Do-it-yourself wooden summer shower. How to make a summer shower in the country with your own hands. stage - material and tool

It’s a hot day, you are in the country, something needs to be done, but you don’t feel like it at all. Familiar? I would like to freshen up, but there is no river nearby, and so far it has not been possible to equip the pool either. A simple summer shower for a summer residence with your own hands - perfect solution heat and fatigue problems. Even a small stream of water literally in a minute will refresh and make you more cheerful.

This building has another practical purpose - taking care of our health. It is very important to periodically wash off the accumulated dust, which may contain, for example, particles of fertilizers. Doctors note that summer residents, who are all hygiene procedures postponed until a comfortable home bath, very often then they go to doctors with skin diseases and gastrointestinal problems.

This building has many options. Both technically and aesthetically. The principles of the device of any country shower are the same: you will need a frame, a fence, a tank and a floor (pallet). But the implementation can be very different.

The simplest option is to take a bucket, punch a dozen and a half holes in its bottom and hang it in convenient location. The advantage of this option is its absolute accessibility. Still, ten liters of water may not be enough. And from the point of view of aesthetics, such a shower will pull a maximum of one point. But you don't need to build anything.

If you are not looking simple solutions, then a garden shower for a summer residence can be made of wood, various plastics, metal profiles. Each option has its own tricks and pros and cons. For example, a do-it-yourself wooden outdoor shower can be built using a large number of design options, but plastic and metal do not require special protective treatment.

Country summer shower can be made of wood or corrugated board

It is very important to consider from the very beginning how many people will use the shower and how often. This depends on two key points: tank size and availability of a special drain.

The comfort of using the shower can also be at different levels. If possible, it is better to equip not just a shower, but with a dressing room. Then your things will definitely stay dry. And simply the highest chic is a whole house in which there is both a shower and a toilet, plus a dressing room. Of course, this is the most expensive and time-consuming option.

Little trick: The water will heat up faster if you choose a black shower tank.

Where to put?

The place for a summer shower should be sunny and away from trees and any buildings. This is important because the sun works as a water heater. The second point - do not put the shower where the ground drops noticeably, otherwise the water flow will be difficult. You need to take special care of the drain itself.

For example, with infrequent use and a small amount of water, a small drainage layer under the pan is sufficient. And if a shower is being built for a family of several people who plan to wash often, then it is better to provide a septic tank. Moreover, it is undesirable to arrange it right under the base of the shower, otherwise unpleasant odors may come. It will be enough to retreat 2-3 meters from the building.

Another trick: Near the country shower, you can plant moisture-loving crops - they will provide natural drainage and decorate the place.

We are working!

After you have decided on the place, design and material, it's time to build a shower for a summer residence, step-by-step instruction help you.

  1. Prepare the base for the future shower: choose the direction of the drain and make an appropriate slope.
  2. If a drainage hole is provided, dig it at a pre-selected location. Depth - 2-3 meters, diameter - to place old tires or a barrel without a bottom. At the bottom of the pit there should be a small layer of sand or gravel.

  3. From the future shower stall to the pit, make a drain: dig a groove, put it in it waterproofing layer. You can use roofing material, hydrostekloizol or film, pour concrete with reinforcement. It is not recommended to use clay for this, it tends to erode over time, which will lead to contamination of the drainage ditch.
  4. When the drain and pit are equipped, they need to be closed. Grids or spreaders can be used. This is especially important if there are children and / or animals on the site.
  5. Now you can install the supports for the frame. Standard option how to build a summer shower in the country - make four supports with a diameter of 10 cm, installed in one and a half meter recesses and poured with concrete as a foundation (of course, if the shower is not planned to be moved anywhere). Supports should be 20-30 cm above the surface.
  6. As a frame, a bar 10 by 10 cm or metal pipes is used. Be sure to check the vertical with a level or plumb! This foundation should be allowed to settle for 2-3 days. If the design of the soul does not imply such complex work, then all the same, the installation begins with the verticals of the frame. The height of the building should be 2.5-3 m, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shower compartment should be at least 1x1 m.
  7. The next step is the top and bottom trim.
  8. If the building has a roof, then this is the next stage. In some cases, it serves as a roof itself.
  9. A water tank is usually a plastic or metal barrel or tank (100 or 200 liters). Before installation on the roof of the cabin, it is necessary to make a branch in it and fix the shower head. If it is impossible to bring to the barrel water filling hose, then later you will have to install a ladder nearby to raise water with buckets. This version of a summer shower for a summer residence is easier to build, but more difficult to maintain. It is also not worth putting an open container and relying on rain filling - rains can fail. In addition, dust, dry leaves and insects will get into an open dish.
  10. Now you can move on to the walls. They can be solid, from floor to ceiling, or literally cover only the "most interesting". Can be used wooden planks, corrugated board, slate sheets, moisture-resistant plywood or lining, and even polycarbonate. The main thing is to do everything evenly and fix it well.
  11. The floor is done last. He can be continuous with a drain for water or grating. This option is suitable if the shower is not planned to be mercilessly exploited every day.
  12. The final gesture is the installation of a door or a curtain, depending on the conceived shower model. After that, you can conduct tests and celebrate the appearance of a new building.

A separate article presents popular ones, according to which you can build a structure yourself.

So far, we have been talking about the soul as separate building. But you can simplify your task a little. For example, attach a shower to one of the walls country house . Of course, if you have a wall at your disposal, which is illuminated by the sun almost all day. In this case, only two supports, a tank base, a floor and a drain are required. If the tank can be installed on the roof, this option also deserves attention.

Prefabricated polycarbonate shower

At the word "polycarbonate" most of us imagine a greenhouse. The question immediately arises - how to use such a shower, is it transparent? However, especially for showers, a material is produced that perfectly hides everything. Polycarbonate is attached to a metal frame, and the entire structure is attached to a base, preferably concrete. In this case, anchor fasteners are used.

If you still don’t want to think about how to make a summer shower yourself, then there are a lot of models of ready-made polycarbonate showers. They can be single or double and even triple - the same combination of shower + toilet + dressing room, which has already been mentioned. The equipment can also be different and is selected according to the financial capabilities of buyers. For example, more cheap option- This is a shower stall with a curtain instead of a door.

No matter how great a polycarbonate shower cabin for a summer residence is, you still have to equip a drain and a drainage pit (with a large number of active users). But these efforts are redeemed by simplicity further action. Installation of ready-made polycarbonate booths is a relatively simple matter. And yes, it won't take much time.

Depending on the design and color of the plastic, such buildings can look very attractive. Of course, you should not show off a polycarbonate booth and put it in the most visible place. But the owners themselves and guests at the dacha will be very pleased to look at such a shower and wash in it. In addition, polycarbonate does not require special care.

Enjoy the results

Now you know how to make a shower in the country yourself. And if you are sure that you need a country shower, then boldly act. Best result obtained by careful preliminary calculations. And at the end of all work, you can return to everyday dacha concerns- in which case, you will have somewhere to freshen up.

Self-construction of a summer country shower from improvised materials is shown in the video.

Everyone wants the interior of his apartment to be original and practical. Shower room decoration designs have become much more common, but this invention cannot be called an innovation.
Shower cabins are widely used due to their functionality, ease of installation, as well as significant space savings, which is important in apartments with a small area. To date, manufacturers offer a wide range of these attributes in shape, color, materials from which they are made, which makes it easy to realize the most original and unusual project.

The design of finishing shower rooms can be completely different depending on the wishes and preferences of the owner. The advantages of installing a shower instead of a bathroom are appreciated by a huge number of people.
There are many different interiors of these rooms, characterized by great variety and different design solutions. When installing a shower free space becomes significantly larger, which allows you to install in the bathroom washing machine or other necessary items such as furniture.
The primary task when carrying out repairs in shower rooms is the selection of the necessary finishing materials that will be used. It will not be news to anyone that the bathroom is a room with a high level of humidity, so you will need materials that are resistant to steam and water.
Finishing a bathroom with a shower cabin can be performed in various options and modern market offers a large assortment materials that are successfully used to create unique interiors in this room.

Advice. In order to visually increase the space, you can use mirrors in the interior, which are very relevant today in such interiors.

Finishing materials

The traditional material, which is successfully used for finishing bathrooms, is already long time is a ceramic tile. It is very durable and has excellent aesthetic and operational characteristics, easy to clean and very practical to use.

Advice. If the room is small, then preference should be given to tiles that are not too large in size. This will visually increase the space of the bathroom.


  • Another option could be a great material that does not respond to high humidity and temperature changes - this plastic panels. Manufacturers provide a huge selection of panels various colors and sizes.
    If you want to decorate the shower room with your own hands, you will be surprised how easy it can be done, because they fit quite simply, thanks to the provided design features.
  • Various paints are also successfully used. For repairs in the shower room, it is best to use latex paints, as they perfectly withstand moisture.
    However, in order for repairs using this material to please you for a long time, you must remember that initially (before painting) the surfaces must be properly processed and leveled.
  • Bathrooms and showers can be finished with marble or other decorative rock. This luxurious finishing material is characterized by long term service and low water absorption, however, lay it on their own not recommended as it is very time consuming and difficult process which requires significant experience.
  • For the implementation of budgetary types of repairs, we can recommend self-adhesive film. A significant disadvantage of this material is its airtightness, which prevents normal air exchange of the walls.

Stages of finishing works. Instruction

If you decide to carry out repairs in the shower room on your own, then the first step in this case is dismantling works. Need to recapture old tiles, remove, remove or wash old finishing materials, dismantle the bathroom, old pipes, and then remove all construction debris.
This work is very dirty and physically difficult.

Advice. Along with the dismantling of the old bathroom, it is also necessary to dismantle the pipes. It is best to remove them later in the walls or in special boxes, which can also be used later as shelves.


  • The second step is surface preparation. At this stage, leveling operations of all surfaces of the room are carried out. A lot at this stage depends on the chosen design of the room and the materials used.
  • If you decide to paint the walls and ceiling, then you need to bring them to a perfectly smooth state, since after the operation any, even the smallest defects on the surface will become noticeable.
    In case you decide to use plastic panels for decoration, such alignment of the walls is optional. You can not even dismantle the old finish.

Advice. If you do not want to paint the ceiling, then you can successfully use drywall, plastic panels, wood or very popular stretch ceiling, which will look great in the interior of the shower room.

  • The third stage is finishing the floor. Depending on the selected material and the condition of this surface in the room, certain construction works.
    In order to better understand the features of finishing and laying the floor, it is best to preview the video, which reveals all the stages and features of the implementation of such work.

It is most practical and most aesthetically pleasing to finish the floor surface with ceramic tiles or marble. Beforehand, it is necessary to carry out a screed on cement base.
Laying tiles is a rather laborious and complex process, so if you are not sure that you can carry out this work yourself on high level you need to seek the help of professionals.

Shower room design and decoration

So, in order to proceed directly to repair work, first of all, you need to present (and it is best to draw) the interior design of the bathroom, as well as select all the materials necessary for the repair.

Advice. If the bathroom is small, this fact must be taken into account when choosing a finish. In this case, a small mosaic on the walls looks great, which should separate the section of the wall located near the shower.

Depending on the selected materials, the price of the planned repair will also fluctuate. Remember that you should not save on finishing materials to the detriment of their quality, since in this case the repairs made will very quickly lose their original view and will soon have to do it again.

If you have a fairly limited budget, then it is best to use more affordable finishing materials, such as plastic panels.
To date, their choice is quite wide, so you can easily translate into reality a variety of original ideas. It is quite easy to work with this material, everyone can cope with the same repairs.
If you have the financial means, then we can advise you to try decorating the space around the shower cabin with wood. Such an interior not only looks rich, but also creates a special impression, because wood is natural material, which has been used since ancient times for the construction of baths.

Advice. When decorating a shower room with wood, preference should be given to those types of wood that have water-repellent properties. Perfectly suited, for example, larch.
Impregnation with compounds is required.

Wooden walls and floors fit perfectly into a variety of apartment interiors and look amazing. Before decorating a room with wood, it is necessary to impregnate the walls with an antifungal coating.
And finally, about the color scheme. In the design of shower rooms, it is best to use pastel shades rather than contrasting or dark.
However, if you prefer the latter, it should be borne in mind that you will need to use bright lighting and, moreover, it is desirable not only ceiling, but also wall.

The construction of a summer shower for a summer residence is not complete without questions related to the choice of material and the determination of the size of the structure. In addition, I want the building to be heated. This will make it possible to swim on cold days when the water in the tank does not have time to warm up from the sun. important question is the organization of drainage and drainage dirty water. Today we will look at how to build a summer shower with our own hands, and we will try to address all the questions of interest.

A country shower is so simple that it does not require a detailed diagram. Usually withstand the standard dimensions of the booth 1000x1000x2200 mm. It is impossible to build a cabin below, since it will take part of the height wooden pallet, plus a watering can over your head. But the width and depth of the structure, it is desirable to individually select the physique of the owners. For example, an obese person in a small booth will be cramped, so the dimensions will have to be increased.

Drawing of a simple summer shower for a summer residence

If you decide to cultivate the building, build a dressing room with a dressing room, install benches and a table in it, drawings will already be needed here. Draw what you want to build, specify all dimensions. Composing detailed diagram Please consider the following points:

Wooden shower cubicle

Building a cabin out of wood is the most common option due to its ease of construction. Wood - ecologically pure material, easy to process. Its only drawback is susceptibility to moisture and bugs, so it requires additional processing. To build a wooden shower for a summer residence, you will need boards and timber, preferably from trees conifers. You can, of course, use oak or larch. The material made from these types of wood is more durable, but it is more difficult to process. Having decided on the material, get to work:

Variants of wooden cabins for a summer shower

Polycarbonate cabin

It is easier to build a polycarbonate booth than a wooden one, but you will need welding experience. The fact is that for polycarbonate it is necessary to weld a frame from a metal profile. For racks, a profile with a section of 40x60 mm will go, and a smaller section can be used for strapping. The use of a wooden frame for polycarbonate is not desirable, since both materials tend to "play" from changes weather conditions. From this, polycarbonate sheets can be deformed.

Manufacturing process metal frame for polycarbonate it is similar to a wooden structure. Concrete the main racks, and then weld the upper and lower jumpers. Three jumpers must be made in the middle of the frame so that the polycarbonate sheets do not sag. The fourth is not needed. She will interfere with the doors. From above, weld the frame under the tank. Make a frame for the door from a profile with a section of 20x20 mm and fix it with hinges to the rack. Paint the entire structure with waterproof paint.

For sheathing, use opaque polycarbonate honeycomb sheets, 6-10 mm thick. big leaf cut into fragments according to the size of the booth circular saw. Fix the resulting polycarbonate plates to the frame with self-tapping screws with a thermal washer. The door is also sheathed with a sheet of polycarbonate. Bolt the handle and latch to the frame.

Polycarbonate shower option with dressing room

Shower tank

Cabin made of corrugated board

A good option for giving would be to build a cabin from corrugated board. Lightweight, durable and durable material will serve long years. For a metal profile, both a metal and a wooden frame are suitable, but always with additional transverse bars. Sheets of corrugated board are soft, and additional emphasis will not interfere with them. We build any of the frames for the metal profile in the same way as the above options. In any case, weld the door frame from a metal profile.

Fastening the corrugated board is done with galvanized self-tapping screws with a sealing washer through one wave. First fix the sheets of corrugated board on the side walls, then sheathe the door. If you need to cut the material, use scissors or a special disc with teeth on the grinder so as not to burn when cutting polymer coating corrugated board.

Cabin made of bricks

The construction of a brick cabin in the country requires the construction of a foundation. To do this, it is enough to dig a trench 200 mm wide and 400 mm deep along the perimeter of the future structure. Fill the trench with bricks and pour liquid concrete to seep through between them. A week after the concrete has hardened, start laying bricks on cement mortar. Don't forget to install a box for the door. The door itself can be made of wood or a frame can be welded from a profile and sewn up with a sheet of corrugated board. On the last masonry, wall in across the building wooden bars, preferably the thickness of the brick. They will lay the roof and fix the tank.

Installing the roof and tank

The material for the roof will need to be hard. Slate or corrugated board is well suited. After fixing the roofing material, drill a hole in the center of the roof. Place the tank on top so that the water supply tube passes through the hole. Screw the tap and watering can onto the tube.

The optimal tank capacity for a country shower is 200 liters. In the store you can buy a plastic or galvanized tank or make it yourself by welding from stainless steel. Any container with a neck for pouring water will serve as a tank. To make a shower for a cottage with heated water, mount a heating element with a power of 2 kW in a metal tank. Paint the top with black paint. Dark color attracts Sun rays and the water will heat up faster.

Scheme of the device of the tank for a summer shower with heating

If you install wood-burning titanium in a cabin in the country house, then in addition to hot water, you will get a heated room. Then you will need to install a second tank with cold water next to it.

Arrangement of the floor and drainage

The floor and drainage of the shower for giving can be done in two ways:

Summer shower in a country house

In the presence of free space, country shower can be built in the house. To do this, it is better to purchase a shower stall in the store. AT concrete floor make a recess and install the acrylic tray according to the product instructions. Connect the siphon on the pallet corrugated hose to the sewer. Seal the joints of the pallet to the floor with sealant. Further, according to the instructions, assemble the frame from the profile, install the doors, supply cold and hot water from the boiler.

As you can see, you can build a summer shower with your own hands in the country from almost any material. The main thing is to prepare drawings, material, tools and show aspiration.

In contact with

Hot weather is a rarity in most of our country. On cold days, it is simply not possible to heat the water in the tank to the desired temperature. Wishing to accept ice shower not so much.

By country shower, most people mean simple design with a barrel on the roof. Such a shower has the following disadvantages:

  • water in the container blooms very quickly;
  • there are constant problems with filling the barrel;
  • it is impossible to maintain the desired water temperature.

To realize the idea, you need to familiarize yourself with the advice of craftsmen. A country shower will allow the family to comfortably take water procedures.

Mobile shower works according to the following principle. Any container is installed next to the device. It can be a bucket or a bowl. It pours into it warm water. After that, the end of the hose is lowered into the container.

The device that pumps water into the shower looks like a rug. A hose with a watering can is connected to one end of the pump. Thus, you can get a stream of water that will flow while trampling on the rug. This option is convenient because the mobile shower can be used not only in the country. The device is useful for people who want to maintain hygiene during a hike. Even in such Spartan conditions, you can wash yourself. The advantage of such a shower is the ability to adjust the temperature of the water.

How to make a summer shower in the country with your own hands - for construction robust design carefully select photos and sizes.

When building a stationary shower, the owner needs to decide where to take the water. If there is already a similarity on the site drain pit then you can take the water right there. But it's not the most The best decision, as many people use bacteria to process wastewater. An increase in humidity will Negative influence on the rate of purification of the contaminated liquid.

In the process of building a shower room, it is best to make a separate drain hole. To strengthen the bottom of the pit, you can use broken brick.

The hardest thing to strengthen a hole dug in sandy soil. Its walls will be eroded by sewage during operation. Therefore, it is necessary to sheathe the walls of the sandy recess with boards.

The owner can save money when building a shower at the expense of materials. For the erection of the soul, there is no need to erect. In the construction of the foundation, foundation blocks are most often used. They are set according to the level and the shower is raised 20 cm above ground level.

This height is enough so that the treated wood does not rot. When building a base, it is not necessary to use wood. You can weld a metal case, and put it on paving slabs. If desired, you can strengthen the base by pouring it with concrete.

There are no specific standards regarding the framework. The shower cabin, as a rule, consists of several parts. In one compartment you can arrange a dressing room. In another room there is a water heater. Firewood can be used as fuel.

A room for storing inventory can be attached to the shower. If you are planning more lightweight construction, then you can use the following option - instead of a door, hang a curtain. This will facilitate the construction and reduce the cost of construction. Be sure to consider the height of the people who will go to the shower. Optimal Height should be 2.2 meters. The width of the structure must be at least 0.9 meters. In the manufacture of the frame, you can use not only metal, but also wood.

For the manufacture of a metal frame, it is desirable to use corners with a thickness of at least 4 millimeters. The width of the shelf depends on the load. The frame will hold the water tank. What if you plan to supply a 100 liter plastic container?

In this case, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for sheathing the shower cubicle on both sides with a special clapboard. This material is considered the most practical. It has an attractive appearance and is able to withstand a humid environment for a long time. But for this it is necessary to process the lining special solution.

To make a metal frame, you can use scraps metal pipes. The wall thickness of the pipe must be at least 3 mm. Otherwise, the design of the shower may not withstand the load.

You can strengthen the frame with a crate. To do this, weld additional corners to the structure. With absence welding machine can be fixed with screws.

To build a shower in the country with your own hands, you need to calculate the volume of the tank. For a family of 4, you will have to put a barrel with a volume of 100 liters. For the manufacture of a wooden frame, you can buy a bar. The fastening of the bars is carried out according to the tenon-groove system.

Summer shower for giving with your own hands you can build without the use of expensive materials.

The film is considered the cheapest material for shower wall cladding. The disadvantage of this option is that short term operation. In a year you will have to buy a new film. Therefore, summer residents prefer more reliable materials that can last for several seasons.

It is better to give preference to fabrics with impregnation. This material is used for the manufacture of awnings and tents. When buying lumber, keep in mind that fresh lining cannot be used. The reason is that any lumber undergoes shrinkage.

During the drying process, the material loses its shape and former dimensions. This affects the quality of lumber. On its surface may appear various defects reducing strength. Warping and cracks are the most common flaws that have a negative impact on wooden structures. In a structure built from fresh lumber, gaps may appear in a year. Do-it-yourself shower in the country, drawings, dimensions, photos are of interest to many users who wish to warn themselves against these shortcomings.

For sheathing, you can use the profiled sheet left after the construction of the fence.

Polycarbonate - transparent material that will brighten up any shower room. Do not allow cracks to appear, as dust and moisture will get into them. This is favorable environment for the propagation of algae. Gradually, the walls of the polycarbonate will be completely covered with greenish vegetation.

When building a shower, a ventilation system must be provided. Constant moisture can cause wood to rot. A fungus appears on the walls, destroying the structure.

Any container is suitable as a shower tank. It can be a metal or plastic barrel. However plastic barrels worse water heating. For middle lane this can be critical, as the water needs to be heated.

Ice water unlikely to please the owner of a country house. Although plastic containers are cheaper than metal ones. But this is the only advantage of such barrels. It is best to install metal containers. Not only are they easier to install. The owners do not have to think about how to fix the metal barrel. In such a container, water will heat up much faster. The process of heating water can be accelerated by painting the container black. The disadvantage of this option is the appearance of rust.

People are wondering how to make a shower in the country with their own hands and how to choose the right water tank, when studying a photo of a building, you can decide on the right choice structures and water tanks.

Sometimes a septic tank is installed directly under the shower. In this case, the boards are laid with a gap of 3 mm. Water will flow down and fall directly into the drain hole. In sandy soil, water will not stagnate.

But for clay soil this type of septic system will not work. To organize a normal drain, you need to dig a hole in another place. A pallet for building a septic tank can be bought at the store. The finished pallet must be selected based on the size of the future building. It is necessary to install bars around the entire perimeter, otherwise it will hang out.

The foundation can be laid out of bricks. At the bottom of the building you need to lay a layer of gravel 15 centimeters thick. After that, a drain pipe is installed. After the concrete hardens, you can continue the construction of the shower.

Most summer residents have a desire to swim in the soul after excavation. The procedure has a positive effect on human health. Of course, you can buy a shower in ready-made. But this will increase construction costs.

It is cheaper to make a shower on your own, without the help of specialists. The water must flow at a certain slope. Don't forget to waterproof your shower. Via waterproofing film it is possible to prevent the occurrence bad smell. To do this, you need to lay a special grid. The recommended depth of the drain pit is 2 m.

To save heat, it is necessary to install a polycarbonate roof on top of the tank. It will create a greenhouse effect. A mandatory element of the tank is a sensor that informs the user about the water level. In the absence of water, they can burn out. Therefore, this parameter must be constantly monitored. To equip the floor in the shower, it is necessary to install a drain pipe.

What if there is no running water in the house? To fill the tank you have to carry water in buckets. This is way too labor intensive. Before building a shower, think about the water supply. If you have running water, you can fill the tank quickly enough. Just open the faucet and wait until the container is filled to a certain level.

Advanced home owners have come up with a scheme that automates this process. This can be done using the float system. It is imperative to provide for the installation of a system that is designed to drain excess water. According to the law of physics, the warmest water is on top. Therefore, water intake is carried out from above. At the bottom of the tank, you can install a hose for draining water into the sewer.

Of course, you can use the energy of the sun. In this case, you do not have to spend money on electricity. However, this method has a significant drawback. With the help of the sun it is difficult to warm up a large amount of liquid. In addition, this method can not be implemented in all climatic zones.

In this case, you can use heating using devices that use electricity. The heaters can heat the water to the desired temperature. A person who decides to take a shower sets himself temperature regime.

In order for the warmest water to enter the watering can, it is necessary to attach a piece of foam to the hose. Therefore, water is taken from above. To speed up the heating of water, you can make a coil.

A shower can be built at the farthest end of the site, near the fence. On sandy soil, water will not linger in the sump. Due to the rapid absorption of water, rotting can be avoided wooden materials which are used as sheathing materials.

When building a shower near the fence, the owner gets an advantage. In this case, it is enough to install 3 pillars. So that the pillars do not stagger, it is necessary to dig holes 78 cm deep, fill everything with rubble, tamp and pour concrete.

After leveling the floor, wood processing begins. You can buy aspen boards and impregnate them with a protective layer. Then the lumber is processed with a grinder.

When installing shelves, consider the weight of the barrel. It must withstand a load of at least 100 kg. Corners will rust during operation. To increase the service life of the metal frame, paint special paint which can be applied directly to rust.

To install polycarbonate, you can use self-tapping screws. Violation of technology can lead to cracking of polycarbonate sheets in sunny weather.

Therefore, people prefer a summer shower equipped with a heating system. To obtain a convenient and practical design, great attention must be paid to the construction site. A draft after a shower can lead to a cold. With the help of heating elements, you can heat water up to certain temperature even in cold weather.

  1. There must be a distance of at least 5 meters between the shower structure and the drain pit.
  2. To earthworks you can only cross after calculating the volume of the drain pit. One person accounts for 0.5 cubic meters.
  3. When laying pipes, observe a slope of 3 to 5 degrees.

The simplest design of the drain pit is considered to be the shape of a cube. But this option has a significant drawback. The walls of such a pit lose their strength.

It is best to use a cylindrical drain pit. In this case, the load is distributed evenly and the probability of failure is reduced. In order to increase the life of the shower structure, it is necessary to use bio-based products. Many bacteria are able to process waste. Water will quickly soak into the ground.

The advantage of a plastic tank is that the water does not bloom in them, the joints do not rust, and the properties of the water do not change.

Electric heaters can be supplied with my own hands. However, it is best to purchase a ready-made tank equipped with a built-in heater. In this case, the system controls all parameters automatically. The unit has a control panel and switches itself off in the event of a emergencies.

In the shower high humidity. Therefore, during construction, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. Instead of an iron pallet, it is desirable to use plastic ladders. They provide good air circulation and prevent water stagnation.