How to drain a summer cottage with your own hands. Land reclamation of a summer cottage - ways to increase land productivity Reclamation pipes for draining the soil

Collect good harvest, save all buildings and provide comfortable rest on a suburban area is possible only if work is carried out to regulate soil moisture. A lack of water will destroy all life, but an excess will also cause damage. Therefore, the reclamation of the suburban area should be planned as a matter of priority.

Constant flooding of the soil leads to the destruction of the flora and the foundation of the building, putrefactive processes, and the development of bacteria. Overdried environment destroys plants. To prevent the situation, a whole range of different technical and economic measures is needed. The result of the labor will be a platform where you can build a house, stationary gazebos and flower beds, grow trees, collect healthy vegetables, fruits and berries.

It is worth equipping the site after full training soil

Land reclamation is a paramount task, otherwise there will be many difficulties in carrying out the work later. Everything will have to be completely rebuilt. Each site requires a separate approach, so apply different types land reclamation:

  • hydrotechnical,
  • chemical,
  • thermal,
  • agrotechnical.

Most often they are combined.

Any types of soil reclamation should be planned for the second half of spring or summer. By this time, it is easy to determine the places of excessive accumulation of water or, on the contrary, the most arid ones.

Hydrotechnical reclamation from flooding

It implies the installation of drainage systems, eliminates excessive waterlogging of the soil. It is necessary in the lowlands, in areas where groundwater is close, in swampy areas. Otherwise, when snow melts or heavy rains, the soil may be under water.

Exist different ways land reclamation to protect against flooding.

  • Open

It is applied at a low speed of inflow of ground waters. Dig trenches to collect moisture. In order to prevent the slopes from sinking over time, it is necessary to pour a sand-gravel mixture on the bottom or place a metal (plastic) case through which the water will go to the receiver (ditch, pond, collector). Be sure to close the system with a grate for safe movement around the site. Using this method, it will be necessary to take into account the location of the trenches when planning landscape design.

  • Closed

With this method, trenches are also dug, only pipes are laid in them. The depth must be at least 50 cm so that the system does not interfere with growth horticultural crops and their processing, landscape works.

Polyethylene pipes for melioration with a diameter of 7-10 cm are best suited. They are light, do not cause installation problems and have a long service life. The existing perforation provides the properties of an absorbent sponge. Through the micro-holes, excess water seeps inside and flows into a collector or other receiver.

Manholes must be installed in the corners so that the system can be checked for obstruction and, if necessary, the high pressure hose can be lowered for cleaning. The pipes located in it must have a cut for the same purpose. To retain debris and sand, you should purchase special baskets. They are much easier to clean than a pipe underground.

A layer of sand and gravel 15 cm high is poured at the bottom of the trench. It should be poured abundantly with water and compacted. Geotextile is placed on top. In this case, the edges should be temporarily fixed on the walls of the trench. Large nails will do just fine. Then the pipes are laid and covered with "liberated" geotextiles. The structure is backfilled with a mixture of gravel and sand. Finishing layer is the soil excavated when digging a ditch.

  • Artificial dewatering

Such reclamation garden plot involves the use of imported soil and leveling the surface. But this method is very expensive and not always effective.

Video: site drainage

This is the installation of irrigation systems to ensure the normal functioning of plants in dry weather. The system is of several types.

  • ground watering

It is used in case of poor absorbency of the soil. To preserve moisture, grooves are made along the beds and seedlings or ring holes (bowls) around individual plants. For irrigation, a metal or plastic pipeline is laid on the site. The most common irrigation tool is the hose.

  • Internal soil moisture

Leaves dry upper layer soil, excluding the germination of weed seeds. Does not interfere with work on the site during irrigation.

For installation, porous polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 2-4 cm are required. Small round or slotted holes can be made independently. Pipes are usually laid at a depth of 20-25 cm.

  • Sprinkling

From the name it is clear that this is an artificially created rain. The soil layer, the air above it and the ground part of the plants are moistened. This method does not require large material costs and does not worsen the structure of the soil.

Rain watering is suitable for areas with a close occurrence of groundwater. Installation requires pipes, taps and nozzles. The system can be welded and collapsible. The second option is more convenient because it is easy to move around the site. by the most simple option is an rubber hose in which holes are made.

Thermal reclamation

Held to change temperature regime topsoil so that it does not freeze if there is no snow cover in winter. Otherwise the roots perennials will be injured and not always be able to recover.

The most common method is soil mulching. The surface is covered with organic and inorganic materials. In some places, compost heaps serve as insulation.

Agrotechnical reclamation

It is carried out after the completion of work on draining and irrigating the soil. Reclamation and land reclamation is the restoration of the landscape and the improvement of the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the soil. Includes several areas.

First of all, this is cutting down unnecessary plantings, uprooting stumps, removing debris, stones. In general, everything that can interfere with agricultural work. Then the damaged surface is restored.

It is necessary to increase the fertile properties of the soil. To do this, you can plant plants that contribute to its enrichment, or apply fertilizers.

Improvement of fertile qualities

Chemical soil reclamation is responsible for this. It is carried out by adding certain substances. Usually it is necessary to reduce or increase the acidity of the soil, enrich it with microelements. It is difficult to determine this indicator on your own, so you should contact the experts.

High acidity in most plants slows down the growth of the root system and disrupts metabolic processes. To reduce the rate, liming the soil is carried out. The alkaline medium is usually plastered, and the depleted medium is phosphorized.

Reclamation of the reservoir

A pond sets a special tone for landscape design. It can be a pond, a pool, a fountain or a small stream. But fallen leaves, overgrowth aquatic plants and the appearance of mold can spoil the aesthetic appearance, so it is necessary proper care. Cleaning a pool or fountain is not a problem, but a pond requires special attention.

Reclamation of ponds, which are inhabited by fish and plants, is inevitable. The work is very laborious and tedious. The only plus is that it rarely needs to be done.

Once a year, in the spring, it is enough to replace ¼ of the water. And complete drainage (also after warming up the soil) is required every 2-3 years, depending on the location and size of the reservoir. The event allows you to remove garbage, thin out overgrown plants, enrich the water with oxygen.

Important ! Preparing before starting work plastic barrel or other large container filled with pond water to house the fish. It is located in a shaded area. The same temporary conditions are necessary for amphibians.

Water is pumped out with a pump or with a long hose. When it starts to descend, the fish is caught with a net and moved to the prepared "hotel". Be sure to cover the top of the container with a net.

Silt from the bottom must be removed and moved to the edges. For this, a broom and a bucket are suitable. Algae are removed with a rake or pitchfork. Then you should wash the coating with a brush.

Important ! Do not use detergents.

Be sure to ensure that the integrity of the coating is not damaged. To do this, you need to choose soft brushes and brooms, rubber shoes with grooved soles.

After the cleaning activities, the pond is filled with water from a hose. Placed immediately ornamental plants, then deep sea.

After filling the pond with water, the fish must acclimatize to the new conditions. To do this, in small batches they are placed in plastic bags or plastic boxes filled with water from the familiar environment. In such "boats" for some time should be on the surface of the pond. After their environment takes the temperature clean water, can be released.

During the initial arrangement of the pond, it is worth purchasing special tongs and scissors that will allow you to reach dead plants located far from the shore. Then the reservoir will always have a well-groomed appearance, without requiring early descent of water.

Consultation of specialists will exclude unpleasant surprises after the work.

Land reclamation and reclamation of the garden plot should be carried out even before the construction of the house. The best option would be to involve specialists, because it is difficult in many cases to independently determine the location of the systems and the composition of the soil, and in some cases it is impossible. The events will save from flooding and senseless care of crops that do not bring a harvest. Immediately you can get advice on the decorative decoration of the territory.

Before we get to work, let's find out what we will be doing this coming weekend in our backyards. What kind of animal is this - "reclamation"?

Land reclamation is a complex of technical, organizational and economic measures of long-term and intensive impact on the land, aimed at improving its properties.

Carry out a set of activities on the site to improve the soil

Did you understand the definition? Amazing!

Let's move on! And what properties of the land do we need to improve? Indeed, from the course of school natural science we know that Mother Earth in its original form is beautiful and perfect! And she can nurture any sprout given to her under guardianship.

But man is such a creature that he always strives for something more perfect and ideal. People use a set of measures (reclamation) aimed at improving the quality and properties of the soil, increasing productivity, and preserving garden plantings in heavy rain or drought.


Land reclamation activities are carried out in several directions, there are several types of land reclamation, such as:

  • Hydromelioration includes the following works: irrigation, drainage, anti-landslide and anti-flood operations, anti-erosion and anti-mudflow processes. All this is achieved by doing drainage works, which will help us in removing excess moisture from places of its accumulation, as well as in adjusting the mode of accumulation of its soil.
  • Cultural and technical reclamation is based on the performance of such works as: processing of salt licks, removal of stones and excess objects from the ground, removal of tussocks, mosses and stumps, primary tillage, sanding, earthing, claying, etc.
  • Thermal reclamation is a change in the temperature regime in the soil by compacting the surface layer of the soil with the help of compost heaps in areas with trees.
  • Chemical reclamation is used when the acidity of the soil needs to be changed (for example, changing from acidic to slightly alkaline soil, which is preferred by most horticultural crops).

It should be noted that the choice of land reclamation works depends on the natural and economic conditions prevailing on your site. They often take a number of actions. But in most cases, drainage and irrigation are used. These are the methods of land reclamation that provide for the laying of a drainage or irrigation system.

Where does any kind of work begin? Of course, with planning and design. What do we need for this? First of all, this is a pencil and a blank sheet of paper, and of course, a great desire to work hard for the good of your loved one.

Approximate plan of a suburban area

Let's define the goals that we need to achieve:

  • protection of the suburban area from regular flooding;
  • protection against stagnant water;
  • protection against putrefactive processes in the soil.

Our next step is to decide how and with what help we can achieve our goals. The answer is simple and you won't be surprised to hear it. This is a properly planned and designed drainage system.

drainage system

Manufacturing drainage system in our summer cottage begins with measurements. To do this, we need a conventional or digital level (a geodetic tool for leveling, that is, determining the height difference between several points on the earth's surface relative to the conditional level, in other words, determining the elevation).

And pipes for melioration require polyethylene, with a diameter of 70–100 mm, since this material and its light weight guarantee us and even our grandchildren and great-grandchildren long term services. Such pipes are special in that they have many small holes. Through them, water from oversaturated soil seeps into the system, this resembles the work of a “suction sponge”.

The drainage system not only improves efficiency land plot, but can also serve as its decoration, by creating an artificial reservoir on its basis.

Necessary materials for melioration of a summer cottage with their own hands: tools (shovels), a pipe, large gravel, which we lay around the pipe, sand and vegetable soil.

Organization of irrigation of the site

We all know perfectly well that water is the most important thing on the planet for the existence of all life. So our garden plantings require care and moisture. We can solve this issue by organizing an irrigation system on our site. We can take care of our plants with a complex of irrigation measures:

  • sprinkling;
  • ground surface irrigation;
  • subsoil moisture distribution.

Ground surface irrigation

Stages of land reclamation

After we have carried out work on the creation of drainage and irrigation systems, the reclamation and reclamation of the land of the site is carried out. The purpose of these works is important to us for many reasons: we are restoring the landscape; improve the sanitary and hygienic conditions of a particular natural environment.

It is necessary to carry out two stages of reclamation:

  • technical (restoration of the damaged surface of the suburban area);
  • biological (increase in soil fertility).

Ameliorative work is not so simple as it seems at first glance, so we recommend that you involve specialists in this field or work under their strict guidance. Indeed, for each case, not only certain equipment, tools, materials are needed, but also specific knowledge, skills and experience.

The result of the work carried out will be such a personal plot, which will not only be high-yielding, but will also become the best place good rest for you and your loved ones.

If the groundwater on your land is too close to the surface, then most likely damp basement your home is provided, and the territory itself will dry out for a long time after rain and snow melt. However, you should not refuse such areas, because it is quite possible to drain them using modern technologies drainage.

Among them, there are options that can be implemented by all owners of private houses, cottages and gardens, and even more so, industrial enterprises.

High-quality land reclamation will make it possible to use the territory of the land plot for its intended purpose, in in full and without much problem.

Purposes of the land drainage device

Drainage of the site solves various purposes, the main of which are:

  • lowering the groundwater level;
  • withdrawal excess water outside the site;
  • creation of conditions for maintenance on the site certain humidity soil, which will allow keeping building structures in good condition, using the land for planting agricultural and ornamental crops, arrange sports grounds etc.

You will have to dry the site in the following cases:

  1. The groundwater level is located at a depth of 1-2 meters from the coverage area.
  2. Groundwater rises above the floor level of the basement.
  3. The soil does not absorb precipitation well (clay or loamy soil).
  4. The area is mostly paved. In this case, atmospheric moisture accumulates on uncovered ground, which leads to the formation of puddles and waterlogging.
  5. Effective area The territory is located in a lowland, where rain and melt waters flow.
  6. The territory is located in close proximity to the reservoir, which leads to swamping of the site.

In each specific case, it is required to use its own method and technology to drain the site. The best option for carrying out these works is to use the experience of professional reclamators and designers, who will not only remove excess water from the territory, but also help create beautiful and comfortable landscapes on the ground.

The main methods of land reclamation

If you have a technical background, you will be able to understand the consolidated rules (SP) and building codes and rules (SNiP) that regulate land reclamation work to drain the territory. If there is no special knowledge, then below are the main ways to drain water from the site, in an accessible language.

The choice of drainage method should be based on the type of soil, the depth of groundwater and the amount of precipitation in the area.

Water drainage using land drainage can be:

  1. Open.
    The design of this drainage system is a series of ditches dug at an angle to one side. Water flows through them by gravity into special wells. Also a large number atmospheric water with such a drainage system, it is absorbed into the lower layers of the soil, which contributes to the drainage of the upper sections. The length of the ditch is selected based on the location of the drainage well, the main central sewer, or natural lowland. The depth should be 25-35 cm below the bottom support building structures located on the site. The width of the ditch should be about 1/3 of its depth. It is impossible to have a drainage ditch near the foundation of buildings, as this can provoke its deformation.
  2. Zasypnoy.
    In this case, in order to drain the site, it is also necessary to dig channels. But, the work doesn't end there. The ditch is covered with geotextiles with a margin around the edges. Then the channel is filled with coarse gravel to 2/3 of the depth. Next, a fine fraction of this stone with a thickness of 10-15 cm is poured onto the gravel. Now you need to close the filter layer on all sides with geotextiles, the supply of which was made in advance. final stage drainage will be backfilling the ditch with sand and soil. Do not forget that, as in the case of open drainage, the backfill method of water drainage provides for the creation of a channel with a slope, along which precipitation and excess groundwater will drain.
  3. Closed.
    This is enough effective method diversion outside the groundwater site. For this, special perforated pipes are used. different diameter(according to the design calculation), which are laid in trenches on a pillow of sand and gravel. Outside, the pipes are covered with geotextiles, which will protect the drainage line from pollution and silting.

The closed drainage method is great for draining an area with high level ground water.

The procedure for carrying out work on the organization of closed drainage of the site is as follows:

  • first of all, it is necessary to draw up a plan for the drainage system, given that ditches must be laid no closer than 2.5 meters from buildings and structures, large trees. Mark on the plan the location of the drainage wells or the place where the water will flow through the drainage system;
  • plan the location of the elements of the drainage system of the suburban area or adjoining territory on the ground, using pegs for this;
  • drainage trenches are dug below the freezing level of the earth to a depth of about 15 cm;
  • the base of the ditch is covered with sand in a layer of 15 cm and compacted. Sand is poured in such a way as to create a uniform level of drainage slope to the well or natural lowland. The slope is 1-2 cm per 10 meters of trench;
  • geotextiles are laid on the sand with a margin of about 25 cm at the edges;
  • perforated filter pipes are laid;
  • pipes are wrapped with geotextile and covered with washed gravel in such a layer that at least 30 cm remain to the upper edge of the ditch;
  • a gravel pillow is wrapped with geotextile left with a margin during the construction of the first sand layer;
  • a layer of sand is poured with a layer-by-layer rammer and earth.

Thus, an underground channel is created to drain the site from groundwater and precipitation.

Other ways to drain the site

1. Drainage with trees.

The traditional way of draining the site - drainage, can be carried out not only with the help of drainage channels and pipes, but also by planting moisture-loving plants, the root system of which takes a large amount of water from the soil.

Among such plants, it is better to give preference to the following trees:

  • poplar. Very powerful natural pump. It grows well near water bodies, not only draining the soil, but also strengthening the banks. The disadvantage is its fluff, which is formed during the flowering of the tree;
  • birch and willow. It is recommended to plant along the edges of a moistened area. Well take root in the territory, which began to swamp. The branched root system of plants effectively removes water to large area;
  • maple, larch. Trees that are not only suitable for draining the site, but also become a good decoration of the territory;
  • plum. A cultivated tree that can draw water from the soil in large quantities and at the same time bear fruit well.

However, in order to give preference to any one type of tree, you need to look at what grows best in a particular area. If, for example, birch is rare for the area, then you should not plant it on your site.

When planting trees to drain the site, the following rules should be observed:

  • a pit under the root system of a plant is dug with a depth of at least 80 cm with a diameter of 1.5 meters;
  • the bottom of the pit must be covered with gravel and then fertile soil mixed with gravel;
  • the stone should not be poured only around the stem of the seedling.

2. Drainage of the site with the help of its "lift".

This method is suitable for draining areas that are subject to waterlogging. However, this is an expensive method, since a large amount of soil and the creation of drainage ditch around the perimeter of the property.

The cost of draining the site in this case will be high. But, it is justified if other methods of drainage are ineffective.

3. Drainage with pumping system.

It is used mainly in low-lying areas from which water cannot flow by gravity through a system of drainage channels.

To create effective drainage, it is better to involve specialists who will take into account all the nuances that may arise during the construction of the drainage system.

Owners land plots often encounter soil quality problems. Excess water in the soil is one such difficulty. The reason for this is the terrain where the site is located. An example would be an area that lies in a lowland. As well as the type of soil, if the earth contains a lot of clay. Such soil does not pass water well and accumulates it on the surface, which makes it soft and plastic.

This state of affairs is not conducive to construction and has a very bad effect on agriculture. Too much moisture in the soil prevents normal growth plants and Leads to lower yields, erodes the foundation. Also, water arrives in the basement during the period of rains and snowmelt. The relief problem can be solved by artificially sloping, adding earth and filling in depressions.

There are many ways to dry out an area.

Many people wonder how to drain the area from the water with their own hands. For soils with high groundwater levels or heavy clayey soils, there are several methods.

Basic methods of soil drainage

  1. Use of dug holes and ditches.
  2. Creation of drainage systems.
  3. Application of landscape design elements.
  4. Planting moisture-loving plants.

Use of dug holes and ditches

To apply this method of draining the soil, you need a shovel and a pair of working hands. Therefore, summer residents who want to solve the problem of excess water in their country house without unnecessary investment use this particular method. Depressions are dug up to a meter and in diameter from two to half a meter. They are located at the lowest points of the site. In such pits, all excess water is collected.

Ditches are used to remove excess water. These are open ditches with a width of half a meter, the walls of which are beveled at an angle of 30 degrees. Since such sides soon crumble and become clogged with various debris, concrete or boards are used to strengthen them. The bottom of the ditch is covered with sheets of metal, or concrete stands. Pollution can be dealt with using a conventional shovel. A trench will serve as a collector, which is arranged along the fence.

French drainage is filled with loose natural materials

A method such as French drainage is also used. The system will drain using the ditches that have been described, but they are filled with loose natural materials. To do this, you need to dig shallow ditches to drain groundwater or dig a deep ditch, deep to the natural layer of sand. Moisture will disappear there. A well for collecting such water can be filled with construction debris, well, or stone. Such ditches are not subject to "flowering", they are not littered. But after a while, they can silt up and plants will begin to sprout in them. Cleaning the site with your own hands is a laborious process.

Creation of drainage systems

There are the following systems of surface drainage of the soil:


This method is suitable for areas with high groundwater levels. Drying is done in a superficial and deep (closed) way.

Surface is the easiest method, as it is good for those who want to do their own drainage.

This is the drainage of the site with your own hands. For its implementation, it is not necessary to use special equipment and tools. It is effective in the removal of seasonal water, when the cause of the abundance of water is rain and snow. When the soil has a sandy base and low level surface water. But it is ineffective for other reasons high humidity earth. It also requires regular cleaning of debris and fallen leaves that retain water.


This system involves containers made of plastic, concrete, fiber-reinforced concrete and polymer concrete, as well as drain gutters. They are buried in the soil and covered with gratings, which play the role of protection against debris and are an obstacle to the possible entry of pedestrians or vehicles into the tray.


It is installed when discharging a local accumulation of water. For this, rain collectors are used, drain systems for local drainage from terraces, platforms, exits, under drainpipes and irrigation taps.


One of the most profitable options if dehumidification is required. These are biological systems of layers of sand, gravel and geotextiles that are made in open areas. They are used on playgrounds, lawns, park areas. When applied, the soil, absorbing moisture well, retains its natural friability.


Deep drainage is an ideal way to drain groundwater from an area. Such drainage helps to realize optimal water balance for growing plants. The territory must be made at an angle to the drainage trenches in order to ensure an unhindered outflow of moisture. Ditches for the pipe should be located at an angle to the water collector. They can serve as an artificial or natural reservoir, as well as a water intake, which must be emptied as it fills. The effectiveness of this method will increase as the slope increases to the catchment.

Deep drainage - the ideal way to drain the site

This system consists of polypropylene, perforated pipes, which are wrapped in geotextiles, but preferably in biotextiles to reduce the accumulation of silt. They are placed in trenches, at a predetermined depth, that lead to a sewer or culvert. The diameter of the pipe is calculated depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site.


This method is not suitable for draining the area with your own hands.

This is a complex of wells that are located near the house. They collect water with special pumps and divert it from the territory. But for its installation, you need the design of a specialist, which greatly complicates its implementation.

Application of landscape design elements

The use of a pond or stream is not only design solution landscape beautification, but also the right way soil drying. In the event that the site is at an angle. The bottom of the reservoir can be decorated with stones. This is the principle of French drainage, only prettier. It can also be decorated with plants planted around. The reservoir must be placed where there is little sun so that there is no “blooming” of water.

Planting moisture-loving plants, biological method

In order to dry the suburban area, you can combine the above methods with each other. But it is possible to add one more method. This is planting plants that consume a lot of moisture.

These plants include: willow, maple, birch. If the height of these trees is embarrassing, now dwarf analogues have been developed, which will become beautiful decoration site.

Spruce has a good drying index

Also for lovers of conifers, you can use spruce. She has a good drying rate. A rosehip, spirea or irgi hedge will also help in shrinking the area. Fruit trees, on the other hand, do not grow well in moist soils, therefore, when planting them, half-meter mounds must be poured.

Conditions for the care of drainage

The system, which consists of polypropylene pipes, will serve more than 50 years under certain conditions of care.

Reclamation made with the help of surface drainage using crushed stone and sand is not durable, in less than 7 years it needs to be completely or partially replaced.

To care for the drying system, you need to follow these tips:

  1. Prohibit the use of heavy Vehicle in the area where the drain is laid. To do this, you need to arrange a special road on the site.
  2. Carry out periodic loosening of the soil with its further compaction.
  3. Flush the drain with a high-pressure hose to prevent clogging of the holes with soil and other particles. This is done once every two or three years.
  4. Also all sorts excavation it is desirable to carry out when the earth has not dried up to a stone state.

Using each of these methods, drainage of the site and drainage can be achieved. Make the territory acceptable for construction, and your garden a fruitful and beautiful island for the whole family to relax.

In order for plants to feel good and fully show their decorative and fruiting qualities, it is necessary to give the soil such properties that would be most favorable for growth and development, to create optimal water, thermal and salt properties compared to natural (initial) ones. modes.

Consequences of waterlogging of the soil.

It happens that in spring or after heavy rains, water stays on the surface of the soil for a long time. Excess moisture is detrimental to plants. It impairs the access of air to the roots, as a result of which the plants experience oxygen starvation, wither and die. Get rid of waterlogging lawn grasses and herbaceous perennials. In winter, plantings in depressions often suffer from wetting. Plants feel oppressed, give a weak increase, lose their decorative qualities. All this testifies to the unfavorable water regime prevailing in this area.

To improve the quality of soils and create the most favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, to remove excess moisture, land reclamation is carried out.

Land reclamation (from Latin melio - to improve) is a system of measures to improve the properties and regime of soils in favorable production (agricultural, forestry, etc.) and environmental areas. At the same time, it should always be borne in mind that the effect of land reclamation is fully manifested only against the background of a high culture of agriculture.

The most expedient in the Non-Chernozem zone are the following types of land reclamation:

Agronomic reclamation(agromelio-radiation) is a set of measures aimed at changing (improving) the relief and physical properties soils. This can be solved by leveling the surface, deep loosening of the soil. Agro-reclamation measures ensure the organization and acceleration of surface runoff, improve the distribution of moisture on the surface of an irrigated field.

Cultural and technical reclamation- a set of technical measures that ensure the reduction in favorable conditions for cultivation cultivated plants the state of the surface and root-inhabited horizons of the soil. This is achieved by cleaning surface and subsoil stones, removing shrubs, stumps, tussocks, small forests, backfilling holes, dismantling shafts of uprooted wood, extracting buried wood, etc.

Hydrotechnical reclamation ensure the accumulation of moisture in required quantity and in right time, discharge of excess gravitational moisture outside the territory under consideration. Hydrotechnical reclamation has as its main task the regulation of the water regime of soils. This is achieved by drainage, bilateral regulation of the water regime of soils, etc.

Thermal reclamation are aimed at changing the thermal regime of soils with the help of measures to transform the granulometric composition of surface horizons (for example, introducing small stones into the arable layers of northern soils in order to reduce their heat capacity and increase the temperature, systematic snow retention, surface mulching and etc.).

Since land reclamation is a system of certain technical and other measures aimed at improving the properties and regimes of soils, usually the greatest effect can be achieved with complex application. various kinds land reclamation. For example, when draining heavy waterlogged soils - a combination of agro-amelioration, hydrotechnical and cultural melioration.

The task of land reclamation is to improve the properties and regime (or regimes) of the soil in a layer with a thickness of 1-2 m, i.e. in the horizons of the soil profile. Therefore, the immediate and main object of melioration is always the soil cover.

From the history of melioration

Drainage reclamation began to be carried out in ancient times: for a number of millennia, the population of Egypt, Burma, India, Vietnam, and China built dams in the valleys of large rivers to protect floodplains from floods. The Greek historian Herodotus described one of the first drainage systems in the Nile Valley more than 2,000 years ago. Drainage as a reclamation measure was widely used in the ancient period in Greece. Later, the Roman writer Cato (I century BC) in the treatise "On Agriculture" described open drainage systemsused in Ancient Rome for drainage of soils in vineyards and olive plantations. Many of these systems are still in operation today. In the tenth century in Europe, work began on the device drainage systems in the North Sea basin. They were especially intense in the XII-XIV centuries. Large swamps, coastal lowlands, river deltas, lakeside depressions were drained.

In England, in 1252, under King Henry III, the first law on the drainage of agricultural land was passed, which became the basis for the development of land reclamation in the following centuries. First system closed drainage in Europe was built, apparently, in this country under Henry V at the end of the 15th century.

The emergence of pottery drainage dates back to around 1810. In 1846, the drainage of agricultural lands was recognized as a national treasure by an act of Parliament.

For the period 1846-1873. in England, 4 million hectares were drained. In 1880, the area of ​​drained land in the country amounted to 6.2 million hectares. Currently total area annual drainage construction (including reconstruction facilities) is about 100 thousand hectares.

The intensive development of drainage work in Russia was initially associated with the activities of Peter I. He undertook the drainage of swamps in connection with the development of the coast of the Gulf of Finland, the construction of St. Petersburg and other cities, fortresses, factories. The operation of open drainage systems was described by M.V. Lo-monosov in the work "Livlyandskaya economy" (1738). At the end of the XVIII century. A.T. Bolotov developed the issues of draining the northern regions of Russia. However, in the post-Petrine period until the second half of the XIX century. work in the field of soil drainage in Russia was carried out on a very limited scale. The abolition of serfdom and the rapid development of capitalism were the driving factor in soil reclamation. In 1873, the Ministry of State Property organized two expeditions to drain the swamps under the leadership of I.I. Zhilinsky. The construction of the first two closed drainage systems of pottery drainage in Russia dates back to this time. They played later important role in the development of this progressive method of drainage in our country. The first such system of closed drainage was built in 1853 on the territory of the modern Belarusian Agricultural Academy A.N. Kozlovsky 10 years after in England in 1843 D. Reed first invented a pottery drainage pipe. The second system of closed pottery drainage was created in the Smolensk province in the estate of A.N. Engelhardt, a close friend and colleague of V.V. Dokuchaev. At the beginning of the XX century. in Russia, a system of reclamation experimental stations and experimental fields for the culture of swamps is being created (Arkhangelskaya, Yakhromskaya, Sarnenskaya, etc.).

Protection of the territory from water and drainage tasks

The main methods of regulation and protection of the territory from water are drainage and drainage. Protecting the site from flooding with a drainage system is required if:

  • if it is located on a not too steep slope, along which water constantly flows from above (i.e. there is a pond or wetland above the site);
  • when the water that collects along the entire slope, during the rain, has time, flowing, to saturate the soil.

With site slopes of more than three degrees, protection is required mainly from the washout of the fertile layer. Drainage with protection from surface water is recommended in two main ways:

  1. embankment of the protected area with shafts of any bulk materials (except for sandy dusty ones) from the side of the inflow of water;
  2. through the interception of water and the construction of shallow upland ditches or trays located across the rivers of the slope at the upper and lower boundaries of the territory, with a diversion into the storm sewer.

Tasks assigned to drainage:

  • rapid removal of melt water, which allows you to use the site almost immediately after thawing the soil;
  • lowering the level of groundwater;
  • drainage of excess water after prolonged precipitation, mainly on heavy clay soils.

It is best to entrust the design and construction of drainage to specialists who can take into account the characteristics of the site being drained and guarantee the normal operation of the drainage. In small areas, a drainage project can be carried out without calculation. This takes into account a number of parameters necessary for the installation of drainage systems:

  1. slope and diameter of drains;
  2. distance between drains;
  3. depth of drains;
  4. planned location of drains;
  5. arrangement of the mouth part, manholes, etc.

Drainage device

The drainage system is a complex of engineering structures, consisting of a water intake, a conductive network, a control network and a fencing network, which are located in the drained area. A river, stream, ravine or ditch along the road, that is, any place where water can be diverted from the drained territory, can serve as a water intake. The water supply and drainage network is a system of open channels and closed collectors, through which water flows from the drained area to the water intake.

The regulatory network consists of drainage - open, in the form of a network of ditches, it is arranged on large territories or along the boundaries of the site, along the streets, or closed, vertical and horizontal, or a mixed type.

The most commonly used closed horizontal drainage, consisting of trenches 1-1.2 (1.5) m deep, at the bottom of which there are drains - special drainage pipes or any water-conducting material: crushed stone, broken brick, brushwood, poles covered with earth from above . The purpose of the drainage device is to collect excess ground and surface water and divert it outside the site. Thus, drainage regulates moisture in the surface layer of the soil, in which the root system of plants is located. Drainage trenches should have a slope towards the water intake, the rate of decrease in water depends on this.

The enclosing network of canals, 1-1.5 m deep, intercepts surface and ground waters coming from neighboring territories located above. The fencing network is usually laid along the perimeter of the built-up area.

Drainage sequence

Drainage construction begins with a water intake. After the water intake is made, a trench is laid under the closed collector, through which water will flow from the drains to the water intake. Then trenches are dug for drains. The diameter of the drain is 6-9 (10) cm, and the collector, if it collects water from a large number of drains in a large space, is 9-10 cm. In small areas (less than 50 acres), the diameters of the collector and drains can be the same.

The width of the trenches for drains and the collector is 35-40 cm, and the depth is 1-1.2 m. The collector must be located below the drain so that water flows by gravity from the drains to the collector, and from the collector to the water supply. emnik. Open channels may have different depths, depending on the terrain. On a flat area with minimal slopes, the channel depth is 1.5 m, on a more relief - less than 1.5 m. These standards are applicable to all types of soil. The drainage system should have a slope: 0.002-0.005 m per 1 m (2-5 mm per 1 m) for pipes with a diameter of 90 (100) mm, and for pipes with a larger diameter, the slope is greater.

The drainage system is located no closer than 0.5 m from the fence and 1 m from the blind area of ​​the house. The distance between drains in areas with heavy clay soils is about 7-10 m, with light sandy, well-permeable soils for water - up to 15-20 m.

There are situations when the site is located in a lowland or on a slope, and the water intake is located above the drained area (i.e. there is nowhere to divert water). In this case, a drainage well with a depth of 2-3 m is made as a water intake. drainage pump, which will automatically pump the water collected in the well into a ditch or ravine located above. The drainage well is reinforced with reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of 1 m.

Drainage pipes must be wrapped with filter material (geotextile) to protect the pipes from the ingress of clay particles (silting), but usually they can be bought already with a winding. In addition to geotextiles, volumetric drainage filters are used. They are made from textile waste, cereal straw (mainly rye straw), fibrous peat, coconut fibers and other materials. Volumetric filters not only protect the plastic drain from silting, but improve and enhance the water inflow. Filters made from organic materials (for example, from rye straw) are also promising because they do not reduce their water permeability for a long time under conditions of intense silting due to the ability to auto-regenerate, to restore porosity as a result of gradual decomposition of the filter material. Such filters are especially effective on heavy clay and loamy soils.

A layer of crushed stone 5 cm is poured at the bottom of the drainage trench, then pipes are laid on the crushed stone under a certain slope, the pipes are sprinkled with crushed stone or gravel with a layer of 30-40 cm. Next, coarse-grained sand can be poured with a layer of 10-30 cm, and fertile soil is laid on top of the sand.

The drainage system with the use of drainage pipes is the most effective in carrying out drainage reclamation measures. Drainage, created only from crushed stone, broken bricks, poles, will drain water well only for 5-7 years, and after that it will require repair or complete replacement.

At correct operation the drainage system of pipes will serve for a long time - up to 50 years. This is only possible under certain conditions:

  1. after the pipes are laid, heavy equipment cannot be driven around the site. In case of emergency, it is better to build a temporary road;
  2. if the top layer of soil is compacted by the wheels of vehicles, then deep loosening should be carried out to give the soil the necessary degree of looseness and water permeability. Otherwise, the drainage system will not work;
  3. Once every 2-3 years, it is advisable to flush the drainage pipes in order to prevent their silting and clogging of the holes with iron hydroxide. To do this, a water hose is connected to the open edge of the collector (that which flows into the water intake) and the drainage system is washed with a stream of water under pressure.

If all work is done correctly, then during the operation of the drainage system, a favorable hydrological regime is established on the site, which creates optimal conditions for plant development. But it must be remembered that plants will grow well and bear fruit only if all the factors necessary for their vital activity are combined, i.e. optimal properties and soil regimes (water, thermal, air) with a high level of agricultural technology, with good care for landings.