the first leaves.
  5. After the appearance of the leaves, the boxes are covered with spruce branches and hibernate until spring.
  6. In spring, the cuttings are planted on permanent place when the positive temperature is established.


Bushes 3-4 years old are used for reproduction, part of each layer is dug in in the summer, the branch takes root, but it is better to separate it next spring.


Growing from seeds of bushes and plants is quite difficult process and honeysuckle is no exception. And the quality of shrubs is lower from this - the qualities of the mother variety are not preserved, therefore it is better to use part of the plants for propagation - cuttings or layering.


The soil for honeysuckle should be loose and with good drainage. The recess in the soil for planting honeysuckle is filled with a special mixture of sand, peat and turf in a ratio of 1: 1: 3.

5 centimeters of drainage fall asleep at the bottom; honeysuckle will not take root in moist soil.

Otherwise, honeysuckle is unpretentious - without special care an unremarkable bush can turn into a flowering and fragrant bush for everyone to envy.

But with the effort you put in, you can achieve more results in less time. Shrub care includes the usual procedures.

Honeysuckle wants top dressing, pruning, mulching and prevention of various diseases.

In spring, the plant needs to be fertilized nitrogen fertilizers, before flowering it is better to feed complex fertilizers, and in the fall add more wood ash.

Honeysuckle requires 2-3 heavy waterings per season, on hot days each honeysuckle bush requires 10 liters of water.

The soil around the honeysuckle must be loosened periodically

Honeysuckle trunks need mulching in spring and fall.

Pruning is better late autumn, after leaf fall. It is necessary to transform the shrub through pruning in late autumn, when the leaf fall is completed.

For the winter, honeysuckle does not require special shelters in our climatic conditions.

Diseases and pests

Dangerous for honeysuckle can also be ticks, scale insects, pseudopods, various insects that eat leaves ( caterpillars, moths etc.)

The shrub is still susceptible to attack by fungi ( spotting and flour dew) and viruses.

The most dangerous for honeysuckle is aphid.

It is possible to fight it only with the help of biological insecticides.:

  • garlic,
  • tobacco,
  • pepper tincture.

You can also use synthetic:

  • Aktara or
  • Actellik.

If you are planning to purchase honeysuckle seedlings, then consider the following points when choosing.

Buy seedlings in specialized stores!

  • buy adult seedlings from 2 years old, 30-40 centimeters long and 5 millimeters thick at the base.
  • carefully evaluate appearance plants for the absence of dried or damaged places, the presence of buds and elasticity of branches.
  • choose seedlings with well-developed roots.

Thus, the Tatar honeysuckle on your site will unpretentious decor that creates beauty and elegance on long years, without special efforts from your side. It remains only to choose and buy the variety of Tatar honeysuckle you like.

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Among the decorative shrub plants Honeysuckle Tatarskaya stands out favorably - unpretentious, cold-resistant and exquisite. Historically, culture grew in the territories of Kazakhstan, China and Central Asia, today it has spread throughout the globe. Modern honeysuckle occurs in the form of a shrub, climbing liana and hat. Popularity flowering bush due to the ease of cultivation and care, as well as unpretentiousness.

Description of honeysuckle Tatar

mature plant reaches a height of 2-3 meters and forms a dense crown. The leaves are ovoid, 3-5 cm long, matte dark green. In the middle there is a pronounced vein, the location is paired. The branches are gray, hollow inside. Some varieties have a light bluish coating of bark.

Active flowering begins when the bush reaches 3 years of age, continues from early May to late July. Peduncles are small, numerous, of a wide range of shades - from white to pink, yellow and red. The growing season is accompanied by a sweet, fragrant smell. Fruiting occurs in August-September. The berries are small, up to 0.5 cm in diameter, deep red. Eating is prohibited.

The root system is branched and lies to a depth of 1 m.

plant varieties

Among more than two hundred types of honeysuckle, a number of artificially bred ornamental ones stand out favorably, adapted for equally successful cultivation in open ground conditions, urban gas pollution or winter greenhouses.

Variety name Bloom fruit formation Peculiarities
Rosealate May - mid JuneJune August
  1. 1. the crown is pyramidal;
  2. 2. large flowers - up to 2 cm;
  3. 3. lilac-pink shade of petals;
  4. 4. berries orange color, elongated, up to 0.6 mm in diameter
Hack RedMay - early JuneJune July
  1. 1. peduncles paniculate, numerous;
  2. 2. the shade of the petals is hot pink;
  3. 3. the fruits are red, not crumbling before the onset of frost
elegansJuneJuly August
  1. 1. crown leaves are elongated, with wavy edges;
  2. 2. flower petals are red, with pink streaks;
  3. 3. fruits are red, slightly elongated
ZabelliMay JuneJuly-September
  1. 1. flowering is long, stepped, associated with fruit formation;
  2. 2. the shade of the petals is maroon;
  3. 3. fruits are red, shiny, regular round shape

culture propagation

Like edible representatives of the species, Tatar honeysuckle has several methods for obtaining a new seedling. Measures for the propagation of ornamental shrubs are carried out in the spring and autumn periods.

Experts believe that the October planting of honeysuckle is more effective due to the long dormancy period in which the seedling is located until the onset of spring.


Propagation of varietal honeysuckle by cuttings is considered the key to the successful transfer of technical characteristics from mother bush to a new seedling.

The process has the sequence:

  1. 1. Young or one-year-old shoots are used as planting material.
  2. 2. The cut branch is divided into cuttings 10-15 cm long, having two growth points and an internode.
  3. 3. The segments are placed in the prepared substrate, consisting of a mixture of sand and peat in a ratio of 1:1, at an inclination of 40 degrees.
  4. 4. The soil container is regularly moistened and kept in a warm room with sufficient level Sveta.
  5. 5. When new leaves appear, the box is covered with spruce branches, rotted straw, peat and put in open ground for overwintering.
  6. 6. In the spring, when the threat of frost has passed, the seedling is transferred to a permanent place.

For successful cuttings, branches are selected that begin to break when deformed. Flexible shoots are considered not ready for use as seedlings.

Successfully overwintered honeysuckle cuttings

Division by layering

For the production of work on the reproduction of honeysuckle in this way, mother plants at least 3 years old. In spring, the soil around the shrub should be carefully dug up.

Layers are formed as a result of a snug fit of the lower shoots to the ground. If the plant does not have natural root formation points, they can be initiated independently. To do this, you need to select a healthy, strong branch and tilt it so that the kidneys are in contact with the fertile layer. Fix the place of future rooting with a hairpin. And sprinkle the top with a handful of earth.

The signal for a successful outcome of work on layering is the appearance of new third-party shoots, the growth of which has a vertical direction.

The separation of the seedling from the mother bush is carried out next spring.

The survival rate of the layering has a 100% probability, since in the process of development of the rudiments of the root system, the seedling continues to feed on the mother bush.

Pinning shoots to the soil

Sowing seeds

A labor-intensive method that requires additional costs for the search and purchase of high-quality seed. Self-collection can lead to a wild bush that does not have technical specifications mother variety.

There are three types of planting Tatar honeysuckle through sowing:

  • Fruiting period (July-August). By the onset of frost, the seeds will have time to germinate and form a crown of 3-4 leaves. The seedling requires additional shelter on winter time, and by spring will continue its vegetation.
  • Late autumn (October-November) with a deposit for spring germination.
  • Sowing for seedlings in early spring(March, April). Occurs in greenhouse or indoor conditions. Seeds are deepened by 1 cm in moistened nutrient soil. Upon reaching two true leaves, a pick is made into individual containers equipped with drainage.

Landing in open ground

Moving a seedling to a permanent place is possible in spring and autumn. The requirements for the site allotted for Tatar honeysuckle are in sufficient quantity sunlight, lack of proximity ground water and stagnant precipitation. The shrub reacts painfully to excessive moisture.

Landing is preceded by land preparation measures:

  1. 1. holes 40x40x40 cm are dug;
  2. 2. distance between pits - 2–3 m;
  3. 3. the bottom is covered with a drainage layer of 5–7 cm (broken brick, large gravel, expanded clay, etc.);
  4. 4. a soil mixture is prepared from earth, humus and peat in a ratio of 3:1:1;
  5. 5. fertilizers are applied to the soil - 2 buckets of compost, 1 kg of wood ash, 50 g of superphosphate;
  6. 6. the planting pit is abundantly watered and 1/3 filled with the prepared soil mixture;
  7. 7. The seedling is placed in vertical position, holding on to the upper shoots, root system carefully straightened along the bottom of the hole;
  8. 8. The pit is filled up to the level of the root neck of the plant and watered abundantly.

plant care

Honeysuckle Tatar is unpretentious ornamental crops, responsive to basic care measures. Beauty, the shape of the crown, the intensity of flowering depend on the activities carried out.


Young honeysuckle seedlings require regular moisturizing, which are sensitive to a lack of water in the root space. An adult plant needs 2-3 abundant watering throughout the season, content with natural precipitation. In extremely hot, dry summer days 1 bucket of water is brought under each bush.

Humidification should be accompanied by subsequent loosening of the near-stem area to a depth of 15 cm. It is favorable to mulch with straw, humus and peat, which helps to preserve the loose structure of the soil and retain moisture.


Top dressing of the Tatar honeysuckle is carried out in three stages:

  1. 1. in early spring (before the start of the growing season) - nitrogen-containing preparations in the amount of 20 g per 1 sq. m;
  2. 2. at the formation of the first buds - liquid or granular complex preparations for flowering crops;
  3. 3. autumn digging is accompanied by the introduction of dry wood ash at the rate of 200 g per 1 sq. m.


The formation of the crown is carried out after the autumn fall of the leaves and the slowing down of the sap flow of the shrub, or in the spring - when the buds swell.

Annual pruning activities are required for a plant that has reached the age of 5 years. The rejuvenation scheme corresponds to the generally accepted description - 1/3 of the shoots are left, removing the old, diseased and deformed ones. If there is no intention to planting material layering, then the branches adjacent to the soil should be cut off.

Honeysuckle Tatarskaya is able to maintain the shape acquired after pruning for the entire summer period.

Honeysuckle Tatar and edible species

The species and varieties known today are cross-pollinated. This means that fruit formation from a single bush is scarce or absent.

It happens that planting two or three or more seedlings edible variety difficult because of limited area land plot. To ensure savings usable space cottages and get a harvest of early ripe berries, experienced gardeners resort to trickery, planting Tatar honeysuckle in close proximity to a fruit-bearing relative.

Ornamental shrub - excellent honey plant that attracts insects strong aroma and abundant flowering. Being within a radius of 20 m from the fruiting variety, it is a catalyst for more intensive pollination.

is one of the plants called honeysuckle, in Latin the name of this plant will sound like this: Lonicera tatarica L. As for the name of the Tatar honeysuckle family itself, in Latin it will be like this: Caprifoliaceae Juss.

Description of honeysuckle Tatar

Tatar honeysuckle is a shrub, the height of which will fluctuate between one and a half and two and a half meters. The leaves of this plant are on short bare petioles, and in shape they will be oblong-ovate. The length of such leaves is two and a half to eight centimeters, and the width varies between one and a half and four centimeters. The length of the corolla is twelve to twenty-four centimeters, while the fruits will be bare on the outside, they are pink in color: from pale pink to brick red. The fruits are six to eight millimeters in size, they are spherical in shape, with a brightly colored corolla they will be bright red in color, with a pale corolla they can be both yellow and orange.
The flowering of the Tatar honeysuckle falls on the period from the end of May to the month of June, while fruiting occurs in the month of July-September. AT natural conditions this plant can be found on the territory of Central Asia, Western Siberia, as well as in the following regions of the European part of Russia: in the Zavolzhsky, in the north of the Volga-Don and in the Volga-Kama region. For growth, Tatar honeysuckle prefers forest edges, places along river valleys and in hollows, as well as hillsides, among shrubs and in the undergrowth of floodplain forests. The plant can grow both singly and in groups, and in large thickets. The plant is not only decorative, but also quite a valuable honey plant.

Description of the medicinal properties of Tatar honeysuckle

Tatar honeysuckle is endowed with quite valuable healing properties, while therapeutic purpose it is recommended to use the bark of this plant.
The presence of such valuable healing properties due to the content of alkaloids, triterpene saponins, tannins, flavonoids, higher aliphatic carbohydrates and coumarins in the composition of this plant. The flowers of this plant will contain glucose, sucrose and fructose, while the fruits of Tatar honeysuckle contain higher aliphatic hydrocarbons.
It should be noted that this plant exhibits antibacterial activity. Water-alcohol tincture of leaves and branches of Tatar honeysuckle exhibits very effective antitrichomonas activity. A decoction of the bark of this plant, both internally and externally in the form of lotions, can be used for goiter. Volatile and water-soluble substances in the experiment became inhibitors for numerous field weeds, as well as activators for poplar and oak.
It is noteworthy that Tatar honeysuckle is poisonous plant, which is especially true for the fruits of this plant. There have also been known cases of poisoning of children.
With goiter, it is recommended to use quite effective remedy based on Tatar honeysuckle: to prepare such a remedy, you will need to take one teaspoon of crushed bark in one glass of water. The resulting mixture should be boiled over a fire for five minutes, then this mixture is infused for one hour, after which it is very carefully filtered. Take the resulting remedy based on Tatar honeysuckle, one tablespoon three times a day. It should be noted that in order to achieve the greatest efficiency when using this remedy, it is important to follow not only all the rules of preparation, but also all the rules for taking such a remedy.

Honeysuckle Tatar is a popular species ornamental shrubs widely distributed throughout our country. According to international classification, honeysuckle is called "Lonicera", named after the famous German scientist Adam Lonitzer. Another prominent scientist, the classifier Carl Linnaeus, proposed to name the plant capricole Caprifolium. Subsequently, honeysuckle was assigned to a separate new species of honeysuckle.

The history of the creation of the variety

Initially natural habitat this unpretentious plant there was Altai and regions of Siberia, as well as the European eastern part of Russia. It is with the natural location in the very center of our country - Tatarstan that the name of the plant - "Tatarskaya" is associated. There is another version of the creation of this variety. It is connected with the fact that on the territory of the Tatar crop farms a large selection work was carried out to cultivate wild varieties of honeysuckle and breed new species of this plant.

Flowering honeysuckle Tatarskaya

Characteristics and features of the variety

The fruits of honeysuckle are popularly called "wolfberry"

A honeysuckle bush can grow on any soil with different soil acidity. It grows well on a fertile site and takes root well on poor rocky lands. The plant can be planted anywhere: near the house, in a group of others ornamental plants or as a single landscape specimen against a green lawn background.

Variety characteristics:

  • The plant has excellent frost resistance and does not require additional protective shelter in frosty winters;
  • Honeysuckle Tatarskaya can long time do without watering. This very important difference of the plant is often used by summer residents and gardeners, whose plots are without irrigation or are located on sandy soils;
  • Excellent survival in high gas conditions. Therefore, this plant is often planted near highways with heavy urban traffic and are used for landscaping industrial facilities with high gas content;
  • plant shows good growth in areas after fires, and is also used for landing on saline soil;
  • Duration and abundance of flowering;
  • Honeysuckle has a neat bush shape, lends itself well to cutting and shaping. Can be given to a plant original form, which will decorate any garden design;
  • Honeysuckle inflorescence is a good honey plant.

On a note. If you plant a few bushes instead of a fence, then next season you can get a chic hedge from the plants.

The gentle charm of blooming Tatar honeysuckle

Plant description:

  1. The height of the bush can reach up to 4 meters;
  2. The leaf has an oval or oblong-lanceolate shape, bluish-green in color;
  3. Flowers collected in an inflorescence, paired white or dark pink;
  4. Flowering begins in May and lasts from 10 to 20 days;
  5. The fruits are red, yellow or orange. Due to the toxicity of the berries, it is forbidden to eat;
  6. Honeysuckle Tatarskaya has a high life expectancy - from 60 to 100 years.

Important! It should be noted the excellent ability of honeysuckle to quickly adapt after transplantation, the root of the plant quickly takes root in a new place, and the bush grows rapidly.

Reproduction of varietal material of honeysuckle can be carried out in the usual ways:

  • With the help of cuttings;
  • Branches of lateral plants;
  • Using young shoots;
  • Sowing seeds.

All these methods are well known to any gardener, usually there are no special problems when propagating and transplanting shrubs.

Features of growing a variety

small shrub seedlings

There are several features when breeding a Tatar honeysuckle plant - this is planting and caring for new seedlings:

  • When buying a small bush, which open root, it is recommended to plant it in the ground in early autumn. The warm autumn time has a beneficial effect on the plant, it gradually enters a state of rest and will be ready to endure the harsh winter cold;
  • The closed root system of seedlings allows transplanting at any time. Often, for this, transshipment of the plant is used along with an earthen clod;
  • The plant is recommended to be planted in pre-prepared holes 40 x 40 cm in size and 40 cm deep. Rows of shrubs are planted at a distance of at least 1.5-2 meters;
  • To the bottom landing pit pour drainage layer from expanded clay, broken brick, crushed stone or other similar material;
  • Soil soil for planting is based on: 3 parts of sod land, 1 part of peat or humus and 1 part of sand;
  • Part planting soil make 2 buckets of compost and add superphosphate 50 g and 1 kg of ash;
  • After that, the hole is abundantly watered with water and a seedling is planted.

Best of all, the bush grows on sunny places, strong shading of the landing site leads to weak flowering of the plant and damage by various pests.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

House decoration with honeysuckle bush

The main advantage of the shrub variety "Tatar honeysuckle" should be called its decorative effect and attractiveness, as well as:

  • At the beginning of flowering, the plant pleases with fragrant charm. color pink, and after the bush dresses up with carmine-red berries, very reminiscent of a scattering of bright shiny glossy beads. Thanks to these advantages, the plant will be a wonderful decoration for the entire landscape;
  • The plant is not demanding to care for, and for such an undemanding character it is rightly called a "shrub for the lazy." Honeysuckle grows almost everywhere and in the spring pleases the eye with its gorgeous abundant flowering;
  • Besides, hedge from shrubs allows you to protect country lawns from uninvited visitors.

Disadvantages of the variety:

  1. A big disadvantage of honeysuckle is the possibility of damage by various pests, viral diseases. Therefore, for the Tatar honeysuckle, it is necessary to treat the plant with pesticides;
  2. Shrub to maintain decorativeness, it is necessary to form and cut off regrown branches in time;
  3. The berry of the fruit is not edible. This fact must be communicated to young children.

Honeysuckle Tatarskaya is unpretentious shrub, tolerates summer drought and severe winter frosts. And in the spring it “dresses up” in a beautiful festive outfit, from which even the most unattractive site becomes cozy and elegant.
