Cultivated garden plants. Garden plants: name and description. These vegetables do not coexist badly with

Fruit and berry plants.

Fruit, berry - further abbreviation PY.

Trees, shrubs, herbs. Among the PY plants there are woody, shrubby, semi-shrub and herbaceous.

Woody plants have a well-developed and pronounced main stem of the tree. Woody species include fruit plants like cherry, apple, pear, plum, sweet cherry, apricot, peach and some others.

Shrubs differ from tree species in that they have several stems that are weaker than those of trees. Among these stems there is no pronounced main stem. Typical shrubs are currant, gooseberry, hazel.

Semi-shrubs are plants whose stems become woody only in the lower part, and the upper parts of the stems remain herbaceous and die off in winter, for example, blueberries.

To grassy perennials include strawberries and strawberries.

root system. The root system has great importance in the life of the PJ of plants. Depending on the power of root development, the aerial part of plants grows stronger or weaker, their life span shortens or lengthens, and productivity decreases or increases.

On different soils and subsoils, with different ways soil cultivation in different breeds and varieties, the development of the root system is different.

For example, if the soil has required amount water and nutrients, the roots of plants lie relatively close to the soil surface.

If the soil is poor in nutrients and not sufficiently moistened, the roots in search of food and moisture go deep into the soil and grow far away from the plant.

In order to regulate the growth of the plant root system, it is necessary to properly cultivate the soil, fertilize, loosen and water the soil in the garden.

It is also necessary to know the features of the structure of the roots of the PY of plants.

The root system of these plants consists of main and lateral skeletal roots, smaller overgrown roots, and root buds with root hairs. The latter absorb mineral salts dissolved in water from the soil.

The main, or taproot, roots are strongly developed in pears and in those fruit plants that are "grown from seeds without the use of picks and transplants.

Most PU have well-developed lateral roots, while the tap root is either completely absent or very poorly developed. In that case when

plants are grown from cuttings, layering, offspring, their roots grow from the stem and are called adnexal.

The ends of the roots are the smallest branches, called lobes. Root lobes at favorable conditions and a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil can occur on skeletal and overgrowing roots.

The depth of the roots in the soil depends on the breed, variety, structure of the soil and subsoil, the depth ground water and other conditions.

The main part of the mass of the roots of apple and pear trees can reach a depth of 3-3.5 and even 4 m.

The roots of cherries, plums can reach up to 1.5-2 m, for apricots - up to 4.5 m, for almonds - up to 6 m, while in currants, gooseberries and raspberries they lie no deeper than 1.5 m, and in strawberries reach only 60 cm.

With a small amount nutrients the roots go to the sides and begin to form long strands, which are poorly covered with lobes.

Favorable conditions lead to the development of a large number of root buds at shallower depths.

The diameter of the root system of plants always exceeds the diameter of the crown.

stems. Solutions of mineral salts move from the root to the leaves along the stem. The following organic substances move along the stem: starch, proteins, sugar, fats; formed in the leaves. Thus, the movement of nutrients occurs along the stems of the PY of plants. But the stems are important to the plant and not only for this reason. The stems carry leaves and buds, flowers and fruits, they carry them to the light. Nutrient reserves begin to be deposited in the stems organic matter.

The stems of most PY are woody. Herbaceous stems are found in plants such as strawberries and strawberries.

lignified stem fruit trees that bears branches is called a trunk.

In the place where the root of the PY of plants passes into the stem, a root neck is distinguished. The stem from the root neck to the first branching in tree species is called a trunk. The stem from the first branch to the top is called the central conductor. Thick side branches extending from the central conductor are called skeletal branches 1st order. Branches of the 2nd order are placed on the branches of the 1st order, branches of the 3rd order are placed on the branches of the 2nd order, etc.

The central conductor with all the branches located on it make up the crown of plants.

Vegetative growths appear on the branches every year, they are called annual shoots. During the fruiting period, in addition to growth shoots, fruit twigs of various types are also located on the branches.

Growing PY plants in the garden, you need to know the features of the structure, growth and development of the stems, be able to control their growth and development both in each breed and in individual varieties plants.

This is primarily achieved by forming the crown of plants by pruning.

Leaves and buds. The leaves of PY plants are very diverse in shape, size, color and location on the shoots. Each leaf consists of a plate, as well as a petiole. The place where a leaf attaches to a shoot is called a node, and the part of the stem between two nodes is called an internode. The angle between the base of the petiole of the leaf and the stem going up from it is called the leaf axil. The leaves on the shoots are arranged in a certain order; in PJ plants more often - the next arrangement.

Leaves play an extremely important role in plant life. They carry out photosynthesis difficult process assimilation carbon dioxide. In the process of photosynthesis, plants, using water, carbon dioxide and mineral salts, create starch, proteins, sugar, and fats from them in the light with the help of chlorophyll, which are necessary for building all their organs.

The essence of photosynthesis, which occurs in the leaves of PU plants, is as follows.

From the air, carbon dioxide enters the leaves through the stomata, and from the stem into the leaves - water with dissolved mineral salts obtained by the roots from the soil.

Chlorophyll, contained in the protoplasm of leaf pulp cells, has a remarkable ability to capture solar energy and use it for the synthesis of organic compounds.

Therefore, in the light in the leaves, thanks to chlorophyll from water and: carbon dioxide, one of the simplest organic substances is synthesized - carbohydrate - grape sugar, or glucose.

The process of glucose formation can be expressed by the following formula:

6C02 + 6H20 + light energy = C6H1206 +6 02.

It is estimated that 67,400 small calories of light energy are spent on the formation of one gram-molecule of glucose (180.17 g).

From grape sugar and mineral salts, plants synthesize all other organic substances: various carbohydrates, fats and proteins that are used to build flowers, fruits, stems, leaves and roots.

Excess grape sugar turns into starch, which is deposited in the stems, fruits and roots of PY plants (for the winter) in the form of nutrient reserves.

Thus, PY plants, like all other green plants, from carbon dioxide and water under the action of sun rays form glucose and other organic substances.

All of the above allows us to conclude that more leaves have PY plants, the more powerful their development and the higher the yield of fruits.

Except important role the formation of nutrient organic substances, which is performed by the leaves. They also have another great importance: the leaves are the organs through which the respiration of plants and the evaporation of moisture occur.

And in the axils of the leaves, buds form in summer and are fully formed by autumn. In tree species, buds are usually most developed, located on the middle share of the shoot, and in shrubs, in the lower part of the shoot.

Kidneys are growth, fruit and dormant. From growth buds, either long growth shoots or short branches with a rosette of leaves develop.

From fruit buds, only flowers can develop, and then the buds are called flower buds. Leaves may also develop. In the case when not only flowers, but also leaves develop from the fruit bud, the buds are called mixed.

Fruit buds are always formed at the top of the shoot and differ from growth buds in their larger size and rounded shape.

The dormant buds of PU plants are only slightly visible. They can be at rest for many years, waking up only after pruning, freezing, drying out and other damage to the plant.

Awakened dormant buds most often develop long shoots with large internodes. Such shoots are called tops or fat shoots. These shoots replace the lost branches of the plant.

Flowers. The flowers of different PY plants differ in structure and their location on the shoots.

In some plants, flowers have both pistils and stamens, which is why they are called bisexual. Other plants in a flower have only one stamens or, conversely, pistils, and then the flowers are called unisexual. Unisexual pistillate flowers are found in some varieties of strawberries, for example, in the Komsomolka variety.

Staminate and pistillate flowers can be placed on the same plant, and then it is called monoecious. If staminate and pistillate flowers are placed on different specimens, then the plants are called dioecious.

In the case when the flowers of the plant have only pistils, as in the strawberries of the Komsomolka variety, on plantations with such plants it is necessary to plant varieties with staminate flowers (for example, the Mysovskaya variety) that can pollinate pistillate unisexual flowers.

From one fruit bud in different breeds develops different amount flowers. So, in almonds and apricots, one flower develops from each bud, in apples and pears, 2-3 flowers and more. Several tens and even hundreds of flowers arise from one bud in grapes.

The flowers of PY plants that have arisen from a single bud are most often grouped into an inflorescence. Cherries, apples and plums have an umbrella inflorescence, a pear has a shield, strawberries have a dichasium (double curl), currants have a simple brush, grapes have a complex brush, etc.

Flowers are the reproductive organs of plants. Ich plants bloom many times during their life and usually annually.

Only in pome species with low agricultural technology, flowering ceases to occur annually and occurs after one or two or more years. Violation of the annual fruiting in apple and pear trees is commonly called the periodicity of fruiting.

The advanced collective farms, state farms and individual Michurin gardeners, who use high agricultural technology, completely get rid of the periodicity of fruiting pome varieties. All varieties of apple and pear trees bear fruit annually and abundantly.

PYa plants bloom mainly in spring, only in some species, such as raspberries, flowering is also observed in the first half of summer. However, no matter what time the plants bloom in the garden, the most large fruits they are formed from those flowers that bloom first.

In order for a flower to form a fruit, PY plants need pollination.

Most PY plants are cross-pollinated. Self-pollination, i.e., the ingress of pollen onto the pistil of the same flower or the pistil of a flower of another plant of the same variety, is quite rare in PJ plants, and even then not in all breeds. Self-pollinating plants are otherwise called self-fertile, these include many varieties garden strawberries, lemons, some stone fruits, for example, Lyubskaya cherry, Hungarian Moscow plum and Skorospelka white and some others.

Cross-pollination in PY occurs with the help of insects, mainly bees, for which it is recommended to put hives with bees in the garden during the flowering period.

After pollination and subsequent fertilization, fruits are set, which are formed from the ovary or growing flower receptacle.

Fruit. By the number of flowers, it is still impossible to determine the size of the fruit yield.

In an apple tree, as a rule, only a part of all the flowers that bloom in spring turn into fruits. The rest of the flowers and even the ovaries crumble shortly after flowering or a little later.

The first shedding of the ovaries occurs during the flowering period and immediately after it ends, the second - two weeks after flowering, the third - about a month and a half after flowering (in June). The first and second shedding is mainly due to abnormal pollination and fertilization. The third is mainly due to the lack of nitrogen nutrition of plants. If you make nitrogen fertilizer before flowering, then the June shedding of the ovary will decrease sharply. Sometimes June shedding is caused by dry weather, leading to dry soil.

The ovaries preserved on the plants develop and turn into mature fruits.

Fruits are usually divided into false and real. Real fruits are called fruits that are formed from the ovary. In the case when the fruit does not develop from the ovary, but from the receptacle or other parts of the perianth of the flower, it is called false. Plums, cherries, apricots, sweet cherries and some others have real fruits. False fruits develop in apple, pear, quince, strawberry and others.

Seasonings can be safely considered an addition to food products because they give them a new taste. To achieve a certain effect, you need to learn certain features spices, which depend on their form and dosage. Each dish requires a certain amount of seasonings, but if they are in excess, the dish loses its properties, if there are not enough seasonings, it loses its aroma.

When choosing spicy plants for planting on your garden plot the following types and varieties can be used: coriander, cumin, cumin, leaf mustard, garden savory, parsnip, fennel.

Coriander (cilantro). Refers to annual spicy precocious plants. Both the greens and the seeds of this plant have a spicy flavor. Green leaves and stems are added to the first, meat dishes, as well as salads. The seeds are used as a flavoring additive in cooking and baking.

Caraway. An annual plant. In cooking, the seeds and leaves are used as a seasoning. In addition, cumin is added to vegetable dishes, cheeses, as well as in the dough. It has medicinal properties: increases appetite, promotes better digestion.

Cumin (Zira) is an annual herbaceous plant. Spicy seeds are used in cooking light color, oblong (5-6 mm long) shape. It has a strong, slightly bitter nutty taste. It is an indispensable component of pilaf, and it is also added to pickles, marinades.

Mustard leaf. An annual cold-resistant plant. The stem is branched. The leaves are rich in vitamins, mineral salts, and trace elements. Leaves are used in cooking fresh as well as in salads.

Savory garden. The socket is compact, semi-closed. Has a specific strong aroma. It is used to prepare a variety of vegetable salads, added to bean and bean dishes, and also used as a spice. Tea with thyme increases appetite. The plant is disease and drought resistant. Grass is cut before flowering.

Pasternak Boris. One of the early ripe, high-yielding, nutritious root crops. Forms a root crop cream color having the shape of a cone. White pulp with pleasant taste and aroma. Parsnip contains a large amount of proteins, vitamins. It is used fresh, as a garnish or seasoning, during canning.

Fennel ordinary - perennial spicy plant. Use fresh leaves, adding them to salads, as well as young stems, seeds and roots. Gives a delicate aroma to cold and hot vegetable, fish and meat dishes. When pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, when pickling cabbage, stems and umbrellas are used. And fennel seed tea improves the functioning of the stomach.

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Any novice summer resident is interested in the question of what to plant in the garden. After all, there are a lot of crops grown in our country. In addition, it is not enough just to plant and grow all the vegetables and herbs in a row in the garden. It is necessary to take into account some nuances, for example, the correct "neighborhood" of plants. It is also important to know exactly where this or that crop should be planted on the site, because some plants need light places, while others need shade. If the gardener knows all the nuances of planting plants in summer cottages, then he will receive beautiful site(And his landscape design) and good harvest(more details on how to plant and grow any of the plants mentioned below can be found in the articles on the site).

Garden planting planning

Before you plant a summer cottage, you need to think through and calculate everything. Initially, we decide what exactly we want to see in our garden.

A few questions will help a novice gardener decide, from the answers to which in the future you need to build on.

1. What vegetables and berries are preferred for the whole family?

2. Do you plan to preserve vegetables for the winter?

3. How much time do you plan to spend on the site?

4. Is its territory well lit by the sun?

5. Is it suitable climatic conditions for growing berries vegetable crops?

These factors are the most important. There are, of course, other nuances, for example, the quality of the soil, its drainage, but they can be solved. The land can be improved, and drainage provided. And when the site is in constant shade, if the sun hides the foliage of trees, for example, or there is cold climate, then in this version there will be no luck, and it will still not be possible to grow all the crops that we would like.

It is necessary to plan the site for big sheet paper, preferably millimetric, in this case, you can clearly see what, where and how best to place.

Needed to plan landings

1. Draw a plan dacha territory on A3 paper. A sketch in this case will not help, therefore it is better to make accurate measurements.

2. Mark on the site plan all the existing buildings and those that are planned: a barn, a house, outbuildings, a gazebo, a pool, flower beds, a place for compost, a recreation area (barbecue). If a vineyard is planned, then it must be noted separately.

3. Make several copies of the resulting area plan.

4. On free space zones should be designated based on the degree of their illumination: well-lit areas and shadow.

5. Designate a source of water.

6. Select the location of greenhouses or greenhouses for vegetables. They require a large area. Also, do not forget about the distance to the tracks (at least 30 cm).

Choosing a place for crops

To understand what and where to plant, you need to divide all vegetables into:


To a lot of nutrients. These include:

  • tomatoes,
  • cabbage,
  • cucumbers,
  • celery,
  • pumpkin,
  • zucchini,
  • pepper (both sweet and bitter).

Medium demanding

Such vegetables will have to be fed once per season, they are:

  • Kohlrabi,
  • eggplant,
  • radish,
  • salad,
  • potato,
  • carrots (please)
  • beet ().


Such plants will lack the minimum amount of nutrients. These include:

  • Seasonings (dill, basil, sage and others),
  • beans,
  • peas.

Making a landing plan

To correctly compose it, you should divide the garden into 4 zones:

1. For perennials (garden strawberries and strawberries). Once every few years, the berries should be replanted.

2. For planting demanding crops.

3. For plants that need to be fed once per season.

4. For undemanding crops.

After a season, demanding vegetables will need to be planted in the area where seasonings (undemanding) were sitting, medium-demanding ones should be placed on the plot from under demanding ones, and the area where medium-demanding vegetables were sitting last season will be freed up for seasonings. It is worth noting that you need to alternate vegetables annually, as this contributes to obtaining the maximum yield, and the soil has time to rest.

For example, cabbage (we start, of course, with) can be placed in place of nightshade (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers), cucumbers, onions (and the nightshade itself is generally excluded from being placed next to each other).

It is desirable to sow cucumbers in place of pepper or spinach, carrots - peas or tomatoes.

Which crops in the garden need beds, and which do not

Some vegetables require a separate territory, since they can grow well only on their own ridges. In addition, some types of vegetables cannot grow "next door" at all.

But there are also plants that do not need a separate place, they grow well with the main crop. These plants include:

  • beans,
  • radish,
  • beet,
  • dill (it grows well throughout the site, you can not plant it on purpose, but simply scatter the seeds),
  • turnip.

What can you say about grapes

To him, for example, you can "hook" radishes, beets or spinach.

About raspberries

She doesn't need beds. Raspberries will be comfortable along the fence, near fruit trees. You can also arrange a separate raspberry bushes: plant bushes in several rows, the width of which should be about 0.6 m, and install supports with which the bushes will be tied up. That is, two rows of raspberries can be placed on 1.5 m of soil. Sorrel can be sown next to the raspberry - this plant will prevent the strong growth of bushes. In addition to sorrel, not a single culture can "get along" with raspberries.

List of plants for planting and growing in the garden

Vegetables, herbs and berries

After planning the ridges, you can proceed to the selection of crops that we will plant on the site. And the choice is huge:

  • tomatoes,
  • carrot,
  • eggplant,
  • radish,
  • zucchini,
  • garlic (),
  • different types cabbage (white and red, cauliflower, kohlrabi, broccoli,...),
  • cucumbers,
  • pumpkin,
  • pepper (sweet and hot)
  • turnip,
  • beet,
  • squash,
  • beans,
  • greenery,
  • potato,
  • peas,
  • corn,
  • berries (strawberries, strawberries, raspberries).

If the suburban area large sizes, then all of the above crops can be grown on it. If there is not so much space, then you will have to shorten the list and plant only those crops that are needed more than others. Indeed, in order to provide a family, for example, with potatoes, it will not be enough to make several ridges. Under potatoes, as a rule, stand out large territories Location on. To solve this problem, you can go the other way and plant early potatoes in a small area, in a place vacated, for example, from radishes.

Or you can use the Mitlider method ( narrow ridges), which, for example, on our site (when using 0.8 summer cottages) gives 5-7 bags of potatoes ("bad" - "good" in rainy and warm years). This method is applicable to: tomatoes, onions, beets, cabbage, carrots, garlic, corn, ... (eggplants and peppers do not react to it).


In the shaded areas of the summer cottage, you can plant greens, which can be used until the end of autumn. Shade loving herbs are:

  • Basil,
  • Melissa,
  • dill,
  • parsley,
  • mint,
  • decorative wormwood,
  • tarragon.

We grow these plants both in the beds and on trunk circles fruit plantations. In this case, two tasks are solved at once - the presence of greenery and the protection of fruit trees from pests (codling moth). If a spices placed on the territory near currants, it will be possible to scare away slugs from berry bushes. In addition to using these plants fresh, you can make blanks on winter period. It is enough just to dry the greens.

Useful but rare plants

If the territory of the garden allows, then you can plant crops that are rare for many today:

  • Rhubarb,
  • arugula,
  • chard,
  • leafy mustard.

All of these crops can be planted in shaded areas of the garden. To grow rhubarb, it is enough to sow the seeds and water the plant abundantly. The rest of the crops from the list can grow in the sun, however, it is in the shade that they will be able to retain their taste and beneficial properties for a long time.


Many people think that a garden is a place exclusively for planting vegetables. However, there are excellent exceptions. Flowers can also be planted in the beds, but everything is in a row, but useful, for example:

  • Marigolds (at the edges of the rows),
  • medicinal chamomile,
  • yarrow,
  • nasturtium,
  • valerian
  • mint.

These plants can be planted in small made flower beds or at the end of the rows.

How to plant in a small summer cottage

Summer residents who have small plot, can still plant many crops, but in limited quantities. In addition, for small dachas it is better to use the technology of mixed plantings, that is, to grow several types of vegetables on one ridge. In this case, one culture will be considered the main one, and the others - satellites. Thanks to mixed fit, it will be possible to use the territory more rationally, moreover, the land in this case will be less depleted. And different types of crops, with the right "neighborhood", will protect each other from diseases and pests.

When a mixed sowing method is used, it is necessary to sow plants that grow and mature quickly (they are also called compactors) between the rows of the main plants. When the main vegetable grows a little and he needs to more space, the sealing plants will already ripen, that is, the main vegetable will be able to grow further unhindered. Aromatic herbs and greens do the best job of sealing. But with this method of sowing, the gardener must know exactly which plants can "neighbor".

What crops are combined with each other in plantings in the garden

Before planting crops, information regarding crop compatibility should be consulted. Below is a list of the main crops and plants that can be combined, and which are best planted at a distance from each other.


It goes well with:

  • Salad,
  • radish,
  • sunflower,
  • corn,
  • tomatoes,
  • peas.

Poor compatibility with:

  • sage,
  • fennel
  • dill,
  • mint.

Tomatoes (tomatoes)

Adjacent to:

  • garlic,
  • carrots
  • spinach,
  • bow,
  • corn,
  • cabbage,
  • parsley
  • irises.

It is better not to plant next to tomatoes:

  • potato
  • beets,
  • fennel.


You can sow next to it:

  • beets,
  • potatoes
  • beans,
  • mint,
  • dill,
  • marigold.

These vegetables do not coexist badly with:

  • tomatoes,
  • strawberries.


Can be planted near any vegetable

For example, cauliflower, but

The best "neighbors" are:

  • legumes,
  • fragrant herbs.


Prefers proximity to:

  • cabbage,
  • radish,
  • corn,
  • beans
  • lettuce.

Do not plant next to potatoes:

  • Tomatoes,
  • pumpkin,
  • cucumbers.


Combines well with:

  • bow,
  • tomatoes,
  • sage
  • garlic,
  • beans
  • radish.

But it is not advisable to combine dill with carrots.


It is compatible with:

  • cabbage,
  • carrots
  • beet,
  • lettuce,
  • radish,
  • strawberries.

Bad neighbors are:

  • Beans,
  • peas.


Compatible with:

  • basil,
  • coriander,
  • carrots
  • bow.

It is advisable to exclude from:

  • fennel,
  • beans.


Calmly reacts to the neighborhood with any vegetables


Will become a good "neighbor" for:

  • Strawberries (strawberries),
  • beets,
  • peas,
  • tomatoes,
  • cabbage.

Salad "gets along" badly with parsley, but excellent with chrysanthemums.


It has good compatibility with cabbage, but with tomatoes and beans "coexists" badly.


Develops normally, adjacent to:

  • cabbage,
  • tomatoes,
  • pumpkin,
  • carrots.

Doesn't mix well with:

  • Leek,
  • garlic.


When possible, it is perfectly grown next to gladioli.

What to plant in the garden first and what second

Early spring


One of the first crops that can be sown in your garden. It is better to choose several varieties of carrots - early and intended for storage. It is recommended to sow more than the norm in case germination is low. When the sprouts grow to 4-5 cm, they can be thinned out.

It is better to buy granulated seeds, as they are more reliable, and they are easier to sow. Sowing is carried out in grooves spilled with water. Their depth should not exceed 2 cm. They should not be sealed, just sprinkle with mulch, soil, sawdust. Watering should be carried out in a small droplet way, twice a day.


Also at this time, you can plant greens: parsley, dill and others. Under the greens should not take up much space, one row will be enough, which can be delimited with pegs.


It is one of the most popular early vegetables. You can plant and grow it in any region, it quickly yields.

Main season - late spring and summer

When they appeared in the earth earthworms, you can plant most of the crops. "Running run" in terms of time here is large: mid-April-mid-May.

Seeds can be planted:

  • parsley,
  • peas,
  • beets,
  • zucchini,
  • pumpkin,
  • cucumbers.

Seedlings need to be planted:

  • white cabbage,
  • Bell pepper,
  • eggplant.

It is worth noting that for beginners, growing these particular plants will not cause difficulties, since all of them are unpretentious. It is enough to water them on time and get rid of weeds.

What to plant in the garden after the frost has passed

  • Tomatoes,
  • bell pepper,
  • eggplant.

Of these vegetables, tomatoes are considered the most unpretentious. Now tomato seeds are presented in a wide range, there are many hybrids and varieties that can bear fruit without shelter, and they will not have to stepchild.

It is more difficult to care for eggplants. But nothing is impossible - a little theory and patience will help to cope with this task.

All these plants are planted in the garden in the form of seedlings. Seedlings can be grown on their own by sowing seeds one and a half to two months before the intended planting, or bought. When buying seedlings, we choose only plants with a dark green color and healthy foliage. Otherwise, a good harvest is unlikely to be obtained.

Late gardeners

The last crops are possible even in the last decade of June. At this time, early ripening cabbage, potatoes (only necessarily germinated), turnips will still have time to ripen. As for the greenery, experienced vegetable growers specially sow it twice - in the spring (early) and at the top of the summer, so that the second crop "arrives in time" by the beginning of autumn. We plant radishes regularly, until the end of August.

Other types of vegetable gardens

with poor drainage

  • vertical,
  • storm,
  • deep.

If it is not possible to do it, then you might think about what to plant in such a garden. During the entire growing season, no plant needs excess moisture. You can try planting crops in your garden that can withstand increased moisture. These include:

  • zucchini,
  • cucumbers.

But it is best to plant such an area with flowers, for example:

  • Bathing suit (hot),
  • primrose,
  • forget-me-nots,
  • swamp gladiolus.


In this case, it is better to plant unpretentious cultures, which render the shadow, for example:

  • spicy greens,
  • salad,
  • radish,
  • spinach.
  • It is worth knowing that such light-loving vegetables as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and potatoes will grow very poorly without the sun.

    In addition to vegetables, strawberries can be planted in shaded areas. Although it is a berry, it is actively bred on country gardens. In addition to strawberries, a place in the shade can be given to currants - this bush feels great in such places.


    A plot planted with plants gives free rein to show their imagination (not everything, after all, "rests" on food!). Everyone creates their own garden. After all, it is not at all necessary that only vegetables and berries are present on it. For beauty, you can also allocate a little space. Moreover, some flowers, for example, nasturtium or marigolds, are able to coexist with different cultures. It all depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe available territory and the fantasy of the summer resident.

    Plantings can be placed to create a symmetrical pattern, interesting pictorial groups, or concentric circles.

    In a place where a shadow constantly reigns, you can put a bench or arrange a gazebo, plant decorative ferns - and best place rest will be impossible to find.

    Curtains made of tall plants that delight with abundant and bright flowering:

    • decorative sunflower,
    • curly asparagus beans,
    • Jerusalem artichoke,
    • mallow,
    • dahlias and others.

    The layout of the garden is quite difficult, but very an exciting activity. If you approach this process creatively, carefully think through and calculate everything, you will be able to plant everything that was planned, and garden beds become your pride. And if you show a little imagination, then the site will still become very beautiful and will please the eye. Any beginner, if desired, will be able to grow vegetables in the garden. If something does not work out in the first season, then next year, with the correction of all errors, the result will not be long in coming.

Vegetables, fruits and berries are the source of human health. They are rich in useful and palatability. Read about garden and garden plants in the article.

garden crops

the most varied. There are a huge variety and varieties. Here are some of them:
  • Root crops: radishes, turnips, rutabagas, carrots, potatoes.
  • Leafy spinach, sorrel.
  • Spicy flavors: basil, dill, celery, parsley.
  • Melons: watermelon, melon, pumpkin, zucchini, squash.
  • Legumes: peas, beans.
  • Cabbage crops: white and red cabbage, kohlrabi, brussels, beijing, color.
  • leeks and shallots, asparagus and garlic, beets and cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers.

Garden plants, depending on the species, are grown in different ways. But one thing remains unchanged - the creation of optimal conditions for growth.

Shade-loving garden crops

As a rule, these garden plants initially do not plan to land on personal plot. But in order to get rid of the codling moth and other pests, often planted in shrubs or large herbaceous plants shade-loving cultures. The names of garden plants, which do not require a lot of light to grow, are the most diverse - these are beans and tomatoes, parsley and lemon balm, tarragon and mint.

Names of fruit bushes in the garden

These crops are of great benefit to garden owners: they give tasty and healthy berries; they decorate the backyard territory; they are unpretentious to growing conditions; they are easy to care for.

  • Gooseberry is a shrub whose fruits contain vitamins and trace elements in in large numbers. special care not required, but sensitive to winter cold and excessive moisture. Therefore, it should be sprinkled for the winter, and not poured in the summer. It bears fruit for twenty-five years.

  • Raspberries are frost resistant fruit shrub. Grows in well-lit areas protected from drafts. Healing berries appear one year after planting. Bushes grow quickly. This plant is demanding on soil and moisture.
  • Irga - decoration of the garden. Grows in bushes and trees. Behind delicious berries, chic flowering and unpretentiousness this plant is loved by gardeners. The fruits have an anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of the stomach and gums.

Poisonous garden plants

People are equipping dachas for recreation, at this time they don’t want to think about any dangers that can harm their health. But having the information, you can avoid many troubles. Many can be dangerous horticultural crops, here are some of them:

  • Narcissus - beautiful flower, which many summer residents grow for pleasure. But not everyone knows that the bulbs of the plant are poisonous. They contain lycorine. Once in the body, it causes a gag reflex.
  • Hyacinth is a frequent guest at their summer cottage. Its bulbs are poisonous, they are confused with onions. If you fill them with salad, by negligence, digestion will be disturbed.

  • Kupena is a herbaceous plant used for decorative purposes in the garden.
  • White ash is a beautiful flower, popularly called " burning bush". It has the ability to increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. If he grows in the country, then working with him, you should wear gloves.

Garden plants should be used with caution, as their juice, getting into the eyes and on the skin, causes irritation.

Healing herbs in the garden

It is customary to grow onions, dill, parsley on the plot. Of course, these herbs are useful. But there are garden plants that are eaten for the health of the body and for decorating the territory. Here are some of them:

  • Amaranth is a herbaceous plant, reminiscent of the taste of spinach. It is used to make soups, sauces, salads, and dried leaves are used to make tea. Grains are the most valuable food for birds, and stems with leaves - for livestock. Amaranth is used to treat tumors, radiation sickness and other diseases. The plant improves the structure of the soil, many grow it just for beauty.

  • Fennel by appearance reminiscent of dill. Seeds and herbs are valued in this plant. It is used to enrich the taste of dishes, for salads and canning vegetables. In medicine, the seeds are used to treat nervous system, heart and other diseases.

Continuing the theme of the ornamental garden, let's talk today about decorative placement vegetable plants. The possibilities of placing garden plants depend, first of all, on the area of ​​​​the site, its relief, overall design and are determined by the diversity of the assortment. Its range is very wide and includes beautifully flowering, ornamental foliage, beautifully fruiting, tall and low plants that form carpets and, on the contrary, climbing high up the supports, drought-resistant and growing in water, sun-loving and preferring exclusively shady places, with a short growing season (ephemeroids) and evergreens, etc. Let's take a closer look at the main decorative properties vegetable plants.

Groups of ornamental vegetable plants by lifespan

The decorative period of vegetables is determined, first of all, by the life cycle and the phase of plant development. Among the traditional vegetable crops and vegetables are wild plants, which for the most part are herbaceous plants, there are annuals, biennials and perennials.
Annuals are plants that bloom during one growing season, form mature seeds and die. This group includes most of the traditionally grown vegetables: cucumber, tomato, pepper, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, dill, beans, watermelon, melon, etc.

Annual vegetable plants:

amaranth, anguria, anise, watermelon, basil, okra, marigolds, saxifrage femur, benincasa, beans, borage, water chestnut, mustard, melon, Moldavian dragonhead, zucchini, calendula, Chinese cabbage, Peking cabbage, cauliflower, chervil, coriander, watercress, kruknek, corn, lagenaria, garden quinoa, luffa, poppy, capitate marigold, momordica, cucumber, squash, pepper, sunflower, purslane, radish, summer radish, lettuce, tomato, pumpkin, dill, beans ordinary, physalis sticky-fruited, f. pubescent, chrysanthemum, cyclantera, lettuce chicory, garden savory, nigella, spinach.

Biennials are plants that have life cycle lasts two years. In the first year, a shortened stem with leaves develops, most often in the form of a basal rosette. In the second year, a flowering shoot grows, the plants bloom, bear fruit and, forming mature seeds, die off. Biennials include: parsley, celery, goat's beard, lettuce chicory, etc. Many biennial plants grown as annuals, harvesting in the first year of their life (cabbages, carrots, parsnips, beets, etc.), and if necessary, to obtain seeds, they continue to be grown in the second year.

Biennial vegetable plants:

buten tuberous, goat’s beard, densely flowered mullein, forest bush, biennial aspen, parsley, radish, winter radish, turnip, celery, cumin, fennel, common physalis, lettuce chicory, garlic, spinach.

Biennial vegetable plants grown as annuals:

swede, daikon, cabbage, carrot, parsnip, table beet, p. chard, fennel, onion, garlic.

Perennials are plants that have a lifespan of more than two (many) years. At the same time, every winter the aerial part dies off, and in the spring, from the underground organs, on which there are renewal buds, flower-bearing shoots develop again, the plants bloom, bear fruit, and die again by winter. The first flowering of these plants begins with second - third years of life, or later if the plants were grown from seed. This should be taken into account when composing compositions and not to focus on the decorativeness of flowers or fruits of vegetable perennials in the first years of life. The vast majority of perennials among vegetable plants are different kinds onions, some spicy-flavoring plants, wild vegetables.

Perennial vegetable plants:

calamus, marshmallow, artichoke, bergenia, hogweed, budra, small cornflower, veronica, large-rhizome geranium, yellow gentian, Russian gorichnik, river gravilate, yellow goose onion, elecampane high, angelica, oregano, creeping tenacious, St. Germanic, marsh marigold, lake reed, balsamic canuper, Tatar katran, common oxalis, creeping clover, bluebell, catnip, pharmacy burnet, white water lily, kupena, forest kupyr, meadowsweet, goose cinquefoil, brown-yellow daylily, fennel polygrate, onion anzur, l. round-headed, l. bearish, l. victorious, l. drooping, l. rock, l. angular, l. shallot, l. soon (chives), lovage, perennial daisy, coltsfoot, medicinal lungwort, lemon balm, fragrant myrrh, rejuvenated roofing, monarda, mint, common leucanthemum, common bracken, common stonecrop, blue fenugreek, primrose, tansy, evasive peony, wormwood tarragon, forest mallow, floating pondweed , rhubarb, cattail, rhodiola rosea, core, crowned sickle, asparagus, arrowhead, umbrella susak, edible succulent, tladianta, Jerusalem artichoke, common reed, yarrow, fennel, narrow-leaved chamenerion, hops, horseradish, common chicory, sandy cumin, plantain chastuha, spadeweed, spring chistyak, saffron, broadbell, skewer, sorrel, stock-rose, echinacea purpurea.

Perennial vegetable plants grown as annuals:

artichoke, eggplant, sweet potato, garden cloves, medicinal watercress, potato, castor bean, Spanish goat, batun onion, l. fragrant, l.

Perennial vegetable plants grown as biennials:

artichoke, garden cloves, Spanish goat, allspice, l. leek, l. soon.

Subshrubs and shrubs used as spices and food plants:

dubrovnik white-felt, hyssop, large istod, capers, lavender, marjoram, creeping thyme, medicinal sage, rosemary, fragrant rue.