Adenium care reproduction. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases. This can be done in various ways

The Adenium plant is a member of the Kutrovye family. His homeland is Saudi Arabia. Translated from some languages, it is called as desert rose adenium.

Adenium flower is a compact tree with a fleshy trunk, grows rather slowly, the main half of the thickened trunk is above the ground. The shoots of adenium are branched, and the leaves are elongated with a glossy appearance and a slightly sharp and rounded end.

Individuality and beautiful appearance are distinguished by adenium inflorescences, large in size and an interesting shade ranging from light to rich crimson. The inner part of the flower has a lighter shade.

It should be noted that when pruning, adenium emits a toxic substance, after working with a flower, you must wash your hands well.

Adenium species and varieties

The adenium family represents about five species, and all the rest are subspecies.

or other name adenium obese . The plant develops slowly, its trunk is stiff, significant branching begins in the upper part. The height of the plant is approximately 1.5 meters, and in diameter the trunk passes the mark more than a meter. Grayish shoots with a thick fleshy base. Light green leaves grow on the upper shoots with a long base reaching a length of about 10 cm.

In summer, the plant is about 5 cm in diameter with bright pink, red or light petals. Growing this plant at home, its height can reach about 70 cm, it all depends on the conditions of care and abundance of moisture. In some tribes, its poison was used in the creation of poisonous arrowheads.

natural habitat is the south of the Arabian Peninsula. Worth noting interesting fact if the plant does not have enough water, then the adenium remains in the form of a bush with a large root system. And if there is enough water, then the plant develops and becomes a tree.

The leaves of this plant are externally shiny and larger than obessum, and with age they become long up to 20 cm and a width of about 11 cm. The trunk reaches up to one meter in diameter. Adenium arabicum develops well at home, quite unpretentious plant.

Flowering begins in the third year after planting. The first inflorescences begin to appear in the second half of winter. The most striking feature of Adenium Arabicum is its caudex, this is its appearance and extended base.

This is the most bright representative among other species. It represents an actively branching bush, which, from the moment of planting, blooms unusually and very actively. Its growth is slow, as in all species. The peculiarity that the plant has is inconsistent varietal characteristics after breeding work, the difference in color and shape.

his homeland is the coast of Mozambique. This species forms various interesting hybrids with adenium obessum. This plant is a shrub, its identity is its rhizome, but by the fifth year of growth it disappears. Flowering in this species takes place in cold and dry time, in winter period. Inflorescences are white with a red border. There are also red, burgundy and pink shades with inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter.

Adenium home care

Care for adenium does not take much time and effort, so the plant is quite popular among flower growers.

Adenium is a heat-loving plant that develops well even when exposed to sunlight. Sufficient lighting is a necessity for adenium in care and maintenance, so the south side is what it needs. The plant on the windowsill must be constantly unfolded so that it grows evenly and does not “curve the top”.

For adenium at home, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 24 to 35 degrees, this is necessary during active development from autumn to spring. Humidification does not play a big role, you can sometimes spray in the summer and do not touch only the leaves, the flowers.

In the autumn, when the sunny day at adenium is shortening, a state of rest begins. In some varieties, part of the leaves fall, and sometimes all. AT winter time adenium can withstand temperatures as low as 10 degrees, but it is important not to flood the plant during this period, otherwise you risk losing the plant due to a fungal infection.

Adeniums watering

Watering in the spring and in the summer, when active development takes place, you need to regularly and abundantly moisten. In winter, watering is reduced and moistened as needed when the ground cover dries up. Water for irrigation needs soft, room temperature and slightly sour.

Adenium blooms from spring to autumn. Inflorescences are large, bloom in large numbers. Bouquets of flowers are at the ends of the branches.

Adenium transplant

For adenium, transplantation is performed as needed, but in good conditions adenium can develop quite quickly. The first transplant is required at the age of about three months.

The thickness of the shoots usually reaches one centimeter. Adenium transplantation is carried out in the evening or cloudy weather and is not moistened for several days. If it turned out that the transplant fell on daylight hours, then after the transplant, the plant must be moistened.

How to transplant adenium

The plant is taken out of the container, reviewed for the presence of putrefactive formations. Drainage is poured on the bottom of the new container and not a large number of soil and place a seedling there, sprinkle the soil and make sure that it replaces the void between the roots. After transplantation, the plant is placed in a dark place for a couple of days. Young plants prefer moderate watering.

soil for adenium

For adenium, the soil for transplantation has special meaning. Ideal soil for adenium it is light and moisture-permeable, with a sufficient amount of fertilizer and a neutral or sour reaction.

The soil can be purchased ready-made and add perlite or vermiculite to it, but so that its amount does not exceed 20%. Can be bought ready ground for terrestrial orchids. Also, the soil can be prepared independently. The composition of such soil for adenium should include coconut fiber or peat, hardwood or humus, coarse sand, perlite, and the ratio (5: 2: 1: 2).

Why adenium does not bloom

Because of wrong conditions content, sometimes adenium stops flowering. The reason may be a large amount of fertilizer, because of this, the flower goes well into the foliage, and does not bloom. Also, there may be a disadvantage sunlight, rotting of the root system and abundant watering in the cold season and improper observance of the dormant state for adenium.

Therefore, in order to make the plant bloom at home, you must follow these rules of care.

The process of growing adenium from seeds takes place in stages:

Prior to sowing, the seeds are soaked for several hours in warm water, adding a growth stimulator to it. In order for the cultivation of adenium from seeds at home to be successful, you need to properly prepare the soil. The composition of the soil is peat for succulents with a soil ripper, one to one. Coarse sand or perlite, fine charcoal or expanded clay. If there is no peat, take coconut fiber.

Before planting adenium seeds in the ground, you need to choose a container, it is better to give preference to small pots with holes or disposable cups. At the bottom we settle the drainage from brick chips, small pieces of foam or charcoal, at the end of the soil.

We plant seeds on top of the soil and press gently into the ground. Covering them with food film or you can use the cut off to cover plastic bottle. Humidification of adenium seeds must be done moderately from the sprayer.

The temperature must be maintained at about 25 degrees, periodically airing your seeds. After germination of adenium seedlings, they are placed in a fairly lit warm room so that they can actively develop. The timing of seedlings may vary depending on the cultivar, but after about a few weeks.

Adenium seedling care

When the seedlings grow a few leaves, they should be transplanted. In adenium, transplanting seedlings after germination during the year should be done about three times, as they grow. Planted adenium from seeds begins to bloom in a couple of years. Caring for seedlings, as well as for all plants.

When to feed adenium seedlings

It is necessary to feed once a month with mineral and organic liquid fertilizers. This must be done during active growth and during flowering. To achieve lush leaves, you need to fertilize with nitrogen at the beginning of spring. The duration of flowering can be extended with the addition of phosphorus or potassium.

Trimming adenium at home

To form the roots of the adenium, the so-called caudex, with each transplant, you need to raise it a little. But not too high above the ground, because it can stop its development because of this.

You can form an adenium at home. In adenium, the formation of a crown is not always the end result, the result you expected. For this you need to be patient. Young individuals simply pinch, and from adult adeniums they form a trunk using pruning.

How to trim adenium

Pruning in adenium is, the larger the diameter of the shoots, the more it is necessary to make the cut area, and this promises a lot of new stems at the place of the cut. Form a crown pruning at the adenium, as you would like to see your plant in your interior.

It should also be borne in mind that if the adenium is cut too low, then the wrong thin stems will grow in the plant. best period for pruning, this is the beginning of active growth. New branches appear at the cut site after a month and a half.

In adenium, root pruning is a real art. Correct formation roots will give your plant an exotic look. Root pruning must be done on mature plants.

There are many interesting formations. One of these is when adenium is planted on a round plate, thanks to which, root system expands sideways like an octopus.

The roots must be fixed in the desired position with sticks or toothpicks.

Diseases and pests of adenium

Adeniums are rarely exposed to diseases, the reason for this may be non-compliance with the conditions for caring for the plant.

Adenium sheds leaves what to do - Most likely, the reason is insufficient lighting. Due to lack of sunlight, adenium leaves turn yellow and fall off. If this happens in winter, try to provide artificial lighting. Also, the cause may be a lack of nitrogen, you should feed fertilizer with the addition of nitrogen.

Adenium leaves curl or leaves do not grow , the reason for the lack of phosphate fertilizer.

Adenium pests are a mealy worm and spider mite . An insecticidal solution is used as a treatment.

Fulfilling all the instructions, your plant will delight you with its growth and flowering!

Star of Sabinia, impala lily... In fact, representatives of this genus are called adenium. Home care for this representative of succulents, which is a beautifully flowering compact tree, is not difficult, and decorative look it can compete with many indoor plants.

General information

Adenium is a representative of the extensive Kurt family. There are several types of these shrub or tree succulents. Until now, all of its types have not been fully systematized. Despite this, breeders different countries for many years they have been working on breeding new varieties of plants that simply amaze flower growers with their beautiful flowers and graceful forms. Even non-flowering adeniums are very decorative. Their huge oil-olive leaves (sometimes variegated), located on thickened branches, look great in any interior. Adenium, home care for which greatly affects general form plants, is the so-called "caudisiform" (forms a large thickening of the trunk in the lower part of the plant, containing a stock nutrients and water).

Distribution area in nature

Adeniums are common in the subtropics and tropics of Africa. They are distinguished by excellent survival even in the most extreme conditions desert. They are not afraid of the scorching sun and lack of water. Sometimes very impressive specimens can be found even on stony soil, where other plants simply cannot survive. The adenium flower, the care of which at home in most cases comes down to simple watering, also feels great in the tropics. At the same time, the plants growing there differ from their desert counterparts only in the number of flowers and the thickness of the trunk. In other words, the more moisture the plant receives, the more impressive its size. AT natural conditions the height of adenium can reach 3 m. The diameter of its trunk sometimes exceeds 1.5 m. Most often it can be found in Yemen, Oman, and Saudi Arabia.

Types of adenium

Botanists have seven main species of this plant, which differ somewhat from each other in their morphological features. So, the following adeniums are distinguished: obesum (fat), swazicum (Swaziland), oleifolium (olive-leaved), arabicum (Arabic), somalense (Somali), socotranum (Socotran), multiflorum (many-flowered).

Adenium: care and maintenance in the apartment

The "domestication" of this plant began relatively recently. In the CIS countries, even some well-known amateur flower growers still do not know what adenium is. The care and cultivation of this succulent has become very popular in the countries of Southeast Asia, from which most of the seed and planting material is now supplied. Of particular interest to breeders is the hybrid adenium. Care at home for such a plant is very simple. At the same time, its ability to cross different varieties is simply amazing. It is thanks to this property of adenium that in just a few years dozens of the most beautiful specimens were obtained, which are the pride of breeders. Florists in Thailand and Taiwan were able to create plants with a variety of colors and flower shapes. So, their shades vary from white to almost black. The shape of the flower can be either a simple five-petal or double (very similar to a rose). This plant looks most impressive, formed in the form of a large bonsai. Adeniums are very responsive to fertilizers. Complex additives containing an equal ratio of phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium are best suited for them. Fertilize the plant in small doses, but often. In winter (rest period), adenium, which at this time is only watered, sheds its foliage almost completely. Sometimes this phenomenon is observed during the growth of the trunk (caudex) and after flowering. This plant dies when the air temperature drops below 6 °C.

Plant features

The thickening on the trunk (caudex) makes this flower look like an old bonsai, although it can be achieved to an impressive size in just a few years. It is not necessary to buy already mature plant. Even a novice florist who knows only the basics of growing plants can get a wonderful adenium. The care and reproduction of this flower is not too complicated. At the same time, plants grown from seeds or from the apical cuttings have almost the same caudex. Adenium is propagated in the spring. Experienced flower growers get new specimens by air layering and grafting on oleander. Water as the soil dries out. On very hot days, it can be moistened daily. It should be remembered that in the summer (during the period of flowering and active growth), the drying of the earthy coma is undesirable. In winter, watering is reduced to 2-3 times a week. It should be remembered that with a strong limitation of water in the cold season, abundant spring watering can lead to rapid decay of the caudex.

Adenium bloom

This plant is especially beautiful during the flowering period. It depends on the quantity sunny days and air temperature. Most often in room conditions from May to September blooming adenium pleases the eye. Home care for this succulent allows you to extend the budding period established by nature. This is achieved by creating additional lighting and maintaining the temperature in the room at 24-25 ˚С. Adenium requires maximum lighting in all periods of the year.

Features of the succulent

Like many others flowering plants, this succulent has a rather toxic juice. That is why when growing adenium, special care should be taken. All manipulations with any parts of this plant should be performed in rubber gloves. In homes where there are children and pets, it is necessary to completely block their access to adenium.

The composition of the soil mixture

Well-permeable soil is most suitable for growing adenium. It should not contain peat. The content of coarse sand in the mixture (fraction up to 3 mm) should be minimal. also in earthy coma very fine sand is unacceptable, which often leads to "cementing" of the soil, which adversely affects the plant. Flower growers recommend using ordinary leafy soil for adenium (from under birch, linden or hazel). For adult plants (more than 3 years), 30-60% of fine expanded clay or brick chips (about 3-5 mm) are introduced into the soil mixture.

Choosing a container for a plant

Adenium, planting and caring for which play a key role in the development of a flower, feels great both in ceramic and in plastic utensils. The main rule when choosing it is to match the size of a particular plant. feel better in deep pots. For growing adeniums, dishes are selected whose height is equal to the diameter of the top of the container's circumference. This is due to the fact that the growing central root gives lateral branches in different directions. In a mature plant, “axillary” processes grow from the trunk, which spread perfectly in surface layer. For plants planted in small pots, good drainage is required.

Pruning, pinching adeniums

Pinching seedlings is carried out to obtain branching of the plant, which begins 1.5-2 months after this procedure. Remove the top small adenium during a period of intense growth. At the same time, pruning of adult plants is also carried out. Thus, not only the branching of adenium is achieved, but also its rejuvenation. Root pruning is carried out during plant transplantation (young - 1-2 times a year; old - 1 time in 2 years).

Adenium pests

Adenium obese

Caring for this plant is practically no different from other types of adeniums. This flower lends itself best to hybridization. There are a number of different crossbreeding lines. These plants are very different from other counterparts in the form of a flower, leaves and even a trunk.

For sowing seeds, sterile and well-drained soil is needed. You can take ready-made soil for cacti as a basis and add baking powder there - vermiculite or perlite. In the composition of the soil, the baking powder should be from 20% to 50%. In this case, the soil will be light, but nutritious, so the seedlings will not need top dressing at first.

Adeniums are heat-loving plants. Seeds will germinate well if a constant temperature of +25 to +35 ° C is provided. If a temperature regime is not observed, the seeds may not germinate.

Also, the seeds need to provide a constant moderate humidity. To create the desired microclimate, the container with the sown seeds must be covered with a transparent film.

Most right time for sowing - spring-summer period. But if it is possible to provide the appropriate temperature and light conditions, then sowing can be done at any time of the year.

Before sowing

For the prevention of fungal diseases, before sowing, the seeds must be processed for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To increase the germination energy, the seeds are soaked for 1.5 hours in warm water with the addition of a stimulant (Epin or Zircon). The water temperature must be at least +35°C. To ensure a constant water temperature, you can put a container of seeds on a heated towel rail.

Sowing seeds

In the container for sowing, drainage from expanded clay is necessarily done. Then the container is filled with the substrate and watered. warm water. The soil must not be wet. Grooves are made in the substrate and seeds are laid out. Seeds are sown horizontally. The distance between the seeds is 2-3 cm, then you need to sprinkle them with soil 0.5 cm thick.

If seeds of different varieties are sown, it is better to use a planting cassette. Using such a container will allow you not to confuse varieties. It is important that the cassette has drainage holes.

After sowing, the container is covered with a transparent film to create greenhouse conditions. For crops, it is necessary to organize lower heating with a constant temperature from + 25 ° C to + 35 ° C. If the temperature is lower, the seeds may rot; if it is higher, they will not germinate. Light is not needed for seed germination.

Adenium seedling care

The first 4-5 days the greenhouse does not need to be watered. After this period, the substrate must be carefully moistened. Crops are regularly ventilated - 30 minutes 2 times a day. Most of the seeds germinate in 3-4 days, but this period can reach up to 2 weeks. After the emergence of seedlings, the lower heating is removed. Seedlings are exposed to a lighted place and regularly ventilated. Finally, the film is removed 2 weeks after germination.

After the appearance of the third pair of true leaves, the seedlings should be planted in separate pots. Capacities are taken small, corresponding to the root system.

Adenium is also known as "Desert Rose" and "Impala Lily". This one really beautiful flower grows well in temperate latitudes at room content. In the warm season, it pleases with shiny foliage and magnificent flowering.

You will need

  • Adenium seeds, pot, substrate for succulents, plastic bag, phytolamps, fertilizers.


Needed to grow from seed following conditions: very good lighting and temperature around 25 degrees Celsius. The lack of lighting can be compensated with phytolamps with a voltage of 60 W. The most the best time for sowing: early spring or early summer. Soak adenium seeds for two hours before planting in a growth stimulator or fungicide: this way they form roots better. Plant seeds in slightly moist soil. First spread them on the surface, and then deepen them a little. It is also recommended to sprinkle them with earth or sand. Then cover the pot plastic wrap and put under the lamps or on the windowsill. Adenium is an unpretentious plant. However, it is better to buy soil for succulents in the store: it should be crumbly and breathable. After the grown plant will need to be transplanted into a nutrient substrate.

The basic rules for growing adenium: excellent lighting, heat and moderate humidity. The soil must not be allowed to rot. Germination is 50-70%. Traditionally, in summer time germination is the highest. Once the seed germinates, carefully transplant it into a separate pot. The mixture in it should be as follows: 50% soil for succulents, 25% perlite, 25% vermiculite. You can add clean and dried sand. After the transplant, arrange for young plant greenhouse: put a plastic cup on top. Keep in mind that adenium does not like drafts. However, be careful with excessive sunlight to avoid burning the leaves and stem. Watering should be moderate: even in the hot period, once a week is enough.

If a growing flower receives little nutrients, then as a result it becomes not strong enough and dense, loses its aesthetic appearance, and is more susceptible to rot. Start fertilizing adenium when it enters an active growth phase. From organic fertilizers It should be noted chicken manure. Just put one or two tablespoons on the surface of the soil. It is safe for the plant and will soon give amazing good results. From mineral fertilizers, use complex ones that contain all macro- and microelements (iron, zinc, manganese, copper, boron, phosphorus, nitrogen, and so on). Solution concentration: 1.5 grams per liter. Feed no more than once a month.

In the first year, transplant adenium 2-3 times. At the same time, transfer part of the old substrate into a pot with a new substrate. Don't forget to watch the growth of the plant and its response to climate change. So, adenium grows much more slowly in winter. Great importance has additional heating of the plant. Many flower growers do not like the complexity of various types exotic substrate, if you are one of them, then use a loose substrate for cacti. But choose the option without additives. You can plant seeds in it. However, subsequently, when transplanting, mix the cactus substrate with perlite 50/50.


Instead of soaking the seeds, you can place them in wet wipe also for 2-4 hours. And so that the napkin does not dry out, you should put it in a plastic bag.

Helpful advice

Keep in mind that adenium juice is very poisonous, so wash your hands with soap and water after handling it. If there are children, then do not let them close to the flower.

The exotic plant adenium, whose homeland is considered to be Africa, can reach a height of several meters. Most often, amateur gardeners decorate their window sills with obese adenium. Adeniums require special care at home.

Different varieties adenium called desert rose, impala lily differ in flowers and types of leaves. So, you can find adeniums with a lilac trunk and, for example, red and yellow leaves.

Planting adeniums

The optimal time for planting adeniums is early spring or summer, since a plant accustomed to a southern climate needs sun and warmth most of all.

Initially soak the adenium seeds for 4-5 hours in water, then treat with a fungicide so that your plant does not rot further. Prepare a special soil in which you need to add sand or coconut flakes, which will be designed to absorb excess moisture.

Moisten the soil, and then spread the seeds of adeniums, which must be covered with a film. This completes the sowing process. Seeds should not be covered with earth.

Adenium care at home

Given exotic plant quite unpretentious in . First of all, this plant loves the light, so be careful when choosing the place where you put the pot with your tree. Place the pot on south side and constantly turn the plant towards the light.

The most best temperature for the content of adeniums ranges from 25 to 30 degrees. Remember that this southern plant accustomed to a lack of moisture, so you need to water carefully. In order to avoid an excess of water, from which the roots can begin to rot, water once a week. In summer, you can water more often. The water used is separated and slightly acidified.

Large especially adeniums bloom for about 7 days, smaller flowers - a smaller number of days. Don't forget to prune your plant to keep it branching. It is best to do this in the spring.

Adenium transplant

It is necessary to transplant a plant depending on its size and growth rate. Since home varieties grow quickly enough, adenium is transplanted once a year. Plants grown from seeds should be repotted about 1 time in 3 years.

If you want your plant to become large, plant it in a larger pot.

Adenium pests

Spider mites and fungus are the pests that can suffer given plant. To prevent fungal diseases, charcoal should be mixed into the soil in which you are going to plant adenium. Insecticides will help in the fight against drivers such as spider mites, which are the most dangerous for given flower.

Adenium obese, somewhat reminiscent of bonsai, is very popular because of its unpretentiousness and abundant flowering.

You can grow your handsome man from seeds from China, which can be ordered by mail. To prevent rot, treat them with a fungicide before sowing (according to the instructions, or you can soak for half an hour in a pink solution of potassium permanganate). Then soak for another three hours in a growth stimulator.

AT plastic cups with a volume of 50 ml, first make drainage holes with a needle. AT purchased soil for cacti, add vermiculite and chopped coconut fiber (in equal proportions), mix and sprinkle in cups. Deepen the seeds by a centimeter, one at a time in a glass, lightly pour warm water (or use a spray bottle), cover with glass and place in a dark place, near the radiator. When they begin to hatch about seven days after sowing, place them under lights so that the seedlings have enough light and grow faster. Ventilate periodically, gradually accustoming to air, and remove the glass after five days.

Every month the adeniums will be taller and thicker. A year later, in cups they will be cramped. Transplant them into wide but shallow pots because their roots tend to grow in breadth. Make the substrate the same as when sowing seeds, just add a handful of horse humus.

What do adeniums like

In spring and summer they drink a lot of water, so they will have to be watered often. Evening spraying will be useful. In winter, on the contrary: the leaves will fall off, the plants will hibernate when average temperature 13 degrees, they need to be watered rarely and carefully so as not to flood (orient yourself along the trunk, when it begins to wrinkle - water moderately). The period of exit from hibernation is the time when buds hatch on plants. After waiting a couple of weeks after that, water them in small portions.

Advice: make sure that the plants do not fall directly Sun rays. Feed once a month during active growth and flowering. mineral fertilizers(for succulents, according to the instructions). Also once a month treat with infusion horse manure(the degree of dilution with water is one to fifteen).

Adenium is a flowering exotic shrub belonging to the kutrov family.

For the first time he was noticed by the inhabitants of the small town of Aden, located near the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula. Hence the second name - desert rose. Most often on the windowsills of city apartments you can find Adenium Obessum. This species is distinguished by a pronounced caudex - a thickening of the trunk in the lower part. Growing adenium from seeds is a simple but very exciting task!

Optimal sowing time

The optimal landing time is autumn-winter period. This is due to the fact that next winter young seedlings will gain enough strength for a successful wintering at rest. Weak and too young plants are not sent for wintering.

spring planting also has its undeniable advantages: the daylight hours become longer, and by the time the seedlings move to a bright window sill, the first rays of the sun will help the plants develop better and grow faster. summer planting also possible, but less common.

How to prepare seeds for planting

The very first question that arises for a grower who decides to grow adenium from seeds at home: soak or do without soaking? Florists' opinions are divided. Some argue that soaking is necessary, others consider this process a waste of time. Each grower must independently choose a more suitable option.

Soak the seeds in solutions of various preparations. For example, a half-hour stay of planting material in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (or a fungicide) will prevent its decay and damage to seedlings by foul diseases, a solution of Zircon or Epin stimulates seed germination, further growth and development of plants.

In such solutions, adenium seeds intended for cultivation are kept for about two hours. You can combine soaking methods: fungicide - 30 minutes, then 90 minutes - growth stimulator.

How to prepare the soil and container for growing

The capacity for planting can be completely different, but it is most convenient to sow in transparent plastic containers with a lid. In this case, it is convenient to observe germination through a transparent lid, minimizing the possibility of knocking over the container during frequent openings.

If pots or deep containers are used for planting, then holes and a drainage layer are required to excess moisture could be removed from the roots without exposing them to the risk of decay.

In the case of using plastic containers, the presence of drainage holes is not necessary, because the soil layer is shallow and its moisture content is easy to regulate. Read about the features of choosing pots here.

The soil for planting should be loose and breathable. Suitable ready mix for cacti and succulents. You can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, about 50% of various additives are introduced into peat soil to provide aeration, for example, vermiculite, perlite, coconut bark, pieces of foam plastic, expanded clay granules.

How to properly plant seeds

The landing algorithm is as follows:

  1. Holes are made in the bottom of the selected container with a hot nail or awl. If used Plastic container, holes are not required.
  2. 1-2 cm of the drainage layer is laid on the bottom - expanded clay of medium or fine fraction.
  3. Top on drainage layer pour the soil, lightly crush it and moisten it with a spray bottle.
  4. Lay horizontally on the ground planting material, observing a step of 2-3 cm.
  5. Seeds are sprinkled with soil about 1 cm thick and moistened with a spray bottle.
  6. The container is covered with a lid, glass, or film in order to create a greenhouse effect.
  7. Put in a warm place, for example, on a battery or coil in the bathroom. The main condition: to ensure a constant temperature within 26-32 degrees. Germination will not occur at lower temperatures.

Shoots of adeniums usually appear together, within 5-10 days after planting, but the germination time may be delayed. After the shoots have appeared, the container is transferred to a bright and cooler place, gradually removing the shelter. When growing adenium from seeds in the autumn-winter period, young seedlings need to organize additional illumination for 8-10 hours, to which they are accustomed gradually over a week.

When the seedlings have a second or third pair of true leaves, they can be dived into separate small pots or cups, using a layer of drainage and the soil composition is the same as when growing seeds.

Care of young plants

Seedlings should be watered moderately, avoiding waterlogging of the soil, but it is also undesirable to overdry: despite the ability to store moisture, young plants do not have enough caudex thickness for reserves.

In the spring and summer, young adeniums are fed once every three weeks with fertilizer for cacti or succulents. Use of universal fertilizer in half concentration is allowed.

The real reward for the work will be the flowering of adenium, which is possible in one and a half to two years, subject to necessary conditions content of an exotic desert rose.

Nastasya Vorob told the readers of the Women's Hobbies portal about how to grow adenium from seeds at home.

Amateurs have long begun to grow a rather exotic plant called adenium. The article describes in detail how this is done using seeds at home, that is, room conditions. The rules of planting and the nuances of care, accompanied by photographs, will help you see the full picture.

desert rose

The natural habitat of adenium is the rocky desert areas of the African continent. For the extraordinary beauty of flowering here, it is often called the "desert rose". In nature, there are 7 types of adenium, most of which are grown in the room.

Particularly valued among amateurs are specimens with large thickenings of the base of the trunk, the so-called "caudexes" or "bottles". In them, the plant stores water and nutrients, and it is they that give the flower such unusual view.

In nature, adeniums are able to reach a height of 2 m. In a room, they are miniature trees. The flowers on them bloom before the leaves. Buds are white, red, pink and cream. Very often there is a combination of light and dark tones.

Attention! The plant is very poisonous, so it is recommended to work with it with gloves. For the same reason, in an apartment where there are small children, it is better not to start it.

Most often in nurseries, adeniums are propagated by cuttings. With this method, all species characteristics are preserved, but one significant drawback is noted - the caudex grows very slowly. Therefore, amateurs try to propagate them by seeds.

Adenium bloom

How to grow a plant from seed

It is not difficult to purchase material for planting adenium in our time. Offers can be found online or in stores. Suitable seeds are light brown in color and tubular in shape. It should be borne in mind that already six months after collection, their germination is greatly reduced.

Attention! When propagating adenium through seeds, varietal characteristics are often not preserved. As a result, you can get a radically different shade of flowers from the order selected in the catalog.

Growing rules are as follows:

  • Sow better in spring or early summer.
  • Seeds are recommended to be prepared for sowing by soaking them for several hours in warm water. However, some fans consider this technique redundant.
  • The substrate for sowing should be light, water and breathable. You can buy ready-made, intended for succulents and add one or more baking powder there: sand, vermiculite, charcoal, fine expanded clay.

Most often, adenium is grown from seeds.

  • For planting, you can use any container. The main thing is that holes should be made along its bottom to drain excess water.
  • When sowing, the seeds are not buried in the ground. They are simply laid out on the surface and slightly pressed.
  • After the soil is sprayed from the spray gun and cover the container with a film. Airing once a day.
  • Both during preparation and after sowing, it is very important to maintain ambient temperature around +30..+35°C. At lower rates, the seeds may not sprout.

Advice. To heat the container with crops, you can use an electric heating pad or a shoe dryer, having previously protected the devices from moisture.

  • A container with sprouted plants after 4-5 days is moved to a light windowsill.
  • After the formation of 2 leaves, they are seated in separate pots.
  • Adeniums grown from seeds bloom in 1.5-2 years.

In this way, you can grow quite a lot of "desert roses" at a time. And from a financial point of view, it will come out quite inexpensively.

How to care for seedlings

Caring for adenium is not complicated and comes down to the following work:

  • proper watering;
  • transfer;
  • maintaining the right temperature and lighting levels.

Adenium does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil

Plants are watered only when the soil is dry. Adeniums by nature are desert dwellers and waterlogging is more terrible for them than drought.

Advice. It is better to water so that a small part of the coma remains dry.

From the total capacity, young plants are seated only when they begin to touch each other with leaves. As they grow, they are transplanted into larger pots. The room temperature must be above +25°C. Already at + 20 ° C, the plant slows down growth and refuses to bloom. To light, adeniums are also demanding, as well as to temperature. It is better to keep them on the southern windows, and during a short daylight hours illuminate with fluorescent or special phyto-lamps.

How to form a caudex

Caudex is a very interesting "detail" of adenium, giving the plant an unusual look. It is formed with age by itself in the form of a bottle, but if desired, other forms can be obtained. For work you will need:

  • grown seedling with 3-4 leaves;
  • landing capacity;
  • a small circle of plastic;
  • garden pitch;
  • sharp knife.

Adenium trunk can be shaped

The caudex is formed as follows:

  1. The seedling is carefully removed from the soil.
  2. With a disinfected knife, the tap root and crown of the plant are cut, followed by their treatment with garden pitch.
  3. The plant is placed on plastic circle. The roots are spread over it in the desired direction.
  4. Sprinkle with a small layer of earth and lightly ram.
  5. Water the plant only a day after the procedure.

The formation process is quite lengthy. It can take several months or even years. But the result is worth it. Specialists are able to create real masterpieces in the form of figures of animals, birds, etc.

Adenium is no longer a rarity. It can be purchased in a store or ordered online. However, for real lovers to independently grow a miracle tree from seeds is a matter of principle. And to do this is quite simple, there would be a desire.