Making flower beds from improvised materials. Flowerbeds and flower beds with your own hands from improvised means: ideas, design, decoration, photos. What to plant perennial, unpretentious flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer? How beautiful to decorate a flower bed in the garden, in the country, in

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A beautiful flower bed on a personal plot is a sign that the owner of the cottage loves flowers. Getting into countryside, in a holiday village, one has only to look at the courtyard, as you can immediately tell what kind of people live here. These are romantics, wildlife lovers, flower lovers. If you look at the design of the flower beds, then you can completely characterize their owner.

Planting flowers in standard rows, without decoration is beautiful. But another thing is the design of flower beds. Here you can always show all your imagination.

At first glance, it seems that for a beautiful flower bed you need a lot of money. This requires a designer, a stylist and a large investment. To tell the truth, in order to household plot became beautiful and unique, for this there is no need to order the services of designers and stylists. Everything can be done with my own hands. The main thing here is patience and work. But as for the design of flower beds, their design, shape, then for this you can use everything that is at hand. But how to make flower beds with your own hands from improvised means?

DIY flowerbeds

The best flower beds on a personal plot are flower beds created by oneself. Novice flower growers-amateurs will quickly cope with the task. The main task is the arrangement of the flower bed. The whole process from creation to design of flower beds takes place in stages. That is, each stage is a specific action that should be performed in turn. Here, all the little things matter.

Gallery: flower beds from improvised materials (25 photos)

Do it yourself

The first stage and the first point of work on creating a flower garden is determination of its shape and size. Creating your own design is much easier than choosing flowers for compatibility.

To create flower beds, you can use all the materials at hand, ranging from wheel tires and ending with glass bottles. In general, everything that it would seem could have been thrown away for a long time can turn into a beautiful garden flower bed with unusual design and decor.

To make a flower garden with your own hands, you can use various materials:

  • Tires;
  • bottles;
  • stones;
  • Old things;
  • Bricks and more.

Consider a few examples of such flower beds.

Unusual garden beds made of tires

Most standard version creating flower beds with your own hands - use of car tires. It can be ordinary flower beds. Tires can be laid out in a zigzag, in a line, but for such a flower bed you will need a lot of space, and such design of flower beds will look standard. But I want something new with a beautiful design.

For example, the same car tires can be laid out in the form of a pyramid. That is, the bottom row will consist of six tires: one in the center, and five around it. They need to be filled with earth, then lay the second row of wheels on top of the first tier. Only in this case, not 6 tires will be needed, but only 4, which must be laid in such a way that the first row of the flower bed protrudes. In other words, for the gap that the tire occupied in the center of the first row, you must also move the second row to the center of the flower bed. After that, they must be filled with earth. And in the end, you need a top, that is, you need to place one wheel in the center on the second row of wheels.

In addition, each wheel can paint in different colors. These can be the wheels of the first row, painted in one color, or they can all be painted. different colors. The main thing here is to remember that the lower the tier, the brighter the color should be. This creates a unique distinction between the flower bed and the surface of the earth.

In the same way, you can paint the second and topmost row. Here it should be noted that the higher the wheel, the closer it is to the sky. And since it is blue, blue, then you should not paint the top with these colors. But the color of the sun and warmth always, in harmony with the sky and flowers, will create a beautiful design.

The next step is planting flowers. Here you can select plants by color, height. At the same time, low-growing flowers should be planted on the lower part of the flower bed, the next row - higher ones. But the top of the flower bed can be decorated in the center tall plants , and along the edges of the wheel - curly flowers. Such varieties of flowers can be called weeping. Thus, during flowering, you will get a unique wheeled bright flower slide.

Unusual stone garden decor

In addition to tires, to create beautiful flower beds they use stones that can be randomly scattered throughout the site, that is, in the rockery style or neatly stacked in the form of pyramids, triangles and other shapes to your taste. Stone is the creation of mother nature. Therefore, such flower beds will look as if they were created by nature itself, and this is not the result of the creation of human hands.

Other unnecessary decoration materials

In addition, you can always use improvised materials, any items that, it seemed, could have been thrown away for a long time. But all this can be used to create an original garden flower garden with unusual decor.

Everything is suitable for this: glass and plastic bottles, old bath me, a bicycle, jugs, a cart, a chest, a wooden barrel and so on.

The most common variant of improvised flower beds is empty glass bottles. To do this, you must first mark the intended shape of the flower bed on the ground, after which, pulling the cord, use a garden shovel to dig such a recess along the stretched cord so that after installing the glass empty bottles neck down, they remained on the surface of the earth a little more than half.

The main condition for such a flower bed is installation of bottles upside down. You can, of course, experiment and install them, on the contrary, but then, in addition to the fact that garbage will accumulate inside them, they will also become an excellent breeding ground for spiders and other insects. Also, the most unpleasant surprise awaits the owners of this experiment: due to the wind getting inside, they will make unpleasant sounds.

The materials at hand include an old bicycle or old shoes. For example, an old bicycle can be installed in the middle of a flower bed from glass bottles, having previously attached a small chest to its trunk, hang a couple of old leaky shoes on the steering wheel, and drill many holes in its frame over the entire area in its upper part. Can also be cut upper part frames halfway so that only the frame in the form of a bicycle remains. After that, everything that was installed, it is desirable to paint. In this case, the paint can be the color of green, which needs to be painted over everything, including even old shoes. But if the creator of such a masterpiece is a lover of bright, then each item of such decor can have its own color.

When the flower bed is ready, and the paint is dry, you need to fill all the insides of the bike, boots, a small chest on the trunk and the frame itself through a slot or holes made with good earth. For this purpose, it is better to buy soil in a store than to take it from the same garden.

Now you can start planting plants. Here everything is in the hands of the owner of the flower bed. For example, high-growing flowers can be planted in a chest on the trunk. Thus, the impression is that on a bicycle carrying a chest of flowers. You can plant low-growing flowers in the boot. It will be very original to decorate the frame itself with climbing, weeping plants that will hang down like a flower web that has entangled a bicycle.

Now imagine what happens at the end of the work! One gets the impression that someone was driving, drove into a flower bed, filled with them everything that was at hand.

Making such a flower bed is a very difficult task, especially since such a bicycle is not always at hand. But that's not a problem. It is quite possible to do without this transport.

So, what else can serve as an excellent solution to design a flower bed in an original way? For example, porcelain pots, flowerpots, buckets, a basin and even an old bathtub can serve as excellent decor items for a flower garden. All this can be used to decorate a flower bed. old bath you can put in the center of the flower garden and just plant flowers in it. It is possible, having shown imagination, to install it in such a way as if it was overturned and even slightly grown into the ground, and beautiful flowers grew in it over time. By the same principle, you can use buckets, pots and other improvised means.

Flowerbed of bricks

If there were no unnecessary things in the house, a beautiful flower bed can be made of brick. This method is very simple, as it requires only elementary building skills.

Remember that a brick structure is very difficult to remake. It cannot be transferred, it is impossible, without first disassembling all or part of the flower bed, to quickly change its shape. Therefore, before proceeding with this design of your flower garden, you need everything is calculated and taken into account:

In other words , a brick flower garden requires:

  1. Creating a clear plan;
  2. Project creation;
  3. Calculation of consumables;
  4. Construction skills.

When all this is ready, when all the nuances are provided, you can safely import the material and start construction. And having built a flower bed, it must be filled with earth, where all the necessary plants should be planted, taking into account their combination in color, height and flowering time. If this is not done, it may turn out that at the same time all

Options for arranging flower beds with your own hands from improvised means.

Flowerbed in the country, in the garden with their own hands for beginners from tires: design, photo

Flower beds take pride of place in summer cottages, garden plots. Beautiful flowers delight the eye and improve the mood of not only the owners, but also passers-by who see such beauty.

Agree, the framing of the flower bed is no less important. Flowers planted in a beautiful fence make the flower beds neat and much more attractive.

You can buy ready-made fences various shapes: plastic, metal, wooden. As well as a variety of bizarre containers: vases, pots, barrels, etc. Unfortunately, such devices can hit the pocket well. Therefore, people with a good imagination found a way out - to make fences from improvised materials. This is not only a way to save money, but also an opportunity to have fun.

Many families in their summer cottage have things that it's time to throw away. Do not rush to part with old things, give them new life. For example, old car tires.

Flower beds from old things

Before you start turning the tire into a "house for flowers", it should be prepared:

  • Thoroughly wash off traces of dirt
  • Degrease the tire with acetone or white spirit
  • Apply paint in one layer or draw patterns

Important: Worn tires are well suited for decorating flower beds, they are easier to apply paint on.

In such a simple way, you can get, though so modern, but quite worthy alternative expensive fence.

Tires can be placed around the perimeter of the flower bed, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, put one on top of the other or hung on a tree. Any of the options, if beaten with taste, will look beautiful.

Car tires will serve as a fence for a beautiful flower bed Hanging flower bed from a tire

Also with a sharp knife and soap solution you can cut curly fences from tires.

Tire flowerpot

Beautiful flowerpots from improvised materials

Video: Flower beds from car tires

How to make a flower bed with your own hands from stones?

Wonderful stylish flower beds are obtained from stones. At correct styling stone flower bed will last a long time.

To make a multi-tiered or high flower bed from stone, you must have certain skills and knowledge.

  • First of all, you should make a foundation of sufficient depth.
  • When laying stones, use cement mortar to fill gaps.
  • Also make drainage holes in the fence.
  • After the cement has hardened, apply sealant to the seams between the stones so that cracks do not form.

Important: Fix stones with cement only with inside flower beds to outer side looked like a neat dry masonry.

Flower beds made of stone

Beautiful flower bed made of stone

There is also an easy way to protect the flower bed. It is enough to dig a shallow trench, fill it halfway with rubble, and then overlay it with decorative stones.

modern flowerbed, decorated with stone

simple flower bed

landscape design

For the construction of the flower bed, the following stones are used:

  • River and sea pebbles
  • Slate
  • Dolomite
  • Basalt
  • Marble chips

high flower bed

How to make a flower bed with your own hands from brick?

Brick is another suitable material for flower beds.

Brick can be used to make not only a beautiful decorative fence, but also to prevent the growth of weeds throughout the site.

Important: When choosing a brick color, you should consider color scheme site. It is desirable that the colors are combined with each other, then the brick flower bed will harmoniously fit into the overall picture.

Brick flower beds can be made of different heights:

  1. High
  2. Low
  3. Multi-tiered
  4. Border

The configuration is also not limited to one or two options. If space allows, you can make a polygonal flower bed, rounded or any shape.

Often brick flower beds are adjacent to the wall.

Flowerbed near the house

The process of building a flower bed from a brick like this:

  1. First, outline the flower bed.
  2. Then dig a trench along the contour.
  3. After that, lay the bricks in one row.
  4. The next day, tamp the bricks by walking over them.
  5. Now you need to fix the brick with mortar: pour a mixture of cement and dry sand into the cracks, spread the mixture evenly with a brush, then moisten the top layer of the brick with a hose and a water spray nozzle.
  6. Using a brush, carefully remove the remaining mortar from the brick.
  7. Give the solution time to dry.

Brick flower bed fencing

If you want to do high fence, it is done like this:

  1. Dig a trench first
  2. Fill it incompletely with drainage: sand, gravel, crumbs
  3. Then lay brick with cement mortar.
  4. Lay a brick wall a little inside.

Brick corner flower bed

Unusual fence for a flower bed

High round flower bed

How to make a flower bed out of concrete?

Flowerbeds with a concrete fence look rather bulky, but at the same time they are concise. Concrete beds have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Let's start with virtues:

  • Concrete is durable, the flower bed will not collapse under the influence of precipitation.
  • The material retains its aesthetic appearance for a long time.
  • A concrete flower bed will not be damaged by vandals and will not be stolen. Unfortunately, this also happens.

A little about shortcomings:

  • Concrete beds are bulky and take up a lot of space. This is not suitable for small areas.
  • You will not be able to move such a flower bed if you suddenly need to change the design of the site. It will have to be completely demolished.
  • Concrete flower beds in their style are not suitable for every site. Sometimes they only increase the dullness and facelessness of the territory.

Concrete railings and flowerpots can look great if placed correctly and planted with the right flowers.

Important: The practicality of a concrete flower bed depends entirely on the quality of the solution. For good solution you need to take 1 bucket of cement, water and gravel, as well as 3 buckets of sand.

To make a concrete fence, you first need to make a formwork - a frame, which is subsequently filled with mortar.

Level the poured solution with a spatula and wait until it dries. Drill holes in the finished fence for drainage. Concrete flower beds can be painted with facade paint, laid out with mosaics or beautiful stones.

Concrete fences for flower beds

Concrete fence

Flowerbed in concrete

Fancy flowerpots can be made from concrete. To do this, the solution is poured between two containers, unequal in diameter.

Creating flowerpots from concrete

concrete flowerpot for flowers

How to make a flower bed from plastic bottles?

Plastic bottles are affordable raw materials. Of course, a flower bed plastic bottles it does not look as expensive and solid as brick or concrete, but it has its advantages.

Such a fence is easy to repair, it is enough to replace the necessary elements.
If necessary, the flower bed can be easily removed, replaced with a new one.

Important: Before laying or burying, the bottles must be filled with earth. So they will hold on tighter.

See what flower beds can be made from plastic bottles.

Fencing flower beds with plastic bottles

bright flower bed

Flowerbeds from plastic bottles

How to make a wooden flower bed?

Wooden fences are in good harmony with the green lawns on the site. Wooden flower beds can be of various shapes.

Neat wooden deck

Flowers in a wooden wheel

You can plant flowers in an old dried tree. Get the original flower bed.

Flowerbed in an old log

Wooden fence in the form of a train

How to make a flower bed vertical?

Vertical flower beds decorate the territory, besides they save space.

Vertical flower beds are divided into:

  • Suspended
  • wall
  • Ground

Varieties of vertical flower beds

Any vertical flower bed can be made in the same way:

  1. Prepare a solid foundation;
  2. Take care of the irrigation system;
  3. Fill the base with soil;
  4. Anchor the net to hold the ground and plants, if necessary;
  5. Plant the plants.

Ideas for vertical flower beds in the photo below.

flower garden in plastic pipe

Vertical flower bed in an old pallet

vertical flower bed

How to make a round flower bed?

Important: When choosing the shape of a flower bed, the presence of free space, design of the surrounding area and personal wishes. It is desirable that the shape of the flower bed is combined with nearby buildings.

When planting a round flower bed, consider Basic Rules:

  1. Plant tall flowers in the center
  2. Then plants of medium height
  3. Dwarf flowers along the edges

In this case, the flower bed will look right, beautiful and relevant. Or all the flowers should be the same height, but you can play with the colors.

Landscaping flower beds

Flowerbed round

Succulents in an old basin

Flowerbed by the tree

How to make a rectangular flower bed?

Flowerbed rectangular shape also called rabatka. Usually flowers of the same height are planted in such a flower bed. But the colors here can be very diverse.

Rectangular railing

Rectangular flower beds are often vertical.

DIY flowerbed

You can make a decorative rectangular flower bed from old bed. The main thing is that it should be located to the place.

Flower bed from an old bed

How to make a multi-tiered flower bed?

The main advantage of a multi-tiered flower bed is space saving. Such a flower bed takes up little space, and you can plant a lot of flowers.

Multi-tiered flower beds are made from various materials:

  • Brick
  • Concrete
  • Wood

Multi-tiered flower bed near the house

Flower garden in several tiers

Fencing for flower beds

Flowerbed for giving

You can build a multi-tiered flower bed quite original way. For example, from an old chest of drawers.

DIY flowerbed

Beautiful fences and fences for flower beds and flower beds: designs, photos

According to the condition of the flower beds on the site, one can judge the owner's love for his territory, for his home. beautiful fence able to make a flower bed elegant, well-groomed. Below are a few options for beautiful fences that you can implement on your site.

Simple and beautiful flower bed

Stone fence for street flowers

landscape design

Important: A popular trend in landscape design is the design of a flower bed using old improvised items.

In the hands of a man with well developed fantasy those things that it is high time to part with will acquire a new life.

Unusual mobile flower bed Unusual design flower garden

Beautiful flower beds and flower beds in the country, in the garden, in the yard of a private house, in front of the house, along the fence, at the entrance of an apartment building, in do-it-yourself landscape design: design examples, design, photos

A few more ideas for the formation of beautiful flower beds on various territories: near high-rise buildings, in the garden, along the fence.

Plants along the fence

Landscaping at the entrance

A small flower bed in the garden, in the country, in the yard

Flower garden in the yard

What to plant perennial, unpretentious flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer?

Even the most beautiful fence can become unnoticed or even a hindrance if you do not take care of planting in time. Still, flowers are the main thing in a flower bed.

A few tips on how to break a flower bed:

  1. Before you break a flower bed from scratch, sketch out a diagram on paper. Consider all lighted and shaded places, this will affect the choice of plants in the future.
  2. The flower bed should be clearly visible from the front side and / or from the windows.
  3. Plan the planting of flowers so that it is possible to water each flower without damaging the others.
  4. If the soil is clay or sandy, before planting it is worth enriching it with compost, organic matter.
  5. The flowerbed should be good drainage system so that the water does not stagnate.

If your goal is to plant beautiful, but unpretentious flowers in care, you should pay attention to the following types:

  • Lupine
  • Cornflower perennial
  • bathing suit
  • petty-petal
  • echinacea
  • Day-lily
  • gypsophila
  • Primrose
  • Delphinium
  • english rose
  • Pansies
  • Phloxes

wild bloom in the yard

Video: Flowers that bloom all summer

Flower bed of continuous flowering: planting scheme

Flowerbed continuous flowering- a dream for many summer residents. Making this dream a reality is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To do this, you need to know the method of planting flowers, the conditions for watering and feeding each species, the compatibility of species, lighting requirements, as well as the timing of flowering.

Flower bed of continuous flowering: scheme 1

Flower bed of continuous flowering: scheme 2 Flower bed of continuous flowering: scheme 3

Flower bed of continuous flowering: scheme 4

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for creating flower beds and fences for them with your own hands. Arm yourself with patience and inspiration, and make your site a blooming paradise.

Video: How to break a beautiful flower garden?

The long-awaited spring has come, and soon most of the inhabitants middle lane will move from dusty cities to dachas and country houses. Life outside the city should please not only clean air but also provide visual enjoyment.
Therefore, I suggest that you consider original ideas for giving.

Original flower beds from improvised materials
Old things that have long served their time, but carefully stored in a pantry or garage, can get a second life, becoming an original functional element. landscape design.

Originally designed flower beds always look interesting.

To create unusual element landscape design can and do minimal cost, showing a little imagination for arranging a flower bed from improvised materials.

Spiral vegetable bed
Try making a spiral vegetable bed with herbs or vegetable herbs. Such a spiral provides a microclimate and different types soils for various kinds plants. The top center will be warm, dry and sunny, and the soil will be well drained. The lower part will be cool, humid and shady. In this way, plants can be selected that are well suited to each part of the spiral.

Crafts from old and worn things
From old and trampled shoes you can make unique composition. You just need to cut off the toe of the shoe to get something like a mouth, and then put a small ceramic animal in it. In order to achieve a greater effect, you need to arrange all this with hay.

A glamorous teapot for your garden
Here is such an unusual teapot that can decorate your garden. What is needed for this? Only old kettle and your wish!

In general, a container for garden plants, it turns out, can be made from almost any subject. For example, any old ball may well serve as the basis for hanging planters:

Has the old chandelier fallen into disrepair? And if you adapt it for landing climbing plants? For example, like this:

Garden lamp made from empty glass bottles
On the contrary - did you need an original chandelier or candlesticks for a country party? I don’t know about you, but I really liked this idea - a garden lamp made from empty glass bottles

Buckets and cans left after painting country house or garden buildings, easily adapted as flower containers. And even paint drips on them to make a decoration!

Mosaic flowerpots from wheels
Large flowerpots of elegant shape can decorate the landscape of any garden, country house or suburban area, because the main function of the flowerpot is to give the plants an attractive appearance.

Old wheels, as a rule, do not look very attractive - they are rusty, covered with a layer of soot and dirt. Therefore, first they must be properly washed with a jet of water from a hose, then wiped dry and covered special paint for metal, which can be put directly on rust.

The paint dries for about a day, after which you can proceed to decorate the future flowerpot. For this, any improvised materials are suitable: the tile remaining from the repair, broken dishes, colored glass, old jewelry or a collection of badges - any items are suitable for making mosaic products.

Gabions on the site
The construction of gabions does not require special devices, professional skills, large capital investments, and the result, as a rule, exceeds all expectations.

Ideally, such a structure is suitable if you need to zone the territory of a personal plot. For example, to separate the recreation area from the work area or to form a corner directly at the house, in the form of a patio.

In the form of a gabion, you can build garden bench, flower stand and so on. The field for imagination here is unlimited. In fact, the gabion is a structure of metal mesh the desired shape, filled with stone.

Original design solutions allow you to create unique gabions, characterized by strength and aesthetic appeal.

Greenhouse from old window frames

Washbasin for giving
Great! A barrel and a sink - we got an original country washbasin.

original idea
For connoisseurs of country inventions and unique tricks.

Inventory in a new role
Take your time to send rusty rakes and shovels to the landfill - take a look at what a masterpiece you can create from them with a little effort and imagination.

And here is another idea for a gate from old gardening tools.

Well, for big originals, lovers of everything unusual - an option garden sculpture made from ... shovels!

From ceramic door handles make an accessory for a flower garden or a decoration to support herbaceous perennials.

Rustic wooden pallet furniture
Previously, they were used only for transporting goods. Now creative designers are increasingly making all kinds of furniture out of them. One of the options is in the photo.

I liked so much what can be made from pallets that I decided to look for something uninteresting and found it. I especially liked these ones, I'm not afraid of this word, man-made masterpieces with which you can easily decorate your favorite cottage.

Gazebo in the manner of a wigwam
Yes, such things will transform your garden beyond recognition, making it a real green paradise. Perhaps this is where Adam and Eve once fled.

Vertical cone row with irrigation device.

garden paths

Mosaic stone
This option for arranging a garden path will require a lot of time and effort, but the result will be so beautiful, durable and original that it will pay off all the efforts.

Perfect option for those who want to transfer a piece of the sea beach to their garden - pebbles. You can lay out unusual compositions from it or just fill up the track, be sure to take care of the limiters.

Walkway made of sawn wood
Track from wooden cuts can be called differently: from slices, stumps (dice, block, stump, log, ends of logs).

A flower bed is a real decoration of any garden plot or home area. Usually these mini-oases have a beautiful curly shape and are surrounded by small fences. However, flower beds can be made from absolutely any thing. It is time to go through the deposits in the barn and garage and choose for creativity those items that already, it would seem, are no good for anything. It’s easy to make flowerbeds with your own hands from improvised means - for this you need to apply only a little imagination, patience and a desire to create on your own adjoining area unique installations of fresh flowers and objects that can be given a second life.

Those who want to amaze guests and neighbors with the beauty and unusualness of their backyard are often invited to visit landscape designers. The profession of these people is to create unique beauty from flowers, combining them in all sorts of ways. However, the services of such people are quite expensive. What to do if you want to decorate the cottage, but there are no extra funds for this? Of course, use your own imagination and use the ability to search for the necessary information on the Internet! And, having learned something new and interesting, put it into practice.

New life for old things - crafts for the garden

Patterns and shapes of flower beds, ways to combine plants by color and shape can be easily found in gardening magazines or on sites for flower fans. At the same time, one version of the flower bed can be combined with another according to your desire and, thus, it is often possible to create completely unique, inimitable and very beautiful installations.

But before we present options for flower beds that can be made from old unnecessary things, let's get acquainted with what types of flower beds exist.

Table. Types and types of flower beds and flower beds.

Name, photoCharacteristic

Flowering in all plants begins at the same time, but the flowers differ in color and types of buds, as well as in size.

Flowers in this case are planted in groups, selected according to the timing of flowering so as to evenly replace each other as one fades.

A flowerbed in which plants of the same species, type, color are planted.

In this case, all plants creep directly on the surface of the earth, tightly covering it.

In this way, walls, hedges, garden structures are made out. A vertical flower bed can also serve as flower boxes stacked on top of each other, where the plants sprout through the cracks in the containers.

Such flower beds are usually formed around bushes, tree trunks.

Simply put, this is a flower border enclosing a garden path, a lawn.

A flower bed with inclusions of stones and snags, which is covered with all kinds of, usually low, plants - small perennials.

Any flower bed, which is formed in a wide vase or other container, can be portable and often decorates the alleys or the porch of the house.

A flower bed, for the creation of which various additional structures can be used.

Each of these types of flower beds can be improved and turned into a real work of art. And the creation of an unusual art object based on an ordinary flower garden is a great opportunity try yourself as a landscape designer.

What are unusual flower beds good for?

There are several main reasons why some gardeners' yards may have flower beds made from old shoes, teapots, or chests of drawers.

What can a flower bed be made of?

With your own hands, unusual flower beds can be made from almost everything. For example, they have already become familiar, but flowerbeds from car tires. Moreover, if earlier they were simply filled with soil, where flowers were planted, now gardeners are trying to give them unusual shapes- swans, flowers, shuttlecocks and much more can be easily created from an obsolete tire and an ordinary large knife.

Often flower beds are formed from stones, snags, embankments. It is enough to pour a hill of soil, compact it, overlay it with pieces of brick or large pebbles, and lay a few picturesque branches picked up in the forest on top, plant flowers - and the original alpine hill is ready.

Highly beautiful flower garden can be created from old furniture. At the same time, anything can be used - the frame of an old sofa, chairs, beds, chests of drawers.

Favorite, but, like tires, the usual "grounds" for flower beds are plumbing equipment. Old pipes, bathtubs, sinks can become not only a pond, but also a flower bed directly.

Flowerbeds on wheels have recently reached the peak of popularity. At the same time, absolutely any product that has wheels can be turned into original flower garden. If you have an old bicycle, then it is enough to fix a couple of leaky buckets on it, paint them and plant vines in them - that's it, the unusual transport is ready! For the same purpose, broken and rusty cars, cradles from motorcycles and other items are used.

On a note! special chic- turn the old "Zaporozhets" or "Moskvich" into a flower bed. Everyone will envy such a flower garden for sure. And don't be sorry old car- no one will ride it anyway.

The fence around the house is often decorated old shoes, which turns into original planters. Make drainage holes in the soles, fill the boots with soil, plant flowers and hang them from the railings by the laces. You can also form real installations from shoes by placing them in rows on a shelf - here you have a ready-made vertical flower bed, which, if desired, is easy to disassemble and move the plantings to another place.

Suspended mini-flower beds or beautiful flowerpots can be teapots, barrels, basins and other items. Even an old stump that you have been planning to uproot for a long time can become a wonderful flower garden. The most important thing is to show your imagination and see what you can turn into an ordinary and seemingly useless object.

Do-it-yourself vertical flower beds - a great decoration for a summer house

Where to begin?

Where to start creating an unusual homemade flower bed? The first step is to sort out the old junk in the shed or garage. Then you need to think over the design of the flower bed and choose a place for its location. To do this, carefully inspect the site and stop your choice on a piece of land that is perfectly visible. It also needs to be relatively well lit.

On a note! It is best to place flower beds (and especially unusual ones) where they will be clearly visible from the house or from the porch, as well as from the street, if you want to please people passing by with beauty.

When you create a flower bed design, be sure to draw the shape of a flower garden on paper, and also note where and what flowers should be. Consider their flowering time, growth rate, petal color, height, and more. If you form compositions from perennials, then you should select plants with special care - if next year it is easy to replace others, then perennial crops will grow in your flower bed for several years.

Those items from which it is planned to create a flower garden should, if necessary, be washed, provided with drainage holes, painted, removed unnecessary details. If this is some kind of container, then expanded clay is necessarily poured into the bottom as a drainage material so that excess moisture does not accumulate in the soil itself.

DIY tire flower bed

We present to your attention two master classes on creating flower beds from improvised materials. Let's try to make a flower garden from old tires and an ordinary log. Since automotive "shoes" are very often used as the basis of a flower bed, let's start with it.

Step 1. Choose the tire sizes you need. Wear of rubber is unimportant here - it can be completely “bald”. But the tire itself must be intact. Also take and sharpen the usual kitchen knife. It is best to take with a pointed tip and a larger blade so that it is convenient to cut.

Step 2 On the surface of the tire, draw a zigzag along which you will cut the rubber to give the tire a “flower” shape. It is convenient to draw with a pen (in the image, the zigzag is indicated by a red line to make it easier to see).

Step 3 Most thin layer rubber - in the sidewall of the tire, so start cutting from this place. And having already made a hole in it, cut the rubber up and down from it.

On a note! Before cutting, make sure that there is no metal cord in the sidewall inside. Cord is commonly found in truck tires.

Step 4 On the outside corners cut the pattern almost to the beginning of the tread.

Step 5 Cut out the entire pattern in the same way.

Step 6 Turn the tire over and, starting to cut the rubber in the middle of its side, cut off the excess.

Step 7 On the edge of the back side of the cut tire, make cuts in a circle to the beginning of the tread.

Step 8 Now turn the tire inside out. The blank for the flower bed is ready.

This blank can be painted, dried, and then filled with soil and planted flowers.

Video - Flowerbed from a tire

DIY flowerbed of old chairs

Very cute and unusual flower beds can be made from old chairs. To do this, you will need the chairs or stools themselves, some paint, sandpaper, brushes and, of course, desire.

How to make a flower bed out of old chairs

Step 1. To begin with, remove from the chairs old paint, carefully sand their surface with sandpaper. If necessary, they can be partially disassembled, but you should not rush. It is important to decide how the container with flowers will be attached. It is possible that it will be placed in a hole cut in the seat. In this case, cut this hole to the size of the pot.

Step 2 Remove dust from the surface of the chairs and cover them with paint. It is most convenient to paint from spray cans. The procedure must be carried out outdoors, as the paint has a very pungent odor that is difficult to erode. After that, dry the chairs well.

Step 3 Pot or flower boxes can also be painted if desired.

Step 4 On the backs of the chairs, you can create a beautiful floral ornament using paints and brushes. It is best to paint with acrylic paints.

Step 5 After the drawings have dried, set the pots, pour the soil and plant the plants.

Video - Do-it-yourself flowerbed from a log

Bottles are good too.

Original and interesting design solutions can be implemented if you try to use bottles as a flower bed (or rather, its fence). In this case, both plastic and glass are suitable.

If plastic bottles are filled with sand (for gravity) and stuck around the perimeter of the flower bed, then it turns out to be very durable, not afraid of any weather conditions fencing. At the same time, bottles, if they are colored, can not be painted. But if desired, an original ornament may well appear on their surface.

And the bottles themselves can become flower beds. For example, if you take sufficiently voluminous containers, cut holes in them and properly color them, you will get original pigs.

From glass bottles you can also form a flower bed. If they are laid out in rows in a circle on any base (for example, a barrel), fixing the necks in cement mortar, then you get a very nice tall flower garden.

Finally - a few tips for inexperienced gardeners who decide to create unusual flower beds on their site.

  1. Carefully select the color range of plants and take into account the requirements for growing conditions for each of the selected crops - they (conditions) should be similar.

  2. Form flower beds from high-quality soil, do not forget to fertilize and water them, as the plants will not be able to get moisture and nutrients from the outside.
  3. Plan where the flower bed will be right away, especially if you are working with perennial crops. In order to later change the place of its deployment, the flowers will have to be transplanted.

  4. If you are forming a flower bed for the first time, then do not mess with capricious plants- they may not sprout, and you will have bald spots in the flower garden.
  5. Plant flowers in a flower bed, taking into account their growth: at the edges - low, in the center or in the far corner - high.

  6. It is best to plant plants with different terms flowering. Then the flower bed will delight you with its beauty all summer, and not a couple of weeks.

Many varieties of the mill today can be purchased in stores or from individual craftsmen. But often the price of such decorative objects is too high, and if you know how to work with wood, then it makes sense to try to make a windmill with your own hands for the garden. And it will help you.

Remember that to create a flower bed with your own hands from improvised means, only your imagination and desire are enough. You can think of various unusual projects and bring them to life regardless of the level of complexity.

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Quite often, the owners of suburban households are concerned not only with the amount of harvest, but also with the aesthetically attractive appearance of their site. Much more pleasant to work or relax in the environment beautiful elements landscape design.

Manufacturers are ready to provide a large number of flowerpots made of plastic or concrete - this will help transform the entire local area. But often, buying ready-made items for arranging a plot adjacent to the house can negatively affect the family budget.

Can be crafted beautiful flower beds do-it-yourself from improvised means, using bricks, old tires, plastic bottles and multi-colored paints.

Creating a flower garden from car tires

Do-it-yourself flowerbeds from tires are the most effective and cost-effective solution. The flexible and elastic structure of car tires allows you to give products the most bizarre shape.

Motorists simply throw old tires into a landfill, where they lie for years and pollute the environment. Giving a second life to unnecessary tires, you not only decorate the flower garden, but also take care of the environment. Finished goods can be dyed to various colors, complement the composition with other ornamental materials creating unique elements of the landscape. The photo below demonstrates the organic combination of bright decorative flowers and the painted surface of the flower bed.

Benefits of used rubber decorative products

A variety of flowerbeds made of tires with their own hands amaze with their uniqueness and original design. In addition, landscape design items have a lot of other advantages:

  • simple manufacturing technology;
  • the ability to create unusual shapes;
  • aesthetics of decorative elements;
  • the finished product can be painted;
  • small expenses (purchase of paint and varnish products).

The disadvantages of this method of manufacturing landscape decorations are practically absent. The only limitation is a personal rejection of the use of old tires and an unwillingness to spend personal time and effort on creating street flowerpots.

To create spectacular flowerbeds from tires with your own hands, the photo below does not have to be a professional decorator. It is enough to realize your creative potential and spend a little Money and free time.

Varieties of flower beds and ways to decorate the site

Flower beds from wheel tires can be:

  • high and low;
  • single-tier and multi-tier;
  • in the form of flora or fauna;
  • suspended structures.

Advice! To make the simplest flower beds from tires with your own hands, you need to paint them in bright colors and place one on top of the other.

In addition to used tires, to create a flower garden you will need: sharp knife, paint, stones different size, residuals building materials. After the location and shape of the future flower bed has been determined, work can begin.

The simplest is considered the shape of a flower. The larger the tire, the larger the tire bed will be. For work, it is better to use already used soft thin rubber of European production. The tire is pre-cleaned, well washed and dried. After that, the contours of the petals are applied with chalk. The selected areas are cut out and the upper part is removed.

Carved flower bed from tires

A do-it-yourself carved flowerbed of tires is a photo selection of the main stages of work.

As decorative coating enamel, nitro paint or Oil paint. The paintwork material is applied to a clean, dry surface. If desired, you can use an aerosol can or car paint.

Advice! So that the roots of planted plants do not “burn out” in a decorative flower garden, you should paint the flower bed in the lightest possible shades.

How to make a flower bed from a tire in several tiers? To create a multi-tiered flower bed, you need to pick up several tires of different or the same circumference. The middle is carefully cut out of them so that circles are obtained. Installed first big tire, its base is lined with expanded clay or crushed stone, and a fertile layer of soil is poured on top. Subsequent smaller tires are installed in the same way. The number of tiers depends on the desire and the selected elements. flowering plants planted in the gap between the established rings.

Do-it-yourself multi-tiered flowerbed of tires before and after photos.

One of the most elegant creations from old protectors is the swan flowerbed.

Painted in snow white car tire can become a real masterpiece of landscape design.

It is necessary to retreat four centimeters from the edge of the tire and make two similarly rounded cuts from opposite sides. The middle section will become the neck, and wings are cut out of the wide part.

In order for the wings to appear, the tire must be turned out. Plumage can be created using cuts of various lengths. Wings are exposed at will, under any inclination. At the end of the work, the swan is painted white.

How to make a flower bed from a tire is clearly shown in the photo.

Variety of uses for plastic containers

Quite often, multi-colored plastic bottles are used to create decorative soda compositions. Transparent packaging plastic is strong enough and reliable material, so flower beds made of plastic bottles will last for decades. For work, you can use containers of green, white, red, yellowish, blue and even black colors. Each color is suitable for the realization of a particular idea.

The easiest way to create a flower bed from plastic bottles is to lay out an original drawing using an empty container.

Decorative flower bed, created by hand from improvised materials - photo beautiful lake with two herons and aquatic vegetation.

To create an artistic composition, you need to use required amount bottles of a certain color.

Advice! plastic container it is not recommended to paint, because over time the paint may crack, and the flower bed made of plastic bottles will lose its attractive appearance.

Under created composition need to dig a small pit required dimensions. For stability, the bottles are filled with sand and then buried according to the drawing.

Plastic, unique in its qualities, can be used to make various animals and birds, gnomes and other fairy-tale characters. With the help of plastic bottles, artistic illustrations for any children's fairy tale are created. It can be "Gingerbread Man", "Frog Princess" or "Three Little Pigs". Graceful bees really liked the gardeners - they are easy to make from small yellow and black bottles. Light wings are made of transparent plastic.

Decorative figurines and small flower bed from plastic bottles with your own hands, the photo is presented below.

Forming a flower bed with bricks

The use of bricks allows you to create the most luxurious and unusual flower beds. Most often, flower beds are made of bricks with their own hands. geometric shape: round, square or rectangular. If desired, you can make an original multi-stage or acute-angled design.

The easiest way is to make a brick border. decorative fencing does not retain moisture, but maintains clear borders of the flower garden. By laying the brick on its end, it is possible to significantly reduce the washability of the soil, but in this case, the cost of a brick flower bed will increase slightly due to an increase in material consumption.

Do round flower beds brick is a little more difficult. To create a rounded shape, you must use the halves of the brick, which will need to be pre-cut.

Looks great on the plot of land multi-tiered flower beds made of bricks, they include several flower beds various heights. The construction of a structure of such complexity will be a source of special pride for the owners.

Do-it-yourself round and rectangular flower beds made of bricks.

DIY flowerbed from improvised materials photo next

Flowerbeds with decorative gravel

Making a flower bed with your own hands from improvised means is an exciting activity that you can do, not only on your own, but also connect to creative process the whole family. An interesting and exciting hobby will help not only to equip the backyard plot in an original and tasteful way, but also to have a great free time.