The toilet bowl is the story of the emergence and development of a remarkable invention. Who and when invented the toilet Water closet history

Mass production of faience toilet bowls began in Spain in 1909. At the beginning of the century, a joint-stock company was organized there for the electrification of the country under the sonorous name "Unitas" ("unity", "union"). By order of the “union”, one of the factories near Barcelona was engaged in the manufacture of faience insulators, and at the same time the potters cast toilet bowls.

From this stamp, the name of the hygienic product went around the world. How did humanity come to this irreplaceable invention in every sense? Let's try to trace it in the following material ...

Pre-toilet and early toilet era

Fenced pits with petrified feces are found by archaeologists at almost all Neolithic sites. During archaeological excavations in the Orkney Islands, located off the coast of Scotland, scientists discovered in stone walls deepening houses connected with gutters. The finds turned out to be latrines, whose age is about 5000 years, dating back to the Neolithic era. Today they are considered the most ancient. Slightly younger than them, those that were found during excavations in Mohenjo-Daro (on the banks of the Indus River) and represented a more complex sewer system: sewage from latrines made near the outer walls of houses flowed into street ditches, along which they left the city. The latrine was a brick box with a wooden seat. Chinese archaeologists have discovered a toilet bowl of the monarch of the Western Han Dynasty in Hunan province. This rarity is over 2000 years old. It was created, according to experts, around 50-100 BC. The flushing of the waste products of the body was carried out with the help of water from the water pipe, which the Chinese also invented before the Europeans. The carved throne-stool of the Sumerian queen Shubad from the tomb in Ur, dating back to 2600 BC, can be seen in the storerooms of the British Museum. Since then, this design has passed millennia and only at the beginning of the twentieth century was replaced by a water closet.

However, the history of the water closet is also quite “gray-haired”. Already in the XX century BC. the palace buildings of the settlement of Knossos on the island of Crete were equipped with latrines, to which a sewage system was connected. The toilets of the ancient Egyptians, of which we have an idea (mainly from excavations in Tell el-Amarna (XIV century BC) - the city of Pharaoh Akhenaten), did not connect to the sewer, which, however, was well developed. In rich houses, a lavatory whitened with lime was arranged behind the bathroom. It contained a limestone slab placed on top of a brick box filled with sand, which had to be cleaned out periodically. In one of the ancient Egyptian burials in Thebes, dating back to the same century as the city of the famous pharaoh, a portable wooden toilet was discovered, under which an earthenware pot was placed.

The Greeks used night vases, in a simple way pots, which are mentioned in ancient plays as weapons in domestic skirmishes - the last resort to break an opponent was to put a full pot in the middle of the table to the top. In Mesopotamia already in the III millennium BC. there were toilets connected to drains, through which human waste flowed, gathering in brick sewer wells. Seats in the toilets in the homes of wealthy people were laid out of brick.

Toilet facilities of ancient Rome

In ancient Rome, public toilets appeared for the first time on the street, finished with marble and ceramic plates and sometimes decorated with paintings. The sewage went into the drains under the seats, from which they were washed out by running water and carried away through the pipe system to special collectors - cesspools. The famous Roman drain "Cloaka MAXIMA", built in the 7th-6th century BC by the Etruscan ruler Tarquinus Sperbus, was about five meters wide and stretched between the Capitoline and Palatine hills. The custodian of all this splendor was the goddess Cloacina. "Cloaka MAXIMA" remained the most perfect system for many centuries after its construction, and it exists to this day. The history of the sewers of Ancient Rome stores information about luxurious latrines (freaks), which served as a meeting place and conversations under the murmur of drain streams. Judging by the way the seats were arranged here, visiting these establishments was one of the forms of leisure for the townspeople and defecation was interspersed with conversation with people who were pleasant to the heart. The stone seats formed a circle - like in an amphitheatre. There was enough space for almost 20 people. Visiting such freaks was affordable only for very wealthy citizens.

Middle Ages

With the fall of the Roman Empire, much was lost, including the principles of urban sanitation. The sewerage systems built by the Romans in the conquered territories were destroyed, new sewerage systems were rarely built in the Middle Ages. The role of the toilet was played by an ordinary pot, placed under the bed, the contents of which splashed out directly into the street. The night vase of Charlemagne can be seen in the Avignon Museum. An artless copper pot with handles - that's all that the great ruler could afford. True, in the castles there were still toilets with a primitive sewage system: they went outside the premises, as if hanging over the wall of the castle, and a stone drain departed from these booths, through which sewage flowed. Another castle toilet system is a stone seat over a deep shaft. Here, the products of vital activity could not be left as a keepsake for posterity, so once a year gold miners descended into the mine on ropes, scraped sewage from the walls and dumped them directly into the moat. In French cities, they were not at all wiser. The cry "Gare l'eau!" (“Attention! It is pouring!”) meant that the contents of the night vase would now pour directly onto the heads of passers-by.

Renaissance and the toilet

During the Renaissance, the construction of urban sewage systems begins to gain momentum. Although the night vase remains the most popular, XVIII century already a real work of art: faience chamber pots were painted and decorated with inlay.

By the way, many famous plumbing firms grew out of small manufactories that produced faience dishes and night vases. The thought of the titans of the Renaissance could not get around the problem of the toilet. Leonardo da Vinci, invited to the court of King Francois the First, was so shocked by the stench of Paris that he designed a flush toilet especially for his patron. The Leonardo codex contains a hand-drawn drawing of a genius, which depicts a toilet bowl. In the drawings of the great seer, water supply pipes, sewer outlet pipes, and ventilation shafts are indicated. Alas, as with the helicopter and the submarine, Leonardo was centuries ahead of his time. The drawings remained on paper. At that time, London toilets were built over the river. However, over time, sewage began to threaten to block the tributaries of the Thames. Then toilets began to be built right on the city streets, giving them a very cultivated look.

The golden age of the toilet

From the end of the 16th century, toilet building moved to Britain. In 1590, Sir John Harington created for Queen Elizabeth I a working model of a toilet with a cistern and a water tank - much like we know it today.

Harrington described his invention in detail in 1596 in Ajax's Metamorphoses, not forgetting to list all the materials used and their prices. About 50 years later, the French responded to the British challenge with their invention. King Louis 14 was presented unusual gift- a ship in the form of an easy chair, in which one could sit for hours waiting for a pleasant “moment” and gossip with visitors. Another thing is 1775, when the London watchmaker Alexander Cumming created the first toilet with a drain - by this time there was already running water in London. Soon, in 1778, another inventor, Joseph Bramah, came up with a cast-iron toilet bowl and a hinged lid. This toilet bowl was a success - the townspeople bought it up quickly. Soon a faience toilet bowl appeared - it was more convenient to wash it. The golden hour of toilets struck in the 19th century. Broke, alas, not from a good life. In 1830, Asiatic cholera, spread along with contaminated sewage, mowed down millions of Europeans.

Typhoid fever was another scourge. The governments have understood: it is time to shell out for sewerage. Accordingly, the question arose about the modern level of toilet seats, to the development of which the creative thought of the designers turned. It was then that the "Three Musketeers" appeared toilet design Cast: George Jennings, Thomas Twyford, and Thomas Crapper. Locksmith Thomas Crapper invented the modern toilet.

The main thing in the invention is a U-shaped elbow with a water plug that cuts off the toilet room from the sewer pipe (according to other sources, it was invented in 1849 by Stephen Green, who invented a water trap - a U-shaped bend in the sewer pipe between the toilet and the sewer, blocking the way back to bad smells To increase the pressure, Krepper installed a water tank under the ceiling, and adapted a chain with a handle to the drain tap lever.Two royal mechanics, George Jennings and Thomas Twyford, became interested in the invention of a village locksmith and, supplementing it with an automatic water inlet valve (it did not even have to be invented - such a crane was on all steam locomotives), presented the creation to Queen Victoria. Thomas Crapper became most famous: the British still call toilet bowls "crapper", and in the native village of the inventor there is a church, which is decorated with a stained-glass window with a mosaic image of a toilet bowl. And in 1915 the time has come for siphon cisterns, which can be placed very low - just a toilet seat is higher a.

USSR and our days

In 1929 in Soviet Russia they made 150,000 toilet bowls a year, and in the first Stalinist five-year plan, “sanitary faience” was a separate line: the country needed 280,000 toilet bowls a year. Currently, hundreds of companies around the world are engaged in the production and sale of toilet bowls. High tech have long been the norm in the toilet industry. The modern closet endow additional features and characteristics ranging from aesthetic to medical. There is a toilet in almost every dwelling of a person. TOILET CONQUERED THE WORLD!

These amazing toilets... simple to disgrace and heaped up ... to admiration

The toilet is a piece of equipment that no home can do without. Its device, type and material determine the basic comfort.

Toilet device

Any toilet bowl consists of a bowl and drain system.

How it works:

  • The reservoir contains water for subsequent rinsing of the bowl.
  • Activating the flush with a lever raises the flap valve, allowing a predetermined amount of water to flow inward through holes located under the toilet rim.
  • The S-shaped bend of the sewer adapter serves two purposes, the main of which is the direct outflow of fluid from the device. The second is to prevent the backflow of sewer gases into the room.
  • The water, when emptying the tank, causes the float to lower, simultaneously pushing the contents of the bowl into the sewer.
  • After that, the valve restarts the set clean water to fill the reservoir to the correct level.

Drain tank device

Water from the supplied pipe enters the tank through a hose, which in the basic models is the tank itself. Inside there are two mechanisms: one is responsible for receiving water, the second - for draining.

  • The filling system accumulates water up to a manually determined or structurally acceptable level.
  • The float mechanism (in older models it is made in the form of a bubble or pear) determines whether the water has reached the mark.
  • When the water level in the tank exceeds the permissible level (according to GOST - 20 mm below the overflow), the float valve shuts off its inflow.
  • The flush system is activated when the flush button is pressed. The mechanism is usually combined with transfusion insurance.
  • Pressing the button opens the shut-off valve, allowing water to enter the toilet bowl through special drain holes.

Types of toilets

Two types of designs are common: compact and without a tank. practical benefits or there is no difference in their use.

Compact. The standard or open type, consisting of two parts, was the only one for a long time. It is a bowl with a drain tank installed on top of it. The system is fixed on bolts with washers, floor installation.

Without tank. Hidden type - flushing system masked behind the plane of the wall, in niches or furniture. The flush model is airtight, water does not seep into the walls. All components are accessible through a removable panel for the drain button - no need to remove the tile for minor repairs to the structure.

According to GOST 30493–96, division of toilet bowls into main types looks like that:

  • in form- dish-shaped, visor and funnel-shaped;
  • by release type- oblique or straight;
  • with or without a molded shelf.

Additionally, the number of mounting holes is determined:

  • in the toilet bowls of domestic premises - two or four holes;
  • it is allowed to produce without holes for fastening at the request of the consumer.

Types of flush tanks according to the same GOST:

  • mounted on the toilet with side or top start;
  • low, mid, and high position with side release.


According to the installation method, toilet bowls are divided into hanging and floor types.

Floor standing toilet

The toilet bowl is installed in a prepared place: the pedestal is fixed with bolts or screws to the floor, depending on the design.

Advantages of the floor system:

  • stability and reliability - it is impossible to break the bowl while sitting on it, even for owners of a serious body mass;
  • availability of technical units;
  • standard - it is easy to pick up spare parts and accessories even from another manufacturer.

Wall hung toilet

Features of wall or suspension system:

  • free floor under the bowl, which is convenient to wash;
  • stylish appearance;
  • in most cases equipped with a half drain;
  • The toilet must be able to support its own weight and the weight of the person sitting on it.

This type is demanding on the frame and fastening system. The mounting kit comes with a steel frame that can withstand a weight of several hundred kilograms. But if the structure is installed inside the profile frame, the latter will need additional reinforcement with a bar to keep the system in a single plane.

Sewerage, water supply and drain tank as a result will be hidden inside the frame and behind it. After sheathing the frame, only the bowl itself, protruding from the wall, and a decorative drain button resembling a switch will remain outside.

As an advantage hanging type space saving is often mentioned. In fact, it does not exist, because the frame and frame will also require space.


The exhaust system or drain is also divided into types, each of which has its own characteristics.

  • vertical - mounted in a fan hole, which is located in the floor;
  • horizontal - installation directly into the wall where the fan pipe is located, almost parallel to the floor;
  • oblique - placed in a hole in the wall at an angle of 40-45 degrees;
  • universal - the socket is remote from the wall of the device, which allows you to attach it to any form of sewer outlet.

Horizontal and universal types are modern. Models with an oblique and vertical exit became obsolete in the 20th century. They cannot be connected to the wrong type of sewer pipe without the use of adapters.

What are toilets made of?

The main materials for the production of toilet bowls are ceramics and steel. Variations made of cast iron, plastic or glass are also available, but their practicality is much lower.

Ceramic - are made from sanitary ware or sanitary ware, so the vast majority of them are white or beige.

  • the material is hygienic, it is easily given a streamlined shape that facilitates easy cleaning;
  • the service life of faience products is about 30, and porcelain - up to 50 years;
  • do not absorb odor.

stainless steel - models, as a rule, are used in institutions with high traffic. This type is durable and unpretentious in maintenance, but due to its unpresentable appearance and characteristic associations, it is rarely used in residential areas.

Cast marble - the material resembles natural, but has increased strength in comparison with him. Plumbing made from it is hygienic and has a warm surface.

Acrylic - lightweight devices with wall thicknesses up to 6 mm. Most often used as guest variations. Durability is comparable to ceramic, but special care is required without chemical solvents and abrasives.

Toilet bowl shape

In accordance with internal form toilet bowls are divided into 3 types.

  1. Visor - most popular type. sloping back wall thickets provide a gentle flush. The form is the most hygienic.
  2. funnel-shaped - the hole for flushing is located in the center of the bowl. The advantage of this form lies in the uniform instantaneous draining of water. The disadvantage is that the flow of increased force contributes to splashing.
  3. Poppet - inside the bowl there is a kind of platform that accumulates waste. The type is outdated and unhygienic.

Additional division according to the appearance of the form:

  • Round - such a bowl saves space in a small bathroom. The length of the toilets of this type is minimal.
  • Oval or elongated - option with maximum length bowls, is considered the most convenient to use.

Water supply

Bottom supply - hoses are invisible and do not spoil the interior. Connection requires skill, as the joints are hidden under the tank. Lower wiring requires increased attention to the tightness of the connections, since water pressure contributes to leakage.

Lateral supply - communications remain in sight, the option is not too aesthetic, but it is most convenient for assembly and further maintenance. There are no leaks, except for cases associated with a breakdown of the float and a natural overflow of water.

Functions of toilets

The basic functionality of the toilet bowls is the same, and the additional functionality is determined by the presence or possibility of installing accessories.

half drain

The design of the drain mechanism contains an additional valve responsible for the partial emptying of the tank. Models with such a drain come with a double button, which allows the standard emptying of the entire tank when fully clamped.

Some types provide for volume adjustment, but in most cases it goes automatic installation valve at the height of the middle of the tank. When one button is pressed, the volume set by the additional valve is drained.

Water savings using this function reaches a third of the monthly norm consumed by the toilet.

Automatic drain

The drain system is triggered by a motion sensor installed in the bathroom. As soon as the presence is detected, water begins to fill in the tank. The drain turns on automatically when a person leaves the room.

The system has a number of features :

  • Fans of gatherings in the toilet with books will need to move their hands from time to time so that the sensor detects the presence.
  • The system responds to pets. If the cat is accustomed to the toilet, automation will save the owners from monitoring the cleanliness of the equipment after visiting the toilet by the pet.

Hygienic shower

Accessory that turns the toilet into a kind of bidet. Some models come with a shower built into the lid or sidewall. If this functionality is not provided, the accessory can be installed as independent element on the wall next to the device.

The device is used not only for its intended purpose, but also for convenient collection of water in high containers, as well as for caring for animal trays.

Seat lift

A kind of closer that allows smooth lowering and lifting of the lid. The microlift mechanism is a rod for rigid fastening of the cover and a spring that slows down its rotation.


  • The seat with this accessory closes silently.
  • The lid cannot be lowered faster than provided by the mechanism. If force is applied, the mechanism will break.

The accessory is not tied to the type of toilet bowl. It is enough to install a seat that supports this option.

Auto raise/lower seat

The mention of this function in most cases means talking about a microlift. But there is also a rare specialized accessory. This is a mechanism with a pedal and a drive that drives the seat - like on Soviet garbage cans.


  • hygiene - no need to touch the seat with your hands;
  • ease of installation without reference to models;
  • convenience for people with disabilities.

It is more often used in public places: airports, hotels.

Seat heating

The accessory is suitable for all types of devices, the heating element is built directly into the lid.

  • in advanced models, heating is controlled by a sensor, different temperature conditions and security control;
  • often combined with other rare functions - a massager, a pulse meter, self-cleaning retractable nozzles.

Comes complete with ergonomic seats for increased comfort. More often with a control panel - separate or built-in on the side.

Air drying

This function is often combined with the built-in hygienic shower. Found in elite models. There are two types:

  • After using the built-in shower for hygiene procedures warm air supplied by the toilet serves to replace toilet paper. In the West, such models are positioned as a technique for people with disabilities, pregnant women and those undergoing a rehabilitation period after abdominal operations.
  • The second type does not require a shower and partially replaces heating systems.

Antibacterial toilet bowls

Protection allows you to keep the lid and inner surface clean. Silver or zirconium coating options are available. More often in combination with ultraviolet antibacterial lighting.

Two main types:

  1. Protection does not change the appearance of plumbing. Models equipped with it feel a little rougher than usual. This type of coating is for ceramic models only and is applied prior to the production firing.
  2. Another type is with an external coating of antibacterial metals.

Any of the above coatings prevents the growth of bacteria and mold.


The advantages of toilet bowls depend on the method of their installation, water supply and sewerage. The last two parameters determine the need for additional fittings and adapters. Sometimes in rooms with complex geometry, a set of adapters and extension cords is comparable in cost to the cost of the toilet itself.

The abundance of joints means more weaknesses subject to breakage and leakage. Therefore, the advantage remains with options that require a minimum set of fittings.

With tank:

  • quick access to communication docking stations for maintenance;
  • installation does not require repair of the premises and mounting of frames;
  • stability regardless of the weight of the person sitting, plumbing is reliable;

Without tank floor standing:

  • devoid of the shortcomings of compact systems, aesthetic;
  • unpretentious in service.

Hanging without tank:

  • unsightly details are hidden from prying eyes;
  • technological niches and frames often do not eat up the entire space - functional cabinets or shelves are created on their basis;
  • open floor - ease of washing, debris does not accumulate.


The inconvenience depends on the type of product.

Toilets with a tank

  • systems of this type are always floor-standing;
  • the space required for the tank is in most cases non-functional;
  • inconvenience when washing the floor, dust and debris accumulate behind the pedestal, which are difficult to reach.
  • unaesthetic - communications in plain sight.

The length of models with a one-piece molded shelf is at least 605 mm, compact models from 330 mm are inconvenient in everyday life. In combination with the size of the tank, which even in smaller models usually goes beyond the device, the toilet will require at least half a meter of free space.

Without tank


  • access to communications is difficult - required inspection hatch for large jobs, the rest are done through the button hole.
  • do not hide the steel frame in the closet - you will need plasterboard or paneling, and with it additional expenses for finishing materials.


  • installation requires a niche or frame that masks the drain system;
  • combine the inconvenience in the maintenance of suspended and floor models.

All tankless systems have a common problem - costly installation.

The frame width in suspended models reaches 50 cm. Reduced variations of 35 and 40 cm are less reliable in operation and can withstand less weight. The frame is attached to the floor and base walls of the bathroom.

Often reinforcement of the sheathing frame is required. It is inappropriate to leave the structure in its original form - it must be protected from moisture and decorated. Installation labor costs are comparable to complete renovation premises.

Further maintenance of the suspension system in case of breakdowns and leaks involves access through the button cover. The hole is small - it is difficult to work with two hands. Accordingly, tightening and sealing the fittings, not to mention the replacement of parts, will take several times more time than when working with a conventional cistern toilet.

To simplify access, it is customary to leave an inspection hatch in an inconspicuous place behind the toilet. This will speed up access to communications and facilitate maintenance.

Hatches are supplemented with special doors (usually ready-made plastic ones) required size. Comfortable for work - the width of two standard wall tiles 15 by 20 cm. As a result, the width of the hatch will be slightly less than 30 cm, taking into account the sides and frame.

How to choose a toilet

When choosing, you should pay attention to a number of parameters.

Dimensions - Make sure that new toilet corresponds to the possibilities of space. To do this, you need to measure the distance:

  • From the wall behind the planned installation site to the maximum point that the toilet can extend without causing problems with movement. Actual for small bathrooms.
  • From the center of the nearest one to the point where the nozzle of the device will be. You need to measure with a margin for pipe joints - they are individual, depend on the material.
  • The third dimension is from to the installation site. It is optimal to take two measurements at once - one taking into account the lateral eyeliner, the second - for the lower version. Dimensions will help determine the need for flexible hose extensions.

Shape and height - there are models with increased or reduced height of the pedestal for comfortable use, depending on the height and length of the legs. The depth of the device often depends on its shape. Elongated variations of plumbing are more convenient in everyday life, but more demanding on space.

cleaning - Decide whether the flush system should be anti-splash, straight or circular. The last option is met with the possibility of accelerated cleaning of the device.

This also includes the need for an antibacterial coating or free space under the toilet for easy floor cleaning.

Insulated tank - the possibility of its installation is determined by the parameters of the space. You can't do without a partial renovation of the bathroom. But aesthetics and comfort more often justify the cost of reorganization.

Fasteners and drain system - when choosing a device, check the completeness, make sure that the float is intact and plastic elements fittings. In suspended models, you need to pay attention to the seams and joints of the frame - there should be no tears, peeling paint and signs of corrosion.

Make sure that the fasteners fit freely into their sockets and fit. Mounting surface(the junction with the wall in suspended models, and in the rest - with the floor) should be even, without drops and notches.

Which is better

The best type of toilet for each individual:

  • The device should be easy to maintain and maintain, harmonize with other equipment and fit into the dimensions of the room without creating inconvenience.
  • Ideally, water supply and sewerage should not require additional purchase of pipes and fittings. In this case, to install the toilet, you only need to mount and connect the necessary communications.
  • The availability of service centers and warranty service points in the first year of operation is a priority.
  • Spare parts for devices from obscure manufacturers will be difficult to find if the toilet is different from the standard one.

How to use

The first step after installing any type of plumbing is to prevent water from entering unplanned places. All joints with surfaces must be treated with sanitary silicone sealant. It will need to be updated from time to time.

How to understand that the sealant needs to be replaced:

  • The silicone layer turned yellow or turned gray - an update for aesthetic purposes.
  • The sealant looks ok, but leaks water - complete removal is unnecessary, a spot update is enough.
  • Silicone covered with a black coating - there are problems with ventilation in the room. Plaque is a fungus. If you do not plan to change the hood and install an additional fan, the sealant will have to be updated every six months.

Further maintenance of the toilet comes down to its hygienic cleaning.

Regardless of the type of device and the material from which it is made, it is unacceptable to clean the equipment with sharp metal objects.

  • Glazed surfaces are cleaned by any improvised means up to solvents and alkalis. The surface is not affected.
  • Acrylic models cannot be cleaned with chemical solvents.
  • The formed plaque is removed by special means. Household mixtures are also used - soda with lemon juice, water with vinegar in equal proportions.
  • Upon completion of washing and cleaning, wipe the device with a dry soft cloth without lint.

Equipment should be protected from falls and impacts. All models, except those made of stainless steel, can be broken. The stainless steel version will not crack, but can be deformed.


Manufacturers' warranty obligations do not cover mechanical damage to the toilet bowl or tank. The use of unsuitable cleaning agents, incorrect installation or operation are also not covered by the warranty.

Manufacturers carry out repairs or replacements only in the presence of factory defects and defects, therefore, multi-year warranty periods are not an advantage, a minimum of 1 year is sufficient. If the device has manufacturing defects, they will be identified during this period.

Most manufacturers provide a standard 3-5 year plumbing warranty.

Faults and repairs

Filling breaks more often drain tank. Most faults can be fixed on your own.

Water continues to flow after unclenching the drain button

To determine the source of the problem, you will need to remove the cover from the device and observe the operation of the system.

  1. Wait until the tank is filled with water.
  2. If the liquid continues to decrease during filling, this indicates incorrect operation of the damper.
  3. Check tightness shut-off valve, integrity and absence of traces of corrosion or limescale.

If deposits are found, cleaning them with a suitable agent is sufficient. In case of depressurization, sanitary silicone is used - for this, the tank will have to be emptied and dried. If the valve is bent or the hole has widened due to hard water, the locking ring will need to be replaced.

tank leak

This problem is evidenced by the flow of water from places not provided for by the design. There may be several reasons:

  • Wear rubber gasket between tank and toilet - occurs more often due to the instability of the tank and the weakness of the fasteners. There are wear options due to poor-quality old rubber, limescale or mechanical damage. The verdict in all these cases is the same - the gasket must be replaced. You can buy an analogue at any plumbing store. Installation requires twisting the tank and sealing the connections.
  • The washers of the bolts on which the tank is attached to the device were carried - you will need to dismantle the tank. Further inspection of the washers will tell you if they need to be completely replaced or if it is enough to update the sealant. It is important not to overtighten the bolts during installation.
  • Float not working properly - due to hard water, the bottom of the float is covered with limescale. Its falling off during flushing can deform the float or cause uncontrolled overflows. If the integrity of the device is not in doubt, there are no signs of deformation, it is enough to clean the bottom from deposits. In other cases, you will have to change the float, and in rare models, the entire drain mechanism.
  • Crack in the tank - Purchase a porcelain repair kit or make your own by grinding a small piece of earthenware into powder and mixing it with epoxy glue. At the time of repair, the tank must be emptied and dried. Repair the crack by applying the mixture with a spatula. Leave for a day to dry, and then carefully fill the tank with water. If the leak is fixed, it will last a few more years with a patch. In difficult cases, the tank must be replaced.

Difficult flush

The problem is related to low level water in the tank or closing the damper too quickly.

  • Lift the tank lid to check the water level. It is set by a float - a rubber or plastic ball floating on the surface. If the level is low, adjust it manually so that the tank fills up to the desired volume.
  • If there is a problem with the valve, check the length of the chain attached to it. Adjust the tension without overtightening the chain.

Water doesn't go away

Sewer pipe clogged.

Cleaning methods:

  • Clog remover - will help in mild cases or clogging with household waste, grease.
  • Plunger - creates a vacuum that pushes individual particles of blockage to the surface.
  • Mechanical cleaning - in difficult cases. Depending on the depth of the problem area, you will need a long knitting needle, a piece of flexible hose or a special cable. Pulling and pushing for efficiency is combined with filling the hole with degreasing agents.

If none of the solutions worked, call a plumber.

Button not working

Traction damaged. You will need to remove the cover, disconnect the button and check the nature of the damage. If the part is metal, in most cases it will be deformed, but intact. It is straightened by improvised means, after which the push-button system is assembled in the reverse order.

In the case of the plastic fittings of the button, we can talk about tearing or breaking off the legs of the part. Replacement required. As a temporary solution, the broken rod is replaced with a piece of thick wire or a long, thin piece of wood.

To troubleshoot the drain system, the shut-off valve is closed, and the mechanism is disconnected from water supply network to avoid spills.

Toilet manufacturers

The presented manufacturers specialize in ceramic products.

Cersanit - Polish manufacturer of ceramic sanitary ware: and, sinks, and toilets. It offers its own program for calculating the type of future interiors, taking into account their technique. Warranty for sanitary ceramics 10 years, products are certified. Website:

Duravit - German manufacturer specializes in bathroom furniture and appliances. Ceramic toilet bowls of suspended type. A 5-year warranty is provided for the equipment. Website:

Gustavsberg - Swedish company, manufacturer of sanitary ware and accessories: and equipment for the shower. Toilet bowls of suspended and floor type. Warranty 25 years, there is a network of Russian service centers. Website:

Jika - manufacturer from the Czech Republic. Specializes in bathroom furniture and sanitary ware. Faience toilet bowls of suspended type. The product warranty is 5 years. Website:

Laufen is a Swiss company. Positions itself as an elite manufacturer of designer sanitary ware. Toilet bowls of all types, ceramics. Guarantee period 5 years. Website:

Roca - Spanish manufacturer of sanitary ware and related accessories. Toilet bowls of all types, models with non-standard colors are available. 10 year guarantee for products made of sanitary ware. Website:

Sanita Luxe - Russian manufacturer. Specialized in sanitary ware, compact and suspended models available different color. Outwardly indistinguishable from European counterparts. Warranty for ceramic products is 15 years, for fittings - limited to 5 years. Website:

Santek - Russian manufacturer of sanitary ceramics. Toilet bowls are presented in collections for bathrooms. The main part of the production is compact type, with Duroplast seats. 10 year warranty. Website:

Villeroy & Boch - German corporation. Specializing in bathroom and kitchen appliances. Toilet bowls of suspended and compact type. Products are not designed for the average budget. Warranty 2 years. Website:

Usually toilet bowls, regardless of their quality, are designed for a service life of 15-20 years or more, so it is not surprising that someone else has not come across the choice and purchase of such a sanitary ware, using what is. But sooner or later the moment will come when you have to look for the right toilet, and then you may have to study a lot of information about manufacturers, price categories and spend a lot of time comparing the parameters of different toilets.

We recommend paying special attention to the materials from which modern toilet bowls are made. We are all used to standard ceramic products, but there are other, more durable and practical materials, and they all have both their advantages and disadvantages.

The most common and numerous are ceramic toilet bowls: these are porcelain and faience products. Both of these categories belong to the same group and have their own characteristics. So, a faience toilet bowl will cost less than a porcelain counterpart, while such toilet bowls will be approximately the same in strength.

Previously, faience sanitary ware was not very durable, but relatively recently, many industries began to use the latest firing technologies, which consist of several stages. As a result, not only the strength of the material increases, but also its porosity decreases, due to which dirt is less eaten into such a surface.

But earthenware still remains fragile compared to porcelain, which, moreover, absorbs not only dirt, but also much less foreign odors. As for the service life, a faience toilet bowl is designed for an average of 35 years of operation, while a porcelain toilet bowl can last from 50 years or more.

Steel and metal

  • they are resistant to mechanical stress and damage;
  • they are easy to clean, since dirt almost does not eat into them;
  • in the manufacture of toilet bowls from such materials, it is easier to give products different shapes;
  • in terms of design, metal toilets look more advantageous in non-standard and avant-garde interiors.

But at the same time, such products are not particularly popular among Russian consumers, and, first of all, the low demand for them is due to their high cost. In addition, such plumbing has a “state-owned” look, as many still remember the times when cast-iron toilets and urinals were an integral part of a public toilet. Metal toilets are also different high level produced noise.

Majority modern toilets of this category are made of reinforced stainless steel, which is easy to clean and is highly durable, and an additional nickel or chrome coating of such products guarantees the preservation of its presentation for a long time and protects it from damage. The cost of such products can be about three times higher when compared with traditional ceramics.

There are also cheap cast iron products on the plumbing market. Cast iron has only one advantage: such toilet bowls serve for a very long time. But at present, such products are difficult to find, as many manufacturers have long abandoned such products. Firstly, cast iron quickly darkens and becomes covered with dirt, in addition, it is a very heavy material, which causes certain difficulties during the installation process.

Stone toilets

Plumbing made of natural and artificial stone - latest trend in the design of the interiors of bathrooms. Such plumbing belongs to the highest, most expensive segment, but along with practicality, such toilet bowls have an unusual appearance.

Today, such toilets are made from many varieties of stone:

  • granite;
  • marble;
  • travertine;
  • onyx;
  • polymer concrete.

Such products are elite, they are very expensive, and they are very rare in free sale, because due to low demand and high cost, many manufacturers prefer to make these toilet bowls to order, excluding mass production.

In addition to the high cost of stone toilets, they have another drawback: this is high porosity, due to which such products can hardly be called hygienic. They quickly absorb dirt and odors, and therefore require constant and careful care Against this background, cast toilet bowls made of artificial stone compare favorably with natural material, and outwardly these two categories practically do not differ.

Plastic plumbing

Plastic plumbing products have obvious advantages over toilets made from other materials:

  1. Plastic toilet bowls are a compromise between low weight and high strength. They are made of special sanitary acrylic, which is coated with fiberglass and resins, which not only protect the surface from damage, but also give the toilet bowl antibacterial properties, eliminating the absorption of liquids and dirt into the pores.
  2. Regardless of whether such a toilet has original shape and design or manufactured in a standard way, this product will have a lower cost when compared with other materials.
  3. Unlike stone, which can fade in the sun, plastic for the manufacture of plumbing does not have such a drawback.

The disadvantages include lower strength compared to ceramics. A strong physical impact can lead to deformation and breakage of the toilet itself or damage to its surface, since acrylic requires careful handling (especially when cleaning).

Also, manufacturers of plastic products always warn that such toilet bowls do not tolerate high temperature exposure. For example, if you accidentally touch the plastic with a cigarette butt, a noticeable mark will remain on the product.

For many, plastic toilets are associated with public plastic toilets, but in reality this material is also used for the production of expensive elite models, and the plastic used is multi-layered and high-strength.

It is extremely rare to find exclusive glass and even wooden models, about which, due to their low distribution, there is nothing to say except that they cost more than other plumbing products.

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    There are toilet bowls with a separate cistern, with a cistern mounted on a shelf (the so-called compact), and monolithic. Separate tanks require installation between the tank and the bowl of the connecting pipe. Earlier designs of toilet bowls involved the installation of a tank at a height of about 2 m to form a flow of water of a sufficiently high speed. Subsequently, this design was replaced by compact toilets, which are easier to install and maintain. There are also toilets that involve a hidden installation of the tank.


    The toilet bowl during the production process is cast in such a way that the visible open part of the bowl smoothly passes into the siphon located in the depth of the bowl (provides a water, that is, a hydraulic seal for gases formed and accumulated in the sewer system), which then smoothly passes into the "outlet" (actually outlet pipe).

    Structurally, in the direction of release, toilet bowls are divided into two main groups - with a "horizontal" release and with a "vertical" release:

    Toilets with "horizontal" release- the outlet of such a toilet bowl is usually located at the rear of the bowl and directed backwards. The outlet pipe itself protrudes noticeably from the body of the toilet bowl, and the axis of the outlet is parallel or at a slight angle downwards to the plane of the floor (or ceiling). Downward facing toilets are often referred to as "slanted outlet toilets".

    Such toilet bowls are distributed primarily in Europe, including Russia and the CIS. Historically, this is due to the fact that the laying of sewer pipes here was carried out, as a rule, along the ceiling, usually along the walls (or partitions). And toilets with a horizontal outlet are installed in the same way, as a rule, against the wall, at right angles to it.

    The outlet of such a toilet bowl is connected to the sewer pipe, usually with a special cuff. These toilet bowls are attached to the floor (ceiling) through special holes in the bowl leg using screws with dowels or anchors. To install a toilet of the second type with a downward outlet in the case when the sewer pipes are located on top of the floor, the floor level under the toilet would have to be raised at least 15 ... and adjacent rooms (differently high floors are obtained). An eccentric cuff is used to connect such outlets to the outlets.

    Toilets with "vertical" release have a built-in downward outlet, hidden, like the siphon, in the main body of the toilet bowl. Such toilets are common in the United States and a number of other American countries. Here, from time immemorial, the laying of sewer pipe beds was carried out under the ceiling, not tied to walls and partitions (together with the wiring of ventilation and other engineering systems). Then these engineering communications were covered with a hemmed or suspended ceiling, as at the present time.

    A toilet bowl of the 2nd type with a downward outlet in this case can be installed at any angle to the walls anywhere in the room, even in the middle of the room. To do this, a special standard screw flange with a lock is mounted in the floor (the toilet bowl is equipped with a corresponding standard mating part) and with round hole in the middle, into which the end of the sewer pipe is inserted.

    The toilet bowl is mounted by mounting it on a flange, followed by turning it at a small angle until it is fixed. At the same time, since the outlet pipe “looks” down, when installing the toilet bowl, it is pressed against the end of the sewer pipe through a special sealing ring. The design of the screw flange connection allows you to dismantle and change the toilet in a matter of minutes. The very place of connection of the toilet bowl with the floor after its installation is not visible, therefore, such a toilet bowl looks aesthetically pleasing from the rear, that is, from the side of the tank, which makes it possible to install it indoors in an arbitrary way.

    flush tank

    The tank is designed to supply the portion of water necessary for cleaning the toilet bowl. The cisterns of compact toilets are usually made of ceramic, while free-standing cisterns can be made of plastic, cast iron, stainless steel, and other materials.

    A filling mechanism and a descent mechanism are mounted in the tank. To fill the toilet, a float valve is used, which closes after reaching required level water. The branch pipe for connecting to the water supply can be located both on the side surface (a tank with a side water supply) and in the lower part of the tank (with a bottom connection).

    The descent mechanism is of two types: siphon and using a pear. Siphon descent was used in tanks high installation- in it, when descending after releasing the drain lever, water continues to flow due to the siphon effect. This design is quite noisy.

    For low-lying cisterns, a rubber pear is used in the release mechanism, which pops up when the drain is activated and returns to its place, blocking the drain hole, only after the tank is empty. To protect against overflow, an additional branch pipe is required, which can be either combined with a pear or made as a separate unit. Also, dual-mode drain mechanisms are becoming widespread, which allow you to drain both the entire volume of water in the tank, and a certain part of it.

    Toilet seat

    Historically, the first seats and covers were varnished wood. Currently, plastic structures are more common - they are more hygienic. Seats and covers differ in the quality of the plastic and the design of the fasteners. In most cases, several toilet seats can be selected for the same toilet model: the so-called soft, semi-rigid and hard. Fasteners of the toilet seat to the bowl can be metal or plastic, of various designs.

    Choosing a toilet is not an easy task, especially when there is a huge range of shapes, designs and materials. To navigate in all the diversity and make right choice, you will need the help of a consultant, but the main points are still worth knowing. What toilet bowls are made of, which ones are in special demand, what are the budget and elite options.

    To choose suitable model toilet, you need to know the materials of manufacture of this plumbing device

    Materials for the manufacture of toilet bowls

    In the production of toilet bowls, both time-tested, well-proven materials and new trends are used.

    Some of them are used to create comfort and coziness in the home, others increase the prestige of public places, others are valued for their simplicity and convenience.

    1. Faience is the most common and accessible view. It does not have special advantages, but due to simple manufacturing technology and affordable price became the most purchased type of toilet.
    2. Porcelain is an old-timer in the sanitary ware market. It is one of the varieties of ceramics and an improved version of faience. More high quality and is paid more, so porcelain is not a budget option.
    3. Cast iron. Toilets made of this material are not very diverse. They are bulky and heavy, which makes them very difficult to install.
    4. Steel. This species belongs to the middle price category. Steel toilets did not take root well in residential buildings, but are successfully used in public restrooms.
    5. Acrylic is one of the innovations in the world of plumbing. Production technology allows you to create many models of various colors. For their lightness and ease of installation, polymer toilets are chosen by summer residents.
    6. The stone is used both natural and artificial, but in both cases, it is an expensive "pleasure". Stone models are durable and easy to handle.

    Ceramic models

    Porcelain and faience toilet bowls are made from the same materials: a mixture of clay, kaolin, quartz sand and other additives. But they have significant differences in the quality of the clay, percentage substances and firing technology. As a result:

    1. The porcelain product has a low porosity, which prevents limescale deposits from water and urinary stone. For the same reason it does not absorb unpleasant odors. Porcelain has a high water repellency, so it is easy to clean and does not require special cleaning products. High-quality materials give porcelain increased strength, toilet bowls of this type, with decent operation, can last up to half a century. But still, you should not drop heavy items on the toilet. The main disadvantage of porcelain products is their high cost and inaccessibility to a wide range of consumers.
    2. Faience toilet bowls outwardly almost indistinguishable from porcelain, but more difficult to use. Faience has a large porosity, which worsens its hygienic performance. A simple rinsing with water does not completely remove the contamination; over time, lime and urea deposits appear, and odors linger. The service life of faience products is much lower than that of porcelain, but with care, such a toilet bowl will last at least 30 years. To increase strength and smooth out porosity, faience sanitary ware is covered with a special glaze, giving a water-repellent effect. If this is not done, the water entering the pores gradually destroys the material, small cracks appear, and the color changes.

    However, faience products have many advantages over their porcelain counterpart:

    1. It is resistant to various chemical influences, there are practically no cleansers that can harm it.
    2. The choice of color palette, shapes and designs of faience toilet bowls is very wide.
    3. This is perfect choice both for a cozy home bathroom, and for a small cottage.
    4. A separate plus is the price of faience toilet bowls. With all the negative aspects, this is a quite high-quality and inexpensive option.

    metal models

    There are two types: cast iron and steel toilet bowls. Neither one nor the other is widely used in the interior for various reasons:

    1. Cast iron toilet bowls are not in demand, since this material is heavy, problematic in delivery and installation. In addition, the enamel that covers such toilets is short-lived, prone to chipping and cracking.
    2. Stainless steel toilet bowls are used in public places: in airplanes, where their low weight is an indisputable plus, in trains, cafes. Metallic luster does not always fit into the comfort of the house.

    Stainless steel toilets are lightweight, so they are most often used in public places

    Steel products have many advantages:

    1. They are not subject to corrosion, they cannot be broken. Toilet bowls made of steel are resistant to mechanical damage, in order to leave a dent or a chip, considerable effort must be applied.
    2. Steel is a lightweight metal, which makes self-delivery possible and simplifies installation.
    3. Stainless steel withstands temperature changes without damage, they do not affect the appearance of the product, the steel does not tarnish and does not deform.
    4. The polished finish of the toilet bowl is characterized by the absence of porosity, which is why waste, dirt and plaque are well washed off with water. And if there are no deposits, bacteria have nowhere to multiply, which increases hygiene requirements.
    5. Steel coating withstands aggressive components disinfectants, many of which contain oxalic or hydrochloric acid.

    Perhaps the only drawback of stainless steel toilets is the price. Quality product can cost the consumer $20,000 or more.

    Polymer Options

    Acrylic is a modern, widely used material in plumbing. Toilet bowls from reinforced plastic lightness, ease of installation. Acrylic is a relatively strong material, it can withstand considerable weight, but it deforms under the influence of high temperatures.

    The advantages of plastic toilet bowls include absolutely smooth surface, which does not delay deposits, prevents bacterial growth. By the way, the ability to retain odors depends on the quality of the plastic.

    Acrylic is easy to care for, but does not tolerate abrasives, such plumbing is vulnerable to products that scratch the surface.

    A plastic toilet bowl can often be found in the country as a dry closet than in an apartment. This is explained by the fragility of the product.

    stone toilets

    Usage natural stone for a "outhouse" this is a luxury. Moreover, such products are very heavy and difficult to install, have low resistance to mechanical damage and will cost the buyer a pretty penny.

    More often, a more cost-effective and quality alternative is offered - an artificial stone. What is this material made of? It is a mixture of polymers stone chips, combining the attractive appearance of the stone and increased strength.

    Today, toilets made of artificial stone are gaining popularity.

    The product made of artificial stone has the main advantages necessary for the toilet:

    • strength to avoid mechanical damage, respectively increasing the service life; a special coating eliminates roughness, which does not allow microbes and deposits to linger on the surface, and prevents the absorption of odors;
    • the same coating facilitates the care and washing of the toilet bowl;
    • artificial stone is much lighter than natural;
    • differs in price in a more favorable direction.

    In addition to the listed types, you can find quite exotic models made of glass, wood, as well as painted toilet bowls with built-in gadgets. A person's imagination is limitless, and the shape, material and accompanying comfort depend only on the size of the wallet.