How to care for geraniums in autumn and winter? Geranium: home care, recommendations for growing. Regular flowering of geraniums: caring for her at home, secrets (photo)

Geranium is a well-known indoor plant that has several varieties. In floriculture, it is also known as pelargonium. In the people it is sometimes called "kalachiki". Consider home care and how winter goes in the apartment.

Flowering directly depends on compliance with the rules of care

Temperature and lighting in summer and winter

IN summer time tolerates any temperature. That is why some types of geraniums are planted outdoors. In winter, it is desirable that the temperature does not fall below 10 degrees. During the dormant period, the most optimal temperature is from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.

Pelargonium lighting requires bright. It belongs to light-loving plant species. Tolerates direct sun well. If there is not enough light, then the geranium will not give abundant flowering, and the shoots will grow weak.

Therefore, the more sun, the better. In particular bright days at noon you can shade a little so that the leaves do not burn out too much.

How often to water in the apartment

IN high humidity pelargonium is not needed. Moreover, spraying the flower is not recommended because of its fluffy leaves which may leave stains. Geranium prefers Fresh air, so in the summer it feels great on balconies and verandas.

Watering requires regular and plentiful, but there should be no stagnation of water. The earth needs to be evenly moist, at the bottom of the pot necessarily done drainage layer .

Expanded clay and perlite are often used as drainage

In winter, when the dormant period sets in, watering is done more rarely, paying attention to sufficient drying of the soil.

The choice of substrate and top dressing: how to fertilize correctly

Many people ask the question: what kind of top dressing does the "kalachik" need? The following land is suitable for pelargonium: a mixture of soddy land, humus and sand in a ratio of 8: 2: 1. You can also use garden soil for it, having previously processed it from pests.

The store sells universal primer, which is also suitable for this flower. In general, she is unpretentious.

From March they begin to fertilize. You can feed twice a month.

Organic is not suitable for her, only mineral supplement. A good helper for the development of buds will be special fertilizers for flowering plants.

Preparation for wintering: winter storage

autumn geranium should be cut. 6-7 leaves are left on the stem. Also remove the shoots growing from the sinuses, they only pull nutrients. Pruning from December to January is not recommended.

Wintering should take place at a temperature of 10-15 degrees, so that flowering is abundant next season.

Plants can be kept on the windowsill. There is a fairly cool temperature and a lot of light.

Miniature and variegated varieties more demanding on the conditions of detention and usually do not need pruning. Storage in winter: on special shelving with lighting, the temperature is suitable for them up to 25 degrees.

Since the apartment is usually warm in winter, it is most convenient for these purposes basements. Daylight at artificial lighting should be 10-12 hours.

Ivy varieties leave lashes 40-50 cm long. If at the same time pruning was not done on time, then it is better to wait for the end of the winter period - the beginning of spring, since any intervention can weaken the plant.

To put pelargonium into rest mode, in the fall they begin to gradually reduce watering and stop feeding.

Reproduction and transplant

Reproduction is available in several ways.

Pelargonium can be propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Seeds: how to care

Growing from seeds is fairly easy. Seeds are best purchased at the store, in which case they will give greater germination than collected on their own.

drop them off in loose soil to a depth of 2 cm. Moisten with water from above, it is better to do this from a spray bottle so as not to wash out the ground. The soil must first be disinfected, for which it is spilled with a light solution of potassium permanganate.

The seed pot is covered with glass to create uniform humidity. For seed germination, the most favorable temperature is 18-22 degrees. After the emergence of seedlings, the glass is removed, and the temperature is lowered to 16-22 degrees.

After about 1.5-2 months, when 3 true leaves appear, the pelargonium is transplanted to permanent place. When she grows 5-6 leaves, pinch the plant for better branching.

blooms with this method of reproduction about six months later.

Growing by cuttings

This breeding method is not difficult. Geranium cuttings can be cut at any time of the year, but best period it's still spring. The stalk is taken in the size of 5-7 cm. So that the cut does not rot, it is sprinkled with crushed charcoal.

Then they are planted in a loose substrate or wet sand. They don't need top cover. When roots appear, pelargonium transplanted to a permanent place. Flowering is possible in three months.


This plant does not particularly like transplants, and there is no need for them. This should be done only if the roots begin to sprout from the drainage hole. Capacity for planting is taken 2 cm more than the previous one. Geranium does not like too spacious pots and blooms worse in them, but it gives a lot of shoots.

Young shoots that have reached 7 cm, pinch to branch. Pruning is also done in autumn, leaving a stem with 6-7 leaves. Periodically, excess shoots that grow from the sinuses, and not from the root, should be removed.

If the pelargonium has grown strongly during the winter period, it can be cut off in the spring, so flowering will be better. Periodically, shoots should be pinched at a height of 4-5 leaves.


It is only necessary if the pelargonium has become too crowded. This is done in autumn or spring, avoiding the flowering period.

Potassium permanganate helps to disinfect the soil

  • Pre preparing a new container, a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one. If the pot is clay and new, it must be soaked in water for several hours so that it is saturated with moisture.
  • The soil is being prepared. If the earth was taken from the garden, it should be disinfected by spilling potassium permanganate or holding it for several minutes in a hot oven.
  • During transplanting, the soil should be slightly damp, so it will be easier to remove the plant from the pot.
  • With one hand, hold the geranium, turn the pot over and, gently tapping, remove the plant. It's better not to disturb the roots, slightly remove upper layer, put the whole com in new pot and add fresh earth.

A geranium transplant is done every two to three years and only if the pelargonium has grown greatly.

Possible problems

Sometimes the plant becomes ill due to the appearance of pests, insects or exposure to microorganisms.


At the plant may appear:

  • Yellowing of leaves.
  • The appearance of spots on them.
  • Falling leaves.
  • Leg rot.
  • The appearance of pests.

PICTURE Yellowing of foliage, Spots on leaves

Why indoor geranium dies

Why does a plant die? This is observed in the most different occasions. The most common reason is improper care. If you forget to water the plant in time, then not only its upper parts, but also the root system begin to die off.

More more dangerous systematic bay and stagnation in poorly permeable soil.

The death of a plant is often observed when attacked by pests. The deterioration is gradual. At first, the leaves may begin to turn yellow, dry and curl. Then they die in turn, and the plant is depleted and dies.

In some cases, an incorrect transplant can damage pelargonium if the root system was severely disturbed in the process.

Diseases and pests: how to save a kalachik

From time to time, yellowing of the leaves can be observed. In small quantities, this is normal for geraniums. The old lower leaves die off. You should be concerned if yellowing is profuse and young leaves are lost.


The loss of a certain amount of green mass is observed when pelargonium is returned from the street to the premises after the summer period.

Other reasons:

  • If lethargy is observed along with yellowing, then the cause is excessive watering.
  • Yellowing of the edges leaf blade - lack of moisture.
  • If the lower leaves fall abundantly, then the plant does not have enough light.

Geranium often suffers from fungal diseases. She may have leaf rust, "black leg". For their treatment, they are treated with fungicidal preparations. If the trunk began to rot, then most often the only way to save the geranium is to grow it again from cuttings.

Of the pests, pelargonium is attacked by: whitefly, aphid, spider mite, mealybug, caterpillars. To get rid of them use special means. The most common are Fitoverm, Aktellik.

Refuse to bloom may be for the following reasons:

  • Lack of light.
  • Too much low temperature air.
  • Too fertile soil, therefore, geranium gives an increase in green mass and does not bloom.
  • A very spacious pot, which also causes rapid growth of foliage and shoots.
  • Untimely trimming or its absence.
  • rare and irregular fertilization.

If there is an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers in the soil, then the plant will produce a green mass, and flowering will not occur or will be weak.

general information

In the rooms they like to grow varieties:

  • Zonal
  • ivy
  • Fragrant
  • dwarf species

We described in a separate article. As well as the Fragrant section

A variety of colors and shapes allows you to collect beautiful collections, use pelargonium for landscaping at home, balconies and gardens.

Medicinal properties and benefits of the flower

Pelargonium has mass useful properties, not without reason our grandmothers kept it in their homes. The plant releases substances into the air that have a detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses.

Used with benefit and folk medicine- from the leaves make an infusion for gargling. The leaves are applied to the back for rheumatism.

The smell of geranium relieves stress. This plant is useful for people suffering from insomnia, nervous and heart diseases.

According to some beliefs, geranium normalizes the aura and the atmosphere in the house, removing negative influences.

Pelargonium - great plant for home. It is easy to care for her even for beginners, she has an abundant and varied flowering. The most important thing is the watering regime, cut the shoots in time and put the geranium in the brightest place. Subject to these conditions flowering will continue for a long time.

Beautiful, easy care plant bright colors is a geranium. There are two varieties of geranium: garden geranium and indoor pelargonium. Despite their similarities, these two are completely different plants. Pelargonium has about 300 varieties, and geranium more than 400 and, thanks to the work of breeders, their number is gradually increasing. Pelargonium is a purely indoor plant, and geranium can be both garden and home.

This plant was brought from the solar South Africa to cold Europe in the 16th century. Due to its adaptability to climate change, geranium has become widespread throughout the world and has long been loved by many flower growers. The plant came to Europe in the 17th century, and to Russia in the 18th century. and immediately earned extraordinary popularity.

All varieties of geraniums are divided into 6 groups:

  • royal (large-flowered);
  • zonal;
  • ampelous;
  • fragrant;
  • succulent;
  • variegated.

Indoor geranium (pelargonium) is divided into two types:

  • ampelous (curly);
  • bush (low, compact).

The most common varieties of room geraniums (pelargoniums) and photographs of these varieties

  • fragrant geranium- This is a low lush plant with small leaves and bright colors. The leaves are strong pleasant aroma lemon or mint, less often the smell of roses, apples, nutmeg and orange. Because of this property, geranium got its name;
  • royal geranium- a fairly tall bush plant with large, bright flowers and serrated leaves. It blooms very beautifully, but not for long;
  • zone geranium- the most common both indoor and garden plant. It has dark circles on the leaves, dividing the leaf into differently colored zones, hence the name. Flowers are small, collected in inflorescences, are simple and double, pink, white and red.

There are about 40 varieties of garden geraniums. The most common is meadow. She grows in wild nature in fields and forest edges. It has a straight tall stem and small blue-violet flowers.

Rules for the care of geraniums at home

Geranium loves light but unpretentious to heat

Caring for geraniums is quite easy if certain conditions are met.

Temperature regime. Geranium is a fairly cold-resistant plant, but at temperatures below + 10 C it feels uncomfortable and stops blooming. Optimum temperature for this plant from +18 to +22 degrees in summer and from +10 to +15 degrees in winter, during the dormant period.

Lighting. Geranium needs a maximum sunny color. Even direct sunlight is allowed. Cover it from the sun only on the hottest days to avoid leaf burns. With a lack of light, the leaves and flowers become small and brittle.

Watering in winter and summer. In winter, geraniums (pelargonium) can be watered no more than twice a week and provide maximum coverage. In summer, you need to water the plant every day, but in any case, excessive moisture and water on the leaves should be avoided. This can lead to root rot and death of the flower. To prevent this from happening, you need good drainage in the pot. Water for irrigation is better to take at room temperature and not too hard. The geranium pot should be small size so that the roots fill it completely, then the plant blooms better and get sick less.

Air humidity. Humidity is detrimental to geraniums, so spraying or washing the leaves is by no means necessary.

Geranium can not be sprayed, it is detrimental to her

Soil for geranium flower. For garden and home geraniums, the soil requirements are the same: a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand in equal proportions. For good air access to the roots, the soil must be loosened regularly.

Fertilizers and top dressing. Geranium does not like fresh organic fertilizers. It is better to use mineral. During flowering, you need to use fertilizers with great content phosphorus and potassium. After flowering - nitrogen top dressing. Fertilization is carried out once a week from late spring to early autumn. After a transplant, they do not feed for two or three months.

Transfer indoor flower geranium. At home, geranium needs to be transplanted only in two cases: when it became too crowded due to overgrown roots and if water was accidentally poured into the pot. On average, it happens every 2-3 years. In winter, transplantation is not carried out. And do not forget that spacious pots lead to poor flowering. It is best to use not plastic, but small clay pots for geraniums. If the pot is large, then you can plant two or three bushes in it at once. To prevent diseases, pour boiling water over the soil in a pot before planting. Transplanted every year in the fall garden geranium because she can't stand the cold.

Pruning, bush formation and propagation of indoor geraniums

In early spring, geraniums are pruned.

At the end of winter - the beginning of spring, geraniums are pruned to give it shape. Large old stems are cut off, leaving only young shoots. Never trim and pinch in winter and autumn. Pinching is done for greater branching and the formation of a compact bush, i.e. the growth point is removed. When grown from cuttings, geraniums are pinched on 8-10 leaves, when grown from seeds - on 6-8. Shoots growing from the axils of the leaves are also removed. Leave only shoots growing from the root. It should be borne in mind that pruning and pinching postpone the flowering of geraniums at a later date.

Propagation of geraniums, cuttings. The lightest and fast way geranium propagation is propagation by cuttings. To do this, in an adult plant, the top is cut off with 2-3 leaves, the cut is rolled in crushed activated carbon and planted in the ground, previously scalded with boiling water and treated with a dark solution of manganese. Another cutting can simply be placed in a glass of water until the roots appear, and planted in the ground. You can also use the split hive method. In this case, we simply dig up the plant, shake off the roots and carefully divide them into two parts, each of which is planted in a separate pot.

Reproduction by seeds. It is more labor intensive and difficult process, but geranium grown from seeds blooms much better and more magnificently than when cuttings. Seeds are laid out on moist cultivated land in small cups, sprinkled a little with soil and covered with film or glass. Watering is carried out very carefully so as not to flood the seeds. Sowing is carried out in January - February. When shoots appear, the shelter must be lifted daily and the accumulated condensate removed. Seeds should germinate in 1-2 weeks at a temperature of 20 - 24 degrees. When two leaves appear, the seedlings dive and grow further at a temperature of 16 - 18 degrees. After 7 - 8 weeks of growth, the plants are planted in pots.

Winter care for geraniums

IN winter time geraniums go into dormancy. It is important to provide her with good lighting and comfortable temperature. may be needed in winter additional illumination. The temperature during the day is about 20 degrees, and at night - not lower than 13. Avoid drafts and hypothermia. Watering is moderate, once every 2 weeks, top dressing - once a month.

Diseases and pests

Most frequent illness geraniums - black leg. The stem at the base turns black and rots. The reason for this is waterlogging and hypothermia. In this case, it is no longer possible to help the plant, it must be destroyed and the soil replaced. There is also a defeat of the leaves with gray mold, which is caused by a fungus. It appears with poor drainage and compaction of the earth. In this case, the damaged leaves are removed and the plant is treated with an antifungal drug. At least geraniums are attacked by pests: aphids, whiteflies and mites. You can fight them by spraying with a solution laundry soap or infusion of tobacco.

Note to florist

Geranium leaves dry mainly due to lack of moisture.

Consider the questions most often asked by beginner flower growers: why does geranium turn yellow, why does geranium not bloom, why do geranium leaves turn red?

If the lower leaves turn yellow and dry, this is a lack of moisture. It is worth slightly increasing watering and loosening the soil well. Gently pinch off the yellowed leaves with your fingers, without using scissors. If the leaves are covered yellow spots and dry out, then the plant may be affected by rust (fungus). Here it is necessary to use antifungal agents. If the leaves turn yellow at the top of the plant, become wet and loose, then this indicates excessive watering.

Why doesn't geranium bloom? If external signs there are no diseases and pests, then the cause may be too heat in the room. Although geraniums love warmth, they will not bloom in warm indoor air.

Why do geranium leaves turn red? The leaves turn red, and the geranium stops flowering in only one case: it is frozen. Move it to a warmer place, and everything will be fine.

Geranium is believed to help with headaches

Geranium has long been known for its magical properties. Its leaves are highly concentrated essential oils used in cosmetics and medicines. Geranium leaves have a strong wound-healing and disinfecting effect. Perfectly save the premises from flies and mosquitoes.

The aroma of geranium helps to get rid of headaches and relieves stress. A decoction of geranium leaves cures diseases gastrointestinal tract Helps with insomnia and nervous disorders. From the roots of this miracle plant, a tincture is made that relieves hypertension. An infusion of geranium flowers and leaves with honey is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis. Geranium leaves are also used for compresses on sore joints.

And from ancient times, geranium was considered a magical plant - a talisman that guards the house and protects from damage and the evil eye, protects from quarrels and conflicts, brings love to the house and contributes to material well-being.

There are a lot of indoor plants and they are all good in some way, but if you want to always be healthy, cheerful and happy, do not forget about the unpretentious geranium.

See also the video how to plant geraniums, we wish you a pleasant viewing.

How to properly care for geraniums to bloom all year round Pelargonium, or, as everyone used to call it, geranium, can be found in almost every home. This plant is valued for its unpretentious care and ease of reproduction. Exists great amount types of pelargonium. Sometimes, in order to give the flower sophistication, housewives grow several types of geraniums in one pot at once - when flowering, multi-colored bouquets are obtained. The flowers of this plant are quite large in size and have a rich color. Geranium care at home is very simple and does not require much time. But even such an unpretentious and hardy plant requires proper care. This article contains basic information on how to properly care for geraniums so that they delight you with their beauty all year round. Care and reproduction "We provide growing conditions Before you buy a flower, you should figure out how to care for geraniums. Individual approach very important in the cultivation of any home plant. Very often, what suits one flower can harm another. First of all, you need to figure out what kind of home care is suitable for geraniums. The plant loves good lighting very much, and unlike other flowers, it is not at all afraid of direct sunlight. But it is recommended to remove geraniums from direct rays at the very peak of sun activity (noon) to avoid getting burns. The first sign by which you can determine that there is not enough light is that the leaves lose their saturated color and dim; in this case, you can forget about flowering. It is best to place a pot of pelargonium in the southern sunny windowsill. If you put geraniums outside in the summer, then pick up a closed place for her, as she really does not like wind and drafts. Geranium loves heat, it would be ideal if the temperature falls in the range of + 18- + 20 degrees. In winter, it is possible to slightly lower the temperature, but make sure that it does not fall below +10 degrees. All flower growers claim that it is not at all demanding on air humidity. It is equally easy to tolerate both dry and wet. Spraying the leaves of pelargonium is also not worth it, it will only bring harm. Just keep an eye on the soil moisture, and this will be enough. Repotting is often not required, it can be once every 2-3 years, it all depends on the activity of the growth of the root system. The rules for transplanting pelargonium are simple. Initially you must choose suitable pot for a flower. In this case, the principle of "what more pot, the better the plant feels in it. Geranium roots will grow until they completely fill the container you have chosen, but there will be no flowers on it. In small containers, geraniums feel most comfortable, bloom very intensively, and the flowers look very healthy and strong. Therefore, it is better to choose a medium-sized pot. The ideal would be a diameter of 12-15 cm and 12 cm - height. You can place several plant bushes in one flowerpot at once. Then you will not need to worry that the roots may rot due to the wrong watering schedule, and the pelargonium itself will bloom with beautiful and bright colors. The choice of pot material should be taken very carefully. The variety is huge, both in material and price. But experts advise not to save on this and choose a pot from natural materials. A fired clay pot works well. More economical option These are plastic pots. They can also be used, but in this case, you need to take care of the geraniums more carefully, especially carefully monitor the watering, as the soil dries out much more slowly in them, and this can lead to rotting of the roots. During different periods of time house geranium the care required is different. From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, when watering, you need to add a little phosphorus-based fertilizer to the water, it has a positive effect on flowering. Please note that the fertilizer must have a minimum percentage of nitrogen, otherwise the pelargonium may stop blooming. In the warm season, experts advise, if possible, to take geraniums outside for a whole day. The flower requires good lighting. Sometimes, after staying in the sun, geranium leaves change their shade a little and become light pink; there's nothing wrong with that, it's natural reaction to the sun's rays. Slight fluctuations in air temperature are suitable for the plant - this even contributes to the growth of geraniums. In order for geraniums to delight you with their beauty all year round, proper winter care is very important. The plant can be safely removed from the windowsills and placed in a dark place, as far as possible from heating appliances. The main thing is that the air temperature should not be below 12 degrees. It is not necessary to fertilize the land in winter. Almost always, geraniums shed their flowers for the winter, this is normal. If the plant successfully survived the winter, and the care for the geranium was correct, then from March until August the flower will bloom intensively. Very important role in the question "How to care for geraniums?" plays the choice of soil. Best to buy now ready substrate in a specialized store, it will initially have everything useful material for your pet. But if this is not possible, then you can cook yourself. The main thing is that the mixture has enough nutritional inclusions. A mixture of peat, sand and garden or garden soil is very suitable. When transplanting a flower, do not forget to place good drainage at the bottom of the pot, for example, from expanded clay. It is good at preventing root rot. A couple of times a month, the earth in a pot needs to be loosened so that fresh air enters the roots. Remember that the right soil is the main component in the care of geraniums. Care As already mentioned, care for geraniums is very simple and does not require high costs time. One has only to know a few rules of proper care, and subject to their observance, the plant will delight you all year round. Pelargonium is a drought-loving plant. Drought is more comfortable for her than excessive moisture, due to which the roots rot. But if you allow a strong drying of the soil, then the flowers may disappear. If the room is warm, then watering can be done every day, but make sure that the topsoil dries well. If it does not have time to dry out, reduce watering to 2-3 times a week. Signs of overwatering will be immediately visible: limp, lifeless leaves that sometimes become moldy. If you do not pay attention to this in time, you can lose the geranium. At the beginning of spring, care for geraniums should be more thorough than at other times of the year. At this time, the plant wakes up after wintering and the pruning procedure is very important. To do this, remove dead leaves, leave no more than 5 buds on each shoot. If new shoots grow from the leaf axils, and not from the root, then they need to be removed. Pruning should be only in the spring. If you decide to do this procedure in winter, then this may adversely affect your flower. If in the spring you missed the time, and pruning is necessary, then you can do it early autumn. Remember that pruning helps give your plant beautiful view, and in return it will delight you with even more abundant flowering. Never forget about such an aspect of care as feeding your flower. Geranium is very fond of various mineral and organic supplements. When the geranium is in the active flowering stage, it is necessary to add fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium to the water. Thanks to these additives, your flower will always look healthy and well-groomed. Iodine water can also be considered a very good top dressing (1 drop of iodine per 1 liter of water). If you properly care for geraniums, they will in turn delight your eyes. beautiful flowers, and the sense of smell is a pleasant smell.

Geranium is very beautiful and unpretentious flower which has always been popular. Even before the revolution, pots of geraniums could be seen on the windowsills in almost every peasant, bourgeois and aristocratic house. People have long known about healing properties plants. Geranium is used in medicine, and being taken out into the garden in the summer, it saves its green neighbors from aphids. In a word, geranium (pelargonium) has been a good companion of people for many years. How to care for geraniums?

Geranium - growing features

Geranium will take root in every apartment, you just need to provide it with minimal comfort - sufficient, but not excessive watering, good lighting, air temperature above + 12 C. Since geranium came to us from southern countries, it does not tolerate frosts, except garden variety, which in middle lane The Russian can even overwinter in the open field.

In summer, the geranium will be grateful to you if you take it out into the open air - to the balcony, or take it with you to the country. However, the plant is best left in a pot, not planted in the ground. It does not tolerate re-transplantation well and in winter period may die. In autumn, you will be surprised how lush and elegant the flower will become, what bright color get its leaves.

Types and varieties of plants

Most often, flower lovers grow zonal pelargonium. This group, in turn, is divided into subgroups that differ in the shape of flowers, plant height, and leaf color.

So, according to the shape of a geranium flower, there are:

  1. Non-terry.
  2. Terry.
  3. Rosaceae.
  4. Star-shaped.
  5. Cactus.
  6. Tulip-shaped.
  7. Bird eggs.
  8. Speckled.
  9. Clove.
  10. Phlox-like.

Based on the size, geraniums are distinguished:

  • standard - from 30 to 50 cm;
  • dwarf - up to 25 cm;
  • miniature - up to 15 cm.

Pelargonium leaves may have green color or be colorful, when various shades are beautifully combined with each other - from bright green to rich purple.

Flowering geranium on the windowsill Soviet time was considered petty. Modern man rejects such ideas, so you can meet pelargonium in almost every home. It blooms profusely and beautifully throughout almost the entire year, unpretentious, useful - what more could the owner want? The rules for caring for geraniums are simple, but they exist and must be followed. Experienced flower growers share the tricks of growing healthy pelargonium. For harmonious development, it is important to transplant the plant on time and correctly.

Features of growing a flower at home

There is nothing particularly complicated in the rules for caring for geraniums. But it is necessary to highlight the basic requirements for the conditions of growth and flowering of the plant and observe them. The main thing to remember: geranium is a drought-loving plant. After all, pelargonium is a guest originally from Africa. It copes better with a lack of moisture than with its excess.


You can water geraniums every day, two or three times a week, sometimes one procedure is enough for 7-10 days. It all depends on the air temperature in the room in which pelargonium grows. How to determine what needs to be watered? The answer is simple: dry the top layer of soil in the pot. Obvious signs of waterlogging: wilted leaves, lack of flowering, the appearance of mold at the base of the stem and on the ground.

Geranium does not require leaf spraying. It's bad for her. Protect her from such an ordeal.

Air temperature

The ideal temperature ranges from 18 o C to 25 o C. Geranium tolerates strong heat well. 10 o C or slightly higher is optimal during the winter rest period, when the plant does not bloom.


Pelargonium loves a lot of sun. In the house, the flower should be placed on the south, southwest or southeast window. Geranium will survive in partial shade, but stormy and long flowering will not be.

Geranium loves loosening the soil. But this must be done carefully, to a depth of no more than five cm.

top dressing

With the right soil, geraniums at home need to be fed once a month. For flowering and a healthy appearance, it needs potash and phosphorus fertilizers. The flower also needs nitrogen. You can purchase special products for geraniums or use universal preparations for flowering houseplants.

To prolong flowering once a week, feed geraniums with iodine water (a drop of iodine per liter).

Fertilizer is applied after the main watering, after about half an hour. The earth must be moist so as not to burn the roots. In summer, for the time of feeding, it is recommended to remove the plant from the sun and then hold it in partial shade for another 2-3 hours.


In the spring, all shoots are pruned, leaving no more than 5 growth buds. If time is lost, the procedure can be carried out in early autumn.

Pruning a plant allows you to create nice shape bush and stimulate education more buds.

How to plant geraniums: the choice of capacity, requirements for soil composition and other nuances

Geranium, with proper care, can grow and bloom for 10-12 years, while retaining its decorative effect. How often should it be repotted? It depends on the rate of green mass formation. Fast growth requires an annual plant transplant, slower - every two years. The usual schedule for updating a pelargonium pot is every 10–12 months.

How to choose a pot for geraniums

Geranium does not tolerate large space for roots. If you plant a pelargonium in a large pot, it may even die. It will definitely not bloom until the roots "master" the entire soil. Therefore, it is better to plant a flower first in a small container, and after a year change it to a large one. For one root, a pot with a diameter of 10–14 cm is suitable, its height should not exceed 15 cm (ideally, 10–12 cm). When changing the container, its diameter is taken into account, the new pot should be 1.5–2 cm larger than the previous one.

The pot should have drainage holes. The appearance of pelargonium roots in them is a signal for transplanting into a large bowl. An unglazed ceramic container is best suited. The bush feels good in it, grows and blooms. But there is one drawback: in earthenware, the soil dries out faster than in plastic. Therefore, frequent watering is required.

Photo gallery: choosing the right pot

A geranium pot must have drainage holes for drainage. excess water
For geraniums, it is important that the pot is not “for growth”, in a tight container the plant blooms more abundantly
Each new geranium pot should be 1.5–2 cm larger than the previous one in diameter.
Geranium grows best in ceramic pots- they pass air well, contributing to soil aeration

Soil for pelargoniums

Geranium is not particularly demanding on the quality of the soil. But for the comfortable development of the bush, loose and well-drained land is needed. The following compositions are optimal:

  • a substrate for indoor flowers or a universal soil mixed with the components necessary for geraniums: perlite, vermiculite, river sand(the first two substances can be exchanged for peat and humus, taken in approximately equal proportions);
  • the top layer of soil from the garden (it is better to take it under bushes and trees);
  • soddy soil, humus, coarse river sand (8:2:1).

When can you transplant geraniums

Indoor flowers are usually finicky in terms of transplantation. Better and easier plants tolerate such stress in the spring. Geranium in this sense does not make any special claims. Of course, spring transplantation is perceived by pelargonium as natural process after winter holiday and stimulates it to intensive growth of green mass and further flowering. This period covers the end of February, the whole of March and the first decade of April. After transplanting at this time, pelargonium will delight with lush flowers until frost.

If the deadlines are missed, you can transplant in the fall, in September-October. But if there are unambiguous signals that the plant needs an appropriate procedure (roots sticking out of the drainage hole, mold on the ground, disease), you can transplant at any time of the year. Nevertheless, it is very undesirable to disturb geraniums in winter and at the time of flowering.

Pelargonium transplant features after purchase

Buying a geranium does not mean instantly transplanting it from a transport store soil. Over the past weeks, the plant has had to hastily adapt several times to changing temperature and lighting, so you need to take pity on it and let it adapt to new living conditions. As a rule, it takes several weeks to get used to (from two to four). Then they act according to the algorithm:

  1. We take the pot a little more than the previous one.
  2. We prepare a fresh earthen mixture.
  3. We transfer the plant to a new container, after moistening the soil a little.
  4. We fill up the earth to the edges of the pot (do not tamp).
  5. Water carefully.

Check carefully before transplanting root system plants. Healthy roots entwine earthen clod fully. It is necessary to shake off the substrate and wash them only in case of detection of rot, diseases or insects. In other cases, a whole earthen room is moved to a new soil. Young roots will receive all the necessary nutrients from it.

Some flower growers violate the generally accepted rules for transplanting purchased geraniums. They immediately carry out the above procedures with her, believing that there is no need to wait and it is better to immediately subject the plant to all the tests, and not stretch them out for a month.

How to plant geraniums without roots

You can plant a sprig of geranium without roots. perfect time- spring or early autumn. It's usually done like this:

  1. A sprig of geranium 5-7 centimeters long with two to five leaves is cut off at a right angle.
  2. Warm settled or boiled water is poured into a transparent glass.
  3. A geranium stalk is placed in the water. It needs to be changed every 2-3 days. To speed up the rooting process, dissolve in the liquid succinic acid(250 ml tablet) or add a little biostimulant - Epin, Zircon, Kornevin (2-3 ml per liter).

Long-term maintenance of the future pelargonium bush in water can cause rotting of the part lowered there. To prevent this, you can put an activated charcoal tablet in the container.

Most flower growers do not lower the cutting into the water, but immediately root it in a prepared pot with an earthen mixture. Dry cuttings after pruning room temperature about two hours. Then they are seated in transparent plastic cups filled with universal soil for flowering houseplants or peat chips. The type of geranium affects the method of rooting: zonal geranium gives roots faster in water, fragrant - in the ground, royal also prefers soil, but the process is slow.

Dishes with future bushes are placed in a well-lit place, but not under direct sunbeams. Ivy and zonal geraniums are ready to be transplanted into a pot in 10-15 days, the royal one will need a month. Transparent cups are good because the appearance of roots can be quickly noticed - they reach the walls of the dishes in a few days. Another criterion that the procedure was successful is the appearance of a new leaflet.

Is it possible to transplant flowering geraniums

Any plants during flowering spend a lot of energy on the formation of a bud and the ripening of seeds. During such a period, it is better to regret geraniums, increase feeding, and not subject them to additional stress. Otherwise, the flowers will fall first, then the leaves will turn yellow. The plant may even die. It is recommended to wait until the end of flowering and transplant pelargonium in 5–10 days.

If there is an urgent need to transplant geraniums into a new pot at the time of flowering (they dropped or damaged the plant, the bush got sick), then this can still be done. It is necessary to try to transfer the pelargonium into a new container without damaging the roots, without destroying the earthen clod. The flowers will fall, of course, but the geraniums will survive.

Features of plant care after transplantation

A geranium transplanted into a new pot does not need to be fed for the first two to three months. It will take all the nutrients from fresh soil. Therefore, the pelargonium bush requires only timely watering as the soil dries. It is important to ensure optimal temperatures and proper lighting. After the appearance of new leaves and the growth of a rooted cutting, the pelargonium is pinched so that it does not stretch upwards, but bushes.

Step-by-step instructions for planting and transplanting

Before starting work on transplanting or planting geraniums, you need to prepare everything you need: a pot, scissors, earthen mixture, a watering can with warm water. If you decide not to use new dishes, and the one in which another flower grew, it must be soaked for a day in bleach for disinfection or boiled. Then rinse thoroughly with running water and dry. Further actions are carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. Put on the bottom of the pot brick chips, pieces of foam or expanded clay. You can use fragments of broken ceramic dishes, crushed stone and gravel. The thickness of the drainage layer is about 1–2 cm.
  2. We water the geranium, wait for the water to be absorbed. Then we take out the plant along with a clod of earth. To do this, turn the pot upside down, holding the pelargonium by the trunk at the base. Grasp the container with the other hand and pull out the plant. You can gently tap the bottom with your palm.
  3. We examine the roots of the extracted plant. We cut off the areas affected by rot, other damaged tissues with a sharp disinfected knife or scissors.
  4. Carefully place the rhizomes in the prepared pot on the drainage layer. The voids are filled with soil and lightly compacted. Two centimeters of empty space must be left to the top of the container so that when watering, the water does not overflow over the edge.
  5. The plant is watered and removed in partial shade for about a week. After seven days, put the geranium in its permanent habitat.

Video: how to transplant geraniums into another pot

How to rejuvenate geraniums with a transplant

Geranium feels good in the same pot for several years. But a three-year-old plant may already need updating. Rejuvenate a pelargonium bush better in spring, in March-April. To do this, geraniums are pruned, leaving about five points of growth on each shoot. This procedure helps to give the bush a beautiful shape and increase the number of buds in the future.

The second way to rejuvenate a geranium is to get seeds and grow them into a new plant. It is important to remember that if a variety of pelargonium belongs to the F1 category (selective hybrid), then the desired result may not be achieved - varietal characteristics mother plant will not be passed on to offspring.

The third way is dividing the bush. To do this, the pelargonium is watered abundantly, after a day they take out a clod of earth from the pot and divide the roots into right amount copies. Then proceed according to the instructions.

Possible transplant problems and solutions

The transplanted geranium is a big sissy. She is exposed to many dangers. They all come from improper care behind the "newborn" flower. It is necessary to water the plant along the edge of the pot, and not under the root. The earth needs to be loosened especially carefully and shallow. The first week after transplantation for geraniums is dangerously active sun, it needs light partial shade.

Sometimes in pelargonium, the leaves change color, lose their tone. Why does geranium turn yellow after transplanting? This is the plant's reaction to the stress experienced. It is necessary to pinch them off and remove the inflorescences. After two to three weeks, pelargonium will return to normal. For prevention, you can pour a solution of Kornevin, Heteroauxin. They stimulate the formation of roots.

Geranium is a favorite of many flower growers. Growing it is no easy task. At proper care you can breed a whole garden of pelargoniums. They bloom beautifully and profusely, their aroma neutralizes microbes in the room and has a beneficial effect on human vital activity.