Incarvillea (garden gloxinia): varieties and cultivation features. Graceful Delaway Incarvillea and her "sisters" in your garden

needs shelter for the winter

Flower - Handsome Incarvillea came to us from China. It is also called Garden Gloxinia. It's just that we all know gloxinia, now there will be a garden one.

Incarvillea is spectacular, looks beautiful among group landings, and than more plant, the better. I used to grow up to 50 seedlings, unfortunately some fell out over time.

The average plant height is 60 - 80 cm, it all depends on the variety of incarvillea, the flowers are large, up to 8 cm in diameter, funnel-shaped. The color is white, pink, purple, red, lilac.

Who is Incarvillea?

Such unusual name perennial flower received in honor of the French missionary Pierre d'Incarville. Pierre studied these flowers and amassed a large collection of his own Incarvillea in the natural habitat of the plants.

The plant is very diverse. Incarvillea has 14 species, of which only 4 are cultivated, grown by gardeners.

beauty incarvillea

This flower is a perennial, of the Bignoniaceae family. Incarvillea is capricious in terms of overwintering. Some dig up tubers for the winter and store them the same way as dahlias. I don’t do this, because anyway, a part falls out, does not survive the winter even in the cellar. By the way, not all dahlias overwinter either.

I decided for myself, if in any case there is a possibility of freezing, then why do extra work. Let him spend the winter in his garden. I cover, as a rule, from above with coniferous litter.

From my experience I will say that incarvillea is not so afraid of frost, but how much stagnant water is terrible for her. The flower is quite drought-resistant, so drainage is required.

I tried to grow from seeds and buy funny tubers in the form of carrots.

incarvillea tuber resembles a carrot

But, I settled on growing from seeds. Since such an incarvillea grows stronger, healthier, it overwinters better. Seed germination is high, so growing it is not difficult.

In addition, Incarvillea is excellent self-pollinator and sets seeds that sprout flawlessly in the spring.

Planting Tips for Incarvillea

Plant it on a hill or slope so that there is no possibility of flooding, especially in winter. Naturally, it is necessary to make drainage, for example, from broken brick. I understand very well that we often don’t want to mess around with this, but in the case of incarvillea, this is a must if you want to increase its chances of overwintering. Before planting, you can add compost to the soil.

It is desirable to plant in lighted places, but it can also grow in light partial shade. Yes, at the beginning of the growing season, it must be well watered, then the flower stalks will grow to 50 - 60 cm, without watering up to a maximum of 15 cm. It is advisable to mulch the soil at the roots.

As for mineral fertilizers, they increase flowering, but at the same time lower the frost resistance of incarvillea.

For the winter, it is necessary to insulate with dry leaves and peat or humus.

Growing from incarvillea seeds

This is the simplest and affordable way growing a perennial flower. Seeds must be stratified before planting. Purchased is not necessary, they do it for us, and if you have collected your own, then you need to know how to do it. To do this, place your seeds in an airtight container and store them in the refrigerator all winter.

In March, the seeds are sown for seedlings in boxes, a greenhouse, and at the end of April immediately in open ground to a depth of 0.5 - 1 cm.

incarvillea seeds 0.5 cm.

On the street, the first sunrises will appear in 14-18 days, and in "closed conditions" it will take 6-8 days.

Seedlings should be pruned when the first true leaf appears. Transplant into the ground when danger of frost has passed. Seedlings will hurt at first, it is advisable to water it every day, but moderately. The survival rate is low, so it is best to plant with a clod of earth, to disturb the plant as little as possible.

Incarvillea Delaway:

Not the most common variety. Once I was lucky enough to buy its tubers, now I grow it from my seeds. Incarvillea is quite winter-hardy, which for me is the most important point. Height 60 cm, pink flowers, with dark green leaves. Blooms from the second half of June for about a month. Winters in the middle lane with good shelter.

Incarvillea Delaway

Next variety.

Incarvillea Dense:

Up to 30 cm high. It is also quite winter-hardy, it blooms from May for 30 days. The flowers are purple with a yellow throat up to 6 cm in diameter.

Incarvillea Dense

Incarvillea - a plant with magnificent bright colors, which will be an excellent accent in landscape design. The name of the flower is given in honor of Pierre d'Incarville, the famous botanist who collected a collection in China. rare plants, the star of which was this wonderful flower. Garden gloxinia is a more familiar name for the plant.

Not widely used in Europe, but is increasingly attracting the attention of gardeners. There are 14 species of incarvillea, which differ greatly from each other. May be annuals and perennials, semi-shrub and herbaceous. All species have an upright stem (simple or branched) and a thickened rhizome, like a dahlia.

The height is from 30-40 cm to 1 meter. The leaves are large, entire or pinnately divided, the surface of the leaf plate is wrinkled. Leaves and stems are colored green color. Gorgeous buds of red, pink, white, yellow color pleasing to the eye for a long time. The shape of the corolla is similar to the bud of room gloxinia.

How to care for Incarvillea

Garden care is not demanding, but must be considered certain features so that the flowering is lush and plentiful.

Site selection and soil

It is very important to choose a plant right place. The roots are sensitive to wetting, so it is best to plant in rock gardens, on slopes, rocky areas. When planting in flower beds or flower beds, the roots of the plant will have to be raised above the ground.

The site should be well lit, light partial shade is possible. Direct sunlight can be harmful, so you need to maintain a balance.

Best for plants fit nutritious sandy soil. drainage layer lay from coarse sand.


Incarvillea moderately. Do not flood to avoid rotting of the root system, but at the same time, the soil should not dry out.

Transplant and top dressing

When plants need top dressing. Apply a complex of mineral fertilizers or organic matter to the soil (most often, mullein infusion is used, which is also recommended to be added additionally during active growth). It is important not to overdo it with fertilizers, otherwise it will affect the resistance of incarvillea to cold.

Diseases and pests

Root rot is a disease that occurs with severe waterlogging. Do not make such mistakes, otherwise the plant may die.

From neighboring infected plants, incarvillea may appear mealybug, aphids, spider mites. Saved by insecticide treatment.

Preparing for winter

Gloxinia - pretty hardy plant, but it is better to prepare protection for her for the winter. It is necessary to cover the roots of the plant before the onset of frost. Used as mulch wood shavings, sawdust, needles, peat, etc. The protective layer should be about 10 cm. With the onset of spring, it must be removed so that the roots do not rot. Young plants are recommended to be covered with a cap for the winter (cropped plastic bottle) - this will provide additional protection and from autumn showers.

You can also dig up the rhizomes of plants and store them in a cool room (cellar, warm barn) until spring.

Growing incarvillea from seeds

It is believed that the most resistant plants grow from seeds. seed propagation from domestic seeds is almost a breeding activity: by selecting individual plants, you can achieve new interesting combinations of bud color.

Sowing for seedlings

  • incarvilleas for seedlings are produced in March.
  • The soil is suitable sandy loam or ordinary soil mixture for seedlings, which is sold in the store.
  • Seeds are recommended to be pre-treated for 5-10 minutes with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, then rinsed and dried.
  • The seeding depth should be about 0.5 cm (the layer of earth is not more than the thickness of the seed itself). Water generously. Put in a lighted place. After 5-7 days, expect the first shoots to appear. Usually the seeds germinate unevenly, the latter can sprout a couple of weeks after sowing.

With the advent of two true leaves, dive the seedlings into separate pots about 15 cm high.

At the end of April, young plants can be planted in open ground. It is better to use the transshipment method so as not to damage the fleshy but fragile roots of garden wisteria.

Sowing incarvillea seeds in the ground When to plant

It can be sown in open ground in spring (approximately in April-May, with the establishment of a night temperature above 15 ° C).

The seeds are large enough to be spaced smaller in the row: leave 7-8 cm between them so that the seedlings do not have to be thinned out. If in doubt about the germination of seeds, leave a distance of about 5-6 cm, but then you have to break through.

The depth of embedding is 1-2 cm, the distance between the rows is 15-20 cm.

It is better to prepare the bed in advance, dig, add sand and organic fertilizers: compost, humus (1 bucket per square meter). It is good if the earth stands for about a week and settles before sowing the seeds.

Fill the furrows and immediately sow the seeds, while the soil is wet, close the furrows with the back of the rake. You can water lightly if the earth is too dry, but do not allow water to stagnate, otherwise an earthen crust will form, which is very harmful to young shoots. It’s good if after watering you mulch the surface with humus: a layer of only 0.5-1 cm will protect the soil from drying out, and you won’t have to water it again, worry that the plants will suffer from the earth crust.

When shoots appear, you should weed the bed: manually remove all weeds, thin out the plants, leaving 8-10 cm between the seedlings. The grown bushes are planted even less often, leaving a minimum of 20-25 cm between plants, and tall species are planted even less often: after 40-50 cm.

Reproduction of incarvillea vegetatively

The incarvillea plant propagates by seeds and vegetatively: by cuttings, less often by dividing the rhizome.

Most often used as the simplest and most effective method. Cut off one large, healthy leaf with part of the stem from the leaf rosette. Hold the cutting in a solution with a growth stimulator. For rooting, plant in sand and cover with a cap. Roots will appear in 2-3 weeks, and the plant will be fully formed in a year.

The division of the Incarvillea bush is carried out in early spring, either early autumn. Moisten the soil and dig up the bush. Using a sharp knife, divide the rhizome into sections, each of which should contain growth buds. planting material deepen so that the root neck is 5 cm below the soil surface. In order for the delenki to take root, the air temperature outside should be 18-20 ° C.

Planting and transplanting garden gloxinia

Dig the soil to a depth of about 40 cm. Make planting holes according to the size of the rhizome. Make comprehensive mineral fertilizers or organic. Lay a drainage of coarse sand at the bottom. Bury the root neck 3 cm into the soil. Water vigorously after planting.

Without a transplant, the plant will not bloom luxuriantly and profusely. You need to update the landing site every 4-5 years.

Types of incarvillea with photos and names

Incarvillea grandiflora Incarvillea grandiflora

The plant is about 30 cm high. The flowers are large, the buds are painted pink with a yellow core. The species is frost-resistant, able to endure severe cold even without shelter.

Incarvillea delavayi photo

Reaches a height of up to 60 cm. The leaves are pinnate. The color of flowers varies from light pink to dark pink. For the winter it is necessary to make a shelter.

Incarvillea dense Incarvillea compacta

The height of the stem reaches 30 cm. Leaves with whole lobes. Flowers are purple in color.

Incarvillea Maira Incarvillea mairei

Plant up to 30 cm high. The buds are large, Pink colour. The leaves are slightly dissected. With shelter, it will survive even the harshest winters.

Incarvillea olgae Incarvillea olgae

Reaches a height of 1.5 m. The shoots are densely branched, bare to the top. The leaves are openwork, arranged oppositely. Flowers up to 2 cm in diameter are collected in paniculate inflorescences. The length of the loose panicle is 25 cm.

In general, for all types of incarvillea, flowering begins in June and lasts almost all summer. In some cases, re-flowering in the fall is possible. Flowers exude a pleasant aroma.

Incarvillea in landscape design and floristry

Incarvillea is able to grow on rocky soil - it will look great in rockeries, rock gardens and flower beds covered with stone chips.

  • Decorate places with light, over-drained soil - slopes, supporting walls, terraced areas.
  • Plant solo, combine different kinds to play with a variety of shades.
  • Plant violets, iberis in the neighborhood.
  • In live bouquets, cut flowers delight only 1-2 days.

Video about growing and caring for incarvillea:

Incarvillea is a flower that came to us from Central and East Asia. Now the cultivation of incarvillea is practiced by many Russian gardeners. This herbaceous plant which blooms from May to September. Because of the tubular flowers of white, pink and raspberry color collected in the inflorescence-brush, incarvillea is sometimes called garden gloxinia.

Types and features

There are 14 species of representatives of the genus Incarvillea. And they all differ from each other in stem height (from 30 to 150 cm), size and color of flowers, flowering period. The fruit is a bipartite box, four- or hexagonal. Roots tuberous, woody. Growing incarvillea is simple, but has a number of features depending on the species.

Incarvillea is a wild shrub, some species even live in the Himalayas and can withstand temperatures down to -15 degrees, for example, large-flowered incarvillea, Mayr's incarvillea. However, most species are cultivated, so they hibernate in shelter. The cold is not terrible for this oriental beauty which simplifies maintenance even in temperate latitudes, but with an increased moisture content in the soil, tubers can rot. Therefore, it is not surprising that she feels great in the mountains.

If you are a beginner gardener, then you can safely take on the cultivation of incarvillea, as it is - unpretentious plant. Care does not require much effort and money. The most common are large-flowered, Myra and Delaway. The first two - 30 cm in height, cold-resistant. The latter reaches 60 cm, does not tolerate low temperatures.

Landing methods

Consider growing incarvilles in different ways.

  • from seed

Enough effective method, allows you to display new colors of buds. This path is preferred experienced gardeners. Seeds for seedlings are sown in pots or boxes in March, holes are made up to 1 cm. Planting is done in the ground at the end of April - May, seedlings appear after 14 days, but if planted in greenhouse conditions- in 7 days. Dive seedlings are carried out when the first leaf appeared. Young individuals fertilize the entire first season, incarvillea will bloom presumably in the second season.

  • Reproduction by cuttings

Too easy way: cut off part of the stem (3 cm) from a mature plant, treat it with a growth stimulator so that the roots form sooner, put it in a greenhouse.

  • Planting through a tuber

Another possibility of growing incarvillea. You can buy caudex (aka a tuber) at a flower shop, the main thing is that it should be dense, with live buds at the top, without shrunken or putrefactive lesions. If the flower does not plant immediately, you will have to place it in a bag of dry sand in a cellar or just a cool place. Landing takes place in March. The kidneys on the caudex should be 5 cm covered with earth. In this case, you will see the leaves in early June, and your incarvillea will bloom this season.

In order for cultivation to be fruitful, consider what will be proper care for incarvillea.

Basic rules of care

Incarvillea - beautiful and tender plant and, importantly, not capricious. But, despite this, it is worth making sure that care for him is correct.

  • To avoid rotting of the roots, the plant is planted on the gently sloping parts of the plot, in places where water will not stagnate.
  • Be sure to make drainage from small gravel, fragments of brick or expanded clay. Then the plant will safely overwinter.
  • Best planted in well-drained soil.
  • Mineral fertilizers promote flowering, but increase sensitivity to cold, as an option, you can fertilize with compost waste.
  • Landing is carried out on a well-lit area or in partial shade.
  • important good watering, then the stem of the plant will develop, in order to avoid moisture loss, growing a flower requires mulching the soil at the roots.
  • For the winter, you can insulate with peat, dry leaves or humus, and also cover with plastic jars.

Many gardeners with experience plant incarvillea in rock gardens (a structure that imitates part of a mountain landscape, an “artificial hill”). Due to the rocky soil, the plant feels great, as in its natural habitat.

In general, on nutrient soil, incarvillea develops well even without additional dressings. Of course, with a balanced intake of minerals, incarvillea will bloom profusely, but it may not overwinter. Replace them with organic fertilizers. They need to be applied 2 times per season. The main thing is that the soil is light, non-greasy and non-acidic. To remedy the situation, you can add lime or sand to it. Sometimes you have to sprinkle the soil with ash or insecticides to avoid flower damage. spider mite, aphids and mealybugs.

Growing incarvillea in one place in the garden is possible for 3-5 years, in the future it is better to transplant to a new place. Otherwise, the plant will gradually age. Still, as an option, you can rejuvenate by dividing tubers or digging. This is plant care.

The use of incarvillea

Here everything is envy from your imagination, because incarvillea looks great in any garden compositions: simple flower bed, discount or mixborder. On a rocky area, it will look even more impressive, as it has a very bright color.

Some plant incarvilleas in large flowerpots or just boxes and place them at the entrance to the house or right in the house, which, of course, applies to undersized varieties. The only point: incarvillea is not the best option for flowers for bouquets: the composition will be beautiful, but short-lived.

When growing incarvillea, do not forget that she does not like drought, but does not tolerate a large number moisture, needs to fertilize the soil twice a season. Planting in well-drained soil is best. To summarize - just create conditions close to natural for the habitat of this flower, and cultivation will give the long-awaited results - profusely flowering healthy incarvilleas.

So, care, planting, growing incarvillea is a grateful thing, because this Eastern guest unpretentious, and most importantly - it will be a wonderful design for your backyard!

Incarvillea is a herbaceous plant of the Bignoniaceae family. Its homeland is Central and East Asia. There are only about 14 species of this plant. Some varieties are able to survive temperatures down to -15 degrees. This flower can be found on household plots, as many summer residents seek to diversify their usual garden design. Planting and caring for incarvillea requires compliance with certain rules.

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    Incarvillea delawaya is the most popular variety, which is a herbaceous flowering plant, which is a perennial. It tolerates temperate climates well. middle lane Russia, but if the winter is too harsh, then the tubers of the flower are dug up and stored in the basement or cellar.

    The stems and leaves of the shrub are slightly pubescent. The root is very powerful and is an elongated tuber with many branches. In severe frosts, they are dug up so that they do not freeze. The roots are up to 20 cm long.

    The leaves of incarvillea Delaware are long, pinnately divided, reach a length of 30 cm. They are collected in a rosette and grow very quickly. The surface of the leaf plates is wrinkled or velvety.

    The plant reaches a height of 30-50 cm, but there are species that grow up to 100 cm. Incarvillea delavea begins to bloom in mid-June and continues for 1.5 months. The flowers are tubular, consist of 5 petals, the edges of which are slightly bent back. Their color is pink, and in the middle is a yellow core. There are varieties with white flowers.

    The peduncle with a racemose inflorescence reaches a length of 30 cm. The fruits are small pods with rather large seeds. Their germination is 3-4 years.


    Do Incarvillea Delavey exist garden molds which are presented in the table:


    Incarvillea delawaya white and pink reproduces in different ways:

    • seeds;
    • division of the rhizome;
    • cuttings;
    • tubers.

    Each method has its own characteristics.

    from seeds

    Incarvillea delawaya is usually grown from seed. They should be planted outdoors in spring or autumn. Seeds can also be used for growing seedlings at home, after which they are planted on garden plot. Seed material is pre-stratified to increase its germination. To do this, the seeds are placed in a moist substrate, and the container with them is placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 months. They are sown in early March. The soil should be loose and fertile, consisting of peat, sand and garden soil. The soil is recommended to be disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    Then seeds are scattered over the surface of the substrate and sprinkled with a small layer of sand. Crops are watered and covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect. Shoots appear in a week. IN further care for sprouts provides for regular watering and sufficient lighting. When the first leaves appear on the seedlings, they dive into individual containers. In June, seedlings are planted in open ground.

    If the seeds are sown immediately on the garden plot, then this is done from April to July. The first shoots appear after 2 weeks, and the plant blooms in the second or third year.

    Division of the rhizome and propagation by tubers

    In this case mature plant dug in early spring, placed on a substrate and with the help sharp knife divide the bush and its rhizome into several parts. Each division must have roots and a growing point. Then the site is prepared and the seedlings are placed at a depth of 3-5 cm. After that, the plants are watered abundantly.

    Incarvillea delawaya also reproduces with the help of tubers. The procedure is carried out in March. When planting tubers, you need to ensure that the growth bud is deepened by 5 cm, but not more. By the end of July, leaves appear on the plant, in the same year it blooms.


    Thanks to this method of reproduction, you can get healthy and strong plants. At the end of June, the leaves are cut with a small part of the stem. They take a container and fill it with a solution of a root former, for example, Kornevin. The cuttings are dipped in this liquid for 12-24 hours.

    In the greenhouse prepare the soil, which should be loose and fertile. Cuttings are planted in it, which take root in 2-3 weeks. Caring for them involves regular watering and airing.

    When the plants get stronger, they are transplanted into open ground, but the roots must be handled very carefully. Seedlings are moved by transshipment with a large earthy clod. A year later, incarvillea delavea forms a rosette of leaves and a tuberous rhizome.

    Choice of location and soil

    Incarvillea delawaya thrives in full sun but should be protected from direct sunlight. sun rays. It is best if this place is in light partial shade. In addition, it must be protected from drafts and strong wind. It is desirable to plant this plant along curbs and garden paths.

    Incarvillea delawaya prefers fertile soil. It should be sandy and have drainage, because the plant does not like prolonged stagnation of water at the roots. If incarvillea is planted in clay soil she is unlikely to survive. The ideal place for this culture is a small hill. Before planting, the soil is carefully dug up, making a small amount of compost.


    In order for Incarvillea delawaya to grow and develop well, the soil needs to be watered regularly, but it is not recommended to moisten it too much. Enough 2-3 watering per week.

    The soil should be loosened regularly, saturating it with oxygen and making it light. This should be done after watering. To prevent evaporation of moisture, the soil around the plants can be mulched.

    For lush and long flowering Delaway Incarvillea needs to be fed regularly. If mineral fertilizers were applied during planting, then the next top dressing is carried out only in the second year. Ideally, the plant is fed 2 times. For the first time, organic fertilizers are applied in the spring, and for the second time, complex mineral products are used in the middle of summer. After that, such a procedure is not carried out so that the flower can more easily endure the winter.

    In winter, Delaway Incarvillea should be protected from snowless weather and temperature changes. To do this, the plant is sprinkled with mulch in the fall, which is used as thick layer sawdust or fallen leaves. After that, everything is covered with spruce branches, and at very severe frosts building glass shelters. It is removed in early spring, otherwise the flower will die.

    Diseases and pests

    Sometimes, with strong soil moisture, the plant can infect rot. It is necessary to dig it out, remove the affected stems and roots with secateurs, and treat the sections with Fundazol. After that, the flower should be planted in another place and adjust the watering regime.

    Incarvillea delawaya can be attacked by the following pests:

    • Mealybug- he settles in reverse side leaf plates, forming whitish cotton-like clumps. A sticky sugar coating is also visible. It is necessary to fight it with the help of the following drugs: Decis, Intavir, Tsvetofos.
    • Aphidsmall bugs cover all the stems and leaves of the flower. To get rid of it, Incarville Delaware is treated with Aktofit, Intavir.
    • spider mite- This pest feeds on the juices of the plant. The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, and new leaf plates grow deformed. In this case, the flower is treated with Fitoverm, Aktellik, Aktara.

    At one place, Incarvillea Delaware grows for five years, after which it begins to age. To rejuvenate it, the plant is dug up, the tubers are divided and planted in a new place.

Long before the appearance of man on earth, it was decorated with a variety of flowers. Among this magnificent magnificence of plants, of course, a modest beauty grew - incarvillea. In accordance with popular beliefs, flowers are the symbolic hair of the Earth, which decorate it in an original way. Depending on the weather conditions, they replace each other to inspire and delight a person. Spring flowers, are replaced by summer ones, and after them autumn and frost-resistant winter specimens appear. So for a whole year we live surrounded by silent gentle creatures.

Most people pay attention to garden flowers. Among the many options, I want to highlight one modest beauty.

Incarvillea got its name in honor of the famous French missionary Pierre de Incarville. He was an ardent admirer green plants, so I looked for the most bizarre options. When the botanist was in China, an unusual perennial flower became the pearl of his collection. Pierre carefully studied this plant, observing it in natural conditions. What is he, this modest garden handsome man?

Miraculous Flower's Outer Robe

When you enter the garden and see delicate flowers under your feet, you involuntarily want to bend down to touch them by the petals. Incarvillea evokes such feelings during its flowering.

The plant can grow from 20 centimeters to 150. Its shoots are smooth, decorated with a delicate edge, simple or branched. On their tops, original paniculate inflorescences are formed. Each incarvillea flower consists of 5 tubular petals, the diameter of which reaches 6 cm. The color is:

  • White;
  • rich pink;
  • Red;
  • yellow.

In shape, the bud is similar to gloxinia, because of this, some flower lovers call incarvillea so. The first flowering falls in June. Often lasts a month and a half. It all depends on the variety. The second wave of bud opening is in August, although not so magnificent. A careful study of the photo of incarvillea helps to clearly imagine this natural masterpiece.

During this period, pods appear from the inflorescences. When they ripen and crack, large seeds fall to the ground. gray color. Their germination lasts up to 4 years. The sheet plate has a corrugated surface. It reaches a length of 30 cm. The color is dark green.

The rhizome of the garden beauty is tuberous, slightly branched. Has an elongated cylindrical shape, outwardly resembles dahlia plots. These features should be considered when growing incarvillea and caring for it.

The plant is used to decorate rocky areas of the garden, in flower beds and in rock gardens. For its bright outfit, the flower is sometimes called the front garden "orchid". It looks original in bouquets, although it can be stored in the cut for only 2 days.

Secrets of growing an oriental beauty

To grow incarvillea in your garden, you should consider the following points:

  1. The plant likes moderate sunlight. Given this fact, growing Incarvillea in semi-shaded areas promotes long-term flowering.
  1. The rhizome of the garden "orchid" does not tolerate high humidity. In order to avoid rotting of the root system, before planting the plant, drainage is laid out at the bottom of the hole. To do this, you can use crushed stone, expanded clay or crushed brick.
  1. Fertile soil. Incarvillea prefers a loose soil with good moisture permeability.
  1. Long drought tolerance. Thanks to this, the flower does not need frequent watering.
  1. Regular feeding. In order for the plant to bloom as long as possible, it needs to be fed. The best option- once every 14 days, cultivate the soil near the bushes.

Incarvillea can thrive wonderfully without a transplant for 5 years.

Often in harsh winters with little snow, plants can freeze slightly. To protect the flowers from this, the tubers are carefully dug up. You can store them in the basement in a small amount of soil or in the refrigerator, abundantly covered with sawdust.

The principle of planting incarvillea in open ground and caring for it is quite simple. In early spring, the stored tubers are planted in pots with humus. In this case, the root neck should not be closed. By the time the plant is planted in open ground, new leaves will appear. Thanks to this, incarvillea will bloom in mid-June.

When caring for a garden beauty, you should follow her correctly. Although the plant tolerates dry periods well, it does not need to be deserted. It is enough to thoroughly moisten the soil under the flower once a week.

Watering should be impregnating, not superficial. It is desirable that the moisture reaches the root tubers of the plant. So incarvillea can flourish painlessly in their summer cottage.

Acquaintance with popular varieties

An exotic flower that came to us from China happens different types. Gardeners have about 14 options. The most popular of them are:

  • Delaway;
  • Myra;
  • Olga;
  • Chinese;
  • Dense.

A short description of each of them will help to get to know them.

Incarvillea Delaway

After reviewing a photo of the Delaway Incarvillea, it is not difficult to fall in love with this delicate, modest flower. The plant was first discovered in southwestern China. The flower grows up to 120 cm in height. The leaves are collected in the form of a rosette near the rhizome. Their length is 30 cm.

Incarvillea buds are pink. The middle of the cup is yellow. Diameter - about 6 cm. Flowers are collected in several pieces in pretty racemes. Buds open in June and bloom until mid-summer.

Planting and care of Delaway incarvillea includes the following operations:

  1. Sowing seeds. The plant can be sown in early spring in pots, and when the earth warms up - in open ground. The first shoots appear within a week. Incarvillea will not bloom in the first year.
  2. Division of the root. This type flower planting is practiced in early spring or late autumn. The rhizome dug out of the ground is cut into pieces, and then added dropwise with a small amount of soil.
  3. Cuttings. In the middle of summer, cuttings of Delaway Incarvillea are cut along with a small part of the shoot. Put them in a container with water until the roots appear. Ready seedlings are planted in the ground.

An established plant requires moderate watering. It is advisable to cover the flower for the winter. decorative shape Delavey with white buds - Incarvillea Snowtop.

Mayra variety

A flower grows up to 30 cm. The leaves are slightly dissected. The outer part of the buds is painted in a rich pink color, the inner one is yellow with small white spots. Blooms in early summer. Not afraid of the cold.

Incarvillea Olga

This variety grows up to half a meter. Shoots are strong, slightly branched from above. The leaves are dissected, pinnate. Incarvillea requires special attention. white color, Its buds are collected in a panicle and located at the top of the shoots. Flowering begins in mid-summer and lasts a month and a half.

Incarvillea Chinese

Some types of Chinese Incarvillea have creamy yellow or pinkish inflorescences and feathery leaves. A flower grows up to 30 cm. It blooms 2.5 months after planting.

Incarvillea Dense

dwarf variety growing up to 30 cm in height. Shoots of a smooth character, slightly lowered. The leaves are oval, with pinnate roots. It blooms in June with large buds of white or pink color with a yellow center. The variety is frost-resistant, so it hibernates without shelter.

To choose the best option, the local climate, the type of soil and the flowering time of the plant should be taken into account.

When you get to know various plants, it's easy to imagine your garden in all its glory. Incarvillea - humble garden beauty can be an ideal decoration for a summer cottage.