Mediterranean aromas all year round: growing rosemary in the apartment and its use. Rosemary at home: cultivation and care. How to grow rosemary at home

Growing flowers in the house is a pleasure, and growing useful plants is a double pleasure, because in addition to beauty, they also have healing or spicy-aromatic properties. If you don’t have a dacha, but, having succumbed to the general dacha impulse, you want to plant something, then plant rosemary.

You can buy a bag that says: " Seasoning rosemary”, but it is much more pleasant to grow this plant yourself.

I use rosemary sprigs fresh as a seasoning for fish, meat, put in salads, add to tea.

Blooming rosemary is completely covered with pale lilac flowers - it's very beautiful. Another advantage of rosemary is that that it is practically not damaged by diseases and pests.

health pantry

I can't resist the smell of herbs. Therefore, I wanted to have some of them at home, including rosemary.

However, this was not so easy to do. I tried twice to grow it from seeds, but without success. However, I did not stop trying to lure this fragrant whim to me.

And at the next visit to the garden center to me; managed to buy a small pot with a dark green fragrant bush of rosemary.

The Mediterranean guest loves the bright sun, so I placed it on the southern windowsill. Growing rosemary at home is very simple, because it is completely unpretentious plant. It grows without problems in any soil - I have an all-purpose soil mixed with garden soil and good drainage. It requires moderate regular watering, but during the hot season or when heating is too intense in winter, the plant must be sprayed with water to maintain moisture.

So that the bush does not lose its decorative qualities, worth turning the pot different sides to the sun, and in the spring cut off too long shoots, leaving 3-4 internodes from the growth of the previous year. You can also do additional light pruning of young shoots at the end of summer, after flowering.

As soon as the threat of frost has passed, I take my rosemary out into the fresh air, into the garden, where all summer it basks in the sun, bathes in the rain, and returns it to the windowsill for the winter. It is necessary to transfer the plant to the room long before frost, as sharp temperature fluctuations lead to leaf fall.

Rosemary propagation

I propagate rosemary from cuttings.

To do this, I cut off an annual shoot about 10 cm long, remove the leaves from its lower part and put it in a container (preferably dark glass) with water, adding activated charcoal to it.

After 10-15 days, small roots will appear. I plant rooted rosemary in separate pots.

To propagate rosemary, you can do the following.

  1. Take a cutting, 5-10 cm long, from a new growth.
  2. Remove the leaves from the bottom half and dip that part in a rooting preparation you can find anywhere. garden center.
  3. Carefully place the cutting in a container with a moist substrate (peat with vermiculite or perlite).
  4. Place the container in a warm, bright place, but where direct sunlight will not fall.
  5. Spray the cutting daily and check that the substrate does not dry out.
  6. Roots should appear in 2-3 weeks.
  7. Transplant the cuttings into separate small pots.
  8. Pinch off the tops of the cuttings to encourage the development of side branches.

As with most potted plants, the soil in the pot is depleted from watering and the growth of the root system.

When the rosemary grows too large or appears to lack water, it has outgrown its pot and needs to be transplanted into a larger container.

If you wish to keep the pot the same size, trim the roots a few inches from the bottom and sides of the root ball and plant in the same pot. Don't forget to trim and upper part plants to lighten the load on the roots.

Healing properties of rosemary

Rosemary is highly valued in Rome, Egypt and Greece. In ancient times, in these countries, rosemary was even a sacred plant, as legends testify. Rosemary is a symbol of eternity, prosperity and abundance. The name translates as "dew of the sea" - from two Latin words ros and marinus.

Rosemary infusion: 2 tsp. leaves pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes. in a water bath, strain, use as a gargle for sore throats.

If you have problems with your throat (angina, tonsillitis), eat one in the morning on an empty stomach. little leaf rosemary, and forget about the disease.

A decoction of rosemary is very good for relieving swelling in the legs. To do this, a handful of herbs must be brewed in a liter of water, let it brew, moisten a towel and wrap their legs below the knees.

Rosemary is good for strengthening hair. You need to put fresh leaves in almond oil and let it brew for two weeks. Apply warm oil to the hair roots for 15 minutes. For a lasting result, this should be done once a week for two months.

Growing rosemary, planting and caring for the plant - tips

Rosemary Secrets

Rosemary is known to everyone as a spice. It is used in almost all cuisines of the world. But most may have never heard of the medicinal properties of the plant.


Evergreen densely branched and densely leafy shrub

LEAVES: Opposite, linear, with turned down edges, 3-4 cm long, leathery, whitish underneath, felt-pubescent

FLOWERS: White, pale blue, light purple; bloom in spring, summer, often in autumn and winter

FRUITS: Shaggy ovoid round small nuts

1. In summer, the pot with the plant is transferred to fresh air (you can dig it into the ground for personal plot). Ampel rosemary is planted in spring in a tall flower garden.

2. During the period active growth the tops of the shoots are removed from the plant several times (do not pinch the ampelous one!).

3. During the growing season (from March to August) they are fed with a full two-week interval complex fertilizer. If you plan to use rosemary in cooking, use organic matter - ash (but not from oak and walnut), better in the form of an infusion (15 g per 1 liter of water, leave for 1-2 days, mix before use), as well as biohumus (0.5 tablespoons per 5 liters of water, leave for a day, pour rosemary 1 time in March, June , August).

4. For the winter, a pot of rosemary is transferred home. If your window sill faces southeast, first place the plant to adapt to the loggia, balcony, gradually accustoming to room conditions. Rosemary can be "settled" even on a glazed loggia, if the temperature there does not fall below +5 degrees.

In cooking, rosemary (dry leaves, shoots with a spicy aroma and bitter-sharp taste) is used as a seasoning for salads, sauces, fish, various meat and vegetable dishes.

In winter, the temperature in the room where the rosemary pot is located should preferably not be higher than + 12 ... + 16 degrees.


A pinch of dried rosemary or a small sprig of fresh rosemary is enough. Add spice at the end of cooking, otherwise rosemary can give a bitter, unpleasant aftertaste.

Rosemary: benefits

At the first sign of a cold, you can prepare a decoction: pour 2 tsp. dried crushed rosemary leaves with a glass of boiling water, cook for 15-20 minutes, drain. Drink half an hour before meals, 1 tsp. three times a day. With physical and mental overwork, cardiac neurosis, neurasthenia, migraine, you can arrange aromatherapy sessions with rosemary essential oil - add 4-5 drops to the aroma lamp and breathe for 5-10 minutes.

Rosemary oil has long been used in cosmetics. Here effective remedy fight cellulite: add 2-3 drops to body cream or gel. Important! Before use, perform an allergy test: apply 1 drop of oil on the wrist, rub lightly - if there is no redness after 15-20 minutes, then use it.

In the open ground

Rosemary is thermophilic: when the temperature drops to -15 degrees, it freezes. Photophilous, drought-resistant, undemanding to soils, grows on dry, stony, sandy, saline. Sensitive to excessive moisture, shading. Resistant to pests and diseases. Rosemary is propagated by cuttings, layering, dividing the bush, seeds.

Rosemary: harm

Apply rosemary as medicine possible after consultation with your doctor. Although dry grass has no side effects, the essential oil can irritate the stomach, intestines, and kidneys. Rosemary tea should not be drunk during pregnancy.

Fish with rosemary

I will share my recipe: I rub the pelengas (mullet, trout) cut into pieces with salt and large quantity ground pepper, inside I put 2-3 leaves of rosemary, if desired, grease with mayonnaise on top, wrap each individual piece in foil and lay it out on a baking sheet. I bake for 40 minutes in the oven at a temperature of +180 degrees. When serving, I squeeze a few drops onto the finished dish lemon juice.

Healing properties of rosemary

By chance, I was fortunate to meet amazing plant which I had no idea about the usefulness of. It's about fragrant rosemary. Fragrant rosemary - the only and suitable for successful cultivation at home, a shrub variety of the genus Rosemary.

It grows wild in almost all southern countries, but in Russia, due to seasonal temperature changes, it is not found anywhere, except perhaps only in the Crimea, as a specially cultivated crop.

The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of the plant (translated from Latin, rosemary means “sea dew” or “freshness of the sea”). In my own way chemical composition rosemary has so many life-giving, restorative qualities that it’s impossible to list everything! These are trace elements, and various vegetable resins, acids, and tannins.

Rosemary has a moderate to strong tonic effect, so it can be used as an invigorating agent in the morning. Adding rosemary to food improves digestion and secretion of gastric juice. As a component, it is part of drugs that normalize disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Water infusion of rosemary has a choleretic, along with a tonic, effect. To do this, it is necessary to pre-collect young leaves (from the upper bushes), dry and chop. 1 teaspoon of dry leaves is poured with 2 cups of boiling water, insisted for half an hour in a closed container, filtered. Take an infusion of 1-2 tbsp. spoon three times a day before meals.

Rosemary is also useful for amblyopia (decrease in visual acuity without visible violations of hygiene). For this, a strained infusion of crushed leaves and branches of the plant is used in combination with dry white wine. It is recommended to drink 1 tbsp. spoon before meals.

Have a calming effect on the nervous system as a whole therapeutic baths with rosemary. 50 g of rosemary leaves are poured into 1 liter of water and brought to a boil. Then insist 30 minutes and filter. The finished broth is poured into a bath filled with water.

Also, for all of us, a pot of rosemary indoors during the autumn-winter cold weather is very relevant, since volatiles plants are able to clean the air of germs. This has been known for a long time: to disinfect the air in the wards of hospitals, where sick people were constantly, they burned rosemary and juniper cones.

So it’s not without reason, I think, that we, in office space, it was rosemary that “wound up”! All those who come invariably admire the green bush on the windowsill, behind me. Never particularly interested in breeding indoor plants, now I'm addicted to caring for our humble assistant.


This spicy-aromatic shrub is one of the most popular plants in the Mediterranean.

Rosemary - beautiful plant with a bright aroma - can be successfully grown at home, and more precisely at home on the windowsill. I have two rosemary bushes grown in different ways.

E. Malenkova, Kursk


The first rosemary I grew from a cutting brought from France. There I plucked it from one of the huge bushes growing along the seashore. The bushes were covered with small blue flowers and wonderfully

fragrant. Then I did not know yet that these were rosemary - I just really liked their aroma.

At first, the stalk stood in a glass of water, then it successfully endured the flight, wrapped in a wet cloth. At home, I immediately planted it in loose soil and put it in a plastic bag.

The aroma of rosemary is spicy, slightly tart, with a coniferous note.

A month has passed and the rosemary has taken root! By that time, I had already found out what kind of wonderful plant I had brought from distant countries.

Now the rosemary is about 8 years old, but it is not very big. I do not let it grow, I constantly cut it off.


Then I saw rosemary seeds in the store, and I wanted to grow this plant from seeds. Bought and planted. They came up fine. Several bushes have grown, which I gave away to friends.

This year I decided to sow rosemary again, I bought seeds. But this time not a single seed sprouted! I bought seeds from another company, the Biryusa variety (I wonder why this mediterranean plant gave the name of the harsh Siberian river?).

Two rosemary rose from the new bag, but now only one remains. All these six months, I enjoyed watching his rapid growth.


To be honest, I don't particularly care. I plant in ordinary land, I add a few small pebbles to it. Rosemaries prefer alkaline soil.

I water infrequently, sometimes I spray. I know that many flower growers have problems with keeping rosemary at home in winter, in a hot apartment. Indeed, in their homeland they winter in cool conditions, but in my private house they calmly endure wintering, residents of the veranda

All summer long, rosemaries stand on the veranda until the end - until the time when real frosts begin outside the window.

And in winter, on any warm day, I immediately put them back on the veranda - we have it on the south side, and on sunny winter days there is always a positive temperature. Just right for rosemary!

In the spring, already from March, rosemaries move to the veranda for permanent place residence.


Sometimes I cut sprigs from my old rosemary and use them in cooking - I especially like to add them to fish dishes. Thanks to constant pruning, the bush acquired a spherical shape. This is how these wonderful plants grow. Sometimes I run my hand along the crown of a bush, and a spicy, slightly tart aroma spreads around, reminding me of distant lands ...

Rosemary (translated from Latin "freshness of the sea" or, more precisely, "sea dew") is an aromatic spice and medicinal plant. This Mediterranean guest has the appearance of a shrub with small and sharp leaves, like coniferous needles. Flowers small, blue, white or color pink. Rosemary will be a real decoration home greenhouse not only beautiful, but also useful. It is especially pleasant that you can grow it even in a small apartment.

Rosemary in the medicine cabinet and in the kitchen

Many people know rosemary primarily as a spice that is used in cooking. It is indispensable in the preparation of dishes from meat, fish, vegetables. Housewives also add it to pastries. This seasoning is used to flavor alcoholic beverages, vinegar. Its spicy, slightly bitter taste goes well with many foods. But the main thing, perhaps, is the aroma.

It has notes of lemon, pine, camphor and eucalyptus. This is a great sedative and relaxing remedy. It has a positive effect on pregnant women, people with loose nervous system. Rosemary essential oil contains phytoncides, which help with insomnia, and are also used as part of the complex therapy for diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and others.

Rosemary essential oil should be in every first aid kit

Rosemary - source useful substances, contains vitamins, antioxidants, essential oils.

It is useful to keep such a plant at home, as its aroma can act soothingly, relieve accumulated fatigue and irritability.

Seeds or cuttings: the choice is yours (instructions with photos)

Those who decide to grow rosemary on the windowsill should immediately take care of the choice suitable capacity. It is better to take a terracotta or clay pot, wide enough, because the plant has a branched root system. It is important to pour drainage at the bottom of the vessel.

The soil is suitable neutral or slightly alkaline, it is good to add peat or sand to it. The plant needs to be fed about once every two weeks, in winter once a month will be enough.

The easiest way to grow rosemary is to root a cutting. The upper stiff shoot of an adult plant is cut off, freed from the lower leaves and placed in water or placed in a sand-peat mixture.

Be sure to spray regularly. After two weeks, you can transplant into a permanent pot.

For the most patient, the method of growing rosemary from seeds is suitable.

This is quite difficult, here it is important to take into account many nuances:

If after the indicated time shoots have not appeared, try sowing rosemary again.

Video: growing rosemary from seeds in an apartment

Sun, air and some water: how to grow a spice at home

Rosemary is generally easy to care for. He loves light and fresh air. In summer, it feels great on the balcony, and even better - right in the garden.

Rosemary grows best in a well-lit window with south side.

In winter, it should be kept in a well-ventilated area. Adequate lighting will increase the production of essential oils, the plant will have strong and healthy leaves. There should be no sudden changes in temperature, stagnation of water in the pot. The soil should be loosened regularly.

Strong mature plant at least 15 cm high must be cut. In the spring, after flowering, they form a beautiful rounded bush.

Great home decoration - green rosemary

The top shoots can be used to prepare various dishes.

Novice gardeners should be careful not to proper care lead to pests and diseases. The lack of fresh air is one of the reasons for the defeat of downy mildew, the plant may suffer from spider mites. An insecticide will help get rid of it, but then the leaves will be unsuitable for human consumption.

lovers pharmaceutical gardens and natural spices in cooking, you should pay attention to rosemary. Growing a house in a pot will require knowledge of the characteristics of this plant, but as a result, you will be provided with valuable spicy greens. all year round. The leaves, shoots and flowers of rosemary contain an essential oil that has unique useful properties. Infusion and decoction of rosemary are used for headaches, stomach problems, colds, women's diseases, as a tonic in case of loss of strength.

Fresh and dried leaves are widely used to flavor confectionery, olive oil, vinegar, alcoholic beverages. The unique coniferous aroma of rosemary with bitter citrus notes will turn any vegetable, meat or fish dish into a culinary masterpiece. And all this can be easily provided by one bush of rosemary in a pot on your windowsill. It remains to learn more about this ancient culture.

plant description

Rosemary is native to the dry highlands of North Africa and southern Europe. It is not found in the wild in Russia, it is massively cultivated in the Crimea to obtain valuable essential oil. belongs to the long-lived shrubs of the Lamiaceae family. Narrow evergreen leaves pine needles, are located on tetrahedral branches, the ends of which are crowned with blue-violet flowers.

This plant does not belong to indoor plants, therefore, to grow rosemary at home in a pot, it is better to purchase a young seedling in a specialized store.

What conditions do rosemary need

For the successful cultivation of this culture, you need to know the conditions for its growth and try to recreate them at home. This is:

  • strong lighting;
  • low temperature without sudden changes;
  • fresh air;
  • lack of drafts;
  • moderate humidity.

In conditions central heating the plant needs regular spraying, as in dry air it begins to shed its leaves.

Planting rosemary

Rosemary has an extensive root system. A large clay pot is suitable for him. Ceramics do not heat up in the sun and retain optimal temperature root system. Drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot from small fractions of expanded clay, broken shards, pebbles. The height of the drainage can reach up to a quarter of the height of the pot. On top of it, a small layer of vermiculite will be useful, which perfectly regulates the moisture content of the earthy coma.

The soil for growing rosemary in a pot should be light, well structured and contain a large amount of coarse sand, fine gravel; neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. It is prepared from the following components:

  • 1 part of sod land;
  • 1 part ;
  • 1 part coarse sand or vermiculite.

Since peat is acidic, ash is added to alkalinize the soil.

A little soil is poured over the drainage so that the root collar is just below the sides. The plant is placed on the ground, the roots are straightened and gently sprinkled with earth along the edges of the container. The soil is lightly compacted and watered to settle.

A few days after planting, add a little more earth so that the roots do not become bare.

Transplanted young plants annually in early spring then once every two years.

Care for rosemary in a pot

In order for rosemary to bloom at home in a pot in the spring, it is important to provide it with a dormant period. In winter, the most suitable temperature for it is 10-13°C. The bush is moderately watered with settled water, do not forget to spray and keep on sunny windowsill. In the spring, after transplantation, when the seedling starts to grow, the watering rate is increased and they begin to feed once every two weeks with complex mineral fertilizers.

During the growing season, a pot of rosemary is taken out to the balcony, loggia, or transported to the dacha. On cold nights, it is advisable to bring it into the house, as rosemary does not like sudden changes in temperature.

Pests and diseases of rosemary

This plant is quite resistant to various diseases and pests. However, with high dryness of the air, subtle cobwebs may appear on the stems and leaves - this spider mite. At small defeat soapy water will help, which is moistened with the entire aerial part of the bush. If the tick has managed to multiply strongly, any insecticide will help - "Fitoverm" or "Aktellik".

With insufficient watering, the lower leaves of rosemary begin to turn yellow, and with excessive watering, they fall off. Adjusting your watering schedule will eliminate these symptoms.

Subject to these simple rules growing rosemary at home in a pot will turn into an exciting activity, and a caring owner will be rewarded with a large number of fragrant spicy leaves for cooking delicious meals and maintaining health without pills.

We grow rosemary - video

Rosemary will help to make dishes more fragrant - spicy plant, which you can grow with your own hands. In addition, rosemary has a valuable medicinal properties and is used as an ornamental crop.

How to grow rosemary in a pot at home will tell our article. You will learn how to properly plant and care for the plant in order to get fragrant seasoning grown by hand.

Growing rosemary from seeds at home

Given some features, rosemary can be grown on our soils. It is unpretentious, and in the region of its natural distribution (Mediterranean) it is found everywhere.

At the same time, it is thermophilic and photophilous plant therefore, frosts have a detrimental effect on seedlings. It should be planted on calcareous, light and loose soils, protected from the wind. Does not like waterlogged soils and acidic soils, but is resistant to diseases and pests.

Ways and methods

breeds seed culture, through seedlings, cuttings, layering or dividing the bush (Figure 1).

For seedlings, it is sown in February-March in seedling boxes. After about a month, the seedlings need to be planted in pots. With the onset of heat, they are planted in open ground.

Figure 1. Propagation methods (from left to right): seedlings, cuttings, layering and dividing the bush

When propagated by cuttings, they are cut at the end of June from young shoots. The cuttings should be 8-10 cm long with internodes. Deepen into the ground to a depth of 5 cm at an acute angle.

Plant care consists in timely weeding from weeds and regular watering.

Growing conditions

It is quite possible to grow rosemary at home in a pot, if we take into account some features of the culture:

  • Because of the warmth and high demands to the light, planting is carried out after the threat of frost has passed. In the conditions of an apartment, sowing is carried out year-round;
  • The soil should be light and loose, because seedlings do not grow well on heavy and too wet soils;
  • Treatment against diseases and pests is practically not carried out, since the plant is resistant to them.

Growing outdoors is also not difficult, but for the active growth of a plant, it is better to provide it with conditions that are as close to natural as possible.

You will learn more information about breeding and planting crops from the video.

Landing and care

You can plant spice in 4 ways: seeds, layering, cuttings or dividing the bush. The most optimal would be - growing seedlings from seeds with further planting in the ground. Seedlings are sown in February-March, not deepening into the soil. A month later, they are seated in pots. Water moderately. After the frost has passed, the seedlings are planted in open ground.

To achieve a good result, get a strong and healthy plant, you need to create good conditions for him:

  • Air temperature for an adult plant should be in the range of 15-25 ° C. If it is on the windowsill, then it is necessary to open the window, otherwise the temperature drop will lead to the leaves falling off.
  • Lighting: it is better to grow spice on the windowsill of a south-facing apartment. There it will receive required amount sunlight. AT winter time use special filters.
  • Moisturizing: it is necessary to grow a plant in easy air humidity. Watering should be every three days.

Figure 2. Planting a culture with your own hands

If you want to propagate the plant by cuttings, then at the end of June, young shoots are cut from the bush, then buried in the ground at an angle of 45 ° to a depth of 5 cm. Examples of planting seedlings are shown in Figure 2.

Rosemary - growing from seed

At home, growing from seed requires pre-germination. It is carried out in the spring, 7-9 weeks before disembarkation. Immediately before sowing, the seeds are soaked for an hour in water. room temperature.

Note: It is important to choose the right growing container. It can be: a seedling box or small pots with drainage holes.

The culture loves light soil, for this you need to choose a peat-based substrate or collect the earth yourself from coniferous forest. You can also use leafy compost soil. Then, drainage from pieces of polystyrene foam or expanded clay is laid out at the bottom of the container. This fills 1/3 of the pot, then fills it with a substrate and moistens with honey water (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Growing a plant from seeds

After that, the seeds are planted, having previously sprinkled them with water, and after planting they are covered with a small layer of soil and moistened. Cover with foil and put in a warm place.

After a couple of weeks, the first shoots will appear and the film can be removed. The growing container is moved to a bright place without drafts.

Rosemary growing from seed: when to plant

Sow seeds for seedlings in early March. The first shoots will appear in a month. After that, the sprouts dive into pots. But often it is propagated by cuttings of annual shoots, which are harvested in September-October. During the year at good care seedlings grow to the desired size.

Rosemary growing at home in a pot

To start breeding this plant, you can buy it in a specialized store or take a cutting from someone (Figure 4).

Basic principles of cultivation: light permeable soil, good lighting and drainage in a pot, ventilation. In summer, it is grown on the balcony or in the garden.

culture does not like high humidity, tolerates drought well. But from time to time it is necessary to sprinkle the leaves. In autumn, with the advent of frost, it is transferred to the room. Put on a south sunny window.

Transplanted once a year, usually in the spring. If the plant has grown very much, then cut off the roots and shoots.

Figure 4. Growing rosemary in a pot

Usually propagated by cuttings. A small cutting is placed in a glass of water so that it takes root, or planted in light, loose soil with sand or peat. The container is placed in a warm place, moistening periodically. Roots will appear in a couple of weeks. If the cutting has grown, you need to pinch off the top and the plant will grow in the form of a bush.

When growing spices in an apartment, problems often arise due to the lack of fresh air. Downy mildew can appear, which develops on leaves and stems, in the absence of air circulation.

If the air dry plants can damage the spider mite. You can get rid of it only through spraying with insecticides.

The author of the video will tell you how to grow spicy herb at home in a pot.

What is needed for this

The first step is to purchase a container, not plastic. Best Option there will be a medium-sized clay pot with drainage holes in the bottom.

Rotted manure and substances such as: potassium nitrate, nitrogenous fertilizers, superphosphate are added to the garden soil. Water the soil. Seeds are sown on the surface of the earth, then the pot is wrapped with a film, after making holes there.

Note: The film is removed after a week, then it is checked whether the germination of seeds has begun. If the seeds do not germinate, they are sown.

When three leaves appear, the seedlings are thinned out, carefully transplanted into empty places. Watering is carried out using a watering can or sprayer.

For top dressing, they take organic fertilizers, pour them under a bush, without touching the leaves. After that, the soil needs to be slightly loosened.

In summer, plant pots are placed on the balcony or near open window because it needs a lot of light. Otherwise, the plant will grow slowly, the stems will become brittle, and the leaves will fall off.


Watering should be moderate and regular. If the bush does not have enough moisture, the leaves will begin to turn yellow. If there is a lot of moisture, it can drop leaves.

Weeding and loosening should be done on time and in moderation. And what to feed? They are fed with a solution of mullein, complex mineral and organic fertilizers containing phosphorus and nitrogen. Fertilize once a month.

Rosemary: outdoor cultivation

Rosemary is planted in open ground in the second half of May, when it will be stable. warm weather. If you need to grow big bushes, then the seedlings are planted at a distance of 50 cm. After planting, they are watered.

What is needed for this

Growing a crop in open ground requires some care. It consists in loosening the soil, weeding, watering, fertilizing and pruning (Figure 5). A week after planting, pinch the tops of the shoots to form a lush bush.

Note: Two-year-old upright rosemary bushes are pruned in April. The extended view is not cut off. Every seven years it is pruned at ground level, thereby rejuvenating it. Formative pruning is carried out in the spring to give the bushes a certain shape.

For the winter, plants are transplanted into a container and brought into bright room. If this is not possible, cut the bush at the level of the ground surface, cover it with dry sawdust and make a tent from spruce branches to keep the root system viable.


Rosemary in open ground improper watering behaves in the same way as at home: from excess moisture, the leaves fall off, and the roots begin to die off; with a lack of moisture, the leaves turn yellow. It should be watered moderately, under the root, avoiding contact with the leaves.

Figure 5. Growing rosemary outdoors

In the spring, it is important to apply nitrogen fertilizer to the soil, and during the growing season, a complex mineral fertilizer is applied once a month. In autumn, nitrogen fertilizers are removed, and phosphate fertilizers are increased. Thus, the crop yield is preserved and its root system is strengthened.

Rosemary - growing in an apartment

Only fragrant rosemary is suitable for growing at home. It can be propagated in a simple way- grow from cuttings. They can be purchased at the garden center, or you can ask your friends for a process (Figure 6).

What is needed for this

The first step is to get a spacious pot, because rosemary has a branched root system, with good drainage from pebbles or expanded clay.

From land mixture take neutral or slightly alkaline substrates. Also, once every two weeks, the soil is fertilized.

The technology is described in more detail in the section on growing in a pot. Following these tips, you can grow a plant in a city apartment.


A pot with a plant is placed on a well-lit southern window. A large number of air and light gives strong and succulent leaves. In winter, the room is regularly ventilated, and in summer it is taken out to the balcony or dug in the open ground.

Figure 6. Growing rosemary in an apartment

The soil in the pot should be moist, but not wet. The first sign of lack of water is the appearance yellow leaves on the bottom of the stem. And with an excess - rosemary sheds leaves. You need to water with a watering can with a long spout so that moisture does not get on the leaves. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature, settled.

In the period from March to September, the plant is fed with mineral fertilizers. Delivered once every two weeks. In winter, you can not feed, as the root system of the plant is at rest.

How to grow rosemary from a twig

It is best to grow rosemary from cuttings. They can be purchased from a nursery or cut from a bush. Do it late spring or early autumn.

Each cutting is planted in a pot with soil mixed with coarse sand and peat moss. The pot is placed in a sunny place, watered regularly.

Once roots have formed, rosemary can be transplanted outdoors. In cold climates, it is grown in containers. When planting in soil, choose soil with good drainage. If the soil is damp, then the roots of rosemary can rot.

If you need rosemary, growing at home is in a good way obtaining such a plant. Since ancient times, it has been used as medicinal plant, so the practice of planting it in a pot at home is far from new.

Main positive property, which such a plant possesses - the destruction of pathogens in the room due to the release of special substances - phytoncides, similar to those contained in citrus and coniferous.

In addition, it is also worth growing rosemary on your windowsill for its use in cooking - twigs can serve as an excellent seasoning for meat dishes. Taking care of it will not create any difficulties for you - just follow some simple recommendations.

First of all, determine what method you want to get a rosemary bush - the easiest is to plant a finished cutting, which can be bought at a garden store or in the market. At home, this procedure is performed in early March, so that rosemary reaches maturity by mid-summer and can please you with healthy and strong branches that can be used in cooking and household.

In addition, there is growing from seeds, which begins at the end of February - this method is somewhat more complicated, since only 1-2 out of ten rosemary seeds sprout.

To grow rosemary, you will need to pick correct composition soil - a special substrate can be bought at the store, and if you want to make it at home, you will need:

  • one part of peat;
  • one part of humus;
  • one part small river sand;
  • two parts of leafy land;
  • two parts of the turf, cleared of roots.

The ground for rosemary should only be slightly damp - at home, you can achieve this by spraying a minimum amount of water on it with a hand sprayer. Avoid also the use of acidic soils - otherwise rosemary quickly dies before reaching normal development.

Grow this useful plant follows in a medium-sized pot, the diameter of which is approximately 15-16 centimeters. To grow large rosemary, special care is not needed - just try to keep the sprout until it is fully ripe at a temperature of approximately 15-20 degrees. In the future, the temperature range will expand significantly, which allows you to install the pot at home on the windowsill without the need for constant supervision.

How to get a healthy perennial plant?

To grow rosemary good result you only need to follow a few simple rules


At home, try to maintain a temperature for an adult plant that corresponds to the range from 15 to 25 degrees. In autumn, rosemary can be grown on the balcony, where the minimum temperature level is approximately 11-12 degrees.

If you keep rosemary on a windowsill, try to open the window less often so as not to create sudden changes in temperature, under the influence of which the plant may lose some of its leaves.


It is better to install a plant at home on the southern windowsill, as in natural conditions it gets plenty of natural sunlight. Special light filters are not required - however, in winter, you can turn on a phytolamp above it at least once a day to avoid the lack of ultraviolet radiation necessary to ensure a normal level of leaf health.

The largest bushes in the cold season can be transferred to special greenhouses - for example, rosemary can be grown on a balcony or loggia, provided that the temperature indicated above is maintained there.


Care also includes providing a slight amount of humidity - if your home doesn't have new system heating and monolithic walls, you can perform this procedure about once a week. Otherwise, with great dryness, growing large rosemary in a pot on the windowsill is possible only by doubling the frequency of spraying.

Watering is carried out about once every three days - at home, proper care requires that the soil be only slightly moist most of the time. However, when the temperature inside the house exceeds 25 degrees, rosemary requires abundant daily watering.

Main problems

If spots appear on rosemary white plaque, which are spread over most of the leaves and stems, you are trying to grow it in conditions of excessive high humidity. Care in such cases includes installing the plant on a windowsill with good heating. sunbeams, as well as reducing watering to a minimum level. From a raid that is a false powdery mildew, you can get rid of with the help of a fungicide, however, this plant should be excluded from consumption.

Cultivation can also be accompanied by the appearance of a pest such as a spider mite. In this case, the air, on the contrary, is excessively dry - it is required to spray rosemary with an insecticide, and then repeat spraying with clean water for a week every other day.

To grow a bush without pests, periodically take it out to fresh air, and after returning to the room, lightly spray it with water, carefully removing its excess with a sponge or a small piece of cloth.

At home, large bushes can grow excessively and give numerous shoots. If you want a large, healthy rosemary, growing it involves repotting it every year, removing any overgrown single roots and said shoots. To provide the plant with appropriate care, when transplanting, also completely change the soil and apply a small amount of potash fertilizer.

Plant propagation

If you want to grow a new rosemary bush at home using the one you already have, you can use a fairly simple propagation technique. Annual shoots from July to September can be used to form cuttings, which are grown according to the scheme outlined above. In addition, you can also apply other methods - in particular, dividing the bush with part of the rhizome.

A popular method of propagating rosemary is to collect and sow seeds - however, they germinate poorly enough that it forces you to be patient to get even one healthy bush. Rosemary can be planted outdoors in the summer - however, this should be done around early to mid-May to ensure the ideal temperature for the adaptation of the root system, as well as normal humidity.