How best to make an extension to a wooden house. Attach to a wooden house - how to do it right

modern building experiencing a rebirth frame technologies. From wooden beam, edged boards and panel panels, houses and cottages are built that are not inferior in comfort and durability to buildings made of classic materials. The idea of ​​​​an extension to the house from the frame is attractive in that for the construction of a room attached to the house, you do not need to mess with concrete and masonry blocks, you do not need a modern construction machinery and most importantly, you can make most of the frame extension to wooden house with their own hands, sometimes without even resorting to the services of assistants.

How a frame extension is built

Technology frame construction suggests for the manufacture of a power-bearing frame, an extension of an edged timber and a board. The methods of erecting individual parts, walls and roofs of a frame extension to the house practically do not differ from the construction of ordinary wooden frames of a barn gazebo or even a wooden house.

To build a frame extension to the house in several versions:

  • Classic frame made of board, slats and timber, reinforced with struts and struts made of board with insulation based on mineral wool or polystyrene foam;
  • A combined version of a power frame made of timber and SIP panels. The vast majority of construction companies build extensions from the frame only on the basis of panels and timber;
  • Frame base made of timber, insulated basalt wool and lined with siding. In this case, the skeleton of the walls and roof is made according to a reinforced scheme, and the facade decoration is selected to match the color and texture of the walls of the main building.

Note! The use of a wooden frame and siding allows you to design an extension and a house in one piece. It is quite difficult to visually distinguish which part of the building is capital and which is made in the form of an extension from the frame.

On the other hand, the use of siding dramatically increases the load on the frame of the extension, you have to use more expensive lumber, buy sling or lining for interior decoration walls, pour a more massive foundation.

The construction based on the frame and siding justifies itself for rooms no larger than 3x5 m. Larger boxes are more cost-effective to build from foam blocks, and the frame for small extensions, as a rule, is assembled from a 70x90 mm timber and a magpie edged board.

The main issue of building an extension

The construction of any extension based on a wooden frame begins with the selection of a place for the installation of an attached building and a rough marking of the future foundation is carried out. Correct selection foundation scheme guarantees the durability of the structure, simple copying of the foundation device like a barn frame or wooden gazebo most often ends with a break in the load-bearing racks and even overturning the extension.

On what basis to put the extension frame

Before attaching a frame extension to the house, it is necessary to remove the sod and at least approximately determine the nature of the soil. The more clay, the harder and heavier the foundation base of the extension frame should be.

Wooden buildings with a load-bearing frame are installed on the following types of foundation:

  • pile-grillage;
  • Columnar;
  • Tape shallow.

Most suitable option foundation is determined by the degree of heaving of the soil in winter period and stiffness of the walls of the house. For a frame extension to a small wooden house, you can use columnar foundation.

AT ideal wooden frame a small extension is installed on the same foundation as the house, this avoids problems with shrinkage and temperature fluctuations. The small weight of the extension has practically no effect on wooden walls main house.

Another thing is if the room attached to the house has two floors, and the dimensions of the frame are only slightly smaller. frame base the house itself. In this case, the extension is installed on strip foundation from brick or concrete, since the frame made of timber, even reinforced with struts, is not rigid enough.

Pile supports under the extension frame

The strip foundation goes well with the wooden frame of the extension on relatively stable sandy and rocky soils, if it is necessary to install an attached building on clay or watered soils, then the pile-grillage foundation will be the only option.

Thanks to the use of piles, two serious problems can be solved:

  • Avoid deformation of the frame, destruction of floor beams and strapping racks due to heaving of the soil;
  • Reduce overflow and absorption of ground moisture by wooden frame structures. The strip foundation has always been considered the most "wet" and coldest.

Usage screw piles allows you to assemble an extension of any size, to almost any house, whether it is a brick, block or wooden structure. At the same time, the frame extension to the wooden house turns out to be balanced in terms of horizontal loads, that is, with strong wind or soil pressure, the rigidity of the foundation is enough not to load the main building.

Piles can be screwed or poured in close proximity to the foundation of the building, since there are no deep trenches, and the supports are “softly” screwed into the ground, the risk of damaging the foundation of the house is minimized.

For small spaces frame structure can be installed on cheaper asbestos-cement pipes to securely tie the skeleton of future walls and floors to the supports in the pipe heads, wall up the wire or anchor bolts.

Extension strip foundation

The construction scheme of the strip base for the premises attached to the house is practically no different from the standard MZL foundation. The only difference is that the width of the tape is made quite thin, no more than the width of the strapping beam. It does not make sense to make it wider, since the concrete tape has a margin of safety an order of magnitude greater than is required to hold the extension frame. The foundation for a frame extension to the house is being built with your own hands, photo, in two full working days

The basement of the foundation must be glued roll waterproofing and is laid with a strapping beam, to which they will be attached vertical racks, struts or SIP panels.

Next comes the turn of stuffing the subfloor with boards, the insulation and waterproofing of the attached premises are performed at the final stage, but for now the shield is laid from the boards for the convenience of assembling the extension frame. After assembling the frame structure, logs will be laid on the strapping beam and then a decision is made on how to sew up floorboards or OSB boards.

We build the walls and roof of the frame room

The beam of the lower strapping is sewn to the pile or strip foundation with the help of anchor bolts. First, a tie-in is performed at the corners of the extension, and only after marking the installation points of the vertical racks are they looking for free place for anchors.

External walls of the extension frame

The extension frame can be assembled in two ways. The first option involves the formation external walls using a series of vertical racks made of timber, interconnected by jumpers of their boards and scraps. The heads of the racks are necessarily connected by the upper strapping beam, which in the future will serve as the basis for the formation ceiling and extension roofs. All elements of the jumpers between the racks, the places of articulation and mutual tie-in of the wooden elements of the frame are necessarily reinforced with mounting metal plates.

The cells of the frame are filled with mineral wool mats, or pasted over with sheet XPS, after which a crate is stuffed to remove condensate and a film vapor barrier is laid. Internal and outside surface the walls of the frame are sheathed with OSB or clapboard.

Particular attention should be paid to the corner posts of the frame and equestrian openings. Most often along the corner seam line in winter time there is an intense freezing of condensate due to the presence of a cold bridge. To internal corners the premises did not dampen the frame; they are supplemented with a simple casing of two boards stuffed with slats.

The second option for the formation of the frame is used for the construction of extensions. large sizes. Instead of forming the outer frame in the traditional cellular way, they only build corner posts, lay the beams of the upper and lower strapping, and the walls of the extension are assembled from ready-made SIP panels. Next, beams are sewn interfloor overlap and ceiling. As a result, several massive racks made of 150x200 mm timber take the main load, and the walls and ceilings remain, as it were, in a suspended state.

Important! Regardless of the method of assembling the frame between the walls of the building and the attached premises, a expansion joint, which is filled with insulation and rubbed with silicone.

The joints and seams between the SIP panels are glued with acrylic mass, after which you can proceed to the construction of the roof frame.

Assembling the truss system

It takes about half of the working time planned for the construction of an extension to assemble the roof truss frame. The simplest option involves making gable roof coaxial with the roof of the main building. To simplify the articulation of two truss systems, the height of the extension is chosen 60-70 cm lower than the vertical size of the house. In this case, the roof simply rests on the gable of the house.

If an additional room was added to the side wall of the house, then the main axes of the truss systems form parallel lines. So that a dead zone does not form between the slopes, an attached room is used shed roof articulated with rafters load-bearing elements at home, as in the diagram.

Most difficult option docking frames of two truss systems is shown in the photo.

Such docking options present a certain difficulty even for experienced carpenters, so such roofs are usually ordered on a turnkey basis at construction companies. The main problem is to ensure the tightness of the roofing in the area where the ridge beam enters the truss frame of the house. The wooden skeleton of the attached premises will shrink within six months, as a result of which the adjoining zone is crushed and opens even when reinforced with metal aprons.


The frame technology for arranging an attached room allows you to build a box quickly enough and without unforeseen costs for repairing the foundation or fixing the masonry. Today, frame houses and outbuildings are considered the most promising construction option, so many companies and organizations have begun to produce ready-made attached premises with the possibility of pre-ordering and manufacturing up to 70% necessary components. Such a set will only need to be delivered to the place and assembled as a children's designer.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Private house needs to be expanded over time - there is a need to expand the kitchen, add a veranda or arrange an additional room. Therefore, the owner of the house has a question - how to make an extension to the house with your own hands? Below are the stages of construction using frame technology.

Benefits of frame technology

The frame extension to the house has important advantages:

  • low cost and a minimum amount of building materials;
  • work is done quickly;
  • there is no need for a massive foundation.

Schemes and drawings of the extension project are clear to any novice builder. The technology is similar to the assembly of the designer, but in the end you get a comfortable and cozy additional room.

Preparatory work

The construction of an extension to the house begins with preparatory measures. Carefully inspect the construction site, remove all debris and vegetation from it, mark the territory and stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • metal pipes for supports;
  • components for concrete mix- sand, cement, gravel;
  • self-tapping screws, nails, metal corner for fastening;
  • boards for logs 5 cm thick and 15 cm wide;
  • perfectly processed boards for finishing flooring;
  • natural wooden lining for walls;
  • bar 50 mm;
  • concrete mixer;
  • hammer, screwdriver, building level, rope and circular saw;
  • block house under a log for sheathing an extension from the outside;
  • metal tile for the roof.

Be sure to provide a drainage system under the extension. To do this, tamp the ground under the veranda and make a slope in this place for water to drain. Below is step-by-step instruction building an extension.

Step-by-step instructions for building an extension to the house

1. Installation of supports. Nailed to the wall of the house wooden board at least 5 cm wide, which will become a support. Along the edges of the marked area for construction, install wooden structures - "cast-offs". They need to be installed a little further than the marked area. Pull a strong rope over them. Check the correct dimensions of the markup so that everything is at right angles.

2. Dig a trench across the width of the foundation with a depth of one meter. Prepare a cement mixture of sand, gravel and cement with the addition of water. Do wooden formwork. Start installing supporting pillars, make the distance between the posts no more than 1.5 m. At the bottom of the trench, pour a pillow of gravel about 10 cm thick. Cut the pipes in advance and install them vertically in the pit, fixing them with boards. Next, fill the gaps between the supporting posts and the walls of the trench with the prepared solution. To vertical position the pipes in the pit are not broken - fix the supports with spacers and wait three days for the mortar to harden. After it hardens, the formwork can be removed.

3. Creating a floor. At the next stage of creating an extension to a wooden house, take the log boards with your own hands. Two boards are mounted to the supports with metal mounting corners at the end of the extension - place the rest between them. When installing the lag, do not forget to check their horizontal location with a level. The transverse lags are mounted using 120 mm nails and grooves to the longitudinal part of the extension foundation.

4. Installation of the base for walls and roofs. Work begins with screwing the bars to the base of the floor using dowels and a perforator. The side bars are nailed to the walls. You can get acquainted with the video and photo of this work in our article. Structural stability is ensured by diagonal bars laid at the outer corners. Don't forget to mark the door and window opening. The entire structure is reinforced with transverse insertion jumpers. Outside, the base of the extension is sheathed with a block house. It is advisable to lay a layer of glassine on the boards of the crate before sheathing, it will protect the building from moisture.

5. Arrangement of the roof. After installing windows and doors, the roof is covered with metal tiles. Cover the place where the roof adjoins the building with a galvanized iron apron.

6. Internal work. An extension to the house with their own hands will soon be built, remained interior work. The walls and ceiling are sheathed with natural wooden clapboard. Before that, they can be insulated with penofol. To create a floor, you first need to make a rough floor. A rough bar is laid on the sides of the genital lags, they creep on it edged boards. They put a heater in the form of mineral wool, and then proceed to the installation of the final floor.

We hope that our instructions helped you learn how to build an extension to your house. If you carefully study the sequence of work and properly prepare building materials and tools, as well as be patient, you can easily make a beautiful veranda yourself.

Video of building an extension to the house with your own hands

The main ways to increase living space: a frame extension to the house, an increase in balconies, loggias, additional buildings.

An extension to the house from the frame is the best option for increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living space. Such a building is built to buildings various types- brick, wooden, frame, foam block, as well as to houses from a log house. Building material for outbuildings - wooden beams, bricks, cinder blocks, foam blocks and more. The structures adjacent to the building have a very wide range of functions. It can be used for recreation, as a storage or utility facility, dressing room, etc.

It is very important for a person to save money. That is why, people are trying to do construction and repair work with their own hands.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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The disadvantage is the long and laborious process, and dignity is a big financial savings.

Brick construction of an extension

Advantages of a brick

  1. Resistant to adverse weather and negative temperature air.
  2. High fire safety.
  3. Resistance to chemical and biological influences (insects, rodents, mold and fungus do not start).
  4. Good sound insulation coefficient.
  5. Very reliable and has a long service life.
  6. Aesthetic and beautiful look.
  7. Brick has excellent strength.
  8. Does not emit chemically active substances.
  9. There is no need for external decorative trim.


  1. Small dimensions of the material.
  2. Restrictions in construction in cold or rainy weather.
  3. Low thermal insulation.
  4. The huge weight of the structure (you will have to build a very strong reinforced foundation).
  5. Brick building is very long time heated.
  6. Internal decorative trim.
  7. The building shrinks for a very long time (shrinkage occurs at the foundation under enormous weight).
  8. Fairly high cost.
  9. Do-it-yourself frame extension

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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After developing a plan and choosing a building material, it is necessary to calculate Supplies, prepare the tool. From consumables: metal corners, nails, wood screws, tow, wedges. From lumber, you will need a beam of 200x200 and 150x150, a saw cut for the crate of the structure, shields, slats for the roof. For the foundation - broken brick, cement mixtures, crushed stone of any faction. From the tool you need: electric or chainsaw, drill / screwdriver, angle Sander, axe, sledgehammer, hammer, building level and shovel. Additionally, calculate the amount of material for insulation and roofing.

All necessary building materials and tools are prepared. Now you can start building.

Building a wooden structure

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for building a structure to a wooden one:

The first stage is the construction of the foundation for the future structure.

To do this, it is necessary to dig a pit into which crushed stone prepared in advance will be poured. Next, we build a reinforced frame and form the formwork. The blank for the foundation is poured with special cement mixtures.

The next step, after the foundation has completely hardened, will be the installation of a 200x200 prepared timber around the entire perimeter (you can use a 150x150 or 150x100 timber). Next, installs racks of wooden beams 150x150. This will be an important part of the structure, which will be heavily loaded (a smaller beam is not recommended).
The next stage is the fastening of additional racks in increments of 1-2 meters (the pitch of the racks will depend on the thickness of the timber used, as well as on the size insulation boards so as not to cut them). The next stage in the construction of a frame extension with your own hands is the upper trim along the perimeter of the structure. It is carried out according to the principle of the bottom, with one nuance - an overlap of 0.3-0.4 meters is made behind the main crown of the room. After mounting the upper trim, they begin to form a frame for the roof. This will require a pre-prepared wooden crate, which is installed on the upper crown. It is necessary to lay insulating material on the crate (as a rule, a hydrobarrier is used). All parts adjacent to the house new design fasten with anchor bolts or long wood screws.

Production of final works

An important stage of work is the installation of the roof of the erected building with your own hands. The choice of roofing material is very diverse. Based on their material capabilities, the builder chooses the appropriate roofing material. Popular is corrugated board and ordinary slate. The cheapest option would be slate, but it has a lot of weight. It is more rational to use corrugated board. It will add attractive and aesthetic appearance at home, it is easier to install.

After the production of the main works on the construction of the structure, the floors in the room are formed. At the beginning, a “black” floor is mounted. It is usually made from ordinary unplaned boards. Next, cells are formed for insulation in the form of honeycombs. Fill each cell with insulation so that there are no gaps. Only after that you can proceed with the installation of a “clean” floor.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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Additionally, heat-reflecting insulation can be used. The best option for a finished floor and wall cladding fit oriented - particle boards. OSB usage saves construction time as much as possible. Installation of walls is carried out according to the same principle as floors (only OSB boards sheathe the walls inside and outside). The insulation is installed in the holes between the bearing racks. Take into account the places under the windows and doors. Install windows in the planned places, install doors.

The final stage is the interior decoration of the room and its ennoblement.

Frame extension to a brick house

When erecting an adjoining structure to brick house sequence must be followed. Construction begins, like any other building, with the formation of the foundation; then comes the frame and reinforcement to the main building; roofing is installed, floors and walls are mounted; decorative interior decoration.

When building a foundation, there are some peculiarities - it must be the same height as the house so that dampness does not appear. There are several types of foundation - columnar, tape, tiled, pile-grillage and pile. For frame use, mainly belt type. When pouring the base, you need to monitor the deformation of the seams. When assembling the frame, one should take into account the difference in the weight of the structure being erected and brick building. A brick structure sinks into the ground faster than a wooden one, so the foundation must be made lightweight.

To attach the new structure to the house, metal corners or tires are used. It is recommended to use corners, because their rigidity over the entire area is greater than in tires. Fasten the metal with long anchors.

AT wooden racks that will go into the corners, a hole is drilled for the protruding part of the anchor. This is done to tightly press the timber to the metal corner. In addition to the racks, the upper and lower crown of the frame is fixed in the same way. For greater reliability of fasteners, it is necessary to weld all metal joints, scald the protruding part of the anchor. Otherwise, the stages of work are identical to the frame extension to a wooden house.

Shield extension to the house

This is the most cheap option outbuildings. For its construction, a lightweight foundation of small depth is required. The most popular basis for a panel extension to a house was a columnar foundation, for which wooden bases or metal or asbestos pipes.

The main point in the construction of this type of structure is the waterproofing of the base. For 150x150 or 150x100. Are fastened together wooden blocks between themselves with ordinary wood screws. Vertical racks are mounted in increments of 2-2.5 meters. Are getting stronger bearing walls horizontal struts. Wood needs to be treated with rot and pest control.

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Over time, private facilities need to be enlarged for completely different reasons. For example, an increase in the number of people living, equipping the house with sewage, or the desire to enclose front door from direct exposure to cold air. Because of this, there is a need for another room, or an extension kitchen area, bathroom, or just an extension of the veranda. A frame extension is what you need.

Frame extension to a wooden house

Building a frame extension is perfect solution problems with the need to expand the area. Do-it-yourself extension to the house is usually made of timber, brick or in a combined version. In order not to have to make changes, it is best to initially think through all the features of the structure, because each needs an individual approach.

Additional living room

If there is a need to add another room, you need to try, because all these actions are tantamount to building a small house.

If a living room is planned, then it must be insulated, heating, interior and exterior decoration

The whole building must be insulated, otherwise the heating will be absolutely useless. It is also necessary to carry out waterproofing so that there is no problem with dampness and fungus.

Bathroom or kitchen

Before you install the foundation, they bring to the construction site engineering Communication. Sometimes you have to separately conduct plumbing.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the insulation of absolutely all the details of the building and think over a thorough waterproofing of the floor in advance.


A simple structure that is built to protect the main entrance to the building from rain and wind, and is also used in summer time of the year.

An extension to the house can be in the form of a veranda

It can be closed or open. This building does not need special insulation, however, waterproofing is mandatory in any case.

Create a construction project

In the event that the site has big square, then there will be no problems with the construction of the extension, even if it is planned to do all the work with your own hands. In order not to be mistaken with the required area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe annex, it is imperative to draw up a thorough plan.

First, design an extension in the program or on a piece of paper, calculate the costs

Here are a few key tips to keep in mind when planning:

  1. Accurately determine the purpose of the extension. This will not necessarily be a living space, it is likely that a person needs a veranda, a garage, or just a separate place like a personal workshop. All subsequent nuances of construction work will directly depend on this choice: the amount of materials, area, number of openings and much more.
  2. Another circumstance can be called the presence of communications in the designed construction site.
  3. In addition to the number of materials, you also need to know their type. Thus, it will be possible to calculate the cost of future construction and take care of the quality, which affects the service life.

Thus, an extension made of timber needs a foundation corresponding to that which is under the main structure. If the house was built with his own hands, then the owner of the building knows exactly what kind of foundation it is. Therefore, it will not be particularly difficult to make such a one.

The main nuances you need to know:

  • the size of the foundation and the depth of the laying of the foundation;
  • material and the right solution.

As a result, it will be necessary to tie the foundation being built to the existing one. After this stage, you can build walls. When the owner of the house does not have any information about the foundation, then studies are carried out to help choose the material and installation. After pouring the foundation, you need to wait a period of about 30 days for it to harden and become strong. Individual attention should be paid to the junctions of only the base made to the old one.

Pile foundation can be done even in winter

You can make a pile element, its installation is not associated with those already built.

Construction of extension walls

After the foundation is ready, they begin to equip the walls - 3 walls, because the 4th is already there, the one to which the room is attached. However, there are also such options when 2 walls are enough, it all depends on the design of the building. An extension to a wooden house, usually, is not difficult at all. Metal plates and other specialized parts are used as fasteners.

pie wall frame house not much different from the wall of the extension, if it is a living room

If a additional area from a bar, then you need to consider that the size of the material should not be less than 200 by 200 millimeters, in the case when it is planned permanent residence. It is required to know that timber is quite heavy material, and subsequently it shrinks. Only at the end this process you can qualitatively and firmly fix the new building to the house itself.

Regarding the time it takes to shrink, this is about a year, or a little more. The duration of this period is affected by the area of ​​the extension, the quality of the material, as well as the condition of the building to which the extension was made. The main rule in this matter is not to rush.

The frame of the shield is slightly subject to shrinkage if the timber used has been dried to the required level.

At the end of shrinkage, the initially delivered fixing materials are removed and fixed in a new place. During the period of precipitation, the structure should be insulated with felt, cotton wool, or some other material.

News construction works can all year round, in winter, prices for building materials and work are several times cheaper

To improve the quality of thermal insulation and give good appearance joints, a special element of wood is used. At the moment of shrinkage, it may shift slightly, so there is a need to remove and strengthen again.

Do not forget about the roof to the extension, it can be made a continuation of the roof of the house, flush with the wall or with an overhang - everything is at the discretion of the owner or designer

When the size of the house is increased, the question of roofing arises. Everything happens in the usual way by standard technology. The approximate order of the roof is as follows:

  1. First of all, arrange truss system. Do not forget about compliance with all load characteristics.
  2. At the end of the installation of the rafters, they proceed to the creation of the crate, using bars and slats. Instead of this design, solid flooring is sometimes performed - in the role building material boards or plywood will do.
  3. Fronton cladding.
  4. Hemming of cornices.
  5. Installation of wind elements.
  6. Direct installation of the roof. The material is chosen independently, based on personal palatability the owner of the house.

Next - the floor, ceiling and other interior finishing work. Installation of openings is not particularly difficult. If the extension to a wooden house is made of the same material, then other details are best done using lumber.

Features of the construction of an extension

Consider important tips builders who are experienced specialists in this field:

  1. Actions with the tree must be performed in the cold season. When work is carried out at such times, the weather helps to reduce the shrinkage time.
  2. The thermal insulation of a structure made of timber is most appropriate inside. This preserves the neat appearance of the building. You can also save a lot on the number of insulating material.
  3. We should not forget that an extension to a wooden house needs to be coated with an antibacterial agent that has protective characteristics from the effects of moisture. Refractory treatment is a must in this type of construction.
  4. It is best if the number of metal fasteners is kept to a minimum. With all this, it is worth stopping at galvanized. This is very important in order to protect the extension to the wooden house from corrosion.

The frame extension, the construction of which takes place quite quickly, can be erected by everyone.

The extension can be framed in general style facade of the house and will not stand out externally

An extension to a wooden house, if all standards are met, will last long time and it's not hard to build.

If you wish, you can independently build a veranda for a summer residence without involving professional builders. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of the construction of structures and prepare necessary materials. Some owners country houses create a veranda not only for relaxation, but also to increase thermal insulation.


To build a reliable veranda, you need to think about several important factors:

  • the amount of money you are willing to spend
  • will the veranda be summer or winter,
  • what design of the extension is suitable for a particular house,
  • what is the best way to build a veranda.

Even if you have decided exactly what you want to see as a result and have drawn up a plan, it is better to coordinate it with a professional designer who can point out the mistakes made. It is worth thinking about which side of the house is best to attach extra room and whether it will pass or not.

Features of wooden outbuildings

After looking at the photo summer verandas in the country, many owners of country houses choose wood, as it is a traditional material and has a lower cost. To evaluate this material, it is worth considering its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of a wooden veranda:

  1. Ease of installation. When building an extension made of wood, even a non-professional builder can handle the work.
  2. Light weight. A wooden extension does not require the construction of a solid foundation, and therefore the cost of materials is significantly reduced.
  3. Suitable appearance for many country houses. Most often, cottages are built precisely from wood, and if you create an extension, then the best option suitable construction of the same material.
  4. Environmental friendliness and safety. Wood is one of the healthiest materials.

But in addition to these advantages, the material also has disadvantages. One of them is fire hazard. If the owner of the house is going to build a brazier, then for this it is necessary to take into account many little things and spend additional funds.

Important ! All wooden elements need processing special formulations and constant care during operation. Otherwise, the extension begins to slowly collapse.

The material becomes unusable due to the influence of:

  • weather conditions,
  • fungi,
  • insects,
  • microorganisms.

Features of brick outbuildings

One of the significant advantages of a brick veranda is that this material allows you to keep cool air in the summer, which allows the owners of the house to enjoy their vacation even on the hottest days. Also, the extension does not need constant maintenance. After committing finishing works you can forget about working with this material for a long time.

If you make a thorough warming of this part of the house, then brick walls can save comfortable temperature indoors even on the coldest days. But it is worth remembering that for the winter veranda it is necessary to install double glazing.

If we talk about the shortcomings that a brick structure has, then it is worth mentioning the large weight of the structure. Because of this, it is necessary to build a solid and heavy foundation, which requires considerable investment.

Construction of an extension made of polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is not used as often as brick and wood, but is a material that allows you to create an inexpensive and lightweight extension to country house. It has the following advantages:

  • transparency,
  • good thermal insulation,
  • plastic,
  • attractive appearance.

Thanks to these characteristics, such material is suitable even for a winter veranda, which will serve winter garden. But at the same time, polycarbonate also has disadvantages. One of the main drawbacks is the rapid warming up of the material, due to which it is very difficult to be on the veranda on hot summer days without good ventilation.


When building a veranda in the country, the photo of which can be seen below, a strip foundation is used. But when choosing a base for an extension, it is necessary to take into account the features of the future building and choose the most suitable option. When erecting a wooden veranda, for example, you can build a columnar foundation.

The choice depends on:

  • the material from which the veranda will be made;
  • type of foundation of the main structure;
  • soil slope;
  • soil type.

Many are interested in the question - is it necessary to tie the base of the veranda to the foundation of the house? It depends on what soil the building is located on. After looking at the photo of country houses with an attic and a veranda, you can see that the extension can be erected both together with the main structure, and separately.

Most often, a columnar foundation is being built, so it is worth considering in more detail. This option is suitable for building wooden verandas whose weight does not require a heavy base. To create a foundation, it is necessary to use brick or reinforced concrete pillars, which are placed on sand cushion. On top of them are placed wooden logs and then the floor is laid. AT winter verandas it is insulated.

When building such an extension made of wood, you need to remember that this material needs a special coating that will protect it from moisture and other adverse factors.

Veranda walls

During construction wooden structure It is worth paying attention to the construction of walls. Usually a wooden frame is created from a bar, which, if desired, can be sheathed and insulated so that the veranda can be used in winter. All racks and other elements made of wood require processing with special protective compounds. To attach them to the wall of the main building, you need to use anchor bolts. After installing the racks, they are fastened with an upper strapping.

Important ! During the fastening of the rafters, their upper ends must be brought under the roof of the house and connected to a horizontal beam passing under the slope.

The choice of a particular type of wall depends only on the preferences of the owner of the house. If construction is to be summer version verandas, then they can not be built at all, having built only a railing. In the case when you want to get a room in which it is comfortable even in winter, then you should make good insulation or instead of walls, put large double-glazed windows, so that guests can observe a beautiful winter landscape.

roof construction

The roof of the veranda is made flat and it is best to use the material that was used in the construction of the house to cover it. The flooring can be created solid or at intervals. It depends on the type of veranda. If it is winter, then the boards are laid close, and if not, at intervals. But it is worth remembering that it also depends on the type of material used. An example is roofing felt, which is best nailed to tightly fitting boards.

Before using any coating, you should first understand the features of its fastening. If, for example, a flexible covering is used, then it should be bent along the bottom edge of the crate by about 10 cm. When slate is used, the correct sequence must be observed when laying it, preventing the penetration of moisture.

Arrangement of the veranda

After the structure is completely ready, you need to proceed with its design. It is at this point that many owners of country houses cannot decide what exactly they want. To get an idea of ​​which design would be better, you should look at the photo, which shows how to equip a veranda in the country.

Most popular options:

The first option is suitable for small spaces, as it helps to visually expand the space and add light. When arranging such a veranda, a variety of furniture can be used, since it all depends on the material from which the frame is made. If, for example, it is metal, then the extension can be decorated in the style of "minimalism".

The use of natural stone in combination with wood gives the impression of harmony between the building and the nature surrounding the house. At the same time, this combination allows you to visually make any design durable and massive. One of good options is the placement of a fireplace or barbecue on the veranda.

Another way to decorate an extension is to decorate it in bright colors. This allows all visitors to the room to cheer up and visually expand the space. This layout allows you to create classic design and give to make it unique. After looking at the photo of this option for arranging a veranda in the country, you can choose the most suitable example.